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Dataset for Edie et al.

1. Guadalupian -- marine bivalves occurring in the Guadalupian (Permian
largest known body sizes of genera.
2. Maastrichtian -- marine bivalves occurring in the Maastrichtian (Cretac
with largest known body sizes of genera.
3. FG_Continuity -- evidence for survival of functional groups through
phylogenetic continuity across each mass extinction.
4. Guadalupian References -- bibliography for references used in compilin
Guadalupian dataset.
5. Maastrichtian References -- bibliography for references used in compil
the Maastrichtian dataset.

NOTES: For the "Guadalupian" and "Maastrichtian" pages, the fields

"Genus_survived" and "Family_Survived" follow Sepksoski 2002 and Ros
Franch et al. 2014.
Guadalupian (Permian) with

Maastrichtian (Cretaceous)

al groups through
ences used in compiling the

rences used in compiling

pages, the fields

pksoski 2002 and Ros-
Family Genus size_species size_speciesize_hei size_len
AlatoconchidaeAlatoconcha vampyra Termier, Te 50 200
AlatoconchidaeSaikraconcha (Dereconcha) kamYancey & B 100 200
AlatoconchidaeShikamaia akasakaensis Ozaki 1968 220 1160
Anomiidae Permanomia texana Newell & B 42 48
Astartidae Astartella toyomensis Nakazawa & 21.4 28
Astartidae Middalya johnsonyi Dickins 195 13 14
Astartidae Permartella quadrata Yancey 198 36 51
Aviculopectini Acanthopecten coloradoensis (Newberry 58.4 62.5
Aviculopectini Annuliconcha dentata Newell & B 18.5 20.5
Aviculopectini Aviculopecten pseudoctenostreoWaagen 188 81 82
Aviculopectini Clavicosta rugulata Waterhouse 100 87
Aviculopectini Etheripecten lenuisculus (Dana 1847 94 98.5
Aviculopectini Fasciculiconch orbicularis Yin 1982 29.3 30
Aviculopectini Fletcheripectenheterosus Waterhouse 56.6 56.6
Aviculopectini Girtypecten sublaqueatus (Girty 1908) 59 37.1
Aviculopectini Glabripecten glaber Waterhouse 110 95
Aviculopectini Hayasakapectereticularis (Hayasaka 24.6 23.3
Aviculopectini Heteropecten vanvleeti (Beede 190 78 75
Aviculopectini Limipecten sp. Ciriacks 19 65 57
Aviculopectini Neptunopectensulciconcentrica Asta'fieva 75 70
Aviculopectini Paradoxipectenjiaheensis Zhang 1981 32 32
Aviculopectini Sinopecten spinosus (Chen 1962 25.67 33
Aviculopectini Vnigripecten phosphaticus (Girty 1910) 31.5 32
Bakevelliidae Bakevellia sp. Ciriacks 19 10 15
Bakevelliidae Cassiavellia galtarae Tëmkin & 9.83 6.8
Bakevelliidae Ensipteria onukii Nakazawa & 8.6 51
Bakevelliidae Marmaronia angiolinii Larghi 2002 17 19
Bakevelliidae Permoperna hayamii Nakazawa & 20.6 18
Bakevelliidae Tambanella sp Boyd & New 25.5 28
Bakevelliidae Towapteria nipponica Nakazawa & 8.3 15
Carditidae Gujocardita parviradiatus (Ciriacks 1 8.5 13
CassianoididaeCassianoides sexcostatus (Stuckenber 14 14
CypricardiniidaCypricardinia permica Licharew 1 12 21.5
Deltopectinida Corrugopecten altoprimus Waterhouse 155 125
Deltopectinida Deltopecten waageni (Gemmellar 66 56
Deltopectinida Undopecten fittoni (Morris 184 75 82
Deltopectinida Vorkutopecten svalbardensis Nakazawa 1 42 37
Edmondiidae Cardiomorpha sublimosa Reed 1944 22 33
Edmondiidae Edmondia multilamellosa Gemmellaro 61 70
Edmondiidae Scaldia sp. Runnegar & 32 39
Euchondriidae Crenipecten soronensis Kobayashi 55 61
Euchondriidae Euchondria fusuiensis He et. al 2 52.9 46.7
Euchondriidae Euchondrioideszhuzhouensis Fang 1987 13 14
Grammysiidae Prothyris striatus Licharew 1 11.5 35
Grammysiidae Sedgwickia sp. indet. Nakazawa 1 11.4 22
Grammysiidae Solenomorpha parvula (Netschaje 7 21
Hunanopectini Fransonia wyomingensis Newell & B 12.9 12.5
Hunanopectini Leptochondria curtocardinalis (Hall & Whit 11.33 10.33
Kalenteridae [ Celtoides uniformis Newell 195 64 130
Kalenteridae [ Geinitzia catherinae Gemmellaro 48 79
Kalenteridae [ Netschajewia sp Nakazawa & 14 25
Kalenteridae [ Permophorus cf. mexicanus (Girty 1909) 14 30
Kalenteridae [ Pseudopermorpannettae Ciriacks 19 23.5 68
Kalenteridae [ Rimmyjimina arcula Chronic 19 6.9 10.2
Kalenteridae [ Stutchburia costata (Morris 184 27 67
Kolymiidae Aphanaia proiectus Waterhouse 110 125
Kolymiidae Atomodesma variable Wanner 192 120 71
Kolymiidae Cigarella licharewi (Muromtsev 200 76
Kolymiidae Cyrtokolymia aurita Astafieva 1 59 40
Kolymiidae Evenia lenaense (Voronez 19 64 38
Kolymiidae Intomodesma pterineaeformis (Popov 1958 81 79
Kolymiidae Kolymia cf. inoceramiformiLicahrew 1 54 37
Kolymiidae Okhotodesma sinevensis (Biakov 200 47 42
Kolymiidae Permoceramus sp. Dickins 196 39 63
Kolymiidae Praekolymia archboldi Biakov 200 33 27
Kolymiidae Taimyrokolymiaustritskyi Biakov 200 74 66
Limatulinidae Limatulina consanguinea Gemmellaro 28 32
Limidae Elimata prima Wass & Gou 17.2 16
Limidae Gloverilima pratti Newell 199 51.8 46.5
Limidae Palaeolima nakamurai Nakazawa 1 29.7 31
Lucinidae Gigantocyclus zidensis Termier & T 66 75
Malletiidae Quadratonuculaaysmmetrica Waterhouse 11.4 6.5
Manzanellidae Manzanella elliptica Girty 1909 9.5 11.4
Megalodontida Megalodon yanceyi Nakazawa 32 41
ModiomorphidaGoniophora sp. Ciriacks 19 5 10
ModiomorphidaTaimyria xingningensis Zhang 1977 13 27
Myalinidae Elversella rugosa McRoberts 44 23
Myalinidae Liebea macros Liang 1980 52 79
Myalinidae Maitaia bella Biakov 199 54 38
Myalinidae Myalina plicata McRoberts 52.8 67.9
Myalinidae Myalinella meeki (Dunbar 192 30 32
Myalinidae Novaculapermiaboydi McRoberts 70 35
Myalinidae Pseudomyalina obliqua Dickins 195 111 135
Myalinidae Selenimyalina sp. Zhang 1977 43 24
Myalinidae Septimyalina sultanaevi Muromtseva 15.3 14.3
Myalinidae Trabeculatia trabeculum (Waterhous 54 44
Myophoriidae Costatoria katsurensis Ichikawa 1 10.3 16
Myophoriidae Neoschizodus kobayashii (Ichikawa 1 11.5 18
Myophoriidae Paraschizodus elongatus Newell & B 38 62
Myophoriidae Procostatoria cooperi Newell & B 46 59
Mytilidae Lithodomina typa Waagen 188 18 65
Mytilidae Modiolus extensus (Lutkevich 23 40
Mytilidae Promytilus mytiliformis (Etheridge 41.5 72
Mytilidae Volsellina heywoodi Waterhouse 13 57
Nuculanidae Glyptoleda flexuosa Waterhouse 24 35
Nuculanidae Nucundata cuiluanensis Liang 1980 24 42
Nuculanidae Paleyoldia glabra (Beede & R 7 14.5
Nuculidae Nuculavus levatiformis (Walcott 18 12.9 13.7
Nuculidae Nuculopsis alta (Termier & 8.8 12.2
OriocrassatelliOriocrassatellastokesi Etheridge 1 40 55
Orthonotidae Palaeosolen permiana Waterhouse 23.5 61
Oxytomidae Cyrtorostra varicostata Branson 19 33.6 28.2
Pachydomidae Astartila blatchfordi (Hosking 19 45 51
Pachydomidae Casterella cf. gratiosa Mendes 195 36.25 55
Pachydomidae Crassiconcha stuckenbergi Nechaev [N 54 65
Pachydomidae Huabiella compressa David et al. 12.1 31.28
Pachydomidae Megadesmus grandis (Dana 1847 108 165
Pachydomidae Myonia carinella Runnegar 1 44 76
Pachydomidae Pachymyonia corrugata (Fletcher 1 85 140
Pachydomidae Pleurikodonta elegans (Runnegar 29 32
Pachydomidae Pyramus myiformis Dana 1847 4.5 7.3
PalaeoneilidaeNuculites ichikawai Nakazawa & 14.4 25.5
PalaeoneilidaePalaeoneilo sp. Nakazawa & 16 50
PalaeopharidaeActinodontophokatsurensis Ichikawa 1 20.6 45.3
ParallelodontidCosmetodon politus (Girty 1909) 12.7 25.7
ParallelodontidParallelodon obsoletiformis Hayasaka 1 17.3 47.3
Pernopectinda Pernopecten slarius Reed 1944 53 44
PholadomyidaeCunavella etheridgeiformis Astafieva-U 34.3 59.1
PholadomyidaeMyomedia carinata (Morris 184 57 95
PholadomyidaeOblicarina carinata (Etheridge 38 40
PholadomyidaeVacunella curvatum Morris 1845 43 107
Pinnidae Aviculopinna sp. Ciriacks 19 14 70
Pinnidae Meekopinna timanicus (Maslenniko 42 175
Polidevciidae Phestia sp. Nakazawa 1 6 12.5
Polidevciidae Polidevcia obesa (White 1879 19 35
Posidoniidae Posidonia sp. of Lu 1986, 50 40
Posidoniidae Praeamonotis anticipata Waterhouse 14 12.5
Praenuculidae Pseudonucula bradshawensis Dickins 198 12 17
ProspondylidaePaleowaagia cooperi Newell & B 46 35.5
ProspondylidaeProspondylus acinetus Newell & B 100 75
PseudomonotidAviculomonotismongoliensis Grabau 193 68.3 69
PseudomonotidPegmavalvula gloveri Newell & B 57 47
PseudomonotidPseudomonotisgarforthensis (King 1850) 88 60
PseudomonotidTrematiconcha likharevi Newell & B 93 107
Pterineidae Actinopteria problematica Chen & Lan 4.5 11
Pterineidae Leiopteria angustoconcha Gemmellaro 17 37
Pterineidae Leptodesma indistincta Biakov 200 38 13
Pterineidae Merismopteria macroptera (Morris 184 91.27 30
Pterineidae Pseudobakewellkrasnowidowiensi(Nеtsс ha 17 40
Pterinopectini Denguiria azzouzorum Boyd & New 19.5 16.5
Pterinopectini Dunbarella posidoniformis (Termier et 25 25
Pterinopectini Pterinopectinelspinifera Newell & B 72 54
SanguinolitidaeAlula elegantissima (Hayasaka 90 240
SanguinolitidaeChaenomya nuraensis Dickins 196 13 29
SanguinolitidaeCosmomya kochi Newell 195 64 132
SanguinolitidaeDyasmya morrisii Dickins 199 37 63
SanguinolitidaePalaeocorbula dubia Reed 1944 19 21
SanguinolitidaePraeundulomyadibica Muromtseva 38 72
SanguinolitidaeSanguinolites shumardi Gemmelaro 44 101
SanguinolitidaeSiphogrammysicf. kasanensis (Geinitz 18 25 33.33
SanguinolitidaeUndulomya pleiopleura Fletcher 19 40 98
SanguinolitidaeWilkingia wyomingensis (Branson 19 60 115
ScaphellinidaeScaphellina phosphoriensis (Branson 19 43 55.84
Schizodidae Eoastarte subcircularis Ciriacks 19 42 41
Schizodidae Flattopia axinia Waterhouse 34 45
Schizodidae Heteroschizodumacomoides Newell & B 46 51
Schizodidae Kaibabella curvilenata Chronic 19 11.5 13.9
Schizodidae Schizodus bifidus Ciriacks 19 42 59
Solemyidae Acharax sp. Pojeta 1988 30 90
Solemyidae Clinopistha sp. a Ciriacks 19 9.5 11.5
StreblochondriEocamptonectepapillatus (Girty 1908) 24.5 21.8
StreblochondriGuizhoupecten cheni Newell & B 70 66
StreblochondriObliquipecten granti Newell & B 31.5 27
StreblochondriStreblochondriatubicostata Ciriacks 19 22 59.46
StreblochondriStreblopteria alenae Biakov 200 34.8 34.8
StreblochondriStriochondria auriocosta (Waterhous 37 34
Trigoniidae Lyroschizodus oklahomensis (Beede 190 17 23
size_referencesize_strat_age size_geography mobility
Yancey & BoydM. Permian (Wordian) Al-e Say Pass, ne immobile
Yancey & BoydL.-M. Permian (U KungurianMalaysia immobile
Ozaki 1968:30M. Permian (Capitanian) Kasumo Quarry, Kimmobile
Newell & BoydM. Permian (Wordian) W Texas, USA immobile
Nakazawa & Ne U. Permian (Wuchiapingian-Kitazawa, Toyoma- mobile
Dickins 1956:1M. Permian (Roadian) Western Australiamobile
Yancey 1985:12 L.-M. Permian (U KungurianMalaysia mobile
Newell & BoydM. Permian (Lower Wordian)West Texas, USA immobile
Newell & BoydM. Permian (Lower Wordian)West Texas, USA immobile
Waagen 1881:L. U. Permian (WuchiapingiaSalt-Range, Pakisimmobile
Waterhouse 19U. Permian (Changhsingian)NW Nepal immobile
Waterhouse 200 M. Permian (Wordian) New South Wales,immobile
Yin 1982:352 U. Permian (Changhsingian)S. China immobile
Waterhouse 200 M. Permian (Wordian) New Zealand immobile
Newell & BoydM. Permian (Lower Wordian)West Texas, USA immobile
Waterhouse 19M. Permian (U Wordian) , Productus Ck, immobile
