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Sail: It’s
It’s aa trip
trip that
that takes
takes place
place in
in the
the water
(ocean,sea,river or or any
any oher
oher source
source of
of To land: It’s when he gets off a ship.
water) in in aa ship.
Example: In the morning of October
Example: Christopher
Christopher Columbus
Columbus has has set
set 12, Columbus arrived on an island
sail from
from Spain
Spain toto find
find aa new
new wayway from
from and to landed. The island was named
Europe to to Asia
Asia for
for be
be aa rich
rich man,
man, because
because by him as: Holy Savior.
he intented
intented to
to load
load three
three little
little ships
ships with
silks, spices
spices and
and gold.

Route: It’s a new way sought by Tribes: It’s a group of people who
Christopher Columbus for the entry of share a common characteristic.
commercial products between Europe
Example: The Amerindians had in
and Asia.
common their origin from America
Example: Columbus sailed from Spain to and their brown-skinned. They were
find for a new short route between Europe divided into several groups: those
and Asia to be able to take silks, spices and North of Mexico, United States and
gold to Spain. Canada.

Hunters: They’re people who are

Silk: It’s a material used in the textile engaged in the search or persecution
industry for the manufacture of clothing. of animals to kill them.

Example: Columbus wanted to load his Example: The tribes were engaged in
small ships with silk from Asia to Europe. different activities. For example,
some were hunters or farmers.

Spices: They are complements that have

different purposes: they help to flavor
foods, preserve, medicine, cosmetology, Squash: It’s a plant that growing and
among others. eating.

Example: Columbus undertook his trip to Example: Amerindians cultivated

search for better routes for the transport food plants, which grew and ate such
of spices, in order to benefit the lifer of the beans, squash and peppers.
Irrigation: It’s to provide water for the
plants to grow. Herds: It’s a set of animals of the
same species, in this case the buffalo
Example: The Pueblo people, before the that moved jointly with the Sioux.
Europeans arrived in America, built canals
to bring water to their crops. Irrigation Example: When the herds of buffalos
activities made them successful farmers. moved, the Sioux moved.

Deer: It’s a mammalian animal hunted by Tepee: It's a buffalo skin tent, easy to
the Apaches. put together, where the Sioux lived.

Example: The Apaches were dedicated to Example: The Sioux used the tepees
hunting deer and collecting wild plants, to rest. These were made of buffalo
nuts and roots. skins.

Huts: There are the refuges where the

Soil: It’s the surface of the earth's
Iroquois lived.
Example: The huts in which the Iroquois
Example: According to legend, a
lived were made of wood with barrel-
man came out of the soil and jumped
shaped roofs. Each was the home of up to
into the great plains.
twenty families.

Plain: It's a extensive land that does

Crops: It’s when someone sows food not have strong slopes.
plants on the ground.
Example: According to the legend of
Example: The Sioux grew no crops and Dakota's creation, a man came out of
built no houses because they depended the ground and jumped into the great
upon the buffalo. plains.
Discovery: It’s finding something
To gather: It’s the action of collecting
Example: Columbus believed that he
Example: The people of North America's
had discovered a part of Asia but it is
they gathered some food. They collected
not like that.
nuts and berries from the forest.

Vikings: They were a sea people from Voyage: It’s to make a journey from
northern Europe. one part to another.

Example: Currently it is said that the first Example: Ponce de Leon was a
Viking that arrived was called Leif Ericson, Spanish conqueror who arrived in
according to the evidences found by the New World with Columbus on
scholars. the second voyage. Later,, he
became governor of the Caribbean
island of Puerto Rico.

Fountain: It’s a place where a stream

Storyteller: It’s a person who is dedicated of water flows that turns people into
to tell stories. young people.

Example: The storytellers do not forget Example: The Fountain of Youth, it's
Vinland’s discovery. fountain whose waters gave
everlasting youth to all those who
drank from it.

Jewelry: It’s an accessory that is made of

precious stones or some metal, like gold. Treasure: It's a set of valuables.

Example: Columbus returned to Spain Example: Columbus on his trip, got

with some jewelry he obtained in his different treasures such as: jewelry
journey through America. It was made of and gold.

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