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Donald S. Karcher, Richard A. McPherson

CEREBROSPINAL FLUID, 481 Transudates and Exudates, 498 Specimen Collection, 504
Specimen Collection and Opening Recommended Tests, 498 Recommended Tests, 504
Pressure, 481 Gross Examination, 499 Gross Examination, 504
Indications and Recommended Microscopic Examination, 499 Microscopic Examination, 505
Tests, 482 Chemical Analysis, 500 Chemical Analysis, 505
Gross Examination, 482 Immunologic Studies, 501 Microbiological
Microscopic Examination, 483 Microbiological Examination, 506
Chemical Analysis, 486 Examination, 502 ALTERNATIVE SPECIMENS, 507
Microbiological Examination, 491
PERICARDIAL FLUID, 502 Saliva, 507
SYNOVIAL FLUID, 493 Specimen Collection, 502 Meconium, 507
Specimen Collection, 494 Gross Examination, 502 Hair and Nails, 507
Recommended Tests, 494 Exudates and Transudates, 502 Breath Testing, 507
Gross Examination, 494 Microscopic Examination, 502 Tissue Aspirates, 507
Microscopic Examination, 494 Chemical Analysis, 503 Billing for Tests in Nonstandard
Chemical Analysis, 497 Immunologic Studies, 503 Specimens, 508
Immunologic Studies, 497 Microbiological CHEMICAL MEASUREMENTS IN
Microbiological Examination, 497 Examination, 503 BODY FLUIDS, 508
Specimen Collection, 498 Transudates and Exudates, 503

transported to the cells of the median eminence; and (5) it maintains

KEY POINTS central nervous system ionic homeostasis.
• Determining the etiologic cause of fluid accumulation in various body The concept of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) is derived from dye-
cavities (i.e., joints, chest, abdomen) is critical for proper treatment exclusion (tryphan blue) studies. It consists of two morphologically distinct
of these disorders. components: A unique capillary endothelium held together by intercellular
tight junctions; and the choroid plexus, where a single layer of specialized
• Appropriate laboratory examination of these fluids is therefore critical
choroidal ependymal cells connected by tight junctions overlies fenestrated
for the diagnosis of numerous diseases (i.e., bacterial, viral, and
fungal infections; distinction between various arthritides; primary capillaries. The CSF ionic components (e.g., H+, K+, Ca++, Mg++, bicarbon-
[i.e., mesothelioma] and metastatic malignancies; among others). ate) are tightly regulated by specific transport systems, whereas glucose,
urea, and creatinine diffuse freely but require 2 hours or longer to equili-
• Accurate test interpretation depends on appropriate specimen
brate. Proteins cross by passive diffusion at a rate dependent on the
collection, physician/laboratory communication, analytically sound
plasma-to-CSF concentration gradient and inversely proportional to their
laboratory methods, and reliable reference values.
molecular weight and hydrodynamic volume (Fishman, 1992). Thus, the
BBB maintains the relative homeostasis of the central nervous system
environment during acute perturbations of plasma components.
In adults, approximately 500 mL of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is produced
each day (0.3 to 0.4 mL/min). The total adult volume varies from 90 to
150 mL, about 25 mL of which is in the ventricles and the remainder in Cerebrospinal fluid may be obtained by lumbar, cisternal, or lateral cervical
the subarachnoid space. In neonates, the volume varies from 10 to 60 mL. puncture or through ventricular cannulas or shunts. Details of the perfor-
Thus, the total CSF volume is replaced every 5 to 7 hours (Wood, 1980). mance of lumbar puncture are described elsewhere (Herndon & Brum-
An estimated 70% of CSF is derived by ultrafiltration and secretion back, 1989; Ward & Gushurst, 1992). Respiratory compromise may occur
through the choroid plexuses. The ventricular ependymal lining and the in infants if the head is flexed (Ward & Gushurst, 1992).
