Is 2925 1984 PDF

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इंटरनेट मानक

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 2925 (1984, Reaffirmed 1995): Specification for

Industrial Safety Helmets (Second Revision). UDC 614.891.1
: 658.382.3

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
~/IS 2925 : 1984
(:f..-r11X:/Reaffirmed 1995)

~ Wlffi g61~c ~ ~~iI"?C;

(ii,?i,?J y;RTerur)

Indian Standard
( Second Revision)
Incorporating Amendments No.1 to 4

~/UDC 614.891.1: 658.382.3

© ~TT 11"T c.<LxT 2011

~n~~<t +H"9"q)" ~"~~T
11"Ffcn ~FFl, 9 q6T~x ~TT6 \i)1::p~ 11"T-D
-;:r~ ~(Ycfr I 10002

© BIS 2011


NEW DELHI 110002

~/Janu(1fy2011 ~ CITT/Price Group 4


~ ~ 1iRCf) (~ -s;rUa.-TUT) '*

~ cn1 3lf9 w:R ~ ~ &m 3ffWr ~ RQ: ~ afu: ~ ~·~i f1;q{)
ffl'qlTl ~ &m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l1ffi) W-rr (~) &m 31 ~ 1984 CfiT ~ fcFi7:rr TP1T1
~~ if mTJt ~~ ~, ~ f.rqTur, ~, "Gtf f.:rqftrr, ~ Qf{£l'\J11131l afu: ~: -Q:-B m6<qcH.1I£l'· .q
~ flr8 if wR crrffi ~ cn1 ~ '*
~~ '*
~ f.r\J1T Wa:n cn1 ~ ~ JOf~tcI'iuI ~ tl fTmit
~ ~31l-B ft::n: 1R wR crrffi -:q)c: ~'4h: afu: cnm-Cf)~ em;cn mat tl ~ ~ ~ -B ~.q f1rB"ClTfit ~31l
afu: 3-"P1"BmPl ~ -B ~ Wa:n W!R ~.q"fT&ll1 ~ Wa:n ~ ~ ~ fc8:rr TP1T tl ~ ~ '*
~ 1964 .q >r< fc8:rr TP1T ~ afu: 1975 .q ~ "TTfta.-TUT ~ TP1T I ~ ~ :rRTa.-TUT ~ Wf) \JfTU ~ ~
"fT~ ~~ CfiT ~ ~ 3lfuftcRJ ~ -B ~ ~ cn1 ~ 3llO -B ~ ~ ~ ~ fc8:rr 1FIT "*
t, Cllfcn ~ ~ 'Gt ~ ~ "ZJff afu: ~ ~ ~ CfiT 'Sf[TCfqr., ~ ~ "ZJff ~I"*
~ 1iRCf) ~ ~~~~ Wa:n ~ '* ~ "# 3"l1Iq~;qCfl ~~ ~ -B ~ 1R ~ 'tlTR ~
~ ~, ® ~ ~ ~
tl m cn1 -B'qfq"1"f mm-Q:-B ~ -B ~ "* fum: l1ffi) cn1 ~a:n31l .q fcrffl

Fire Fighting Sectional Committee, SOC 22


This Indian Standard (Second Revision) was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution (BIS) on 31 May 1984,
after the draft final ized by the Fire Fighting Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering
Division Council.

Helmet is one of the most important items of personal protective equipment used by workers for protection against
head injuries which may be caused by falling objects in many industires, for example, mining, tunnelling, quarrying,
ship building, construction projects and similar occupations. Head injuries caused by falling objects are usually
serious and sometimes fatal. This standard has been prepared for industrial safety helmets capable of providing
adequate protection from falling objects and other hazards commonly met with in many industries. This standard
was first published in 1964 and revised in 1975. This second revision has been prepared so as to include all the
amendments issued so far besides relaxing number ofachoring points of cradle from eight to minimum four so that
latest designs could also be covered in the revised version besides including the provision of ventilation holes.

In formulating this standard, the Sectional Committee has taken special care to avoid unnecessary restriction in
the design of safety helmets. If any special hazards, such as chemicals, oils, are likely to be encountered, the
requirements of standard should be supplemented by special requirements to afford protection against such hazards.

(Continued on third cover)

~/IS 2925 : 1984

~ ~a=rr g(Yf~ G qft fclftl~

( ?if! '<7 :yrtrerur)
India11 Standard
( Second Revisiorz )

1 SCOPE 1~$
t.l This standard lays down the requirements regarding 1.1 ~ if ~, WT 'RP.fur, ~, -qffl f.p:ITur,
material, construction, workmanship and finish and ~ -qf~31T afu: ~ tit 3R ~TCfi ~
performance requirements of helmets intended to
provide protection against falling objects and other
~ f1TB c.rrm m:g3if afu: 3P:r '&CRl -B W&TUT ~
~ cn1 mtnft, f.:rl1fuT, 'Cfilft1m ~ 3Th: Cfll4CflIRdi
hazards which may be encountered in mining,
tunnelling, quarrying, ship building, construction
~m a:rl&mt R~fftd en' 11t ~I
projects and similar other industrial occupations.

2.0 For the purpose of this standrad, the following
2.0 ~ ~ * ~ <$- futJ: f1C1F<1f0Jd 'qft~

definitions shall apply.

ffi1l wml
2. t Brim - The rim surrounding the shell. 2.1 ~ - ~ ~;:mY 31R ~ ftl:T1
2.2 'alit 1:flTffi - ~ flY I'41 \J111 -qft-ffi ~ ~ cit ftR
2.2 Chinstrap - An adjustable strap that fits under
the chin to secure the helmet on the head. 1R ~ Cfi1: ~~ ~ * ft;rQ: itit * ~ fI:nc: 'it ~ tl
2.3 Harness - The complete assembly by means of
which the helmet is maintained in position on the head, ~
2.3 mihJ - ern- ~ ~, ~ ~
cit 1m 1R -mT W-Tfu if \&T ~ t
* fum:
which includes headband, cradle, etc. .~,~~~~I
2.3.1 Headband - Part of harness surrounding the
2.3.1 ~ -ft:R CfiT ~ 31R ~ ~ ~ CfiT m:
head. The plane of lower margin of headband shaH
correspond to reference line of the headform and the
'qTTf1 ~~ *
~ -mm' Cf;1 ~ ~ Cf>1 ~
~ (~~ 7692 : 1975 I~ i:fit&JUT fum: *
headband mayor may not be continuous when Naper
strap is provided (see IS 7692 : 1975 'Specification for ~ct~cm~l) ~~q *"Wffim
wooden headform for testing of helmets'). m 11\ ~
"fRf(l 'l:ft m
~ ~ 3121CfT ~ '1:ft1
2.3.2 Anti-concussion Tapes - Supporting straps which 2.3.2 ~--Um- trfht - ~ cfi f¥rfuft will cn1
form the cardle.
2.3.3 Cradle - The fixed or adustable assembly
comprising of anti-concussion tapes and nape strap
2.3.3 ~\SC1 - ~~ um
~ 3W:, ~ ~ Tf7-1T m,
"l'"' ~ CfiT ~ 31~ 'fi'~~ ~·I
where provided.
az 2.3.4 Nape Strap - An adjustable (with respect to the 2. 3.4 ~ - ~. ~. "ifcla.<r if w-lr1hr;ftzr lfiTm,' \ifT
en shell) strap that fits behind the head to secure the helmet ~.cit~~~v:l~$~ftH$w~mm
..... and may be integral part of the headband. t afu: ~ CfiT 3TI'lFl airT m~m t I

