Mmonwu Phenomenon and Adventism in Anambra

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Mmonwu phenomenon and Adventism in Anambra: a case study of Agu-ukwu Nri



Brief historical survey of the seat of igbo civilization

Mmanwu phenomenon

Historical survey of Adventism in Anambra State

Appraisal of Adventism in Agu-ukwu Nri

Mmanwu phenomenon on Nri Adventist

Adventist missionary efforts in Nri

Future of Adventism in Nri



Mmonwu as a phenomenon is wide spread among the Igbo of the Eastern Nigeria. They come in
different size and shapes and have different costume with different colors mixed in no particular
order. They are usually accompanied by attendants whose functions range from clearing the way
for the mmonwu or fanning. Others still may play the drums or flute music which seems to
dictate the dance steps and movement of the mmonwu. Gender is not a very prominent concept
as far as mmonwu phenomenon is concerned. Opinions vary as to whether the mmonwu
phenomenon is a display of supernatural powers whiles others assume it to be simply
entertainment. Whatever side of the divide you belong to, suffice it to say that mmonwu inspire
awe in people. Mmonwu can be translated to mean masquerade in the Whiteman’s language. We
shall return to explore the contemporary significance and implications of this designation of
Mmonwu as Masquerade later in this article

Brief historical survey of Agu-Ukwu Nri

Agu-ukwu Nri the ancestral homeland of ndi Igbo is located in Anaocha Local Government Area
of Anambra State and shares boarders with Awka South Local Government to the North. The
West boarder of Anaocha Local Government has XYZ Local Government, while to the Eastern
boarder has PCM Local Government and finally the South boarder has ABC local Government
Area. This seemly conveys the picture that Anaocha the home and Administrative Unit of Agu-
Ukwu Nri is land locked.
Agu-Ukwu Nri is described as the cradle of civilization in the Igboland.

Mmanwu phenomenon
The English term phenomenon as defined by the Web star International dictionary third edition “

Historical survey of Adventism in Anambra State

Adventism in Anambra is a late arrival mission in comparison to other missionary efforts such as
the Catholics, Anglican, Methodist and Presbyterians to mention but a few. Adventist Student
Fellowship (ASF) is a sisterhood of student congregations of Adventist students studying in
recognized institutions the world over. The Nigerian arm of Adventist Students Fellowship is
known as Nigerian Association of Adventist Students (NAAS).

Appraisal of Adventism in Agu-ukwu Nri

Adventism in Agu-ukwu Nri is a late development and this should not surprise our audience as
the Adventist Church entrance in to Anambra itself is a late development. The entrance of
Adventism in Agu-ukwu Nri began with the missionary effort of a supporting ministry known as
Back to Bible Ministry (BBM). BBM is the brain child of a Seventh-day Adventist Preacher
known as James Uzoegwu James an Nkpor indigene in Anambra State. This dynamic Adventist
preacher who began as a lay preacher before venturing into full time ministry in 2015 also
pioneered the Hour of Grace. The Hour of Grace is a half hour talk show on Odenigbo
Frequency Modulated Radio band wave 99.1 broadcasting station located at Obosi in Anambra
State of Nigeria. This BBM group in 2017 under the presidency of an active youngman who at
one time was President of Adventist Students Fellowship Unizik Chapter in the person of
Confidence Ogbonna, stormed Agu-ukwu Nri Kingdom with the Adventist message. The
decision to enter Agu-ukwu Nri was influenced on two premises. The first and most prominent is
the decision of the Eastern nigerria Union of Seventh-day Adventist leadership which stems from
the General Conference decision for expansion and talk the message to all parts of the globe with
a view to usher in the soon return of Jesus Christ.

Mmanwu Significance in Nri Kingdom

Adventist missionary efforts in Nri

Mmanwu phenomenon on Nri Adventist

Future of Adventism in Nri

The future of Adventism in Agu-ukwu Nri is very bleak for several reasons. Chief of the reasons
why Adventism in Agu-ukwu Nri is uncertain is the administrative strategy adopted by the world
church for self financings of mission fields. The Seventh-day Adventist does not create budget
for sustainable development of emerging mission fields. The expansion projects are based on
local efforts of the membership. This statement would be very misleading if mention is not made
that Genreal Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church engages in some measure of
financing of world missions through specific collects such as the thirteenth Sabbath collections
which are systematically allocated.



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