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Sue Tyson-Ward


For Mum and Dad
Many thanks to Mrs Lucia Cooper for materials and guidance and, as
ever, to Sarah Mitchell at Hodder for her total encouragement. And to
Brazil, for instilling the fire of life. Viva! Introduction 1
Pronunciation Guide 4
For UK orders: please contact Bookpoinl LW, 39 Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4TD.
Telephone: (44) 01235 400414, Fax: (44) 0 1235 400454. Lines are open from 9.00- 6.00, 1 Seu passaporte por favor Your passport please 7
Monday to Saturday, with a 24 hour message answering service. Email address: Identifying people; Introducing yourself and addressing people; Saying hellos and goodbyes; Checking into your hotel
For U.S.A. & Canada orders: please contact NTC/Contemporary Publishing, 4255 West 2 Voce e casada? Are you married? 18
Touhy Avenue, Lincolnwood, Illinois 60646-1975 U.S.A. Telephone: (847) 679 5500,
Talking about yourself and family; Talking about your home
Fax: !847) 679 2494.
town; Giving your address and telephone number
Long-renowned as the authoritative source for self-guided learning- with more than
30 million copies sold worldwide - the Teach Yourself series includes over 200 titles in 8 Onde e sua cidade? Where is your town? 30
the fields of languages, crafts, hobbies, sports, and other leisure activities. Describing where your home town is; Describing your
belongings and recovering lost property; Describing what
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library. things are made of; Colours

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 96-72377 4 Ha uma farmacia por aqui? Is there a chemist's around here? 40
Asking and understanding basic directions; Talking about
First published in UK 1997 by Hodder Headline Pic, 338 Euston Road, London NW1 3BH. the weather; Understanding time; Saying 'there is/there are'
First published in US 1997 by N'I'C/Contemporary Publishing, 4255 West Touby Avenue,
Lincolnwood (Chicago), Illinois 60646-1975 U.S.A.
5 A que horas come~a? What time do you start? 52
Discussing your work; Discussing how you travel to work;
The 'Teach Yourself name and logo are registered trade marks of Hodder & Stoughton LW. Daily routine
Copyright© 1997 Sue Tyson-Ward 6 0 que faz no seu tempo livre? What do you do in 61
In UK: All righls reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted your free time?
in. any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, Discussing leisure time; Talking about what you like doing;
or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Leisure facilities and entertainments
publisher or under licence from the Copyright Licensing Agency Limited. Further
details of such licences (for reprographic reproduction) may be obtained from the 7 Pois niio? Can I help you? 72
Copyright Licensing Agency Limited, of 90 Tottenham Court Road, London W1P 9HE. Obtaining goods and services; Buying clothes and shoes;
In US: All righls reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval Discussing sizes
system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
or otherwise, without prior permission ofN'I'C/Contemporary Publishing Company. 8 Que vai comer? What are you going to eat? 81
Ordering a meal; Making requests; Typical Brazilian food
Typeset by Transet LW, Coventry, England.
Printed in Great Britain for Hodder & Stoughton Educational, a division of Hodder 9 Vai viajar? Are you going travelling? 91
Headline Pic, 338 Euston Road, London NW1 3BH by Cox & Wyman Limited, Reading, Means of transport; Asking for change;
Departure and arrival times
Impression number 12 11 10 9 8 7
Year 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 Revision exercises on units 1-9 100
10 Tem um apartamento livre? Do you have a room free? 105
Obtaining a hotel room; Making minor complaints;
Brazilian meals and mealtimes
11 Que tal esta? What about this one? 115
Likes and dislikes; Preferences;
Shopping for souvenirs; Buying snacks
12 Por que nao vamos ao teatro? Why don't we go to
the theatre? 122
Planning an evening out; Getting tickets for entertainment;
Making invitations; More on time
13 E tudo? Is that everything? 133
Obtaining postal services; Buying groceries;
Dealing with car hire, parking and petrol
14 Voce esta livre amanha de tarde? Are you free This course is designed for the absolute beginner and requires no
tomorrow afternoon? 145 previous knowledge of any foreign language. The aim of the course is
Making plans for the future; Arranging to meet people; to enable you to use Brazilian Portuguese in everyday situations and
Telephone calls; Months also to provide some background information about Brazil and
Brazilian culture.
15 Como foi a viagem? How was the journey? 156
Talking in the past; Discussing a visit you've made; The Portuguese of Brazil is different from that of Continental
Portugal in three main ways: vocabulary, grammatical structures,
Describing actions
and, most important, pronunciation. You could consider the two
16 Quanto custaram? How much did they cost? 166 variants of the language in the same way as American and British
Talking about what you've bought; Identifying your own English. It is widely considered that Brazilian Portuguese is actually
property; More on the past easier to understand than European, as the Portuguese speak very
quickly, with their mouths closed very much around the words, and
17 Era tudo tao diferente It was all so different 173
they often 'eat' the beginning and ending of words. If you are learning
Talking about something you saw earlier; Identifying
Brazilian Portuguese, be assured that people will understand what
strangers; Recalling how a place used to be
you are saying (apart from the odd few words) throughout the
18 0 que voce tem? What's the matter? 184 Portuguese-speaking world. It is important for you to understand that
Describing illness and ailments; Dealing with the chemist you are not learning 'Brazilian', but 'Brazilian Portuguese'. It is
and doctor; Coping with an accident; Saying farewell surprising how many people (including some native speakers) believe
'Brazilian' is actually a language. It is not, it is a variant of the
Revision exercises on units 10-18 195 Portuguese language.
Key to the exercises 201
Portuguese is not a difficult language to take on board if you have had
Vocabulary 208 some experience of another Latin-based (or Romance) language, such
~Urnneros 214 as French, Spanish or Italian. Pronunciation is the main area you will
need to concentrate on. Many people erroneously believe that, as it
Grammar Index 215 looks like Spanish, it will sound that way too. Constant practice with

- 1 -

the cassette will help you improve in this respect. If you have no
knowledge of a Romance language, or in fact, of any language, take
In addition, the symbol 1!1 indicates material included on the
accompanying cassette.
heart - you are starting out with a clean slate and with no
preconceptions which could mislead you. The best way to make progress is to work a little every day. Listen to
the cassette and read the dialogues several times, learning the
The American influence on Brazil, via TV and other mass-media
vocabulary before you start the exercises. Try to devise interesting
communications has resulted in various English words entering the
ways to memorise the new words, such as through picture-images,
Brazilian speaker's vocabulary; words such as shopping, flat and
songs, rhymes, etc.
short (shorts) are commonplace today.
Teach Yourself Brazilian Portuguese follows the journey of Sylvia
How to use this book Peters on a 6-month trip to Brazil, as she endeavours to make social,
cultural and business links for future exchange. During the course of
Each of the 18 units is structured as follows: her journey you, like her, will visit some of Brazil's most important
Introduction. An introduction in English that explains what you cities, and be introduced to its people, history and culture. Initially,
will learn in the unit. Sylvia will be the guest of the Ferreira family; Jose is a marine
biologist, and Marli teaches Portuguese in a language school. Sylvia
Dialogo. There are dialogues at the beginning of each chapter, and returns to their house before leaving Brazil for the UK
sometimes later on. Using the cassette, listen to them first to check
the pronunciation and see how much you understand, then read them
carefully, and if necessary, listen again.
Vocabulario. The vocabulary section that follows each dialogue
contains the new words and expressions that you will need to
understand it.
Verdadeiro ou falso? (True or false?). These are statements about
the texts in either English or Portuguese that may be true or false.
The aim of these exercises is to check whether you have understood
the text.
Dicas Culturais. Hints or tips - comments on life and society as
well as background information on Brazil.
Sumario. The important words and expressions used in the
dialogues are repeated here.
Gramatica. Notes explaining grammatical structures and how to
create your own sentences.
Exercicios/Atividades. In these you practise the new words and
information you have learnt.
Compreende? (Do you understand?) Further dialogues and texts,
testing your comprehension. These are not designed to test every
word, but to give you the opportunity to 'get the gist' of a text.

- 3 -

i, as in mean - partida or as in cigar - emigrar

o, as in saw - nova or as in boot - sapato
u, as in boot- durmo or as in bull - mudar

Portuguese consonants
Portuguese consonants also differ from the English sounds in
- PRONUNCIATION different situations. Follow the table on the cassette, if you have it, as
each consonant is given an English equivalent, and a Portuguese
Consonant English sound Portuguese sound
b ball bonito
c+e/i, ~ sat cern, come9a
c+a/o/u can comer
ch shout chocolate
Although this book can successfully be used on its own, the purchase dab I 'gee'
d dar or cidade
of the cassette will enhance both your pronunciation and your
f fun falar
comprehension abilities as well as giving you the opportunity for
g+ eli pleasure geleia
aural revision. got
g+ a/o/u pagar
BIn native Portuguese words there is no k, w, or y, although they h 'silent' hotel
appear in imported words. Pronunciation in Brazil varies from region j pleasure julho
to region, as it may do in any country. There are certain distinct 1 last livre/total
sounds in Rio which mark the speaker as a 'Carioca' (a native of Rio), lh billion mulher
e.g. the de sound at the end of a word pronounced as gee. m map mesa
The whole Portuguese alphabet is as follows. If you have the cassette,
n nod nadar
listen to how it sounds when recited in Portuguese.
nh onion vinho
p pin parar
a b c d e f g h i j (k) 1 m n o p q r s t q (u) quart quando
u v (w) x (y) z q(u) +eli 'silent u' quem
r (initial) 'aspirated' rio
r ran compram
Portuguese vowels s sat sol
Portuguese vowel sounds are tricky to imitate, as there are nasal s +vowels zoo casa
sounds, and sounds differ depending on where the vowel is in any t tap todo
given word. However, Brazilians do open their mouths wider than the v 'as in English' vida
Portuguese, and are therefore theoretically easier to understand! X shout baixa
Here is a general idea: z zoo/shout fazer/faz
a, as in rather - falar or as in abide - mesa
a, as in rang - irma. This is a nasal sound.
e, as in bell - certo or as in madden - pesar

- 4 - - 5 -

I The stress rules

I Portuguese words are stressed on the last syllable if they end in i, u,
diphthongs, consonants, and nasal vowels, e.g. papel, irmiio.
They are stressed on the syllable before last if they are verbs ending
in am or em, or words ending in a, e, o, em, ens - mesa, falam.
If a word breaks either of these rules, a written accent is added to PORFAVOR
show where the stress falls. So if you see a word with a written
accent, you must stress the syllable where the accent is placed. Your passport please
A few tips to help you acquire an authentic
It is not absolutely vital to acquire a perfect accent. The aim is to be
understood; here are a number of techniques for working on your In this unit you will/earn
pronunciation: • how to identify people
1 Listen carefully to the cassette or native speaker or teacher. • how to introduce yourself and address people
Whenever possible repeat aloud imagining you are a native • how to say hello and goodbye
speaker of Portuguese. • how to check into your hotel
2 Tape record yourself and compare your pronunciation with that of
a native speaker.
3 Ask native speakers to listen to your pronunciation and tell you ~--­ Dialogo 1 Dialogue 1
how to improve it.
Ask native speakers how a specific sound is formed. Watch them
Sylvia Peters arrives in Brazil and passes through Customs
and practise at home in front of a mirror. (Alfandega).
5 Make a list of words that give you pronunciation trouble and
practise them. lnspetor Born dia. Seu passaporte por favor.
Sylvia Aqui esta.
lnspetor Voce e inglesa, nao e?
Sylvia Sim, sou.
lnspetor Muito hem. Quanto tempo vai passar aqui?
Sylvia Seis meses.
lnspetor Esta hem. Obrigado. Tchau.
Sylvia Born dia, obrigada.
iJI born dia hello, good morning aqui, ca here
(also goodbye) esta (it) is
seu your voce you
passaporte (o) passport e is/are
por favor please inglesa English (woman)

6 - - 7 -

in address is called for. Look at the table below to see how these
niio e? isn'tttliS that so? ternpo(o) ltme
seis stx
differences work.
niio no.not
sirn yes rneses(os) months
rnuito bern vety well obrigado/a thank you
tchau see you/bye With strangers, o senhor (to man)
vai passar you're going to spend
quanto? how much? people in higher a senhora
social/work position (to woman)

~ Verdadeiro ou falso? True or false? With friends,

(some parts
colleagues, family
Tick true (uerdadeiro) or false ({also) for the following statements of Brazil)
based on the dialogue. With older people o senhor/a senhora
v F
(a) Sylvia Peters is American. Voce and tu are examples of what are called Personal Pronouns- the
(b) She's going to spend six weeks in Brazil. words for I, you, he, etc.
(c) She arrives in the morning.
3 Personal Pronouns
~--- Gramatica Grammar !he Poz:tuguese Personal Pronouns are used to denote which person
IS carrymg out the action of a verb. They are:

1 Tobe (TU) You [used only in some parts of Brazil]
ELE He/it ELES They (male)
In Portuguese there are two verbs both meaning To Be: ELA She I it ELAS They (female)
Ser is used for permanent characteristics, such as nationality. Estar VOCt You VOCtS You (plural)
is used more for temporary states and locations. These are ref~rred_to as Su~ject Pronouns, but they are not necessarily
In the dialogue you saw examples of both verbs: used all the time; m many mstances the endings of the verbs will suf-
fice to tell you who is doing the action. In the dialogue you had:
aqui esta here it is ESTAR
voce e inglesa you are English SER e inglesa you are English
SER si.In, sou yes, I am
si.In, sou yes I am
esta hem that's OK ESTAR You will learn more of verbs later on.
You will come across more examples, and find out other ways in
which the verbs are used, as you work through the Units. 4 Male/Female
In Portuguese, everything you see around you is divided into two
2 Forms of address: Voce groups: masculine and feminine. This is because Portuguese is a
In Brazil, most people call each other you using the word voce. language with its roots in Latin, and the Romans used a language
However, there are certain situations where more, or less, formality

8 - 9

system based on words linking together, usually in a logical way boa tarde he/lo, good al!emoon com with
(although it may not seem so to many learners!). So, for example, a tern? do you have? banheiro(o) bathroom
table happens to be a feminine word, and the floor is a masculine one. apartamento(o) hotel room para for
In most cases you can tell which group a word belongs to by its reservado reserved tres three
em meu nome m my name dias(os) days

ending: an -o for masculine words, and an -a for feminine ones,
um momento JUSt a second numero(o) number
although this is not always the case. A dictionary will guide you when como se escreve? how do you quinze fifteen
you are first learning, and look for help in the vocabulary lists, until write 11? no primeiro andar on the ftrst floor
you start to get a feel for the different endings. sobrenome(o) surname chave(a) key
de of.from multo obrigada thanks very much
isso that's 11 de nada don't mention it
5 Obrigado/a
You will have noticed in the dialogue that the Customs official says
Obrigado, and Sylvia replies Obrigada, both meaning Thank you. ~ Exerclcio Exercise
All men should use the first and women the second, regardless of Tick a or b to complete the following statements.
whom they are addressing. This is because Obrigado is an adjective -
a word of description, which is applied to the person expressing their 1 Sylvia Peters is from a London b Manchester
gratitude - as in the outdated English (I am) much obliged. Another 2 She's going to stay a 8 days b 3 days
adjective you came across was inglesa (English woman). The mas- 3 Her room no is a 15 b 12
culine is ingles (English man).
~--- Gramatica Grammar
~-­ Dialogo 2 Dialogue2
Sylvia arrives and checks in at the hotel where she will be staying 1 A, An Um/Uma
before going to the Ferreira home.
The Portuguese words for a(an) are:
Sylvia Boa tarde. Sou Sylvia Peters. Tem um apartamento
reservado em meu nome? UM (used with masculine words) um apartamento a room
Recepcionista Um momenta. Como se escreve seu sobrenome? UMA (used with feminine words) uma chave a key
Sylvia P-e-t-e-r-s. Peters. With more than one (ie, in the plural), the words become:
Recepcionista Ah sim, aqui esta. A senhora Peters, de
Manchester. UNS (used with masculine plural words)
Sylvia Is so. uns apartamentos some rooms
Recepcionista Um apartamento com banheiro para tres dias, sim? UMAS (used with feminine plural words)
Sylvia Sim. wnas chaves some keys
Recepcionista E o apartamento nfunero quinze, no primeiro
andar. Aqui tem a chave. 2 TheOlA
Sylvia Muito obrigada.
Recepcionista Denada. Similarly, Portuguese has four words to convey the English word the:

10 ~ 11 ~

0 masculine, singular (ie, just one) o apartamento the room Jose Boa noite Sylvia, tudo bern?
A feminine, singular a chave the key Sylvia Oi Jose, tudo bern.
OS masculine, plural os apartamentos the rooms Jose Sylvia, esta e m.inha mulher Marli.
AS feminine, plural as chaves the keys Sylvia Muito prazer.
Marti lgualmente. Bem-vinda a Sao Paulo. Como esta?
Sylvia Bern obrigada.
3 Plural nouns Jose Born, vamos sentar? Que vao tomar?
When you have more than one item (a noun), the basic way to form
boa noite hello, good evenmg!mght bem-vinda a Sao Paulo welcome
the plural is to add an -s, as in the examples above: tudo bern(?) thmgs OK(?) to Sao Paulo
o apartamento os apartamentos oi Hi born right then
esta (f) th1s vamos shall we/let's
a chave as chaves minha mulher my wife sentar to sit down
Beware of irregularities, which abound in Portuguese, such as o mes multo prazer pleased to meet you que vao tomar? what are you
igualmente likewise going to have to drink?
(month) os meses (months).

IB 4 Numbers
Here are the numbers 1-20, some of which have appeared in the first ~ Exercfcio Exercise
two dialogues.
Can you fill in the missing words from these statements?
0 zero 11 onze (a) noite. Tudo ?
1 um, uma 12 doze (b) Esta minha mulher.
2 dois, duas 13 treze (c) prazer.
3 tres 14 catorze I
4 quatro 15 quinze
5 cinco 16 dezesseis ~ Gramatica Grammar
6 seis 17 dezessete
7 sete 18 dezoito
8 oito 19 dezenove
9 nove 20 vinte 1 This Esta
10 dez
When identifying people, or things, or when pointing them out, the
words for this (these) are:
ESTE (masculine person/thing) this ESTA (feminine person/thing) this
ESTES (masculine plural) these ESTAS (feminine plural) these
~--- Dialogo 3 Dialogue 3 Este apartamento this room Estes apartamentos these rooms
Esta chave this key Estas chaves these keys
1!1 Sylvia pops out in the evening to meet
up with the Ferreiras. She
knows Jose but has not yet met Mrs Ferreira.

- 12 - 13 -

2 Possession: my, your, etc. ~--- Sumario Summary

In the dialogues you were introduced to some of the possessive words:
seu your, minha my. Here is the full table for my and your: hom dia hello Igood morning Igoodbye
boa tarde hello I good afternoon I goodbye
SINGULAR PLURAL boa noite hello I good evening I goodnight
masculine feminine masculine feminine oi hi/ hello
tudo hem? how are things?
MY meu minha me us min has
como esta? how are you?
YOUR seu sua seus suas tudo hem fine
hem obrigado/a well, thanks
tchau see you) bye
The possessive word links to the item being possessed, and NOT the muito prazer pleased to meet you
person to whom it belongs; therefore to say my key, you need to know
that key is a feminine word, then you choose minha from the table;
minha chave = my key. Similarly, to say your rooms, you need to
know that room is a masculine word, and it is in the plural, hence
- Dicas culturais Cultural tips
seus apartamentos. You will learn more possessives as you
progress. Note that sometimes you will hear (or see) the possessive • Brazilians are very tactile, open, friendly people, and it is common
forms as, for example: A sua chave; OS seus apartamentos; with for them to kiss each other on greeting and saying goodbye. Men often
the appropriate word for the going with the possessed item. shake hands with each other. Take your cue from their behaviour
towards you and those around you.
{0) meu passaporte my passport (AS) suas chaves your keys
• Brazilian police at airports, border patrols, and in general, are not
to be messed with! Make sure you have all your documentation in
3 Questions, Questions order (passport, visa, travel docs, driving licence, addresses of where
you are staying). It is not unheard offor police to routinely check your
To ask basic questions in Portuguese, all you have to do is raise your vehicle and, inevitably, find something wrong with it. Often they are
voice in a questioning tone at the end of a statement Tudo hem OK looking for a bribe, but you must be very careful here, as some
Tudo hem? OK? travellers proffering money inside their passport have then been fined
You can also 'tag' question-phrases on to statements, e.g. Voce e for so doing! The best policy, in many cases, is to keep quiet and pay
inglesa, nao e? You're English, aren't you? Um apartamento para the fine.
tres dias, sim? A room for three days, yes? The answer to both of
these questions is Sim Yes.
~----- Atividades
There are also Question-words, known as interrogatives, with which
you can begin a question. So far you have met:
1 Now see if you can do the following:
Quanto? How much? Como? How? Que? What?
(a) say good morning, good afternoon, good evening
(b) say thank you, goodbye (casually)
(c) say who you are
(d) ask if there is a room reserved in your name
(e) say Hi, how are things?

- 14 - 15 -

2 Give your part of the dialogue at the airport. Listen to the dialogue in the hotel, and tick the appropriate
Inspetor Boa tarde. Seu passaporte por favor. answers to the questions.
You (say here it is) (a) What is the man's name? John Harris John Peters LJ
lnspetor voce e ingles/inglesa? (b )Where is he from? London Liverpool
You (say yes I am) (c) How long is he staying? 6months L 6days
Inspetor Vai passar quanto tempo aqui? (d) What is his room number? 12 2
You (say eight days)
Inspetor Muito bem. Tchau.
You (say goodbye)
~-­ Compreende?
3 Work out the answers to these sums and write them out in words
in Portuguese.
w Do you understand?
(a) dois e (and) cinco = Look at the following hotel booking-in form, and answer the questions
(b) oito e seis = that follow .
(c) dezenove menos (minus) dois =
(d) um e dez =
(e) vinte menos sete = HOTEL SAO LUiS
Look at the Bingo card below, and listen for your numbers being
called out on the tape. Cross off any you hear, then write out in NOME: &M«T.~
words in Portuguese the two you are left with.
12 3 18 DE
6 10 9
5 Look at the pictures and link them to what people are saying. TIPODEAPP: UM~O
No DE APP: N't2t.

1 Is the guest male or female?
2 Slhe is Italian. True or false?
(iii) 3 Slhe is staying six days. True or false?
4 What type of room bas slbe got?
5 S/he is in room no. 12. True or false?


- 16 - - 17 -

Sylvia Meu fi.lho se chama Robert. Ele tem dezesseis anos e e

estudante. Minha fi.lha se chama Clare, tem vinte e tres
anos e e Casada.
E seu marido? Quale o nome dele?
Meu marido se chama Tony e ele trabalha numa empresa
internacional que fabrica produtos quimicos. E voce,
Marli, trabalha?
Are you married? Marli Sim, sou professora de numa escola de linguas.
E voce?
Sylvia Eu tambem trabalho - para uma empresa interessante;
sou advogada.
~ vamos ver let's see vinte e tres 23
urn chope draught lager estudante(o/a) student
cafezlnho(o) espresso coffee marido husband
vlnho tlnto(o) red wine qual eo nome (dele)? what is (his)
como e... ? what's ... like? name?
cidade(a) city/town trabalha work(s)
In this unit you will/earn grande large numa empress in a company
movimentado busy que that, which
• how to talk about yourself and your family casada married fabrics makes/produces
filhos(os) children proclutos quimlcos chemicals
• how to talk about your home town tenho I have professora(a) teacher
• how to give your address and telephone number filho(o) son portugues Portuguese
filha(a) daughter numa escola in a school
como eles se chamam? what are linguas(as) languages
~----­ Diatogo 1 they called?
se chama is called
trabalho I work
internacional international
I!J ele/ela tem ... anos he/she is...
yrs old
interessante interesting
advogada(a) lawyer
Sylvia and the Ferreiras are sitting in a cafe in Sao Paulo. They are
getting to know each other a bit better. The waiter (o gar~om) brings
their order.
~ Verdadeiro ou falso?
Gar~om Vamos ver. Um chope para o senhor Ferreira, um cafe-
zinho para a senhora Ferreira, e um vinho tinto para a Say if these statements are verdadeiro or falso.
Jose Obrigado. V F
Marli Voce ede Manchester, nao e? (a ) Sylvia is having beer.
Sylvia Sim, sou. (b) Sylvia has three children.
Marli E como e a cidade de Manchester? (c) Sylvia's daughter is married.
Sylvia Bem, e grande e muito movimentada. (d) Marli is a maths teacher .
Marli Sylvia, voce e casada? Tem fi.lhos? (e) Sylvia is a lawyer.
Sylvia Sim, tenho dois, um fi.lho e uma fi.lha.
Marli Como eles se chamam?

- 18 - - 19 -

rM----- Gramatica 2 Ter To have

You have now met various parts of this verb. Here it is in full for you
to learn:
1 Describing places and people (eu) tenho I have (nos) temos we have
(tu) tens* you have
You met adjectives (describing words) briefly in the first unit. Now
(ele/ela) tem he I she has (eles/elas) tem they have
let's have a look at them in more detail. Generally speaking, (voces) tem you have (plural)
(voce) tem you have
adjectives in Portuguese, unlike in English, go after the thing or
person they are describing, e.g. uma empresa intemacional an *As this form is used in only some parts of Brazil, henceforth we shall
international company. Of course this does not apply if you are talking concentrate on just four verbal forms. You will hear some Brazilians
about something introduced by the verb to be e.g Londres e grande use tu plus the verb for voce. Whilst being grammatically incorrect,
London is big. it is neverthless a colloquially recognised usage in some areas.
The important point to remember is that if you are describing some- Note that Ter is used when you talk about your age, and not the verb
thing (or someone) that is feminine, or in the plural, you must make To be, e.g I am 15 = Tenho 15 anos.
the adjective match it by changing its ending - this is known as
'agreement of the adjective and noun'. Many adjectives end in -o (the
masculine standard), such as movimentado. Look bow it changes: 3 What's your/their name/s?
movimentado, movimentada ,movimentados, movimentadas. There are different ways to express names in Portuguese. You can
So, a busy city is uma cidade tnovimentada, and two busy say:
countries are dois paises movimentados.
Qual e (seu) nome? What is (your) name? Or Como (voce) se
Be on the look-out for irregular -ending words. In the dialogue you chama? What are (you) called? Or even Quem e (voce)? Who are I is
had: (you)?
grande grande grandes grandes Answers may be: (meu) nome e... (my) name is... Or (me)
interessante interessante interessantes interessantes chamo/a ... aJ am/is called... Or sou/e... I am Is/he is ...
internacional internacional internacionais internacionais
In the dialogue you were introduced to:
Here are some adjectives you may want to use to describe your town
(town = a cidade = fern). Como eles se chamam? What are they called?, and Quale o nome
dele? What is his name? Both of these are dealt with in following sec-
pequeno small !indo/bonito pretty
barulhento noisy industrial industrial
hist6rico historical litoral coastal
sossegado quiet sujo d1rty
4 Verbs -present tense
cultural cultural agricultural agricultural
In Portuguese, the ending of the verb (the action word) changes
according to whoever is carrying out the action (the verb's subject). It
You will meet more adjectives as you progress. is vital to get straight at this point the fact that it does not matter if
the person is male or female, but whether they are 1st person (I, we),
2nd (you) or 3rd (he, she, it, they). Many people become confused when

- 20 - - 21 -

first approaching these verb forms, as they have just managed to The full set you need to know is:
master the concept of the o/a endings for male and female nouns and
adjectives. Although these endings also appear on some verbs, they me myself nos ourselves
are NOT related to gender. Let's take a verb that you met in the se his I her I yourself se them I yourselves
dialogue and see what changes happen to it when we want different You will see that they are placed before the verb. If you were in
people to carry out the action. Portugal or speaking with a Portuguese person, they would usually
You had examples of the verb To work: trabalho - I work and place them afterwards. If you learnt some Portuguese before starting
trabalha- he works/you work. this course you may discover that in Brazil many of the rules of
Grammar are much more flexible than in Portugal.
In Portuguese there are three main groups of verbs, as well as a
variety of irregular oddities. The main groups are: Group 1 ending in
AR - the most common; Group 2 ending in ER; Group 3 ending in m. 6 More possessives: his/her
The last two are very similar in endings. With only a few exceptions,
all these verbs are formed in the same way: To say his I her (and the plural their), in Portuguese, you should say
the (thing) of him/her/them, as in the dialogue: Qual eo nome
• First you take off the (-ar) ending and you are left with what is d ele?/What is his name? What is the name of him?
called the stem, e.g Tra balhar - trabalh.
The full forms are:
• Then you add on to this stem the appropriate ending according to
whoever is doing the action. o/a... dele his o/a...dela her
os/as ... dele his (pi) os/as ... del a her (pi)
• For -ar verbs, the endings you require are as follows : o/a...deles their o/a ... delas their
stem+ os/as ... deles their os/as...delas their
-o I e.g as chaves deles their keys o nome dela her name
-a he, she, you You will also hear seuls {sua/s), the same form as your, but as this
-amos we can cause confusion, it's better to use the other forms unless the
-am they, you (plural) context is completely unambiguous.
Here are a few examples: Compare seu nome his/her/your name and o nome dele his name.
falo I speak gostamos we like
trabalha he I she works Iyou work moram they, you live
7 Numa In a
The meanings are sometimes ambiguous, so to make sure you really
know who is doing the action, you may need to use the words for Numa is actually two words squashed together (or contracted) for
he (ele), she (ela), or they (eles, elas). ease of pronunciation. They are: Em (inion)+ Uma (a, fem)- Numa
(inion a), e.g. numa escola =in a school.
You will also find n um (em+ um), nuns (em+ uns) and numas (em
5 Como eles se chamam? More verbs!
+ umas), e.g. nuns apartamentos in some rooms.
Some verbs are not content with changing their endings, but also In some written Portuguese the two words appear separated (e.g.
have a little word accompanying them, as in the above example: Se. em uma ... ) although in practice people run them together when
This word here means selves, so the question actually means what do speaking.
they call themselves? These 'self' words are known as 'reflexive
pronouns', and they make the verb into a reflexive verb.

22 - 23 -

8 Ser + professions ~ Dialogo 2

To talk about your, or other people's professions, you use Ser (to be)
plus the name of the profession, e.g. sou professora I am a teacher.
1!1 Jose wants to note down some of Sylvia's details so that they can
maintain links in the future.
Note that there is no equivalent to the English word a.
Jose Qual e seu endere~o em Manchester Sylvia?
Here is a check list of some professions you may need to use. If yours
Sylvia Oitenta e cinco Manor, m-a-n-o-r Road, Manchester,
is not here, your dictionary or teacher should be able to help you.
professor/a teacher medico/a doctor Jose Tern telefone?
engenheiro/a engineer advogado/a lawyer Sylvia Sim, o nfunero e 0161 - 236 - 553218, e o nfunero do fax e
dentista dentist recepcionista receptionist 0161 - 236- 553222.
motorista driver gerente manager Jose Esta hem. E tern telefone aqui no hotel?
estudante student

9 Languages, nationalities

So far you have met inglesa (English woman) and portugues


,. Sylvia Sim, estou no hotel Felix, o nfunero e 678990, e estou no

apartamento 15.

o endere~o address
oitenta e cinco eighty-five
lnglaterra England
telefone(o) telephone
no hotel in the hotel
estou lam
(Portuguese). Words of nationality, used also to describe the place of
origin of something, are adjectives, and the name of each language is
the masculine singular form. Look at the following table for more
examples. Portuguese does not use capital letters.
l!J Verdadeiro ou falso?
Say if these statements are verdadeiro or falso.
spoken (a) Sylvia lives at 83 Manor Rd.
(b) She has no phone.
= · sing (em. sing 11UlSC.p[ (c) She is in the Felix Hotel.
Brazilian brasileiro brasileira brasileiros brasileiras portugues
Portuguese portugues portuguesa portugueses portuguesas portugues
ml Gramatica
Spanish espanhol espanhola espanhois espanholas espanhol
Argentinian argentino argentina argentinos argentinas espanhol
Chilian chileno chilena chilenos chilenas espanhol
mm 1 More numbers
French frances francesa franceses francesas frances
German alemao alemii alemaes ale mas alemao Unfortunately, you cannot escape numbers - they surround us in
Greek grego grega gregos gregas grego everyday situations - money, time, dates. Here is another set for you
to try to start learning.