~/IS 2925 : 1984

2.4 Peak - The extension of the shell above the eyes. 2.4 ~ - ~ CfiT ~ cF ~ ~ 113lT ~I
2.5 Shell -- The hard smoothly finished material that 2.5 ~ -
-00 >fCflR ~ ~ ~ cn1 ~ mli1it
provides the general outer form of the helmet. ~ ~ ~ it ~cn1 ~ ~6Tffi tl
2.6 Ventilation Holes _. Holes provided in the shell 2.6 "WmA fiR - ~ cF ~ ~ cF ~ if;-
to permit circulation of air inside the helmet. ~. if ~ 1m:: I
3 "tfl1TIft
3.1 Shell - The shell of the helmet shall be of non-
metallic materials conforming to test requirements
3.1 ~ - ~ cnr @'IC'l 3i~ ~ CfiT m3ih:
given in 8. ~ 8 ctr 11U8JUT 31llaJT cF ~ mI
3.2 Harness -- The criteria for the selection of material 3.2 m-u - ~I ~-um LfiTm ~ Cfft ml11ft
for the headband, anti-concussion tape, etc, is that these cF W-R $" -qrq cfs, ~ ~ it ~ >ffimm, 1R
shall be sweat-resistant, non-irritant and shaH not cause ,tg!JtC1lChID it 3fu: ~ cnW ~ Urr '1 ill
skin disease.
3.3 'tiTq $ II ~ ~ 'qlTf <:ff m
'qTlf -. ~
3.3 Metal Parts - The metal parts used in helmets
~~~ ~ ~ -Ba.-m:ur ftm if 3l~ -Q:m mIT cF if
shall be either inherently corrosion resistant or of such
metal which have been treated for these properties. Such fuCfiT ~ 1JOT tl11T *'
~ ~ Cfi{ ~ -rr:rr mI
~~ Cl) if ~ "Gfta:rur ~ lR ~ 'lWff if -B~
parts shaH show no sign of corrosion when subjected
to test, as specified in Appendix A. 11Rffi'~ '1 m I

NOTE - Helmets required for use in underground mines shall f2u:rcrft - ~"l{1ffi ~ -4 ~ ~ -4 Qs-gfiif11111 3l~
have no metal parts made from aluminium or magnesium or ~JI11f~ljq 3l1'.rcrr "3ffi fl:r~~3lT ~ oR ~ -., ml
thcir alloys

4 SIZES 4~

4.1 Helmets shall be in sizes 520, 530, 540, 550, 560, 4.1 t\~ 520, 530, 540, 550, 560, 570, 580, 590
570, 580, 590 and 600 mm. These sizes may be 3ltt 600 fi:W1. ~ -$- if, <t ~ ~ ~ 3lfqcn ~
generated out of one or more shells or one or more
'3i~ t~~'if ct Gf·~ ~ ~ ~I ~ 1R ~ ~
headbands. The size adjustment range shall be clearly
~41£(hH Cfi1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ml
marked on the helmet.
4.1.1 A tolerance of ± 10 mm on the size of the headband 4.1.1 ~ -$- ~ lR±10 ftp:ft-. ~ ~ ~I
shall be permitted.
NOTE -- The size of the headband shaH b;;: measured with
f?:crruft -- m's q)T ~ <n en -w.n: ftTr ~ ~ 3l21Cn .mu
~ qq, ~ cm?f ~ -B 3l21Cn ~CRf ~lf ~ -qJlTI
either a fixed ring gauge or an expanding gauge which shall be
made of mt;tal or by an appropriate headform.

5.1 The shell shall be dome-shaped. There shall not be
any metallic component passing through the shell. It
5.1 ~ ~ em ~ CfiT ml ~ cF ~ it
shall be provided with a brim with or without a peak. CfiW ~ ~ -;; :rrt I ?:i~ fcn;nft (firB) ~ m
The brim and peak (\-vhere provided) shall be integral 3ltt -q'tCfi ~ '31~ ma mW-fi(lT t I firB 3lh: 1f1cn
part of the sheil and these shall have no sharp edges. (~ ]1Cf~ m) ~ cf,- 3TI'fA Wl m3lh: ~.
The brim shall be continuous around the dome. The ~ m~ fcti1Tt l' m, fin-1 ~ -$ ~ 3lh: ~ m,
dimensions of brim and the peak (were provided) shall firq 3lh: 1f1cn (~ mcr~ m') ~ 1 ct ~
be in accordance with Fig. I. The position ofventiJation ml
~ ~ ct ~ ctr -r-~ -rtm fcfi ~ m
holes shan be such tl1:1t the central axis ofthe holes is
almost horizontal \-vhen the helmet is in normal wearing
~ ~m -q mm ~ CfiT ~ 3183 BIT'GTf ~

position. The diameter of any hole shall not exceed 6

m fcnB1
J ~ ~ CfiT ~ 6 fi:rR1. it 3lf~ -;; mI '1
mm nor the edges of adjacent holes closer than 15 mm. it 1ffi1 ~ ~ $' ~ 15 fi:rl:ft. -B ctill ~ m',
The minimum number of holes on each ofthe two sides ~ 31"'R ~ q;l rl{1fI11 t1'~<-lr 3 ~ Cfi111' m3th 00
shall be not less than 3 and total aggregate area of holes CfiT ~ ~ 18 ° ftrl:ft. 2
it Cf)q (f~ 300 fli1:ft. 2 -B
shall not Jess than J80 mm 2 and not exceed 300 mm 2 • W%'1ml

~/IS 2925 ~ 1984

NOTE -- However the condition of usage preciude the position f2:u:ruiT - ?Tf<:: m Cfft ~ '$ CfiT\UT v:n ~ eli ~ Cfi1
of ventilation holes. the same may not be provided. w:rfu "B'l-lCl ~ m"ill ~ "1 Ro: ~!
5.2 Harness 5.2 1?Fl~
5.2.1 Headband- The headband shal1 be not less than 5.2.1 ~ - ~ eft ~
fi1m. itCf)l1"1 ~T
30 mm in width, and so designed that adustment to any
3fu: ~ ~ ~ 'TcfiR fcfi7.rr ~ fct;- ct 4.1 if
size specified in 4.1 may be readily made. It shall be
f~ fcnfIT ~"1 "B~~ if 3ffi1Fft ~ fP4141 \Jj fd 'it ~ I ~
securely attached to the helmet shell and crown straps.
~ <t ~ 3-fu: ~ IffmT ~ l1\5i~T -B ~~ 'it I In order to provide ventiIation the minimum
distance of headband from the shell achieved by spacers ~ CfiT "5ffCf~ CO{~l in Wm: ~ 3l~
or otherwise shall be 5 mm except at the point of general 3Fl ~ it m
~ ~ if ~$~':s q;l ~ ~
adjustment of headband. 5 ftrft. 'it! ~ ~ ~ -$ ~ ~ ~ 'R
"ffil"l "1if m1ft I
5.2.2 Cradle - The headband shall be fitted with anti-
concussion tapes secured at least at 4 anchoring points 5.2.2 ~ - ~ if ~ um ~ "W! m, ~
and forming a cradle. The width of the straps shall be Cfi11 if Cfil1~ ~' ~~ m"' c;~ ~ "Srcfin: 'Q!fl ~
not less than 19 mm. The straps shall ensure a CfiT fPl ~ I "tfftm Cfi1 ~ 19 fi:r:fi. ~ cn'11 "1 it I 'qfffi
clearance of at least 30 mm between the top of the ~ ~ ~ m~ ~t:r r§T if ~ T~ ~I(p:if '$
wearer's head and the inside of the top of the helmet
crown at the smallest size adjustment of the headband
~ 'lfta:TUr m
111: ~ '$ ~ 'B1~ 'WwTr;jf;r
-en: ~ '$ ft::R c;~ ~ ~ it> ~ ~ '$
and a wearing height (depth of fit) of not less than 80
~ Cf,ll i1 Cfil1 30 fiil:ft. cn1 ~ ~ c;~ ~ '$
mm, at the maximum size adjustment of the headband
a:rf~ ~ B'""l 141Zl1 '1 -q{ q)l1 it Cf)q 80 fl:p:fr. ~
then tested in accordance with the methods given in
Appendix B. ~~I~ (fiR qft ~) ml
5.3 Chin Strap or Nape Strap - The helmet shaH be 5.3 dlm 'tfiTffi 3l~ ~ $ -- t~ <fl 'BT21 'drs1
