Final RSA Program - 1.11.19

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15-day Certification Course on

"Road Safety Audit and Other Road Safety Related Aspects" for
Road Safety Auditors / Highway Engineers / Traffic Engineers / Transportation Planners / Student Interns
from 4th to 18th November, 2019; Venue: Council Hall, CSIR - CRRI, New Delhi

09.00 am - 10.30 am Registration

Welcome Address: Dr. Kayitha Ravinder, Senior Principal Scientist, CSIR - CRRI, New Delhi
Day - 1:
Address on ILT Divisional Activities: Dr. Neelam J Gupta, Head (ILT), CSIR - CRRI, New Delhi
Address on Divisional Activities: Sh. Subhash Chand, Head (TES), CSIR - CRRI, New Delhi
(4th Nov 10.30 am - 11.00 am
Address on Divisional Activities: Dr. Ravindra Kumar, Head (TPE), CSIR - CRRI, New Delhi
Course Overview: Dr. S. Velmurugan, Senior Principal Scientist, CSIR - CRRI, New Delhi
Inaugural Address: Prof. Satish Chandra, Director, CSIR - CRRI, New Delhi
Vote of Thanks: Dr. Kayitha Ravinder, Senior Principal Scientist, CSIR - CRRI, New Delhi
Day Time Topic Faculty
11.00 am - 11.30 am Tea Break
Global Road Safety Scenario and Road Safety in India
• UN decade of Action for Road Safety
• Five Pillars of Road Safety: Systems Approach
• Haddon Matrix
• Global overview of Safety Scenario and comparison with India
• Road Safety to be considered as public health problem
• Main reasons for unsafe roads
11.30 am - 01.00 pm • Lessons to be learnt from actions taken in developed economies like Sweden, UK, Holland, Dr. Kayitha Ravinder
Japan, USA, Australia, New Zealand, etc.
• Way Forward
Objectives: To understand and appreciate criticality of road safety and its needs in India
Suggested References: Global Status Report on Road Safety 2018 by WHO, Latest Report on
road crash data published by National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) and Transport Wing of
Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. Plus any other relevant literature / report pertaining to
Day -1: crash data.
Monday 01.00 pm - 02.00 pm Lunch
(4th Nov Traffic Signs and Road Markings (Traffic Control Devices)
2019)  Details on relevant IRC codes / MoRT&H Specifications i.e. relevant portions of Section 800
on traffic signs, pavement markings, work zone safety and road delineators.
 Emphasis on correctness and uniformity in providing relevant traffic signs (including road
02.00 pm - 03.30 pm studs) and road markings including their configurations and placement details. Dr. A. Mohan Rao
 Examples of typical applications illustrating bad and correct practices
Objectives: To understand the relevant IRC Codes applicable for road safety
Suggested References: All the relevant IRC Codes as well as American Association of State
Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Guidelines on Highways and Streets
03.30 pm - 03.45 pm Tea Break
Fundamentals of Traffic Engineering
Objectives: To understand basic concepts of Traffic Engineering
03.45 pm - 5.30 pm Suggested References: 1. Traffic and Highway Engineering by Nicholas J Garber, 2. Traffic Prof. Satish Chandra
Engineering and Transport Planning 3. Transportation Engineering by C. J. Khisty. Any other
relevant literature / books / reports pertaining to Traffic Engineering as given by Faculty
05.30pm - 05.45 pm Summary and Briefing about the next day Schedule
Evaluation of Traffic Control Devices with respect to Safety
10.00 am - 11.00 am Norms Dr. A. Mohan Rao
Objectives: To focus on the relevant tests in respect of road signs and markings
Suggested References: IRC:67 (2012) and IRC: 35 (2015)
11.00 am - 11.15 am Tea Break
Safety in Road Design
 Concept of hierarchical system of road network planning
 Principles of Safe Design - prevention by Safety Audit and reduction by designing
Day-2: ‘forgiving’ Highways
Tuesday  Safe design of horizontal alignment and vertical profile
 Geometric Design parameters
(5th Nov  Safety needs of different type of road users
2019) 11.15 am - 01.00 pm  Wayside Amenities - Rest Areas, Truck Lay-bye / Terminals Sh. Subhash Chand
 Speed Management (road hierarchy, signing, speed zoning, markings
 Distinct safety considerations to be accorded while designing two / multi-lane highways /
expressways and Urban roads
 Common mistakes to be avoided
Objectives: To equip participants on safe design of various categories of roads
Suggested References: All the relevant IRC Codes / Manuals as well as any relevant
international manuals like PIARC etc as well as American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Guidelines on Highways and Streets
01.00 pm - 02.00 pm Lunch
Conducted by
CSIR - Central Road Research Institute (CRRI) , New Delhi
15-day Certification Course on
"Road Safety Audit and Other Road Safety Related Aspects" for
Road Safety Auditors / Highway Engineers / Traffic Engineers / Transportation Planners / Student Interns
from 4th to 18th November, 2019; Venue: Council Hall, CSIR - CRRI, New Delhi

