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Survey of Blockchain Application in

Public Utility Domains

1Lokesh Gujral, 2Arman Singhal, 3Ajita Banerjee, 4Kavita Choudhary
Student, JK Lakshmipat University, Jaipur
Research Scholar, JK Lakshmipat University, Jaipur
Associate Professor, JK Lakshmipat University, Jaipur

Abstract: In this survey paper, Blockchain is explored in public utility domains.

The vivid utilization of the blockchain based technologies has taken a big dig in
various public utility domains such as the energy sector and banking sectors.
Keywords : Blockchain, Energy Sector, Smart Contract, Banking etc.

The concept of power generation and utilization is based upon the concept of a
centralized system. There is a central power system which is supposed to provide
the power units to all the other utilities. What normally might happen is that there
are several places which receive access of power units while some that receive the
deficit. Blockchain provides implementation in wide range of applications. Such a
problem discussed above can be solved with the help of a ledger. The person
related to access of power units and the one related to the deficit power units can
agree on a certain transfer of units. The addresses of both the entities will be
recorded in the ledger. It will be easy to record how many units one has
transferred. The deficit will be required to pay the amount of money for the power
units he ordered.

This concept of database storage and money transfer governs the problem that is
mostly present in abundance when we talk about the rural India. There are many
houses that are far away from the reach of electricity. Hence these houses can ask
for some units and pay that money instead.
Figure 1: Blockchain in Energy Sector

The above diagram describes how a simple smart contract can be maintained to
check the details of the transfer of power units. The basic aim of giving and getting
it back is restored in this decentralized concept of ledger storage.

Blockchain in Banking Sector

The blockchain concepts have been at such a great pace that the management of
many banks and financial organizations no longer deny the potential of blockchain
technology. Some top managers around the world are of the opinion that this
decentralized system will play a key role in the success of financial companies in
the near future. One of the most popular application field in the banking sector is
for the creation of a client identification system based on a distributed ledger. This
is an important aspect as all the credit organizations check for KYC when they
process the applications. The blockchain based system can act as the database to
store this information securely. The access to such public details will be granted to
other banks in the system.
Figure 2: Blockchain in Banking Sector

The above diagram is a reference to what can be achieved in any financial institute
using blockchain concepts. Authorization of many identification processes by
banking institutions will be very easy if we store the record in an immutable
ledger. It will be safe and secure as the user himself has applied to the conditions
of granting access about their identity information.
Conclusion: Blockchain technology is demanding in almost every sector due to
the security, transparency and distributed nature it provides. In this paper, after
doing a survey we reach to a conclusion that feasibility of Blockchain in public
utilities is growing drastically. Thus, the implementation of Blockchain in various
application domains is scalable.
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