- 24 - - 25 -

21 vinte e urnlurna 50 cinquenta o Japao Japan a Argentina Argentina

22 vinte e dois/duas 60 sessenta o Peru Peru a It8lia Italy
23 vinte e tres 70 setenta o Reino Unido the UK a China China
24 vinte e quatro 80 oitenta
25 vinte e cinco 90 noventa osEstados the USA (o) Portugal Portugal
30 trinta 100 cern (cento) Unidos
31 trinta e um/urna 101 cento e urn So, to say I am from England you would say: sou da (de + a)
40 quarenta Inglaterra, using the contracted form ofDA.

2 Estar To be Dicas culturais

To say where you are temporarily, you must use Estar, the verb To be
that describes anything temporary, including location e.g. Estou no • When out at a cafe, Brazilians love to drink their cafezinho little
hotel I am in the hotel. coffee (strong, dark espresso), or when it's hot the chope - cooled
The full set of forms for this verb are: draught national lager, the most well-known being Antartica. One of
this company's ads for its lager used to have the slogan estupida-
euestou lam nos estamos we are mente gelada stupidly chilled - it certainly makes sense when the
elelela esta he/she it is eles/elas estao they are temperature rises!
voce esta you are voces estio you are
• When giving someone your telephone number, if there is a six in
the number, the Brazilians often say meia (half), and not seis.
3 No hotel In the hotel
No is another example of a contracted pair of words, in this case Em ~----- Sumario
+ 0 (the). It means in the. You will also find NA =em+ a, NOS= em
+ os, NAS =em+ as (nas cidades in the towns ).
como e...? what's . .. like?
You will also discover that the word DE (of, from) contracts in the como se chamalm •.•? what is I are he I she I you I they called?
same way: doldaldos/das e.g. A chave do hotel the key of the hotel qual e 0 (seu) nome? what's (your) name?
(the hotel's key). tem.••anos is ... years old
qual e seu endere~o what's your address?
0 nlimero do telefone/fax e... the telephone/fax number is ...
4 Countries
Nearly all countries in Portuguese also fall into either a masculine or
feminine group. L!J----- Atividades
Here are some examples:
1 Complete your part of the dialogue. Jose is trying to find out more
o Brasil Brazil a lnglaterra England
Jose Voce e de Liverpool?
oCanada Canada aFran~a France You (say no, I'm from Birmingham )
oMexico Mexico aAlemanha Germany

26 27

Jose Como e a cidade de Birmingham? 4 Fill in the gaps with appropriate words for numbers/nouns/
You (say it's big and industrial) adjectives.
Jose Tem filhos?
(a ) Tenho (5) chaves (small).
You (say yes I haue one son)
(b) Sra Ferreira e (Brazilian).
Jose Quale 0 nome dele?
(c) Sylvia tem tres (interesting) (children).
You (say he is called David. He is 28 yrs old and is a French
(d) Sou de Paris; e uma cidade (historical).
(e) Marli tem (2) (German wines).
Jose Voce trabalha?
You (Say yes, I work for an International company)
2 Match up the telephone numbers in digits and Portuguese. t!J Compreende?
(a) quatro dois um cinco tres tres i) 368475 Oil
(b) seis seis oito quatro quatro zero ii) 553311 One of Marli's students has received a letter from a new penfriend.
(c) tres meia oito quatro sete cinco iii) 421533 Can you read it and answer the questions on it?
(d) cinco cinco tres tres um um iv) 904621
(e) nove zero quatro meia dois um v) 668440 ~rul:l.~--. r d.t jbt(.ro

I!J3 Listen to someone describing their family, work and town, and
tick which pictures apply to the descriptions given.
Ot..l ~--r~-.,
T\/d.o bt.M? f" t'f-0\1 "'"ao 'ot.M. t/ ou 4-t d.~zu ""' pouGO 'obrt
CVftM ,0\1. ~t.\1 1\0Mt t I{Al\i.A 1 f-tl\k.O "~1\f-t t d.~' 1.1\0' t ,0\1
d.t ~rur~-..
E"""- c.~d.1.d.t '"pu·~rbd.t t"'-• t "'"ao ~"4-ut'·
u"f-t. 1\/io 'ou c.1.ud.1.. Sou t'f-"d.AI\4-t d.t t.r"~"'-' t .--."'bt:"'
f-r1.b1.l.k.o """'" uc.ot.1. 'tc."", '0\1 '

vou te dizer um pouco sobre I'm going to tell you a brt about
quem sou who/am

1 How old is Vania?

2 What is Brasilia like?
3 Is she married?
4 What does she do?
5 Now write a short letter like this about yourself.
(You will find an example in the Key to the exercises, on page 201).

28 - - 29 -

Inglaterra, em Birmingham, e tambem numa cidade peque-

3 na ao sui do pais, perto de Londres. Manchester nao e perto

de Londres, mas ao noroeste do pais.
D. Rita Aqui esta a senhora Ferreira. Vao pegar suas malas nao e?
Where's your town? -
Sylvia Sim, vamos para o hotel agora e voltamos para o jantar.

amiga(a) friend
estou bern I'm well
gra~as a Deus thank goodness
Marli esta? is Marlf at home?
ela ja vern she's on her way
com with
no centro de in the centre of
ao sui de to the south of
pais(o) country
perto de near to
daqui from here pegar to geVfetch
como aqui like here malas(as) suitcases
bastante grande quite big vamos we're going
nao como... not/ike ... agora now
mora live voltamos we'll return
In this unit you will/earn Ia there jantar(o) dinner
onde e where is?
• how to describe where your home town is
• how to describe your belongings and recover lost property
• how to describe what things are made of ~ Verdadeiro ou falso?
• about colours
Tick true or false for the following statements based on the dialogue.
~ Dialogo 1
(a) Marli esta em casa (at home).
~ (b) Sylvia tern fann1ia em Manchester.
Sylvia goes to the Ferreira's house to arrange her stay there. She (c) Londres e Ionge de Manchester.
chats to the daily help (a faxineira), Dona Rita. (d) Marli e Sylvia vao para o hotel.
Sylvia Born d.ia. Sou Sylvia Peters, amiga da senhora Ferreira. (e) Elas vao jantar no hotel.
D. Rita Born d.ia senhora. Como esta?
Sylvia Bern obrigada, e a senhora?
D. Rita Eu estou bern, grafi:as a Deus. Gramatica
Sylvia Marli esta?
D. Rita Elaja vem da escola. A senhora nao e daqui, e?
Sylvia Nao, sou inglesa. Sou de Manchester.
D. Rita E como e sua cidade? E uma cidade grande como aqui?
1 X's friend
Onde e? Perto de Londres? When talking about possession in the 3rd person (he/she/it/they),
Sylvia Bom, Manchester e uma cidade interessante e bastante remember you learnt to say the (thing) of him/ her, etc. in unit 2. The
grande, mas nao como Sao Paulo. same applies if you want to use alternatives to him/her, such as the
D. Rita E sua familia mora la com voce? teacher's key, the student's room, etc. You must turn the sentence
Sylvia Mora, sim, mas tambem tenho familia no centro da around in Portuguese and say:

- 30 - - 31 -

the key of the teacher- a chave do professor (da professors) 4 lr To go

the room of the students - o apartamento dos estudantes.
You met parts of this important irregular verb in the dialogue: vao-
In the dialogue you met 'amiga da senhora Ferreira' - Mrs
you (pl) are going, and vamos- we're going (also meaning let's ... ).
Ferreira's friend.
In full, the verb is:
2 Mrand Mrs vou I'm going I I go vamos we're going Igo
vai s I he's going Is I he goes vao they're going I they go
The expressions for Mr and Mrs are (o) senhor , [sr) and (a) sen- you're going Iyou go you're going Iyou go (pl.)
bora, [sra] . These combine with words such as de to form do sr/da
sra, e.g. a casa do senhor Villas Boas Mr Villas Boas' house.
~----- Ditilogo 2
3 Locations 1!1
Sylvia realises she left her bag in the taxi on the way to the
If you are describing where your home town or place of work is, the Ferreira's. Marli takes her to the taxi lost property office (a se~ao de
following may be useful: perdidos e achados) where she talks to an employee (empregado).
*ao norte (de) in/to the north (of) ao leste in the east Empregado Born, vamos ver. Uma bolsa, sim?
aosul in the south ao oeste in the west Sylvia Isso. E bern pequena.
ao/no centro (de) in the centre (of) na costa on the coast Empregado De que e? De couro, de plastico, de que?
no interior inland no litoral on the coast Sylvia De couro.
perto de near Ionge de far (from) Empregado E de que cor e?
*Ao = a (to/at) + o (the). Other contractions involving the word A Sylvia Preta e roxa.
(which is known as a preposition- a locating word) are: Empregado E tern alguma coisa dentro?
Sylvia Sim, tern a chave do hotel, uma carteira com dinheiro,
A+A=A minha agenda, e meus 6culos de sol amarelos.
A+OS=AOS Empregado E esta? (shows her a bag)
A+AS=As Sylvia Sim, e. Obrigada. E muito gentil.
Try not to be thrown off balance by the fact that the word A in Empregado De nada. Fa~a o favor de assinar a qui. Born clia.
Portuguese also means the in the feminine form.
Liverpool e ao norte Liverpool is in the north bolsa(a) bag dentro mside
da lnglaterra. of England. de que e what's tt (made) of? carteira(a) purse/wallet
(de) couro leather dinheiro(o) money
Brasilia e no centro Brasflia is in the centre (de) plastlco plastic agenda(a) diary
do Brasil. of Brazil. de que core? what colour is it? 6culos de sol(os) sunglasses
Campinas e no interior Campinas is in the interior preto black amarelos yellow
de Sao Paulo. of Sii.o Paulo (State). roxo purple gentil kind
alguma coisa something fatra o favor de assinar please sign

- 32 - - 33 -

~ Exercicio Remember that colours are adjectives. They must change their
endings where appropriate to match the noun{s) they are describing.
Answer sim yes or nao no to these statements. They also go after the noun. e.g.
(a) A bolsa de Sylvia e de couro. uma chave branca a white key
(b) E preta. dois passaportes azuis two blue passports
(c) Tern o passaporte dentro. oculos marrons escuros dark brown glasses

~----- Gramatica 3 Fa~a o favor de Please

One of the polite ways of asking people to do things is by using the
structure of fa~a o favor de + verb. This is literally do the favour
1 De que e (feito)? What's it made of? of ... ing. You can use it with any verb. To ask more than one person
to do something, change fa~a to fa~am. For example, Fa~am o favor
To describe what something is made from, Portuguese often uses the de trabalhar Please work.
structure: a (thing) of(material). Look at these examples:
You may also hear another form, faz o favor de ... , with an identical
De: plastico plastic papel paper meaning when talking to just one person.
couro leather Ia wool
vidro glass algodao cotton
metal metal pedra stone 4 Ser/Estar - An overview
madeira wood tijolo brick I tile
You learnt the formation for these two verbs in the last unit. Let's
e.g. uma bolsa de plastico a plastic bag and uma toalha de look more closely at when you should use each one.
algodao a cotton towel.
You can of course find examples such as uma bolsa plastica and
Professions Sou professors
uma chave metalica.
Nationality E inglesa?
Permanent location Enocentro
2 As cores Colours Permanent characteristics E grande/preto
Place of origin Sou de ...
You will also need to know some colours to describe personal posses-
sions, or even features of people (eyes, etc). ESTAR
Temporary location Aqui esta
preto black verde green Temporary condition Como esta?
branco white marrom (pi =marrons) brown Position
vermelho red
Esta dentro
roxo purple
azul (pi = azuis) blue Jaranja orange
amarelo yeflow rosa pink 5 Bags and briefcases
escuro dark claro light
Here are some suggestions for vocab you may need when describing
the contents of your bag.

- 34 - - 35 -

o passaporte passport o telefone mobile plwne (c) Minha chave _ _ _ _ dentro da bolsa.
portatil (d ) Joao tern urn filho; ele medico.
uma caneta pen umlen~o handkerchief (e) Angela, americana.
os comprimidos tablets livro de address book 2 Fill in your part of the dialogue, about where you're from.
bilhetes de ... tickets for ... umpente comb Sonia Voce e de Nova lorque, nao e?
batom lipstick isqueiro cigarette lighter You (say no, I'm from Brighton)
Sonia Onde eBrighton?
You (say it's a small town in the south of England )
Sonia Eperto de Londres?
You (say yes, it's quite near)
Listen to someone describing their bag and its contents. Tick the
relevant pictures below, according to what you hear.

~----- Sumario
como e sua cidade? what's your town like?
onde e (sua cidade?) where is it (your town)?
... e uma cidade... ·-· is a ... town
e grandelinteressantelpequena it's big I interesting I small
ao norte/sul/leste/oeste to I in the north I south I east I west
fa~a/m o favor de... please...
de que efeito? what's it made of?
e de couro/vidrolla it's made of leather I glass I wool
de que cor e? what colour is it?
e pretolazul/vermelho it's black I blue I red

1 Decide which verb to be (ser/estar) you should use in each example,
and write the correct form of it. Look at the map overleaf and listen to the description of where
(a ) Jose _ _ _ _ do Brasil. certain towns are located. See if you can correctly mark on where
(b) As cidades grandes. the towns should be.

36 -- - 37

~--­ Compreende?
cc Look at the following postcard, and say if the statements below are
verdadeiro or falso.

oi PavuJoJ
Esmu r\LA.M ho-tel
no ~ clo
In51 o..k«a. A ci ~e PaLJ.o R. do..Sclu:t
e p eq,UJL(lQ) mas e. R. · Mem Martirt) 25
pe (to r--ch.. B1 nni5 Vtarv! Pi Ia ci cabo.- S P
qy-e e g-o.n.a.e e 10325
t (tteressClflt.e .
Um be~o da ·
1 Ana is staying with relatives.
2 She is in the Northwest of England.
3 The town is not far from Birmingham.
4 She thinks Birmingham is boring.
f'•rQCt co..b~
CaMpenQS CoJ-andu'/o..

- 38 - - 39 -

a esquerda/direlta on the left/right

~ desculpe excuse me
ha there is/are; is/are there? mais um pouco a little more
farmacia(a) chemist's a segunda the second
por aqui round here e ai it's there
HA UMA FARMACIA nesta rua niio ha there 1sn't one in
this street
mas but
fica muito Ionge? is it a long way

so dez minutos it's only ten

PORAQUI? voce: vaVvira/segue/toma

you/go/ turn/follow/take
naquela esqulna on that street
em frente in front/ahead corner
Is there a chemist's round here?
~ Exercicio
Can you answer the following questions based on the dialogue?
Yes No
(a) Is there a chemist's where Sylvia is?
(b) Does Sylvia have to turn left?
In this unit you will/earn (c) Is the chemist's a long way off?

• how to ask for and understand basic directions

• how to talk about the weather ~----- Gramatica
• how to understand time
• how to say there is I there are
1 Ha?
~----- Dialogo 1
To ask if there is a particular shop near where you are, you say ha
1!1 (is/are there) [a shop] por aqui? You can also talk about such loca-
Sylvia pops into the city centre (o centro). First of all she needs a tions as: aqui perto/perto daqui- near (to) here, nesta rua/cidade
chemist. - in this street I town. If you are lucky, the answer will be: sim, ha In
Sylvia Desculpe. Ha uma farmacia por aqui? the dialogue the answer was negative (nao ha), but at least the passer-
Transeunte Aqui, nesta rua nao ha, mas ha uma na Rua Cabral. by helpfully explained where the nearest chemist's was.
(passer-by) To be more specific in your request for information, use: onde e? or
Sylvia E onde e esta rua? onde fica? - where is? or onde ha - where is there (a)?
Transeunte Bern, voce vai por aqui em frente, vira a esquerda Understanding the directions is another matter!
naquela esquina, depois voce segue em frente mais
um pouco, toma a segunda a direita, e a farmacia
e ai. 2 Directions
Sylvia Fica muito Ionge?
Transeunte Nao, e s6 dez minutos. To begin with you need to know your basic directions:
Sylvia Obrigada. a esquerda< em frenteA a direita>
left straight on right

- 40 - - 41

Then, some basic instructions: ~ Dialogo 2

voce > vai you > go
vira turn Ill Sylvia now needs to find a bank.
segue carry on
toma take Sylvia Desculpe. Sabe se ha um banco perto daqui?
Transeunte Sim, ha um banco no fim da rua, a direita.
And you will finally discover what you're looking for: Sylvia E sabe se esta aberto agora?
e ... e ailfica aile por ai- and ... is there I over there Transeunte Que horas sao?
Sylvia Sao onze e meia.
You may want to check: fica longe/perto? - is it a long way/near? or
Transeunte Entao, sim, esta aberto. Aqui os bancos abrem das oito
e longe daqui? - is it a long way from here? If you're lucky the e meia da manhii ate as tres horas da tarde.
answer will be: e perto!
You may well make use of expressions such as: ~ sabe se do you know if entao well then
no fim da rua at the end of the os bancos abrem the banks open
Pode repetir por favor? Can you repeat that please? Nao compreendo street das 8 e meia da manhii from 8.30
muito hem I don't understand very well. Fale mais devagar Speak esta aberto is open in the morning
more slowly. que horas sao? what time is it? ate as 3 horas da tarde until 3 pm
sao onze e meia it's 11.30

3 nesta, naquela in this, in that

These are two more examples of contracted words. Nesta comes from l!J Verdadeiro ou falso?
Em + esta (this) (you met the other forms of esta in unit 1).
Naquela comes from EM + aquela (that). The full forms of Say whether the following are true or false.
that/those are: (a) Ha um banco perto. T F
aquele (m) aquela CO aqueles aquelas (b) 0 banco nao esta aberto.
aquele senhor that man aquelas ruas those streets (c) Os bancos abrem ate as 4 horas da tarde.
naquela rua in that street naqueles livros in those books
~----- Gramatica
1!J 4 1st- 5th
When requesting directions, you also need to know some ordinal
numbers, so that you can turn down the appropriate street. Here are 1 Spend, spend, spend!!!
a few to get you going. You will need more of them if you are visiting
people who live on the 2oth floors of high rise blocks! Here is a check-list of some of the shops and establishments you may
need to talk about.
1st primeiro 2nd segundo 3rd terceiro
4th quarto 5th quinto as lojas shops o banco bank
o mercado market o correio post office
These are adjectives and as such will change their endings to agree o supermercado supermarket a farmacia chemist's
with the noun they are describing, e.g. the second key = a segunda
chave, the 4th street = a quarta rua.

42 - - 43 -

o hotel hotel o turismo tourist Time past the hour is expressed as:
X (horas) e Y (minutos), e.g. Sao cinco e vinte It's twenty past five .
o restaurante restaurant a loja de roupas clothes shop
Quarter and half past are: X e u.m. quartoiX e meia.
o cafe cafe o a~ougue butcher's
Time to the hour is expressed as minutes to (para) the next hour, e.g.
You will find more on shops in unit 7.
Sao dez para as oito =it's ten to eight.

2 Time 1 3 Time2
To ask the time you say Que horas sao? - literally what hours are
they? Answers will be:
Opening and closing times: abertola = open and fechadola =closed.
People will express shop times as follows: ... abre/fecha (esta aber-
to/fechado) DAS ... (horas) ate as ... horas. e.g. 0 turismo abre
das nove e um quarto ate as dez para as cinco = The tourist
office opens from 9.15 til4.50.
This can be qualified with the part of the day in question: da
manha/da tarde/da noite - in the morning I in the afternoon I at
night, e.g. as tres horas da tarde = until three in the afternoon.

~----- Dialogo 3
3 Sylvia stops at the quiosque in the square to buy a newspaper (um
8 4 jornal).
~,' ~ ~
Sylvia Boa tarde. Uma Folha de Sao Paulo por favor.
sao sei ~ horll.<;. sao sete ~ sao otlo horll.... sao n<>'le horae:.. Vendedora Sao 2 reais.
Sylvia Que calor niio e?
Vendedora Pois e, hoje esta muito quente. A senhora nao e daqui,
Sylvia Nao, sou inglesa.
Vendedora Ah, na lnglaterra sempre chove, nao e?
Sylvia Chove muito, mas no veriio tambem faz calor. Mas
Sao dez horo.s. Sclo onze hom•. aqui na cidade nao venta, e esta muito abafado.
Vendedora E sempre assim - ainda pior por causa da polui~ao
aqui. Eu nao agtiento estes dias.
Sylvia Nero eu. Born, tenho de ir. Tchau.
E meio-dia/meia-noite/uma bora- It's midday I midnight I one o'clock

- 44 - 45 -

~ Ser is only used with weather expressions if you are describing a

~ Folha de Sao Paulo SP daily faz calor it's hot
paper abafado stifling/close permanent state, such as climate: E sempre frio no inverno no
por favor please e sempre assim it's always like this Canada - It's always cold in winter in Canada .
que calor 1sn't 11 hot ainda pior even worse
sao ... rea is that's ... rea1s por causa de because of
hoje today
quente hot
poluic;ao(a) pollution
nao aguento I can't s tand Dicas culturais
sempre always nem eu me neither
chove it rains tenho de ir I have to go
no veriio in the summer
• Most shops in Brazil open from 8.30 to 6.30. On Saturdays they
open until lunchtime, and it is rare to find anything except cafes or
large shopping centres open on Sundays.
~ Exercfcio • The summer months can become quite intolerable heat-wise, espe-
cially if you are away from the coast. Remember the seasons in Brazil
See if you have understood the dialogue. Choose the correct answers are the opposite to the northern hemisphere. The hottest time is
from the boxes. January - March.
(a) How much is the paper? (a) 2 reais (b) [Tre!USJ • Brazilian currency is the Real (reais). One Real equals approx. 1.2
(b) The vendor thinks in England it's always (a) raining (b) windy I I US dollars. Inflation in Brazil is notorious for its eccentricity, running
(c) One of the contributing factors to the heavy atmosphere is over 100% and more, although in recent years it has shown signs of
(a) !pollution! (b) I clouds I steadying.
• Some Brazilian publications are available outside the country and
~----- Gramatica make good reading practice. You could try getting hold of Folha de
Sao Paulo, Veya (like Time ), or Visao (like The Economist).

1 The weather 0 tempo ~----- Sumario

There are various ways to describe the weather:
ha/tem um/a ... por aqui? is there a ... round here?
a esquerda/direita on the left I right
VERB EXPRESSIONS fica (muito) longe/perto? is it (very) far I near?
esta aberto/fechado? is it open I closed?
sao ... horas it's ... o'clock
fazer todolmake faz calor it's hot faz frio it's cold abrem das ... ate as ... they open from ... to ...
estar to be esta quente it's hot esta frio 1t's cold da manha/tarde/noite in the morning I afternoon I
est& abafado it's close evening
chover to rain chove it rains por favor please
nevar to snow neva it snows esta quentelfrio it's hot Icold

- 46 - - 47 -

l!J--- Atividades
1 Can you do the following? ,
(a) ask is there a butcher's near here
(b) ask where there is a post office
(c) ask what time it is
(d) say it's 2.30pm
_ _....;:!(. _;1(:._.___, 0
(e) say in Germany it rains a little
2 Look at the clocks below and match them to the times given.

) 3
) fJ 0
c )>
~ 0
c ~ 0
:> Cl ~
i) sao cinco e meia ii) emeio-dia/meia noite iii) sao vinte e cinco ()) %
para as nove iv) sao tres e um quarto v) e um quarto para as dez c;t
0 -
3 Look at the map (opposite), then read the directions. In each case e-\ CTI
say where you would end up if you correctly followed the instruc- ~
'1l ~
Instruction s: starting outside your hotel (* on map). -~Cl C.OIU.E:lO
(a) Vira a esquerda, toma a segunda rua a direita, e vai em
frente .... fica na esquina.
(b) Vai em frente, e ... eali a direita. E muito perto.
(c) Vira a esquerda, segue em frente um pouco, depois toma a RUA r> de OU1'US~
primeira a esquerda, e ... e ali em frente.
(d) Vai em frente, e segue a rua um pouco. Toma a segunda a
esquerda, depois vira a esquerda, e toma a primeira a direita ~Atto- HoTI:L
... e ai em frente. PAULtSTA

48 49

Listen to someone describing the weather today in various ~--­ Compreende?

countries and link up the weather pictures with the appropriate
country. t!J Read this message that has been left for Sylvia, and answer the
questions below.

fock ftUU V~K f._Wf" pull""" e i..r AD CDrf't.Lo (.OM u c.utu?
'{k d.l.cui .. ~~ 'lifA ~ ~f-A IIA n.tA ~OIMU ~~ t. ~ A
~ A~ ~ i .. n.w. ~t-o. o CDrtt.Lo fiu.
AU. tM
tt'tl\k. A'ot't du NNt. e ~ Af-i .., ~m d.l. f-uck.

NiD t ~t-o Ull\tt.~

England Brazil France Mexico Japan
5 Fill in your part of this dialogue. You are trying to find out about
the local market. ~.
You (say excuse me do you know if there is a market
near here)
Transeunte Sim, ha um no fim da rua 1) Where does Marli want Sylvia to go?
You (say do you know if it is open now) 2) Where should she turn right?
Transeunte Que horas sao? 3) Which street on the left should she take?
You (Say it's 10.15) 4) What time does the place close?
Transeunte Entao, sim, esta aberto. 5) Is it very far?
You (Ask is it far?)
Transeunte Nao, e s6 cinco minutos
You (say thanks and goodbye)
6 Fill in the gaps below with words from the box.
(a) Onde o mercado?
(b) E em frente.
(c) sao meus filhos.
(d) Toma a rua a esquerda.
(e) Sao dez as oito.

aqueles terce ira fica para ali

- 50 - - 51 -

Sylvia A que horas come~?

5 Marli Com~ as oito e urn quarto, tenho urna hora e meia para o

alm~. e saio as seis da tarde. As vezes tenho uma turma anoite.
Tanto trabalho!
E mesmo!
meu Deus! my god/goodness me incrivel incredible
COMEQA? tiio so
quantas pessoas how many
diga uma colsa tell me
alunos(os) pupils
What time do you start? people
niio sei exatamente I don 't know
mais ou menos more or less
come youeat
exactly durante during
deve ser it must be refeit6rio(o) canteen
enorme enormous almo~o/almo~o(o) 1/unchl/unch
porto(o) port bern perto really near
mais lmportante do/do que most a que horas at what time
In this unit you will/earn important in the/than com~a/come~o you!/ begin
voce ve? can you see? saio /leave/go out
• how to discuss your work todos all as vezes sometimes
barcos(os) boats turma(a) class/group
• how to discuss how you travel to work vern come tanto trabalho so much work
• how to talk about daily routine toda parte every part e mesmo you're right
mundo(o) world

~ Dialogo 1
1!1 Sylvia and the Ferreiras have gone on a trip to Santos, the most
~ Exercfcio
important port on the southern Brazilian coast. Choose the correct words to fill in the gaps.
Sylvia Meu Deus! E tao grande - e movimentado. Quantas pessoas (a ) Santos e urn porto muito _ _ grande/pequeno.
trabalham aqui? (b) Marli come o almo~o _ _ num restaurante/num cafe.
Jose Nao sei exatamente, mas deve ser urn nfunero enorme. E o (c) Marli trabalha _ _ muito/pouco.
porto mais importante do Brasil.
Marli E mais importante do que Liverpool. Voce ve todos OS barcos
ali? Vern de toda parte do mundo. ~ Gramatica
Sylvia Incrivel. Marli, me diga uma coisa - a escola onde voce tra-
balha - tern quantos alunos?
Marti Tern mais ou menos cento e vinte alunos - dos cator ze ate
aos vinte e cinco anos. 1 The most important 0 mais importante
Sylvia Entao, e uma escola bastante grande. Voce come Ia durante
o dia? When making comparisons between two things, places or people,
Marti Nao, a escola nao tern refeit6rio mas eu alm~o num cafe Portuguese uses mais de more or menos de less. The structure is: X
hem perto. emais (menos) ADJECTNE do que Y. For example:

52 - - 53 -

Santos e mais importante do que Liverpool 3 Ver, vir to see, to come

Often in spoken Portuguese, the do que becomes just que. The Irregular verbs are always awkward, and require more concentration
superlative (i.e. the highest degree) of these comparisons is expressed in order to learn them adequately. Two verbs most commonly mixed
as: X eo/a _ _ maisADJECTNE. For example: up are ver and vir. Look at the two of them in the present tense.
Santos eo (porto) mais importante. VER VIR
Some adjectives have slightly irregular forms of comparison. Look at vejo venho
the table below. ve vern
Adjective Comparative Superlative vemos VliDOS
veem vern
alto tall mais alto taller o mais alto the tallest
grande big maior bigger o maior the biggest
pequeno smal/ menor smaller o menor the smallest 4 Todo, todas All, every
bom good melhor better o melhor the best
maubad pior worse o pior the worst Todo is an adjective meaning all/every, and has four parts agreeing
with what it is describing.
Study these examples:
todo toda todos todas
Jose e mais alto do que Marti. Jose is taller than Marl£.
0 tempo hoje esta melhor. The weather today is better. You will also come across tudo. This is a neuter word meaning
Ela e a pior aluna. She is the worst pupil. everything Iall that, which is non-specific. It never changes form.
todo (o) dia/todos os dias every day
2 More verbs todas as pessoas all the people Ieveryone
tudo e hom everything is good
In unit 2 you learnt how to use all the parts of the -ar verb
trabalhar. To talk about daily routines you need to know how to
form verbs from the other two main groups. r!J 5 The numbers game 10D-1000
-ER -m Here are some more numbers for you to learn.
COMER (to eat) PARTIR (to leave)
eu COMo PARTo 101 canto a urn, uma 190 canto a novanta
ele/ela COMe PARTe 102 canto a dois, duas 199 cento e noventa e nove
voce COMe PARTe 105 cento e cinco 200 duzantoslas
nos COMemos PARTimos 110 cento e dez 300 trezentoslas
eles!elas COMem PARTem 120 cento e vinte 400 quatrocantoslas
voces COMem PARTern 130 cento e trinta 500 quinhentoslas
140 cento e quarenta 600 seiscentoslas
You will see that the endings for these two groups are very similar. 150 cento e cinquenta 700 setecentoslas
160 cento e sessenta 800 oitocentoslas
170 cento e setenta 900 novecentoslas
180 cento e oitenta 1,000 mil

54 - 55 -

6 Time3 verao(o) summer amiga(a) friend

chego I arrive escritorio(o) office
Saying at what time things happen is not much different from what inverno(o) winter em geral generally
you learnt in the previous unit. coragem(a) courage por volta de around
ou ... ou ... either ... or ... as vezes somet1mes
as - - (horas) at _ _ (o' clock) pego uma carona I get a lift fico trabalhando I stay working
as __ e _ _ at
as __ para _ _ at to
~ Exercfcio
a umabora at one o'clock
ao meio dia/a meia-noite at midday I midnight Say if these statements are verdadeiro or falso.
Look at these examples: v F
as cinco horas at five o'clock (a) Sylvia lives in Manchester itself.
as dez e vinte (b) In summer she bikes to work.
at 10.20
as quinze para as oito (c) Sometimes she works until 9 p.m.
at 7.45

~----- Dialogo 2 mt----- Gramatica

Jose asks Sylvia about her daily routine.

