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November 17, 2019 – End Time 3, Saints Triumphant – LUKE 13:24-30

INTRO: The words of our Savior Jesus Christ in our text serve as our theme: “Strive to enter through the
narrow door”. We spend our lives striving for many different things. We like to accomplish goals we
have set for ourselves. As followers of Christ we also strive to do what is good and right in God’s sight.
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us get rid of every burden and the sin that
so easily ensnares us, and let us run with patient endurance the race that is laid out for us” (HEBREWS 12:1).
“STRIVE TO ENTER THROUGH THE NARROW DOOR”. I. The door is open now. II. Soon the
door will be shut.


A. Verse 24. “Strive to enter through the narrow door”. Jesus used this word as a command.
1. The crowd was to keep on doing their best to do their best for the Lord and his kingdom.
2. The narrow door was open. Many would not enter. Did not try. Did not want to enter.
B. Verse 29. Jesus told his listeners that the door to heaven was open for all people.
1. In fact people would come from every direction to enjoy God’s eternal, heavenly banquet.
2. In heaven would be people from every tribe and language and nation. The door is open to all.
C. Verse 30. “And note this: Some are last who will be first, and some are first who will be last.”
1. Jesus reminded the crowds that the thinking of God is not like their thinking. Or reasoning.
2. The proud will be humbled. The humble lifted up. The door is open for all people.

D. Contrary to the popular false teachings of today: There is only one door. The Bible clearly teaches
in many references that Jesus is the only name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.
The very name of Jesus means to save. We cannot obey our way into heave. We cannot pay our way
into heaven. We cannot pray our way into heaven. Jesus is the only Way—only Truth—only Life. “I
am the door. Whoever enters through me will be saved. He will come in and go out, and find pasture" (JOHN
10:9). The sheep listen to the voice of Jesus. Follow Him. Enter heaven through the open door.

E. We are encouraged to stand firm in our Christian faith. This is what it means to strive to enter
through the narrow door. The Holy Spirit works faith in our hearts. The creating power of the Lord
God changes our hearts of stone into hearts of flesh. The blood of Jesus is the key that opens the door to
heaven. Our time here on earth is our time of grace. By grace our loving, heavenly Father gives us faith
that saves us. Now we live lives that seek to know more about our faith. We learn more about the love
of our Savior. We discover that the Lord loved us first that we might love him. We read God’s Word.
Study the Bible. Hear the gospel. Our faith grows. Our soul is strengthened. It is our time of grace to
grow in faith. "Seek the LORD while he may be found! Call on him while he is near!" (ISAIAH 55:6).

F. Yes, we do work at being better believers. We learn to love studying the Word of God. The gospel
motivates us in living Christian lives. This does not come naturally. Our sinful nature wants to avoid
everything good and godly. It is only by God’s free grace that we believe. Are forgiven. Are saved.
The law does not save us. Our works do not save us. “I know your works. Look, I have set before you an open
door, which no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, and yet you have kept my word and have not de-
nied my name" (REVELATION 3:8). We are too weak to even open the door to heaven. Jesus Christ
our Savior opens the door with his strength. His love. His mercy. What do we do? We believe. We
keep God’s Word. We do not deny the name of Jesus. We can only do all these things by God’s grace.

“STRIVE TO ENTER THROUGH THE NARROW DOOR”. Jesus opens the narrow door for us.
A. Verse 25. The master of the house shuts the door. It is locked for the evening. All are safe inside.
1. Still some came seeking to enter the house. It was too late. There were no excuses.
2. The master of the house did not open. Door was shut. Did not know them. Or recognize.
B. Verse 26. The people make excuses. “We ate and drank in your presence…” Shallow relationship.
1. Verse 27. Their pleadings had no effect. No excuse will or can open the door once shut.
2. Called them “evildoers.” These outsider were workers of evil. Practiced evil not good.
C. Verse 28. The workers of wickedness will suffer the torments of hell. Physical agony.
1. Even worse will be the spiritual suffering. They were separated from the love of God.
2. Others from all nations inherit eternal life. The wicked suffer even more in knowing this.

D. Hearing about God is not the same as knowing God. Knowing about God is not the same as believ-
ing in God. Believing in God is not the same as living godly lives. We grow in our faith. In our lives of
faithful living. It is only by the grace of God that we have faith. God’s Word works saving faith in our
hearts. For our lives here on earth. For our eternal, perfect life in heaven. We love God because God
first loved us. Many others still dwell in darkness. “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the
kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven’" (MATTHEW 7:21).

E. Those who worked evil spoke about their association with the master (eat, drink, and taught in
streets-- verse 26). This was only a casual contact with Jesus, the Master. The wicked do not walk
through the open door. They are too busy with their own works. They forsake the works of Jesus. Dear
friends we simply need much more than a casual contact with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. “For
the kingdom of God does not consist of eating and drinking, but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy
Spirit” (ROMANS 14:17). The righteousness of Christ covers up our unrighteousness. We have peace
with God through the blood of Jesus. Our sins are completely and freely forgiven. Eternal joy is ours by
the gift of the Holy Spirit – faith. God blesses our faith relationship with righteousness, peace, and joy.

F. How sad it will be for many when the door is shut. On the Last Day the door will be shut. Judg-
ment Day will arrive. There will be no second chances. There are no excuses. While the door is open
all are to value their time of grace. All are to strive to enter through the narrow door. Why do so many
wait too long? Why will so many try to make excuses once the door is shut? We live in a world of
temptations, attractions, and distractions. Our sinful nature makes excuses for not reading the Word of
God every day. Our world distracts us from the one thing needful. Satan, the god of this age, blinds us
to God’s goodness. “In the case of those people, the god of this age has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to
keep them from clearly seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is God’s image” (2 CORINTHI-
ANS 4:4). Only in the gospel can we see the door that is open. The glory of Christ. God’s image.

CONC.: Jesus encourages us to “strive to enter through the narrow door”. We look to the Lord Jesus
Christ. We stand firm in our faith. The door is open. On the Last Day the door will be shut. There will
be no second chances or excuses. We look forward to that day. We keep on keeping on until the Lord’s
return. "From now on, there is reserved for me the crown of righteousness. The Lord, the righteous Judge, will give it
to me on that day, and not only to me but also to everyone who loved his appearing” (2 TIMOTHY 4:8).
“STRIVE TO ENTER THROUGH THE NARROW DOOR”. The door is open. Our Savior calls.
Amen. Pastor Timm O. Meyer

END TIME 3 rdgs: ISAIAH 65:17-25; 2 THESS. 2:13-3:5; LUKE 20:27-38; (PSALM 150)
SERVICES: 7:45am @ McCook (Sun) / 10:00am @ Redeemer (Sun) / NCF 1:00 Min. (Sat) & 12:00 Med. (Sun)
BIBLE STUDIES: 11:15am @ Redeemer (SUN) / 5:45pm (Med) + 7:30pm (Min) @ NCF (TUES.)
/ Sunday radio broadcast @ 9:00am on KQNK 106.7FM or 1530AM

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