Hayami & Kase M. Permian (Capitanian) Gifu Prefecture, immobile
Newell & BoydM. Permian (Wordian) W Texas immobile
Ciriacks 1963:M. Permian (U Wordian) Bargee, Wyomingimmobile
Astafieva 1997,M. Permian (Wordian) Ul'dza R, Bayan-Uimmobile
Zhang 1981 plL. U. Permian (WuchiapingiaYuanjia, Jiahe re immobile
Committee of U.C Permian (Changhsingian)Sichuan, China immobile
Ciriacks 1963 M. Permian (Roadian) Cokeville, Wyomi immobile
Ciriacks 1963:M. Permian (L Wordian) e.g., Fontelle Cre immobile
Tëmkin & Poje M. Permian (Wordian) Dozier, Texas, US immobile
Nakazawa & Ne M. Permian (Wordian) Teranosawa, Maiya immobile
Larghi 2002:36M. Permian (Wordian) Chios Islands, Gr immobile
Nakazawa & Ne M. Permian (Wordian) Tenjinnoki, Miyagiimmobile
Boyd & NewellM. Permian (U Capitanian) Djebel Tebaga, Tuimmobile
Nakazawa & Ne M. Permian (Wordian) Teranosawa, Maiya immobile
Ciriacks 1963:M. Permian (L Wordian) Coulter Ramger St mobile
Nakazawa 199L. U. Permian (WuchiapingiaFestningen, Svalbimmobile
Licharew 1931M. Permian (Roadian) Porog Village, Va immobile
Waterhouse 19M. Permian (U Wordian) , Productus Ck, immobile
Gemmellaro 1M. Permian (Wordian) Pietra di Salomone immobile
Waterhouse 198 M. Permian (Capitanian) NSW, Australia immobile
Bond et al. 20 L. U. Permian (WuchiapingiaFestningen, Svalbimmobile
Reed 1944:297M. Permian (Wordian) Salt-Range, Pakismobile
Gemmellaro 18 M. Permian (Wordian) Pietra di Salomone mobile
Runnegar & Ne M. Permian (Roadian) USNM loc 703, Old mobile
Liang 1980 pl1M. Permian (Capitanian) Suolun, Inner Monimmobile
Yang et al. 20 U. Permian (Changhsingian)Southern Guangxiimmobile
Fang et al. 20 M. Permian (Roadian) Piaoshajing, Zhuzimmobile
Licharew 1931U. Permian (?) Velsk and Kargopo mobile
Nakazawa 1973 M. Permian (U Capitanian) Jengka Pass in P mobile
Muromtseva &M. Permian ("Tartarian" = WAdmiralteystva Pemobile
Newell & BoydM. Permian (L Wordian) Wyoming, USA immobile
Ciriacks 1963:M. Permian (U Wordian) Bull Lake, WY, USimmobile
Newell 1957:11 M. Permian (L Wordian) Torrey Lake, Wyo immobile
Gemmellaro 18 M. Permian (Wordian) Pietra di Salomoneimmobile
Nakazawa & New M. Permian (Wordian) Tenjinnoki, Miyagiimmobile
Chronic 1952: M. Permian (Roadian) Walnut Canyon, Aimmobile
Ciriacks 1963:M. Permian (L Wordian) Montana, USA immobile
Chronic 1952: M. Permian (Roadian) Walnut Canyon, Aimmobile
Waterhouse 198 M. Permian (Capitanian) Queensland, Austr immobile
Waterhouse 20U . M. Permian (Capitanian)Wiraki Sowns, NZimmobile
Biakov 2008 me L. U. Permian (WuchiapingiaRussia immobile
Biakov 2008 me M. Permian (Wordian) Russia mobile
Biakov 2008 me M. Permian (Roadian) NE framework of immobile
Biakov 2008 me M. Permian (Wordian) Russia immobile
Muromtseva &M. G Permian (Capitanian) Nuchcha-Tumsa R, immobile
Biakov 2002:46 M. Permian (Roadian) Transbaikal Rangimmobile
Biakov 2008 me M. Permian (U Wordian) Russia immobile
Dickins 1963:6M. Permian (Roadian) New South Wales,immobile
Biakov 2008 me U. L. Permian (Kungurian) NE Russia immobile
Biakov 2008 fiM. Permian (Wordian) Russia immobile
Gemmellaro 1M. Permian (Wordian) Pietra di Salomoneimmobile
Waterhouse 19M. Permian (Capitanian) Queensland, Austr mobile
Newell 1999:5M. Permian (Wordian) Dozier, Texas, US mobile
Nakazawa 1999 L. U. Permian (WuchiapingiaFestningen, Svalbmobile
Newell & BoydM. Permian (U Capitanian) Djebel Tebaga, Tumobile
Waterhouse 19M. Permian (Wordian) New Zealand mobile
Chronic 1952:1 M. Permian (Wordian) Walnut Canyon, Amobile
Nakazawa 200L.-M. Permian (U KungurianMalaysia immobile
Ciriacks 1963:M. Permian (U Wordian) Tosi Creek, WY, Umobile
Zhang 1977 plU. Permian (Wuchiapingian)Siwangzhang, Gua mobile
McRoberts & Ne M. Permian (Roadian) Pine Spring, Guadmobile
Liang 1980:pl M. Permian (Wordian-CapitaHeilongjiang Provmobile
Biakov 2002:46 M. Permian (Capitanian) Transbaikal Range mobile
McRoberts & N M. Permian (Wordian) W Texas, USA mobile
Ciriacks 1963:M. Permian (U Wordian) Hogback, Montanmobile
McRoberts & N U. L. Permian (U Kungurian)W Texas, USA mobile
Dickins 1956: M. Permian (Roadian) Western Australiamobile
Zhang 1977 plL. U. Permian (WuchiapingiaHuoshaoping, Chimobile
Muromtseva &M. Permian (Roadian) Kanin Peninsula, mobile
Biakov 2008 FiM. Permian (Capitanian) Ayan-Yuryakh Antimobile
Nakazawa & New M. or U. Permian (Wordian-CKatsura, Kochi Prmobile
Ichikawa 1951M. or U. Permian (Wordian-CKatsura, Kochi Prmobile
Newell & BoydU. L. Permian (U Kungurian)Wyoming, USA mobile
Newell & BoydM. Permian (Roadian) Glass Mtns., Texamobile
Waagen 1881:L. U. Permian (WuchiapingiaSalt-Range, Pakisimmobile
Muromtseva &M. Permian (Capitanian) Nyaukulikan R, lomobile
Waterhouse 19M. Permian (Wordian) New Zealand immobile
Waterhouse 19M. Permian (Capitanian) loc L4594 near Thimmobile
Dickins 1989: M. Permian (Capitanian) Lyra Park, Qld, Aumobile
Liang 1980:43M. Permian (Wordian) Yichun, Heilongji mobile
H from DickinsM. Permian (Capitanian) Lyra Park, Qld, Aumobile
Guerrero-SánM. Permian (Roadian) Guerrero, Mexico mobile
Newell & BoydM. Permian (U Capitanian) Djebel Tebaga, Tumobile
Dickins 1956: M. Permian (Roadian) Middalya Station,mobile
Waterhouse 1 M. Permian (Capitanian) Queensland, Austr mobile
Ciriacks 1963:M. Permian (L Wordian) Wyoming, USA immobile
Dickins 1956:1M. Permian (Roadian) Southern Cross Bo mobile
Cooper & Kens M. Permian (Wordian) Prince Albert, Soumobile
Netschajew 18M. Permian (Roadian) Volga River at momobile
David et al. 20M. Permian (Wordian) Huab Region, Nam mobile
Runnegar 1965 M. Permian (Capitanian) Western Australiamobile
Runnegar 1967 M. Permian (Roadian) Homevale, Qld, Aumobile
Waterhouse 19M. Permian (Capitanian) Queensland, Austr mobile
Runnegar 1965 M. Permian (Capitanian) Exmoor Homestead mobile
Runnegar 1967 M. Permian (U Capitanian) Wollongong, NSW,mobile
Nakazawa & Ne M. or U. Permian (Wordian-CShikoku, Japan mobile
Nakazawa & Ne M.-U. Permian (Capitanian- Mabsunoodera Stat mobile
Nakazawa & New M. Permian (Roadian) Nabekoshi-yama, mobile
Chronic 1952: M. Permian (Roadian) Walnut Canyon, Aimmobile
Hayami & Kase M. Permian (Capitanian) Gifu Prefecture, immobile
Reed 1944:311L. U. Permian (WuchiapingiaJabi, Salt Range, swimming
Biakov 2002:46 U. Permian (Changhsingian)Transbaikal Rangmobile
Waterhouse 198 M. Permian (Capitanian) Queensland, Austr mobile
Waterhouse 198 M. Permian (Capitanian) Queensland, Austr mobile
Runnegar 1967 M. Permian (Wordian) Delusion Ck, Qld, mobile
Ciriacks 1963:M. Permian (U Wordian) Bull Lake, WY, USimmobile
Maslennikov 19 M. Permian (U Roadian) N of Vlatka area, immobile
Nakazawa 1973 M. Permian (Capitanian) Jengka Pass, Pahmobile
Ciriacks 1963:pM. Permian (L Wordian) Western USA mobile
Lu 1986:469 L. U. Permian (WuchiapingiaZhongshigong Sect immobile
Waterhouse 198 M. Permian (Capitanian) N of Theodore, Boimmobile
Dickins 1989: M. Permian (Capitanian) Lyra Park, Qld, Aumobile
Termier et al. M. Permian (U Capitanian) Djebel Tebaga, Tuimmobile
Newell & BoydM. Permian (Roadian) Glass Mtns., Texaimmobile
Grabau 1931:3M. Permian (Wordian) Inner Mongolia, Cimmobile
Newell & BoydM. Permian (Wordian) W Texas, USA immobile
Waagen 1881:L. U. Permian (WuchiapingiaSalt-Range, Pakisimmobile
Newell & BoydM. Permian (Roadian) near Artesia, Ne immobile
Committee of U. C Permian (U. Changhsingi Zongzai Section, immobile
Gemmellaro 1M. Permian (Wordian) Pietra di Salomoneimmobile
Biakov 2002:46 M. Permian (Capitanian) Transbaikal Range immobile
Biakov 2002:46 M. Permian (U Wordian)[DJ:Transbaikal Range immobile
Maslennikov 19 M. Permian (Roadian) Zakharovskaya, Rimmobile
Newell & BoydM. Permian (U Capitanian) Djebel Tebaga, Tuimmobile
Boyd & NewellM. Permian (U Capitanian) Djebel Tebaga, Tuimmobile
Newell & BoydM. Permian (Roadian) Glass Mtns., Texaimmobile
Hayasaka & Hay U . M. Permian (Capitanian)Kinshozan, Akasamobile
Dickins 1963:5L. Permian (U Sakmarian) Western Australiamobile
Newell 1955:3U. Permian (Changhsingian)Depot Id, W Greenmobile
Dickins 1999: M. Permian (Wordian) SE Oman mobile
Reed 1944:302M. Permian (Wordian or CapKashmir, India mobile
Muromtseva &U. Permian (Changhsingian)Dyby River Basin,mobile
Gemmellaro 18 M. Permian (Wordian) Pietra di Salomonemobile
Morris et al. 1 M. Permian (Roadian) Labis Area of Johmobile
Dickins 1956:2M. Permian (Roadian) Western Australiamobile
Ciriacks 1963:M. Permian (L Wordian) Wyoming, USA mobile
Ciriacks 1963:M. Permian (U Wordian) Wyoming, USA mobile
Newell & BoydM. Permian (Roadian) Glass Mtns., Texamobile
Waterhouse 19M. Permian (Capitanian) Queensland, Austr mobile
Newell & BoydM. Permian (Wordian) Texas, USA mobile
Chronic 1952: M. Permian (Roadian) Walnut Canyon, Amobile
Ciriacks 1963:M. Permian (L Wordian) Wyoming, USA mobile
Pojeta 1988:21U. L. Permian (Kungurian) Sierra Diablo, W swimming
Ciriacks 1963:M. Permian (Roadian) Waterloo, ID, USAmobile
Newell & BoydM. Permian (Roadian) Glass Mtns., Texaimmobile
Newell & BoydM. Permian (Lower Wordian)West Texas, USA immobile
Newell & BoydM. Permian (Wordian) Dozier, Texas, US immobile
Ciriacks 1963:M. Permian (L Wordian) Wyoming, USA immobile
Biakov 2002:4M. Permian (Capitanian) Transbaikal Range immobile
Waterhouse 19M. Permian (Roadian) New Zealand immobile
Newell & BoydM. Permian (Capitanian) Whitehorse Sprinmobile
substrate feeding fixation functional_refere FG_GenuFamily_FG_code
epifaunal photosymbunattacheIsozaki 2006, VermY? N N 49
epifaunal photosymbunattacheIsozaki 2006, VermY? N N 49
epifaunal photosymbunattacheIsozaki 2006, VermY? N N 49
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Newell & Boyd 19Y N Y 5
infaunal_asuspensiounattacheHuang et al. 2014Y Y Y 3
infaunal_asuspensiounattacheMondal & HarriesY N Y 3
infaunal_asuspensiounattacheMondal & HarriesY N Y 3
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N Y 5
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N Y 5
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N Y 5
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N Y 5
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY Y Y 5
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Huang et a. 2014 Y N Y 5
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N Y 5
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N Y 5
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N Y 5
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N Y 5
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N Y 5
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N Y 5
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N Y 5
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N Y 5
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N Y 5
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N Y 5
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Ros-Franch et al. Y Y Y 5
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Ros-Franch et al. Y N Y 5
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Ros-Franch et al. Y N Y 5
