Study Plan China SGS

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Study Plan

Can the understanding of basics science improve the quality of people’s life? Are we
reaching the limits of technological advances? It is questions like these which captivated
my interest in Technology, Engineering and Physics. Inasmuch as I have thoroughly
enjoyed the comprehension of complex and abstract phenomena during my University
studies in Engineering Physics, a wide-ranging and interdisciplinary science-engineering, I
find the continuation in the direction of Master´s program in Nuclear Science and
Technology the most appropriate. Studying the sciences has pushed me beyond my
known boundaries and has taught me to think logically and sequentially when
approaching problems. Some of my undergraduate elective courses including: General
topics in optic, Fabrication of superconducting thin films, Optical and digital image
processing, Virtual instrumentation, Special topics in engineering-Thermal solar energy
among others; reflect my commitment to this field.

My years as student were not only focused on lectures and conferences at University. I
took several courses and conferences in public and private organizations which have
provided me with a solid understanding of the importance of scientific research and its
application within my local community. Some relevant courses including: Update on
radiological protection, AutoCAD 3D, Entrepreneurs in the assembly and maintenance of
basic photovoltaic solar systems, Development of Applications for mobile Devices using
Android platform, among others. All this work and research gave me the opportunity to
get in as Research intern (2015) at Medical physics and radiological protection office in
Fundacion Valle del Lili (FVL) (best healthcare institution in Colombia, third in Latin
America). In this place I performed my thesis project. This has provided me the
opportunity to do further research on advance radiation physics, technological
innovations, radiation protection, diagnostic imaging, radiopharmacy, nuclear medicine,
radiotherapy, surgery, among others.

People’s Republic of China is a great country, with an enormous research and educative
potential. For this strong reason, it is strongly necessary that Colombian professionals
going to this place in order to get postgraduates. Coming back to Colombia holding MSc
and/or PhD degree will enhance my capacity to face appropriately new challenges in the
years to come. The high education level in Shanghai will give me a solid background and
novel ideas to implement in Colombia and maybe in Shanghai. Currently, I have an
important practical and theoretical knowledge within my career; I would be able to
develop successful projects in China in the years as graduate student. I got fascinated with
Chinese culture. Being In Shanghai would allow me to learn Chinese, a very useful and
recognised language.

Colombia, my homeland, is currently facing huge challenges in Energy generation. Energy

has become around the world a topic that governments have to bear in mind. A nuclear
energy trough nuclear power plant is a good alternative for developing countries in order
to satisfice the energy’s demand of their citizens. Nuclear power has shown to be a clean
energy. Personally, I envisage in the close future this kind of Plants working inside
Colombia; I would like to be a great contributor in implementing this technology. We can
work together with international organisations such as IAEA, which will teach us the way
to successful complete this project. They could give us the background and experience to
develop a nuclear power plant in Colombia. Then, holding a degree from Shanghai, who
has experience in Nuclear Power, will allow me to help in this project wisely.

X-ray emission equipment related with the treatment and diagnostic of Patients is
definitively necessary in Colombia and around the world. As a matter of fact, this
technology is highly used in the healthcare environment. For this reason, is indispensable
to hold a postgraduate in this area in order to implement new effective and safe
methodologies. The using of ionizing radiation in the medical field is absolutely justified. In
this area, I am very interested in bringing new equipment to treat illnesses with radiation
protection (e.g. proton therapy) and helping to put into effect the use of new isotopes in
nuclear medicine (e.g. radium 223). Some universities in Shanghai have been developing
new equipment to use X-Rays and protons to destroy tumours in human and animals.
These universities are doing research in new isotopes in nuclear medicine as well. I would
like to learn from them a lot.

After a long and extensive search for the appropriate graduate program at a top research
University, I believe a Master’s program in SHANGHAI JIA TONG UNIVERSITY is a great
opportunity for me to fulfil my aspiration for excellence and to succeed with in this
profession. Studying there will not only enhance my understanding, but also will enable
me to apply my knowledge of computing languages like C, C++, Python, AutoCAD,
LabView and Matlab to solve complex problems, which will push the boundaries of
knowledge at the heart of these world-class research institutions and also within scientific
field. Upon receiving my Master’s degree, I plan on continuing my education, and
ultimately obtaining a Ph.D. in Nuclear Science and Technology/Nuclear Technology and
Applications. I am confident that with my ability and determination, I will be successful in
the scientific life and make a contribution that will help us all. I realize that there will be
many challenges on the way, but I feel I have the tenacity and confidence to succeed in
becoming a valuable member which truly inspires me.
Finally, I consider myself to be a well-rounded, sociable individual driven by the aspiration
to help improve people’s life by contributing to the advancement of the technology,
physical sciences, nuclear science and medical sciences. My own scientific ideology is
based on the notion that society will always depend upon technological innovations to go
beyond our limits. As Physicist engineer, I play a liaison officer between the research and
technology domains. Physics is an amazing science, a wonderful field of knowledge that
can impact positively on human beings. This is, therefore, something I greatly anticipate
and hope to achieve trough this graduate program at SJTU.

Sincerely yours,

March 2019, Colombia

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