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Content :-

Literature view
Survey on modern day schooling
Work Sited

Education is the imparting and acquiring

of knowledge through teaching and
learning, especially at the school or similar
institution. The earliest educational process
involved sharing information about
gathering food and providing shelter;
making wepons and other tools; learning
language; and acquiring the values,
behavior, and religious rites or practices of a
given culture. Before the invention of
reading and writing, people lived in a
environment in which they struggled to
survive against natural forces, animal and
other humans. To survive, preliterate people
developed skills that grew into cultiural and
educational patterns.
It is our great privilege to express our profound
and sincere gratitude to our project supervisor ​Mukul
Mahato ​of Gola polytechnic collage for providing me
a very cooperative and precious guidance at every
stage of advice and introduction carrying out the
present study has been a very rewarding and pleas
able experience that has greatly benefitted ne
throughout the cource of work.

I would like to convey our sincere gratitude to the

present head of the department of Mechanical engg.
Automobile for providing me the laboratory faculties
of my work. I would like to pay our heartiest thanks
and gratitude to all the teachers of the department of
Mechanical engg various suggestion being provide in
attainting success in work.

We would like to express oue earnest thanks to

our other colleagues along with all technical staffs of
the department of mechanical engg for their valuable
assistance being provided during our project work.

Finally we would like to express our deep sense of

gratitude to our parents for their constant motivation
and support throughout my work


Every nation in the world is equipped with the
some form of education system, but those systems
vary greatly. The major factors that affects education
system are the resources and money that support
those systems in different nations, As it can be
expected, a country’s wealth correlates with the
amount of money spend on education. Countries that
do not have basic amenities such as running water
are unable to support robust education system or, in
many cases, any formal schooling at all. The result of
this worldwide educational inequality is a social
concern for many countries.

International differences in education systems are

not solely a financial issues. The values placed on
education, the amount of time devoted to it, and the
distribution of education within a country also play a
role in those differences. For examples : student in
China spends 260 days a year in school, which is the
highest indicator in the world. The highest indicator
in Europe has Germany with its 240 days, but most
European countries land around 185 school days per
year. In the top ranking countries, limited access to
resources did not necessarily predict low
performance. Analysts also noted what they
described are resilient students, or those student
who achieve at higher level than one might expect
given their social background. Shanghai, Hong Kong,
Macao, Vietnam and Singapore have the highest level
of resilient students.
Meanwhile, in Europe the parameter is low again
comparing with Asia. These insights suggest that the
EU educational system may be on a descending path
that can determinedly affect the EU economy and it’s
social landscape.

There is also the issue of educational distribution

within a nation. In 2012, the result of a test called the
program for International Student Assessment (PISA),
which is administered of 15 year old student
worldwide, were released. Those results showed that
students in the EU had fallen behind in the rankings
from Asian countries for science and math. Students
at the top of the ranking were from Shanghai, Hong
Kong, Singapore, South Korea, Japan etc. It is worthy
to mention Finland, who is the top in Europe and 6​th
in the world in reading, and 3​rd in Europe and 12​th ​in
the world in Mathematics connected with the
above-mentioned assessment.

There is also the issue of educational distribution

within a nation. In 2012, the result of a test called the
program for International Student Assessment (PISA),
which is administered of 15 year old student
worldwide, were released. Those results showed that
students in the EU had fallen behind in the rankings
from Asian countries for science and math. Students
at the top of the ranking were from Shanghai, Hong
Kong, Singapore, South Korea, Japan etc. It is worthy
to mention Finland, who is the top in Europe and 6​th
in the world in reading, and 3​rd in Europe and 12​th ​in
the world in Mathematics connected with the
above-mentioned assessment.
So, why is it that, among Europeans countries
especially, Finland has such excellent public
education? Over the course of 30 year, the country
has pulled itself from among the lowest rankings by
the Organization of Economic Cooperation (OEDC) to
first in 2012, and remains, as of 2014, in the top 5.
Contray to the rigid curriculum and long hours
demand of students in South Korea and Singapore,
Finnish education often seems paradoxical to outside
observe because it appears to break a lot of rules we
take to granted. It is common for children to enter
school at 7 years old, and children will have more
recess and fewer hours in school than other
countries. Their homework load id light when
compared to all other industrialized nations (nearly
300 fewer hours per years in elementary school).
There are no gifted programs, almost no private
schools, and no high-stakes national standardized

Every human being acquires the knowledge, skills,

attitudes and values necessary for life through
education. As an individual in the society, a person
has to think critically about various issues in life and
make decisions about them that are free from bias
and prejudices, superstitions and blind beliefs. All
these qualities of head, hand and heart can be learnt
through the process of education, which means that
the higher the level of education, the higher the
critical thinking of a nation.

Pros Of Modern Day

Modern day education is aided with a variety of
technology, computers, projectors, internet, and
many more. Diverse knowledge is being spread
amond the people. Everything that can be simplified
has been made simpler. Science has explored every
aspect of life. There is much to learn and more to
assimilate. Internet provides abysmal knowledge.
There is no end to it. One can learn everything he
wishes to. Every topic has developed into a subject.
New inventions and discoveries have revealed the
unknown world to us more variedly. Once in a aspect
is discovered, hundreds of heads start babbling over
it, and you get a dogma from hearsay. Not only our
planet but the whole universe has become accessible.