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Larghi 2002:365 Y N Y 5
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Ros-Franch et al. Y N Y 5
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Ros-Franch et al. Y N Y 5
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Ros-Franch et al. Y Y Y 5
infaunal_asuspensiounattacheHuang et al. 2014Y N Y 3
epifaunal suspensiounattacheRos-Franch et al. Y N N 33
semi_infaususpensiobyssate Stanley 1972 J Pal Y N N 17
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N Y 5
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N Y 5
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N Y 5
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N Y 5
shallow_insuspensiounattacheMondal & HarriesY2 N N 1
shallow_insuspensiounattacheMondal & HarriesY2 N N 1
shallow_insuspensiounattacheRunnegar & Newell Y N N 1
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N N 5
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N N 5
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N N 5
shallow_insuspensiounattacheHoare et al. 1989 Y N N 1
shallow_insuspensiounattacheHoare et al. 1989 Y N N 1
shallow_insuspensiounattacheHoare et al. 1989 Y N N 1
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Newell & Boyd 19Y N Y 5
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Ros-Franch et al. Y Y Y 5
semi_infaususpensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N Y 17
semi_infaususpensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N Y 17
semi_infaususpensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N Y 17
semi_infaususpensiobyssate Ros-Franch et al. Y Y Y 17
semi_infaususpensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N Y 17
semi_infaususpensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N Y 17
semi_infaususpensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N Y 17
semi_infaususpensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N Y 17
semi_infaususpensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY Y Y 17
semi_infaususpensiobyssate Ros-Franch et al. Y N Y 26
semi_infaususpensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N Y 17
semi_infaususpensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N Y 17
semi_infaususpensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N Y 17
semi_infaususpensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N Y 17
semi_infaususpensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N Y 17
epifaunal suspensiobyssate large byssal gapeY N Y 5
semi_infaususpensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N Y 17
semi_infaususpensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N Y 17
epifaunal suspensiobyssate inequivalve, byssaY N N 5
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Broad apical anglY N Y 8
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Very asymmetric Y a N Y 8
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Ros-Franch et al. Y Y Y 8
deep_infauchemosymbunattacheTaylor et al. 2011 Y N Y 4
unattacheKammer et al. 19 Y N Y 11
infaunal_achemosymbunattacheMondal & HarriesY N N 39
epifaunal photosymbunattacheSeilacher 1990, VY? Y Y 49
semi_infaususpensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N Y 26
semi_infaususpensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N Y 26
semi_infaususpensiobyssate Ros-Franch et al. Y N Y 26
semi_infaususpensiobyssate Ros-Franch et al. Y N Y 26
semi_infaususpensiobyssate Ros-Franch et al. Y N Y 26
semi_infaususpensiobyssate Ros-Franch et al. Y N Y 26
semi_infaususpensiobyssate Ros-Franch et al. Y Y Y 26
semi_infaususpensiobyssate Ros-Franch et al. Y N Y 26
semi_infaususpensiobyssate Ros-Franch et al. Y N Y 26
semi_infaususpensiobyssate Ros-Franch et al. Y N Y 26
semi_infaususpensiobyssate Ros-Franch et al. Y N Y 26
semi_infaususpensiobyssate Ros-Franch et al. Y N Y 26
infaunal_asuspensiounattacheHautmann et al. 2Y Y Y 3
infaunal_asuspensiounattacheHautmann et al. 2Y Y Y 3
infaunal_asuspensiounattacheHautmann et al. 2Y N Y 3
infaunal_asuspensiounattacheHautmann et al. 2Y N Y 3
borer suspensiobyssate Carter 1978:54 Y N Y 19
semi_infaususpensiobyssate Ros-Franch et al. Y Y Y 26
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Ros-Franch et al. Y Y Y 5
semi_infaususpensiobyssate immobile byssateY N Y 17
unattacheRos-Franch et al. Y N Y 11
unattacheRos-Franch et al. Y N Y 11
unattacheHoare et al. 1989 Y N Y 11
unattacheClapham & BottjeY N Y 21
unattacheHuang et al. 2014Y Y Y 21
infaunal_asuspensiounattacheHuang et al. 2014Y N N 3
deep_infaususpensiounattacheMondal and Harri Y N N 6
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY Y Y 5
shallow_insuspensiounattacheRunnegar 1974, asY N Y 1
shallow_insuspensiounattacheRunnegar 1974, asY N Y 1
shallow_insuspensiounattachePojeta 1971:34 Y N Y 1
shallow_insuspensiounattacheDavid et al 2011: Y N Y 1
shallow_insuspensiounattacheRunnegar 1974, asY Y Y 1
shallow_insuspensiounattacheRunnegar 1974, asY N Y 1
shallow_insuspensiounattacheRunnegar 1974, asY N Y 1
shallow_insuspensiounattacheRunnegar 1974, asY N Y 1
shallow_insuspensiounattacheRunnegar 1974, asY N Y 1
unattacheHoare et al. 1989 Y N Y 11
unattacheHuang et al. 2014Y Y Y 11
infaunal_asuspensiounattacheNakazawa & Newell Y N Y 3
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Ros-Franch et al. Y Y Y 5
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Ros-Franch et al. Y Y Y 5
epifaunal suspensiounattacheHautmann 2004, Ha Y Y Y 32
deep_infaususpensiounattacheMondal & HarriesY N Y 6
deep_infaususpensiounattacheMondal & HarriesY N Y 6
deep_infaususpensiounattacheMondal & HarriesY N Y 6
deep_infaususpensiounattacheRunnegar 1974, Hu Y N Y 6
semi_infaususpensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N Y 17
semi_infaususpensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N Y 17
unattacheMondal & HarriesY Y Y 11
unattacheMondal & HarriesY N Y 11
epifaunal suspensiounattacheSeilacher & GishY N Y 33
epifaunal suspensiounattachetaken to be sameY N Y 33
unattacheSanchez 1999, forY N N 21
epifaunal suspensiocementedMondal & HarriesY N Y 9
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N Y 5
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Hautmann 2001 [b Y N Y 5
epifaunal suspensiocementedRos-Franch et al. Y Y Y 9
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Hautmann 2001 Y N Y 5
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Newell & Boyd 19Y N Y 5
semi_infaususpensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N N 17
semi_infaususpensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N N 17
semi_infaususpensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N N 17
semi_infaususpensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N N 17
semi_infaususpensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N N 17
epifaunal suspensiounattacheNewell & Boyd 19Y N Y 33
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N Y 5
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Newell & Boyd 19Y N Y 5
deep_infaususpensiounattacheMorris et al. 1991Y N N 6
deep_infaususpensiounattacheRunnegar 1974, Hu Y N N 6
deep_infaususpensiounattacheRunnegar 1974, Mo Y N N 6
shallow_insuspensiounattacheHuang et al. 2014Y N N 1
shallow_insuspensiounattacheMorris et al. 1991Y N N 1
shallow_insuspensiounattacheNeves et al. 2014 Y N N 1
shallow_insuspensiounattacheNeves et al. 2014 Y N N 1
shallow_insuspensiounattacheMorris et al. 1991Y N N 1
deep_infaususpensiounattacheRunnegar 1974 Y N N 6
deep_infaususpensiounattacheRunnegar 1974 - pY N N 6
infaunal_asuspensiounattacheMondal & HarriesY N N 3
infaunal_asuspensiounattacheMondal & HarriesY N Y 3
infaunal_asuspensiounattacheMondal & HarriesY N Y 3
shallow_insuspensiounattacheMondal & HarriesY N Y 1
infaunal_asuspensiounattacheMondal & HarriesY N Y 3
shallow_insuspensiounattacheHuang et al. 2014Y N Y 1
deep_infauchemosymbunattacheTaylor et al. 2008Y Y Y 40
deep_infauchemosymbunattachechemosymb in Bai Y N Y 4
epifaunal suspensiobyssate unequal auricles,Y N Y 5
epifaunal suspensiobyssate unequal auricles,Y N Y 5
epifaunal suspensiobyssate Mondal & HarriesY N Y 5
epifaunal suspensiobyssate unequal auricles,Y N Y 5
epifaunal suspensiobyssate unequal auricles,Y Y Y 5
epifaunal suspensiobyssate unequal auricles,Y N Y 5
infaunal_asuspensiounattacheFoster & TwitchetY N Y 3
Family Genus size_species size_species_au size_length_m
Anomiidae Anomia ornata Gabb 1876 50
Anomiidae Paranomia scabra (Morton 1834) 50
Anomiidae Paraplacuna reticularis Tashiro & Otsu 37
Anomiidae Placunopsis granulosa (Roemer 1841) 49
Anomiidae Tarturia quaasi (Strougo 1983) 14
AntillocaprinidCaenosarcoliterudist sp.
AntillocaprinidOligosarcolitesrudist sp.
AntillocaprinidParasarcolites rudist sp.
AntillocaprinidPolysarcolites rudist sp.
AntillocaprinidRudicaprina rudist sp.
AntillocaprinidSawkinsonia rudist sp.
AntillocaprinidTitanosarcoliterudist sp.
Caprinidae Caprina rudist sp.
Caprinidae Sabinia rudist sp.
MonopleuridaeGyropleura rudist sp.
PlagioptychidaMitrocaprina rudist sp.
Arcidae Acar hennigi Heinberg 1978 13.3
Arcidae Barbatia balli (Péron & Four 54
Arcidae Bathyarca perla Heinberg 1978 9.3
Arcidae Eonavicula bogaerti Dartevelle & Fr 50.3
Astartidae Astartemya fentressensis Stephenson 19 36
Astartidae Crassatellina hollandi Feldmann & Ka 148.6
Astartidae Dozyia drygalskiana (Wilckens 1910 36
Astartidae Eriphyla japonica Ichikawa & Ma 27
Astartidae Freiastarte yokakuensis Tashiro & Otsu 32.9
Astartidae Hesperopis triangulata (Cooper 1894) 48
Astartidae Opis ventricosa (Pusch 1837) 60
Bakevelliidae Gervillaria sp Collignon 1971 41
Bakevelliidae Gervillella subtortuosa (Meek & Hayde 122.7
Bakevelliidae Gervillia solenoidea Defrance 1820 110
Bakevelliidae Pseudoptera coerulescens (Nilsson 1827) 27
Buchiidae Buchia madagascarienCollignon 1949 40
PlagioptychidaPlagioptychus rudist sp.
Radiolitidae Glabrobournonirudist sp.
Cardiidae Austrocardiumacherontis Freneix & Gran 55
Cardiidae Brevicardium fragile Stephenson 19 9.72
Cardiidae Ethmocardium aff. whitei (Dall 1900) 15.1
Cardiidae Granocardium subalternatum(Vogel 1895) 65
Cardiidae Incacardium trechmanni Schneider 1999 15.3
Cardiidae Lahillia larseni (Sharman & Ne 110
Cardiidae Nemocardium lundgreni (Vogel 1895) 50
Cardiidae Pachycardium spillmani (Conrad 1858) 127.93
Cardiidae Perucardia brueggeni Olsson 1944 102
Cardiidae Pleuriocardia n.sp. 69.3
Cardiidae Profragum amotapense (Olsson 1934) 40
Cardiidae Protocardia hillanum (Sowerby) of St 67
Carditidae Baluchicardia ameliae (Péron in Dou 67
Carditidae Birkelundita turoniensis (Woods 1897) 8.7
Carditidae Izumicardia parva Ichikawa & Ma 20.3
Carditidae Pacificor iheringi (Böhm 1903) 55
Carditidae Subvenericardiweberbauerei (Olsson 1934) 30
Carditidae Venericor barroneti (Munier-Chalma 26
Carditidae Vetericardiellawebbervillensi (Stephenson 19 7.13
Chamidae Chama callosa Noetling 1892 40
Clavagellidae Ascaulocardiu armatum (Morton 1833) 14
