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The Jones Journal

November 22, 2019

I always have something for those children that
forget snack or prefer ‘school’ snack. I usually buy
the cheap bag cereal or animal crackers and they
seem to like it just as well as the more expensive
stuff. If you are at the grocery store sometime, we
would appreciate anything ‘scoop-able’. Thank you
so much!

We are in need of some ‘all purpose surface’ spray

cleaner (for example, Lysol) to clean our tables after
lunch. The spray seems to get the tables cleaner than
the disinfecting wipes we have.
Kensli visits reading center during center time.
This week’s reading is a one page flyer titled Why
Our Winter Program is scheduled for Wednesday,
You Can’t Skip 20 Minutes of Reading to Your Child
December 18th During this program the children sing
Tonight. It is a very powerful visual that reminds
songs and perform routines that involve the things
parents of how important daily reading is to children.
they have learned in music. The program starts at
Along with helping children in language
8:30 and will last approximately 30-45 minutes.
development, reading promotes brain development,
Make sure to bring your camera and other family
aids in understanding of a world outside their own,
members if they are in town for the holidays!
and strengthens family relationships. The flyer is
Information about attire will be emailed closer to
attached to the same email as this newsletter. It can
also be found on our classroom’s blog
We will have our class ‘party’ Wednesday, ( on the right side under
December 18th at 10:00. The party will consist of 4 Suggested Parent Readings.
different activities (each lasting about 15 minutes)
that the children will rotate through. All parents are DATES TO REMEMBER
invited to join us; however, I need to make sure there November 27-29 – Thanksgiving Holidays
are at least 4 volunteers present to lead/help with December 1 – RES Winter Apparel orders due
each activity. I will have everything that is needed for 4 – Ms. Godwin’s last day (AU Practicum student)
each rotation so no preparation is needed on your 6 – November journals go home
part. If you are interested, please let me know! 12 – Cheeburger Cheeburger Spirit Night
17 – Behavior Celebration
NEEDED 18 – Winter Program at 8:30
As the cooler months are arriving and children are Class Party/Rotations at 10:00
beginning to wear jackets, hats, mittens, etc., please 19 – Polar Express Day (wear pajamas)
make sure their names are printed in them. It helps 20 – Winter Break begins
out tremendously if they are ever misplaced!
Please continue working with your child on I want to thank everyone for surprising me with such
memorizing their lunch number. We have started wonderful birthday gifts and treats! I am very lucky
entering them as we pick up lunches. Remember, on to have amazing parental support and I am extremely
the back of the signature page inside Friday Folders, thankful for each and every one of you!!!
there is a picture of what the number pad looks like, I hope everyone has a safe and relaxing
as well as your child’s number. Thanksgiving holiday! ~S. Jones

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