Safety in Design of Intersections and Interchanges

 Hierarchy of intersections
 Design principles and safety considerations for various types of at grade intersections
 Grade separated intersections / interchanges - types and design principles with focus on
IRC: SP 41 (1994) and IRC:65 (2017)
 Brief coverage on Urban Roads
 Type design of intersections on National Highways by MoRTH, 1995
02.00 pm - 03.30 pm  Design of safe facilities for Public transport users and pedestrians at grade separated Sh. Subhash Chand
 Need for provision of proper signs and markings at various types of intersections
 Common mistakes to be avoided
Objectives: To equip participants on safe design of various types of intersections /
Suggested References: All the relevant IRC Codes / Manuals as well as any relevant
international manuals like PIARC etc as well as American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Guidelines on Highways and Streets
03.30pm - 03.45 pm Tea Break
Safety Issues relating to Bridges
 Basics of Bridge Management System
 Benefits of good bridge maintenance aiding in enhancing safety of Major Bridges / Minor
03.45 pm - 05.30 pm Bridges / Causeways / Submersible Bridges Dr. P. Lakshmy
 Safety aspects to be in place related to bridge construction
Objectives: Bridge Maintenance issues related to road safety
Suggested References: All relevant IRC documents related to bridge maintenance
05.30 pm - 05.45 pm Summary and Briefing about the next day Schedule
Safety for VRUs and special needs of Persons with Disabilities
 Speed and vulnerability
 Pedestrian priority for road categories
10.00 am - 10.50 am  Need for Physical Separation by providing Service Roads: Safe systems approach Dr. Jakkula Nataraju
 Speed Management on Highways / Roads passing through urban areas [IRC:99 (2018)]
 Walking Facilities along roads – continuous and encroachment free
 Crossing facilities – at grade and grade separated
 Special needs of Persons with Disabilities (PwDs)
Safety Around Schools Zones
 Traffic Calming in residential areas [IRC:99 (2018)]
 Pedestrian facilities at intersections and interchanges
 Facilities for cyclists
10.50 am - 11.40 am  Facilities for public transport and for NMTs / bus bays Dr. Mukti Advani
 Safety around School Zones
Objectives: To understand and appreciate the needs of VRUs, Persons with Disabilities
(PwDs) and design the facilities suiting the above
Suggested References: All the relevant IRC Codes as well as any relevant international
manuals/ standards/ guidelines
11.40 am - 12.00 noon Tea Break
Wednesday Human Factors in Road Safety and Road Rage Related Issues
 Importance of Human Factor in Road Safety
(6th Nov  Current Road Safety Situation and Unsafe Practices in India
2019)  Vital Inputs To The Road & Traffic Engineering System Dr. Neelima
12.00 noon - 01:00 pm
 CSIR-CRRI Case Studies related to Driver Behaviour in India Chakrabarty
 CSIR-CRRI Innovation and R&D regarding Road Safety
Objectives: Road Rage issues related to road safety
Suggested References: As given by Faculty
01.00 pm - 02.00 pm Lunch
Crash Data Analysis and Black Spot Treatment
 Crash Data Recording and Reporting Format of MoRTH prescribed in Dec. 2017
 Highlights of Ministry’s Road Crash Reports with focus on causative factors
02.00 pm - 03.15 pm Objectives: To understand the system for crash recording and analysis, use of collision Dr. Kayitha Ravinder
diagram to assess the types of crashes, its Characteristics and possible countermeasures
Suggested References: Crash data yearly publication of MoRT&H and NCRB, Government of
India, Latest Accident data recording and reporting prescribed by MoRTH, Black Spot Manual
of SWEDEN Roads - EU funded for TRACECA (Transport Corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia).
03.15 pm - 03.30 pm Tea Break
Policy Norms of NHAI and MoRT&H towards Forgiving
Roads & Road Safety Initiatives of NHAI Sh. H. M. Naqvi,
03.30 pm - 04.45 pm  Norms related to Highway access permission CGM (Road Safety),
 Highway land administrative rules and NHAI - Guest Lecture
 Various Highway Acts of NHAI and their Impacts