Clavagellidae Clavagella semisulcata Forbes 1846 21
Clavagellidae Parastirpulina sohli Pojeta & Johns 48.6
Corbulidae Bicorbula ushibukensis (Tashiro & Ots 24.2
Corbulidae Caestocorbula dakhelensis (Abbass 1962) 19.5
Corbulidae Caryocorbula broggii (Olsson 1944) 38
Corbulidae Corbulamella gregaria (Meek & Hayde 3.3
Corbulidae Eoursivivas cultriformis (Gabb 1864) 20
Corbulidae Flexicorbula tumida (Böhm 1891) 8
Corbulidae Juliacorbula exulans (Stoliczka 1871 11
Corbulidae Panzacorbula pozo (Dailey & Pope 21.7
Corbulidae Parmicorbula striatuloides (Forbes 1846) 20.6
Corbulidae Surobula nucleus (Wilckens 1910 9
Corbulidae Varicorbula harpa (d'Archaic & H 35
Crassatellidae Anthonya elongata Woods 1917 85
Crassatellidae Bathytormus schmidlini (Gliozzi & Mala 60
Crassatellidae Crassatella slavonica Pethö 1906 107
Crassatellidae Scambula perplana Conrad 1869 25
Cucullaeidae Austrocucullaeoliveroi Zinsmeister & 60
Cucullaeidae Cucullaea littlei Gabb 1877 161.2
Cucullaeidae Pseudocucullagregoryi Olsson 1934 140
Cuspidariidae Cuspidaria procaena (Gümbel 1861 46
Cuspidariidae Halonympha kanae Heinberg 1979 9
Radiolitidae Praeradiolites rudist sp.
Radiolitidae Pseudopolyconi rudist sp.
Dimyidae Atreta melleni (Stephenson 19 20
Donacidae Adelodonax altus (Gabb 1864) 14
Donacidae Macrodonax peruviana Olsson 1944 118
Donacidae Notodonax annae-eugenieFeruglio 1935 55.5
Donacidae Protodonax sp. 40
Entoliidae "Entolium" n. gmembranaceu (Nilsson 1827) 55
Entoliidae Camptochlamymahuidaensis (Weaver 1931) 80
Entoliidae Syncyclonema nilssoni (Goldfuss 1835 128
GastrochaenidEufistulana ripleyana (Stephenson 19 29.15
GastrochaenidGastrochaena sp. Muniz 1993 12
Glossidae Miocardiopsis shumardi (Stephenson 19 37
GlycymerididaeGlycymeris noricus (Zittel 1865) 35
GlycymerididaeGlycymerita banosensis (Anderson 1958 65
GlycymerididaePeruarca pectunculoidesOlsson 1944 50
GlycymerididaePettersia abnormalis (Olsson 1944) 32
GlycymerididaePostligata wordeni Gardner 1916 26.94
GlycymerididaeTrigonarca maconensis (Conrad 1875) 127
Gryphaeidae Amphidonte pyrenaicum (Leymerie 1851 58
Gryphaeidae Ceratostreon pliciferum (Dujardin 1837) 36
Gryphaeidae Costagyra laciniata (Goldfuss 1834 63
Gryphaeidae Exogyra costata (Say 1820) 162
Gryphaeidae Gryphaeostreavomer (Morton 1834) 33
Gryphaeidae Gyrostrea delettrei (Coquand 1862) 122.7272727
Gryphaeidae Hyotissa semiplana (J. de C. Sower 61
Gryphaeidae Labrostrea flicki (Pervinquière 40
Gryphaeidae Pycnodonte mirabile (Rousseau 1842 187
Hiatellidae Panopea orientalis Forbes 1846 115
Hiatellidae Pseudosaxicavsp. Jagt et al. 2014 22
Radiolitidae Pseudosabinia rudist sp.
Requieniidae Apricardia rudist sp.
AntillocaprinidAntillocaprina rudist sp.
AntillocaprinidEosarcolites rudist sp.
AntillocaprinidRotacaprina rudist sp.
AntillocaprinidStellacaprina rudist sp.
DicerocardiidaAgelasina rudist sp.
DicerocardiidaAmbocardia rudist sp.
Hippuritidae Barrettia rudist sp.
Hippuritidae Caribbea rudist sp.
Hippuritidae Hippuritella rudist sp.
Hippuritidae Hippurites rudist sp.
Icanotiidae Icanotia pacifica Olsson 1944 76
Inoceramidae Spyridoceramutegulatus (von Hagenow 55
Inoceramidae Tenuipteria argentea (Conrad 1858) 48.5
Isocyprinidae Etea grandis Stephenson 19 58
Isocyprinidae Izumia trapezoidalis Ichikawa & Ma 23.1
Isocyprinidae Patagocardia peterseni Doello-Jurado 120
Isocyprinidae Tenea parilis (Conrad 1860) 30.6
Isocyprinidae Venilicardia odonnelli Rennie 1945 80
IsognomonidaeIsognomon valida (Stoliczka 1871 146
Kalenteridae Myoconcha sp. Heinberg 1999
Laternulidae Anatimya anteradiata Conrad 1860 56
Laternulidae Cercomya cf.arcuata (Forbes 1846) 140
Laternulidae Laternula sp. 66
Laternulidae Periplomya grandis Ichikawa & Ma 83
Laternulidae Plectomya sp.
Limidae Acesta cf. latens (Feruglio 1935) 90
Limidae Costellacesta riddlei (Kauffman 1964 92
Limidae Ctenoides vogeli Dhondt 1983 135
Limidae Lima catalaunica Vidal 1921 77
Limidae Limaria elongata (J. de C. Sower 48
Limidae Limatula persimilis (Stoliczka 1871 35
Limidae Plagiostoma n.sp. Pasic 1954 55
Limidae Pseudolimea pelagica (Morton 1833) 25.5
Limidae Seymourtula antarctica Wilckens 1910 21
Limopsidae Limopsis nummiformis Pethö 1906 31
Lucinidae Callucinopsis calmoni (Pervinquière 16.5
Lucinidae Claibornites louristana (Douvillé 190 37
Lucinidae Fimbria sp. 90
Lucinidae Jagonoma pervinquieri (Picard 1930) 52
Lucinidae Mesomiltha fallax (Forbes 1846) 33
Lucinidae Myrtea canterburiensi (Woods 1917) 27
Lucinidae Nymphalucina occidentalis (Morton 1842) 46.1
Lucinidae Phacoides dachelensis (Wanner 1902) 37
Lucinidae Zorrita chavani Collignon 1971 56
Mactridae Cymbophora inflata Stephenson 19 73
Mactridae Mulinoides colossea (Philippi 1887) 112
Mactridae Petromactra matthewsonii (Gabb 1864) 63
Mactridae Raeta saharica Collignon 1971 48
Mactromyidae Clisocolus umbonata (Whitfield 1885 57
Mactromyidae Thetis ignobilis (Stoliczka 1871 19
Malleidae Nayadina belbekensis Gorbach 1980 38
Malletiidae Malletia longifrons (Conrad 1860) 30
Malletiidae Neilo rudis (Wilckens 1907 46
Malletiidae Neilonella reussi (Gümbel 1861 27
Mesodesmatid Ceroniola australis (Gabb 1860) 41.33333333
Hippuritidae Laluzia rudist sp.
Hippuritidae Parastroma rudist sp.
Hippuritidae Pironaea rudist sp.
Mytilidae Botula ripleyana (Gabb 1861) 20
Mytilidae Brachidontes lineatus (Sowerby 1836) 72
Mytilidae Crenella elegantula Meek & Hayden 24.6
Mytilidae Gregariella amara Griffin et al 20 25
Mytilidae Inoperna flagellifera (Forbes 1846) 120
Mytilidae Lithophaga ciplyanus (de Ryckholt) 56
Mytilidae Lycettia tippana (Conrad 1858) 26
Mytilidae Modiolus fourcadei del Valle & Me 71
Mytilidae Musculus sp. 26.5
Mytilidae Mytilid cf. Pernsaidi Metwally 1991 100
Mytilidae Regoria dufrenoyi (d'Orbigny 1845 150
Mytilidae Semimodiola edseli (Griffin et al 2 28
Mytilidae Septifer acutus Trechmann 192 48
Mytilidae Xenomytilus frons Squires & Saul 42.5
Neitheidae Neithea regularis (von Schlothei 69.5
Neitheidae Neithella almusana (Pethö 1906) 11
Noetiidae Arcopsis cardioides (Böhm 1891) 7
Noetiidae Linter acutata Stephenson 19 11
Noetiidae Striarca cuneata (Gabb 1876) 34.48
Nuculanidae Ezonuculana dubia Tashiro 1976 15
Nuculanidae Nuculana n.sp.(Providence) 49.55
Nuculanidae nuculanid new brevirostris (Alth 1850) 15
Nuculanidae Saccella zitteli (Böhm 1891) 16
Nuculidae Leionucula suboblonga (Wilckens 1907 44
Nuculidae Nucula percrassa Conrad 1858 34.8
Nuculidae Truncacila princeps Schenck 1943 34.5
Ostreidae Acutostrea incurva (Nilsson 1827) 35
Ostreidae Agerostrea ungulata (von Schlothei 93
Ostreidae Ambigostrea villei (Coquand 1862) 77
Ostreidae Curvostrea tevesthensis (Coquand 1862) 100
Ostreidae Flemingostrea rionegrensis (Ihering 1903) 135
Ostreidae Nicaisolopha nicaisei (Coquand 1862) 70
Ostreidae Odontogryphaemorgani (Vredenburg 19 46
Ostreidae Oscillopha figari (Fourtau 1904) 145
Ostreidae Rastellum aguilerae (Böse 1906) 352
Oxytomidae Hypoxytoma nebrascensis (Evans & Shuma 29.6
Parallelodonti Cosmetodon bowiei (Stephenson 19 18.4
Parallelodonti Indogrammato chiemensis (Gümbel 1861 47
Parallelodonti Nanonavis japetica (Forbes 1846) 80
Parallelodonti Nemodon cf. grandis Wade 1926 71
Parallelodonti Nordenskjoeldinordenskjoldi Wilckens 1910 67
Parallelodonti Pleurogrammatbesairiei (Collignon 1949 88
Parilimyidae Procardia decussata (Mantell 1822) 70
Pectinidae Camptonectes virgatus (Nilsson 1827) 46.73
Pectinidae Delectopecten pellucides Kalishevich in 11.5
Pectinidae Dhondtichlamygramamensis (Maury 1930) 60
Pectinidae Giraliapecten oboloides Darragh & Kend 36.8
Pectinidae Lyriochlamys sparsinodosus (Zittel 1865) 90
Pectinidae Merklinia catalaunica (Vidal 1922) 49.3
Pectinidae Micronectes bellaturus Ichikawa & Ma 13.4
Pectinidae Mixtipecten chilensis (d'Orbigny 1847 25
Pectinidae Nippononectestamurai (Tashiro 1976) 39
Pectinidae Pethopecten szeremensis (Pethö 1906) 64
Pectinidae Radiopecten mississippiensi(Conrad 1860) 53
PeriplomatidaePeriploma nermeta Olsson 1944 66.5
Pharidae Leptosolen sp. Conrad 1865 62
Pharidae Senis japonica Tashiro 1978 68
Pholadidae Clavipholas sp.A Conrad 1868 48.7
Pholadidae Jouannetia supracretacea (de Ryckholt 1 10.5
Pholadidae Opertochasmascaphoides (Stephenson 19 18
PholadomyidaeArcomya subprisca Dartevelle & F 29
PholadomyidaeBucardiomya esmarkii (Nilsson 1827) 85
PholadomyidaeDeltamya designata (Goldfuss 1834 106
PholadomyidaeGoniomya hyriiformis (Wilckens 1910 114
PholadomyidaePachymya mermera (Pethö 1906) 90
PholadomyidaePholadomya littlei Gabb 1876 190
Pinnidae Atrina regina-maris (Maury 1930) 300
Pinnidae Pinna cretacea (von Schlothei 400
Pinnidae Plesiopinna kasimirensis Abdel-Gawad 1 185
Hippuritidae Praebarrettia rudist sp.
Hippuritidae Pseudovaccinitrudist sp.
Hippuritidae Tetracionites rudist sp.
Pleuromyidae Pleuromya congoensis Dartevelle & F 62
Plicatulidae Plicatula harrisiana Olsson 1934 61
Poromyidae Cymella bella mexicanaMyers 1968 27.8
Poromyidae Liopistha aequivalvis (Goldfuss 1841 69.2
Poromyidae Psilomya frequens (Zittel 1865) 60
PropeamussiidParvamussium samariensis (Conrad 1852) 39
Pteriidae Pteria linguaeformis Evans & Shuma 62.4
Pulvinitidae Pulvinites argenteus Conrad 1858 53.5
Hippuritidae Vaccinites rudist sp.
Hippuritidae Whitfieldiella rudist sp.
MonopleuridaeArtigesia rudist sp.
MonopleuridaeMonopleura rudist sp.
PlagioptychidaCoralliochama rudist sp.
Radiolitidae Alencasteritesrudist sp.
Radiolitidae Biradiolites rudist sp.
Radiolitidae Bournonia rudist sp.
Radiolitidae Chiapasella rudist sp.
Radiolitidae Colveraia rudist sp.
Radiolitidae Distefanella rudist sp.
Radiolitidae Dubertretia rudist sp.
Radiolitidae Durania rudist sp.
Radiolitidae Guanacastea rudist sp.
Radiolitidae Huasteca rudist sp.
Radiolitidae Joufia rudist sp.
Radiolitidae Kuehnia rudist sp.
Radiolitidae Lapeirousella rudist sp.
Radiolitidae Lapeirousia rudist sp.
Radiolitidae Macgillavryia rudist sp.
Radiolitidae Medeela rudist sp.
Radiolitidae Miseia rudist sp.
Radiolitidae Osculigera rudist sp.
Radiolitidae Petkovicia rudist sp.
Radiolitidae Pseudokuehniarudist sp.
Radiolitidae Radiolitella rudist sp.
Radiolitidae Radiolites rudist sp.
Radiolitidae Rosellia rudist sp.
Radiolitidae Sauvagesia rudist sp.
Radiolitidae Tampsia rudist sp.
Radiolitidae Thyrastylon rudist sp.
Radiolitidae Trechmannitesrudist sp.
Siliculidae Prosilicula parallelodonta Heinberg 1989 7
Solecurtidae Protagelus gratus (Wilckens 1907 80
Solemyidae Solemya rossiana (Wilckens 1910 76
Spondylidae Spondylus sanfilippoi Serra 1936 150
Tancrediidae Meekia sella Gabb 1864 42
Tancrediidae Mygallia daileyi Saul & Popeno 22
Tancrediidae Tancredia americana (Meek & Hayde 61.8
Tellinidae Aenona georgiana (Gabb 1876) 46
Tellinidae Agnomyax elegans Tashiro 1976 38.9
Tellinidae Linearia circinalis (Dujardin 1837) 47
Tellinidae Liothyris carolinensis Conrad 1875 70
Tellinidae Palaeomoera strigata (Goldfuss 1826 40
Tellinidae Solyma cf.S.elliptica (Gabb 1861) 64
Tellinidae Sourimis equilateralis (Meek & Hayde 51.4