provided either with the chin stTap or nape strap. "GfTm 0q~ -;fq$ C1l1T if I
5.3.1 Chin Strap - It shall be attached to the shell, be
at least 19 mm wide, permanently fitted with a fastening
5.3.1 am T:ftm - ~~ -B ~ mq;-q ~ CfiQ
I 19
fiTR. ~ m'. ~ ~ ~ am: ~m: ThR cfi f0~
device to adjust and maintain tension, and conform to
the requirements given in Appendix C.
~ q;l .~ ~ 'it a.m ~t:r Tf if <{t 71i :wt~ ~
~'l iTl
5.3.2 Nape Strap -- It shall be either an integral part of
as an attachment to the headband, be adjustable and have 5.3. 2 ~T:{ $ - ~ ~~ CfiT 1:ff cIT 31fcq;;:r 3:frr m
a minimum depth of I J 5 mm when measured as 31~.rcrr -~ ~ ~~ 'it, ~'~ it am:
in $ ~ ~ 'R Cfil1 it Cfili 115 fl:rf4. TJ1ro 'it I With the helmet fitted on a headform (see ~ ~1B (W ~ 7692: 1975 '~
IS 7692 : 1975 'Specification for wooden headform for
testing of helmets~) and loaded with a mass of 10 kg,
$ ~a,:rrr <fl ~ B~l
C¥IT maW ~ 11{ 10
"~STfl14 cfit f~ I) l11:
~ m-~ IF ~ "it'
the distance between the top of the headform and the
~ 'qfTT 3fu ~ -$i -$- ~ fcf,-;ffi '-$ 11U-f ~f ~
bottom edge of the nape strap shall be not less than
115 mm measured at the center rear of the headform.
<$ firOO 'mIT ~ liU-f if l1fT~ IT{ 115 m,
ii' ~ "1 ~TI
504 Lamp Bracket (Where Required)-- This shaH be 5.4 ~ -i$c (~ 3ltf~ m) - 7.i6 Cffl fRCfl
made of plastic or suitabie material and fixed to the shell 3F:fCIT ffiBf ~ ~p:rji q;l 'it 3fu: ~ it ~ it
and shal! satisfy the follO\ving perfonnance requirements: "(1Yfl f'1~f<:1j191d (t)P~ 311la:nan if W T<'f{:
The helmet with tht. peak cut off is mounted on a ~ q)T ql en <-f;1~ w ~ ~lCfl~1 c$
fpm; if
~ 'R WIBTI -;:rmn ~ I 'Q,Cfi ~ -fp:q '[CO (ern ~
wooden.headform and held in position. A cap lamp
hook (detached from the head piece of cap lamp)
is fitted ina the lamp bracket. A mass of2.25 kg is
cfi ~ it 3,Wl 'fa:;7.n If<1f 6:r) -RP1 ~ if ~
suspended by a su itab ly ~trong cOl'd of 100 CHi ~ ~ -%1 ~ ~~ ~ cfi Gffi?iT .ftr:r. it ~
from the outer rim of the cap lamp hook so that ~~ it ~ 100 ~. ~ ~ sTir 'B" 2.25 fcnm.
the cord coincides with the vertical axix of the S\Otf::rR ~ >fCI)"R W£tT ';:'1Ta ~ Nl irft

~/IS 2925 : 1984

·=dTti (~cp) ~ -wr~ ~ m

Peak if provided

6 P1m. ~ ~t--+-.... ~+---~~50~.~

6 mm Min 50 mm Max
~ 1 WrrR 3tR mil ~ 3WTfl1

mass. The mass is then raised through the same ~ ir> Sl~ 3183 'tR 3TI ~I ~ ~ ~
axix through 80 em and let fall freely. Two trials ~ 3laJ U 80 ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ -B f1TB m
being made in each case. The bracket shall remain \lWfT tl ~ ~ -q ~ ~ ~ ~ il ~ Cfil
5.5 Cable Clip (Where Required) - This shall be m) - ~ t<1ifR:Cf)
5.5 ~ fcR;rq (~ al'lf~
made of plastic or suitable material and fixed to the 3-l~ ~ ~ ~ -B 7iAl m3fu: ~ -B ~ m
shell and shall satisfY the following requirements: {f~ 11t:1r~r@<1 ~anit ~ Cfit:
A helmet with the brim cut offparitally at the back ~ CfiT ftn:T f1rm;ft am
~ ~ ~ -B CliTC Cf){
is mounted on the woollen headform and held in ~ ~ ~ ~ '1{ ww:rr \iffiIT i 3fu: W1fu -q
position. A mass of 2.25 kg is suspended by a '{"@T \iffiIT"%1 50 ~. ~ ~ {f21T ~ mit
suitably strong cord of]ength 50 cm [Tom the cable U 2.25 FCh<1I!1IB ~ fcR;rq -q ~ \lWfT tl
clip, keeping the point of suspension closest to the>~
shell. The mass is raised and let fall freely through
the height of30 cm; two trials being made in each
tl ~ . in1 Sl1R ~ 30 ~. qft
&r \lWlT

case. The cable clip shall remain intact. ~ -B ~ ~ -B fTr8 ~ \iffiIT"%1 ~~ 2

-~ fCfilJ; ~ t I ct<Sf<1' fcK;rq Cfil ~ 8Jfu ";f ~ 1
6 CflH1Ji;(l a1h: fi:nP:t~1
6.1 The surface of the helmet shall be tinished smooth,
free fj"om burrs; sharp edges shall be removed to ensure
6.1 ~ chl ~ qft f\hr1r~iil ~ m, ~ '1{ ~
~";f"if;"B'4t ~ CfiT ~ ~ it ~ ~
proper surface contact of all fittings. All metal parts
including rivets shall be smooth and free from sharp or ~f~R?iI<1 ~ "ffi-@ mR ~ ~ ~ ~i
rough edges or projections. ftfcR: ~ ~ $" "B~ ~ ~ "if ~ 3-l~ am
~ ~ 3T~ ~16{ f..r~ ~ mrIT ~ ~ml

~/IS 2925 : 1984

7.1 The mass ofacomplete helmet without attachments 7.1 ~~ $" m-r 3lR 'tftq;- ~ 312T"cfl ~ (~'1
and with or without peak (where not provided) may m) ~ ~ Cfil ~ 400 '!fill ~ 3TI'QCfi '1 mI ~
not excee~ 400 g. I f the mass exceeds 400 g, this mass
~ 400 m11 ~ 3TI'QCfi mm~ FiCf)2dl1 35 mB '(1Cf)
determined to the nearest 35 g shall be shown on a
~ ~ ~ $" W~ ~ ~ '1\ ~ ~I
label attached to the helmet.
8 ChF'lChlf{dl 3l'1~
8.1 ~ 3iq~lllS1ol lrfuUrQOT - ~ Cfil ~
8.1 Shock Absorption Resistance - Helmets shall
be tested for shock absorption by the method described
(Cfi), ("@) 3ffi -q ~ ~ ~31T ~ ~ $"
in Appendix D within one minute after subjecting them 1I,CFl f1:Fr2 $" 3fu ~~ tl -B crfOm ~ ~ ~
to the conditions specified in (a), (b) and (c) below: ~ 1ffiaJOT ~ ~:
a) A temperature of 50 ± 5°C for 4 hours in an Cfi) ~ -B 4 tiif ('fCf)' 50 ± 5 oif. (flql1'R,
'&) {F~\JI{2{ -B 4 tiif ('fCf)' -10 ± 2 oif. ffi11l1R,
b) A temperature of -10 ± 2°C for 4 hours in a
refrigerator, and
7l) ~ $" ~ ~ 'qJ1l '1\ Cfia;f GTtrl1Ff '1\
c) Water flowing over the whole outer surface
of the shell at room temperature for 4 hours at 4 tR: '(1Cf) 1~ >rfu f1:Fr2 q;1 ~ ~ "tTFft Cfil

arateofil/min. ~I

No single helmet shall, however, be subjected to more (f~-nf1:r fcf;W ~ 'Cfll ~ ~ 1I,CFl ~ 3TI'tfCf) ~ ~
than one of these conditions. The shell shall not show '1 :rrru ~I ~ -B ~ 3fuJ31~ C\U{ (~ Cfil
any penetration andlor cracks (separation of material)
and harness shall not show any damage deteriorating
~) '1 R&I ~ -B till
Chl{ &lfu '1 ~ ~ ~
its function. The force transmitted from the headform
~ Cfli4CflIRdi 'Cfll]"~ ~ ~I ~ ~ 3TI~ ('fCf)'

to the base shall not be higher than 5 kN (510 kgf), ~ ~ 5 kN (510 kgf) "B 3TI'I:1cfi'1 ml
8.2 Penetration Resistance - Helmet shall be tested 8.2 ~ llftn]fqm - ~ Cfil 8. 1 -B eft lf~ '3'B