Conducted by
CSIR - Central Road Research Institute (CRRI) , New Delhi
15-day Certification Course on
"Road Safety Audit and Other Road Safety Related Aspects" for
Road Safety Auditors / Highway Engineers / Traffic Engineers / Transportation Planners / Student Interns
from 4th to 18th November, 2019; Venue: Council Hall, CSIR - CRRI, New Delhi

 Black Spot Treatment - protocol, procedures, collision diagram, counter measures, case
studies, before and after studies
 Basic strategies for road crash reduction through site treatment like single site, route
action plan, mass action Plan and area-wide schemes
Objectives: Discussion on the various circulars and guidelines of MoRTH / NHAI and various
road safety measures initiated by NHAI
Suggested References: All the relevant MoRT&H / NHAI circulars
04.45 pm - 05.45 pm Safety Issues related to Landslides and Slope Stability
 Landslide Mitigation Measures
 Slope Protection Measures
 Drainage Issues in Hill Roads Dr. P. Subramanya
Objectives: To understand needs design requirements and standards for various types of Prasad
roads in landslide prone areas
Suggested References: As given by Faculty & all the relevant IRC Codes as well as any other
relevant international manuals/ standards/ guidelines
05.45 pm - 06.00 pm Summary and Briefing about the next day Schedule
An Overview of Road Safety Audits and its Implementation Prof. P. K. Sikdar,
10.00 am - 11.30 am Objectives: To know the status of Road Safety Audits implementation and its Impact
President, ICT Pvt. Ltd.
Suggested References: As suggested by the Faculty - Guest Lecture
11.30 am - 11.45 am Tea Break
Crash Investigation and Remedial Measures
 Difference in Crash Data Analysis and Crash Investigation
 Team Composition
 Decide the criteria for listing of crash locations
 List the crash locations to investigate
 Analysis of data : Clustering of common factors
 Collision diagram,
 Inspect the site conditions
 Finalize the assessment
 Match the solutions to the problems
11.45 am - 01.00 pm  Prepare preliminary design Dr. Kayitha Ravinder
 Establish the benefits and costs of the counter measures
Day-4:  Document the findings
Thursday  The Preliminary Report (Documenting the crash patterns)
(7th Nov  The Crash Summary Report (Documenting the factors in the crashes )
 The Crash Location Treatment Report (Documenting the proposed solutions)
2019)  Implement the treatment
 Monitor and Evaluate the treatment
 Brief on Case studies
Objectives: To understand the methodology and relevance crash investigation for road safety
Suggested References: PIARC Guidelines on Crash Investigation
01.00 pm - 02.00 pm Lunch
Non- Engineering Measures: Trauma Care
Presentation on First aid care, Trauma Care Centre and Emergency Dr. Amit Gupta, Trauma
02.00 pm - 03.30 pm related to Road Safety Centre AIIMS, New
Objectives: Coverage on Trauma Care practices, Protection of Good Samaritan
Suggested References: As given by faculty relevant to international manuals/ standards/ Delhi - Guest Lecture
3.30 pm - 03.45 pm Tea Break
Demonstration on First aid care, Trauma Care Centre and Emergency Dr. Amit Gupta and his
03.45 pm - 05.45 pm related to Road Safety (Continued...) team
05.45pm - 06.00 pm Summary and Briefing about the next day Schedule
A Brief on Traffic Studies
 Various Traffic Studies and its Applications
 Case Study from actual traffic studies and analysis for any road project
10.00 am - 11.15 am  How the traffic studies and analysis used in geometric design of road / intersections, Dr J Nataraju
Objectives: To understand the traffic data for the intersection design link design - Followed by
Day-5: assignment works on traffic volume data and speed data to be worked at home
Suggested References: All the relevant Books / IRC Codes along with case study of DPR of
Friday any completed road project.
(8th Nov 11.15 am - 11.30 am Tea Break
2019) Safety Issues related to Pavement Maintenance
 Basics of Road Asset Management
 Benefits of good pavement surface to achieve road safety on Bituminous and Concrete Sh. K.
11.30 am - 01.00 pm
Pavements Sitaramanjaneyulu
Objectives: Pavement Maintenance issues related to Road Safety
Suggested References: All relevant IRC documents related to pavement maintenance