Jose Sylvia, voce mora mesmo em Manchester?
1 ... que ...?I ... is it that... ?
Sylvia Bern, moro a cinco quilometros de Manchester, numa pequena Often, the expression e que (is it that) is inserted into a question to
aldeia, mas trabalho em Manchester. either emphasise something important, or simply to enhance the flow
Jose Como e que voce vai ao trabalho? Vai de carro? of the sentence. If you have studied French, you will recognise the
Sylvia Nao, de manha e a tarde o transito e impossivel, por isso vou expression est-ce que.
de bicicleta no verao. Saio de casa as oito e chego ao trabal-
ho as oito e meia.
Jose E no inverno- tambem vai de bicicleta no frio? 2 Transport
Sylvia Nao, nao tenho coragem - em Manchester chove muito no
inverno. Ou vou de onibus, ou pego uma carona com uma To talk about means of transport, you use a verb (usually IR- to go),
a.miga. plus DE plus the transport. There are a couple of exceptions. The
Jose A que horas sai do escrit6rio a tarde? following table contains more examples.
Sylvia Em geral saio de Ia por volta das cinco e meia, mas as vezes DE + carro car onibus bus bicicleta bicycle onibus (de luxo)
fico trabalhando ate as seis, seis e urn pouco. coach metro underground motocicleta motorbike aviao aeroplane
trem train barco boat
mesmo em Manchester m de carrolbicicleta/onibus by A + cavalo horse pe foot
Manchester 1tself car/bike/bus
a 5 quilometros de 5 km from transito(o) traffic
aldeia(a) v1llage impossivel 1mposs1ble 3 Two irregular verbs - pedir/sair
como vai a? how do you get to? por isso for that reason/so
These two verbs have certain irregularities, so be careful when using
them. In the present tense they are:

- 56 - 57

PEDm to ask for SAIR to go out 2 Fill in the gaps with appropriate times.
~0 saio (a) Sonia sai de casa
pede sai
pedimos saimos (b) Miguel vai ao trabalho _ _
pedem saem
(c) Ana pega 0 onibus - -
~--- Sumario (d) Eu saio da escola

eo/a mais... de... it's the most... in the... (e) Jose come o almcx;:o _ _
e maislmenos ... (de) que... it's more/less ... than .. .
a que boras come~altermina? at what time does it start/finish? ({) Sylvia chega em casa _ _
com~o/termino as... I start I finish at ...
ao meio diala meia noite at midday I midnight
(voce) mora em...? do you live in ... ? 3 Make sentences describing where places are in relation to each
como vai ao trabalho? how do you get to work? other, writing out in Portuguese the distances.
vou de carro/bicicletaltaxi I go by car I bicycle I taxi
(a) [Germany] e a [135 k..m] da [France].
saio por volta das... I leave about ... o'clock
(b) [Brazil) e a [1896 km] do [Mexico] .
fico trabalhando ate... I stay I remain working until...
(c) [England) e a [1247 km] de [Portugal] .
(d) [USA] sao a [283 km] do [Canada].
4 Match the Questions with the Answers.
(a) Como vai ao trabalho? Mais ou menos 120.
l!J Atividades (b) Quantas pessoas trabalham la? u Ao meio-dia.
(c) Voce mora em Londres? w Vou de onibus.
(d) A que horas come o almcx;:o? iv Nao, vou a um cafe.
1 Look at the following extract from Nelson's diary, then listen to
(e) Voce come no escrit6rio? v Nao, moro em M.andlester.
him describing his daily routine and fill in the gaps in his diary
with activities or times, as though he has written it himself.
.------------------------------------------------------------------ l!J---- Compreende?
1.'<' ~uN-AbAO,o
People do all kinds of work. Look at these advertisements overleaf ,
1.00 lbJ? and see if you can answer these questions.
10.00 1) Luci is a fortune-teller. T/F
2) What language must you speak to get the au pair's job?
3) Which advertisement would you answer if you needed some
(d.)? sewing doing?
17.3' 4) Who can help you if you are suffering from stress?
(t)? ~eMU"- 5) The 26-year-old Brazilian girl would like to be a teacher. T/F
6) Where might you apply for a job if you enjoyed driving?

58 59

(a) (b)
Gina, massagista
26 anos, 1,56m, falando
espanhol, ingles, gostaria
Trata: celulite, gorduras de realizar seu grande 0 QUE FAZ NO SEU
sonho como atriz,
localizadas, dores, stress.
Atende a domicilio danrtarina de samba,
Para marcar hora lambada, etc. What do you do in your free time?
ligue 371330 Favor contatar 0389667

(c) (d)
" In this unit you will/earn
TARO& Costuras • how to talk about leisure time
TRABALHOS em geral: • how to discuss what you like doing
ESPIRITU AIS • bow to talk about leisure facilities and entertainment
Se voce tern problemas, Coletas para garc;ons
Reformas, etc. Dialogo 1
consulte Luci
6900372 tzl
am Sylvia and the Ferreiras discuss their favourite leisure activities.
Jose Sylvia, o que voce faz no seu tempo livre?
(e) (f) Sylvia Adoro ler. Durante a semana, quando volto do trabalho, gosto
muito de escutar um pouco de musica, e ler um born livro.
AEROPORTO Procura-se
Que tipo de livros prefere?
Prefiro os livros policiais, mas tambem leio muitos jornais.
• Motoristas profissionais Marli E qual e a musica de que voce gosta mais?
• Carros novos e que tale portugues, para nos Sylvia Gosto da musica latina, mas para relaxar ou~o musica clas-
confortaveis ajudar com a casa e o nosso sica.
• Eficiencia e filho de 4 anos. Marli Vai adorar a musica popular brasileira - e 6tima para
pontualidade dan~.
Fins de semana livres.
• Servic;:o de classe Sylvia Voces, o que fazem nas horas vagas?
Fale com Lucila Jose Aos fins de seman a costumamos passar tempo no clube -
A partir de R$ 26 568221 nadando, jogando tenis, relaxando no bar. Pessoalmente
gosto de jogar golfe, mas Marli nao gosta.
Tel: 1388926 Marli Everdade, eu prefiro fazer cooper bern cedo de manha, e aos
domingos pratico ioga.

60 61

Sylvia E a televisao? As famosas telenovelas brasileiras? VERBS NOUNS

Marli S6 quando nao temos mais nada a fazer. jogar tenislfutebollvolei/golfe a piscina swimming pool
to play tennis I football I volleyball/golf
o que vocefs faZ/em? what do aos fins de semana at weekends passear to go strolling o clube social/ sport club
you do? aos domingos on Sundays correr/fazer cooper to run Igo jogging o museu museum
o tempo livre/horas vagas costumamos we usually pintar to paint o radio/a TV radio/TV
free/leisure time passar tempo spend time
adoro/gosto /love/like clube(o) social club ler livroslrevistasljornais o centro esportivo
ler to read nadando/relaxando to read books I magazines I newspapers sports centre
quando when swimming/relaxing escutar musica to listen to music 0 cinema cinema
volto/leio/ou~o I return/read/listen jogando tenis playing tennis nadar to swim o teatro theatre
ouvir/escutar hear/listen to bar(o) bar
o campo countryside
a musica latina/classica latin/ pessoalmente personally
classical music nao gosta does not like
a musica popular brasileira golfe(o) golf
Brazilian pop music e verdade it's true 2 Likes/dislikes/preferences
livro(o) book fazer cooper to go jogging
que tipo de what kind of bern cedo really early Some important verbs to express your likes and dislikes are: gostar
prefere/prefiro prefers!/ prefer pratico ioga I do yoga (de)/ niio gostar (de)/adorar/detestar/preferir/gostar mais (de).
h pollciais police televisao(a) TV
jomais(o) newspapers as famosas telenovelas brasileiras When talking about activities, all these verbs are followed by an
relaxar/dan~ar to relax/dance the famous Brazilian soap operas infinitive. Be careful with the I person of preferir: it is prefiro. For
val adorar you're going to love mais nada a fazer nothing else example:
6timo/a great to do
Adoro jogar golfe. I love playing I to play golf.
Lucia prefere ver televisiio. Lucia prefers to watch I
, ~ Exerclcio watching TV.
Joio gosta mais de nadar. John likes to swim/
Say which activities the characters from the dialogue do and don't swimming most.
like doing.
reading sports television music 3 Gostar (de)
(a) Marti
(b) Jose Gostar is always followed by DE, although this does not add any-
(c) Sylvia thing useful to the meaning. If the verb is used with a noun, you must
remember to combine the de with words like o/a/um, uma etc. if
appropriate. For example:
ml----- Gramatica Qual e a mlisica de que gosta? Which music do you like?
Gosto do sol. I like the sun.
Ele gosta mais da cerveja. He likes the beer most.
1 Activity vocabulary
Here are some words you will find useful in order to discuss leisure 4 Irregular plurals
activities. Nouns and adjectives which end in -1 in the singular, have irregular
endings, as you saw in the dialogue:

- 62 - - 63

o jornal- jornaiS BUT to say I like swimming you must still use the structure
policial - policiaiS mentioned earlier with the verb to like - gostar de/adorar + infini.
tive, e.g. gosto de nadar I like swimming/to swim.
Be on the look-out for others as you develop your reading skills.

5 Fazer, ler, ouvir ~----­ Dialogo 2

Some more important verbs with irregularities.
The Ferreiras take Sylvia out to a local bar.
Fazer - to do, make Ler - to read Ouvir - to hear Quer provar uma bebida nacional Sylvia?
fa~o leio ou~o Sylvia 0 quee?
faz le ouve Ecaipirinha. Sabe 0 que e?
fazemos lemos ouvimos Nao far;o ideia
fazem leem ouvem E uma delfcia - feita de cachar;a, uma aguardente de cana
de ar;ucar, com limao, ar;ucar e agua. E um bocado forte.
til 6 Time routines Sylvia
Entao, porque nao?
Garr;om, por favor.
The days of the week are: Gar~om Pois nao?
Jose Duas caipirinhas e uma batida de morango.
segunda-feira Monday ter~a-feira Tuesday quarta-feira Wednesday
Gar~om Muito bern.
quinta-feira Thursday sexta-feira Friday sabado Saturday
Marti Sylvia, voce vai ao teatro em Manchester?
domingo Sunday
Sylvia De vez em quando sim. Prefiro ir ao cinema quando surge
The week days are all feminine, whilst the week-end days are mas- a oportunidade. lli bons teatros aqui?
culine. Often -feira is dropped, people referring simply to segunda Marti Ah sim, aqui em Sao Paulo ha muitos - cinemas e teatros
etc. They are abbreviated thus: 2a/ 3a, etc. To say when you do com todo tipo de Perra- comedia/romance/musical- s6 que
certain activities, you can say: em alguns os ingressos sao bastante caros.
aossabados/aosdourlngos/ on Saturdays I Sundays I Jose Em Sao Paulo ha coisas para todo mundo - cinema,
ao fim de semana at the weekend teatro, museu, discoteca, galeria de arte - ha de tudo.
its segundas, ter~as etc. on Mondays, Tuesdays, etc.
every quer provar? do you want to try? quando surge a oportunidade
todos/as os/as
bebida(a) drink when the opportunity anses
nacional national de vez em quando sometimes
0 que e? what is it? ~a(a) play
7 ando ing caipirinha(a) sugar cane/lime drink ingressos(os) tickets
nao fa~o ideia I've no idea carols expensiVe
The Portuguese equivalent of the -ing form of verbs is formed thus: uma delicia delicious todo mundo everyone
Verb in infinitive minus the ending (ar/er/ir) + ando/endo/indo. For cachac;:a, aguardente firewater discoteca(a) disco
example: limao(o) ltme h8 de tudo there 's a bit
agua(a) water of everythmg
escutar to listen (to) escut + ando =escutando listening to pois nao? can I help you? um bocado forte a bit strong
uma batida de morango
Ele prefere ficar em casa He prefers to stay at home strawberry/wine
escutando mlisica. listening to music.

- 64 - 65 -

~ Verdadeiro ou falso? 3 Alguns -some

Are the following sentences true or false? T F The full version is:
(a ) Caipirinha is an alcoholic drink. alguns algumas
algum alguma
(b) Sylvia never goes to the theatre.
(c) Sao Paulo has a wide range of activities. You can also use:
urn uma uns umas
Algum, etc. can be contracted with em (nalgum) and de (dalgum),
~----- Gramatica although you will rarely come across these forms in Brazil.
Study these examples:
Algumas (umas) pessoas Some people work a lot.
1 Querer to want trabalham muito.
Niio gosto de entrar em I don't like going in to
When asking someone if they would like something, you can either
alguns (nalguns) bares. some bars.
say quer (lit. do you want), or queria (would you like). Despite the
latter being considered more polite in English, it is not considered
rude to use quer. Here are the two forms in full:
Dicas culturais
quero I want queria I would like
quer you, s I he queria you would like,
want(s) he, she, etc. • Many alcoholic drinks in Brazil take as their base the delicious
queriamos we would like tropical fruits available there. Batidas are cocktails of wine, red or
queremos we want
they want queriam they would like white, blended with a fruit- favourites are batida de coco (coconut),
morango (strawberry), maracuja (passion fruit), pessego (peach).
Caipirinha is very potent and easily addictive! The zest of the lime
2 To know or to know mixed with the firewater, commonly refered to as pinga or cacha~a,
means it is extremely easy to drink in copious amounts. Be careful -
There are two verbs for to know in Portuguese - saber is to know a it bas a kick! During the February carnival many people take to the
fact or how to do something; conhecer is to know a person, place and streets with cans filled with pure pinga tied around their necks. No
to meet, get to know someone. wonder they keep the samba going for five days!
sei conhe~o
sabe conhece ~----- Sumario
sabemos conhecemos
sabem conhecem
o que fa7lem no seu tempo what do you do in your
e.g. Que horas sao? Niio sei. What time is it? I don't know. livre/horas vagas? free leisure time?
Ela conhece meu filho. She knows my son. gosto muito de lerlescutar I like reading I listening to
mtisica music a lot
que prefere? what do you prefer?
prefiro... I prefer...
costumo/costumamos... I I we usually...

- 66 - - 67 -

aos domingos/as segundas on Sundays I Mondays 2 Saber or Conhecer?

voce vai ao teatro/cinema? do you go to the theatre I cinema?
de vez em quando/as vezes sometimes Place the correct form of the appropriate verb in the spaces.
ha bons teatros/museus aqui? are there any good theatres I (a) Eu a Fran~ muito bem.
museums here? (b) Miguel nao nadar.
ha de tudo there's a bit of everything (c) A que boras vamos ao cinema? Eu nao _ _ _ __
(d) Sonia, voce Senhor Veloso?
(e) Eles nao esta cidade.
~----- Atividades Listen to three people discussing what they like doing in their
leisure time, and decide which profile below belongs to which
1 Link up the pictures of the activities with what the bubbles are person.
(a) likes painting, museums and playing golf
(i) (b) prefers watching TV, doesn't like sports
(c) likes golf and tennis but doesn't like music
Gosto de visitar
o museu Speaker 1= 2= 3=
4 Fill in your part of the dialogue about leisure time.
Francisco 0 que voce faz no seu tempo livre?
You (say I love swimming, I go to the swimming pool on
(iii) Francisco E voce gosta de musica?
You (say yes a little)
Gostam.os muito de Francisco Que tipo de mlisica prefere?
ouvir musica You (say I prefer jazz music. Ask Francisco what he does
in his free time.)
Francisco Bom, gosto muito de jogar golfe, e de ir ao teatro.
You (say I also like the theatre but the tickets are quite

~---­ Compreende?
Adoro nadar L!J 1 Overleaf is some information about courses you can do at a local
college. Paulo has chosen a course on Gardening. Look at how be
bas filled in his request form, then choose a course yourself, and
fill in the blank form with personal details.

68 -- 69

2 Which courses would you choose if you wanted to study:

(a) The guitar
0 (b) General mechanics
_J (.)
WO w
0 o- a:: oa:: oz (c) Art and Design
I a:: .o I<()
_J- r:s~
WW ~-- -------------- ------ ---------------------- ------------
_a: _j::::l Cl)l-
Cl) X(.) w-
w ::::lCI)
CD o5 a::
<t: Av. Rio Branco, 781 - Caixa Postal 5058- Sao Paulo- CEP 01061-970
Cl(J) w Sr. Diretor, pec;o Gratis o folheto sobre o(s) curso(s) profissionalizante(s)
w- o·w
w 0 ow
oet:> oi
oS:2 CJ) livre(s) de M-4Mtc~M 4 COURSE

_J ·::s o'O
oo IZ
fa.u cU. ~ ---~--
0 S:2o
a:: a::
oo wo
z NOME --------------------~~.w
-- ~ __________________
tJ=> cnw w~
RUA ____.::::Ji:::::.i:::::ek=.!~::...=~=---------- N• ~
z w ~- eEP QSU BAIRRO eo... ex. POSTAL ·--~_!-::::::-l::c;~
etDADE t..IWbMtc. t ESTADO -2~:.:..=·
= ------ No

_J tJ
U5 w ~--------------------------------------------------------
~ w Av. Rio Branco, 781 - eaixa Postal 5058- Sao Paulo- eEP 01061-970
w Cl
(!) CI)CI)
<t: <t:<t: Sr. Dlretor, pec;o Gratis o folheto sobre o(s) curso(s) profissionalizante(s)
z oo
i5 zw livre(s) de
a:: O>
<t: •W
J I-

RUA ________________________________________ N• ____

w 0
w<t: o-ct: ~0
- z
eEP - - - - - - - - - - - BAIRRO ________ ex. POSTAL - - ----
wa:: a::Q CCa::
I-:::> oet::::! <t:w
a:: l- -en 1--o eiDADE - - - - -- - - - - - - - ESTADO - - - - - -- --------
OCI) :::!oet:
o8 Xl-
oet:o w

- 70 - - 71 -

Empregada Neste momento nao, sinto muito.
Sylvia Nao faz mal. Levo as duas. Quanta e?
Empre gada Sao 36 reais ao todo. Quer pagar ali na caixa? Leve
este talao consigo. Depois volte aqui para pegar as
Can I help you? pois niio? can I help you? acho que sim I thmk so
camlsetas(as) t-shirts vou lever I'll take
claro of course neste momento at the moment
tamanho(o) size sinto multo I'm sorry
voce procure ...? are you looking niio faz mal that's OK
for ... ? quanto e? how much is it/that?
uma cor em particular a particular aotodo ina/1
colour pagar to pay for
estllo(o) style caixa(a) tiiVcheck-out
In this unit you will/earn posso provar? may I try it on? levetvolte take/return
a cablne de proves changing room taliio(o) ticket/stub
• bow to obtain goods and services eo fundo at the bottom, end consigo with you
• bow to buy clothes and shoes ja escolheu? have you chosen yet?
• bow to discuss sizes

tll----- Dialogo 1 ~ Exercicio

1!!1 Sylvia has gone to visit Rio and decides to do some shopping in a
Only one of these statements is true. Which one?
(a) 0 tamanho da Sylvia e quarenta e quatro.
fashion store (a boutique) before starting her journey northwards. (b) A cabine de provas ea
Empregada Pois nao? (c) Sylvia leva duas camisetas.
Sylvia Queria ver u.mas ca.misetas por favor.
Empregada Claro. Qual e seu tamanho?
Sylvia E o42. Gramatica
Empregada Voce procura cor em particular?
Sylvia Tem em verde, ou azul?
Empregada Sim, temos estas aqui, e tambem aquelas ali em outro
estilo. Sao todas de algodao.
1 Posso ... ?
Sylvia Posso provar? Posso may I I can I can be used with all kinds of verbs in the infini-
Empregada Claro- a cabine de provas e ali ao fundo. tive, and is very useful. Posso ver - see, have a look Posso experi-
(Sylvia comes out of the changing room) mentar, provar - to try on, try something, taste Posso passar - to
pass, get by. The verb is Poder - to be able to and in full is:
Empregada Entao, ja escolheu?
Sylvia Acbo que sim, vou levar esta azul, mas tem a outra posso podemos
em verde-escuro? pode podem

72 - 73 -

2 I think so There is a crossing-over of endings - the ar verbs take an ·e, and the
er/ir verbs take an -a. To command more than one person, add an ·m.
The verb achar has various meanings - to find, think. It can be used For example:
when asking/giving opinions:
(voces) comprem! comam! partam!
Acho que sim/nao. -I think so I not.
To tell somebody not to do something, simply place nao in front- nao
0 que voce acha?- What do you think?
coma! don't eat! Be careful with irregular verbs: here is a small selec-
Acho muito bonito.- I think (it's) very pretty.
tion of some you have already come across:
You can also use creio que -I believe and penso que- I think.
fazer fa~a! fa~am!
ver veja! vejam!
3 Levo - I'll take ir v6! vao!
vrr venha! venham!
Levo is in fact the present tense of the verb even though in English pedir pe~a! pe~am!
we are saying I will take (ie future). This replacement of a future
Be on the look-out for irregular verbs, but don't expect to take verbs
action with a verb in the present tense is very common in Portuguese,
on board all at once. They are particularly tricky in Portuguese, and
especially in spoken dialogue. For example:
take time to learn.
Amanha vejo meu irmao - Tomorrow I'll see my brother.
Falamos a semana que vem - We'll talk next week.
As in English, you can also use the verb to go (ir) to express future ~ Dialogo 2
action. For example: B
Vou a cidade amanha- I'm going to town tomorrow. Sylvia next goes to a shoe shop - a sapataria.

The future tense will be introduced later in the course. Sylvia Born dia. Queria ver uns sapatos em couro por favor.
Empregada e
Sim, temos. Que nfunero que voce cal~a?
4 Commands- leve/volte Sylvia Acho que e o 38, mas nao tenho certeza.
Empregada Born, em 38 temos estes, que estao muito na moda
In unit 4, you learnt how to give directions, politely telling people agora.
what to do by saying you (do) this I that. There are also other ways of Sylvia Sim, sao muito bonitos, mas queria alguma coisa mais
ordering people to do things more directly. These are called com- resistente- para andar.
mands, or more technically imperatives. Remember that you do not Empregada Temos estas botas, que sao c6modas, e estao em
need to be annoyed with someone in order to command them to do or liquida~ao esta semana.
not do something. To form the commands, look at the following steps: Sylvia Posso experimentar?
ARverbs ERverbs ffiverbs Empregada Claro. Tome!
comprar comer partir Sylvia Sao muito pequenas. Tern outras maiores?
(voce) compra = come =you eat parte =yort leave Empregada Sim, aqui em 39.
you buy Sylvia Ah sim, estas sao mais c6modas. 0 que voce acha?
Empregada Apesar de ser resistentes, tambem sao 'chique'.
To form the command change the verb endings to the following: Ficam-lhe hem.
comprE! = buy! comA! =eat! partA! = leave!

- 74 - 75 -

Sylvia Quanto custam? couro leather plastico plastic

Empregada Com o desconto, custam 85 reais. Ia wool seda silk
Sylvia Que pechincha! cetim satin malha jersey I knitwear
;:JI sapatos(os) shoes em liquidac;iio m the sale
couro leather siio muito pequenas they're too 3 Shops
tern? do you have? small
que numero...calc;a? what size do apesar de ser in sptte of being
you take? chique chic
Often the name of a shop is derived from the item sold there.
nao tenho certeza I'm not sure ficam-lhe bern they suit you sapatos shoes sapataria shoeshop
estar na moda to be in fashion quanto custalm how much does it!
they cost?
pao bread padaria baker's
resistente solid/firm
andar to walk desconto(o) discount livro book livraria bookshop
botas(as) boots que pechincha what a bargain pastel pastry, cake pastelaria cakeshop
c6modas comfortable tabaco tobacco tabacaria tobacconist's
fruta fruit frutaria fruitier's

~ Exercfcio Sumario
Answer three questions in Portuguese, based on the dialogue.
(a) 0 que a Sylvia quer comprar? _ _ Queria/posso ... veri I woud like to I may I ... see I
(b) Quale o ntimero das botas que ela compra? _ _ provarlexperimentar? try on/try?
(c) Quanto custam? _ _ Qual tamanho/que n1imero What size do you take?
Em que cor? In which colour?
r51 Gramatica Tem .. Jtem em. ..?
Quanto e/quanto custalm?
Do you have I do you have in... ?
How much is it I does it I they cost?
Levolvou levar I'll take I I'm going to take.
Achoque I think
1 Clothes check-list FJsao muito pequeno/s, It is I they are too small I large
a blusa blouse acamisa shirt Fica/m-lhe hem It I they suit you
as cal~as trousers o vestido dress
asaia skirt a cueca underpants
acalcinha knickers osutia bra Dicas culturais
as meias socks assandalias sandals
as luvas gloves o chapeu hat
• Rio is a city of great contrasts. It is arguably one of the most beautiful
cities in the world, with its breathtaking scenery and renowned
beaches. But there is also great poverty in the shantytowns (as
2 Materials favelas). Many will have heard of the police death squads hired by
algodao cotton poliester polyester business people to rid the streets of the children who sleep rough. Rio

- 76 n

is everything from squalor to extravagance, but it all comes together (b) (voces) [comer] _ _ o pao! _ _
for its magnificent February carnival - o carnaval. Do be careful in (c) (voces) [ir] _ _ por aqui! _ _
Rio - exercise caution when out and about, but don't be too afraid to (d) (voce) [nao fazer] _ _ barulho! _ _
enjoy its beauty. And don't be shocked by the amount of flesh shown (e) (voce) [trabalharl _ _ hem! _ _
on the beach. Brazilian women don't often sunbathe topless, but their (f) (voces) [nao falar] _ _ muito! _ _
bikinis reveal an awful lot of flesh . Often referred to as 'fio dental'
Listen to someone in a shoe shop, and tick the appropriate pic-
bikinis (dental floss!), they leave little to the imagination. Tone up
tures for their purchases.
before you venture on to Copacabana, Ipanema and Leblon!
(a) Asks for

l!J Atividades
1 Match up the items to be bought with the appropriate shops. (b) Size


i) livraria ii) sapataria iii) mercado iv) actougue
(d) Do they fit?
v) boutique vi) padaria

2 Supply your part of the dialogue in a fashion store

(e) Price
You (Say do you have skirts?)
Empregada Sim, temos. Qual eseu tamanho?
You (Say I think it's 42)
Empregada Temos estas, em vermelho e preto.
You (Say do you have it in light-blue?) Compreende?
Empregada Sim, temos esta, em outro estilo.
You (Say how much is it?)
Empregada Esta custa 46 reais Look at the advice given to people under their horoscope and answer
You (Say I'll take this one in blue and that one in black.) the following:
Empregada Sao 92 reais ao todo. 1) What should Pisces be eating?
You (Say thank you.) 2) What culinary advice is given to Cancer?
3 Fill in the gaps by supplying the correct command form of the 3) What should Libra do for their friends?
verb. Then say what each one means. 4) What should Capricorn do on arriving home?
5) What should Aries do before taking a decision?
(a) (voce) [comprar] _ _ a blusa! _ _ 6) What should Leo treat themselves to?

- 78 - 79 -

22 DEZ. a 20 JAN. 21 ABRIL a 20 MAIO 23 AGO. a 22 SET.
Dica: Quando chegar em Dica: Gente. lsso ewdo o Dica: Apo~te no\ melhorc~
What are you going to eat?
casa tome um born banho que voce prccisa para mel· produto~ de bcle1a. Elcs
de sais. horar sua vida. vao te ajudar.
21 JAN. a 19 FEY. 21 MA10a 20 JUNHO 23 SET. a 22 OUT.
Dica: Que talum novo Dica: Nao tique apenas Dica: Fa~a um jantar para
corte de cabclo'! Voce vai pcnsando em cursos. Fa~a os seus an1igos e ponha um
se sentir outra ... a matricula ja! sorriso no rosto, menina.
20 FEY. a 20 MAR. 21 JUNHO a 21 JULHO 23 OUT. a 21 NOV. In this unit you will/earn
Dica: Abuse das saladas. Dica: Troque os doces por Dica: 0 sol chegou!
Elas irao manter seu bom frutas. Seus dentes vao Aproveitc para colocar o • how to order a meal
humor no verao. agmdecer. bronzeado em dia tambCm. • more about making requests
• about typical Brazilian food
21 MAR. a 20 ABRIL 22 JULHO a 22 AGO. 22 NOV. a 21 DEZ.
Dica: Relaxe muito ante~ Dica: Procure uma boa Dica: Viagens avista. Nao Dialogo 1
de tomar qualquer decisiio. mao oriental e entregue-se tenha medo. Arrume as
as massagens. malas para voar linda.
Sylvia goes out to a restaurant with a friend.
Marcia Tem uma mesa livre?
Gar~om Sao quantos?
Marcia Somos s6 dois.
Gar~om Temos esta mesa aqui perto da porta, ou aquela ali ao
Marcia Esta esta bem. Traga o cardapio por favor.
Gar~om Tome.
Marcia Deixe ver. 0 que temos? Ha saladas e sopas para come~ar.
Que vai pedir Sylvia?
Sylvia Nao tenho muita fome. Quero uma sopa quentinha.
Marcia A canja e boa e tipica daqui. E feita de galinha.
Sylvia Entiio e isto para
Marcia Eu vou pedir uma salada mista para mim.

80 - 81 -

~ mesa(a) table salada/mista mixed/salad
2 Ha
livre free sopas/sopa quentinha soups/hot
sao quantos? how many of you soup
This small word which you met in unit 4 for directions is extremely
are there ? para come~ar to start wtth versatile. It means there is/there are, and when used as a question,
somos . . . there are ... of us niio tenho muita tome I'm not vety also means is there? are there? It is particularly useful when request-
porta(a) door hungty ing information about what is available: o que ha? what is there?
traga bnng canja(a) chicken broth
cardapio(o) menu tipica daqui typical of here
You can also say o que tem? what do you haue?
tome here you are/take galinha(a) chicken
deixe ver let (me) see e isto para mim /'// have this
3 Ter
The verb Ter (to have) is used in certain expressions such as tenho
~ Exercfcio fome - I am hungry.
Say if these statements are verdadeiro or falso. Ter fome to be hungry (literally to haue hunger).
v F You will also come across TER sede to be thirsty
(a) They choose a table near the door. sono to be sleepy I tired
(b) Sylvia is really hungry. calor to be hot
(c) Marcia chooses soup as a starter. frio to be cold
You can also use ESTAR COM+ fome, sede, etc.
~----- Gramatica
~----- Dialogo 2
1 Traga The waiter takes the order.
This command comes from the verb trazer to bring. In the last unit Gar~om Entao, ja escolheram? Que vao comer?
you were advised to keep a look-out for verbs with irregularities, and Sylvia Para come~ar, uma salada mista e uma canja.
here is an example of a verb whose irregularity affects the command- Gar~om E depois?
form: TraGO, traz, trazemos, trazem. The command becomes Sylvia Um lombo assado e um file de peixe frito com batatas
Tragal Bring! fritas, arroz e legumes para dais.
In addition to those listed in unit 7, other verbs which act in the same Gar~om E para heber?
way include: Sylvia Uma garrafa do vinho da casa.
Gar~om Branco ou tinto? to follow sigo segue seguimos seguem siga! Sylvia Branco. E traga uma jarra de agua tambem por favor -
Repetir to repeat repito repete repetimos repetem repita! tenho muita sede.
Dormir to sleep durmo dorme dormimos dormem durma! Gar~om Muito hem.

- 82 - - 83 -

ja escolheram?
chosen yet?
have you (pi)

urn lombo assado roast pork loin

urn file de peixe frito fried fish ftllet
legumes(os) vegetables
garrafa(a) bottle
o vinho da casa house wine
tinto red (wme)
Paying the bill.
Dialogo 4

batatas fritas chips jarra(a) jug

arroz(o) rice Marcia A conta por favor.
Gar~ om Aqui esta.
Sylvia Quanto e Marcia?
Marcia Sao 26 reais.
~ Exercfcio Sylvia Tome aqui.
Marcia Imagine! Pago eu! Insisto. Voce e minha convidada.
Answer Yes or No Born, a proxima vez eu pago. Obrigada. Foi um jantar
YES NO delicioso. Mas ja e tarde. Sao nove e meia, e amanha parto
(a) Do they order vegetables for both of them? para o nordeste.
(b) Do they ask for red wine?
(c) Is Sylvia thirsty? conta(a) bill a proxima vez next time
pago eu I'll pay foi urn jantar delicioso it was a
insisto I insist delicious dinner
~----- Dialogo 3 minha convidada my guest e
ja tarde it's already late
imagine! get away/never! o nordeste the northeast

The meal continues.