Tellinidae Tellinella geulemensis (Vogel 1895) 45
Tellinidae Tellinimera gabbi (Gardner 1916) 32.74
Thraciidae Thracia sp. 75
Thyasiridae Conchocele townsendi (White 1890) 85
Thyasiridae Thyasira cretacea (Wanner 1902) 23
Trapezidae Aphaea leia (Salisbury 1934 40
TrechmannellidDictyoptychus rudist sp.
TrechmannellidEodictyoptychurudist sp.
TrechmannellidSemailia rudist sp.
Trigoniidae Acanthotrigonisp. Schlosser 1928, 60
Trigoniidae Apiotrigonia hetonaiana Tashiro 1978 50.2
Trigoniidae Austrotrigonia pampeana Leanza & Casa 51
Trigoniidae Eselaevitrigoniregina (Wilckens 1910 72
Trigoniidae Gabbigonia cerulea (Whitfield 1885 52.9
Trigoniidae Haumurigonia windhausenian(Wilckens 1910 93
Trigoniidae Henrywoodsia pygoscelium (Wilckens 1910 56
Trigoniidae Incomatiella incomatensis (Rennie 1936) 75
Trigoniidae Iotrigonia lenseni (Fleming 1987) 40
Trigoniidae Microtrigonia postonodosa Nakano 1957 18.4
Trigoniidae Neobuchotrigon hopkinsi (Olsson 1944) 98
Trigoniidae Notoscabrotrigsp. for Pterotrigon 66.1
Trigoniidae Oistotrigonia antarctica (Wilckens 1910 32.8
Trigoniidae Orbigonina sp. Cooper 2015:34 19
Trigoniidae Pacitrigonia hanetiana (d'Orbigny 1842 170
Trigoniidae Praescabrotrigolssoni Cooper 2015 63
Trigoniidae Scabrotrigoniasp. 55
Trigoniidae Skwarkoella miriana (Skwarko 1963) 47
Trigoniidae Tamuragonia ultima (Fleming 1987) 29.5
Trigoniidae Tennessiella stantoni (Stephenson 19 63
Trigoniidae Yaadia obsoleta (Kobayashi & 99.5
Veneridae Amakusatapesovatus Tashiro & Otsu 44
Veneridae Anofia aro Reyment 1955 43
Veneridae Aphrodina pacifica Olsson 1944 66
Veneridae Callistalox fragilis (Gabb 1869) 32.5
Veneridae Calva peninsularis (Anderson & Ha 75
Veneridae Chimela abbreviata (Douvillé 190 17
Veneridae Cyclorisma pumila Stephenson 19 7.6
Veneridae Cyclorismina woodsi Marwick 1927 55
Veneridae Cyprimeria coonensis Stephenson 19 109.55
Veneridae Dosiniopsis deweyi (Meek & Hayde 40.3
Veneridae Egelicalva crassa Saul & Popeno 98.7
Veneridae Legumen ooides (Gabb 1864) 57
Veneridae Loxo japonica (Amano 1957) 54
Veneridae Mesocallista rohlfsi (Quaas 1902) 66
Veneridae Mesochione sp.aff.M_trigona
Tashiro of Tash 27.5
Veneridae Naulia orbicularis Cox 1952 21.7
Veneridae Paraesa subfaba (d'Orbigny 1850 30
Veneridae Penecallista marina Saul & Popeno 108
Veneridae Sechurina australis Olsson 1944 87
Veneridae Tikia wilckensi (Woods 1917) 39
Veneridae Trigonocallistacf.umzambiensi(Woods 1906) 74
Veniellidae Roudairia pampaensis Leanza & Hün 110
Veniellidae Veniella forbesiana (Stoliczka 1871 96
Yoldiidae Cnestriella cuneistriata (Ichikawa & M 27.5
Yoldiidae Yoldia obtusata Stoliczka 1871 24
Yoldiidae Yoldiella panda (Nilsson 1827) 21
size_height_m size_reference size_strat_age size_geographymobility
40 USNM 31651 Maastrichtian Rocky Pt., NC, immobile
48 Weller 1907 Maastrichtian Upper Freeholdimmobile
35.2 Tashiro & OtsuMaastrichtian Kyushu, Japan immobile
45 Abdel-Gawad 1Maastrichtian Middle Vistula immobile
12 Strougo 1983 Maastrichtian Egypt immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
5.5 Heinberg 1978 Maastrichtian Stevns Klint, immobile
38 Greco 1917 Maastrichtian Egypt immobile
6.8 Heinberg 1978 Maastrichtian Stevns Klint, immobile
25 Dartevelle & F "Senonian" Kimbamba, Co immobile
39 Stephenson 194 Maastrichtian Fentress, TX, mobile
98.3 Speden 1970a Maastrichtian South Dakota, mobile
37 Woods 1917 Maastrichtian New Zealand mobile
27.8 Ichikawa & MaMaastrichtian Kyushu, Japan mobile
26.5 Tashiro & OtsuMaastrichtian Kyushu, Japan mobile
88 Squires & SaulMaastrichtian California, USAmobile
77 Pusch 1837:68 Maastrichtian Poland immobile
34 Collignon 1971Maastrichtian Algeria immobile
72.8 Speden 1970a:Maastrichtian South Dakota, immobile
35 Muster 1995 pl Maastrichtian Fresville, Normimmobile
12 Wolansky 1932Maastrichtian Poland immobile
51 Collignon 1949Maastrichtian Madagascar immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
74 Freneix & GranMaastrichtian New Caledoniamobile
9.08 USNM 32177 Maastrichtian Tehuacana, TXmobile
17.1 Speden 1970a Maastrichtian South Dakota, mobile
80 Vogel 1895 Maastrichtian Netherlands mobile
17 Schneider 1999Maastrichtian Jamaica mobile
97 Wilckens 1910:5Maastrichtian Seymour Islandmobile
50 Vogel 1895 Maastrichtian Netherlands mobile
82.9 USNM 25423 Maastrichtian Owl Creek, MS,mobile
106 Olsson 1944 Maastrichtian Peru mobile
75.08 USNM 25722 Maastrichtian Mercer's Mill, mobile
49 Olsson 1934 Maastrichtian Peru mobile
62 Stoliczka 1871:Maastrichtian India mobile
66 Collignon 1971Maastrichtian Algeria mobile
8.8 Heinberg 1993 Maastrichtian Stevns Klint, mobile
19.2 Ichikawa & MaMaastrichtian Honshu, Japanmobile
56 Weidemeyer 20Maastrichtian Patagonia, Arg mobile
29 Olsson 1934 Maastrichtian Peru mobile
30 Collignon 1971Maastrichtian Algeria mobile
6.35 USNM 7601 Maastrichtian Webberville, T mobile
38 Serra 1936 Maastrichtian Libya immobile
8.5 Weller 1907:52Maastrichtian Atlantic Highlaimmobile
14 Forbes 1846 Maastrichtian India immobile
23.1 Pojeta & JohnsoMaastrichtian Crosswicks Ck,immobile
20.6 Kozai 1989 Maastrichtian Kyushu, Japan immobile
15.5 Abbass 1962 Maastrichtian Egypt immobile
25 Olsson 1944 Maastrichtian Peru immobile
3.5 Speden 1970a:Maastrichtian South Dakota, immobile
10.88888889 Squires & SaulMaastrichtian California, USAimmobile
7 Böhm 1891 Maastrichtian Bavaria, Germaimmobile
9 Stolickza 1871 Maastrichtian India immobile
15 Squires & SaulMaastrichtian Toro Ck, CA, U immobile
16 Forbes 1846 Maastrichtian India immobile
7 Zinsmeister & Maastrichtian Seymour Islandimmobile
22 Serra 1935:81 Maastrichtian Libya immobile
22 Woods 1917 Maastrichtian New Zealand mobile
40 Gliozzi & Mala Maastrichtian Mozambique mobile
96 Pethö 1906 Maastrichtian Fruska Gora, Smobile
17 Weller 1907:56Maastrichtian Haddonfield, Nmobile
43 Zinsmeister & Maastrichtian Seymour Islandmobile
174.81 USNM 21142 Maastrichtian Eufaula, AL, U mobile
134 Olsson 1944 Maastrichtian Peru mobile
26 Böhm 1891 Maastrichtian Bavaria, Germamobile
6 Heinberg 1979 Maastrichtian Stevns Klint, mobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
20 Stephenson 19Maastrichtian Mississippi, U immobile
6.4 Saul 1989:197 Maastrichtian Deer Valley, CAmobile
72 Olsson 1944 Maastrichtian Peru mobile
30 Feruglio 1935-3Maastrichtian Patagonia, Arg mobile
14 Speden 1970a Maastrichtian South Dakota, mobile
57 Sobetskiy 1977Maastrichtian Ukraine swimming
70 Camacho 1968Maastrichtian Argentina swimming
128 Dhondt 1971:60Maastrichtian Maastricht, Nemobile
32.5 USNM 707 Maastrichtian Owl Creek, MS,immobile
7 Muniz 1993:100Maastrichtian Brazil immobile
32 Stephenson 19Maastrichtian Corsicana, TX, mobile
37 Zittel 1865 Maastrichtian Muthmannsdorf, mobile
70 Squires 2010:9Maastrichtian California, USAmobile
49.5 Olsson 1944 Maastrichtian Peru mobile
36 Olsson 1944 Maastrichtian Peru mobile
26.45 USNM 28434 Maastrichtian Barbour Ck, ALmobile
84 Stephenson 19Maastrichtian North Carolina mobile
88 Malchus 1990:1Maastrichtian Egypt immobile
60 Jaitly & MishraMaastrichtian India immobile
88 Stoliczka 1871 Maastrichtian India immobile
200 Stephenson 19Maastrichtian 6 mi N of Scoo immobile
55 Weller 1907:45Maastrichtian New Jersey, U immobile
150 Coquand 1862:2 Maastrichtian Algeria immobile
68 Sobetskiy 1982Maastrichtian Kazakhstan immobile
40 Pervinquière Maastrichtian Tunisia immobile
165 Sobetskiy 1977Maastrichtian Ukraine immobile
74 Cottreau 1922 Maastrichtian Madagascar immobile
11.4 Jagt et al. 2014Maastrichtian Maastricht, Neimmobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
21 Olsson 1944 Maastrichtian Peru mobile
51 Speden 1970a:62 Maastrichtian South Dakota, immobile
57.8 Abdel-Gawad 1Maastrichtian Middle Vistula immobile
42 Stephenson 19Maastrichtian Rocky Pt, NC, mobile
18.7 Ichikawa & MaMaastrichtian Kyushu, Japan mobile
92 Petersen 1946 Maastrichtian Patagonia, Arg mobile
33.42 USNM 25556 Maastrichtian The Narrows, mobile
70 Rennie 1945 Maastrichtian Angola mobile
168 Stoliczka 1871:Maastrichtian India immobile
no fig or descr Maastrichtian immobile
31 Stephenson 19Maastrichtian Owl Ck, MS, U mobile
41.6 Forbes 1946 Maastrichtian India mobile
40 Parras & Griffi Maastrichtian Patagonia, Arg mobile
55 Ichikawa & MaMaastrichtian Kyushu, Japan mobile
no size availabMaastrichtian mobile
108 Feruglio 1936-3Maastrichtian Patagonia, Arg swimming
92 Kauffman 1964Maastrichtian Ingomar, MS, Umobile
210 Dhondt 1983 Maastrichtian Maastricht, Neswimming
90 Vidal 1921 Maastrichtian Spain swimming
60 Tzankov et al. Maastrichtian Bulgaria swimming
51 Stoliczka 1871:Maastrichtian India swimming
75 Pasic 1954 Maastrichtian Fruska Gora, Smobile
33 Weller 1907:49Maastrichtian New Jersey, U swimming
38 Wilckens 1910:Maastrichtian Seymour Islandmobile
29 Pethö 1906 Maastrichtian Fruska Gora, Smobile
15 Baroni et al. 1 Maastrichtian Libya mobile
36 Douvillé 1904Maastrichtian SW Iran mobile
90 BMNH L.96372Upper
( CampaniSensui, Prov. L mobile
46 Picard 1930 Maastrichtian Israel mobile
33 Jaitly & MishraMaastrichtian India mobile
24 Woods 1917:pl 1 Maastrichtian New Zealand mobile
40.6 Speden 1970a Maastrichtian South Dakota, mobile
29 Abbass 1962 Maastrichtian Egypt mobile
56 Collignon 1971Maastrichtian Algeria mobile
62 Stephenson 19Maastrichtian Quinlan, TX, U mobile
105 Wilckens 1904:Maastrichtian Chile mobile
40 Saul 1973 AppeMaastrichtian Martinez, CA, mobile
46 Collignon 1971Maastrichtian Algeria mobile
54 Weller 1907:56Maastrichtian Atlantic Highlamobile
20 Stoliczka 1871 Maastrichtian India mobile
62 Gorbach 1980 Maastrichtian Crimea, Ukrainimmobile
16 Stephenson 19Maastrichtian Texas, USA mobile
31 Wilckens 1907 Maastrichtian Patagonia, Arg mobile
17 Böhm 1891: pl Maastrichtian Bavaria, Germamobile
15.33333333 Stinnesbeck 19Maastrichtian Chile mobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
10 Weller 1907:51Maastrichtian New Jersey, U immobile
31 Tzankov et al. Maastrichtian Bulgaria mobile
16.5 Speden 1970a Maastrichtian South Dakota, immobile
12.95180723 Griffin et al. 2 Maastrichtian Patagonia, Arg immobile
28 Stoliczka 1871:Maastrichtian India mobile
15 Vogel 1895:29 Maastrichtian Netherlands immobile
28 Stephenson 19Maastrichtian Kaufman, TX, mobile
65 del Valle & Me Maastrichtian Cape Morro, Jamobile
14 Weidemeyer 20Maastrichtian Patagonia, Arg immobile
40 Metwally 1991 Maastrichtian Egypt immobile
57 d'Orbigny 1845Maastrichtian Aquitaine Basinimmobile
15.55555556 Griffin et al. 2 Maastrichtian Patagonia, Arg immobile
42 Trechmann 192Maastrichtian Jamaica immobile
18 Squires & SaulMaastrichtian California, USAimmobile
73.5 Dhondt 1973a Maastrichtian Sint Pietersberimmobile
14 Pethö 1906 Maastrichtian Fruska Gora, Simmobile
6.5 Böhm 1891 Maastrichtian Bavaria, Germamobile
7 Stephenson 19Maastrichtian Corsicana, TX, mobile
27.5 USNM 25935 Maastrichtian The Narrows, mobile
10.8 Tashiro 1976 Maastrichtian Kyushu, Japan mobile
20.15 USNM 25922 Maastrichtian The Narrows, mobile
