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Directions: As you view the PowerPoint, answer the following questions.

1. What four elements could be part of your conclusion?

A. Restatement of the thesis idea (not rephrasing the thesis statement)
B. Borrows ideas from the body paragraphs without rewriting the main
C. Creates echoes of the introduction and body paragraphs to support
overall analysis
D. moves to a broader implication or larger perspective

2. List the five strategies for composing a conclusion.

A. strike a note of hope or despair
B. give a symbolic or powerful detail from the work
C. create an analogy that relates your topic to a larger implication
D. use a meaningful quote
E. reference or make meaning of the title of the work


Edna’s character transforms from sleeping through life by meeting

expectations to a great awakening, one in which her thoughts and actions are
consistent with each other. – restates ideas

The best solution to Edna’s struggle between her inner desires and her
outward conformity lies in satisfying no roles and expectations, including her
own. Her character becomes so memorable because the reader empathizes with
her internal conflict to both conform and defy.

Kate Chopin has created a protagonist who resonates with the universal
human condition of defying and abandoning societal expectations and

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