cerebral subarachnoid space account for the remainder. CSF leaves the A manometer should be attached before fluid removal to record the
ventricular system through the medial and lateral foramina, flowing over opening pressure. CSF pressure varies with postural changes, blood pres-
the brain and spinal cord surfaces within the subarachnoid space. CSF sure, venous return, Valsalva maneuvers, and factors that alter cerebral
resorption occurs at the arachnoid villi, predominantly along the superior blood flow. The normal opening adult pressure is 90 to 180 mm of water
sagittal sinus. in the lateral decubitus position with the legs and neck in a neutral posi-
The CSF has several major functions: (1) It provides physical support tion. It may be slightly higher if the patient is sitting up and varies up to
because a 1500-g brain weighs about 50 g when suspended in CSF; (2) it 10 mm with respiration. However, the pressure may be as high as 250 mm
confers a protective effect against sudden changes in acute venous (respira- of water in obese patients. In infants and young children, the normal range
tory and postural) and arterial blood pressure or impact pressure; (3) it is 10 to 100 mm of water, with the adult range attained by 6 to 8 years of
provides an excretory waste function because the brain has no lymphatic age (Fishman, 1992). Opening pressures above 250 mm H2O are diagnos-
system; (4) it is the pathway whereby hypothalamus releasing factors are tic of intracranial hypertension, which may be due to meningitis,

Descargado para Dennis Lorena Cárdenas Leal ( en Industrial University of Santander de por Elsevier en septiembre 27, 2019.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
intracranial hemorrhage, and tumors (Seehusen et al, 2003). If the opening BOX 29-1 
29  Cerebrospinal, Synovial, Serous Body Fluids, and Alternative Specimens
pressure is greater than 200 mm H2O in a relaxed patient, no more than Diseases Detected by Laboratory Examination of CSF
2.0 mL should be withdrawn.
Idiopathic intracranial hypertension is most commonly seen in obese High Sensitivity, High Specificity*
women during their childbearing years. When an elevated opening pres- Bacterial, tuberculous, and fungal meningitis
sure is noted, CSF must be removed slowly and the pressure carefully High Sensitivity, Moderate Specificity
monitored. Additional CSF should not be removed if the pressure reaches
Viral meningitis
50% of the opening pressure (Conly & Ronald, 1983).
Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Elevated pressures may be present in patients who are tense or straining
Multiple sclerosis
and in those with congestive heart failure, meningitis, superior vena cava Central nervous system syphilis
syndrome, thrombosis of the venous sinuses, cerebral edema, mass lesions, Infectious polyneuritis
hypoosmolality, or conditions inhibiting CSF absorption. Opening pres- Paraspinal abscess
sure elevation may be the only abnormality in cryptococcal meningitis and
Moderate Sensitivity, High Specificity
pseudotumor cerebri (Hayward et al, 1987). Decreased CSF pressure may
be present in spinal-subarachnoid block, dehydration, circulatory collapse, Meningeal malignancy
and CSF leakage. A significant pressure drop after removal of 1 to 2 mL Moderate Sensitivity, Moderate Specificity
suggests herniation or spinal block above the puncture site, and no further Intracranial hemorrhage
fluid should be withdrawn. Viral encephalitis
Up to 20 mL of CSF may normally be removed. Prior to collecting Subdural hematoma
the sample, the clinician should be aware of the quantity of CSF required
for the requested tests to ensure that a sufficient sample is submitted. In From American College of Physicians, Health and Public Policy Committee: The
diagnostic spinal tap, Ann Intern Med 104:880, 1986, with permission.
addition, the clinician should always provide an appropriate clinical history CSF, Cerebrospinal fluid.
to the laboratory. The sample site (e.g., lumbar, cisternal) should be noted *Sensitivity is the ability of a test to detect disease when it is present; specificity is
because cytologic and chemical parameters vary at different sites. The the ability of a test to exclude disease when it is not present.
necessity for a simultaneous serum glucose should also be considered. This
is best obtained 2 to 4 hours before lumbar puncture because of the delay BOX 29-2 
in serum-CSF equilibrium.