8 Abdel-Gawad 1Maastrichtian Middle Vistula mobile
11 Sobetskiy 1977Maastrichtian Ukraine mobile
30 Zinsmeister & Maastrichtian Seymour Islandmobile
21.3 Speden 1970a Maastrichtian South Dakota, mobile
26 Squires & SaulMaastrichtian San Joaquin Val mobile
70 Vogel 1895 Maastrichtian Netherlands immobile
120 Malchus 1990 Maastrichtian Egypt immobile
80 Malchus 1990, M L aastrichtian Egypt immobile
80 Maxia 1940 Maastrichtian Libya immobile
152 Petersen 1946 Maastrichtian Patagonia, Arg immobile
107 Malchus 1990 Maastrichtian Egypt immobile
40 Vredenberg 19 Maastrichtian Pakistan immobile
158 Greco 1916:118; Maastrichtian Egypt immobile
186 Sohl & Kauffm Maastrichtian Cardenas, San immobile
26.2 Speden 1970a Maastrichtian South Dakota, immobile
11.5 Stephenson 19Maastrichtian Corsicana, TX, immobile
30 Böhm 1891 Maastrichtian Bavaria, Germaimmobile
58 Stolickza 1871 Maastrichtian India mobile
30 Wade 1926 Upper CampaniCoon Creek, NTimmobile
47 Zinsmeister & Maastrichtian Seymour Islandmobile
65 Collignon 1949 Maastrichtian
p Madagascar immobile
76 Blank et al. 19 Maastrichtian Ukraine mobile
46 USGS 6412, unMaastrichtian The Narrows, swimming
10 Zakharaov et alMaastrichtian Sakhalin, Russswimming
55 Maury 1930:19 Maastrichtian Rio Gramame, B mobile
39 Darragh & Kend Maastrichtian Western Austraswimming
80 Zittel 1865 Maastrichtian Muthmannsdorf, mobile
47.2 Dhondt 1975:16Maastrichtian Spain swimming
14.6 Ichikawa & MaMaastrichtian Kyushu, Japan mobile
25 Stinnesbeck 19Maastrichtian Chile swimming
45.8 Tashiro 1976 Maastrichtian Kyushu, Japan mobile
60 Pethö 1906 Maastrichtian Fruska Gora, Simmobile
53 Stephenson 1941 Maastrichtian Kaufman, TX, swimming
44 Olsson 1944 Maastrichtian Peru mobile
18.4 Speden 1970a Maastrichtian South Dakota, mobile
28 Tashiro 1978 Maastrichtian Hokkaido, Japamobile
30.8 Speden 1970a Maastrichtian South Dakota, immobile
8.4 de Ryckholt 18Maastrichtian Kunrade, Netheimmobile
10 Stephenson 19Maastrichtian Corsicana, TX, immobile
16 Dartevelle & F "Senonian" Manzadi, Cong mobile
85 Blank et al. 19 Maastrichtian Ukraine mobile
57 Abdel-Gawad 19 Maastrichtian Middle Vistula mobile
52 Zinsmeister & Maastrichtian Seymour Islandmobile
55 Pethö 1906 Maastrichtian Fruska Gora, Smobile
125 USNM 27354 Maastrichtian The Narrows, mobile
132.6923077 Maury 1930:190, Maastrichtian Brazil immobile
120 BMNH Maastrichtian Maastricht, Neimmobile
147.8 Abdel-Gawad 1Maastrichtian Middle Vistula immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
41.5 Dartevelle & Fr"Senonian" Manzadi, Cong mobile
73 Olsson 1934 Maastrichtian Peru immobile
22.3 Myers 1968 Maastrichtian Cardenas, San mobile
49 Dhondt & Jagt Maastrichtian Kunrade, Nethemobile
45 Zittel 1865 Maastrichtian Austria mobile
43 Blanckenhorn Maastrichtian Syria mobile
50.9 Speden 1970a Maastrichtian South Dakota, immobile
52 Stephenson 19Maastrichtian McQueeney, TXimmobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
2.6 Heinberg 1989 Maastrichtian Stevns Klint, mobile
22 Wilckens 1907 M
( aastrichtian Patagonia, Arg mobile
26 Zinsmeister & Maastrichtian Seymour Islandswimming
200 Serra 1936 Maastrichtian Libya immobile
35 Saul & PopenoeMaastrichtian Martinez, CA, mobile
17 Saul & PopenoeUpper CampaniCalifornia, USAmobile
44 Speden 1970a Maastrichtian South Dakota, mobile
23 Weller 1907:61Upper CampaniCrawfords Cornmobile
21.2 Tashiro 1976 Maastrichtian Kyushu, Japan mobile
39 Pethö 1906 Maastrichtian Fruska Gora, Smobile
48.52 USNM 27523 Maastrichtian White Oak Ck, mobile
27.8 Lehner 1937 Maastrichtian Germany mobile
37 USNM 25556 Maastrichtian The Narrows, mobile
34.2 Speden 1970a Maastrichtian South Dakota, mobile
22 Vogel 1895 Maastrichtian Netherlands mobile
20.57 USNM 32774 Maastrichtian Landover Mall, mobile
44 Woods 1917 pl 1 Maastrichtian New Zealand mobile
74 Wilckens 1910:Maastrichtian Seymour Islandmobile
25 Baroni et al 19 Maastrichtian Libya mobile
28.2 Stewart 1930 (a Maastrichtian California, USAmobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
Maastrichtian immobile
50 Schlosser 1928Maastrichtian Mozambique mobile
36 Tashiro 1978 Maastrichtian Hokkaido, Japamobile
36 Leanza & CasaMaastrichtian Patagonia, Arg mobile
64 Feruglio 1935-3Maastrichtian Patagonia, Arg mobile
44.58 USNM 28425 Maastrichtian 10 mi. S. of Eu mobile
77 Petersen 1946 Maastrichtian Patagonia, Arg mobile
43 Wilckens 1910:Maastrichtian Seymour Islandmobile
60 Rennie 1936 Maastrichtian Mozambique mobile
30.85714286 Fleming 1987:6Maastrichtian New Zealand mobile
13.3 Tashiro 1979 Maastrichtian Kyushu, Japan mobile
92 Olsson 1944 Maastrichtian Peru mobile
59.4 Aguilar & DenyMaastrichtian Tortugal, Guana mobile
31.6 Wilckens 1910:Maastrichtian Seymour Islandmobile
18 Darragh & Kend Maastrichtian Western Austramobile
150 Fleming 1987:5Maastrichtian New Zealand mobile
57 Olsson 1944 Maastrichtian Peru mobile
50 Zittel 1865 as Maastrichtian Muthmannsdorf, mobile
44.5 Darragh & Kend Maastrichtian Western Austramobile
23.5 Stilwell 1998:5Maastrichtian Pitt Id., Chath mobile
52 Stephenson 19Maastrichtian Corsicana, TX, mobile
85.5 Tashiro & MoroMaastrichtian Honshu, Japanmobile
42 Tashiro & Otsuk Maastrichtian Kyushu, Japan mobile
41 Reyment 1955 Maastrichtian Nigeria mobile
61 Olsson 1944 Maastrichtian Peru mobile
28.7 Saul 1993:971 Maastrichtian Lake Nacimientmobile
65.8 Saul & Popenoe Maastrichtian Arroyo Santa Camobile
20 Douvillé 1904Maastrichtian SW Iran mobile
7.6 Stephenson 19Maastrichtian Chatfield, TX, mobile
47 Maastrichtian New Zealand mobile
98.42 USNM 315972 Upper CampaniCoon Creek, TNmobile
37.8 Speden 1970a Maastrichtian South Dakota, mobile
89.4 Saul & Popenoe Maastrichtian California, USAmobile
39.5 Stewart 1930:2Maastrichtian California, USAmobile
42.3 Tashiro & OtsuMaastrichtian Kyushu, Japan mobile
60 Quaas 1902 Maastrichtian Egypt mobile
23.3 Tashiro & OtsuMaastrichtian Kyushu, Japan mobile
20 Cox 1952 Maastrichtian Ghana mobile
24 Lehner 1937 Maastrichtian Germany mobile
90.9 Saul & Popenoe Maastrichtian San Antonio delmobile
73 Olsson 1944 Maastrichtian Peru mobile
34 Woods 1917: pl Maastrichtian New Zealand mobile
75.5 Dartevelle & F Maastrichtian Congo mobile
106 Weidemeyer 20Maastrichtian Patagonia, Arg mobile
112 Basse 1933 Maastrichtian Madagascar mobile
11.8 Tashiro 1976 Maastrichtian Kyushu, Japan mobile
16 Stoliczka 1871:Maastrichtian India mobile
18 Pasternak et alMaastrichtian Ukraine mobile
substrate feeding fixation functional_refeFG_SurvFamily_S
epifaunal suspension cemented Yonge 1977 (cal Y Y
epifaunal suspension cemented Yonge 1977 (cal Y Y
epifaunal suspension cemented Yonge 1977 (cal Y Y
epifaunal suspension cemented Yonge 1977 (cal Y Y
epifaunal suspension cemented Strougo 1983 (c Y Y
epifaunal photosymbioticunattached has tubes whicN N
epifaunal photosymbioticunattached recumbent - Mit N N
epifaunal photosymbioticunattached recumbent - Mit N N
epifaunal photosymbioticunattached "hook" morphoty N N
epifaunal photosymbioticunattached "croissant" moN N
epifaunal photosymbioticunattached tubes & flanges N N
epifaunal photosymbioticunattached "croissant" moN N
epifaunal photosymbioticunattached Skelton 1991 FiN N
epifaunal photosymbioticunattached recumbent - Gili N N
epifaunal photosymbioticcemented clinger - Gili & N Y
epifaunal photosymbioticunattached recumbent - CaN N
epifaunal suspension byssate Mikkelsen & BiY Y
epifaunal suspension byssate Stanley 1970 Y Y
epifaunal suspension byssate Oliver 1979:36;Y Y
epifaunal suspension byssate Hansen & SurlyY Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Stanley 1970 foY Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Stanley 1970 foY Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Aberhan & KiesY Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Aberhan & KiesY Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Stanley 1970 foY Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Squires & SaulY Y
epifaunal suspension unattached Squires & SaulY Y
epifaunal suspension byssate Muster 1995 Y N
epifaunal suspension byssate Muster 1995 Y N
epifaunal suspension byssate Muster 1995 Y N
epifaunal suspension byssate Muster 1995 Y N
epifaunal suspension byssate Muster 1995 Y N
epifaunal photosymbioticcemented clinger - Mitch N N
epifaunal photosymbioticunattached recumbent - Smi N N
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached Stanley 1970 foY Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached Stanley 1970 foY Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached Stanley 1970 foY Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached Jablonski & BoY Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached Stanley 1970 foY Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached Aberhan & KiesY Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached Stanley 1970 foY Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached Stanley 1970 foY Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached Stanley 1970 foY Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached Stanley 1970 foY Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached Stanley 1970 foY Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached Rhoads et al. 1Y Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Stanley 1970 foY Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Heinberg 1993 Y Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Stanley 1970 foY Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Aberhan & KiesY Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Stanley 1970 foY Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Stanley 1970 foY Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Aberhan & KiesY Y
epifaunal suspension cemented Morton et al. 1 Y Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached Pojeta & Sohl Y Y
nestler suspension unattached Morton 2007: "e Y Y
deep_infaunal_suspension unattached Pojeta & JohnsY Y
shallow_infaunsuspension byssate Dominici & ZusY Y
shallow_infaunsuspension byssate Morton et al. 1 Y Y
shallow_infaunsuspension byssate Todd 2001 Y Y
shallow_infaunsuspension byssate Rhoads et al. 1Y Y
shallow_infaunsuspension byssate Morton et al. 1 Y Y
shallow_infaunsuspension byssate Morton et al. 1 Y Y
shallow_infaunsuspension byssate Todd 2001 Y Y
shallow_infaunsuspension byssate Morton et al. 1 Y Y
shallow_infaunsuspension byssate Morton et al. 1 Y Y
shallow_infaunsuspension byssate Aberhan & KiesY Y
shallow_infaunsuspension byssate Todd 2001 Y Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Todd 2001 for fY Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Kelley & SwannY Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Todd 2001 for fY Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Todd 2001 for fY Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Morton 1981 for Y Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Rhoads et al. 1Y Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Morton 1981 for Y Y
