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Shell structure, In building construction, a thin, curved plate structure shaped

to transmit applied forces by compressive, tensile, and shear stresses that act
in the plane of the surface. They are usually constructed of concrete reinforced
with steel mesh (see shotcrete). Shell construction began in the 1920s; the
shell emerged as a major long-span concrete structure after World War II.
Thin parabolic shell vaults stiffened with ribs have been built with spans up to
about 300 ft (90 m). More complex forms of concrete shells have been made,
including hyperbolic paraboloids, or saddle shapes, and intersecting parabolic
vaults less than 0.5 in. (1.25 cm) thick. Pioneering thin-shell designers include
Felix Candela and Pier Luigi Nervi.

Combination Structures
Combinations of shells are useful and lend variety to the other shapes and
forms. The number of combinations is practically unlimited so that only a few
may be shown here. The first step will be to list all of the combinations
previously described and indicate which types can be combined. The basic
types of shells were previously classified as:
1) folded plates and domes,

Figure 1 Dome Structures

Figure 2 Folded Plate Structure
2) barrel shells,

Figure 3 Barrel Shells

3) short shells,

Figure 4 Short Shells

4) domes of revolution, and

Figure 5 Domes of Revolution

5) warped surfaces.
The intersection shell has been omitted since it is really a combination. Warped
surfaces do not combine very well with other types, particularly the folded
plate so they will not be considered in combinations.

The combinations possible from the above list are:

1) barrel shells and folded plates,
2) barrel shells and short shells,
3) barrel shells and domes of revolution,
4) barrel shells and conoids,
5) folded plates and short shells,
6) folded plates and domes of revolution,
7) folded plates and conoids,
8) short shells and domes of revolution,
9) short shells and conoids, and
10) domes of revolution and conoids.


In the structure appeared over the side of the square arch recommends the
state of a barrel vault. These are extremely autonomous structures since the
basic components are altogether framed before the connection has been made
and could be cut separated without obliterating the structure.
On account of the type of the arrangement, this structure proposes a
congregation or other assembly room with a huge focal region and adjoining

Vaults can be connected to any of the four sides to deliver a T shape or a cross
formed structure and the wings might be of different lengths to suit the seating
course of action. The ties over the sides of the vault can be dispensed with by
L formed dividers going about as push projections.


In this structure, a collapsed plate structure is joined with a barrel vault. For
a similar width of component, the transverse bowing minutes in the collapsed
plates are generally bigger than the barrel vault so it is imperative to keep the
width of the plates so the piece won't be thick. The structure isn't particularly
appropriate for long ranges since the auxiliary proficiency of the collapsed
plate isn't extremely incredible. In any case, it provides an opportunity to build
up an abnormal structure.
An intriguing mix is the collapsed plate Z shell with the north light shell by
making the upper part of the bargain a smooth bend and the lower end a
collapsed plate.
The above shell structure are basic types. So, it is possible to construct
different and safer shell structure by combining portion of the basic shell
Intersection shells, barrel shell and folded plate, barrel shell and short shell,
barrel shells and domes of revolution, and barrel shells and conoids are all
concrete shell combinations. So, numerous combinations can be formed to
reach the desired safety and capacity.


The cone on the parts of the bargains plate completes off a generally precise
structure with a bended façade and might have some compositional
applications where an inlet window impact is required. The cone can scarcely
be said to have enough solidness to supplant the rib that is generally required
at the sections. This cone demonstrations like a bended collapsed plate as
opposed to as a vault.

A comparable structure is an arch of upset utilized on the part of the

arrangement barrel shell to give a round rotunda.
It was somewhat hard to state precisely where the above sort ought to be put
in this characterization of shells. At last it was incorporated into this part on
the hypothesis that it was extremely a blend of sorts. The collapsed plate with
decreased closures was incorporated for a similar reason.
Decreased closures have the favorable position that the eave line can be kept
a similar all around the structure. Less material is required on the grounds
that the stiffener is in domed closures. The measure of formwork is likely less
however the structures can't be moved the long way of the shell and should
be brought down the full profundity of the barrel.
A plane surface can be utilized rather than the bend toward the end. The
thickness would be more prominent on the grounds that the twisting minutes
are bigger in the plate than in the domed shell. Be that as it may, it would
most likely not be thicker than the vertical divider type stiffener regularly
utilized at the parts of the bargains.
This structure is a combination of a folded plate and a folded plate dome. The
taper acts as a stiffener and transfers the thrust of the inclined plates to the
columns. It has many of the same advantages and disadvantages of the barrel
shell with dome ends shown on the previous page.
The outer form of this structure is similar to the hipped roof used for house
construction and it is conceivable that folded plates might be used for an
inexpensive structure for mass produced houses.
This structure consists of two intersection shell domes made from parts of
cones. The edges of the domes are supported by ribs acting as arches. The
thrusts from these arches are transferred to horizontal girders which, in turn,
carry the load to horizontal ties at each end of the building. The horizontal
girders also serve as slabs over the side aisles. Two rows of columns are
required to support each of these slabs.
This type of space structure is very useful for church buildings because the
arches can spring from a higher level and cross ties are not needed except at
the ends of the building.

This structure is a combination of a dome of revolution and a plate. The low
rise dome in the center of an otherwise orthodox flat plate will have shell
action at the center of the pane; and plate action along the column lines. This
should result in some savings in both steel and concrete. The flat plate
elements should be prestressed so that the thrust of the dome can be fully
utilized. The reduction in concrete should result in smaller column sizes for
multistory buildings. The thickness of the plate at the columns can be made
greater than for the ordinary flat plate structure.
This shell is a combination of a barrel shell and a slab. The slab must be of
sufficient thickness to carry the required bending moment and shear at the
end of the span. The small columns shown on the outside edges are for
support of the edges only; otherwise, there are no inside columns for this
structure. The barrels also must be of sufficient depth at the center of the
span for the required bending moment. Since this is half of the depth at the
ends, it is evident that the spans possible with this construction are not very
great. This structure would be very suitable when high windows were required
to the north and a cantilever slab for sun protection to the south. Then the
structural characteristics would be fully utilized.
It is intended in this structure to have a center row of columns so that the
greatest depth is at the point of maximum moment and the shear and bending
moment at the outside edges are low. A stiffener will be required at the center
row of columns. However, the slab acts as its own stiffener. The slab thickness
might be somewhat thicker than the shell but as soon as the total depth of
the shell became sufficient to resist the stresses, the thickness could be

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