Marcia Gar~om por favor!
Gar~om Diga. ~-----
Marcia Pode trazer mais pao e outra jarra de agua por favor?
Gar~om Claro. Vao querer sobremesas?
Sylvia 0 que tern? Tem uma mesa livre? Do you haue a table free?
Gar~ om Hoje temos pudim de caramelo, doce de coco, fruta, e Traga o cardapio por favor Please bring the menu.
sorvete. Que vai pedir/comer? What are you going to haue Ieat?
Marcia Que sabores de sorvete tern? 0 que hattem? Hall'em ... What is there I do you haue?
Gar~om Chocolate, morango, baunilha e avela. There is ...
Marcia Born, eu quero um sorvete de morango. Tenho fome/sede I'm hungry I thirsty
Sylvia Eu vou provar o pudim. Para come~arle depoisl For starters I and then I to drink
Gar~om E cafe? para heber
Marcia Si.m, dois cafezinhos. Pode trazer mais .. Joutro/a ... Can you bring more... I another...
Que sabores? What flauours?
pode trazer can you bring sorvete(o) ice-cream A conta por favor The bill please
mals piio more bread sabores(os) flavours Foi um (jantar) delicioso It was a delicious (dinner)
sobremesas(as) desserts chocolate chocolate
hoje today morango strawberry
pudim de caramelo creme caramel baunilha vanilla
doce de coco coconut dessert avelii hazelnut
fruta frutt

84 85 -

Dicas culturais mass a pasta

espeto misto mixed kebab
bife na brasa barbecued steak
• The Brazilians' main staple of food is rice and black beans - arroz
e feijao, usually eaten with steak - urn file, and chips and salad.
You can hear the beans cooking away all day in pressure cookers Guarni~oes -side dishes
down many residential streets. When eating out, popular choices
arroz rice
include Italian food (there is a huge Italian community in and around
legumes vegetables
Sao Paulo); chicken (frango) and fish (pei.xe). Sunday is the day for
batatas fritas chips
the infamous black bean stew cooked with all kinds of sausage and
faro fa manioc mixture
off-cuts - feijoada. Sometimes it's better not to enquire what every
bit is! It is served with rice, couve a mineira (saute greens)
and farofa - a bread crumb mixture (manioc), and also a slice of Sobremesas - desserts
orange to aid digestion. In the south you are more likely to eat in a
churrascaria - rodizio - a sort of organised barbecue, where waiters sorvetes ice-cream
circle the tables with swordsful of every meat you can imagine. As fruta da esta~ao fruit of the season
your plate empties you simply catch the waiters' attention. There is pudim de caramelo creme caramel
usually a help-yourself salad bar, and normally you pay one price doce de coco coconut dessert
and eat until you burst. This is particularly popular in the gaucho -
cowboy regions of the south. More about these later in the course.
Bebidas - drinks
Meals are leisurely affairs, unless you are working - but even here
many a deal has been clinched over an extended lunch. refrigerantes soft drinks
cerveja beer
vinho wme
Typical Brazilian food
~----- Atividades
Entradas - starters
1 Can you do the following?
canja chicken broth (a) Say do you have a table free?
creme de aspargos asparagus soup (b) Say there are five of us.
lula frita fried squid (c) Say I'm not thirsty.
camarao prawns (d ) Ask your friend what s/he is going to have
(e) Call the waiter across
Prato principal - main meal ({) Ask for the bill
2 Place an appropriate command from the box below into the
lombo assado roast pork loin spaces.
frango ensopado chicken stew
ovelha lamb (a) Para o museu? _ _ _ por esta rua!

86 - 87 -

(c) Nao
todo o vinho! (a)~ (b) EJ' (c)~
(d) a frase!
(e) Nao tao nipido!
(j) Por favor, mais agua!
(d)~ (e)~

traga beba sigam coma falem far;;a repitam ~

6 Look at the various bills from restaurants, and match them to the
3 Use the food list to help you complete your part of this dialogue. amounts paid below.
(i) (i) (iii) (iv)
Gar~om Entao, ja escolheu? Que vai comer?

You (say to start with a vegetable soup)
Gar~om E depois?
You (say lamb with rice and salad)
Gar~om E para heber?
You (say a beer and a jug of water) (a ) sessenta e tres reais
G~om Muito bem. (b) cento e quarenta e cinco reais
(c) noventa e sete reais
Listen to the dialogue about desserts and fill in the gaps with the
(d) cento e dezoito reais
missing words.
7 Indicate where the following food and drink items would appear
A Vao querer ?
B Oque tem? on a menu, by ticking the appropriate columns.
A temos fruta, , e pudim. Item starter main meal side dish dessert drink
B Que sabores de sorvete tem?
(a) sorvete
A Chocolate, , e avela.
B Bom, eu quero um de _ _ _
(b) agua
(c) cafe
A E cafe?
(d) sopa
B um cafezinho.
(e) bife
5 Fill in the bubbles with the correct form of the verb ter, plus the (j) legumes
word which describes what the people in the pictures are feeling. (g) camarao
(h) faro fa

~ Compreende?
w Look at the following menu, then the preference of the people dining
out with you. Choose a 3-course meal suitable for all concerned.
Laura is a vegetarian and cannot eat sugar.
Marcelo hates fish/seafood but loves to eat white meat. He loves

88 - 89 -

Are you going travelling?

IPrat o P rtr'\CIPO. L I
g,pe tta. Brasa.
Fro.~~go assacto
Pe.J(e a11'\VllAQI10..
Ovell'\a. no. Brasa.
Espeto ~~~.·,sto
Orne.lete clQ. que u·o
IadaS serv,dos com. a."o3 .
\~Uft1es e ba.l:a.~a.s
I Sobremesa. I In this unit you will learn
Doce a.e CD( o
Puduv\ ru wa 11\cl.o
Sorvel;.es e SortlQt • how to travel by various means of transport
• how to ask for change
• how to find out departure and arrival times

Sergio is allergic to shrimps and doesn't like starting a meal with ~ Dialogo 1
soup. He enjoys eating a mixture of meats in a main meal, and loves
very sweet desserts.
Sylvia decides to travel northwards to the cities of Salvador and
You can't manage a starter, but can get through a good steak. You Fortaleza in the nordeste. She needs a taxi to get to the coach
prefer ice-cream for afters. station. Listen to her conversation at the taxi rank (o ponto de taxi).
Rita is very traditional, and likes to start her meal with good, hot Sylvia Pode me levar a esta~ao rodoviana por favor?
broth, followed by fish and likes something fresh for dessert. Motorists Posso, sim, sem problema. Vai viajar?
Starter Main Meal Dessert Sylvia Sim, vou para o nordeste, passar uns dias em Salvador e
Laura Motorists Cidades bonitas. Tambem precisa visitar a cidade de
Marcelo Olinda, e muito hist6rica e faz parte de nosso
sergio Sylvia Vou tentar.
You Motorista Aqui estamos.
Sylvia Quanto e?
Rita Motorists 16 reais. Boa viagem.

90 - 91 -

~ pode/posso can you// can precisa you need were introduced to another pronoun, this time an object of the verb, ie
levar to take faz parte de it's part of the action is done directly to it. In English these direct object pronouns
esta~;ao rodoviaria bus station nosso patrimonio our heritage are: me, you, him, us, them. In Portuguese they are:
sem problema no problem tentar to try
viajar to travel boa viagem bon voyage me me nos us
passar to spend (time) te you OS them, you pl.
0 him, you, it as them, you pl.
a her, you, it
In English you may have examples such as I can see YOU, you write
Dialogo 2 IT quickly, they hit US, etc. Usually, in standard written Portuguese,
these object pronouns are placed after the verb and attached to it by a
Sylvia goes to the ticket office (a bilheteria) to purchase her coach hyphen (except in certain situations, e.g. negatives, or questions).
ticket. However, the Brazilians tend to place the object pronouns before the
verb, whether in a positive or negative statement.
Sylvia A que horas parte o proximo onibus de luxo para Salvador?
Empregado Parte as dez e quinze. Eu o escrevo I write it (eu escrevo-o)
Sylvia Queria urn bilhete para este se faz favor. Eles nos batem they hit us (eles batem-nos)
Empregado De ida ou de ida e volta? voce nao me ve you do not see me
Sylvia S6 de ida. Often Brazilians will use the object TE for you, instead of o/a, despite
Empregado Muito hem. Agora, sao 68 reais. these latter being the correct forms corresponding to voce. Thus: Eu
Sylvia Tern troco para uma nota de cern reais? te vejo I see you, and not Eu o/a vejo. In colloquial Portuguese,
Empregado Sim, tenho. Tome. Brazilians may quite often say things like eu vejo voce I see you
Sylvia Obrigada. 0 onibus sai de onde? which is incorrect, or eu vejo ele I see him (literally I see he).
Empregado Sai do portao mimero 22. E por ali a esquerda.

~ o pr6ximo the next uma nota de a ... note
2 Our nosso
bilhete(o) ticket sai de onde? where does it leave
de ida/de ida e volta single/retum from?
Nosso is the remaining possessive for you to learn. Here is a
tem troco para? do you have o portiio numero 22 gate no 22 reminder of the full table of possessives.
change for?
ms fs mpl fpl
Eu (I) meu minha me us minhas
Voce (You) seu sua seus suas
Ele (He) o... dele* a ... dele os ... dele
as ... dele
Gramatica Ela (She) o... dela* a ... dela os ... dela as ... dela
N6s (We) nosso nossa nossos nossas
Voces (You) seu sua seus suas
1 Pode me levar Eles/Elas o... deles a ... deles os .. .deles as ... delas
(They) /del as* /delas /delas /delas
In unit 1 you learnt the Portuguese words known as personal pronouns
for I, you, he, etc. used as subjects of verbs. In the dialogue above, you

- 92 - - 93

* If no ambiguity, for all forms of his I her I their you can use seu, sua,
etc. Don't forget, you will also come across examples of o meu/a
ml Gramatica
nossa, etc. For example:
Nosso amigo Our friend
Acasa dele His house 1 How do 1... ?
Joao e o meu amigo; sua casa John is my friend; his house In the dialogue, this expression was translated as o que fa-;o para?
e grande. is big. (what do I do in order to?). You may also come across:
como se faz para... ? how does one ... ?
3 24-hour clock como posso...? how can!... ?
When travelling, be aware of times given using the twenty-four hour
clock. Providing you know your numbers up to 59, you should be OK 2 In front of - Prepositions
The actual structure is a simple adding process, as you learnt in units
5 and 6. Prepositions - words of place, location, position are varied in
Portuguese. You met some in unit 3 which you may like to revise.
As dez e quinze At 10:15 Here are some more you will find useful when discovering where
As treze e trinta e seis At 13:36 things are:
As vinte e duas e quarenta e cinco At 22:45
em frente (de) in front (of)

=----- Dialogo 3
Having arrived in Salvador, Sylvia needs to get to the centre.
detrastatras (de)
debaixo (de)
dentro (de)
ao lado (de) next to
Sylvia Desculpe senhor. 0 que fa~o para chegar ao centro da perto (de) near (to)
cidade? emcima (de) on top (of)
Sr Voce vai para onde exatamente? fora (de) outside
Sylvia Nao sei muito bern. Ao centro. contra against
Sr Bern, tome o onibus nillnero 5A, que parte daqui, da frente Don't forget that if you are describing a permanent fixture, e.g. a
da esta~ao rodoviaria, e sai na pra~a Vicente, que e bern no building, you will use SER (to be) or FICAR, but with temporary or
centro da cidade. moveable items, ESTAR. For example:
Sylvia Obrigada. 0 senhor conhece urn born hotel aqui?
Sr Sim, o hotel Beira-mar e muito born, e nao e nada caro. 0 mercado e/fica perto do The market is near the cinema.
Sylvia Onde e este hotel? cinema.
Sr E na rua Jorge Amado, nU.mero 35. Minha casa e ao lado da pra-;a. My house is next to the square.
Sylvia Muito obrigada. 0 livro esta em cima da mesa. The book is on top of the table.
Sr De nada.

o que fac;o para... what do I do in da frente de from in front of

order to ... e bem it's right.. .
exatamente exactly niio e nada caro It's not at all dear

- 94 - - 95 -

~----- Sumario ~----- Atividades

pode me levar a ... por favor? can you take me to ... please? 1 Insert the correct possessive word in these sentences. You may
vou passar uns dias em ... I'm going to spend a few days in... have to think first about the sentence structure in some of them.
precisa visitar... you need to visit...
(a) Estes sao [my] sapatos [shoes].
a que horas parte/chega? at what time does it depart Iarrive?
(b) Sonia e [his] amiga. [careful]
o proximo treml the next train I coach (c) [our] casa fica perto do cinema.
onibus (de luxo)
(d) [their f.] irmas sao americanas.
queria um bilhete I'd like a ticket (e) Esta e (your sing.] chave?
de ida/de ida e volta single I return
tem troco para uma do you have change for 2 Can you do the following?
nota de...? a ... note? (a) Say can you take me to the town centre?
...sai de onde? from where does ... leave? (b) Wish someone a good journey.
o que fa~o para chegar a ...? how do I get to... ? (c) Ask what time the next coach to Rio departs.
(d) Ask if someone has change for a fifty R note.
(e) Ask how one gets to the Miraflores Square.
({) Ask someone if they know a good restaurant here.
Dicas culturais
Fill in your part of the dialogue at the bus station, and practise it
by listening to the cassette.
Transport in Brazil
You (Ask what time does the next coach to Fortaleza
• Taxis are pretty cheap. depart?)
• 0 onibus gets very squashed in town centres, with crowds hanging Empregado Parte as vinte e uma e dez.
off the back- wherever they can get hold. You get on at the back of You (Say you'd like a return ticket)
many buses and have to go through a turnstyle. It's awkward if Empregado Muito bern. Sao 78 reais.
you have much luggage, but cheap. You (Ask if he has change for a 100 R note)
Empregado Sim, tenho. Tome.
• 0 onibus de luxo is for long-distance travel and inter-urban.
You (Ask where the coach leaves from).
Cheap. Some are more comfortable than others. There are frequent
stops at roadside eating places, the basic equivalent of motorway
Empregado Sai do portiio nfunero llB. E aqui em frente.
stops. Also known as onibus-leito, where your seat expands into a 4 Match up the Portuguese statements on the left with the corrrect
bed. English version on the right.
• 0 trem is cheap but very slow. Most longer travel is preferable by (a) Eu te conhe~o They don't hear me
coach. Probably the most infamous is the trem da morte - the (b) Eles niio me ouvem ll We buy them
train of death, which crosses the swamplands of the Patanal into (c) Miguel o escreve devagar rn The teacher punishes us
Bolivia. (d) A professora nos castiga 1v I know you
(e) Nos as compramos v Michael writes it slowly
• 1st/2nd class primeiralsegunda classe - platform a linha -
station a esta~iio

- 96 - 97

5 The following dialogue in a taxi has become scrambled. Can you

put it in the correct order? ~!~I 0 A VOL l A
•§~ J3'
Co111plnos o oo ooo754
(a) Sim, vou .p assar uma semana em Minas. l ~ ~ 0 Americana
(b) Aqui estamos. o iji 0 P1roclcoba 0 o..._ _, _ _ , _ _
(c) Pode me levar estac;ao por favor? _::~-a 0 Avore
0 P - CIS
i• 8
c.>"';" 0 0 uu ln<luldo-no-.,._--
• ....,.,m~
(d ) Regiao bonita. Precisa visitar a cidade de Ouro Preto.
(e) Quanto e?
({) Posso, sim senhora. V ai vi ajar?
~~ V

1 Plrotu

0 ,. ~~ ·.!;:: ::.n::.: '"

... ...,..,
INT/SRF N.• IS - I I'm · 1 - D


(g) Vou tentar.

(h) 17 reais. Obrigado. a..t. T20 LIIO • 10186
~! ADto n.• n8t OER 1811
U1ho 0..1•h01 C•fiiPI•..
Do ooooo1 • oo1ooo
i.e Vi• - F••••aeiro
... _<(
Compreende? ...., • - ,.... ...,...,_, r • ...... r• . ,.., ,..,...,.. · 4f1111~1DIJD'.fl'l • . , . .

Look at the travel information on page 99 and answer T/F to these
1) On Saturdays you can get a Transbrasil flight from Sao Paulo to Rio
1 e1 CBTU


2) Ticket A is a train ticket. ~ ATENC.I.O:

3) Ticket B is an inter-city ticket. (.) . ~~~~b!~~;m· :~": r~~~

dobrado, &mu.aado
H fOf OU
4) Ticket A was for a one-way journey only. molhado.

5) You can only use ticket B for one journey. • Coloque o tMihete com • seta
6) You can get aSP-Rio flight with Rio-Sui on a Sunday. voltada para baixo.

~I?'! IDA
+ VOLTA ' i:: fl'

"'-~ ·I 1 8 1
:: § <C J3' Co111plnas 0 ~ 000754 I
I 1 ~~!r
·!'~ 0 Americana 0 I 8 rl- .
= .. J•1
.::~ ..
:o..- 0
o..._ _,_ _ , _ _
&} =:!~ :
·~ . so;
• s·
~-. ~(i.; l
~8~ 0 Plralu &d lnc"lutdo no pnoo o ISTR
de ~~ • 0 .1. lall/75 • ~. Ill
Sz 5&~\
~.1 Jl 'S~!
V Oorlnhos 0 Mod. IS"'CR N.• •
INTISRF N.• 13 · 113m · ll«n D

I 1

4G'to n.• nae D£A 1111
1• I11
- ;
.l U•ho Ov•l•hOt C•mPl•.. I 0 .. '!!::

- 98 - - 99 -

3 Use the correct form oftodo (tudo) etc.

(a) e muito interessante aqui.
(b) minhas amigas estudam portugues.
(c) Ela nao gosta de o filme.
REVISION EXERCISES (d) Quero comprar
(e) Nos adoramos
a roupa.
neste pais.
ON UNITS 1-9 ({) as semanas vou ao cinema.
4 Write out the Portuguese for these numbers.
(a )36 ({) 12,654
(b) 152 (g) 25,999
(c) 500 (h ) 100,000
(d) 1,321 (i) 14
(e) 5,800 (J) 95
In this unit you will have further practice of the grammatical points
and vocabulary items from units 1-9. You may wish to revise the 5 What are these numbers?
Gramatica sections before you begin, or use this unit as a progress (a) oitocentos e noventa e nove
test. All the answers are in the Key on page 201. (b) setecentos e vinte e tres
1 Decide which article is required for each noUll, and tick the (c) quatrocentos e sessenta e oito
appropriate boxes. (d) dois mil, quinhentos e um
(e) quatro mil, oitocentos e dois
(fJ sete mil, quinhentos e cinqiienta e quatro
0 a OS as
livro (g) onze mile cem
casa (h) sessenta e oito mil, trezentos e trinta e seis
Iii has (i) cento e cinco
prate (j) trezentos e sete
um uma uns umas 6 Form the present tense correctly.
senhores (a) Eles nao [comer) carne.
ruas (b) Eu [falar] alemao.
pais (c) Voce [ir] ao trabalho?
esta<;ao (d) Ela nao [partir] hoje.
(e) Nos [fazer] muito barulho.
2 Supply the correct demonstrative (este or aquele) in each case. (f) Joao (viajar) todos os meses.
(a) _ _ _ livro que tenho e frances. (g) Voces nao [escrever) muitas cartas.
(b) _ _ _ hoteis ali na prac;:a sao muito bons.
(h) Os senhores [compreender) ?
(c) Gosta d _ _ _ casas aqui? 7 Decide in each case whether the verb should be ser, estar or
(d) senhora e minha amiga. ficar, and write the correct form.
(a) Ela I ] francesa.

100 - 101 -
(b) On de [ I mi.nha bolsa?
(c) 0 banco [ I ao lado do museu.
(d) As chaves [ ] em cima da mesa.
(e) Todas as lojas [ ] muito perto do centro.
({) Eles [ I engenheiros.
(g) 0 apartamento [ I no segundo andar.
(h ) Joao f I meu amigo.
8 Make up whole sentences by selecting an appropriate form of ter 4
or haver and using a suitable ending.
(a) Meu irmao temos i)
um born carro.
(b) Na cidade tern ii) quinze anos.
(c) Nos tern iii) para heber?
(d) Oque ha iv) meu livro?
(e) Nao tern v) muitas pessoas.
({) JUlia e Maria ha vi) fome.
(g) Voce tenho vii) lojas interessantes.
(h) Na pra~a ha viii) uma casa grande.
In the Key you will find suggested sample answers. 11 Can you complete these words which are all items of clothing?
9 Form the correct part of the command in each phrase. (a) v------ (d ) --p-t- (g) -h--u
(b) s--- (e) --rn--a (h ) 1-v--
(a) Falar [sing.) mais devagar. (c) c--~-- ({) b-u-- (i ) c-s---
(b) Comer [sing.) menos. (j) g----t-
(c) Fechar [sing.) a porta.
(d) Nao abrir [plur.) as janelas. 12 Can you find nine colours in this wordsearch?
(e) Beber [plur.] mais agua.
({) Nao subir [plur.] estas escadas. v E R M E L H 0
(g) Com~ar [sing.] agora. E 0 0 T p A M c
(h) Preencher [sing.) esta ficha. R L X 8 c 0 D N
10 Follow the clues to fill in the crossword on nationalities and D E 0 p R E F A
E R F R G 0 H R
Across: 1
Pessoas dos Estados Unidos.
0 pais dos ingleses.
A A A E 8 c s 8
3 A lingua dos espanhois.
A M z T L u z A
4 Rio e no ... Q A N 0 J p T w
Down: 5 Paris e o capital da ...
6 Vern da Alemanha.
7 Da Grecia.
8 Pais dos italianos.
9 Pessoa da China.
10 Os alemaes vern da...

- 102 - - 103 -

13 Follow the clues and complete the crossword on shops and facilities.
Across: 1
Grande loja.
Para trocar dinheiro ...
Onde se compram botas, sapatos, etc.
Onde se vendem frutas, legumes, peixe...
8 Fica na rua- para comprar jomais, mapas, revistas.
Down: 3 Para comprar selos ... APARTAMENTO LIVRE?
4 Onde se compra carne.
5 Onde se compram livros. Do you have a room free?
8 Para comer e heber ...
9 Onde se ve urn filme.

In this unit you will/earn

• how to obtain a hotel room
• how to make minor complaints
• more about Brazilian meals and meal times

~ Dialogo 1
2 Sylvia approaches the Hotel Florestal in Manaus, Amazon, and enters
the reception - a recep~iio.
Recepcionista Boa tarde. Pois nao?
Sylvia Boa tarde. Tem urn apartamento livre?
Recepcionista Simples ou duplo?
Sylvia Simples por favor. Com banheiro.
Recepcionista Todos os aparta.rnentos tem banheiro. Vamos ver. E
para quantos dias?
Sylvia Para cinco dias, ate quinta-feira.
Recepcionista Bom, temos o apartamento 222 livre.
Sylvia Quanto e por noite?
Recepcionista 58 reais, incluindo o cafe da manha.
Sylvia Esta bem. Onde fica o apartamento?
Recepcionista Fica no segundo andar, com vista para o rio. Quer
preencher esta ficha antes de subir?

- 104 - 105 -

~ urn apartamento livre a room free o cafe da manhii breakfast ~ tabela de pr~os price tariff por pessoa per person
simpleslduplo single/double com vista para o rio overlooking c/cafe = com cafe with breakfast refei~s meals
para quantos di~s? for how many the river quarto room servem se are served
days? preencher to fill in meia pensiio half -board borboleta(a) butterfly
por noite per night ficha(a) form pensiio completa full-board a partir das... from
incluindo mcluding antes de subir before going up duas camas 2 beds (twin) cama de casal double bed

Once in her room Sylvia studies the hotel information guide. L!J Exerclcio
Can you work out the solutions to the following, based on the above
HOTEL hotel information?
(a) Mr and Mrs Johnson would like a twin room, with full board for 2
FLORESTAL nights. How much would they pay in total?
(b) Are they able to have breakfast served in their room?
{c) If they asked to have dinner at 'seis e meia da tarde', would it be


1 Antes de ... Before ... ing

To say before (or after) ... ing something, in Portuguese you use the
Pre9os por pessoa por noite. prepositions antes de, before or depois de after plus the infinitive.
For example:
antes de subir before going up
depois de descer after going down
Refei~oes (servem-se no restaurante Borboleta)
You can also use other prepositions in the same way, such as em vez
cafe da manha a partir das 7:30 de instead of, sem without and alem de as well as.

almo~o das 12:30 ate as 14:00 2 Servem-se

jantar das 19:00 ate as 21:30 In unit 2 you met reflexive verbs - verbs where the action was carried
out on or by a 'self: eu me levanto- I get myself up. You can also use
reflexive verbs to convey a neutral verb subject, in the same way the
French use 'on' (one). Servem-se refei~oos means meals serve them-
selves, ie. they are served. This provides an alternative way to saying
we serve {servimos). You may also come across such examples as:

- 106 - - 107 -

vende-se -for sale compra-se - is bought ~ Exercicio

fala-se - is spoken faz-se - is made
Keep a look-out for further examples, especially on signs and m Name three things wrong with the guest's room.
adverts. (1)
~ Dialogo 2
Sylvia is on her way to look at the grand Opera House in Manaus. At
~ Gramatica
reception she overhears a conversation.
Hospede (guest) Queria me queixar de algumas coisas de que nao
estou muito contente. 1 Making complaints
Recepcionista Qual e0 problema senhor?
In a country as huge as Brazil, it is unfortunately inevitable that
Hospede Em primeiro lugar, o ar-condicionado nao esta fun-
something will go wrong at some point. Look at the following
cionando, e com este calor e tantos mosquitos que
temos aqui, nao agiiento ficar no quarto como esta check-list of useful expressions:
agora. Tambem a torneira da pia nao fecha e a o aquecimento the heating NAO FUNCIONA/
agua continua pingando toda a noite. a luz electricity, light NAO ESTA
Recepcionista P~o mil desculpas. Vou chamar alguem para vir a agua water FUNCIONANDO
ver o quarto ja ja. Esta hem? o ar-condicionado air conditioning doesn't work I isn't working
Hospede OK, mas tambem precisa trocar o travesseiro por o chuveiro shower
que esta sujo, e dar uma olhada as persianas que a fechadura lock
nao abrem direitinho. a toalha towel ESTAIESTAO sujo dirty
Recepcionista Muito hem senhor. 0 senhor quer ir jantar enquan- os copos glasses partido broken
to organizo tudo? o garfo fork lascado chipped
a faca knife (Remember to make the
queixar-se de to complain about p~o mil desculpas I'm very sorry a collier spoon adjective agree with
contente happy alguem someone o prato plate the noun)
em primeiro Iugar first of all ja ja right away
o ar-condicionado air-conditioning travesseiro(o) pillow faltalfaltam - is/are missing e.g. falta um. garfo - there's a fork
niio esta funcionando isn't working sujo dirty missing
mosquitos(os) mosquitoes dar uma olhada to have a look
como esta agora as it is now persianas(as) blinds Remember to complain politely! Use desculpe to start with, and
tornelra(a) tap direitinho properly expressions such as:
pia(a) basin enquanto whilst
niio fecha doesn't close organizo I organise pode vir ver can you come and look
continua pingando carries on pode ajudar can you help
dripping ecapaz de are you able to
epossivel is it possible

- 108 - 109

~----- Sumario ~----­ Atividades

tem um apartamento livre? do you have a room free?
B 1 Take part in a dialogue on the tape about booking a room. Follow
simples/duplo single I double the pictures below for your prompts.
com/sem banheirol with I without bathroom I
cafe da manha breakfast
para ... dias/pessoas for ... days I people
fica no ... andar it's on the ... floor
queria me queixar de... I'd like to complain about...
o/a ... nao esta funcionando the ... isn't working
faltalm... there's a I some ... missing
pode dar uma olhada/~udarlvir? can you have a look I help I come?
pe~o mil desculpas I'm really sorry

Dicas culturais 2 Match up the following signs with the pictures.

• Apartamento is the term used in Brazil for an en-suite room,

otherwise um quarto (room only) is asked for. Hotels have a
different star-rating from what you may have been used to, but you
should be able to find something to suit your budget. A pousada,
unlike in Portugal, is a B&B, although some may be quite pricey.
Usually breakfast is included in the price of the room, and certainly
worth having - normally a selection of ham, cheese, fruit, cakes and
bread rolls. There is a good Youth Hostel service in many parts of
Brazil (os albergues de juventude), and many motels are also
worth considering - however you may be the only ones to still be
there in the morning! If you can stand the comings and goings, these
are really not a bad deal.

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)


- 110 - - 111 -

t!l3 Listen to someone booking into a hotel and fill in their details on ~ Compreende?
the ficha below.
------------------------------------------------------, w Read the hotel ads and see if you can answer the questions below.
Roomcype -----------------------------
1) If you ring the Itambuca camping, what will you be sent?
With/without bathroom - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2) Which hotels offer free child places?
3) Which ones are near a beach?
4) What do the promotional daily rates include at the Villa Rossa?
No. days - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
5) How many hotels mention they have a swimming pool?
6) In the Villa Rossa luxury 'senior suites' what is the additional
Departure day - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - cost of R$65 for?
7) Where would you choose if you enjoyed live country music?
Room No. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8) Which hotel provides you with a colour TV?

Price per night - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dhirias desde R$ 190 incluem as refei\oes
~o e jantar. Uma crian~ de ate dez Ha urn custo adicional de R$ 65
4 What complaint might you give in each of the following situations? anos) no apartamento dos pais. para cnan~as de ate dez anos no
0 hotel Vtlla Rossa tern dtarias tern hospedagem gratu ita. mcsmo apartamcnto que os palS.
promocionais a partir de R$ 190, Os apartamentos de lu>o que Adultos pagam sobrcpr~o de RS
(a) a dirty fork Desculpe - - - - para solteiros em apartamento de diio de frente para o vale custam. 85 quando dividem urn quarto.
(b) air conditioning not working luxo nos fundos. e de R$ 215, pa.ra em tarifa promocional. R$ 200 pa- 0 "check·tn 11 e o "check-oue'
acomoda~cies do mesmo tipo para ra solteiros e R$ 230 para casais. acontecem h 16h.
(c) dripping tap duas pessoas. semprecom as ...,(ei~6es inclufdas. A cenlral de rcservas do Villa
Essas ditrias incluem pensao )a os pr~os da suite S<!nior de Rossa at<nde pelos telefones (Oil)
(d) broken plate completa -caft da manha, almo- (rente variarn de R$ 230 a R$ 250. 280-7100e 280-7495. !SCI
(e) spoon missing
5 Choose an appropriate verb from the box to complete the sentences.
(a) Antes de a cidade, vou ver minha amiga.
(b) Va ao seu quarto sem o jantar!
(c) Ana vai viajar depois de o trabalho.
(d) 0 senhor quer sentar antes de o filme?
(e) Em vez de agua, vou tomar urn cha.