shallow_infauncarnivore unattached Mondal & HarriY Y
shallow_infauncarnivore unattached Mondal & HarriY Y
epifaunal photosymbioticcemented elevator - Gili N N
epifaunal photosymbioticunattached recumbent - GilN N
epifaunal suspension cemented Hansen & SurlyY Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached Morton et al. 1 Y Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached Morton et al. 1 Y Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached Morton et al. 1 Y Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached Morton et al. 1 Y Y
epifaunal suspension byssate Hansen & SurlyY Y
epifaunal suspension byssate Waller & MarinY Y
epifaunal suspension byssate Hansen & SurlyY Y
borer suspension unattached Morton 1983 Y Y
borer suspension unattached Carter 1978 Y Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Morton et al. 1 Y Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Morton et al. 1 Y Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Morton et al. 1 Y Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Morton et al. 1 Y Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Morton et al. 1 Y Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Jablonski & Bot Y Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Morton et al. 1 Y Y
epifaunal suspension cemented Aberhan & KiesY Y
epifaunal suspension unattached cemented as juY Y
epifaunal suspension unattached El-Hedeny & ElY Y
epifaunal suspension unattached Jablonski & Bot Y Y
epifaunal suspension cemented Aberhan & KiesY Y
epifaunal suspension cemented Musavu Moussa Y Y
epifaunal suspension cemented Morton et al. 1 Y Y
epifaunal suspension unattached cemented as juv Y Y
epifaunal suspension unattached cemented as juv Y Y
deep_infaunal_suspension unattached Yonge & Thomps Y Y
nestler suspension byssate Jagt et al. 2014Y Y
epifaunal photosymbioticunattached recumbent - Sch N N
epifaunal photosymbioticcemented clinger - Steub N N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached erect not recu Y N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached "hook" morphoty Y N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached "hook" morphoty Y N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached RV long & straiY N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached Family epif to Y N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached Family epif to Y N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached elevator - Roja Y N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached elevator - RV c Y N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached elevator - SkeltY N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached elevator - Gili Y N
deep_infaunal_suspension unattached Possibly deposiY N
epifaunal suspension byssate Equivalve, bys Y N
epifaunal suspension unattached Hansen & Surlyk Y N
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Aberhan & KiesY N
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Aberhan & KiesY N
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Aberhan & KiesY N
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Aberhan & KiesY N
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Aberhan & KiesY N
semi_infaunal suspension byssate Fursich & PandY Y
semi_infaunal suspension byssate Heinberg 1999 Y N
deep_infaunal_suspension unattached Aberhan & KiesY Y
deep_infaunal_suspension unattached Ros-Franch et aY Y
deep_infaunal_suspension unattached Mondal & HarriY Y
deep_infaunal_suspension unattached Mondal & Harrie Y Y
deep_infaunal_suspension unattached Mondal & Harrie Y Y
epifaunal suspension byssate Todd 2001 Y Y
epifaunal suspension byssate Asymmetric aur Y Y
epifaunal suspension byssate Todd 2001; MikY Y
epifaunal suspension byssate Morton 1979: "T Y Y
epifaunal suspension byssate Mikkelsen & BiY Y
epifaunal suspension byssate Todd 2001, Fle Y Y
epifaunal suspension byssate Ros-Franch et aY Y
epifaunal suspension byssate Heinberg 1999;Y Y
epifaunal suspension byssate Aberhan & KiesY Y
infaunal_asiph suspension byssate Oliver 1981 Gr Y Y
shallow_infaunchemosymbiotiunattached realtively smalY Y
shallow_infaunchemosymbiotiunattached realtively smalY Y
shallow_infaunchemosymbiotiunattached Glover & TaylorY Y
deep_infaunal_chemosymbiotiunattached Stanley 1970 foY Y
shallow_infaunchemosymbiotiunattached realtively smalY Y
deep_infaunal_chemosymbiotiunattached Leonard-PingelY Y
deep_infaunal_chemosymbiotiunattached taken to be deeY Y
deep_infaunal_chemosymbiotiunattached Stanley 1970, bY Y
deep_infaunal_chemosymbiotiunattached realtively larg Y Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached Rhoads et al. Y Y
deep_infaunal_suspension unattached taken to be deeY Y
deep_infaunal_suspension unattached Saul 1973:38 Y Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached Barnes & MortoY Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Sundberg 1980Y N
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Sundberg 1980Y N
epifaunal suspension byssate Squires 1990 Y Y
shallow_infaunsubsurface_depunattached Morton et al. 1 Y Y
shallow_infaunsubsurface_depunattached Morton et al. Y Y
shallow_infaunsubsurface_depunattached Morton et al. 1 Y Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached taken to be sh Y Y
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached elevator - Steu Y N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached elevator - Roja Y N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached elevator - Steu Y N
borer suspension unattached Yonge 1955 Y Y
epifaunal suspension byssate Stanley 1970 Y Y
epifaunal suspension byssate Todd 2001 Y Y
borer suspension byssate also nestling; Y Y
semi_infaunal suspension byssate Sundberg 1980,Y Y
borer suspension byssate Yonge 1955 Y Y
epifaunal suspension byssate Ros-Franch et aY Y
semi_infaunal suspension byssate Stanley 1970 Y Y
epifaunal suspension byssate Coan et al. 200Y Y
epifaunal suspension byssate Mikkelsen & Bie Y Y
epifaunal suspension byssate Unusual mytilidY Y
epifaunal suspension byssate Mytiliform withY Y
nestler suspension byssate Coan et al. 200Y Y
epifaunal suspension byssate Squires & SaulY Y
epifaunal suspension unattached Hayami & NodaY N
epifaunal suspension unattached As for Neithea Ys N
epifaunal suspension byssate Oliver 1985 Y Y
infaunal_asiph suspension byssate As for subfamilY Y
epifaunal suspension byssate Aberhan & KiesY Y
shallow_infaunsubsurface_depunattached Morton et al. 1 Y Y
shallow_infaunsubsurface_depunattached Ansell et al. 19Y Y
shallow_infaunsubsurface_depunattached As for Nuculana Y Y
shallow_infaunsubsurface_depunattached Leonard-PingelY Y
infaunal_asiph subsurface_dep
unattached Aberhan & KiesY Y
infaunal_asiph subsurface_dep
unattached Hansen & SurlyY Y
infaunal_asiph subsurface_dep
unattached Coan et al. 200Y Y
epifaunal suspension cemented Hansen & SurlyY Y
epifaunal suspension cemented Aberhan & KiesY Y
epifaunal suspension cemented Aberhan & KiesY Y
epifaunal suspension cemented Malchus 1990 Y Y
epifaunal suspension cemented Fürsich & KirY Y
epifaunal suspension cemented Malchus 1990 Y Y
epifaunal suspension cemented Malchus 1990 Y Y
epifaunal suspension cemented Malchus 1990 Y Y
epifaunal suspension cemented Hansen & SurlyY Y
epifaunal suspension byssate Hansen & SurlyY N
epifaunal suspension byssate Rhoads et al. 1Y N
epifaunal suspension byssate Ros-Franch et aY N
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Inflated, subquY N
epifaunal suspension byssate Aberhan & KiesY N
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached Aberhan & KiesY N
epifaunal suspension byssate Berndt 2003; bu Y N
deep_infaunal_suspension unattached Mondal & HarriY Y
epifaunal suspension byssate Kirkland 1996 Y Y
epifaunal suspension byssate Todd 2001, DijkY Y
epifaunal suspension byssate relatively smalY Y
epifaunal suspension byssate Darragh & Kend Y Y
epifaunal suspension byssate strong byssal nY Y
epifaunal suspension byssate subequal and re Y Y
epifaunal suspension byssate Ichikawa & MaY Y
epifaunal suspension byssate deep byssal notY Y
epifaunal suspension byssate Darragh & Kend Y Y
epifaunal suspension unattached small auricles,Y Y
epifaunal suspension byssate subsequal auric Y Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached Morton et al. 1 Y Y
deep_infaunal_suspension unattached taken to be deeY Y
deep_infaunal_suspension unattached taken to be deeY Y
borer suspension unattached Morton et al. 1 Y Y
borer suspension unattached Morton et al. 1 Y Y
borer suspension unattached Morton et al. 1 Y Y
deep_infaunal_suspension unattached Mondal & HarriY Y
deep_infaunal_suspension unattached Mondal & HarriY Y
deep_infaunal_suspension unattached Mondal & HarriY Y
deep_infaunal_suspension unattached Aberhan & KiesY Y
deep_infaunal_suspension unattached Aberhan & KiesY Y
deep_infaunal_suspension unattached Aberhan 1994, Y D Y
semi_infaunal suspension byssate Morton et al. 1 Y Y
semi_infaunal suspension byssate Morton et al. 1 Y Y
semi_infaunal suspension byssate Morton et al. 1 Y Y
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached elevator - Mitc Y N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached elevator - Steu Y N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached elevator - Steu Y N
deep_infaunal_suspension unattached Mondal & HarriY N
epifaunal suspension cemented Morton et al. 1 Y Y
shallow_infauncarnivore unattached Morton et al. 1 Y Y
shallow_infauncarnivore unattached Morton et al. 1 Y Y
shallow_infauncarnivore unattached Morton et al. 1 Y Y
epifaunal carnivore byssate Waller 2006, wh Y Y
epifaunal suspension byssate Morton et al. 1 Y Y
epifaunal suspension cemented Morton et al. 1 Y Y
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached elevator - Gili Y N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached elevator - RV c Y N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached elevator - RV c Y Y
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached elevator - Gili eY Y
