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Weberian Concepts

1. Legitimacy - it is the acceptability of ppower

2. Traditional Authority - Authority legitimated by the sanctity of tradition. The ability
and right to rule is passed down, often through heredity.Traditional authority is typically
embodied in feudalism or patrimonialism.
3. Charismatic Authority - Charismatic authority is found in a leader whose mission and
vision inspire others. It is based upon the perceived extraordinary characteristics of an
4. Legal-rational Authority - Legal-rational authority is empowered by a formalistic
belief in the content of the law (legal) or natural law (rationality).
5. Bureaucracy - is an organisational structure that is characterised by many rules,
standardised processes, procedures and requirements, number of desks, meticulous
division of labour and responsibility, clear hierarchies and professional, almost
impersonal interactions between employees

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