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A hydrofoil is a lifting surface, or foil, that operates

Telephone in water. They are similar in appearance and
purpose to aerofoils used by aeroplanes. Boats that
Marso 7, 1876 nang pagkalooban ng patent si use hydrofoil technology are also simply termed
Alexander Graham Bell para sa imbensiyon
niyang telepono. Ang unang mensaheng
nabanggit sa telepono ay: “Mr. Watson, come
here, I need you.”

Alexander graham bell

Metal detector
In 1881, Alexander Graham Bell invented the first
The photophone is a telecommunications device metal detector. As President James Garfield lay
Mga miyembro: that allows transmission of speech on a beam of dying of an assassin's bullet, Bell hurriedly invented
light. It was invented jointly by Alexander Graham a crude metal detector in an unsuccessful attempt
Mikaela toribio Bell and his assistant Charles Sumner Tainter on to locate the fatal slug. Bell's metal detector was an
February 19, 1880, at Bell's laboratory at 1325 L electromagnetic device he called the induction
Hazel arcelo Street in Washington, D.C. balance.

Jeralyn gallo

Jaydee escalona

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