Recommended CSF Laboratory Tests
The CSF specimen is usually divided into three serially collected sterile
tubes: Tube 1 for chemistry and immunology studies; tube 2 for microbio- Routine
logical examination; and tube 3 for cell count and differential. An addi- Opening CSF pressure
tional tube may be inserted in the No. 3 position for cytology if a Total cell count (WBC and RBC)
malignancy is suspected. However, under certain conditions, some varia- Differential cell count (stained smear)
tions are critical. For example, if tube 1 is hemorrhagic because of a Glucose (CSF/plasma ratio)
traumatic puncture, it should not be used when protein studies are the Total protein
most important aspect of the analysis (i.e., suspected multiple sclerosis). Useful Under Certain Conditions
Indeed, tube 3 should be examined for the major purpose of CSF collec-
Cultures (bacteria, fungi, viruses, Mycobacterium tuberculosis)
tion. Perhaps the only definite statement one can make is that tube 1
Gram stain, acid-fast stain
should never be used for microbiology because it may be contaminated
Fungal and bacterial antigens
with skin bacteria. If questions arise, communication between the labora- Enzymes (LD, ADA, CK-BB)
tory and the clinician before CSF analysis is critical. Lactate
Glass tubes should be avoided because cell adhesion to glass affects the Polymerase chain reaction (TB, viruses)
cell count and differential. Specimens should be delivered to the laboratory Cytology
and processed quickly to minimize cellular degradation, which begins Electrophoresis (protein, immunofixation)
within 1 hour of collection. Refrigeration is contraindicated for culture Proteins (C-reactive, 14-3-3, τ, β-amyloid, transferrin)
specimens because fastidious organisms (e.g., Haemophilus influenza, Neis- VDRL test for syphilis
seria meningitidis) will not survive, and for samples in which flow cytometry Fibrin-derivative d-dimer
is likely to be needed for detection of leukemia or lymphoma cells, as Tuberculostearic acid
refrigeration may affect expression and/or detection of certain surface
antigens on these cells. Modified from Kjeldsberg CR, Knight JA: Body fluids: laboratory examination of amni-
otic, cerebrospinal, seminal, serous, and synovial fluids, ed 3, Chicago, 1993, ©
American Society for Clinical Pathology, with permission.
INDICATIONS AND RECOMMENDED TESTS ADA, Adenosine deaminase; CK-BB, creatine kinase-BB; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid;
LD, lactate dehydrogenase; RBC, red blood cell; TB, tuberculosis; VDRL, Venereal
Indications for lumbar puncture can be divided into four major disease Disease Research Laboratories; WBC, white blood cell.
categories: meningeal infection, subarachnoid hemorrhage, primary or
metastatic malignancy, and demyelinating diseases (American College of the unaided eye by observing for Tyndall’s effect (Simon & Abele, 1978).
Physicians, 1986). Identification of infectious meningitis, particularly bac- Here, direct sunlight directed on the tube at a 90-degree angle from the
terial, is the most important indication for CSF examination (Box 29-1). observer will impart a “sparkling” or “snowy” appearance as suspended
Recommended laboratory tests are directed toward identification of these particles scatter the light.
disorders (Box 29-2). CSF examination for other diseases is generally less Clot formation may be present in patients with traumatic taps, com-
helpful but often provides supportive evidence of a clinical diagnosis or plete spinal block (Froin’s syndrome), or suppurative or tuberculous men-
helps to rule out other diseases (Irani, 2009). Limited routine studies fol- ingitis. It is not usually seen in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage.
lowed by reflexive ordering of more focused tests (as needed) on the stored Fine surface pellicles may be observed after refrigeration for 12 to 24
specimen have been advocated as a way of improving test efficiency hours. Clots may interfere with cell count accuracy by entrapping inflam-
(Albright et al, 1988). matory cells and/or by interfering with automated instrument counting.
Viscous CSF may be encountered in patients with metastatic mucin-
producing adenocarcinomas, cryptococcal meningitis due to capsular poly-
GROSS EXAMINATION saccharide, or liquid nucleus pulposus resulting from needle injury to the
Normal CSF is crystal clear and colorless and has a viscosity similar to that annulus fibrosus.
of water. Abnormal CSF may appear cloudy, frankly purulent, or pigment Pink-red CSF usually indicates the presence of blood and is grossly
tinged. Turbidity or cloudiness begins to appear with leukocyte (white bloody when the RBC count exceeds 6000/µL. It may originate from a
blood cell [WBC]) counts over 200 cells/µL or red blood cell (RBC) counts subarachnoid hemorrhage, intracerebral hemorrhage, or cerebral infarct,
of 400/µL. However, grossly bloody fluids have RBC counts greater than or from a traumatic spinal tap.