- 112 - - 113 -

Plnnc-JO suns f6nas
Suo melhor opc;Oo de lazer em Ltxltuba
What about this one?
• Junfo ao fWlr • Con1ino
• Resen.o Erol6gi:o • Lonchone~
• Plsclna • Saloo de .Jogos
• Otoiro de 1en1s • sao
de TV
• Barcos e Coiaques • Estxionomento
ROO. RIO-SANTOS 18R 101)- Km 36-

In this unit you will/earn

• how to further discuss likes and dislikes
• how to express preference
• how to shop for souvenirs
• how to buy snacks

~----- Dhilogo 1
Tres Poderes 1!1
RS 30.oo
Before she leaves Amazonia, Sylvia visits a craft shop to buy some
Sylvia Born dia. Estou procurando presentes para minha
familia. Tern alguma coisa tipica do Brasil?
Vendedora Temos lembran~as muito bonitas aqui - tfpicas da
regiao, e todas feitas a mao. 0 artesanato aqui e
indfgeno, feito pelas tribos do Amazonas.
Sylvia Quanto custa esta bolsa?
Vendedora Esta ede couro e custa 24 reais. Gosta?
Sylvia Sim, adoro, mas tern uma menor? E para minha irma e
ela prefere uma bolsa pequena.
Vendedora Que tal esta? Tambem e bonita. Ou tern este chaveiro.
Sylvia a bolsa. Agora, que tern para homens?
Vendedora Temos cachimbos, carteiras, botas, bengalas ...
Sylvia Born, meu marido detesta fumar, entao nao vale a

- 114 - - 115

pena levar cachimbo. Acho que ele vai ficar encantado 2 Para voce, para mim
com uma bengala.
Vendedora E para si? When using the preposition para (for) with pronouns, you should use
Sylvia Mm, para mim, bern, eu gosto muito de brincos. Tern? the following:
Vendedora Temos estes feitos de plantas e de plumas- uma recor- PARA:
da~ii.o linda desta magnifica parte do mundo.
Sylvia Tern razii.o. Entii.o levo os brincos, a bolsa e a bengala. mnn nos
ele eles

estou procurando I'm lookmg for carteiraslbengalas purses/walkmg

si (self/selves)
presente(o) gift sttcks voce voces
lembrans:as(as) souvenirs fumar to smoke
reglao(a) region nao vale a pen a tt's not worth it These forms are also used with other prepositions. Look at these
feitas a mao hand-made encantado very happy examples:
artesanato(o) handicrafts brincos(os) eamngs
indigeno indigenous feitos de plantas/plumas made of Eu gosto de fazer coisas I like doing things for them.
tribo(a) tribe plants/feathers para eles.
o Amazonas Amazon recorda~o(a) remmder Elas fazem tudo para si. They do everything for
que tal esta? what about this one? esta magnifica parte do mundo themselves.
chaveiro(o) key-ring this magnificent part of the world
para homens for men
Joiio pensa sempre EM mim. John always thinks about me.
cachimbo(o) pipe

3 Lembran~as do Brasil
As you travel around Brazil you will come across varied and exquisite
souvenirs. Here are a few suggestions for what to buy:
~ Gramatica gaucho-style tea and cha erva mate (chimarriio)
drinking vessel e cuia (cambuca)
precious rocks pedras preciosas/ouro (gold)
1 Likes, dislikes diamante (diamond)
leather goods artigos de couro
In unit 6 you learnt how to use verbs of liking, disliking and prefer- earthenware pottery ceramica de barra
ring, when talking about your favourite leisure activities. In this dia- wall hangings tape~arias
logue you can see how the same verbs are used when referring to hammocks redes
objects: Ela prefere uma bolsa pequena - she prefers a small bag.
Be careful with the spelling of odiar - to hate: odeio/odeia/
odiamos/odeiam and don't forget preferir - prefiro/prefere/ 4 Souvenir expressions
preferimos/preferem. Revise shopping expressions, such as:
posso ver/experimentar
gosto mais deste/daquele
tern outro/menor/maior

116 - 117 -

tern em + colour Snacks Lanches

de que e feito?
bolo cake
sanduiche de - presunto ham sandwich
til Dialogo 2 queijo
torrada com manteiga
toast with butter
coxinha chicken 'drumstick'
Sylvia meets a friend for a quick snack before getting ready to leave empada pte
for Brasilia. cheeseburguerlmaionese cheeseburger I mayonnaise
Sylvia Oi Paulo. Tudo hem?
Tudo, e voce?
6timo. Esta viagem e muito interessante para mim. ml----- Sumario
Amanha parto para Brasilia.
Paulo Vai achar Brasilia super-diferente - moderna, a sede do estou procurando presentes I'm looking for presents for ...
governo. para...
Gar~om Que vao tomar? tern alguma coisa tipica? do you haue anything typical?
Sylvia Para mim urn cafe com Ieite e urn lanche. que tal este/esta? what about this?
Gar~om De que? Temos hamburguer, cheeseburguer-maionese, cox- que tern para...? what do you haue for ... ?
inhas e empadas. levo•.. I'll take ...
Sylvia Ai que dificil! Acho que quero urna empada. Paulo o que para mim, para meu irmao for me, for my brother
voce vai pedir? o que vai pedir? what are you going to haue?
Paulo Para mim, urn suco de maracuja, uma coxinha, e um san- um sanduiche de a cheese I ham sandwich
duiche de queijo. queijo/presunto
quero um lanche I want a snack
esta viagem this journey um lanche snack que dificil how difficult
parto para /leave for que dificil! how difficult!
vai achar you'll find super-diferente really different
a sede do governo the seat of
l!J----- Atividades
1 Complete the sentences by using the correct form of a verb of
Snacks and drinks in Brazilian cafes
liking/disliking, plus the appropriate name for the souvenir in the
Drinks Bebidas
(a) Ela (odiar) a
!Frias cold I I Quentes hot
guarana national soft drink cha tea
vitamina milk shake cafe coffee

(b) Eu (niio gostar)
Ieite milk media milky coffee
suco de fruta fruit juice
chope draft lager
laranjada orangeack
( I)

- 118 - - 119 -

(c) N6s (preferir) _ _ _ a

Voce (go~tar) _ _ _ dos

~ , .,' ~ ;,
-~ 4 ~

Monica is a 'national heroine' in Brazilian cartoon strips. How much
of the text below can you understand?
(1) In how many countries has Monica already made her presence

(el Eles (adorar) _ _ _ os felt?
(2) When is she going to be launched elsewhere?
(3) In how many other countries?
(4) In the U.S. marketplace, where will Monica have to be seen to be
2 Choose the correct pronouns out of those given. attending?
(a) Este bolo e para MEIMIM. (5) In Brazil, what else is the Sousa Prod. C0 launching?
(b) Joana nao gosta DELES/DOS. (6) What do you think are the words for:
(c) Voce pensa NELA/NA? (a) little rabbit (b) cartoons (c) classes.
(d) Fazem o trabalho para SE/SI.
(e) 0 livro e para VOCE/0.
3 Read each person's snack preferences, then choose what each Monica vai as aulas
would have.
Com o coelhinho na mao, a personagem Monica ataca
(a) Sarah wants a hot drink 1) cafezinho 2) media outra vez. Presente tirnidamente em dezessete paises,
without milk
a partir do ano que vern a heroina dos quadrinhos de
(b) Tony is vegetarian 1) sanduiche de presunto 2) torrada
(c) Sally prefers sweet 1) bolo 2) coxinha 3) empada Mauricio de Sousa vai penetrar com for~a total em
things quarenta outros, come~ando pelos Estados Unidos.
(d) David wants an 1) suco 2) chope 3) cha Para entrar no mercado americana, Monica tera de
alcoholic drink freqi.ientar uma escola. La, nao se admite faltar as aulas
(e) Mary hates soft drinks 1) guarana 2) leite 3) laranjada nem nas hist6rias em quad.rinhos. No front intemo, a
Take part in a dialogue on the tape, where you are buying Mauricio de Sousa Produ~6es lan~a o guarana da
souvenirs for your family. Monica e outros refrigerantes.
You (Say I'm looking for presents for my family)
Sra Temos umas coisas bonitas e tipicas do Brasil.
You (Say do you have a hammock?)
Sra Temos estas, que sao bonitas.
You (Ask how much it is)
Sra Esta custa 156 reais.
You (Say what do you have for Ladies)
Sra Para senhoras temos tape~arias, pedras, artigos de couro ...
You (Say I'm going to take the hammock, and this wall hanging)
Sra Obrigada.

120 - 121 -

Luciane Ha uma sessao matine as 3.15 da tarde, e a sessao da

noite come11a as 7.30. Que horas sao agora?
Sao 2.20. Ainda da tempo para chegar. Vamos de taxi, e
mais rapido. Vamos!

mais tarde later sobre about

niio me importo l"m not bothered
AOTEATRO? decida voce you decide
politica(a) politics
hoje em dia nowadays
parece bern recebida it seems
se quiser ''you like/want
Why don't we go to the theatre? filme(o) film
deixe-me ver let me see
well received
publico(o) public
guia(o) guide a que horas co~? what time
pagina(a) page does it start?
niio gosto nada de I don't like at all a sessiio matine matinee
fazer o que? do what? ainda da tempo there's still time
veja see! rapido quick
In this unit you will/earn ~(a) play vamos! let's go
saUrica satirical
• how to plan an evening out
• how to get tickets for entertainment
• how to make an invitation Exerclcio
• more about time
Can you answer these questions in Portuguese based on the dialogue?
(a) Qual e o filme no cinema ABC? _ _ __
~ Dialogo 1 (b) Os filmes sao brasileiros? _ _ __
I!J (c)
Que tipo de ~a ha no teatro Marisol? _ _ __
Lu e Sylvia vao a sessao da tarde ou da noite? - - --
Whilst Sylvia is in Brasilia she meets up with an old friend Luciane.
(e) Que tipo de transporte elas vao usar? _ _ __
They are trying to decide what to do later that day.
Luciane Que quer fazer mais tarde?
Sylvia Nao me importo. Decida voce. 6----- Gramatica
Luciane Que tal o cinema?
Sylvia Se quiser. Que filme esta passando?
Luciane Deixe-me ver no jornal. De-me aqui. Born, pagina 16, aqui
esta - guia de espetaculos vida noturna. Hmm, no cinema 1 De-me aqui - more object pronouns
Tivoli esta passando 'JFK', no ABC esta passando 'Aliens', e
no Brasilense 'Wall Street'. In the expression de-me, what you are actually saying in Portuguese
is give TO ME. In order to say to 17U!, to you, etc. you need,
Sylvia Ai Lu, voce sabe que nao gosto nada destes tipos de filmes.
unfortunately, another set of object pronouns, called indirect object
Luciane Entao, fazer, o que?
Por que nao vamos ao teatro? Veja o que esta passando. pronouns. They are:
Luciane Bern, tern uma ~a satirica no teatro Marisol - e sobre a me to I7U! nos to us
politica no Brasil de hoje em dia. Parece bern recebida pelo lhe to him I her Iyou lhes to them/you
publico. **te (to you) is used more frequently than lhe.
Sylvia 6timo. Vamos la. A que horas com~?

- 122 - - 123 -

You use these each time the English has the word to in front of the A) Following verb forms ending in -r, -s, and -z
pronoun. You have to be on the look-out, though, because often this is
These final letters are omitted, and an -1 is added to the beginning of
omitted in English. Study this sentence:
the pronoun. In the case of the omission of final -r, the following -
Give him the book. If we break it down, we have: written accents are added to the remaining final vowel of the verb.
Verb Direct object (noun) Indirect object (pronoun) -ar -a
give the book TO him -er -e
In Portuguese this would then be: lhe d e o livro (or de-lhe o livro). -ir -i (no accent)

You will also hear d e o livro p ara ele. This is often the case in Vou vender meu carro I'm going to sell my car
colloquial speech. Vou vende-lo I'm going to sell it
B) Following verb forms ending in -m, -iio, and -Oe (nasal sounds)
2 Pronouns galore! The endings are maintained, but an n is added before the pronoun to
preserve the nasal sound.
So far you have met quite a variety of these types of words, and as
Eles fazem o bolo They make the cake
many people find these small expressions confusing, let's compare
Eles fazem-no They make it
them all in a table to help you recognise and learn them.
Remember that in standard Portuguese usage, object pronouns usually
follow the verb. However, Brazilian usage is more fluid, and in the
Subj ect Direct Indirect Reflexive spoken language particularly, you will find the pronouns before the
Object Object
verb in many instances.
eu me me me
ele o,a Ihe sa 4 (o)que,(o)que, porque,porque,porque
It can be confusing to come across similar words with the addition, or
n6s nos nos nos
absence of, written accents, as in the above examples. This is what
voces they mean:
ales os, as lhes se
alas (o) que(?)= that, which, what(?)
(o) que ? = what? (used on its own)
por q ue? = why? used on its own, or at end of sentence
porqu e = because
por que?= why ... ?
3 Changes following verbs
Look at these examples:
With direct object pronouns in the third person (o, a, os, as), certain
GQsto muito de cafe. Por que? Porque e muito saboroso.
changes occur after verbs which help pronunciation. These changes
0 que voce vai comprar? Urn aviao. 0 que?
take place in the following situations:
Por que nao vai ao cinema? Porque e tarde.
0 cinema que eu prefiro e perto de minha casa.

- 124 - - 125

5 Making suggestions A que horas come~a? What time does it begin?

Com~ as... It begins at
You can use the following expressions: A que horas termina? What time does it finish?
Termina as... It finishes at
Que tal... ? What about?
Que tal o teatro? What about the theatre? Ha u.m intervalo{das ... as... There is an interval/ from ... to...
de 15 minutos of 15 minutes
Que tal a gente• ir ao museu? What about us going to
the museum?
•a gente =colloq. us ~----- Dialogo 2
Por que nio vailvamos...?
Que prefere fazer?
Why don't you/ we go ... ?
What do you prefer to do?
After the play, Sylvia and Lu decide on the rest of the evening.
Que quer fazer? What do you want to do?
Vamos ... ? Let's I shall we ... ? Sylvia Que boa pe~a! Foi 6tima. S6 que nao entendi tudo.
Possible replies might include:
Lu As vezes e dificil -voce precisa saber tudo sobre OS politicos
e a corrup~ao neste pais. Mas gostei.
otimo great prefiro/preferia I prefer I would prefer Sylvia E agora Lu. Que fazemos? Voltamos ape ou apanhamos urn
esta hem OK quero/queria I want I would like taxi?
OK OK boa ideia good idea Lu Por que nao tomamos urn copo ali naquele barzinho, e
nio estou a fim de ... I don't feel like ... depois vamos jantar naquele restaurante de que voce gosta?
Sylvia Mas precise me preparar para amanha - vou viajar por
6 Describing events Lu Venha, eu te convido, e sou eu quem pago.
Here are some positive and negative adjectives you may want to use Sylvia Ai, isso nao, a gente divide.
to talk about the cinema, theatre, etc. Lu Nao, insisto. Voce e minha convidada aqui e h6spede neste
pais. Pago eu.
:E um filme film romantico romantic Sylvia Esta hem. Aceito. Vamos. E voce pode me falar acerca do
uma pe~a play satirico satirical estado de Goias.
um concerto concert comico comical
uma cole~io collection triste sad exposi~ao exhibition dramatico dramatic foi it was venha come on!
u.m show show interessante interesting s6 que only/just that eu te convido f'lf treat you
chato boring niio entendi I didn't understand sou eu quem pago I'll pay
tudo everythmg isso niio noloh no
fascinante fascinating politicos(os) politicians a gente divide we'll spilt it
critico critical corru~iio(a) corruption insisto I insist
gostei I enjoyed (It) convidada guest (invited)
que fazemos? what shall we do? h6spede (o,a) guest
7 Starting/finishing times tomamos um copo let's have pago eu! I'll pay
s'thing to drink aceito I accept
The rules you learnt for time in unit 5 apply to the starting and barzinho(o) small bar acerca de about
finishing times of events: preparar to prepare estado(o) state

- 126 - - 127 -

~ Gramatica se quiser ifyou like I want

por que niio vamos ao museu? why don't we go to the museum?
ainda da tempo para... there's still time to...
ha um filme/uma p~a/ there's a film I play I show
1 Foi - it was, talking about the past umshow
eu te convido it's my turn to pay for you
In the dialogue you were introduced very briefly to ways of talking (I invite you)
about the past in Portuguese. sou eu quem pago/pago eu I'll pay
foi it was niio entendi I didn't understand gostei I liked voce e meulminha convidadola you're my guest
You will learn the full formations and explanations in unit 15.
Dicas culturais
2 Barzinho- small bar
• Brazilians love enjoying themselves, and don't need a lot to make
One way of making things smaller, cuter, more affectionate in them happy. Even a drink in a bar can proceed into a table-patting,
Portuguese, is to add -zinho (or -inho) to the ending of the word in match-box shaking accompaniment of a song, and soon the whole
question. Hence: place is alive with movement, rhythm and enjoyment. Larger towns
o bar -+ o barzinho small bar and cities are blessed with museums, cinemas, theatres, nightclubs,
o cafe -+ o cafezinho small coffee galleries and plenty of places to eat, drink and soak up the atmos-
o livro -+ o livrinho small book/pamphlet phere. For the more cultured visitor, there are concerts and literary
o gato -+ o gatinho kitten events as well- just look in the local paper or ask at the Turismo.
obrigado -+ obrigadinho thanks very much
If you don't fancy going out (although you'll miss Brazil if you don't),
there are always the amazingly dramatic TV soap operas - the tele-
3 Particular means of transport novelas. Brazilians are hooked on them, some watching three, four
or five of them daily! And we thought the Aussie soaps were abundant
When specifying a particular vehicle, e.g. a friend's car, or a enough!
timetabled bus/train, etc. you use EM (nolna) and the vehicle, and
not DE. For example:
~----- Atividades
Vou NO carro de Jose. I'm going in Jose's car.
Ele vai NO aviiio da Varig. He's going on the Varig plane.
Vamos NO trem das 2.30. We're going on the 2.30 train . 1 Can you do the following?
(a) Suggest to a friend that you go to the museum.
(b) Ask at what time the film starts.
~----- Sumario (c) Say the concert finishes at 10.30pm.
(d) Say what a good exhibition.
que quer fazer mais tarde? what do you want to do later? (e) Tell John that he is your guest.
que tal o cinema/o teatro? how about the cinema/theatre? ({) Say shall we return by bus.
niio me importo I don't mind

- 128 - 129 -

2 Choose the correct pronouns from those given in the boxes, to fill e.g. a cidade de ~
the gaps. Vou [prep.) [THE TOWN) [prep.) ~
(a) levanto as sete horas.
(b) Da-
(c) Nao
o bolo!
vai ao mercado.
(a) Sonia vai viajar [prep.) &1- [prep.) Varig.

(e) Vou vende- a minha amiga.
(b) EleHOo pegar o [prep.! 114:001

Listen to two people discussing how to spend the afternoon, and

(c) Vamos [prep.) 5 ? Nao, prefiro ir [prep.) ~
complete the exercise below by ticking the appropriate boxes, or
filling in the missing information: (d) Quer vir [prep.) ~ [prep.) meu pai?
(a) Marta suggests going to i) cinema ii) concert
(b) What page is the info on? i) 26 ii) 23
(c) What is Rui's preferred activity? i) museum ii) cinema
(d) What is on offer there?
(e) What time is it?
({) How will they get there? i) bus ii) walk Compreende?
4 Fill in your part of the dialogue, inviting a friend out.
Friend E agora. Que fazemos? Read the three film excerpts overleaf, and decide which title belongs
You (Say, why don't we go and have lunch in that little bar with which film.
over there?) Now answer the following:
Friend Mas preciso me preparar para o trabalho.
You (Say, come along, I invite you and I'll pay). (a) Which film is not American?
Friend Isso nao. (b) Which film would you choose if you enjoy police stories?
You (Say I insist- you are my guest). (c) Which war does film C relate to?
Friend Esta bem. Aceito. (d) Is film A a comedy or tragedy?
You (Say, let's go). (e) How many people are killed in film B?
({) The adaptation for film C is taken from what source?
5 Fill in the gaps with either a preposition (de/a/em}, a means of
transport, location, or time, according to the instructions.

~ 130 131 -

(i) Brigada de Homicidis (ii) Nascido a 4 de julho

(iii) Mulheres a beira de urn ataque de nervos 13

(a) Este e talvez o filme mais
popular do mais consagrado Is that everything?
cineasta espanhol: Pedro
Almodovar. Premiado em
Berlim com os galardi>es (b) 0 detetive Robert Ross
destinados ao melhor tenta incriminar um perigoso
realizador e a melhor atriz traficante de droga. Mas
(Carmen Maura), o filme e, quando esta prestes a
no fundo, uma grande deslindar 0 caso, e-lhe
tragedia, cujas situa~i>es entregue o caso do assassinio In this unit you will/earn
levam o espectador a rir de uma velha judia, cujo mobil
ate as lagrimas. tera o roubo. Por urn lado, o • how to obtain postal services
assassinio da velha senhora • how to buy groceries
desperta nele as velhas • how to deal with car hire, parking and petrol
tradi~i>es a que nunca ligou.
Por outro, o seu colega e morto, Dialogo 1
o que obriga Ross a dividir-se
pelos dois casos. B Sylvia has bought some postcards (postais), and goes to the post
office (correio) to buy stamps.
Sylvia Bom dia. Quanto custa enviar um postal para
(c) Nascido a 4 de julho de 1946, Ron Kovic oferece-se aos Inglaterra por favor?
20 anos como voluntario para o Vietname, desejoso de servir o Empre gada 2 reais e cinqiienta centavos.
seu pais. Ferido em combate, torna-se paraplegico e her6i Sylvia E este pacote? Por via aerea?
nacional. Escreve as suas mem6rias e e esta autobiografia que Empregada Ponha na balan~a. Agora, pesa um quilo e cem gra-
Oliver Stone (Platoon, Wall Street, JFK)- tambem combatente mas, entiio custa 7 reais e noventa centavos.
no Vietname- adapta, num filme que recebe o Oscar de melhor Sylvia Bom, entiio queria seis selos para postais, e quero
realizador. Para o papel do protagonista, Stone escolheu, contra enviar o pacote tambem.
a opiniiio de muitos, Tom Cruise, eo jovem ator e na composi~iio Empregada Sao 22 reais e noventa centavos no total.
da figura de Kovic. Sylvia Aqui tem uma nota de cinqi.ienta.
Empregada (counts change) Agora dez centavos da vinte e tres,
vinte e quatro, vinte e cinco, trinta, e vinte da

132 - - 133 -

Sylvia Obrigada. Onde e a caixa? me corte cut me coisinhas(as) few things/little

Empregada E ali a direita, ponha no lado esquerdo, onde diz garrafas(as) bottles things

~ enviar to send

pesa it weighs
carrinho(o) trolley

postal(o)lpostais postcard/s quilo(o) kilo

pacote(o) parcel gramas(os) grammes ~ Verdadeiro ou falso?
por via aerea by air mail no total in all
ponha put caixa(a) post box Answer verdadeiro or falso to these statements.
balan~a(a) estrangeiro(o) abroad
we1ghing scales
v F
(a) Sylvia quer comprar oito paezinhos.
t z l - - - - - Dialogo 2 (b) 0 senhor nao tern presunto.

1!1 (c) Sylvia prova um queijo antes de comprar.

(d) Sylvia compra uma garrafa de cerveja.
Next Sylvia goes to a local grocery store (a mercearia or mini-
mercado) to buy some food for her few days away in the countryside.
Dono Born dia. Pois niio? ~----- Gramatica
(owner )
Sylvia Born dia. Queria piio por favor. Tern paezinhos?
Dono Aqui. Quantos quer?
Sylvia Meia d'llzia. E um pacote de manteiga.
1 The quantities of shopping
Dono Que mais? Weights and measures (metric of course!)
Sylvia Tern presunto?
Dono Temos este, que e muito hom, ou aquele (pointing), que lk um quilo 11 um litro
~k meio quilo ~1 meio litro
tambem e saboroso.
Sylvia Me de 250 gramas deste aqui por favor. 250g 250 gramas 250dl um quarto de litro
Dono Mais alguma coisa? lOOg 100 gramas
Sylvia Sim, tern um hom queijo? Other quantities
Dono Este queijo eexcelente. Quer provar um peda~o deste?
um pacote packet uma caixa box
Sylvia Mmm, que delicia. Me corte meio quilo por favor.
um rolo roll um tubo tube
Dono E tudo? uma barra bar um frasco jar
Sylvia S6 faltam umas garrafas de agua, uma de guarana, que
uma lata tin, can
adoro, e estas coisinhas que tenho aqui no carrinho.
Dono Muito hem. Sao 36 r eais no total. Obrigado e boa viagem.
~ paezinhos(os) bread rolls so faltam there're just
2 One of this, some of those
quantos? how many? que rnais? what else These expressions are often lifesavers when you do not know, or can-
meia duzia half a dozen saboroso tasty not remember the names of items. You can simply point and say:
pacote(o) packet deste of this
excelente excellent mais alguma coisa? anything else? umluma }destes/des tas daqueles/daquelas one }of these I those
peda~o(o) bit provar to taste uns/umas some
e tudo? is that everything? que delicia delicious

- 134 - 135 -

6, 10, etc. }
um pouco deste(s)/desta(s) daquele(s)ldaquela(s)
m Sumario
um quilo
Here is a summary of shopping expressions
Quanto custa? How much does it cost?
3 This here, that there Tem? Do you have?
You have already learnt that este (esta) means this (thing here), and Quanto/a/os/as quer? How much I many do you want?
aquele (aquela), means that (thing there). There are also the words Que mais? What else?
esse, essa, esses, essas, which refer to the thing nearest the person Me de/corte (De-me ... ) Give I cut me
with whom you are talking. Mais alguma coisa? Anything else?
E tudo? Is that all?
Pois nao? Can I help you?
Sao... no total That's ... in all.
Este, esse, aquele this, that, that

- - - - - Dicas culturais - - - - -

A esta flor aqui B essa flor ai (que C aquela flor ali • The post office usually opens from 9-6 during the week, although
voce tem) some close for lunch. Postage is expensive in general, as is faxing. The
this flower here that flower you have that flower over queues are enough to try the patience of a saint, but in larger branch-
there there es you can now buy stamps at the philatelic desk. You can recognise
the Post Office by the ECT sign - Empresa de Correios e Telegrafos.
• Shops also open at the above times, with the smaller ones closing
4 Quanto? how much? for lunch (between 11.30 a.m. and 2 p.m.). On Saturdays shops tend
to close at lunchtimes, apart from the larger shopping centres and
Quanto is used as an adjective in expressions such as quantos supermarkets.
quer? (e.g. quantos paezinhos). If you were buying bottles, you
would be asked quantas? (garrafas).
Used as a question (quanto e?, quanto custa/m?, quanto vale?) it - - - - - Atividades
doesn't change form.
1 Fill in your part of this dialogue in a post office.
5 Groceries You (Say good afternoon, how much does it cost to send
this parcel to Germany please).
The following check list may be useful Empregada Ponha na balan~a. Agora, dois quilos, entiio sao 13
OS OVOS eggs os biscoitos biscuits reais.
as balas sweets os cereais cereals You (Say right, I'd like to send the parcel, and I would
omel honey o azeite olive oil also like 10 stamps)
a farinha flour o a~ticar sugar Empregada Para a Alemanha tambem?
omolho sauce a massa pasta

136 - 137 -

You (Say no, 3 for Spain and 7 for England) 3 Fill in the gaps using the appropriate form of este, esse or
Empregada Sao 35 reais e setenta centavos. aquele.
You (Say thank you, where is the post box?) (a ) postal aqui e para minha amiga.
Empregada E ali, a esquerda. (b) Qual manteiga? que voce tern ai.
Look at Miguel's shopping list below, and then listen to his con- (c) senhores ali sao italianos.
versation at the minimercado. Tick off everything he buys, put (d) paezinhos aqui sao muito bons.
a cross by what is not available, and write down in English the (e) balas que voce tern sao deliciosas.
extra item he buys. Grocery bingo. Here is your Bingo card, containing five items of
grocery. Listen to the voice on the tape, who will call out various
~·············· items, and cross off those on your card when you hear them.
1/1 When you've heard all five, shout Bingo! If you have done so
d..v z~,. cit o~o" correctly, you should hear the voice congratulate you

1 ,,.,o~t-' b~"'o~~o"

fr,.,,o d..t Mtl

prt,VJ\~O -

1' 0 trlllMill'
I /1 l~~ro' 'tr~t jA
~----- Dialogo 3
Sylvia goes to a hire-car agency.
Sylvia Boa tarde. Eu posso alugar urn carro aqui?
Empregado Claro. Tern todos os docurnentos necessarios?
Sylvia Aqui, tome.
Empregado Born, estao todos em ordem. Agora, e para quantos dias?
Extra item= _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ Sylvia Para quatro, come~ando de hoje. Tern algo econom.ico,
mas ao mesmo tempo confortavel - quero ver urn
pouco da regiao.
Empregado Temos urn Ford, que custa 53 reais por dia, mais 6 por
quilometro. 0 pr~o inclui o seguro.

- 138 - - 139 -

Sylvia 6timo! Sylvia E possivel verificar a agua eo oleo para mim?

Empregado Agora, e so assinar aqui e aqui, e pronto. Nao se esqu~a Empregado Claro. Urn momento so. (Pronto). Esta tudo OK.
de trazer o carro de volta com o tanque cheio. Sylvia Obrigada.
alugar to hire, rent inclui includes
normal 2-star petrol olhe look
necessaries necessary seguro(o) insurance
gas61eo dresel aqui diz here it says
em ordem m order nao se esque4fa don't forget
sem chumbo unleaded verificar to check
come4fando begmmng de volta back
alcool alcohol (used in Brazil) 61eo(o) oil
economico reasonable o tanque tank
alugado hrred pronto right then
ao mesmo tempo at the same time cheio fulf(filled)

mJ - - - - - Gramatica
Dialogo 4
1 Por
Whilst she is looking at a map, Sylvia is approached by a policeman
(um policial). The preposition por for is used in expressions with prices, e.g. reais
por dia reais per day. Por contracts into pelo, pela, pelos and pelas
Policial Boa tarde. Sabe que e proibido estacionar aqui? when combined with the article. Eg. vou pela cidade = Fm going
Sylvia Ah boa tarde senhor policial. Ainda hem que esta aqui. through (by) the town.
Parece que estou perdida. 0 que fa~o para chegar em
. ?

Policial Goiarua e? Born, o melhor e virar aqui para a esquerda,

2 Verbs - adjectives
tomar aquela estrada, e continuar ate ao proximo cruza- Estou perdida/carro alugado, are examples of verbs used as adjec-
mento. Depois vai ver os sinais. tives. You can do this by using what is called the 'past participle'.
This is the part in English such as 'seen, broken, parked, opened', etc.
proibido prohibited 0 melhor e the best thing to do is
In Portuguese, it is formed in the following way:
estacionar to park estrada(a) main road
ainda bem thank goodness cruzamento(o) crossroads FAL[AR) remove ending
perdida lost sinais(os) traffic signs FAL + ado (arverbs) orido (er/irverbs)
F ALADO =spoken COMIDO =eaten
PARTIDO =departed, left, broken
Be careful with irregular verbs. Here are some examples:
Dialogo 5
ver visto vu- vindo
fazer feito abrir aberto
Later Sylvia stops for petrol. escrever escrito pagar pago
Sylvia Boa tarde. Ponha 15 litros por favor. Rules of adjectives then apply. For example:
Empregado De normal, sem chumbo, gasoleo ou de alcool?
Sylvia Creio que e sem chumbo. E carro alugado. a casa e feita de madeira The house is made of wood
Empregado Ah sim, ollie aqui diz sem chumbo. Entao 15 litros. as janelas estao partidas The windows are broken
E tudo? You will come across past participles again, in use as part of a past
tense in Portuguese.
- 140 - -- 141 -

3 0 melhor e The best thing to do is Listen to someone at a petrol station and indicate on the grid the
services they acquire.
This construction can be used with a variety of adjectives as well as Petrol - tick which type How much? Check water/oil Price
with melhor (best).
0 importante e The important thing is
0 pior e The worst thing is 8 Estou perdido... Fill in the gaps in this dialogue by inserting
0 triste e The sad thing is words in place of each instruction.

