Chapter 1 Problem and Its Scope

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Chapter 1

Problem and its Scope

College students who came from far places usually look for a boarding house or

dormitory in order for them to adjust to their new college life and live independently. As

their temporary home, they are also expecting most of the facilities they are enjoying in

their respective home places.

Boarding Houses provide low-cost accommodation to some of the most marginal

and disadvantage members of our community. Residents occupy a precarious position

in the private housing market, are generally of low income and many also have physical,

intellectual, social and psychological difficulties which affects their everyday functioning

to varying degrees. In the continuum of housing security, living in a boarding house is

an insecure and commonly inadequate option, and there is increasing acceptance

nationally of a definition of homelessness which categories residents of boarding

houses as ‘tertiary homeless’.

For most people, housing is more than just a house or a commodity, it is home. A

home, or more importantly, home ownership has been almost mythologized; seen as a

sacrosanct space; as demonstrative in some of the adages that Paris (1993:5).

Manila-Philippines - to eliminate old and structurally questionable dormitories and

boarding houses, a lawmaker filed a house bill to standardize the operation and

maintenance of these of students and tenants. Under house bill 5716 filed by first

district Camarines Sur. Rep. Rolanda Andaya Jr. all owners or operators of dormitory or

boarding houses mandated to first obtain a license from the city or municipal

government. The measure states that the license should be renewed annually, shall be

posted in a conspicuous place and shall specify the number of persons allowed to rent

or board in each dormitory or boarding house.

In Davao City in their research regarding the living conditions of university

students in boarding houses and dormitories reports reveal that these housing facilities,

most of the time fail to consider student’s safety and welfare and most of them violated

the provisions stipulated in the building Code of the Philippines. Other facilities like

study rooms, bathrooms and safety lockers are missing in several boarding houses/



The main reason in conducting this research is for the students to know clearly

the advantages and disadvantages of living in boarding houses/dormitories. And also to

have an idea about the life you will encounter when living in boarding houses. This

research is conducted to identify the factors affecting the academic performance and

problems encountered by the students living along Rosa Sanz Street. And to further

require insight on how to come up with better solution in order to solve the particular

problem. In pursuing this study, it will help the researchers to gather relevant


The purpose of this study is for the student to be more aware on issues and

problems that they will be facing when living in boarding houses. For this reason, the

study gains its importance because having a good environment will affect the life of a

student. Also, the study is for the benefit of the student who are living far from campus.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Related Literature

A dormitory is a place where students could meet various people and develop

friendships and it could also develop self-independence (Moffat, 1970). For some, living

in a dorm is the typical college option. Dorm life means living on campus and not having

to deal with the hassles of commuting and the need to cook for meals. On the other

hand, living in a dorm means limited space. It also means dealing with a dorm

roommate. Dorms also are not open all year long, so students have to find other

accommodations on vacations. And dorm life usually means eating fixed meals. Living

in a dorm can also affect the study habits of a student. Students who stay in on-campus

dorms perform better academically than those in off-campus living arrangements. The

main benefit to living on-campus is that a student is a short walk from the campus

library, which can help a student succeed in his or her research papers. Closeness to

the library contributes to students using their study time wisely. Though most students

perform better academically, some students have their grades suffer because they are

unable to focus on their studies with everything that’s going on around them because

dorms are rarely solemn (Tsavo Media Canada Inc., 2010).

According to Flowers (2004) focuses exclusively on african american students

and finds that living in the dormitories positively influenced measures of personal and

social development skills that he suggests are essential for successful academic


According to Dinkmeyer and Dreikurs (1963) said that learning environments

focus on the characteristics of classroom environments that affect learning, the

teacher’s environment for learning, and the range of learning environment in which

students participate, both in and out of the school. Classroom environments are

positively influenced by opportunities with others who affect learners. Technologies also

influence learning which can help teachers incorporate the tools in classroom activities.

According to Davis (1998) said that for many college students, an apartment is a

serious step towards adulthood and freedom. Compared to a dorm, an apartment

means space, a living area. A bathroom that only needs to be shared between a few

people and students no longer have to rely on the campus dining hall, and can prepare

their food from their own refrigerators in their own kitchen. On the other hand, the

responsibilities of apartment life really can be a hassle. Suddenly students need to

worry about monthly bills, furniture, and cooking. Depending on where the apartment is,

students may also have to deal with the expenses and hassles of commuting. It could

also affect the time the student spends for school works and might result to decrease in

grades (Gladen, 2010).

