The Upholding of Human Security, Is It For The Sake of The People or For State Benefit

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Critical Review Paper

Human Security and Global Governance: Putting People First

Llyod Axworthy
Words count: 1472



The security issues nowadays not only focus on state but it’s also focused
on the security of individual human beings as well appropriate roles for the
international system to compensate for state failure. Globalization indeed makes
the focus of security being broaden into where the protection of people must
become a principle concern of states. Which its include protecting civilians,
addressing the plight of war-affected children and the threat of terrorism and drugs,
managing open border, and combating infectious diseases are now part of a
dialogue. Where it is become the beginning of the United Nations Charter, the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the Genocide and Geneva conventions
that recognized the inherent right of people to personal security. (p19) This makes
human security puts people security first and recognizes that their safety is the
fundamental to the promote and maintenance of international peace and security.
However, the international discourse on human security become the
beginning to give effect change on the institutions and practice of global
governance. Where globalization nowadays has made individual human suffering
an irrevocable universal concern. Makes the existence of global integration of world
markets and instant communication have given role and a profile to those in
protecting human security. Which include civil society and NGO’s and
Intergovernmental organizations (IGOs). (p.20)
Human security issues and the coalition between actors have produced new
forms of diplomatic action. It makes the coalition building among states and non-
state actor is become one dynamic element of new diplomacy. Like what happen in
Canada and Norway, the “Lysoen” partnership that promoted international support
of UN efforts protect civilians and identified opportunities for collective action.
This partnership also bringing international attention to such emerging issues as
making armed groups comply with international humanitarian and human rights
law and create a culture of prevention. The prevention itself include international
institution such security council in broadening the security concept, new operating
methods and transparency and the member have follow the codes of conduct. (p.21)
I do agree with what Axworthy has said in his writing, where the
international discourse on human security become the beginning to give effect
change on the institutions and practice of global governance. Human security issues
indeed become the concern of whole world post-cold war, because the after effect
of the world war itself has been endanger human security for a thousand years. It’s
been years since the security of state become priority of states in the world. This
also makes Axworthy stated that the security of states is essential, but not sufficient,
to fully ensure the safety and well-being of the world's peoples. (p.20) I do agree
with this one too, but the context of the human security in his writing is pretty
In axworthy writing, there’s a lack of information about the types of human
security and how to overcome the grassroots problem of it. He supposed to write it
to make it clear what kind of human security that should be done unless about armed
issue. So author will explain it using Sir Shridath Ramphal writing about the types
of human security and how to overcome the grassroots of the problem.1 In Ramphal
writing, he explained about human security is arise from the insecurities that people
felt. The insecurities of hungry, the homeless, the destitute, the unemployed, those
who are ill without healthcare, who are cold without heating, who are old without
social support are real indeed become the type of human security. Where all of the
indicators create the condition of human security at high risk. The way to overcome

Sir Shridath Ramphal, “Global Governance and New Dimensions of Human Security,” World
Bank, October 30, 1995, accessed March 24, 2018,
this insecurities into safe human security is by policy making and providing meal,
a roof, a job, medicines, warmth, relief from poverty in general. 2 Human security
has become inseparable where the hopes, the fears, the terrors, the torments of these
global neighbors are ours, too and we all need to fix it.
What Ramphal said in his writing actually connects with Axworthy writing.
Where the human security problem is ours to fix it together and can be fixed by
made protection of people must become a principle concern of states. Also
implemented through state and non-state actors such as UN Charter, Security
council and a non-state actor (civil society and NGO’s and Intergovernmental
organizations). Beside the actors, Axworthy also said in promoting human security
globally requires governments to work more closely with the nongovernmental
sector, such as a private sector. (p.22) Which human security become the best
concern for the people where there’s a lot of actor that ensure their safety and it’s
become the fundamental to promote and maintenance of international peace and
security. With this, we can say that in his writing, he really trusts a non-state actor
as a prior actor to embodies people security to be safe.
As stated before in actualizing the concept of human security requires all
actors such as states, international organizations, NGOs, and businesses to act
responsibly. This includes developing codes of conduct where appropriate, working
to establish new international norms regarding the protection of peoples, and
incorporating the human dimension into the work of international organizations.
Peace and security national, regional, and international are possible only if they are
derived from people’s security. (p.23) This is actually explained about how the
human security connects to global governance where all of these is supposed to be
implemented to embodies human security.
Yet, we may not realize that the upholding of the human security is actually
become benefit for the states. First, through upholding human security, the security
of the state will be safe from any threat because it ensures people’s security from
doing any harmed action. Second, the implement of UN charters and become

member of security council will make the states relation with other member’s state
become close and can do a cooperation in extent level beside security aspect. Third,
the addition of non-state actor like NGO, INGO and private actors will give
advantage and benefit to the states, it will help states to maintain the security of
people through their doing, join the security convention and make it easier for states
to gain their interest. Like what happen in international conference on war-affected
children in Winnipeg, over 130 countries along with youth, nongovernmental
organizations (NGOs), and experts gathered in common cause to improve the plight
of war-affected children. (p.20)
Also the presence of private sector through corporation activity that makes
a positive contribution to the economic and social development of communities and
human security by advancing human rights, good governance and democracy.(p.22)
This is surely really give advantages to the state, state could gain an economy profit
from private sector and also it helps state to ensure people security. In Axworthy
writing, he also explained about NGO that play important roles to actualize human
security. Based on Axworthy writing, then the NGO roles in actualize the human
security actually really helps state. Where, every work actually done by NGO, such
as promoting human security such as bring technical expertise and experience to
the policymaking process, often work with government to implement international
agendas, inform citizens about challenges and choices on the international agenda,
mobilize human and financial resources to help solve local and global problems,
work to end human suffering, and hold governments accountable. (p.22). This
actually explain that states really just sit and takes credit for what a non-state actors
have done in order to creating human security. Also explain that states really have
huge benefit from upholding the human security issue to fulfill their interest.
We can conclude that, in Axworthy Writing, he focused on how people need
to be prioritize from every aspect to realization the human security as its finest. The
addition of actor from states actor to non-state actor such (civil society, INGO and
IGO) in order to make a human security happen. Also, there’s a connection between
global governance to human security which is shown in the principles that need to
be implement such as codes of conduct, establish new international norms regarding
the protection of peoples, and incorporating the human dimension into the work of
international organizations. In his writing, Axworthy only focused by how the actor
cooperate to embodies human security and not sees the truly interest behind the
implement of human security with following global governance. Where there are
lots of interest that being implement in upholding the human security. Axworthy
seems being blinded by the protection of people’s as main concern for the states,
which behind this concern states have lots of benefit from it. By this, we can
conclude that the upholding of the human security by states is actually not fully for
the sake of people but for states benefit in many aspects.

Lloyd, Axworthy. “Human Security and Global Governance: Putting

People First.” Global Governance, Vol. 7, No. 1 (Jan.–Mar. 2001), pp. 19-23.
(2001). Lynne Rienner Publisher.

Ramphal, Sir Shridath. “Global Governance and New Dimensions of

Human Security.” World Bank. October 30, 1995.

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