Dicas culturais
• Petrol - sugar cane alcohol is the normal fuel, although diesel is estacionar aqui nesta ~wnl
Lsquare J- - -·
also very common. Many roads are terrible, some not more than dirt
tracks. You may well need a credit card to hire a car, unless you have
reais in cash. Insurance in Brazil may not give you full cover, so do be
aware of what you are signing for.
Sra. Desculpe. Acho que estou [ lost J
0 que fa~o para chegar no [ Rio J ___?
- - - - - Atividades
Policial Bom, o melhor evirar aqui para a I right I
5 Now see if you can do the following:
(a) Ask if you can rent a car here.
(b ) Say it's for 8 days, starting today. _ _ _, seguir ate aos I signsJ ___, e depois
(c) Ask what you do to arrive in Rio.
(d) Say I seem to be lost.
(e) Say put in 12 litres of alcohol please. tomara ~ ___ a ~
(fJ Ask can you check the water for me.
Choose an appropriate past participle for each sentence from the
_ __ , e continuar naquela main roa~ _ __
box and make any necessary alterations to it to use it as an I
(a) 0 banco esta _ __
(b) Todas asjanelas estao _ __
(c) Os sapatos sao de couro
(d) A conta ja esta _ __
(e) A carta esta , senhor Mendes

aberto pago feito fechado escrito

- 142 - 143 -

~---­ Compreende?
w Can you link up the roadsigns with their corresponding instructions?
(a) ~ i) Area Escolar
(b) ~ ii) Aeroporto
Are you free tomorrow afternoon?
(c) ~ iii) Vento Lateral

(d) <fJ iv) Cuidado Animais

In this unit you will/earn

(e) (S) v) Semaforo a Frente
• how to make plans for the future

• how to make arrangements to meet people
(0 vi) Siga em Frente • how to deal with a telephone call
• the months of the year

(g) ® vii) Vira a Direita

~----­ Dialogo 1
(h) Q) viii) Proibido Virar a Esquerda
Sylvia overhears two people discussing their week-end plans whilst
she is in a cafe in Campinas_
(i) {j) ix) Proibido Transite de Bicicletas M~o
Que vai fazer sabado de manha Teresa?

M~a Gostaria de fazer aquela viagem para o Pantanal, ja que

0) ® x) Siga em Frente ou a Esquerda (Girl)
temos ferias neste momento_ Quer vir comigo?
Eu quero sim_ Ouvi dizer que e uma viagem fantastica, a
gente viaja no trem da morte, ha-de ser super-legal.
<t> xi) Velocidade Maxima Permitida Nao posso esperar - sempre quis ir_ Sabe que a gente pode
ver animais- ha jacare e tudo. Vamos ate a Bolivia e depois
voltamos_ Leva mais ou menos uma semana para ir e voltar.
6 xii) Pedestre Ande pela Esquerda 6timo. Ollie, eu aos sabados, costumo ir ao mercado bem
cedo com minha mae, mas estou livre a partir das oito e
meia. Onde nos vamos encontrar?
Na Rodoviaria. Temos que ir primeiro a Sampa para apan-
har o trem. Eu estarei la as nove horas_ Ta?

- 144 - 145

M~o Ta bern. A gente seve no sabado. Tchau.

alo hello (on phone) sabia you knew
Mo~a Tchau. E nao se esque~a da maquina fotognifica, ta? daqul tala this is disse told
Unlcamp University in Campinas amizades(as) friendships
gostaria de I would like to animais(os) ammals tudo azul everything just fine desfrutando taking advantage (of)
o Pantanal swamp area near jacare(o) alligator tempo(o) the time passo I'll pass
Bolivia leva it takes explorar to explore pelo hotel by the hotel
ja que seeing as costumo I usually
ferias(as) holidays bern cedo really early
neste momento at the moment a partir das from
ouvi dizer que I heard that
a gente = n6s we
encontrar to meet
temos que ir we have to go
- - - - - - Gramatica
viaja travel Sampa Sao Paulo
ha-de ser it's bound to be estarei I will be
super-legal brill/mega ta =esta? OK
esperar to wait a gente seve we'll see each other 1 Future plans IR + verbs
sempre quls ir I've always wanted maqulna fotogratlca(a) camera
togo The easiest and most common way of talking about future actions is
to use the verb m to go plus the infinitive of any verb. We do the
same in English- I'm going to visit Italy next summer. /We're going to
~----­ Dialogo 2 buy a car next week.
Remind yourself of the formation of m from unit 3.
Back in her hotel, Sylvia has a call from a university aquaintance. Vou visitar m.inha tia na I'm going to visit my aunt
semana que vem. next week.
[ringing...] Jaime vai comprar um James is going to buy a book
Sylvia Ala livro amanhii. tomorrow.
Nelson Ala, Sylvia? Vamos ganhar na loteria We're going to win the lottery
Sylvia Sim, quem fala? no sabado. on Saturday.
Nelson Daqui fala Nelson Gusmiio, da Unicamp.
Sylvia Oi Nelson, tudo bern? 2 Future plans - future tense
Nelson Eu estou muito bern. E voce?
Sylvia Tudo azul. Como sabia meu nlimero? You can also use the future tense, of course, to discuss your future
Nelson Foi o Jose que me disse. Entiio, como vai sua grande 'tour' actions, although in practice it is used less in spoken Portuguese. It
do Brasil? can be used to emphasise particularly important actions. It is formed
Sylvia Estou adorando. Estou fazendo boas amizades e desfrutando in the following way:
do tempo para explorar o pais.
Nelson Born, voce esta livre amanhii de tarde? To the inifinitive of any verb add: -ei -emos
Sylvia Estou sim. Tenho que fazer urn trabalho ate ao meio-dia, -a -iio
mas depois estou livre. Por que? e.g. comprarei I shall buy
Nelson Por que nao vamos jogar tenis? falariio they I you (pl) will talk
Sylvia Esta bern. A que horas nos encontramos?
Nelson As 2.30. Passo pelo hotel para te pegar. OK?
Sylvia OK Ate amanha.
Nelson Tchau. Ate amanha.

146 - - 147 -

However, there are three exceptions: (Fazer becomes faria, trazer becomes traria, and dizer becomes
fazer = FAR + endings
trazer =TRAR + endings Eu compraria um carro I would buy a car
dizer = Dm + endings Maria falaria com ele Mary would speak with him
All other verbs follow the regular pattern - a welcome relief to all AB an alternative to gostaria in colloquial Portuguese, you may also
learners! In dialogue 1, the girl said estarei Ia- I shall be there. She hear gostava/gostava/gostavamos/gostavam. You will meet these
could also have said vou estar Ia, and even just estou Ia. In forms again in unit 17.
colloquial Portuguese, it is common to substitute the present tense for
the future.
5 Ha-de ser/tenho que obligation - must
e.g. Compro um carro amanha I'll buy a car tomorrow
Te vejo no domingo See you on Sunday In Portuguese there are various ways to express obligation or having
to do something. The most commonly-used in the spoken language is
TER QUE or TER DE, as in Sylvia's tenho que fazer um
3 Future plans - future times trabalho ... In English we would say I've got to ... Stronger obligation
is expressed through the verb DEVER to have to/must. Here it is
You will need some time phrases to express your future actions. almost your duty to do something.
amanha tomorrow Devo terminar este trabalho I must finish this work
depois de amanha the day after tomorrow antes de sair. before going out.
a semana/o mes/o ano next week I month I year
quevem And in expressions such as:
o/a proximo/a semana, next week I month I year Eles devem estar perdidos. They must be lost.
mes, ano
domingo/no sabado, etc. Sunday I on Saturday, etc. There is also the use of the verb HAVER to have, plus DE, which con-
veys even stronger duty, something which is really bound to happen.
hei-de hemos de
4 Gostaria - conditionals ha-de hao-de
Gostaria is an example of a verb in what is termed a 'conditional' For example:
form. In English, we use the word would in conditionals. If you think
that conditional actually means there is a 'condition' imposed on the Hei-de ganhar na loteria I've just got to win the lottery.
action, it may help you to understand these structures. For example, I Ha-de ser bom It's bound to be good.
would buy a car (but I don't have the money). IF I had the money is
the condition. With the example of the verb to like, the condition may 6 A partir de
be seen in terms of I would like to ... IF that's OK/IF I may.
Conditionals do lead into a complex part of Portuguese verb usage, When you want to say 'from [a certain point] onwards' you use a
however the actual formation is as straightforward as that of the partir de plus a point in time. This can be with the time: a partir
future tense. das duas horas - from 2 o'clock, or time phrases: a partir de
Infinitive + -ia -iamos domingo -from Sunday/a partir do mes que vem- from next
-ia -lam month, etc.

148 - 149 -

7 The gerund- -lNG Listen to this telephone conversation between two friends and
answer the questions below.
In unit 6 you met this formation: ando/endo/indo. Sylvia uses a few
examples to talk about what she is currently involved in doing: Estou (a ) Who is calling?
adorando ... , fazendo ... , desfrutando... (b) From where?
(c) When does he want to see his friend?
With the verb ESTAR in the present, this structure conveys an (d ) What will Paulo be doing?
action currently taking place. For example: (e) What does Paulo's friend suggest?
Eles estao falando. They are talking (now). (f) What time will he pick Paulo up?
Agora estamos dormindo. Now we are sleeping. (g) Where?
Eu estou aprendendo I am (currently) learning 3 Make sentences by choosing words from each box, and forming
portugues Portuguese. the correct part of the future tense. A variety of answers may be
correct. You will find samples in the Key .
- - - - - Dicas culturais TIME
(a) amanha
um bolo
(b) 0 mes quevem eles comprar na loteria
• The pantanal is a great swampland area bordering the central- (c) no domingo eu escrever Alemanha
west part of Brazil and into Bolivia. The train crosses the middle of it (d) o proximo ano a Sra Lopes ganhar uma carta
and offers hardy travellers a marvellous panorama of its wildlife - (e) depois de amanha n6s fazer um carro
alligators, birds, insects and big cats abound. -
• The trem da morte, or train of cleath, is the subject of many a 4 Decide what is currently going on in each picture, and write it
traveller's tale - you need to watch your belongings, and be wary of under each one, forming the correct parts of Estar and the
people offering you food or drinks. gerund.
• Telephone calling - in Rio, particularly, the telephone booths are
called orelhao big ear, because of their design (there is one on the
cover of this book). In some you need to buy discs (fichas) in a local
bar or kiosk, although phone cards are being introduced in many
areas. The number 6 in phone numbers is referred to as meia (half) -
half a dozen.

~ Atividades
1 Now see if you can do the following:
(a ) Ask Paul what he's going to do on Wednesday afternoon.
(b) Say you'll be there at 10.30.
(c) Suggest to your friend that you go swimming.
(d ) Ask someone what time you'll be meeting.
(e) Say you're free from 4.15 onwards.
(f) Answer the phone and ask who's calling.

- 150 - - 151 -

Dialogo 3 outro outra outros outras other Is

tanto tanta tantos tantas so much/many
mesmo mesma mesmos rnesmas same
After their tennis game, Sylvia and Nelson chat over drinks.
Tanto in this form only can also be used with verbs, to give more
Nelson Que outras cidades vai visitar? information about the action, e.g. ela fala tanto -she talks so much.
Sylvia Born, s6 me faltam seis semanas aqui, e quero visitar o sul. This usage is known as the adverb. Mesmo can also mean self: Ela
Nelson Tern que visitar Rio Grande do Sul - a regiao dos gauchos e mesma vai comprar a casa - she herself is going to buy the house.
as grandes fazendas. No sul tambem ha bastante industria.
Sylvia Sim, gostaria muito de ver Curitiba e tambem as cataratas
de Igua~u. I2J 2 Os meses The months
Nelson Vai adorar. Nesta epoca nao tern tantos turistas- OS meses
janeiro January julho July
piores sao durante nosso verao - dezernbro, janeiro e
fevereiro February agosto August
mar\)o March setembro September
Sylvia 6timo. Entao sem duvida visitarei Igua~u - sao as mesmas
abril April outubro October
cataratas que aparecern no filme 'A Missao' - acerca dos
maio May novembro November
jesuitas portugueses e suas at:ividades com os indios aqui.
junho June dezembro December
Nelson Born filme. Entao Sylvia, um brinde para o resto da sua
viagem. Tchin tchin, e boa viagem. In Brazil they are written with a small letter.
Sylvia Saude, e obrigada.

gauchos(os) cowboys/ranchers janeiro January

3 As esta~oes do ano The seasons
fazendas(as) ranches/farms fevereiro February
industria(a) industry sem duvida without doubt
o verao summer o outono autumn
cataratas(as) waterfalls as mesmas the same o invemo winter a primavera spring
epoca(a) season, time A Missao The Misston
jesuftas(os) Jesuits
Remember that Brazil's summer coincides with winter in the northern
tantos so many
turlstas(os) tourists fndios(os) Indians hemisphere.
os meses piores the worst months brinde(o) a toast
durante during o resto the rest
verao(o) summer tchin tchin cheers 4 Celebratory expressions
dezembro December saude cheers
tchin tchin/sude cheers feliz Natal Happy Christmas
parabens congratulations feliz Ano Novo Happy New Year
boa viagem bon voyage as melhoras get well
feliz aniversario happy birthday boas ferias have a good holiday
~ ----- Gramatica boa sorte good luck feliz P ascoa happy Easter

1 Outro, tanto, mesmo ~ ----- Sumario

All of these words change their endings depending on the nouns to que vai fazer amanha? what are you doing tomorrow ?
which they are referring. est& livre amanh8./sabado? are you free tomorrow ISaturday?

152 - 153 -

gostaria (gostava) de I'd like to see I visit...

leva uma hora/um mes it takes an hour I month
estou livre a ·partir de... I'm free from ...
alO/quem fala?/daqui fala... hello I who's speaking? I it's ... here
a que horas nos encontramos?at what time shall we meet?
estou viajando/trabalhando I'm travelling I working
saudelboa viagem cheers I bon voyage (i) Feliz Pascoa (ii) Feliz Aniversario (iii) Feliz Natal
verao/outono/inverno/ summer I autumn I winter I (iv) As Melhoras (v) Parabens (vi) Boa Viagem
primavera spring

-----Atividades Compreende?
5 Answer these T/F questions based on Dialogue 3. Your friend has sent you a cutting
from a paper about a place she Roseliindia
would like to visit with you. Look
(a) Sylvia still has 7 weeks left in Brazil. at the piece and insert the correct apresenta
(b) Rio Grande do Sul is a region offarms words from the box to fill the gaps.
and industry. Then answer the questions below. festasna
(c) At the moment there are not many
tourists about. przmavera
(d) The worst months are in the spring. floras festas Estados Unidos
novembro ano cores
(e) Sylvia wants to visit a Jesuit Mission. claA~o

(f) Nelson toasts the rest of Sylvia's journey. Acontecem at~ o pr6ximo dia
17 de na Rosel!ndia
6 Look at the following situations and what people are saying. They 1) What kind of activity is this? (km 33 da rodovia Raposo Ta-
have become mixed up. Can you decide which expression belongs music/sport/nature vares), as_ _ da Primavera e
with which picture? 2) What can you see there? Realizados desde 1954, os
3) What is new this year? eventos mostrarn novidades
em rosas, _ e plantas oma-
4) When was the event originally mentais provenientes da Euro-
set up? pa e dos _ _ _ _ que a
Rose14ndia introduz no Brasil.
Neste_ albn dos jardins
com novas variedades de rosas,
a novidade sao as petUnias,
com 15 _ _diferentes.
lnforma¢es pelo tel. (011)
7Q?, ...01, _lSQ_

- 154 - - 155 -

gostou? did you enjoy? ficamos we stayed
visitou? did you visit? assistimos a we watched
adorei /loved capoeira(a) acrobatic dance
tao so falamos we spoke
arquitetura(a) architecture pescadores(os) fishermen
COMO FOI A VIAGEM? mistura(a) mixture
o africano African
jangadas(as) Northeast boats
comeram? did you (pi) eat?
comida(a) food
How was thejourney? o europeu European
cultura(a) culture provou tasted
religiiio(a) religion pratos(os) dishes
pessoas(as) people achei I found/thought
pele negra dark skin picante spicy
olhos(os) eyes valeu a pena? was it worth it?
cabelos(os) hair Esperamos we hope
sem duvida really, without doubt vatapa shrimp dish
o que eles chamam what they call

In this unit you will/earn

• how to talk in the past ~ Exercicio
• how to discuss a visit you have made Choose the correct answers to these statements:
• how to describe actions
1) The lady visited a) the north. b) the south. c) the northeast.
2) In Bahia they stayed a) a week. b) a few days. c) two days.
~----­ Dialogo 1 3) She thought the food was a) too bitter. b) too spicy. c) too bland.

B Sylvia overhears some people talking about their holiday. 1§1 Gramatica
Sr Entao, gostou da viagem? Visitou a catedral?
Sra Adorei. A catedral de la e tao bonita e tipica da arquitetura
portuguesa. 0 nordeste e uma mistura interessante do africano
com o europeu- a cultura, a musica, e a religiao. 1 The past
Sr E as pessoas tambem - pele negra ao lado da branca, olhos pre- You have already met one or two expressions where the verb was in
tos, azuis e verdes, cabelos escuros e claros - realmente e o que the past. To describe an action which was a one-off event, finished,
eles chamam uma miscelania de culturas. complete, we use what is called the simple past (sometimes referred to
Sra Ficamos uma semana na Bahia, uns dias em Salvador e outros as the preterite). In the dialogue, there were various examples, such
em Fortaleza. Assistimos a uma exibi~ao de capoeira na praia, as:
e falamos com os pescadores com suas jangadas.
Sr Comeram a comida de la? visitou visited ficamos we stayed comeram you ate
Sra Meu marido provou muitos pratos - vatapa por exemplo, mas Let's look at how the regular ar/er/ir verbs are formed.
eu achei um pouco picante.
Sr Entao, valeu a pena? First you need to remove the -ar bit, and add the following endings on
Sra Sem duvida! Esperamos voltar o ano que vern. to the stem:

- 156 - - 157 -

FAL(AR) COM(ER) PART(lR) Sylvia Voltei ontem a noite. Apanhei o onibus das 17
+ ei horas e cheguei aqui as 9:30.
ou eu lU Recepcionista Gostou da visita?
amos emos imos Sylvia Fiquei encantada. Visitamos uma fazenda, andamos
aram eram iram a cavalo e comemos com os gauchos.
Recepcionista Comeu churrasco?
Can you spot ending patterns, like you did with the present tense? e.g.
Sylvia Sim, e bebemos urn chimarrao, que e o cha tipico da
amos/emos/imos. Note that the Brazilian forms in the we person are
the same in the present and the past tenses. You may have to deduce
Recepcionista No inverno daqui, ate os estudantes bebem este cha
what time zone an event took place in by looking carefully at the con-
nas aulas por causa do frio daqui.
text, and searching for clues, such as 'yesterday', 'last night', etc. Sylvia Que interessante. Born. Tern algum recado para mim?
Ela falou comigo. She spoke with me. Recepcionista Dei.xe ver. Ah sim, o senhor Ferreira acaba de
Comemos muito. We ate a lot. telefonar. Disse que nao e urgente.

Partiram as nove horas. They (you pl.) left at nine o'clock. Sylvia Esta bern, obrigada.
In Portuguese this tense also translates as have, has done. So falei
com ela can be I spoke to her, or I've spoken to her. i :. ontem a noite last night recado(o) message
fiquei I became/was acaba de has just
aulas(as) lessons urgente urgent
por causa de because of
2 Past Questions
Did you notice the man's questions- gostou?/visitou?/comeram?-
simply used the past part of the verb, with no equivalent of the
English did. So the questions actually say you liked (enjoyed)... ?lyou ~----­ Dialogo 3
visited... ?I you ate ...?
Sylvia returns Jose's telephone call.
3 0 africano/o europeu
Sylvia Alo, Jose?
You have learnt that o +adjective is used to convey the ... thing, e.g. o Jose Alo, Sylvia tudo bern? Acabo de ligar para ai.
importante. The examples in our dialogue here are very similar: Sylvia Eu sei. Me deram o recado agora.
Jose Entao, como foi a viagem pelo norte?
o africano - that which is African
Sylvia Foi 6tima. Vi tantas coisas interessantes.
o europeu - that which is European Jose Foi a Manaus?
This structure is much neater than saying the whole phrase. Sylvia Fui, vi o teatro, dei uma voltinha pelo rio- fiz muitas coisas.
Jose Foi a fazenda af?
Sylvia Sim, acabo de voltar. Os gauchos sao fascinantes - a
~ Dialogo 2 maneira de viver, a cultura eo Fandango.
1!1 Jose
Dan~ou tambem?
Nao me atrevi- eles dan~ tao rapidamente, eu fiquei sen-
Back in her hotel, Sylvia chats to the receptionist.
Recepcionista Quando voltou de Porto Alegre? Jose Quando volta para ca?

158 - 159 -

Sylvia Bom, amanha vou para Curitiba, depois visitarei uma amiga SABER SAIR SEA TEA TRAZER VER VIR
num cafezal. Daqui a duas semanas estarei de volta em Sao
soube sai lui live trouxe vi vim
sou be saiu foi teve trouxe viu veio
Jose Ligue para mim antes de partir. soubemos saimos fomos tivemos trouxemos vimos viemos
Sylvia Tchau. souberam sairam toram tiveram trouxeram viram vie ram

~ acabo de ligar I've just rung dan~ou? did you dance?
deram they gave niio me atrevi I didn't dare 2 Acabar de - to have just done
vi /saw dan~tam tiio rapidamente they
fui I went dance so quickly This handy expression is easy to learn, and very useful. You use the
dei uma voltinha I made a little trip sentada sat down/seated
maneira(a) way cafezal(o) coffee plantation
present tense of the verb acabar (to finish), plus DE plus a verb in
viver to live/living ligue para mim ring me the infinitive. For example:
Fandango Fandango dance
Sr Ferreira acaba de telefonar Mr Ferreira has just telephoned
Eu acabo de chegar I've just arrived

3 Ai- there (where you are)

~---- Gramatica
It is slightly confusing knowing when to use the various words for
here and there.
1 Past tense - awkward spellings Aqui Ai Ali
ca La
Some verbs alter their spellings in the past tense, to maintain certain Here There There
sounds (hard or soft letters). In the dialogues you had: cheguei - (where I am/we are) (where you are) (where neither of us are)
from chegar. Other examples of this type are: jogar- joguei, pagar
- paguei. This applies to the first person singular only. These also correspond to the demonstratives you learnt in unit 13:

Fiquei - from ficar. Other examples of this type are: explicar - Este Esse Aquele
expliquei, tocar - toquei (1 played I touched), indicar - indiquei. this here that near you that over there

Other verbs also make changes in their spelling. Try to learn them as So if you are talking to someone on the phone, you must use ai if you
you come across them, and check in a grammar book for the patterns want to say e.g. is it warm there? - esta quente ai? If you say esta
to learn. quente la?, you are referring to somewhere distant from your listener.
Irregular simple past tense verbs
4 Slow, slow, quick quick slow
Adverbs, as you learnt previously, give us more information about a
dei disse liz estive lui pude pus
deu disse fez esteve foi pede pos verb. They answer the question how ? For example: They dance. How
demos dissemos fizemos estivemos fomos pudemos pusemos do they dance ? Quickly.
deram disseram fizeram estiveram foram puderam puseram
In English many adverbs end in -ly.

- 160 - - 161

Eles dan~am. COMO dan~am? Rapidamente. 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the past tense of
the verb in brackets.
In Portuguese many adverbs end in -mente.
(a) Ontem eu (comer) muito.
To form an adverb, take the feminine form of an adjective and add
(b) No ano passado eles (comprar) uma casa.
-mente. If there is no separate feminine form, add -mente to the
(c) Nos (partir) ameia-noite.
standard form. For example:
(d) Voces (gostar) da festa?
nipido- nipida - rapida.mente (e) Marcelo (escrever) urn postal para sua mae.
facil - facilmente
3 Choose the correct verb in each sentence.
There are some irregular adverbs, including:
(a) Ela viulveio Joao no mercado.
mal badly bem well devagar slowly cedo early (b) Eu fui/fiz urn belo jantar.
(c) N6s pudemos/pusemos os pratos na mesa.
(d) Eles foram/fizera.m ao cinema.
~----- Sumario (e) Voce trouxe/teve boa sorte.
4 Complete your part of the dialogue about a visit.
gostou de...? did you like (enjoy) ... ?
visitou a catedralla praia? did you visit the cathedral I beach? Ricardo Quando voltou do Rio?
You (say I returned yesterday afternoon. I arrived here at
como foi a viagem? how was the trip?
foi otimolmaravilhoso/pessimo it was great I brilliant Iawful
Ricardo Gostou da visita?
volteilapanheilcomi I returned Icaught I ate
You (say yes, a lot. I walked on Copacabana beach, visited
tem algum recado para mim? do you have any messages for me?
Sugar Loaf Mountain - Piio de A~zkar, and I saw the
... acaba de telefonar/ligar ... has just phoned
shanty towns- as favelas.)
daqui a duas semanas in two weeks time
Ricardo Gostou da comida tambem?
falam rapidamente they speak quickly
You (say yes, I ate feijoada and tried the firewater and
ligue para mim give me a ring Icall
lime drink.)
5 Form the correct past tense and choose an adverb from the box to
~----- Atividades go with the pictures overleaf. '

1 Can you do the following? rapidamente devagar bern cedo mal

(a) Ask your friend if she visited the museum.

(b) Say we stayed two weeks in Italy.
(c) Ask Jose and Sonia when they returned from New York.
(d) Ask the receptionist if he has a message for you.
(e) Say I've just arrived in the hotel.
(/) Say the Italians speak so quickly.

- 162 - - 163 -

amiga. Daqui a estarei de volta em _ __

Jose Ligue para mim antes de partir. Tchau.
Sylvia Tchau.

~---- Compreende?
Read Teresa's letter and see if you can answer the questions on it.

Oi. Ctci.W., ~ btM? lit. ciA' ft ri.A' 1\Yt pAut4 ~ f,~~ ~. foi. wpu·
ILGAL· fi.¢ c.OM MW' ~i.o4, 1\Yt MDrAM "" C.&forN.A. 0 kMf'O u~.."..
4VpU·I\Ytftk C. 604~c.i. i.Mti\UMC-1\~C..

fOM04 lfi-k~Ar ""fi.t04 W6AI"U i."~~U, C. lfi. U U.U' ti\OrMU cl4>4

dot'U ~if. l-4ou_~, fAUf4 C.M frt.l\k ci#. U.U ~if.~ J..c.lf.401\ •
f'AIU.L""' u.'~~ OM~ lfi.AjAM04 ....t: '0~~. 01\dt. f'UUM04
"""-~U korA' d.ilfU'~i.~. IIJvr..u. lfi. ~AI\~U f'C.UO..' M lfi.cil.~ frOifc.i.
A~ lit. tA • t ~ ~...,, ~i.po kAMbvrGUU c. W-~A~M, MD
t Mci#. uvdAII'tl.. COMprc.i. vw. rtt«'d.A~ f'UA ~i., Ad\D CUlt lfk ~..,..
Listen to the dialogue, and fill in the gaps with the words you ()wj_ Vl~i.MA 1\oi.k. f11i. A~~~
..waA ,.W4i.u. AMU'i.u.M 1 C. M

hear. ~ ~.t.GAL~ Av~ c.oi.u 1\Yt t'Ul.Mt"t-t. lit.m~ foi. .. fAL~.. lit.
Jose En tao, como foi a viagem para ? 611..,...~~
Sylvia Foi 6tima. Vi tantas coisas interessantes.
Jose Foi a Londres?
Sylvia Fui. Fui ao , vi o Big Ben, o _ __
fiz muitas coisas.
J ose Foi a tambem?
Sylvia Sim, acabo de voltar. Os sao - a
maneira de viver, a cultura e a _ __ 1) Onde foi de ferias?
Jose Dan~ou tambem? 2) Como estava o tempo?
Sylvia Nao me atrevi- eles dan~am tao rapidamente, eu fiquei 3) Viu a casa de quem?
sentada. 4) Que pensa da comida?
J ose Quando volta para ca? 5) Onde foi na ultima noite?
Sylvia Bom, amanha vou para , depois visitarei uma 6) Que detestou mais?
7) Quando vai ver Cecilia?

164 - - 165 -

que quadros mais lindos! what
beautiful pictures!
lojinha{a) small shop
no tim at the end
simpatica kind/nice
pechincha(a) a bargain
a feira hippy hippy/craft fair
nunca vi f've never seen
escolher to choose
e dai? and so?
paisagens(as) landscapes que decldiu? what did you decide?
quanto custaram? how much did caixinha(a) small box
How much did they cost? they cost?
cada each (one)
foi cara? was it expensive?
puxal crikey!

Can you answer the following in Portuguese?
(a) Que comprou a senhora? _ __
(b) Onde foram os dois senhores? _ __
In this unit you will/earn (c) 0 que Carlos adorou? _ __
• how to talk about what you have bought
• how to identify your own property ~ - - - - - - Gramatica - - - - -
• more about the past

~----­ Dialogo 1 1 Exclamations

B Sylvia listens to some people discussing what they have just bought. It's nice to be able to inject exclamations into your dialogues, where
relevant, as this makes your Portuguese much more a uthen tic.
Ml Que quadros mais lindos! Onde os comprou? Portuguese is a very expressive language, and the Brazilians especially
F Comprei-os numa lojinha no fun daquela rua ali. A senhora foi love using it in a vibrant and sometimes vociferous way!
super-simpatica comigo. Ela me deu um desconto porque com-
prei dois. Gosta Paulo? These few expressions will suffice for now to get you started:
M2 Gosto. Sao paisagens tipicas do sul. Quanto custaram? Que+ noun + adjective: Que vestido lindo! What a nice dress! Or,
F Nao muito. S6 35 reais cada. Uma pechincha, nao acham? using mais: Que vestido mais lindo! What a gorgeous dress!
Ml Realmente!
F E voce, Carlos, comprou coisa? Que coisa mais linda! What a lovely I gorgeous thing -
Ml N6s fomos ate a feira hippy. Nunca vi tantas coisas bonitas. Que isn't it gorgeous!
dificil escolher! (very common)
F E dai - que decidiu? que legal! Brill I mega I wicked!
Ml Vi estas pedras preciosas, que adorei, e depois compramos est a Otimo! Great I brill I mega I wicked
caixinha de madeira. Puxa! Gosh!
F Que bonitinha! Quanto custou? Foi cara? Nossai/Nossa Senhora Our Lady I crikey
M2 Nii.o, s6 13 reais. 'Vij'Nirgem Maria Virgin Mary I flippin' heck (quite
F Puxa! Eu preciso ir la ja. Onde e que fica esta feira? strong)
E dai? And sol And then/And? ISo what?

