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Research Design

This is a qualitative study which made use of a phenomenological approach to

gather relevant data. The phenomenological approach concerns itself with

understanding and interpreting the meaning that participants give to their everyday lives

(De Vos, 1998). The qualitative approach focuses on qualities of human behaviour

(Ferreira, Mouton, Puth, Schurink & Schurink, 1988). The aim of such method is not to

generalise but to understand and interpret the meanings and intentions that underlie

everyday human actions (Bailey, 1987; Bogdan & Taylor, 1975; De Vos, 1998; Ferreira

et al., 1988).

Qualitative design deals with data that is primarily verbal and derives meaning

from the participant’s perspective and also aims to understand meaning that people

attach to everyday life (Bless & Higson-Son, 1995; De Vos, 1998). The qualitative

approach is appropriate for this study because the data collected and used focuses on

the participants’ subjective experiences on the process of disclosure and the way they

interpret them. Marshall & Rossman (1995) further outline that the qualitative approach

to research is uniquely suited to uncovering the unexpected and to exploring new

avenues.The researcher chose to interview personally because it best served to

answer the questions and the purposes of the study. Also this is a qualitative research,

and to know the opinions of the individual.

Instrument of the Study

The researchers use semi structured survey questionnaires to gather enough

informations. The instrument used in the gathering of data is cellular phone and

recording their voices through video and sound record. Both service quality and student


For the statements in the student satisfaction, they

were based on its indicators namely ambiance, cleanliness,

We made five questions, there answers corresponds to the questions:

1.What do you think of the current canteen?

2.What are your thoughts on the products being sold in the canteen?

3.Do you prefer to eat in the classroom or in the canteen? Why?

4.Do you think that the canteen is enough to buy your needs?why?

5.Do you want to have one more canteen? why?

Respondent of the Study

The respondents of this study were taken from the grade 11&12 Senior High

School students of Benthel Asia School Of Technology. Specifically, we interviewed 10

respondents from the grades 11&12. Each section, we interviewed 1 respondent to

answer our questions. The researcher framed out a Semi-Structured Interview in order

to gather the information needed for the topic. The data collected from the respondents

pointed out that they want to have another canteen here in BAST. We use Sampling

Environment of the Study

Benthel Asia School of Technology commits itself to provide an environment where

absorbent young people learn how to develop system thinking; Develop their potentials

and effectiveness in working with others regardless of social and cultural diversity;

Learn to effectively synergize and collaborate with the environment both locally and

globally. Benthel Asia School of Technology is a nature friendly community with a nice

students. It has a large space inside including the soccer field, classrooms and a large

trees that makes BAST more attractive.

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