Bahasa Inggris P

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Nama Kelompok :

1. Ester Adya Yuliantika YS

2. Husnul Khotimah

3. Nur Wafiqa Inna Azizah

4. Putri Awaliah

5. Putri Nurrahmah Wear

6. Vina Armaetah

Kelas : XI-4 Mipa

1. Guest : I want to stay here for three nights. … ?

Receptionist : It’s seventy five thousand.

a. When do you want to check in

b. What room do you reserve?

c. What is the rate per night

d. Is there any single room

e. Is there any double one?

2. Receptionist : King of Ticket can I help you?

Customer : Yes, I’d like to book three VIP tickets for “Teater Koma” performance next

Receptionist : All right. …

Caller : It’s under the name Reyna Chaniago.

a. Who is speaking?

b. Can I have your number?

c. Can I have your address?

d. Who made the reservation?

e. May I know your name, please?

3. Kifa : Mulia Travel. Can I help you?

Mr. Ali :…

a. Could I book 2 tables, please?

b. Can I reserve two single rooms?

c. I need two tables, please.

d. Can I have a glass of orange juice?

e. Could I have a reservation for Singapore today?

4. Receptionist : Can I help you, Mr. Burton?

Guest : … for next month on tenth. Would it be possible?

Receptionist : I am sorry, Sir. Our hotel is fully booked

Guest : Oh, that’s too bad.

a. You’d like to make a reservation

b. I’d like to arrange a travel

c. I’m sorry, I have to cancel my travel

d. I’d like to make a reservation

e. I want to make a journey

5. Travel Agent : May I help you?

Nick : Yes. …, please?

Travel Agent : Of course. Could you give me your booking code?

a. Can I pay my bill

b. Can I book a seat to Solo

c. I need two tables

d. Can I have my ticket issued

e. Can I reserve a ticket to Solo

Waitress : Good morning, Grand Resto, can I help you, sir?

Mike Lewis : I would like to reserve a table for dinner.
Waitress : Yes, For what date?
Mike Lewis : Tomorrow night.
Waitress : Let me check first… Oh yes, we still have a table for dinner for tomorrow night.
How many person will have dinner, sir?
Mike Lewis : 2 person.
Waitress : May I have your name and address, please?
Mike Lewis : My name is Mike Lewis, Jalan Sindoro 22, Surabaya.
Waitress : May I have your phone number Ms. Sarandon?
Mike Lewis : My phone number is 555-987654
Waitress : Excuse me, what will you have for your dinner, sir?
Mike Lewis : I would like to order corn soup for appetizer, steak for main corse, ice cream for
the dessert, and green tea for the drink. Thank you
Waitress : Ok, I’ll write it. Thank you for calling

1. What is the dialogue about?
2. Where does the dialog take place?
3. What is the name of the place?
4. For how many person does Mike Lewis reserve the table?
5. What kind of foods and drinks does Mike Lewis order?
6. When will Mike Lewis have the dinner?

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