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached Marincovich 19Y N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached Pons et al. 201Y N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached Clinger AND rec Y N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached elevator - Mit Y N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached Johnson & KauY N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached elevator - Lavi Y N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached elevator - Ste Y N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached elevator - RV c Y N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached elevator - Gili Y N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached elevator - RV c Y N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached elevator - RV c Y N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached elevator-Lavia Y N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached elevator - HennY N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached RV conical w/loY N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached RV cylindrical Y N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached elevator - Mitc Y N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached similar to GojanY N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached RV conical - SÄY N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached elevator - coni Y N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached similar to GojanY N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached taken to be eleY N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached RV conical, LV Y N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached RV conical orn Yw N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached elevator - RV cyY N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached RV conical to cY N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached elevator - RV c Y N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached elevator - Mit Y N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached elevator - RV c Y N
infaunal_asiph subsurface_depunattached Todd 2001 Y Y
deep_infaunal_suspension unattached Aberhan & KiesY Y
deep_infaunal_chemosymbiotiunattached Mondal & HarriY Y
epifaunal suspension cemented Hansen & SurlyY Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached Rhoads et al. 1Y N
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached Rhoads et al. 1Y N
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached Rhoads et al. 1Y N
shallow/deep_i mixed_deposit/unattached small with "mod Y Y
shallow/deep_i mixed_deposit/unattached depth uncertain Y Y
shallow/deep_i mixed_deposit/unattached Maastrichtian Y Y
shallow/deep_i mixed_deposit/unattached relatively larg Y Y
shallow/deep_i mixed_deposit/unattached taken to be sh Y Y
shallow/deep_i mixed_deposit/unattached pallial sinus w Y Y
shallow/deep_i mixed_deposit/unattached deep sinus, rel Y Y
shallow/deep_i mixed_deposit/unattached Todd 2001, Stan Y Y
shallow/deep_i mixed_deposit/unattached Rhoads et al. 1Y Y
deep_infaunal_suspension unattached Morton et al. 1 Y Y
deep_infaunal_chemosymbiotiunattached treating all th Y Y
deep_infaunal_chemosymbiotiunattached treating all th Y Y
nestler suspension byssate Morton et al. 1 Y Y
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached Ross & SkeltonY N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached Ross & SkeltonY N
semi_infaunal photosymbioticunattached Ross & SkeltonY N
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Stanley 1977 foY Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Stanley 1977 foY Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Stanley 1977 foY Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Stanley 1977 foY Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Stanley 1977 foY Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Stanley 1977 foY Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Stanley 1977 foY Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Stanley 1977 foY Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Stanley 1977 foY Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Stanley 1977 foY Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Stanley 1977 foY Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Stanley 1977 foY Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Stanley 1977 foY Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Stanley 1977, f Y Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Stanley 1977 foY Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Stanley 1977 foY Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Stanley 1977 foY Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Stanley 1977 foY Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Stanley 1977 foY Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Stanley 1977 foY Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Stanley 1977 foY Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached elongate, compr Y Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached orbicular, modeY Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached Jablonski & BoY Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached not elongate orY Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached not quadrate, nY Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached small (median Y Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached small (median Y Y
deep_infaunal_suspension unattached relatively larg Y Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached large (to 110 mY Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached Aberhan 1994; Y m Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached trigonal, infla Y Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached elongate, compr Y Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached ovoid but not mY Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached Aberhan & Kiess Y Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached trigonal, shalloY Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached small (L 21.7 mY Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached shell thick, inf Y Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached large, thicksheY Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached large, thicksheY Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached Aberhan & KiesY Y
shallow_infaunsuspension unattached trigonal, thick Y Y
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Aberhan & KiesY N
infaunal_asiph suspension unattached Bryan & Jones Y N
unattached Stanley 1970 foY Y
unattached Stanley 1970 Y Y
unattached Morton et al. 19Y Y
Y 9
N 9
Y 9
N 9
N 9
N 49
N 49
N 49
N 49
N 49
N 49
N 49
N 49
N 49
N 50
N 49
Y 5
Y 5
Y 5
Y 5
N 3
N 3
Y 3
N 3
N 3
N 3
N 33
N 5
N 5
N 5
N 5
N 5
N 50
N 49
N 1
N 1
N 1
N 1
Y 1
Y 1
Y 1
N 1
N 1
N 1
N 1
N 1
Y 3
N 3
N 3
Y 3
N 3
Y 3
N 3
Y 9
N 52
Y 38
N 18
Y 16
Y 16
Y 16
Y 16
N 16
Y 16
Y 16
Y 16
Y 16
N 16
Y 16
N 3
Y 3
Y 3
N 3
N 3
Y 3
N 3
Y 13
Y 13
N 50
N 49
N 9
N 1
N 1
N 1
Y 1
N 14
N 14
N 8
Y 10
Y 10
Y 3
Y 3
Y 3
N 3
N 3
N 3
N 3
N 9
N 33
N 33
N 33
Y 9
N 9
Y 9
Y 33
Y 33
Y 18
N 23
N 49
N 50
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 6
N 5
N 33
N 3
N 3
N 3
N 3
N 3
Y 17
N 17
N 6
N 6
Y 6
N 6
N 6
Y 14
N 8
Y 14
Y 14
Y 14
Y 14
N 8
Y 14
Y 8
Y 28
Y 27
Y 27
Y 27
Y 4
N 27
Y 4
Y 4
Y 4
Y 4
N 1
N 6
N 6
Y 1
N 3
N 3
N 5
Y 11
Y 11
Y 11
N 1
N 51
N 51
N 51
Y 10
Y 8
Y 5
Y 19
N 26
Y 19
N 8
Y 26
Y 5
Y 5
N 5
Y 5
Y 23
N 5
N 33
N 33
Y 8
Y 28
Y 8
Y 11
Y 11
N 11
Y 11
Y 21
Y 21
Y 21
N 9
N 9
N 9
N 9
Y 9
Y 9
Y 9
N 9
N 9
N 5
Y 5
N 5
N 3
N 5
N 1
N 5
N 6
N 14
Y 14
Y 8
N 14
N 8
N 14
N 8
N 14
N 8
N 33
N 14
Y 1
N 6
N 6
N 10
Y 10
Y 10
N 6
Y 6
N 6
N 6
N 6
Y 6
Y 17
Y 17
N 17
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 6
Y 9
N 13
N 13
N 13
Y 25
Y 5
Y 9
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 21
N 6
Y 40
Y 9
N 1
N 1
N 1
N 2
N 2
Y 2
N 2
N 2
N 2
N 2
Y 2
N 2
Y 6
Y 4
Y 4
N 29
N 51
N 51
N 51
N 3
N 3
N 3
N 3
N 3
N 3
N 3
N 3
N 3
N 3
N 3
N 3
N 3
N 3
N 3
N 3
N 3
N 3
N 3
N 3
N 3
N 1
N 1
N 1
N 1
N 1
N 1
N 1
Y 6
Y 1
Y 1
Y 1
N 1
N 1
N 1
N 1
N 1
N 1
N 1
N 1
Y 1
N 1
N 3
Y 3
N 11
Y 11
Y 11
boundary mobility substrate feeding fixation
PTME immobile borer suspension byssate
PTME immobile epifaunal suspension unattache
PTME mobile deep_infaunal_siphonate chemosymbiotic unattache
PTME mobile deep_infaunal_siphonate suspension unattache
PTME mobile infaunal_asiphonate chemosymbiotic unattache
KPg immobile epifaunal photosymbiotic? cemented
KPg immobile epifaunal photosymbiotic? unattache
KPg immobile semi_infaunal photosymbiotic? unattache
KPg immobile shallow_infaunal_siphonasuspension unattache
SurviveBoFamilySurvSurvivingFamily FG_Surviv Notes
N Y Lithophaginae, MytilidY Lithodomina is the only genus to
N Y Posidoniidae Y The Posidoniidae lack a byssal ga
N Y Lucinidae, SolemyidaeY Both the Lucinidae and Solemyida
N Y Pholadomyidae Y Pholadomyidae, which survive the
N Y Manzanellidae Y Permian Manzanellidae includes C
N Y Monopleuridae N While the Monopleuridae have ge
N N N We have not seen that any memb
N Y Monopleuridae Y The only member of the Monople
N Y Clavagellidae Y The family survives the KPg extin
he only genus to occupy this FG in the Guadalupian. Carter 1978 puts Lithodomina in subfamil
e lack a byssal gape and notch and so fall into this FG in the Guadalupian (Seilacher & Gishlic
dae and Solemyidae survive the PTME, with the Lucinidae exclusively in this FG during the Gua
which survive the extinction, exclusively occupy this FG in the Guadalupian; see also Foster &
nellidae includes Cenozoic Nucinellidae in both the Bieler et al. 2010 and Carter et al. 2011 clas
pleuridae have genera within this FG in the Maastrichtian, none of those genera survive the KP
en that any member of the families occupying this FG survived the KPg
er of the Monopleuridae recorded to have survived the KPg is the genus Paramonopleura, whic
ves the KPg extinction, with Maastrichtian Stripulina as an example "an undoubted clavagellid
Lithodomina in subfamily Lithophaginae, which we take to be monophyletic so that occurrence
pian (Seilacher & Gishlick 2014), and survive the extinction.
n this FG during the Guadalupian.
lupian; see also Foster & Twitchett 2014, who use this clade as their example of persistence in
nd Carter et al. 2011 classifications and as such indicates the survival of this family and FG ac
e genera survive the KPg and the family does not have genera in this FG after the extinction e

s Paramonopleura, which is a semi-infaunal, unattached, immobile, photosymbiotic? clade (ac

n undoubted clavagellid" that lived as soft-sediment infauna (Pojeta & Sohl 1987).
letic so that occurrence of Lithophaga (s.l.) in Triassic signals survival of functional group; furt

xample of persistence inferred from phylogeny.

of this family and FG across the PTME.
G after the extinction event. Therefore, we designate this functional group as extinct at the KP

otosymbiotic? clade (according to Gili et al. 1995). Unless the Paleocene material of this genus
Sohl 1987).
of functional group; further, several Permian records of cylindrical mytilids assigned to Lithoph

oup as extinct at the KPg boundary.

ne material of this genus is reworked, this FG survived the extinction via functional and phylog
ilids assigned to Lithophaga s.l. (e.g. Dickins 1963, Muromtseva & Guskov 1984, , Kleemann 19

a functional and phylogenetic continuity through the Monopleuridae.

kov 1984, , Kleemann 1990, Gorsky et al. 2013) may also be phylogenetically and functionally c
ically and functionally connected to Triassic Lithophaga s.l..
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