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Question 1

b) Using an appropriate diagram discuss the architecture that supports ALICE as an intelligent
agent. (5 marks)

Its architecture involves:

The Responder: It forms the interface between the user and core routines and handles the input
from the user. It also handles the output to be delivered to the user from the classifier.
The Classifier: It normalizes and filters the input. It applies substitutions as defined in the
knowledgebase appropriately.
The Graph Master: It organizes storage of brain content. The GraphMaster consists of a
collection of nodes called Nodemappers. These Nodemappers map the branches from each node.
The branches are either single words or wildcards. In order to look up a word or phrase, one need
not start at the beginning or the end and search through every entry until a match is found.

Question 2
a)Search on the internet on MYCIN, a knowledge-based system and read on it. How is the
knowledge stored?(5 marks)
The Knowledge Base
•Inferential knowledge stored in decision rules
–If Premisethen Action (Certainty Factor [CF])
–If A&B thenC (0.6)
–The CF represents the inferential certainty
•Static knowledge:
–Natural language dictionary
–Lists (e.g., Sterile Sites)
–Tables (e.g., gram stain, morphology, aerobicity)
•Dynamic knowledge stored in the context tree–Patient specific
–Hierarchical structures: Patient, cultures, organisms
–<Object, Attribute, Value> triples: <Org1, Identity, Strep>
–A CF used for factual certainty <Org1, Identity, Staph, 0.6>
b) Using an appropriate diagram discuss the architecture that supports MYCINas a knowledge-
based system. (5 marks)

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