Now we have good and learned teachers to

impart us with knowledge of what they know.
Everyone is a master in his field. We are our children
getting taught by professionals of their fields.
Presently our education is based on making us the
best in our area of interest, to help us reach our goals
more easily. More of the fact based knowledge is
being grasped by us. What we learn helps us in
deep-rotated in our society now and education
makes us so.

Skill development and vocational education has

added a new feather to the modern system of
education. There is something to learn for everyone.
Even an infant these days goes to kindergarten. And a
little grown, mentally and physically is promoted to a
Montessori. Everything is being categorized, be it a
primary, middle, a higher secondary for graduate
school. We have temples of educations known by a
familiar word of “University”.

Whatsoever we are getting educate day by day

and what’s good about is that it’s a neve-ending

Rightly said by ​Aristotle​, “ Education is an

ornament on prosperity and a refugee in adversity.”
Is what everybody feels now.

The Cons
Well, that was positive side, but every story has two
telling. Of all the virtue, our education system has
developed into more schooling now. New trends are
being developed which are far more a baloney that
Albert Einstein ​once said “Education is that
remains, if one has forgotten everything one learned in

Firstly our education is confined to schools and

collage. It has become a process of spoon felling.
“Spoon felling is a long run teaches us nothing but the
shape of the spoon” were the word of ​E.M Forster​. We
are being fed with facts and knowledge. Not art, not
books, nut life itself is the true basic of teaching and
learning. Cramming of facts of dates, hi-fi mathematical
formulas, theories and doctrines should be at collage
levels when one has chosen his area of interest. What
will a history pay a doctor or a mathematician, or
medical terms to a historian/

Secondly, an art can be learned from a workshop of

those who are earning their bread from it. Modern
education has spread more ignorance than knowledge.
Most of the women even don’t know where the fabric
they are wearing, came from. The word “How” is
missing in our world which causes ignorance

“Education… has produced a vast population able to

read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading.” Says
G.M. Trevelyan.
Thirdly all education is bad which not self-education is.
Presently, children after school are sent to tuition. This is a
clear question mark on the ability of school teacher.
Homework tutorials are mushrooming up in our society.
Students are thought of like they can’t do anything on
their own and so are sent even do homework. Our
schoolings got a top of loop-holes. They guide us through a
well catered pathway which finally leads to
professionalism. Homework is a waste of time, if it is to
repeat classwork done today or to be repeated as
classwork to be done tomorrow.

Our schooling does not leave us with time to get

educate. ​Mark twain ​once said that “ I have never let my
schooling interface with my education”. Our child’s normal
routine has become to wake up early, brush up their minds
with light reading, go to school, then go to tuition and
finally come home and do the homework.

Finally our education is producing machines of pupil.

They read books, they speaks books and they do books.
Discussing in class lead to complications which remains are
confusion for a life time if left untreated. Vladimir
Nabokov​, a U.S critic, poet and novelist says “Discussing in
class, which means letting twenty young blockheads and
two cocky neurotics discuss something that neither their
teacher nor they know.
Education System In India
The central and most states boards uniformly follow
the “10+2+3” pattern of education. In this pattern the
study of 10 years is done in school and 2 years in junior
collage and then 3 years of graduation for a bachelor’s
degree. The first 10 years is further subdivided into 4 years
of primary education 6 years of High school followed by 2
years of junior collages. This pattern originated from the
recommendation of the Education Commission of

Education policy is prepared by Centre
Government and State Government at national and
state levels respectively. The National Policy of
Education (NPE), 1986, has provided for environment
awareness, science and technology education, and
introduction of traditional elements such as Yoga in
secondary school system. A significant feature of
Indian’s secondary school system is the emphasis on
inclusion of disadvantages sections of the society.
Professionals from established institutes are often
called to support ​on vocational training. Another
feature of Indian’s secondary school system is it’s
emphasis on profession based vocational training to
help students attain skils for finding a vocation of
his/her choosing. A significant new feature has been
to extension of SSA to secondary education in the
form of Rastriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan​.

Mid-Day Meal nutrition Scheme

The Mid-Day meal Scheme is a school meal program
of the Government of India designed to improve the
nutritional status of school-age children nationwide by
suppling free lunches on working days of children in
primary and upper primary classes in government,
government aided, local body, Education Guarantee
Scheme, and alternate innovative education centers,
Madaras and Maqtabs supports under Sarva Shikash
Abhiyan, and National Child Labour Project schools run
by the ministry of labour. Serving 120,000,000 children
in over 1,265,000 schools and Educations Guarantee
Scheme centers, it is the largest such program in the
Teacher’s Education
In addition, NUEPA (National University of
Educational Planning and Administration) and NCTE
(National Council for Teacher Education) are responsible
for the management of the education system and
teachers accreditation
Reference :-
We collected our information from various
source like our friends, teachers, parents and

Our image were collected from Google

images and pinterest.

Data and information was collected by

asking our elders about the education system of
their time, by doing a background check on
history, and websites like Wikipidea,, and from a
video was shared on page in Facebook.
Abstract :-
I am going to find out the education system
around the world and in India, I will learn many
things about the topic and will get to know about
yhe topic ina better way, I will try my best to find
out all the information regarding the topic. And will
find out really did the education system changed? ,
is our education right? , and such questions.
Conclusion :-
According to the report created we can’t say that
our education system has changed more. Our
education system don’t check the intelligence but
check the memory power. There are many drawbacks
in our current education system which needs to be
changed, there are many countries and place where
education system is different not only focusing
In academic but also in other activities make them
to create future, having much knowledge then that
only from the books.

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