for penetration resistance in accordance with the
~ -$ ~ fi:R-c: -$ ~ ~~ ~ -q ~ ~
method specified in Appendix E within one minute after
-$ 3~ >rfu"Uf't:ffiT "Gft8;l1JT ~ ~, ~ ~
subjecting it to one of the conditions given in 8.1 which
has given worst result in shock absorption. These shall
3~ Cfil ~ mrq 'Gfturrq 3lPlT 51 I ~ '1 ~ m
neither break nor be forced through sufficiently to touch m
3ih: '1 ~. -Q:B ~ P-n ~ ~ ~ ~I m m
the headform; no integral part shall fail or stretch per- ~Cfil ~ 3TI~ 'lWT ~ ~ '1 W 31~ '1 ~
mitting the helmet to be forced down over the headfoml. fin ~ cn1 ~ 'R ~ ~ ~ I fcfifft
The static measurement of the depth of a penetration ~ 31w:fl ~ q;1 ~ I ~. "&ffi q;1 w:rit Cfft
or dent including the thickness of the material of the ~ '4T mfiTI1 51, Cfil ~ mtA 10 fl:p:ft. ~ 3TI'QCfi
shell shall not exceed 10 mm. '1 itl
8.3 Flammability Resistance - Helmet shell shall
8.3 ~~ lrfuUr'Efm - ~iIii Cfil ~~ -:q"#
be tested for flammability resistance in acordance with
the method specified in Appendix F. The material of R~ ~ $" 3lJBR \iq~1~rk1(11 >rfuU~ -crU&1UT ~
~I ~ c8"ffilTIft C11 CfiT ~ ~ -$ 5 ~ -$ ~
the shell shall not burn with emission of flame after a
period of 5 seconds fonowing removal of flame. *
ffi W~ '1 ~I
8.4 Electrical Resistance - Helmet shell be tested
8.4 ~ lrfuUrQOT - ~ $" ~ Cfil ~q "{§

for electrical resistnace in accordance with the method
specified in Appendx G, and shall not show a leakage # ~~ *
3lJBR ~ '5I'fuUq 1ffi&TU1 ~
~I ere- 3 rnA ~ 3TI<t:fCfi ~ <rlc '1 ~I
current in excess of 3 rnA.
8.5 Water Absorption - Helmet shell shall be tested
for water absorption in accordance with the method
8.5 ~ ~ - ~
~ ~ ~ 3-V-f:~Trq(jT -cRt8JUT M ~ 3-lR: ~ ~
*m <:fiT ~q ~ if~

specified in Appendix H, and shall not absorb water

more than 5 percent of its mass.
~ *
5 ~ if 31t~ fl ~ '1 ~I

8.6 Heat Resistance - Helmet shell shall be tested 8.6 'dl'llrfuUrqrn - ~ * ~ CfiT ~~ ~"B

~/IS 2925 : 1984

for heat resistance in accordance with method specified ~~ eli ~ orq >lfcR)q -qita,1UT fcFi<rr ~ ~
in Appendix J, and the shell shall not separate, distort %3R¥r 1" m, ~ 1" m, 3l~ 1"\111" ~I
or soften.
9.1 The method of sampling and criteria f\l)r conformity 9.1 ~mCfft~'~~eli~~
shall be as specified in IS 9695 : 1980 'Methods for 9695: 1980 '~eli~~CfiT~'eli ~
sampling of helmets' . ml
10 MARKING 10 f-q&1iCfiV1

10.1 Each helmet (shell and harness) shall be legibly 10.1 ~ ~ ("&'K1 ~ ~) "tf{ f1lOO1f(1n§kI
and indelibly marked with the following infonnation: ~~ 3th: 3ift.R "{C\q "B ft119ft ~:
a) Manufacturer's name or trade-mark, and Cfi) f.p:ffirr CfiT ~ ~ ~- ~, 3th:
b) Range/Size of helmet. "&) ~ CfiT ~~I
10.1.1 HIS Certification Marking 10.1.1 'f{f. 7iT. ~ ~ ti)e;dCh'1
The helmets may also be marked with the lSI ~'lR~~~~~~~~
Certification Mark.
10.1.2 The use of the Standard Mark is governed by
10.1.2 l1RCf) ~ q}f ~ ~ ~ ~ 31f~,
the provisions of Bureau ofIndian Standards Act, 1986
and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The
1986 :mr
~ 3ltTR ~ f.:rw:IT 3lh: ~ cF
details of conditions under which the licence for the >ffCfqr;.fl ~ I f.lT1fuT;if m
~;if col am m mn
use of Standard Markmay be granted to manufacturers eli 3lqr., 1iRCf) ~ BTTFl ~ ~ ~ ~ t "*
or producers may be obtained from the Bureau ofIndian ~ fcrcRuT ~ 11J1Cfi ~ "B ~ fcfi<n ~ ~
Standards. tl

11.1 Each helmet shall be clearly and indelibly marked 1l.1 ~ ~ 111: f1P1fC1P§Jd ~;n ?:IT cIT ~
as follows either on helmet shell or on a iabel seurely -&T~ "tf{ 3l~ ~ -m~ ~ ~ fiR fcfiQ: 'TfQ; ?:IT
affixed or securely attached: ~ ~ ~ "tf{ ~ Cf 3lf1::rz "{C\q "B ~ m:
a) For adequate protection this helmet shall fit Cfi) ~~ ct ~ 7::ffi" ~ arn&m ~ "tf{
or be adjustable closely to the required size, fl:fic ~ 3l~ ft1"lllfI \jj 114 mm,

b) This helmet is made to absorb some of the "&) 7::ffi" ~ ~ ~ ~ col ~ affif
energy of a blow by partial destruction of its ID"U ~ ~ ~ ~ ct ful:!: ~ lJ?:IT
component parts and even though damage may
tl ~ Pifu ~ "B ~ 1" ~ m, ljtfR
not be readily apparent any helmet subject to
>remf "B :pR ~ em ~ ~ ~, afu
severe impact should be replaced, and
c) To maintain full efficiency ofthis helmet there IT) ~ ~ col ~ ~~ ~ 00 ct ~
shall be no alteration to the .structure of the ~ 3l~ ~ ~ oqrfl Cf>1 ~ -q
helmet or its component parts. ~ ~ 1" fcfi?:fT ~ I

~/IS 2925 : 1984

("(§]g 3.3)
~ *" ~. CfiT -d~ WdUf''qID W~fOl CfiT ~
(Clause 3.3)
A-l SAMPLES Cfl-l ~
A-l.1 The samples shed I be selected as in 9.1,

CfJ-Ll ~ CfiT ~ 9.1 * df:p1R fq)-m ~I

Cfi"-2 ~
A-2.1 Spray the specirnens with a solution of5 parts of
sodium chloride to 0,5 parts of distilled water (by mass)
~-2.1 .~ Chl'c,S?:T ~ (25 0 it 35orf,) 1R WTRiT{

at room termperatme (25° to 35°C) for a continuous 24 t:iif (iCf) 0,5 'q[Tf 31Ttf.1 ~ -q 5 'l.TfJ1 ~ ~
(~ c$ ~) ~ Bt Cflrl m<fi ~r~ ~~. ~wif q'11
period of24 hours, Then wash the parts in clean running
water, and dIY. Inspect for signs of corrsion. ~ ~ mtf YAT fr q1Tt ~ ~I "fi8JT0!I ~~ it&1 *
(m 5,2.2)

fm am ~ ~ (~ q;ft ~) * ~ f~u ~ CfiT ~

(Clause 5.2.2)

B-1 SAMPLES '&..:~

B- J J The samples shall be selected as in 9. L
(9[-1.1 ~ 9.1 cf;- ~ ~ ~I

B-2.1 In the case ofheimet which has reinforcing ribs,

(gf-2 fiR ~ ~ fCf~p... re
measure the depth of rib and correct the measured ~-2.1 f~ ~ -B' ~ ~ ~ mft7:rT m.
clearance accordingly. Mount the helmet on a headfonn Cfft ~ 11rf 3Tn: l1rft ~ fCR1 lI{\l cn1 ~ cfrcn
(see IS 7692 : ] 975 'Specification for wooden Cfii', ~c: cit ~ "31CR f~ ~ ~ ~ c5
headform for testing of helmets') corresponding to the ~~ h~ (~. ~ 7692 : 1975 I~ $-
size of headband marked on the helmet, in a position -qft~ iF. ~ ~ -$ ~ Cfft fcffufQ') dB
similar to that which it would occupy on a man's head.