Conducted by
CSIR - Central Road Research Institute (CRRI) , New Delhi
15-day Certification Course on
"Road Safety Audit and Other Road Safety Related Aspects" for
Road Safety Auditors / Highway Engineers / Traffic Engineers / Transportation Planners / Student Interns
from 4th to 18th November, 2019; Venue: Council Hall, CSIR - CRRI, New Delhi

01.00 pm - 02.00 pm Lunch

Road Safety related provisions in Projects covering PPP, EPC Sh. D. P. Gupta,
and O & M projects, Retired DGRD,
02.00 pm - 03.30 pm Objectives: Safety provisions in road projects and Model Concession Agreement (MCA) or
Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) Project requirements
MoRT&H - Guest
Suggested References: As given by Faculty Lecture
03.30 pm - 03.45 pm Tea Break
Expert Talk relating to Road Safety Sh. Jacob George,
03.45 pm - 05.30 pm ICT Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi - Guest Lecture
05.30 pm - 05.45 pm Summary and Briefing about the next day Schedule
Non- Engineering Measures: Enforcement
 Presentation on Amendments to Motor Vehicle Act relating to road safety
Objectives: Coverage on Amendments in Motor vehicles Act -2019, Protection of Good
10.00 am - 11.15 am Samaritan
Dr. Kayitha Ravinder
Suggested References: As given by Faculty & All the relevant IRC Codes as well as any
relevant international manuals/ standards/ guidelines
11.15 am - 11.30 am Tea Break
Introduction to Intelligent Transport System
 Various components of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
 Some details on the components related to road safety
11.30 am - 01.00 pm  Roadmap for ITS deployment Dr. S. Padma
Objectives: To understand and appreciate the use of ITS in road safety and road asset
management tools
Suggested References: Any ITS related publications of FHWA and ITS World Congress
01.00 pm - 02.00 pm Lunch
Speed and Roadside Hazard Management and Crash Barrier
 Safe System and
 Crash Impact and Tolerance Levels
 Relation between Speed and Crash Severity
 Speed Management and Measures
02.00 pm - 03.15 pm  Roadside Hazard Management Dr. Errampalli Madhu
Day-6:  Recovery Zone / Clear Zone
 Fixed Hazards / Object Hazard Markers
Saturday  Crash Barrier requirements & placement
(9th Nov Objectives: To understand the importance of the roadside Hazard Management, clear zone
2019) and recovery zone
Suggested References: All the relevant IRC Codes like IRC: 119 (2015) & IRC: 79 (2019) as
well as any relevant international manuals/ standards/ guidelines and AASHTO Green Book.
03.15 pm - 03.30 pm Tea Break
Safety Features related to Bus Rapid Transit Operations (BRT)
Objectives: To understand the importance of BRTS, Pros and Cons related to safety of
Vulnerable Road Users
03.30 pm - 04.30 pm  Safety Issues related to BRTS
Dr. Ch. Ravi Sekhar
 Need for Provision of dedicated facility for Commuters
Suggested References: IRC:124 (2017)
Safety of Hill Roads
 Planning Criteria for Hill Roads
 Alignment of Hill Roads
 Geometric Design Criteria
 Hair-pin Bends and Tunnel Safety
 Case Studies
04.30 pm - 05.45 pm Objectives: To understand special needs on safety on hill roads design requirements and Dr. Errampalli Madhu
Suggested References: IRC:52-2019 “Guidelines for the alignment survey and geometric
design of hill roads”, IRC:SP:73-2019 “Manual of specifications and standard for two laning
highways with paved shoulder”, IRC:SP:84-2019 “Manual of specification & standard for four
laning of highways”, IRC:SP:48-1998 “Hill Road Manual”, IRC:SP:91-2010 “Guidelines for
Road Tunnels”
05.45 pm - 06.00 pm Summary and Briefing about the next day Schedule
Day 7:
Self study and revision of learning during the week
(10h Nov