- 166 - - 167 -

2 Cada - Each, every hameiahora half an hour ago

ha duas semanas two weeks ago
Cada is a handy word meaning each or every. It never changes form, ha muito tempo a long time ago
thus you could have:
cada semana = todas as semanas every week 2 Identifying your belongings
cada dia = todos os dias every day
cada u.m/ custou each one cost In previous units you have practised the possessive adjectives my,
your, his, our, etc. Remind yourself of them if you cannot remember.
To identify or claim your property, or that of someone else, you use
~----- Dialogo 2 the same set of words plus the verb SER:
1!1 estes oculos SAO meus these glasses are mine
A lady approaches the table. esta casa E nossa this house is ours
Sra Desculpem, mas acho que a senhora pegou meus 6culos de sol. You can answer the question DE quem e...? Whose is... ?, simply by
Deixei-os no balcao daquela loja de artesanato ali em cima M saying:
meia hora.
meu/sua/nossos, etc.
F 0 que? Acho que a senhora esta enganada. Estes 6culos sao
me us. de Maria
dele/dela, etc.
Sra Mas sao 6culos especiais porque nao vejo muito bern. Ollie, aqui
tern a marca Mediae.
F Onde? Ah, sim agora que eu vejo- tern razao. Pe~o desculpa.
Foi sem querer. Entao, onde estao os meus?
- - - - - Dicas culturais
Ml Aqui, na sua cesta. Que bagunceira!
F Tern toda razao- Desculpe ta? • Many towns in Brazil have a weekly crafts fair, often referred to as
Sra Nao importa. Born dia. the feira hippy. Here you can find a variety of hand-made products,
leather goods, jewellery, the beautiful semi-precious and precious
desculpem excuse me (to more sao meus they're mine stones for which Brazil is renowned, pictures - watercolour (aquarela)
than one person) especiais special
and oil (oleo), and wax items (de cera). Also, there are usually stalls
pegou you took marca(a) n?ake
balcao(o) counter foi sem querer I didn't mean to selling food - often you will find baianas - the typical women from
ha meia hora half an hour ago cesta(a) basket Bahia (o nordeste), dressed in flouncy white clothes, selling the kind
enganada mistaken que bagunceiral what a mess-pot! of spicy food you would eat in Bahia. The feira hippy is a great place
to buy presents, and a wonderful place to spend some time drifting
1 Ha +time que ... mais lindo(s)! what beautiful...!
You can use Ha +a time phrase to mean ago, e.g. onde comprou? where did you buy (them/it)?
quanto custou/custara:m? how much did it I they cost?
que dificil escolherl how difficult it is to choose

- 168 ~ - 169 -

puxaUque legal! crikey! I ace! (b)

acho que esta enganado/a I think you're mistaken
tem razio you're right
foi sem querer it wasn't on purpose
ha uma horalalgum tempo an hour I some time ago
e meu/minha, sao meuslminhas it's I they're mine
[ME] sao

1 Replace cada with an appropriate form of todo, and change the
verb forms where this becomes necessary.
(a ) Ela vai ao mercado [cada semana] _ __ [JOSE] e
(b ) Nos gostamos de viajar [cada ano] _ __
(c) [cada um dos] livros (custa) R$10. (d)
(d) Maria trabalha muito [cada dial _ __
(e) [cada pessoa] (ganha) um presente.
(/) Gosto de [cada mes) do ano.
2 Fill in your part of this dialogue about an item you have bought.
Marco Que vestido mais lindo. Onde o comprou?
[VOC~] _ _ _ _ _ _ e_ _ _
You (say I bought it at the hippy-fair in the square.) (e)
Marco Quanto custou?
You (say not a lot. Only 42 reais. Do you like it?)
Marco Gosto. Foi uma pechincha.
You (Ask him if he bought anything.)
Marco Comprei este livro numa pequena livraria.
You (say what a most interesting book) [THEM, masc.] _ _ _ _ _ _ sao _ __
3 Complete the sentences with possessives according to the pictures
and instructions. Listen to four people talking about when they did various
activities, and fill in the table below.
(a ) Speaker Did what? How long ago?
[US) este _ _ _ e_ _ _ 4

- 170 - - 171 -

- - - - - Compreende?
Read the following dialogue and/or listen to it on the tape, then
answer the questions on it.
Sra Desculpe, mas acho que o senhor pegou meu guarda-chuva.
Dei.xei-o no restaurante Mineiro na pra~a ha vinte minutos.
Sr 0 que? Acho que a senhora esta enganada. Este guarda-chuva e
Sra Mas e urn guarda-chuva especial. Olhe, aqui tern o nome da
It was all so different
minha companhia - Empresa Tecnical Limitada.
Sr Onde? Ah, sim agora que eu vejo - tern razao. Pe~o desculpa.
Foi sem querer. Entao, onde esta o meu?
Sra Ali, ao lado da porta daquela loja.
Sr Voce tern toda razao- Desculpe ta?
Sra Nao importa. Born dia.
In this unit you will/earn
1 What has he picked up by mistake? • how to talk about something you saw earlier
2 Where was it left? • how to identify a stranger
3 When? • how to recall how a place used to be
4 How is it recognised?
5 Where is the other one? ~ Dialogo 1
I!J Sylvia pops back to a shop to buy a skirt she had seen in the window,
but finds the display has changed.
Empregada Born dia, pois nao?
Sylvia Havia uma saia na vitrine de que gostei muito, mas ja
nao esta mais Ia.
Empregada Como era a saia?
Sylvia Era azul com flores pequenas.
Empregada E onde estava exatamente?
Sylvia Estava a esquerda da vitrine, bern na frente.
Empregada E era de algodao ou de la?
Sylvia De algodao. Era muito bonita. Acho que custava 56
Empregada Ah sim, agora estou me lembrando. So tinha aquela e
mais duas daquele modelo, e vendemos as tres hoje de
Sylvia Ai que pena!
Empregada Quer ver as outras saias que temos?

- 172 - - 173

Sylvia Nao obrigada. 86 queria aquela. Como era? (from SER) What was it like? (all the time)
Empregada Esta bern. Talvez haja mais na semana que vern. Onde estava (ESTAR) Where was it? (all the time it
Sylvia Esta bern. was in the window)
Custava It cost (all the time it had a
havia there was estou me lembrando I'm price)
vitrine(a) shop wmdow remembering SO queria esta I only wanted this one (all the
ja nao esta mais Ia it's no longer tinha there was time)
there modelo(o) style
era tt was vendemos we sold Compare these with verbs in the simple past:
flores(as) flowers que pena! what a pity
estava it was queria I wanted Como foi o filme? What was the film like? (as a
bem na frente right in front talvez haja perhaps there will be whole)
custava it cost Ele me custou It cost me (one-off payment)
It may help to look at the following 'time-line'.
;~oaf ..
imperfect simple past NOW
1 Hcilhavia The imperfect is a continuous line in the past, with often no clear end-
Havia is the past equivalent of ha. Remember you can use ha to ing (this can continue right up to the present time- I wanted it and I
mean there is/are. Therefore, havia can mean there was/were. You still do). The simple past is safely enclosed in a solid, complete box -
may also come across the word houve, also meaning there was I were , it's finished. Often the simple past will interrupt an imperfect one,
but used to describe one-off happenings, such as: such as:
houve um accidente there was an accident
houve um barulho enorme there was a huge noise (continuous) (sudden point)
havia muitas pessoas na rua there were many people in the
street ..
Brazilians also use parts of TER for the same purpose, e.g. teve um
accidente!tinha muitas pessoas. Formation
The imperfect tense is formed by taking the stem of the verb (the
infinitive- ar/er/ir) and adding these endings:
2 The past? part 2
In unit 15 you learnt how to use the simple past to describe actions in ava ia ia
the past which had been completed. In the dialogue here you are ava ia ia
introduced to another past tense, called the Imperfect . Try to remem- avamos iamos iamos
ber it as imperfect because usually there is no perfect ending to it - avam iam iam
it's more open-ended than the previous past tense. It describes an
action which was continuous in the past, going on for some time. Look e.g. Ela falava comigo She was speaking to me
at the examples from the dialogue:

174 - - 175 -

Watch out for these irregular verbs: g Gramatica

Por to put punha, punha, pUnhamos, punham
Ser to be era, era, eramos, eram
Ter to haue tinha, tinha, tinhamos, tinham
Vir to come vinha, vinha, vinhamos, vinham 1 People descriptions
Notice which verbs were used in the descriptions.
Dhilogo 2 ERA - SER - for permanent characteristics
TINHA- TER - possession, hair/eyes/beards, etc., age
ESTAVA- ESTAR- temporary characteristics/states, what they are
Sylvia has had a visitor at her hotel. wearing
Recepcionista Senhora Peters, havia urn senhor aqui que a pro- If you want to describe people in detail, you will need:
Sylvia Um senhor? Como era? height alto/tall mediolmedium baixo/small, short
Recepcionista Era bastante alto, tinha cabelo preto, e urn bigode, build grande/large gordo/fat forte/strong pequeno/small
e estava vestido de terno cinzento. magro/thin
Sylvia Como ele se chamava? eyes os olhos + colour
Recepcionista Nao sei. Nao disse o nome. hair o cabelo + colour comprido/long curtolshort
Sylvia Mas o que ele queria? lisolstraight
Recepcionista Tambem nao sei. S6 disse que voltava mais tarde. extras bigodelnwustache barba/beard 6culoslglasses
Sylvia Ele tinha que idade? carecalbald
Recepcionista Bom, provavelmente 50 e tantos anos. clothes revise unit 7
Sylvia Ah, ja sei quem era. E o pai duma amiga minha que
tem urn cafezal aqui. Vou ficar uns dias com a
familia dela. Bom, vou subir.
2 Uma amiga minha -more possessives
To express a ... of mine/of yours, etc. place the noun first, followed by
procurava was looking for voltava he would return the appropriate possessive. For example:
como era? what was he like? ldade(a} age uns sapatos seus some shoes ofyours I his, etc.
bastante quite provavelmente probably
alto tall 50 e tantos anos 50-odd
uma amiga nossa a friend of ours
blgode(o) moustache pai(o) father
vestido dressed uma amiga minha a friend of mine
terno(o) suit subir to go up (sta1rs) ~----­ Dialogo 3
como ele se chamava? What was
he called? am Sr Mendes shows Sylvia round the coffee plantation, and explains
how things used to be.
Sr Tudo e muito diferente agora. Antigamente havia menos
tecnologia, nao havia tantas maquinas, e mais pessoas tra-
balhavam por aqui.
Sylvia Mas, nao e mais facil hoje em dia?

- 176 - - 177 -

Sr Isso, sim, mas tambem e um pouco mais impessoal. Antes a quando moravamos em when we used to live in
gente falava muito, comiamos juntos, iamos a bailes nas out-
Look at these examples:
ras fazendas, e ajudavamos uns aos outros. Hoje existe
muito mais competi~ao. Quando Joiio morava na When John lived (used to
Sylvia E a cidade, mudou tambem? india, bebia cha todos live) in India, he drank (used
Sr Mudou, sim. Todos os elias famos ao centro, tomar um cafez- os dias to drink) tea every day.
inho, falar com amigos, e depois jogavamos cartas e a vida Antes de me casar, eu Before I married, I worked
passava na valsa. Hoje e tudo movimento, rapido, dinheiro. trabalhava num banco (used to work) in a bank.
Sylvia Mas pelo menos tem uma bela fazenda.
Sr Sim, casa, fanu1ia, boa comida e um estilo de vida que nao
tinhamos antes- sim tudo tern recompensa. Vamos ver os
11----- Sumario
processos Ia dentro?
Sylvia Vamos, e depois um bom cafezinho! havia... there was I were...
ja niio mais esta (Ia) it's no longer (there)
como era? what was it like?
onde estava? where was it?
antigamente before mudou it has changed so queria este/esta I only wanted this one
tecnologia(a) technology jogavamos we used to play o que (ele) queria? what did (he) want?
maquinas(as) machines a vida passava na valsa life went
trabalhavam they used to work with the flow era alto/gordo/forte he was tall I fat I strong (large)
impessoal impersonal movimento(o) rush 50 e tantos anos 50-odd I 50-ish
iamos we used to go dinhelro(o) money antigamente dan~avamos we used to dance in the past
bailes(os) dances pelo menos at least um amigo meu/seu/nosso a friend of mine Iyours I ours
ajudavamos we used to help bela lovely
uns aos outros one another um estilo de vida lifestyle
existe there exists tinhamos we had
competi~iio recompensa(a) reward Atividades
competition processos(os) processes
1 Now can you do the following?
(a ) say there was a blouse I liked in the shop window
(b) say it was on the right of the display
Gramatica (c) say she was short, with long hair and blue eyes
(d ) say he was probably 40 or so years old
(e) ask if it's not more interesting nowadays
(j) say we used to swim every day
1 The imperfect- the way we used to be 2 Decide in each case whether the verb should be in the imperfect
Another function of the imperfect tense is to describe how things or the preterite (simple past) tense.
'used to be' or things you 'used to do'. You can introduce statements (a) Ontem eu fuilia a cidade para comprar um selo.
with expressions like: (b) Quando eralfoi jovem, Carlos fumava.
antes/antigamente/ before I in the past (c) Nos jantamos/jantavamos quando o telefone tocou.
no passado (d) Antigamente eles comiam/comeram muito mal.
quando era/eramos joveml when I I we was I were young (e) Na semana passada ela veio/vinha a minha casa.
jovens (/) Onde estavalesteve voce quando eu te telefonei?

- 178 - - 179 -

Listen to descriptions of people, and decide which articles of 5 Complete your part in this dialogue in a shop.
clothing go on each body.
You (say there was a shirt in the shop window, but it's not
there now)
Emp. Como era?
You (say it was black and was made of wool)
Emp. E onde estava exatamente?
You (say it was on the left of the display, behind the trousers)
, l ' Emp. Ah sim, lamento mas vendemos aquela ontem. Quer ver
os outros modelos que temos?
You (say no thanks. I only wanted that one)
Emp. Esta bern. Adeus.
6 Link up the following descriptions with the correct pictures .

-- ....-:

4 Form the correct part of the imperfect tense for the verbs, and
link them to the second part of the sentence.
(a) Joao e alto e forte. Tern cabelo curto e liso e um bigode. Esta
Quando eramos jovens...
vestido de terno e chapeu.
(a) IR _ __ i) mais energia (b) Sabrina e de estatura mediae magra. Tern cabelo comprido.
(b) BRINCAR _ __ ii) aos bailes Usa 6culos.
(c) TER _ __ iii) ferias com nossos pais (c) Lucia e baixa e um pouco gorda. 0 cabelo dela e liso e curto,
(d) ESTUDAR _ _ iu) no campo e ela esta vestida de saia e blusa.
(e) PASSAR _ __ u) todos os dias (d) Mauricio e alto e magro. Ecareca.

180 - 181 -

l!J Compreende?
(a) He has been the chief for 3 years.
lTJ (b) When he arrived, 800 indians were living on 14,000
Read this excerpt from an interview with an Indian, and decide which hectares of land.
verbs from the two boxes should fill each gap. You must choose (c) He thought the reserve was too big.
between verbs in the imperfect and preterite (simple past) tenses and (d) He spoke to the President of Brazil.
then answer the questions which follow. (e) The land was designated Xavante land.
({) The text is taken from a TV interview.
era defendia brigava estavam

cheguei criei achei

consegui veio come~amos


(Trechos de uma entrevista publicada no 'Folhetim', suplemento
do jornal 'Folha de Sao Paulo', de 25-12-1977, gravada pelos jor-
nalistas Sergio Gomes, Joao Marcos Pereira e Cristina Vilares)
"Estou com tres anos como chefe. Antes eu 1 chefe de batal-
hador, o chefe guerreiro, 2 todo o povo indio, porque naquele
tempo a gente 3 muito. Quando eu 4 ai eu tirei todas as
brigas. Depois eu 5 outro problema: da reserva. Eu estava
sabendo que 800 indios 6 vivendo com 14 mil hectares. Entao
eu 7 muito pouco. Eu conhe9o tambem os limites, conhe9o
mapa, mais ou menos, entao eu achei muito pequena essa reser-
va. Ai eu aumentei para 180 mil hectares. Vou lutando e defend-
endo o direito do povo do Xavante. Eu falava com o governador
do Mato Grosso, eu falava com o presidente do Incra, com o pres-
idente da Funai, eu brigava com o Ministerio do Interior. Falava
com o vice-presidente da Republica. 8 o presidente, parece
Costa e Silva, criou o decreto da terra dos Xavantes. Depois
9 o dr. Emilio tambem decretou outra vez. 0 presidente Geisel
fez sair todo o mundo: tirou fazendeiro, tirou posseiro, tirou
tudo. N6s 10 marcar limite, assim com picada, para poder
tirar o pessoal.'

- 182 - - 183 -

Medico Nao se preocupe senhora Peters. Creio que e so urna

pequena alergia. Fique onde esta, na cama ate sabado, e
tome este medicamento.

niio me sinto nada bem I don't cama(a) bed

--- feel at all well
0 que voce tem? what's the
ate ele chegar until he amves
saimos we went out
What's the matter? maNer? um arroz com mariscos seafood
me d6Vdoem my... hurts/hurt risoNo
barriga(a) belly grave serious
dor(a) pain niio se preocupe don't worry
cabe~a(a) head creio que I thinklbelteve that
pallda pale alergia(a) allergy/reaction
medico(o) doctor medicamento(o) medication
fique stay

In this unit you will/earn

~ Verdadeiro ou falso?
• how to describe illness and ailments
• how to deal with the chemist and doctor True or false?
• how to cope with an accident T F
• how to say goodbye
(a) Sylvia has a sore stomach.
(b) Her teeth also hurt.
til Dialogo 1 (c) Last night she ate steak and rice.
Sylvia has returned to the Ferreira's house in Sao Paulo, but has
woken up not feeling very well. fl Gramatica
Sylvia Marli, nao me sinto nada bern.
Marli 0 que voce tern?
1 Feeling ill
Sylvia Estou com dor de barriga e tenho urna dor de cabe~a.
Marli Parece muito palida. Vou chamar nosso medico. Fique ai na To express ailments, you can use the verb doer to hurt in the follow-
cama ate ele chegar. ing way:
[40 minutos mais tarde] Indirect Object Pronoun + DOER + part/s of body
Medico Onde d6i senhora Peters?
Sylvia A barriga e a cabe~a. Os olhos tambem me doem. me doi a cabe~a =my head hurts
Medico Que comeu ontem? lhe doem os olhos = his I her Iyour eyes hurt
Sylvia Ontem a noite saimos para urn restaurante e eu comi urn What you are doing is saying that X gives pain TO you/him, etc.
arroz com mariscos.
Medico E em geral tern al~ problema quando come peixe? You can also use: TER uma dor de _ __
Sylvia Geralmente nao. E grave? TER u.m.a dor em (no, na, nos, nas) _ __
ESTAR com dor de/no, na, nos, nas _ __
These are most common in Brazil.

184 - - 185 -

Tenho uma dor de cabe~a I haue a headache

Ele tem uma dor nos olhos He has sore eyes Dialogo 2
Ot her ailments may include:
When she goes to the chemist (a farmacia) to pick up Sylvia's medi-
uma enxaqueca a migraine cine, Marli overhears another customer.
ter gripe to haue a cold
ter insola~iio to haue sunstroke Farmaceutico Born dia. Diga por favor.
cortar to cut Cliente Tern alguma coisa para dor de garganta?
magoar to hurt Farmaceutico Sim, temos estas pastilhas que sao excelentes, ou
bater to hit este xarope.
Cliente Levo as pastilhas.
Farmaceutico E s6?
2 0 corpo - the body Cliente Nao, o que tern para queimaduras de sol?
Farmaceutico Hmm, este creme e born. E s6 2 reais e 40 centavos.
You cannot describe where your pain is adequately without knowing Cliente Born, levo dois frascos.
the parts of the body. Here is a body and head for you to study. Farmaceutico Entao, sao 7,80 reais.
Cliente Tambem preciso de alguma coisa para meus labios
- estao muito secas.
Farmaceutico Tern isto, que e novo - e urn batom transparente
o ott\.o que protege o labio antes e depois do sol.
Cliente Muito bern. Vou experimentar. Obrigada, e tudo.
Farmaceutico Agora sao 8,45 reais. Adeus e espero que melhore!

Ill tem alguma coisa para ...? do you

have anything for... ?
creme(o) cream
labios(os) lips
o garganta(a) throat secos dry
pastilhas(as) pastilles novo new
o peit.o xarope(o) syrup
o que tem para... ? what do you
batom(o) lipstick
protege protects
have for... ? antes e depois do sol before and
quelmaduras de sol sunburn after sun

o joe\h.o
11--- - - Gramatica
0 p~ _ o d.QdO
1 Medicines
Here are a few useful items you may need to purchase at the chemist's:

- 186 - - 1A7 -

As usual, watch out for irregulars! Look at these examples:

cornprirnidos pills aspirins aspirin
urna ligadura bandage urn band-aid plaster Espero que voce coma hem I hope that you eat well
toalhas hlgienicas sanitary towels urn colfrio eyewash
repelente de insetos insectant repel/ant
Ela duvida que ele parta She doubts that he will depart
antihistarninico antihistamine
amanha tomorrow
E impossivel que elas It's impossible that they (should)
2 Espero que melhore escrevam tanto write so much
The Subjunctive is something that takes a long time to sink in, but at
This expression (1 hope that you get well (better)) introduces us to least with a small notion of it under your belt, you are armed to
another area of verbs in Portuguese, which is extremely complex, and understand a little bit more about the structures that may be used in
which causes the most concern to learners as they progress a little conversation with you.
further. We are only going to touch lightly upon it as an introduction.
So far, you have learnt some different tenses of verbs, to help you talk
in various time zones_ Now we are going to look at something called Dialogo 3
the Subjunctiue, which also has a set of tenses, but used in very
different, and specific, circumstances. One of these, in the present
On the way back home Marli witnesses an accident. She goes over to
tense, is, as you saw, in the dialogue, after the verb to hope, or to
the injured person.
wish, when you are wishing something for someone else_
Marli Voce precisa de ajuda?
Other uses include:
Sr Obrigado. Tenho uma dor na perna. Acho que esta partida.
esperarQUE to hope I wish that Que dor! Nao posso mexer nada.
duvidarQUE to doubt that Marli Que aconteceu?
sentirQUE to feel sorry that Sr Eu estava atravessando a rua sem problemas; tinha chegado
e possivel QUE it is possible that mais ou menos ao centro quando de repente - baf1 um carro
e incrivel QUE it is incredible that me bateu e aqui estou.
e provavel QUE it is probable that Marli Parece que o carro nao parou_ Idiota! Born, nao se preocupe
The main feature is the word QUE, and it is the verb which senhor. Vou chamar uma ambulancia. Nao demora muito.
FOLLOWS que that goes into the subjunctive form. You have in fact Marli uses the telephone in a nearby shop.
come across the subjunctive before, in the guise of Commands.
Marli Alo, escute, houve um acidente na rua Moraes Sales.
Remember in unit 7, you learnt how the endings of -AR verbs became
Telefonista Tem alguem ferido?
like -ER verbs, and those of -ER and -m. verbs, became like -AR
Marli Sim, um senhor, a perna foi quebrada quando um
ones? That is the formation of the present subjunctive. Here again to
carro a bateu. Precisamos duma ambulancia.
remind you are our three regular verbs:
Telefonista Onde esta exatamente?
FALAR COMER PARTIR Marli Na rua Moraes Sales perto da pra~a Paulista, ao lado
fale coma parta da igreja Santa Augusta. 0 nome do senhor e Paulo
fale coma parta Mendontya.
falemos com amos partamos Telefonista E seu nome senhora?
falem com am partam Marli Eu sou Marli Ferreira.
Telefonista Esta bern. Uma ambulancia esta a caminho_

- 188 - - 189

ajuda(a) help quebrada, partida broken Eles tinham comido muito They had eaten a lot
mexer to move parou stopped Maria tinha falado com ele Mary had spoken with him
que aconteceu? _ what happened? idiota idiot antes de sair before going out
estava atravessando was crossing demora take a while
tinha chegado had arrived escute listen
de repente suddenly ferido injured 3 The passive
bateu hit foi quebrada was broken
esta a caminho is on the way
With most actions, there are two ways of expressing what has hap-
pened. Look at these two examples:
1) Paulo quebrou a perna Paul broke his leg
A perna foi quebrada The leg was broken (by .. .)
~----- Gramatica
Statement 1) is known as an active sentence, where the subject of the
verb actively carries out the action. Statement 2) is called a passive
sentence, because the object in fact becomes the subject, or is acted
1 Imperfect upon by someone or something, known as the agent.
In unit 14 you saw how you could use the verb estar plus the gerund The passive is constructed using SER plus the past participle of the
-the 'ing' part of the verb (ando/endo/indo) to make an action that relevant verb, used as an adjective. If you want to say who or what
is currently happening. You can also do this using the imperfect of the agent was/is, you introduce it with POR (by). For example:
estar and the gerund to describe an action in the past which was in A janela foi fechada pela The window was closed by the
the middle of happening, e.g. Estava atravessando I was crossing. professors teacher
This is used more commonly than the pure imperfect on its own - Os soldados foram mortos The soldiers were killed
atravessava I was crossing. Eu fui mordido por uma I was stung by a bee
2 The past part 3 ESTAR and the past participle used as an adjective conveys the
STATE something is in as a result of an action, e.g.
If you want to describe an action which took place and was completed
before another past action began, you use a tense known as the plu- Ajanela estava fechada The window was closed
perfect. In English it corresponds to had done. Look at these examples Ele estava perdido He was lost
in English:
When he arrived home, she had (already) gone out.
We were sure he had told us a lie.
l!J Atividades
And from the dialogue: 1 Can you now:
Tinha chegado... quando de I had arrived... when (a) Say that you don't feel at all well
repente suddenly.... (b) Ask your husband/wife where it hurts
This tense is often used in relating incidents, or giving a report of a (c) Ask if the chemist has anything for toothache
sequence of events. (d) Ask what he has for migraines
It is formed using the imperfect of TER, plus the past participle. For

- 190 -

(e) Ask what has happened Accident where? How many Injuries? Exact
if> Tell the emergency services that there's been an accident on Name of caller? injured? location?
2 Link up the statements with the pictures 5 Place the correct past form of the verb and give any other
information required to complete the sentences.
(a) A escola ser/estar [closed) durante as
ferias .
(b ) Os presentes ser/estar [given) aos turistas
[by the hotel owner] _ __
(c) As portas ser/estar [open] _ __
(d) Eu ser/estar [invited] _ __
(e) A carla ser/estar [written] [by Luis]

(j) Os sapatos ser/estar muito [dirty] _ __

6 Complete your part of the dialogue at the chemist's.
You (ask if the pharmacist has anything for a headache)
Farm. Sim, temos estas aspirinas que sao boas, ou tern estes
You (say you'll take the aspirins)
(a) Tern coisa para (d) Ela tern uma dor nos
Farm. E s6?
insola~ao? olhos You (say no, what do you have for allergies?)
(b) D6i-me a barriga (e) Meu marido tern uma dor Farm. Tern este creme repelente, se e alergia a insetos, ou
de cabe~a estes comprimidos antihistaminicos.
(c) J oao bateu o dedo if> Cortei a perna. Preciso You (say I'll take a bottle of the cream. How much is that
dum band-aid please?)
3 Link up the two parts of each sentence, and form the second verb Farm. Sao 6 reais e 40 centavos por favor.
(in brackets) in t he subjunctive. You (say thank you and goodbye)
(a) Esperamos que i)eles [ESTUDAR] tanto
(b) Sinto muito que ii)n6s [GANHARJ muito din.heiro
(c) Eincrivel que iii)sua filha [MELHORAR]
- - - - - Dicas culturais
(d) Ela duvida que iu) Sonia [ESTARJ doente
(e) E possivel que u) ele me [AMAR] • It's advisable to have any injections before you get to Brazil, drink
if> Espero que vi) ele [VIR] hoje only bottled water and avoid any shellfish which may not be freshly
caught. Chemists can be extremely helpful; hospital treatment is
1214 Listen to the phone call to the emergency services and write down
the following information.
chaotic, although there is an excellent hospital in Sao Paulo. Most
medication is available, but take supplies if you are travelling inland
or into the Amazon.
• Avoid undue contact with police if you can help it!

- 1Q2 - - 193

tzl----- Dialogo 4
It's time for Sylvia to leave. The Ferreiras have taken her to the
airport and are saying goodbye.
Jose Sylvia, foi tao born te ver outra vez. Volte logo - sabe que
tern uma casa aqui sempre. Sera sempre bem-vinda.
Sylvia Obrigada Jose. E Marli tambem, obrigada por tudo. Foi uma
ON UNITS 10-18
visita fantastica, e voces foram muito generosos. Espero-os
la na Inglaterra, ta? A proxima vez voces vao ficar conosco.
Marli Foi um prazer te conhecer finalmente. Jose tinha falado
tanto em ti. Volte sempre, e nossos cumprimentos ao resto
da fanu1ia. Leve consigo estes Cds da nossa musica.
Sylvia Que legal! Gilberta Gil, Milton Nascimento, Simone, alguns
dos meus musicos preferidos. Obrigada e ate a proxima. In this unit you will have further practice of the grammatical points
Jose Se Deus quiser. and vocabulary items from units 10-18. You may wish to revise the
Sylvia E se eu ganhar na loteria! Adeus. Tchau tchau! Gramatica sections before you begin, or use this unit as a progress
test. All the answers are in the Key on page 201.
volte logo come back soon musicos preferidos favourite singers 1 Form adverbs from the words in brackets.
por tudo for everything se Deus quiser hopefully/god
generosos kind willing (a) [subito] vi meu amigo na pra~a.
foi um prazer it was a pleasure se eu ganhar na loteria If I win the (b) [final] os alunos terminaram o exame.
finalmente finally lottery (c) Sai daqui [imediato] !
em ti about you volte sempre come back again (d) Nao entendo esta lingua [facil] _ __
(e) [aparente] , ela so tern treze anos!
(f) Ela esta [temponirio] fora do pais.
(g) Os dois irmaos cantam muito [maul _ __
~----- Sumario 2 Change the verbs from the present tense to the preterite.
(a ) Elas nao [compreende] muito.
niio me sinto nada hem I don't feel at all well (b) Todos os trenes [partem] tarde.
0 que voce tem? what's the matter? (c) Eu [vendo] fotografias.
me doi/doem my ... hurt Is (d) Maria e Sonia [chegam] de taxi.
niio se preocupe don't worry (e) Pedro [esta] no hospital.
tem alguma cois a para...? do you have anything for ... ? (f) Voces [percebem] tudo?
o que tem para ...? what do you have for ... ? (g) Voce [tern] dinheiro?
espero que melhore I hope you get better (h) [tiramos] as malas do hotel.
que aconteceu? what (has) happened?
houve um acidente there's been an accident 3 Form the imperfect tense correctly in these examples.
volte sempre come back (again) (a) Quantos anos [ter] voce quando foi para a Alemanha?
(b) Durante as ferias nos [acordar) tarde todos OS dias.

- 194 - - 195

(c) Eu [estar] tomando banho quando ele telefonou. 7 Write the answers to these sums in full in Portuguese.
(d) Eles [sentir-se] cansados depois de trabalhar todo o
dia. (a) 53+ 72 = - - -
(e) Ela s6 [querer] comprar uma coisa - uma blusa (b) 14+9= _ __
amarela! (c) 180 - 25 = _ __
({) Antigamente, ele [ir] ao cinema cada semana. (d) 250+5= _ __
(e) 46 + 362 = _ __
4 Decide whether you should use por or para in each example, ({) 841 + 659 = - --
making any necessary changes to por. (g) 1200 + 20 = - - -
(h) 5 X 500 = - - -
(a) Vamos passar [por/para] a praya. (i) 25,364- 63 = - --
(b) Quanto dinheiro ganha [por/para] ano? (j) 123,801 + 99 = - --
(c) A loja tem tudo [por/para] crian~as.
(d) A porta foi fechada [por/para] a senhora. 8 Are the following numbers written correctly in Portuguese? If
(e) Eu vou lpor/para] a cidade. they are not, give the correct form in full.
(f) Eles fizeram um bolo [por/para] mim. I'IX correct version
(g) 0 banco fica [por/para] aqui. (a) 531 = quinhentos e trinta e um 0
(b) 1,250 = mil, duzentos e cinqiienta 0
5 Choose the correct form of ter, and form the past participle of the
(c) 348 = trezentos e quarenta e nove 0
verbs in capitals, to form sentences using the pluperfect tense.
(d) 96 = noventa e seis 0
(a) Maria e Lu tinha IR_ao cinema quando eu cheguei. (e) 5,221 = cinco mil, duzentos e 0
(b) Eu tinha COMPRAR--um novo carro. trinta e um
(c) 0 professor tinha F ALAR__muito antes de terminar (f) 26,860 =vinte e seis mil, 0
(d) Eu e Jose tinham a aula. novecentos e sessenta
(e) Sra Guedes tinhamos COMER_pouco. (g) 72 = setenta e dois 0
({) Voces tinham SUBIR_ao quarto quando o (h) 28 =vinte e oito 0
marido telefonou. 9 Choose the appropriate past participle from the box for each
VIVER_na Fran~a. sentence to form a passive. Make it agree with the noun/pronoun.
6 Change the verbs in capitals into the present subjunctive. (a) 0 gato foi pelo cao.
(b) A porta foi _ __ morto
(a) Espero que voce TER uma boa viagem. decepcionado
(c) Eles foram pelos soldados.
(b) Ana quer que o filho ESTUDAR bem. (d ) 0 carro foi _ __
(c) Talvez ela FAZER um bolo delicioso. mordido
(e) As casas foram pelo
(d) Duvidamos que voces ABRIR seus livros hoje. destruido
terremoto (earthquake).
(e) Eestranho que eles nao IR a escola. ({) Eu (fem) fui _ __ aberto
({) Talvez nos nao F ALAR muito bem.

196 - 197 -
10 Can you find ten items offood or drink in this wordsearch?