W-:rfu -q «~J ~ W-mr -q % fu~ ~ U?m t I ~
Apply a load of 10 kg, to the top of the helmet (this can
'TR 10 fq:;m, C8 'rfR W (~ fuQ: tl Cfi1 10 fcnm,
be conveniently applied by using a 10 kg bag of sand).
Measure the clearance by means of a rod of diameter CfiT GITu ~&f ~ "BCfiC1T i) ! ~ ~ ~'t:cfJt <;f&T -q ~
not more than 10 mm inserted through the hole drined ~ 10 fl::r1:ft. -B 3rn~ RfrB ··crrffi ~ ~
in the vertical axis of the headform, f2K1 lIh4 l1rft ~ ~ ~ I
B-3 WEARING HEIGHT (DEPTH OF FIT) 19I-3 ~ ~~r~· (-fi:fiG cfit~)
B-3.1 Mount the helmet on headfonl1 corresponding ~-3.1 ~ Cfi1 ~$cirs iR ~ ~~ c6 ~ c5
to the size of headband marked on the helmet and apply
~ ~ iR "{1~rt t?J-2.1 3-t:!~ 10 mT, ~
a pressure of 10 kg as in B-2.!. Mark on the headform
the position of the lower edge ofthe headband, Remove
m', g'S~1; ~ ~ f~ q;l ~ .~ 111: ~
the helmet and measure the vertical distance between <fit', i~ <it ~ ~ ~. ct ~ mrr <l211
the top of the headform and the mark showing the ~sit~ Cfi1 W--mr ~ f€10 cfl 1F21 ~~ ~
position concupied by the headband, ~'~

~/IS 2925: 1984


-arm ~ qft ~v;f <fiT -qUPdUT

(Clause 5.3.1)

C-l SAMPLES "11-1 ~

C-l.l The samples for testing shall be selected as given 11-1.1 -qUa;roT"$ furQ: ~ CfiT ~ 9.1 $' 3l¥fR fcfi7.fT
in 9.1. \JfTQ".1


C-2.1 The helmet is placed on the appropriate headfolID If-2.1 ~CfiT~~ (W~7692: 1975
(see IS 7692 : 1975 'Specification for wooden headfonn l~"$ -q-Ua,-TUT"$ ~ ~"$ ~ Cfi1 ~')
for testing of helmets') with the chin strap fastened as .
"Bfl1P.i W-Tfu Cfi1 ~ iriT 1:fftcn ~ '&T ~ tI
in normal position.
C-2.2 A load of 10 kgfwill be applied to the chin strap
11-2.2 itit ~ -en: s~ -B 10 kgf Cfi1 'qR ~
~I 5 f4<1if "$ ~ ~ o1iT -qftm ~ ~ I
through S hook. After 5 minutes the chin strap shall
not break. If-2.3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S "[Ch ~ BTr'l11T 100
C-2.3 The S hook to be used in this set up shall be m. ;~, 50 ~ m. m
~ 10 31~ 12 fi:.p:IT.
approximately 100 mm overall height, 50 mm overall ~ ~ -B"G\1T ml
width and will be made from 10 or 12 mm steel rod.

(&':s 8.1 )
~ 3iq!?il6f u l 1lU~
(Clause 8.1)

D-l SAMPLES eJ-l ~

0-1.1 The samples shall be selected as given in 9.1. "'EJ-l. 1 ~ CfiT -:cr:R 9.1 '$ 3l¥fR fcn<:rr ~ I
D-2.1 Wooden Headform - A wooden headform (see ef-2.1 ~ q)l ~~q')14 - ~ -6p ~
IS 7692 : 1975 'Specification for wooden headfonn for (~~ 7692: 1975 ~~*11U&TUT~~
testing of helmets') shall be used. ~ ~ ~ cn1 fctf.?lfc:e') Cf)T ~ ~ ~I
0-2.2 A Gauge and Recording Apparatus for
Measuring Force - The gauge and the associated
ef-2.2 1WR 6ffi
d44){OI -
*" ~ ~ 3Th ~ ~
it\3f am ~ ~ ~ ~

recording apparatus sha11 have proper time constant to

I?J~4(t;R:c "$ if, ~ ~ ~ >r<WT "$ ~ ~ WCfi\
be able to measure the impact loading up to 40 kN
40 kN (4080 kgf) ~ ~ am ~ ~
(4 080 kgf) independent of time of application of the
force and aslow application of the load required for its $' ft;rQ: .31Gf&m 'qR "$ *
~ qfr ~ ~ Cfil
calibration. The gauge shall have a minimum stiffness 1Wl ~ I ~ cn1 ~ 3RlZfffi 500 kN/mm (51 tfl
of 500 kN/mm (51 tf/mm). The head form shall be mm) m I ~ cn1 ~ 'G1: ~ >rcnR ww:rr ~ fen

~/IS 2925 : 1984

mounted on the gauge so that its vertical axis through

the crown coincides with the vertical axis ofthe gauge.
~ -B ~ ~an ~ ~~'tR 3la.1 ~
3la.1-B ~ ~I
'* ~~~

D-2.3 Accuracy - The overall accuracy of the "f-J-2.3 ~<!.lGf)dl - ftcn1i coB CW't ~ qi1 w=rn
recording apparatus shall be 10 percent. ~lO~ml
D-2.4 Block - Concrete or similar monolithic block "f-J-2.4 ~ - ~ ~ ~cn1 ~ tt ~ ~ ~
to support the gauge and headform having the minimum
cnr ~ W-R ~ ~ ~ Cf)T~! ~ ~ awrrq
dimensions: height I m, length 1 m, width 0.6 m and
~ >fcl)"f\ if: ~ 1 ~ ~ 1 ~,.~ 0.6 ~
mass I t. The block shall be bedded on dry sand on a
solid floor. 31R ~ 1 C?f~ cn1 irB ~.if ~ tl-B ~
fcfi7;rr ~I
D-2.5 Striker - A striker in a the form ofa rectangular
block of wood weighing 3 kg and having a horizontal "f-J-2.5 ~ - ~
~ 3 fcfim.
* 3"lllldICfiI{ ~ cnT ~!
~ ~ m cnr ~
striking face 180 mm ;< 180 mm. The striker shall slide 'qR
freely and without oscillation down two vertical guide <Wf 180 x 180 fl:rfi:1; mI ~ cfr ~~'tR ~ cmT -B
wires so positioned that the centre of gravity of the
striker lies on the vertical axis of the gauge and both
lJCffi ~ -B 3th: -w.=rr fcfim cfrffi
w.Tfu ~ >fCfiR iT ~ ~
*' ~ I ~ cmT ctr
~ ~ ~ eli
lie in the plane of the guide wires.
~~'tR 3la.1 -q-{ m3th: ~ ~ cmT
*' ~ if mI
0-3 METHOD 'q-3 M~
0-3.1 The hel met with apex cushioning material, if any,
cn1 ~~, ~ ~ m~
"bl-3.1 ~
removed shall be mounted on the headform, of
~ ~ cfl ~ -q-{ ~ ~I ~ "Cfil
appropriate size. The striker shall be raised to a clear
height of 1.5 m ± 5 mm above the point of contact with ~*~~-B 1.5 m.±s ttrm.~~
the helmet and allowed to faU freely. A photegraphic ~ (fCf, <-t ~ lJCffi ~ 'B .~ ~~ ~I ~ >ft1Rf
or other high speed record of the force transmitted cfl ~ "3('~ ~ cnT lfil2.ltllCfll 3l21cf[ fcf;W ~
during impact shall be made. 1fc1)R ~ m~ ftcn1i "{@ ~I

(m 8.2)

~ "YfuU<q 1:fit~ qft ~d

(Clause 8.2)

E-l SAMPLE "&-1 ~

E-1.1 The sample for testing shall be selected as given
in 9.1 and shall be tested in one oflhe conditions given
7!J-l.1 -qUa:TUT '*
fu'Q: ~ cnT ~ 9.1 "$ ~ ~
~ 3th: ~ 8.1 cn1 ~ ~ if -qft8JUT fc.f;7:rr ~
in 8.1 which has given worst result (see 8.2). ~~~~~m(W8.2)1

7!J-2.1 ~chlfcR:iT '4t~ (W~ 7692 : 1975
E-2.1 Mount helmet on any headform (see
IS 7692 : 1975 'Specification for wooden headform for
4~ -$ 'qfra;TUT cfl fuQ: ~ -$ ~~ cn1 ~!)
testing of helmets'). Drop freely a plumb bob of 500 g LR ~I 500 1lfl1 ~ CW't ~ Cfil ~ ~ -B
mass with a conical steel having an included angle of ~I ~ Cfi1 ~ CfR11 ~ ~ 36° ~ "Cfi1ur