Conducted by
CSIR - Central Road Research Institute (CRRI) , New Delhi
15-day Certification Course on
"Road Safety Audit and Other Road Safety Related Aspects" for
Road Safety Auditors / Highway Engineers / Traffic Engineers / Transportation Planners / Student Interns
from 4th to 18th November, 2019; Venue: Council Hall, CSIR - CRRI, New Delhi

Day Time Topic Faculty

Approach and Methodology to Road Safety Audit (RSA)
 Origin of Road Safety Audit
 Definition of an audit and who does it
 Difference between Road Safety Audit (RSA) & Road Safety Inspection (RSI)
 Objectives of road safety audit
 Audit is not – eg. Redesign, exercise of crash analysis and investigation
 Why audits are necessary
 Independence of auditors
 Costs and benefits - Some examples where audits have produced benefits
Objectives: Basics of Road Safety Audit
Suggested References: “Manual on Road Safety” (First Revision) and other International
Road Safety Audit Manuals such as from UK, Australia, FHWA, and ADB
Audit Procedure
 A brief on type of projects be audited
10.00 am - 11.15 am  Stages of Audit Dr. S. Velmurugan
 Road Safety Audit ( Feasibility stage, Design Stage, Construction Stage, Pre-Opening
Stage and O& M Stage)
 Process / key steps of Audit
 Selection and Qualification of Audit Team
 Responsibilities of client and Auditor
 Sequence of steps
 Client/Auditor Relationship
 Commencement Meeting, checking of drawings and documents
 Assessment of Risk and assigning the priority
 Check List (different stages, road construction equipment, workers)
 Report writing – site specific identification and suggested counter measures
 Client response to audit report.
Objectives: Road Safety Audit and its stages, risk classifications
Suggested References: IRC: SP-88 (2019) “Manual on Road Safety” (First Revision) and
Day-8: other International Road Safety Audit Manuals such as from UK, Australia, FHWA and ADB
Monday 11.15 am - 11.30 am Tea Break
(11th Nov Design Stage RSA: Case Study Presentation
2019)  Design Stage Check List
 Why audit at this stage
 What can be and cannot be achieved at this stage
11.30 am - 01.00 am  How to conduct the audit at this stage Dr. J. Nataraju
 Case Study for RSA at design stage
Objectives: Design Stage Road Safety Audit
Suggested References: IRC: SP-88 (2019) “Manual on Road Safety” (First Revision) and
other International Road Safety Audit Manuals such as from UK, Australia, FHWA and ADB
01.00 pm - 02.00 pm Lunch
Construction Stage RSA: Case Study Presentation
o Constriction Stage RSA - Check List and Case Study Presentation
02.00 pm - 03.15 pm Objectives: Practical exercise initiation on Construction Stage Road Safety Audit Sh. Subhash Chand
Suggested References: IRC: SP-88 (2019) “Manual on Road Safety” (First Revision) and
IRC:SP:55-2014 "Guidelines on Traffic Management in Work Zones", other International Road
Safety Audit Manuals such as from UK, Australia, FHWA and ADB
03.15 pm - 03.30 pm Tea Break
Existing (O&M) Stage RSA / Road Safety Inspection (RSI): Case
Study Presentation
 RSA of Existing Road - Introduction
 Check List
03.30 pm - 05.30 pm  Report Writing Dr. Errampalli Madhu
 Case Study Presentation covering various road types namely Expressways, NH, SH and
Objectives: Giving practical exposure on how RSA / RSI is done for existing roads
Suggested References: IRC: SP-88 (2019) “Manual on Road Safety” (First Revision) and
other International Road Safety Audit Manuals such as from UK, Australia, FHWA, and ADB
Briefing about the next day Schedule: Briefing on the road sections to be visited
05.30 pm - 05.45 pm on Day-9 including RSA/RSI and Construction Stage RSA by the Faculty
Existing (O&M) Stage RSA / RSI - Site Visit
 Conducting existing RSA / RSI mentored by a faculty covering Expressways / NH / Urban
Day-9: Roads including intersections and interchanges located in the immediate vicinity.
Tuesday 10.00 am - 01.00 pm  Each group comprises of 8 to10 participants only. All RSA Mentors
(12th Nov Objectives: Practical on Existing Stage Road Safety Audit / Road Safety Inspection
Suggested References: IRC: SP-88 (2019) “Manual on Road Safety” (First Revision) and
2019) other International Road Safety Audit Manuals such as from UK, Australia, FHWA, and ADB.
01.00 pm - 02.00 pm Lunch
Conducted by
CSIR - Central Road Research Institute (CRRI) , New Delhi
15-day Certification Course on
"Road Safety Audit and Other Road Safety Related Aspects" for
Road Safety Auditors / Highway Engineers / Traffic Engineers / Transportation Planners / Student Interns
from 4th to 18th November, 2019; Venue: Council Hall, CSIR - CRRI, New Delhi