0 B M E y 0 K G s L 21

T s A N D u i c H E
N 0 L E I T E y 0 G 3 I I j
9 .
u p J F A R u p J u r--
4 .
s A c N v M A c N M I I I
E y 0 E y 0 K G s E
1 I 1 TO •

R 0 J I E u Q R u s r--

p A c; (J c A R u p J ---
F A c N w T I L H D
l I I

z v M Q R 0 H N I v
I f--


11 Follow the numerical guidance, and fill in ten months of the year
1 I '--

on the grid. 12 Select an adjective from each box to form opposites.

Across: 1 o decimo-primeiro mes
2 o quinto mes (a) alto (i) magro
3 o segundo (b) gordo (ii) chato
4 o quarto (c) velho (iii) feio
5 o decimo-segundo (d) interessante (iv) horrivel
6 0 setimo (e) simpatico (v) baixo
Down: 7 o primeiro mes (f) bonito (vi) jovem
8 0 nono mes
9 o terceiro
10 o decimo

- 198 - - 199 -

13 Can you find ten parts ofthe body in this wordsearch?

0 L H 0 K G s M A 0
K G s X B Q R u p J KEY TO
F A c N Q D 0 K G s
X B c A B E c; A c N
A c N 0 K D A c N p
N w c N R 0 R u p E
R A c N w E B Q R u
E y R u p J L H D z
p J F I L H D H D z Unit 1 Unit2
v M E y z v M E A c
Verdadelro ou falso? Verdadelro ou falso?
(a) F (b) F (c) V (a) f(b) f(c) v (d ) f (e) v

Exerciclo Verdadelro ou falso?

(1) b (2) b (3) a (a) f (b) f (c) v

Exercfcfo Atividades
(a) Boa, Bern, (b) e(c) muito 1 Nao, sou de Birmingham. IE
grande e industrial. I Sim, tenho um
Ativldades filho. I Ele se chama David. Tern 28
1 (a) hom dia/boa tarde/boa noite anos e e professor de frances. I Sim,
(tarde (b) obrigado/a, tchau (c) trabalho numa empresa
sou/meu nome e X (d) Tern un internacional. 2 (a) iii (b) v (c) i
(d) ii (e) iv 3 (1) a (2) b (3) b (4) a
apartamento reservado em meu
nome? (e) Oi, tudo bern? 2 Aqui 4 (a) cinco/pequenas (b) brasiJeira
esta. I Sim, sou. I Oito dias. I Tchau (c) filhos interessantes (d) hist6rica
(adeus) 3 (a) sete (b) catorze (c) (e) dois vinhos alemiies
dezessete (d) onze (e) treze 4 (i) Compreende?
dezoito 18 (ii) dez 10 5 (a) ii (b) iv
(c) i (d) ili (e) v 6 (a) John Harris (1) 22-years-old (2) very big, modern,
(b) Liverpool (c) 6 days (d) room 12 very interesting, (3) no (4) language
student, school secretary
Compreende? (5) OLa John,
(1) female (2) false (3) true
Tudo hem? Eu estou muito bern. Vou
(4) en-suite (5) false te dizer urn pouco sobre quem sou.
Meu nome e Gary, tenho dezenove
anos e sou de Bristol. E uma cidade

200 - 201 -

muito bonita- hist6rica, a turistica. (c) Brazil (d) France (e) England (c) reading/music Compreende?
Sou casado e tenho urn filho, Robert. 5 Desculpe, sabe se ha um mercado
por aqui? I Sabe se esta aberto agora? Verdadeiro ou falso? (1) salads (2) eat fruits, not sweet
Sou estudante de tecnologia.
Tchau, Gary. I Sao dez e um quarto (quinze).l Fica things, (3) make a dinner (4) have a
(a)t (b) f(c)t good salt bath (5) relax a lot (6)
Ionge? I Obrigado/a, adeus (tchau).
6 (a) fica (b) ali (c) aqueles (d) massage
Unit3 terceira (e) para
1 (a) ii {b) v (c) i (d) iv {e) iii 2
Verdadeiro ou falso? Compreende (a) conhet;o (b) sabe (c) sei (d) UnitS
conhece (e) conhecem 3 Speaker
(a) f(b) t (c) t (d) t (e) f (1) post office (2) Gomes Sa Street (3) Exercicio
1=C, 2=A, 3=B 4 Adoro nadar,
Nascimento Street (4) 4 p.m. (5) no vou a piscina aos sabados. I Sim, um
Exercfcio (a) v (b) f(c) f
pouco. I Prefiro a musica jazz.
(a) sim (b) nao (c) nao UnitS Francisco, o que voce faz no tempo Exercicio
livre? I Tambem gosto do teatro, mas
Atividades os ingressos sao bastante caros. (a) yes (b) no (c) yes
1 (a) e (b) sao (c) esta (d) e Compreende? Atividades
(a) grande (b) num cafe (c) muito
(e)sou/sou 2 Nao, sou de
1 Vinhos I Mary Black I High 1 (a) Tern uma mesa livre? (b)
Brighton. IE uma cidade pequena ao Exercicio
sui de Inglaterra. I Sim e bastante Street, no. 10 I CEP 23410 Centro I Somos cinco. (c) Ni:io tenho sede. (d)
perto. 3 (a) i (b) ii (c) ii (d) iii (e) (a) f (b) v (c) f Southampton Hants. 2 (a) violi:io Que vai pedir? (e) Gart;om por favor.
(b) meci:inica geral (c) desenho (f) A conta por favor. 2 (a) sigam
iii 4 (1) Santos (2) Cantanduva (3)
Campinas (4) Piracicaba (5) Uberaba Atividades artistico e publicitario (b) fat;a (c) beba (d) repitam (e) falem
(0 traga 3 Para comet;a.r uma
1 (a) saio de casa (b) comet;a o sopa de legumes. I Ovelha com arroz
Compreende? trabalho (c) 12.45 (d) 1.30 (e) 18.05 Unit 7 e salada. I Uma cerveja e uma jarra
(1) f (2) f(3 ) v (4) f 2 (a) as sete e meia (b) as quinze de agua. 4 sobremesa I hoje I
para as nove (c) as duas e meia (d) as Exercicio sorvete I baunilha I aveli:i I sim 5
quatro e 25 (e) a uma e quinze (f) as (a) tenho fome (b) tern calor (c) temos
Unit4 dez para as oito 3 (a) A Alemanha c sono (d) tern frio (e) tern sede 6
e a cento e trinta e cinco quilometros (a) iii (b) ii (c) i (d) iv 7 (a) dessert
Exercicio da Frant;a. (b) 0 Brasil Exercicio (b) drink (c) drink (d) starter (e) main
(a) no (b) yes (c) no
e a mil, oitocentos e noventa e seis {a) sapatos (b) 39 (c) R85 meal(/) side dish (g) starter (h ) side
quil. do Mexico. (c) A Inglaterra a e dish
Verdadeiro ou falso? mil, duzentos e quarenta e sete quil. Atividades
de Portugal. (d) Os Estados Unidos Compreende?
(a) t (b) f(c) f sao a duzentos e oitenta e tres quil. 1 (a) ii (b) iii (c) i (d) vi (e) v
do Canada. 4 (a) iii (b) i (c) v 2 Tern saias? I Acho que eo 42.1 Laura - creme de aspargos, omelete,
Exercfcio (d ) ii (e) iv Tern em azul-claro? I Quanto e, fruta. Marcelo - canja, frango, doce
(custa)? I Levo esta em azul e aquela de COco. 8ergio - lula frita, espeto
(a) b (b) a (c) a misto, pudim de caramelo. You- no
Compreende? em preto. I Obrigada 3 (a) compre
I Buy the blouse! (b) comam I Eat the starter, bife na brasa, sorvete. Rita -
Atividades (1) true (2) Portuguese (3) D (4) A canja, peixe, fruta.
bread! (c) vao I Go through (by) here!
(5) false (6) E- airport (d) fat;a I Don't be noisy! (e) trabalhe I
1 (a) Ha urn at;ougue por aqui?
(b) Onde ha um correio? (c) Que horas Work hard! (0 falem I Don't talk a
lot! 4 (a) boots {b) 39 (c) brown (d) Unit9
sao? (d) Sao 2 e meia. (e) Na Alemanha Unit6 too big {e) R98
chove (um) pouco. 2 (a) iii (b) i (c) iv
(d) ii (e) v 3 (a)farmacia (b) Atividades
mercado (c) cafe Silvana (d) prat;a
1 (a) meus (b) sua/ a amiga dele {c)
D.Pedro 4 (a) Mexico (b) Japan (a)spo~(b)spo~ nossa (d) suas/ as irmi:is delas (e) sua

- 202 - - 203 -

2 (a) Pode me levar ao centro da 11 (a) vestido (b) saia (c) cal~s (d) Unit 11 (c) Vietnam (d) both (e) 2 (fJ
cidade? (b) Boa viagem! (c) A que sapato (e) camisa (/) blusa (g) chapeu autobiography
horas parte a pr6ximo onibus (de (h ) luvas (i) casaco (j) gravata 12
luxo) para o Rio? (d) Tern troco para vermelho/roxo/verdelazul/marrom/
uma nota de R50? (e) 0 que fa~o para rosalbranco/preto/amarelo 13 1 (al odeia a rede (b) niio gosto dos Unit 13
chegar na pra~a Miraflores? (/) Across: (1) supermercado (2) banco cachimbos (c) preferirnos a ceramica
Conhece urn born restaurante aqui? (6) sapataria (7) mercado (8) quiosque (d) gosta dos b1incos (e) adoram os Verdadeiro ou falso?
3 A que horas parte o pr6ximo Down: (3) correio (4) a~ougiie (5) artigos de couro 2 (a) mim (b) (a) f(b) f(c) v (d) f
onibus para Fortaleza? I Queria urn livraria (9) cafe (10) cinema. deles (c) nela (d) si (e) voce 3 (a) 1
bilhete de ida e volta. I Tern (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) 2 (e) 2 4 Estou
troco para uma nota de R100? I procurando presentes para minha
0 onibus sai de onde? Unit 10 familia./ Tern uma rede? I Quanto e? Ativ idades
4 (a) iv (b) i (c) v (d) iii (e) ii I Que tern para senhoras? I Vou levar 1 Boa tarde, quanto custa enviar
5 dflaldlg/blelh Exercicio a rede, e esta tape~aria. este pacote a Alemanha por favor? I
Compreende? (a) R$360 (b) no (c) no Born, queria enviar o pacote e
tambem queria dez selos./ Nao, tres
(1) T (2) F (3) F (4) T (5) T (6) F Exercicio (1) 17 (2) from next year (3) 40 (4) para Es panha e sete para Inglaterra.
school (5) guarana and other soft I Obrigado/a, onde e a caixa? 2
Any 3 of: air-conditioning not
drinks (6) a) coelhinho, Buys: ovos I biscoitos I pres unto I
Revision Unit 1 working I tap won't close I pillow
b) quadrinhos, c) aulas cerveja I pii.ezinhos./ Not available:
dirty I blinds don't open properly
a~ucar/mel. I Extra item: olive oil-
1 o/alaslo/os urnalunslurnaslum/urna azeite. 3 (a) este (b) essa (c)
2 (a) este (b) essa (c) Aqueles (d) Atividades Unit 12 aqueles (d) estes (e) essas 4 As
destas (e) Esses (/) Aquela or Esta 1 Born dia, tern urn apartarnento per tape 5 (a) Eu posso alugar
3 (a) Tudo (b) Todas (c) todo (d) livre? I Simples por favor. Com Exercicio urn carro aqui? (b) E para oito dias,
toda (e) tudo (/) Todas 4 (a) trinta banheiro./ Para tres dias. I Quanto e com~ando de hoje. (c) 0 que fa~o
e seis (b) cento e cinqiienta e dois (c) (a) Aliens (b) nii.o (c) satirica (d )
por noite? I (Esta bern). Onde fica o para chegar no Rio? (d) Parece que
quinhentos (d) mil, trezentos e vinte apartarnento? 2 (a) iii (b) i (c) v tarde (e) taxi estou perdido/a. (e) Ponha doze litros
e urn (e) cinco mil e oitocentos (/) (d) iv (e) ii or iii (/) i (g) i 3 Twin/ de alcool por favor. (/) Pode verificar
doze mil, seiscentos e cinqiienta e with bathroom/3/Saturday/135/R$38
Atividades a agua para mim? 6 (a) aberto or
quatro (g) vinte e cinco mil, per person 4 (a) Desculpe, o garfo 1 (a) Por que nao vamos ao museu? fechado (b) abertas or fechadas (c)
novecentos e noventa e nove (h) cern esta sujo. (b) ... o ar-condicionado nao (b) A que horas come~ o filme? (c) 0 feitos (d) paga (e) escrita
mil (i) catorze (j) noventa e cinco esta funcionando. (c) ... a torneira concerto termina as dez e meia (d) 7 unleaded /18 litres I no I R$11
5 (a) 899 (b) 723 (c) 468 (d) 2,501
(e) 4,802 (/) 7,554 (g) 11,100 (h)
esta. pingando. (d) ... o prato esta Que boa exposi~o! (e) Voce meu e 8 Born dia I proibido I pra~ I
partido. (e) ... falta uma collier. 5 convidado Joao (/) Voltamos de perdida I Rio I direita I sinais I
68,336 (i) 105 (j) 307 6 (a) comem (a) ir (b) comer (c) terminar (d) ver onibus? 2 (a) eu me (b) lhe (c) te segunda I esquerda I estrada
(b) falo (c) vai (d) parte (e) fazemos (/) (e) beber (d) ele (e) lo 3 (a) ii (b) i (c) ii (d)
viaja (g) escrevem (h ) cornpreendem Star Wars (e) 8.30 (/) i 4 Por que Compreende?
7 (a) e (b) esta (c) etfica (d) estao (e) Compreende? nii.o vamos alrn~ar naquele barzinho
sao/ficam <fl sao (g) etfica (h) e (a) ii (b) i (c) iv (d) rii (e) viii(/) v (g)
(1) leaflet and gift (2) Villa Rossa, ali? I Venha, eu te convido e sou e ix (h) vi (i) X (j) xi (k) iii ([) vll
8 (a) terno ii (b) ha vii (c) temos quem pago. /lnsisto, voce e
viii (d) ha iii (e) tenho vi ({l tern Hotel Santa Branca (3) Itambuca,
Tres Poderes (4) Full board (5) 3 meulminha convidadola./ Vamos.
i (g) tern iv (h) ha v 9 (a) Fale
(b) coma (c) Feche (d) a bram (e) (6) children up to 10-years-old in 5 (a) no aviii.o da Unit 14
parents' room (7) Santa Branca (b) trem das 2 horas (c) de taxi/ape
Bebam (/) subam (g) corn~e (h ) (d) no carro de
Preencha 10 (1) arnericanos (2) (8) Tres Poderes Atividades
Inglaterra (3) espanhol (4) Brasil (5) Compreende? 1 (a) Que vai fazer quarta feira a
Fran~ (6) alemaes (7} gregos (8)
tarde Paul? (b) Estarei Ia as dez e
Italia (9) chines (10) Alemanha Film A=iii I B=i I C=ii Ia) A (b) B
meia. (c) Por que nao vamos nadar?

- 204 - - 205 -

(d) A que horas nos encontramos? (e) levantaram cedo. (b) Ela correu Unit 17 Esteves 5 (a) estava fechada (b)
Estou livre a partir das quatro e rapidamente. (c) Elas cantaram mal. forarn dados pelo dono (c) estavam
quinze. (/) Alo, quem fala? 2 (a) (d) N6s falamos devagar. (e) Eu abertas (d) fui convidado/a (e) foi
Carlos Silves (b) Banco do Brasil (c) toquei piano bern. 6 Inglaterra/ Atividades escrita por Luis {j) estavam sujos 6
Thurs a.m. (d) French lesson (e) golf teatro/ visitei/ palacio/ Grecia/ 1 (a) Ravia uma blusa na vitrine Tern alguma coisa para dor de
(/) 11.45 (g) hospital 3 Examples: gregos/ interessantes/ danc;a/ Sao de que gostei. (b) Estava a di.reita da ca~a? I Levo as aspirinas./ Nao,
(a) Amanha eu comprarei urn carro. Paulo/ 5 dias/ Brasilia vi trine. (c) Ela era baixa, tinha que tern para alergias? I Levo urn
(b) 0 mesque vern n6s visitaremos cabelo comprido e olhos azuis. (d) Ele frasco do creme. Quanto e por favor?
Alemanha. (c) No domingo Cristina Com preen de? tinha provavelmente 40 e tantos Obrigado/a, adeus.
fara urn bolo. (d) 0 pr6ximo ano eles (1) Estados Unidos. (2) Muito quente. anos. (e) Nao e mais interessante
ganharao a loteria. (e) Depois de (3) Michael Jackson e atores. (4) Nao hoje em dia? ({J Nadavamos todos os
amanba a Sra Lopes escrevera uma muito saudavel. (5) Discoteca. (6) dias. 2 (a) fui (b) era (c) Revision Unit 2
carta. 4 (a) eles estao dormindo Falta de guarana. (7) Sabado. jantavamos (d) comiam (e) veio (/)
1 (a) subitamente (b) Finalmente
(b) ela esta comendo {c) n6s estamos estava 3 Body i =dress, long hair
estudando (d) eu estou andando (e) ii = t-shirt, skirt, short hair, glasses (c) Imediatamente (d) facilmente (e)
elas estao falando 5 (a)f(b) t (c) t Aparentemente (/) temporariamente
iii =hat, moustache, shirt, trousers
(d) f(e)f{j) t 6 (a) vi (b) iii (c) i (g) mal 2 (a) compreenderarn (b)
4 (a) iamos ii (b) brincavamos iv
(d) ii (e) iv {j) v Unit 16 (c) tinhamos i (d) estudavamos v
partirarn (c) vendi (d) chegaram (e)
(e) passavamos iii 5 Ravia uma esteve {j) perceberam {g) teve (h)
Compreende? Exercfcio Tiramos 3 (a) tinha {b)
camisa na vitrine, mas ja nao esta
mais Ia. I Era preta e feita de Ia./ acordavamos (c) estava (d)
(a) novembro (b) festas (c) flores (d) (a) dois quadros (b) feira-hippy (c) (e) queria {j) ia 4 {a) pela (b) por
Estados Unidos (e) ano ({)cores pedras preciosas Estava a esquerda da vi trine detras
{c) para (d) pela (e) paralpela {j) para
(1) nature (2) roses, plants, flowers, das cal'<3s./ Nao obrigado/a. 86 queria
(g) por 5 (a) tinharn ido (b) tinha
(3) new varieties of rose, 15 different Atividades aquela. 6 (a) iii (b) ii (c) i (d) iv
comprado (c) tinha falado (d)
colours of petunia (4) 1954 1 (a) todas as semanas (b) todos os tinhamos comido (e) tinha subido (/)
anos (c) todos os ... custam (d) todos tinham vivido 6 (a) tenha (b)
os dias (e) todas as pessoas ganham (1) era (2) defendia (3) brigava (4) estude (c) fa'<3 (d) abram (e) vao {j)
Unit 15 cheguei (5) criei (6) estavarn (7) achei falemos 7 (a) Cento e vinte e
(/) todos os meses 2 Comprei-o (o
comprei) na feira-hippy na pra~ta./ (8) consegui (9) veio (10) com~os cinco (b) Vinte e tres (c) Cento e
Exercfcio Nao muito. S6 42 reais. Gosta? I (a) t (b) t (c) f(d) f(e) t (/) f cinqiienta e cinco (d) Cinqiienta (e)
(1) c (2) a (3) b Comprou alguma coisa? I Que livro Quatrocentos e oito {j) Mil e
mais interessante! 3 (a) carro quinhentos {g) Sessenta (h) Dois mil
Atividades nosso (b) estas botas minhas (e) este
Unit 18 e quinhentos (i) Vinte e cinco mil,
gato de Jose (d) esta casa sua (e) trezentos e urn (JI Cento e vinte e
1 (a) Visitou o museu? (b) Ficamos Verdadeiro ou falso? tres mile novecentos 8 (a)./ (b)./
duas semanas na ltalia. (c) Quando estes livros deles 4 (1) went to
Spain 2 years ago (2) visited Taj (a) t (b) f(c)f (c) X trezentos e quarenta e oito (d) ./
voltaram de Nova Iorque? (d) Tern (e) X cinco mil, duzentos e vinte e urn
Mahal 3 months ago (3) had lunch
algum recado para mim? (e) Acabo de {j) X vinte e seis mil, oitocentos e
~ hour ago (4) went to cinema 5 Atividades
chegar no hotel. {j) Os italianos sessenta (g) ./ (h) ./ 9 (a) mordido
falarn tao rapidarnente. 2 (a) days ago
1 (a) Nao me sinto nada hem. (b) (b) aberta (c) mortos {d) vendido (e)
comi (b) comprararn (c) partimos (d) Compreende? Onde d6i? (c) Tern alguma coisa para destuidas {j) decepcionada 10
gostaram (e) escreveu 3 (a) viu dor dos dentes? (d) (0) que tern para sopa/paolvinhola~tucarllegumes/
(b) fiz (c) pusemos (d) foram (e) teve (1) umbrella (2) restaurant Mineiro enxaquecas? {e) Que aconteceu? (/) sanduiche/presunto/queijo/
4 Voltei ontem a tarde. Cheguei (3) 20 minutes ago (4) company name Rouve urn acidente na rua Campo. cervejalleite 11 (1) novembro (2)
aqui as tres e vinte e cinco./ Sim, (5) shop doorway 2 (a) iii (b) iv (c) v (d) vi (e) ii (/) i maio (3) fevereiro (4) abril (5)
muito. Andei na praia em 3 (a) iii melhore (b) iv esteja (c) dezembro (6) julho (7) janeiro (8)
Copacabana, visitei o Pao de Ac;ucar i estudem (d) vi venha (e) ii setembro (9) illaf'<O (10 outubro
e vi as favelas. I Sim, comi feijoada e ganhemos {j) v arne 4 D Pedro 12 (a) v (b) i (c) vi {d) ii (e) iv (/)iii
provei a caipirinha. 5 (a) Eles se square /2/ broken arm, cut leg I 13 bra~tolperna/ca~mao/olho
corner with Main Street I Alexandra dedo/boca/pe/orelha/nariz

206 - - 207 -

carteira (a) wallet, purse dia (o) day

casa (al house detras de behind
casado/a married dificil difftcult
casal couple, double dinheiro (o) money
cataratas (as) u•aterfalls diz says
cedo early
durante during
duzia (a) dozen
-ENGLISH centro (o) centre
chamo-me/me chamo my name is
e and
e is
VOCABULARY chave (a) key
chega arriues
em in, on
em frente de in front of
chope (o) lager
em gera l genera.lly
chuva (a) rain
empresa (a) business, company
cidade (a} town, city
encher to fill
clube (o) social club
enderet;o (o) address
co isa (a) thing
adireita on the right banco(o) bank
com with
enorme enormous
a esquerda on the left banheiro (o) bathroom
come he/she eats
entiio well then
ape on foot barco (o) boat
comemos we eat
entre in between
abafado close, hot barulhentola noisy escola (a) school
comida (a) food
aberto open bastante quite escrit6rio (o) offtce
como e? what is it like? Espanha (a) Spain
advogado/a lawyer bern well
comprar to buy
aeroporto (o) airport bem-vindo/a welcome espanhois Spanish (pl.)
comprimido (o) pill
agenda (a) diary bicicleta (a) bicycle esquina (a) corner
conhecer to get to know
agora now bilhete (o) ticket esta bern O.K.
contra against
aguardente (o) firewater blusa (a) blouse estat;ao (a) station
cor (a) colour
alcool (o) alcohol bolsa (a) bag este/esta this
correio (o) post office
alo hello born good, right then estilo (o) style
couro (o) leather
amigos (os) friends bonito pretty estou bern I'm well
cultura (a) culture
andar (o) floor botas (as) boots estrada (a) highway
cultural cultural
anos (os) years estudante student
ca here custa it costs
antigo/a old eu I
cada . . . euery ...
ao fundo at the back daqui from here
cafe (o) cafe/coffee fala? do you speak?
ao I ado de next to de nada don't mention it
cafe da manha breakfast falo I speak
aos sabados on Saturdays de on de e? where are you from? familia (a) family
caixa (a) cash desk, till
apartamento (o) room de onde sao? where are you from?
calt;as (as) trousers fat;a favor de ... please...
aquelelaquela that (pl.)
cama (a) bed farmacia (a) chemist's
aqui here . de vez em quando sometimes
camisa (a) shirt feijoada (a) bean stew
arroz com marisco (o) seafood nee debaixo de underneath ferias (as) holidays
canja (a) chicken broth
as vezes sometimes deixar to leaue fica is situated
capoeira (a) acrobatic dance
aspirina (a) aspirin delicioso/a delicious
cardapio (o) menu ficar to stay
ate until, up to dentro inside ficha (a) form
carne (a) meat
avenida (a) auenue depois then, after filha (a) daughter
caro expenBiue
aviao (o) aeroplane desculpe excuse me fliho (o) son
carro (o) car
azeite (o) oliue oil

- 208 - 209

flores (as) flowers jacare (o) alligator moro /live pastelaria (a) cake shop
fome (a) hunger Japiio {o) Japan mosquitos (os) mosquitoes pedir to ask for
fora outside jogar to play movimentado busy pegar to get, catch
Fran~a (a) France jornais (os) newspapers muitas vezes often pelo menos at least
frango (o) chicken muito very pequeno/a small
Ia, ali there
funcionar to work muito bern very well peras (as) pears
lamento I'm sorry
muito prazer pleased to meet you perto near
garrafa (a) bottle laranjas (as) oranges
mulher (a) wife pessoalmente personally
gas61eo (o) diesel leio !read
mundo (o) world picante spicy
gasolina (a) petrol Ieite (o) milk
museu (o) museum pingar to drip
gato (o) cat ler to read
musica (a) music pin tar to paint
gaucho (o) cowboy levo I'll take
piscina (a) swimming pool
gente (a) people limiio (o) lime na in I on the
plastico plastic
gentil kind limpo clean nadar to swim
podem you (pl.) can
geralmente generally Iindo pretty niio no
podemos we can
gosta/am? do you like? linha (a) platform niio funciona it doesn't work
pois well
gostam they like litoral coastal neve (a) snow
polui~ao (a) pollution
gostamos we like litro (o) litre nome (o) name
por to put
gostaria de I would like to livros (os) books nt1mero (o) number
por noite per night
gosto I like loja (a) shop nunca never
por favor please
gra~as a Deus thank goodness Londres London
o que faz? what do you do? porque because
grande big Ionge a long way
obrigado/a thank you porta (a) door
Grecia (a) Greece
mae (a) mother 6culos (os) glasses porto (o) port
ha there is, are maior bigger 6leo (o) oil portugues/esa Portuguese
ha meia hora ~ hour ago mais de more tho n onibus bus posso? may I?
hayja there was, were mais ou menos more or less ontem yesterday postal (o) postcard
hist6rico historical mais tarde later oportunidade (a) opportunity pouquinho (urn) a little bit
hoje today mala (a) suitcase ou~o /listen to pra~a (a) square
hotel (o) hotel manteiga (a) butter outono (o) Autumn preciso de I need
mapa (o) map outros (os) (the) others pre90 (o) price
ida e volta return (ticket)
maravilhoso wonderful ouvir to listen to preencher to /ill in
ida (a) single (ticket)
marido (o) husband ovos (os) eggs prefere he she, you prefer(s)
idade (a) age
mariscos (os) seafood preferem they, you prefer
igualmente likewise pacote (o) packet
mas but preferimos we prefer
incluindo including pai (o) father
medico/a doctor prefiro I prefer
indios (os) indians pais (o) country
meio quilo half a kilo presunto (o) smoked ham
informa~oos information pais (os) parents
melhorar to improve primeiro first
ingles/esa English plio (o) bread
mes (o) month problema (o) problem
internacional international para in order to I for
mesa (a) table professor teacher
interessante interesting para n6s for us
mesmo ali right there provar to try, taste
ir to go parte departs
moderno modern provavelmente probably
irma (a) sister partido broken
momento (o) moment proximo nearby
irmiio (o) brother passamos we spend
mora livels puxa! goodness
isso tho t's it passaporte (o) passport
moram they, you live
passar to pass I spend

- 210 - - 211 -

quadro (o) picture sobremesa (a) dessert vende-se/se vende for sale
qual? which? sobrenome (o) surname vento (o) wind
quanto e? lww much is it? somos weare ver to see, watch
quantos/as how rrlany? sorvete (o) icecream verao (o) summer
quarto (o) ~ litre bottle sou I am vestido (o) dress
quarto (o) bedroom sou de I am from viagem (a) journey
que tlwt, which sujo dirty vidro (o) window, glass
que mais? what else? suco (o) fruit juice vinho (o) wine
que tal? lww about? vir to come
tamanho (o) size
queijo (o) cheese vista (a) view
tambem also
quem? who? vive lives
tao so
quente hot
tarde (a) afternoon xarope (o) syrup, remedy
quer wants
taxi (o) taxi
quilo (o) kilo
tchau bye
rapido fast telenovelas (as) soap-operas
rece~ao (a) reception televisao (a) television
recomendo I recommend tern they have
refei~s (as) meals tern ..? doyouhave .. ?
refeit6rio (o) canteen temos we have
refrigerante (o) soft drink tempo (o) time
regiao (a) region tempo de lazer (o) leisure time
reservado reserved tempo livre (o) free time
reservar to reserue tenho I have
revistas (as) magazines terceiro third
roupas (as) clothes terra (a) land, lwmetown
rua (a) rood tipicamente typically
tipico typical
sabe? do you know?
todas as noites every night
saia (a) skirt
todos os elias every day
saida (a) exit
tomar to take
sanduiche (o) sandwich
trabalha you work
sapatos (os) shoes
trabalho I work
saudavel healthy
transeunte passer-by
saude (a) health
trocar to change
se if
tudo everything
se Deus quiser god willing
tudo bern? O.K. ?
selo (o) stamp
sem without urn pouco a bit
sempre always urn pouco de a bit of
senhores (os) you universidade(a) university
sentar-se to sit down
vago free
sentir-se to feel
varios/as various
sim yes
velho/a old
sinais (os) road signs
vende sells

- 212 - - 213 -

um (uma) 1 vinte e um (uma) 21
dois (duas)
quatro 4 cinqiienta 50
cinco 5 sessenta 60
seis 6 setenta 70
sete 7 oitenta 80
oito 8 noventa 90
nove 9 cern (cento) 100
dez 10 cento e um (uma) 101
onze 11 duzentos/as 200 Verbs
doze 12 trezentos/as 300
treze 13 quatrocentos/as 400 Unit
catorze 14 quinhentos/as 500 Commands 7
quinze 15 seiscentos/as 600 Conditional 13
dezesseis 16 setecentos/as 700 Future 7, 13
dezessete 17 oitocentos/as 800 Haver 4,8, 16,17
dezoito 18 novecentos/as 900 Imperfect 17
dezenove 19 mil 1000 Passive voice 18
vinte 20 ummilhiio 1000 000 Past participles 13
Pluperfect 18
Present tense 2, 5
primeir<Ya, 1"/1" first sextola sixth Preterite 15
segund<Ya 2•12• second setim<Ya seventh Progressive tenses 6, 13
terceiro, a, 3•/3• third oitav<Ya eighth Reflexive verbs 2
quarto/a, 4"/4• fourth non<Ya ninth Regular verbs 2, 5
quinto/a 5"/5• fifth decim<Ya tenth Ser/Estar/Ficar 1,2, 3
Spelling changes 8, 15
Subjunctive 18
Ter 2,8, 13

Adjectives 1, 2, 5, 6, 12, 15, 17
Adverbs 15
Articles (the, a) 1
Cada 16

- 214 - 215 -

Contractions 2,4
Demonstratives I, 4, I3
Exclamations I3, I6
Forms of address I
Interrogatives I,12
Nouns 1
Numbers 1, 2, 4, 5
Object pronouns 9, 11, 12
Por/Para 13
Possessives 1,2,3,9, 16,17
Prepositions 3,5,9, 10,15
Subject pronouns I
Suffixes 12
Time 4,5,6,9,12, 13


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