36° and a spherical point radius of not more than 0.5 CfIffi it :9.R ~ ~ ~ Cf)T 3l~ 0.5 ~ m.
mm from a clear height of 3.0 m with the pointed end W:{cfi';j mi ~ 3.0 ~qi1~~-n~qA
downwards on to the top of the crown of the helmet.
Examine the helmet for piercing or denting, failure of
fut chl ~1 am ~ ~ -$ ~ -$ ~ f1Tw.rr
~I ~-q~6R 3l~~~,~~
~ 'lWIT -$ ~ m .~ cn1 \lfT:q qft ~I
any integral parts, etc.

~/IS 2925 : 1984

(m 8.3)

~~'1~ft~dl ~q llU~ ctiT ~

(Clause 8.3)
F-l SAlVIPLE "'i:f-l ~-;f
F-1.1 The samples for testing shall be selected as given ""il-l.l LTU8JUT ~ ~ ~ Cf)T ~ 9.1 ~ ~
in 9.1. Wrr~1
F-2 BURNER "'q-2 ~
F-2.1 Burner shall be operated with the valve so as to
get a flame height of 150 mm. Satisfactory operation
""il-2.1 ~ cnT crwq *" m~ ~1ff fcfi7n ~, ~
150 fip:ft. '~-ql ffi ~ <it \1TI ~i ~ -$ ~~
of burner shall be checked by inserting in the flame,
~ cn1 ~ <?IT -q 0.7 i fl:fift. c;qm ctlT ~ CfiT 17n
the bare copper wire of 0.71 mro diameter having a
free length of not less than 100 mm in position normally
em: ~ cf,t ~I ~ em: ~11JCR1 ~ 100 f!r4T. it
occupied by low edge of the test piece, that is, 50 mm Cfil1 "1 it I (ffi <it ~ W-1fu if "{@ ~ ~ W:rfu if
above the burner and reaching farther edge of the flame. 3W1 ~ 0/ lftt~-lDT ~ CfiT ~ fcfnro Wf1131~ t
The wire should not take more than 6 seconds to melt. ~ -B 50 m. ~ 3lR -ffi "$ ~-1 fcn;lit C'fCf) I <m:
<if ~ if 6 ~ it 31fqcf) ~ "1 "ffrr I
F-3.1 With the helmet upside down, and the burner "q-3 ~;qr
angled at 45° to the vertical, the end of the flame shall "'Cl-3.1tcvP4c CfiT a.q;\ 'lWT m ~ 3-W ~ 3lR ~
be applied to the outside of the shell at any suitable c5r m~ WW it lR ~ Bt *"
31Tfurtt fu"Ht cdr
point between 50 and 100 mm from the crown for a
period of J 0 seconds. The plane tangential to the test
~ * -qwfl" 'q1Tf 1R ~ it 50 U 100 fi:mT. -$" ~
fcfim '4t ~ 1R 10 flCf;s" Cfcfi ~ ~ I -qft8JUT ~
point shall be horizontal.
CfiT ~ ~ ~(f\Jf mI
F-3.2 The shell shall be examined for flamming 5
~-3.2 ~ cnT l -At ~ ('2:14 $- 5 ~ ~ (fCi1, ~
seconds removal of the flame.
cnl" ~ cn1 ~I

3T1~q f§
(rig 8.4)
fqYdl;q 1TfuUQ lfUaJOl Cfll .~

(Clause 8.4)
G-l SAMPLES ~-1 ~
G-l J The samples for testing shall be selected as given
in 9.1.
fJ-l.l T{~TejTJl '$' ~ ~ Cf,l ~ 9.1 *" ~ fch?n
G-2.1 Invert the heimet and place it on a frame in a suitable "{§-2.1·~ Cfi1 ~~2:1 ~ fcnm ~ ~ if ~
container. With a solution of 6 gil of sodium chloride in
1R W! ~T~ ~.c.1i1 wft if ~ ~~ Cfi1
water, in the and the helmet to within 12 mm of
6 g/l 11f)fi QTc1f t:frc1 ~ am itll ~CWR "$ "*
if m: mmT-1 *"
the junction of the brjm and the dome, Of, jfthe helmet is
provided with holes to a depth of J 2 mm below the holes. 12 fi:FTL dCfi 3l'lf<lf ~ ~ cl ~ 2:

~/IS 2925: 1984

Allow the helmet to remain in the solution for a period of 12 ftrm. m oq; ~I ~ q;-) ~ ~"If 18 ~ 24
18 to 24 hours and maintain the temperature of 25° to t:R:T oq; 'Wl ~ ~ ~ ~ 25° ~ 35°'B. ~ ~
35°C during this period. Then apply an alternating voltage ~~&I~~~*~q~
of 2 000 V (rev/s) at 50 Hz and of approximately sine
wave form, for one minute between electrodes placed in
~ -q ~$1m *
~ 1 il=Ac (fCf) 50 Hz CfiT
2 000 V (~ "srfu~) ~ 'WT'l.lTf ~ LfiM
the solution inside and outside the helmet respectively. If
no electrical breakdown occurs, disconnect the high Cfi1 ~ ~ ~I ~ ~ -;7f CfR cIT ~
voltage supply and connect a milliammeter in the circuit ~ ~ q;-) CflR: ~ ~ ~* ct ~ 3ffi
on each side ofthe electrode. Raise the test voltage slowly ~ -q ~ flOJf(1 q:lil 2{ ~ ~'I 'W&rrrr ~ q;-)
observing the ammeter reading, until the applied voltage '€lT{-~ ~ 3=ih: % 2 000 V m
~ CfCf) ~ cnT
UfuTr ~ WI ~ -q fAf~q:1Oi12{ ct 31fuftcRf ~
is 2 000 V. An automatic tripping device may be used in
the circuit in addition to the mi1liammeter. ~ Cfft fCl ~1I f~ d ~ ~ ~ fcfi<TI \TIT men I *
(m 8.S)

\lRi 3i q~ I) 61 01 W8JUT Cfft ~

(Clause 8.5)

H-l SAMPLES ~-1 ~

H-l.l The samples which have been used for shock \If-1.1 'Tfta.-M"$ f~rq: ~ ~ ~ ~ fcn<:n ~ m
absorption in condition 8.1 (b) shall be used for carrying CfiT ~ 8.1(1?1) Cfi1 ~ ~ >rmCl ~ ct ~
out this test (see 9. J). fcp:rr lFIT m(<t&. 9. 1 ) I
H-2.l Weigh the sample (full shell). Immerse for 24
\If-2.1 ~ 'Q,Ci ~ (lU ~) ~I 25° ~ 35°'B.
hours in water, at a temperature of 25° to 35°C. Remove
from water, dry the surfaces by wiping them, and weigh
ct "tfA1 if 24 tfif (fCf) ~ I i:fAT ~ ~',

them again. Report the average gain in mass as a ~ ciT ~ ~ Ufq) ~ ~ 3TR ~ ~I ~ if
percentage. ~ ~ q;-) ct ~ ~ ~I

Cm 8.6)
~ "YfuUfl W~
Cfft ~
(Clause 8.6)

J-l SAMPLES "q)-l ~

J-l.1 The samples for testing shall be selected as given 'qi-l.l 'Tfta.-M"$ ~ ~ Cfil ~ 9.1 "$ 3fjBR
in 9.1. ~~I
J-2 PROCEDURE 'ql-2~
J-2.1 Place the shell for 15 minutes in an oven
'qi-2.1 ~ em 31TcR ~ 93 ± 5~. ~ "n: 15
maintained at a temperature of93 ± SoC. The shell shalI
be shielded from direct radiation during the test. fi:Rif Cfct' <:& I 1:fUa.-M '$ ~ ~ em ~~ ~ ~ 'ffill
Remove the shell from the oven and examine for ~~~I31TcR~~~B3fu:~~
separation, distortion or softening. ~, ~ 6R 31~ ~ ~ Cfft ~ ~I

~/IS 2925: 1984

( >rTCF$"2Ff)
(1 Cfi '11 Cf)1 ~ f.y fa CfIT 7JCR

a:rfT1 WR ~ "fffi1fu, ~ 22

.m~. "iT. *r1
m 12, 1242, 3m. <to "TlT
~~ 110022
>lfrrf.11fR w::P1
c:: ~rRC,,~f(T1 3W:n 1lil'n: ~ (~), ~ ~ ~r ~. V,1. &t16<j1Qlf<'1111
.m"iT. 3ffi. -£will (~)
-Rm a:rmfuT ~ ~ (~ ~ ~), fi-tt ~ mit m'QJI. 3ffi. ~
p{1ft:rm ~ 3W:n ~, ~ -:;:ft"q;~~
m 3ffi. *. ~ (~)
~ ~, 3TfT.1 ~ itcrr, -qft;:.rq ~ ~, Cfi'W'fi"ffi m*. *. c::rn :1'<11
~~ ~-1im" (~)
~ w~ 3lf~ (3TfT.1), ~ ~ (~)
m eft. 1ft. ~
~.-cni eft. 3m. ~ (~)
'lTI'lTI~~~,~ ~Tf 3m. 3ffi. ~WlB
im (~) ~, 3=Ii~ ~ ~, ~ ~ (3TfT.1 ~ W:mt)
TI ~ (3TfT.1 ~ *cmt) (~)
~ f.f2:m- (~)

"%~ 3TfT.1 "W11 ~

~ 'l1CR 31:!Bm1" ~ (~~3ffi), ~ m~. ct. :rm
~~~(~~),~ mit. 'QJI. ~