Construction Stage RSA - Site Visit

 Conducting Construction Stage RSA mentored by a faculty located in the immediate
02.00 pm - 05.00 pm  Each group comprises of 8 to10 participants only. All RSA Mentors
Objectives: Practical on Construction Stage Road Safety Audit
Suggested References: IRC: SP-88 (2019) “Manual on Road Safety” (First Revision),
IRC:SP:55-2014 "Guidelines on Traffic Management in Work Zones" and other International
Road Safety Audit Manuals such as from UK, Australia, FHWA, and ADB
Practical on Design Stage RSA
 Discussions/ introduction on the identified project for design stage RSA exercise.
 Each Group comprises of 8-10 participants mentored by a faculty.
10.00 am - 11.15 am  Examination of the Detailed Project Report Drawings by the participants in each group. All RSA Mentors
 Spill over work on report preparation may be completed after training hours.
Objectives: Practical on Design Stage Road Safety Audit.
Day-10, Suggested References: IRC: SP-88 (2019) “Manual on Road Safety” (First Revision) and
other International Road Safety Audit Manuals such as from UK, Australia, FHWA and ADB.
(13th Nov 11.15 am - 11.30 am Tea Break
2019) 11.30 am - 01.00 pm Practical on Design Stage RSA (Continued..) All RSA Mentors
01.00 pm - 02.00 pm Lunch
02.00 pm - 03.15 pm Practical on Design Stage RSA (Continued..) All RSA Mentors
03.15 pm - 03.30 pm Tea Break
03.30 pm - 05.30 pm Practical on Design Stage RSA (Continued..) All RSA Mentors
05.30 pm - 05.45 pm Summary and Briefing about the next day Schedule
Practical on Construction Stage RSA
10.00 am - 11.15 am  Preparing presentations till 11:30 am All RSA Mentors
 Presentation by each participant lasting a maximum of 5 minutes only will start from
11:30 am onwards and continue until 3:30pm
11.15 am - 11.30 am Tea Break
11.30 am - 01.00 pm Practical on Construction Stage RSA (Continued..) All RSA Mentors
01.00 pm - 02.00 pm Lunch
02.00 pm - 03.30 pm Practical on Construction Stage RSA (Continued..) All RSA Mentors
03.30 pm - 03.45 pm Tea Break
Pre-Opening Stage RSA: Case Study Presentation
 Pre Opening Stage Road Safety Audit - Check List
Day-11,  Why audit at this stage
03.45 pm - 04.30 pm  What can be and cannot be achieved at this stage Dr. S. Velmurugan
Thursday Objectives: To know about the pre opening audit and its requirements.
(14th Nov Suggested References: IRC: SP-88 (2019) “Manual on Road Safety” (First Revision) and
2019) other International Road Safety Audit Manuals such as from UK, Australia, FHWA and ADB.
Night Time Road Safety Audit
 Focus on Night time road safety issues
04.30 pm - 05.30 pm Objectives: To understand the need for night time RSA Dr. A. Mohan Rao
Suggested References: IRC: SP-88 (2019) “Manual on Road Safety” (First Revision) and
other International Road Safety Audit Manuals such as from UK, Australia, FHWA and ADB.
Organizational Commitment towards Road Safety Audit
Objectives: To know about various organisations safety related organisational structure
05.30 pm - 06.00 pm Suggested References: IRC: SP-88 (2019) “Manual on Road Safety” (First Revision) and
Dr. S. Velmurugan
other International Road Safety Audit Manuals such as from UK, Australia, FHWA and ADB.
06.00 pm - 06.30 pm Site Visit Preparation Break
06.30 pm - 07.30 pm Practical Audit on Night Time Road Safety Audit - Site Visit All RSA Mentors
07.30 pm - 09.00 pm Course Dinner
Practical on Existing Stage RSA / RSI
 Preparing presentations till 12:30 noon
 Presentation by each participant for a maximum of 7 minutes will start from 12:30 pm onwards
10.00 am - 11.15 am and continue till evening All RSA Mentors
Objectives: Practical Exposure on Existing Road /Road Safety Inspection
Day-12, Suggested References: IRC: SP-88 (2019) “Manual on Road Safety” (First Revision) and
other International Road Safety Audit Manuals such as from UK, Australia, FHWA, and ADB
11.15 am - 11.30 am Tea Break
(15th Nov
2019) 11.30 am - 01.00 pm Practical on Existing Stage RSA / RSI (Continued..) All RSA Mentors
01.00 pm - 02.00 pm Lunch
02.00 pm - 03.15 pm Practical on Existing Stage RSA / RSI (Continued..) All RSA Mentors
03.15 pm - 03.30 pm Tea Break
03.30 pm - 05.00 pm Practical on Existing Stage RSA / RSI (Continued..) All RSA Mentors

