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Jack And Gabriela ́s Wedding 



The Address

The Couple

Declaration Of Intent

The Ring Blessing

Pronouncement Of Marriage

Closing Blessing

The Presentation

Jack And Gabriela ́s Wedding Ceremony In Detail 


̈ ̈Friends and family, welcome to this ceremony in which we

will unite two souls into marriage, Jack Avery and Gabbie
Gonzalez. On behalf of the Avery and the Gonzalez famililes, I

wish to thank you for being here and sharing this magical day.


¨I had met Jack in 2015 at a singing convention for new and

upcoming singers and I then met Gabbie in 2016 when they

started dating. I truly enjoy being their friend and hanging with

them at Jacks concerts and going out on the town with Gabbie. I

am so honored to be a big part of the life long memories that are

here, thank you so much.¨

The Address:

¨I will now share The Address by reading an excerpt from ́The

Notebook​ ́ by Nicholas Sparks. ¨

¨I am nothing special; just a common man with common

thoughts, and I've led a common life. There are no monuments

dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten. But in one

respect I have succeeded as gloriously as anyone who's ever

lived: I've loved another with all my love and soul; and to me,

this has always been enough.¨

¨This is a heavenly selection; high kudos for you choice.¨

Declaration Of Intent:

“Jack and Gabbie has chosen to have a traditional non-religious

wedding. Now Id like to ask the most important questions of the


“Do you seek to enter this ceremony?” *couple answers yes*

“Will you honor and respect one another, and seek to never

break that honor?” *couple answers we will*

“Will you share each other’s pain and seek to ease it?” *couple

answers we will*
“Will you share the burdens of each so that your spirits may

grow in this union?” *couple answers we will*

“Will you share each other’s laughter, and look for the

brightness in life and the positive in each other? *couple

answers yes*

́ ́Jack do you take Gabbie to be your lawfully wedded wife? ̈

*he answers yes*

̈And Gabbie do you take Jack to be your lawfully wedded

husband?¨ *she answer yes*

The Ring Blessing:

̈ ̈May I now have the rings?¨

¨This ring that will be given to you as a token of your love and

devotion to each other. You'll pledge to each other all that you

are and all that you will ever be as each others husband and
wife. With this ring, I gladly marry you and join your life to

each others. Let this ring be a symbol of each others promises to

each other and a reminder of my devotion to each other. And the

honor to call each other husband and wife. With this ring, you'll

bestow upon thee all the treasures of each other's mind, heart,

and hands."

The Ring Exchange:

*Jack places ring upon Gabbie ́s hand*

Jack: ̈ ̈Gabbie with this ring I wed thee, for a life long happy

life ̈

*Gabbie places ring upon Jacks hand*

Gabbie: ̈Jack with this ring I wed thee, for a beautiful life full

of smiles and laughter.¨

Pronouncement Of Marriage:

̈ ̈You have opened your hearts to one another, declare your

love and friendship, and have united yourself with the

exchanging of rings. Therefore, with the blessings of God, it is

my pleasure to now pronounce you husband and wife. You may

now kiss the bride!​¨

*Jack and Gabbie kiss*

Closing Blessing:

̈Grant that they may be ever true and loving, living together in

such a way as to never bring heartbreak into their marriage.

Temper their hearts with kindness and help them to be

sweethearts, helpmates, friends and guide and together may

they meet the cares and problems of life more bravely.¨

The Presentation:
̈For those of you whom have joined us to witness this

unification, it is my joy and pleasure to present you the newly

joined and united couple, Mr. and Mrs. Avery.¨

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