\lPlm ~Cf8cl~fB ~ ~, fum mfr.~

3if<m ~ ~ lh:r ~, ~ meft eft. ~

1lil'n: ~ *Rt ~ <8, ~ m'QJI. V,1. ~

~~ (1ft~~) ~fu.,~ ~~~
~ Q>Cf31ICfi"iJ<:Q (~)
m'Q;l. ~
mm. it ~ (~)
~ ~ ~ iR1: ~ (~ 1lil'n: firT6), ~ .m eft. m. RCfi11
~ ~ ~ -q;hf ("% ~), ~ ~ m1ft.~. ~
<Wr l0I' f.:rqm !Oj6If1C:;f(i'h, ~ ~ »it "it. V,1. ~
~ ~ ~ Cfi'. >IT., fu., ~ .m fro ~. ifo;n
m1:0. 'it. ~ (~)
ft:i~ ~ ~ fu., ~ .m "it. *. WCfill:
~zr"l:fil'n:~,~ m~lJ!f. ~
m"Q>4.~. ~ (~)
m~. eft. m
* oft.~. ~ (~)
* "Q>4.
oft. ~

~~~~>IT.fu.,~ *mt1~
~ fcrcflm 4tH r1~~11 C1 <1, ~ fu.;:c;ft m~~

~/IS 2925 : 1984

m~. \r.f. ~
mct. -@l (~)
-;:wp: fcrtrr;r;-:f 1Ol~!f1~~!!<:1;~, ~ ~ m1"81.~
3T0R~, ~ ~2:[ mfurr ~, ~ ~ mm. eft. ~
* eft. \0f. ~ (~)
~ (fufcrc1 ~)
~'t ct. ~. "lTI~
~ ~ ~ (~~), ('qf"lTI~)

~ dQflfLJfd, ~ 22 : 5
~ 31Nl ~ fu:F:f ~ ~, ~ ~ * 1"81. ct. 3~
lJ6~ ~~

~~mcro~,~ m" Tft. Tft. ~

*~. Tft. ~ (~)
'&11 W?;TI 1Ol~if1<~1l<:1;q-, ~~ '&Rwan~~
~m~~;jf,~~ *~~
* 3m. <fr. ~
~ ~"B CWR.< 12, 1242 31R'. *. ~, -:rt~) *~. eft. ~*
~~ ~t1R~ (~~3m), ~ * '1 1"81. f.:r1l:l
~ ~ fu::r;:f ({til ffl ({~ !1 31Nl ~ I :rJt m1"81. "U'ii
~~~~,~ *3m.~
~ 31mftit 31Nl m-m -fur. I ~ ~ *fuq~
<:m ~ (~IT ~ it) *~. eft. TIN

* 'it. ~

© ~'qCfiR 2011
~ l1ACf)~
7.W ~ ~ ~~ 3if~ ( 1957 CfiT 14) ct 3fc:rfu Ma:m afu ~ qft fufuRr t 3lTffu ct ~ ~ fcfim
~ ~ if ~ 71T ~ 'Wfilm '3CRi ,m~ ct 311fR ~'qCfiR CfiT ~ llRT ~!