Conducted by
CSIR - Central Road Research Institute (CRRI) , New Delhi
15-day Certification Course on
"Road Safety Audit and Other Road Safety Related Aspects" for
Road Safety Auditors / Highway Engineers / Traffic Engineers / Transportation Planners / Student Interns
from 4th to 18th November, 2019; Venue: Council Hall, CSIR - CRRI, New Delhi

Written Exam
10.00 am - 11.30 am  Exam carries 45 % weightage All RSA Mentors
 To assess the understanding and knowledge acquired by the participant.
11.30 am - 11.45 am Tea Break
Time allotted for the completion of RSA reports by seeking the All RSA Mentors
Day-13, guidance of Faculty
Saturday Participant shall utilize the time available after the written exam on Day 13 for the completion of
pending works on the following reports:
(16th Nov 11.45 am - 01.00 pm  Design Stage RSA Report: Weightage - 10 Marks for report + 5 Marks for presentation.
2019)  Construction Stage Report: Weightage - 10 Marks for report + 5 Marks for presentation.
 Existing Stage RSA/RSI Report: Weightage - 10 Marks for report + 5 Marks for presentation.
 Submission of all the reports for evaluation to the faculty shall be on or before 2 pm
on Day 14
01.00 pm - 02.00 pm Lunch
RSA reports preparation by seeking the guidance of Faculty Guidance Continued
02.00 pm - 05.30 pm (Continued....)
Day-14, Submission of RSA
reports for Design Stage,  Submission of Practical Audit reports on Design Stage RSA, Construction Stage and
Sunday Existing Stage RSA / RSI, by each participant by 2 pm for Evaluation and Marking
Construction Stage and

All RSA Mentors
(17th Nov Existing Stage RSA by 2
Interaction with delegates by the mentors on all the submitted RSA Reports and giving
inputs for value addition.
2019) pm on 17.11.2019.

10.30 am to 11.30 am Feedback

Day-15,  Getting Feedback from the delegates on the 15-day Certification Course.
Monday 11.30 am to 12.00 NN Tea Break
(18th Nov Closing Ceremony
2019) 12.00 NN to 01.00 pm  Closing Ceremony and Certificate distribution to those delegates who secure the
minimum overall percentage of 80 %1.
Sh. S. Kannan, Sr. Technical Officer (9310109117) will look after the Floor Management at the Council Hall and loading
of presentations by the concerned faculty.

Note: The above suggested course curriculum topics for imparting lectures on Road Safety and those are only indicative
to cover the core areas of road safety audit, road safety engineering and allied subjects.

1 Assessment Criteria:
i) 10 % weightage for the attendance
ii) 30 % weightage for 3 Audit Reports i.e. Design Stage Audit, Construction Stage Audit and O and M Stage RSA /
RSI submitted by each participant
iii) 15 % weightage for presentation given by each participant
iv) 45 % weightage for the marks secured in the Examination by each participant
v) A minimum of 75 % overall marks should be secured by each participant for getting the Certificate.
vi) If any candidate fails, to secure overall 75 % marks, then he / she shall have to repeat the examination
only to secure 75 % for getting the certificate. The candidate is not required to pay any additional Course
Fee again.

Conducted by
CSIR - Central Road Research Institute (CRRI) , New Delhi

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