There are some advantages and disadvantages when a student studies in his or

her room. When the student is in the room, all that he or she needs like books, notes,

and other study materials are already there. The student could also study immediately

as soon as he or she opens the book, and it is also an advantage when studying in the

room because the student could easily ask for help just down the hall. But there are also

some shortcomings studying in the room. The room can be also one of the most

distracting environments in which a student can choose to study. Schoolmates may


drop in to visit, or a friend down the hall asks you to come and check something out, or

somebody cooks or orders something that smells really good that could tempt the

student to go and have some. In short, the possibilities for tempting distractions are

practically endless (Hanna, 2006).

Related Studies

According to Kizlik (1997) stated that each student doesn’t have the same study

needs. They study differently, and there are some study habits that works for one

student but may not work for another. However, there are some general ways that seem

to produce good results. No one would argue that every subject that the student has to

take is going to be so interesting that studying it is not work but pleasure.

Students have different study habits which can cause them to do an excellent or

poor work in school. Places for studying give big contributions for the study habits of a

person. There are places that allows a person how or what to think depending on his or

her choice of environment (Morgan, 1994).

A study place can be everywhere as long as the student is comfortable with it.

There are many study places in which the student can choose. Deciding where to study

can be just as important as how much or how hard a student studies. The environment

that a student chooses can determine the mood, comfort level, and the effectiveness of

the place when it comes to the student’s study habits. Kelley (1997) cited that in order to

decide on where to study, a student should ask one’s self whether the environment

where he or she is studying matches his or her learning style and preferences. Based

on the student’s preferences, he or she should schedule the most challenging classes

and intense study sessions in the environments that best match his or her needs.

According to Tobias (1994) mentioned that reading ability can be affected by the

light contrast between print and paper color. There is a high contrast between black

letters printed on white paper. Some people find it easier to read black print on blue or

gray paper which has less contrast and is easier on their eyes. Being aware that light

does make a difference, a student should s study in the environment that best matches

his/her learning preferences. Moreover, the location of the study place is also one of the

factors to be considered. It’s important when choosing a house and it’s important when

choosing a room specially a student’s learning place. All other factors are also

considered in choosing the location.

According to Blair et. al. (1975, p23), “an individual at any stage of his

development is the product of organic and environmental factors working hand in hand.

What the student is, what the student does, what the student becomes. In short, how a

student reacts and behaves in all life situations can be explained in terms of these two

interacting forces.”

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

Variation among and within boarding houses

Quality of the Physical Environment

(Duesenberry 1960) My research results will be presented in three main sections.

Firstly, the variation found in the quality of the physical and social environment and

management practices of boarding houses. Some were of a higher quality, others of


lower quality. Secondly, some boarders are more vulnerable than others to accessing

the poor quality boarding houses and to eviction. The level of vulnerability experienced

by boarders depend on their personal circumstances and the broader systemic factors

which impact on boarding houses and the sector. Personal vulnerability related to poor

health and lack of resources, for example those in low paid employment having few

financial resources. Systemic vulnerabilities will due to the failure of legislation and

policy to protect boarders, including the weak tenancy protection provided by the

Residential Tenancies Amendment Act (2010), the inadequate enforcement of current

building standards, and lack of provision of adequate affordable housing. The last

section illustrates the ways in wich the health workers, boarders, and landlord or

managers made boarding houses work for them and suggests improvements for

boarding houses in the future. The suggestions that were identified by participants are

at individual and systemic level. The reporting of my results refers collectively to the

boarders, health workers, and landlords and managers interviewed as participants, but

specific points and individual qoutes are identified as being from boarders, health

workers, and lanlordsor managers where appropriate.

The more negative descriptions of boarding houses included plain, barely

furnished, tired, unmaintained properties with broken windows, dishevelled chattels,

rotting timber, damp and mould. Health workers and boarders who describe the poor

conditions were visibly upset when they gave graphic accounts of what they saw. In one

boarding house the landlord/ manager spoke about upgrading the place to a better

standard when they bought the business. They Gradually invested to upgrade the

house over ten-year period and maintained the property to what they considered to be a

basic, but reasonable standard. The physical conditions in boarding houses were


Statement of the Problem

1. What is the profile of respondents staying at the boarding houses along Rosa Sanz

Street as to;

1.1 Age;

1.2 Gender;

1.3 School;

1.4 Provincial Address;


1.5 Status;

1.6 Budget allocation for boarding houses

2. What are the reasons for staying in a boarding house along Rosa Sanz Street?

3. What are the different issues/concerns encountered by the respondents in their

boarding houses as to;

3.1 Facilities;

3.2 Location;

3.3 Safety & security;

3.4 Management;

3.5 Payment?

4. What appropriate recommendation to be made to address the issue & concerns of

the respondents staying at the boarding house near Rosa Sanz Streets?


Flower, L.A. (2004): “Effects of living on campus on African American student’s

Educational Gains in College”, NASPA Journal, 41, 277 - 293

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