~ qft W1fu -q ~ TfRCfi C:fiT ~ 1:flO ml1Rl mm I

In case of dispute English version of this standard shall be authentic.

~/IS 2925 : 1984

Fire Fighting Sectional Committee, BDC 22

Sector 12, 1242, R.K. Puram
New Delhi I J 0022
Members Representing
The Institution of Fire Engineers (India), New Delhi SHRI A. N. AHLUWALIA
SHRI B. R. MEHTA (Alternate)
Stl.:ei Authority of India (Bokaro Steel Plant), Bokaro Steel City SHRI S. R. BANSAL

1\1l1nciral Corroratioll of Delhi. Delhi CHIEF FIRE OFFICER

SHRJ R. K. BHARDWAj (Alternate)
West Bengal Fire Services, Government of West Bengal, Calcutta SHIll K. K. DAS GUPTA


(A !temate)
Ministry of Defence (DGI) SHRI Y. P. DEWAN
LT-COL Y. R. HANAHA'n (Alternate)
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay SHRI R.R. DHOBLEY

Home (Police) Department, Government ofAndhra Pradesh, Hyderab3d DIRECTOR (FIRE SERVICES)
Home Department (Fire Service), Government of Tamil Nadu, Madras DIRECTOR GENERAL
Ministry of Home Affairs FIRE ADVISER

Central Building Research Instituk (CSIR), Roorkee SIlRI A. K. GUPTA

Steeiagc Industries Limited (Minimax Division), Bombay SHR! J. S. JAMSHEDJ[

Sl-lP.I C. G!-IANARAJ (Altemme)

.Iayashree Textiles and Industries . Rishra SllRl P. KHANNA

Oil and Natural (ias COlllmission. Dehra Dun SHRI Y. V. KIMMATAKAR

Fire and Sati:ty Appliances Co, Calcutta SHRI S. N. Ku:--mu

Avon Services (P & A) Private Ltd, Bombay MANAGING DIRECTOR

Steel Authority oflndia (Rourkela Steel Plant), Rourkela SHRI M. MUKHERJI

SHRI C. D. SHARMA (Alternate)
Municipal Corporation of Greater Bomaby (Bombay Fire Brigade), Bombay SHRI Y. B. NrKAM

Central Industrial Secutiry Force (Ministry of Home Affairs), New Delhi SHRI P. N. PA:--iCHAL

Directorate General of Supplies and Disposals, New Delhi SHRI D. N. PANDIT

Kooverji Devshi and Co Pvt Ltd, Bombay SHR! P. H. SETHNA

SHRI N. T. PANJWANI (Alternate)
Synthetics and Chemicals Ltd, Bareily SHRI D. K. SIRKAR

Zenith Fire Services, Bombay Swu CHANDRAKANT M. SHAH

StiRi M. H. SJ-L-\H (Alternate)
Newage Industries. Surendranagar (Gujarat) SHRI J. V. SHAH
SHRf B. J. SHAH (Alternate)
Ministry of Defence (R & OJ SHRI M. B. SINGH
SUfex Pruducriun and Sales Pvt LtcL Calcutta SHRI TARIT SUR

Directorate General of Technical Development, Ne\v Delh\ SHRI SUSHIL KUMAR

~/IS 2925 : 1984

Members Representing
TraitT /\dvisory Committee, Bombay SHRI J. N. VAKIL
SHRI K. RAVI (Alternate)
Directorate General of Civil Aviation. New Delhi SHRI S. VENKASWAMY

Urban Development, Public Health, Housing Department, SHRl B. V WAGLE

Goverrnent of Maharashtra SHRI V H. MADKARIKAR (Alternate)

Director General, 8lS (Ex·(~[/cio Member) SHRI GRAMAN,

Director (Civ Engg)

Senior Deputy Director (Civ Engg), BJS

Helmets Subcommittee, BDC 22 : 5

Bureau of Police Research and Development, New Delhi SHRI S. K. ARORA

Ministry of Home Affairs FIRE ADVISER

The Mines Service Corporation, Asansol SllRI P. P. JAiN

SHRI A. P. AGARWAL (Alternate)
Directorate General of Mines Safety, Dhanbad JOINT DIRECTOR OF MINES SAFETY

New Steel Bird Industries, New Delhi SHlU RAMESH KAPOOR

Gadgets India, Faridabad SHRI R. B. KHURANA
SIlRl M. B. KHURANA (Alternate)
In personal capacity (Sector J2, 1242 RX. Puram, New Delhi) SHRI G. B. MENON*

Cemal Mining Research Station (CSIR), Dhanbad SHRJ U. S. N1GAM

The Automotive Research Association ofIndia, Pune SHRI S. RAJU

Concord Ami Private Limited, l'v1adras SHRJ R. RAMAKRISHNAN

Steel Authority of India Limited, New Delhi SHRI SHIV KUMAR

Ministry of Defence (R & D) SHRJ M. B. SINGH

Synthetics and Chemicals Ltd, Bareilly SHRJ D. SIRKAR

*Acted as convener in the meeting in which this standard is finalized.

© Copyright 2011
Bureau of Indian Standards
This publication is protected under the Indian Copyright Act (XIV of 1957) and reproduction in whole or in part by
any means except with written permission of the publisher shall be deemed to be an infringement of copyright
under the said Act.

~ Cfft w,mr if ~ ~ CfiT ~ "GT3 m~ irn I

In case of dispute English version of this standard shall be authentic.

GMGIPN-377 BISfND/2010-100 Copies
(~ CfiCR" it 0fffi)
~ 1=fACfl <$ f;,~ <$ fu"t:!. ~ "Bf1:rfu q)f TfCR ~~ ~ -q R<:rr ~ tI
% 1=fACfl ~ ~ ~ llRcn1 if ~ ~ 3lh: fc;rf~ -qrr if ~ cit ~ >rT~ 0 <$
31fuftcR1 ch1 if ~ ~ if ~ ftftpif it ~ Til: ~ ~~ ~ ~ tI ~ 11RCfl if eft 1f{ Cfll4Cfllfhli ~m
3iG"amt ~dr 3873 if cft ~ ~f?Jf31l <$ ~&l ~ I
% ~ CflG- <$ ft;rQ: fcn ~ 11RCfl if fc:!:iBT ~f?Jf ~ CfiT -qrm fcn7lr ~ t 71T ~, LfU&TUT 71T Fq~cl401 ~
"l1ftuTn:r cit ~ c:rr8 ~ 71T 1TURT ~ ~ 3ifWJ l1R cit ~ 2 : 1960 fi&:ll,l1Cfl l1AT <$ ~ ~mI

~ (TR7f~)1 <$ 31]ffR ~ Cfl{ R<:rr ~I ~ l1R if W ~ m$!1 ~ cn1 ~ ~ m~, m;:ft
~ 1=fACfl if ~ l1R cn1 t I

(Cant inued from second cover)

The composition of the Committee responsible for the fonnulation of this standard is given in Annex K.
In the formulation of this standard, due weightage ha,s been given to international co-ordination among the standards
and practices prevailing ,in different countries in addition to relating it to the practices in the field in this country.
The performance requirements given in this standard are technical1y equivalent to those given in ISO 3873.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2 : 1960 tRules for rounding off numerical values (revised)'. This number of significant places retained in the
rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in'this standard.
Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. ~his does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
'BIS Catalogue' and 'Standards: Monthly Additions'.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: BDC 22.

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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