6000/µL. Microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, amebas), radiographic contrast
material, aspirated epidural fat, and a protein level greater than 150 mg/ Xanthochromia
dL (1.5 g/L) may also produce varying degrees of cloudiness. Experienced Xanthochromia commonly refers to a pale pink to yellow color in the
observers may be able to detect cell counts of less than 50 cells/µL with supernatant of centrifuged CSF, although other colors may be present

Descargado para Dennis Lorena Cárdenas Leal ( en Industrial University of Santander de por Elsevier en septiembre 27, 2019.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
TABLE 29-1  CV is about 48%. A Neubauer hemocytometer with nine 1-mm2 squares
Xanthochromia and Associated Diseases/Disorders with a depth of 0.1 mm has a CV of 45% (+90% for 2 CV) with the same
cell concentration. Improvements in the hardware and software in flow
CSF Supernatant Color Associated Diseases/Disorders cytometers now allow reliable use of these instruments in performing
automated total WBC counts and WBC differential counts (Hoffman &
Pink RBC lysis/hemoglobin breakdown products Janssen, 2002; Aune et al, 2004), and even in detecting bacteria (Nanos &
Yellow RBC lysis/hemoglobin breakdown products Delanghe, 2008) in CSF samples. Although these instruments are increas-
Hyperbilirubinemia ingly used clinically to perform these counts on CSF samples, the low
CSF protein >150 mg/dL (1.5 g/L) clinical decision levels for total WBC count in CSF and persistent techni-
Orange RBC lysis/hemoglobin breakdown products cal limitations of flow cytometers at low WBC levels and with certain
Hypervitaminosis A (carotenoids) WBC types continue to be cause for concern (Hoffman & Janssen, 2002;

Yellow-green Hyperbilirubinemia (biliverdin) Andrews et al, 2005; Glasser et al, 2009; Kleine et al, 2009). When issues
Brown Meningeal metastatic melanoma of turnaround time and cost are considered, however, automated total
WBC and WBC differential counts in CSF samples may be reasonable
CSF, Cerebrospinal fluid; RBC, red blood cell. alternatives to manual counting (Zimmerman et al, 2011; Li et al, 2014),
with added manual examination of the sample to avoid missing pathologic
cell types as a useful cross-check (Strik et al, 2005). When considering use
of automated cell counters with CSF samples, laboratories should carefully
(Table 29-1). To detect xanthochromia, the CSF should be centrifuged and follow manufacturer and Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute
the supernatant fluid compared with a tube of distilled water. Xanthochro- guidelines (CLSI Approved Guideline H56-A, 2006) when implementing
mic CSF is pink, orange, or yellow owing to RBC lysis and hemoglobin these automated methods.
breakdown. Pale pink to orange xanthochromia from released oxyhemo- The normal leukocyte cell count in adults is 0 to 5 cells/µL. It is higher
globin is usually detected by lumbar puncture performed 2 to 4 hours after in neonates, ranging from 0 to 30 cells/µL, with the upper limit of normal
the onset of subarachnoid hemorrhage, although it may take as long as 12 decreasing to adult values by adolescence. No RBCs should be present in
hours. Peak intensity occurs in about 24 to 36 hours and then gradually normal CSF. If numerous (except with a traumatic tap), a pathologic
disappears over the next 4 to 8 days. Yellow xanthochromia is derived from process is probable (e.g., trauma, malignancy, infarct, hemorrhage).
bilirubin. It develops about 12 hours after a subarachnoid bleed and peaks Although RBC counts have limited diagnostic value, they may give a useful
at 2 to 4 days, but may persist for 2 to 4 weeks. approximation of the true CSF WBC or total protein in the presence of a
Visible CSF xanthochromia may also be due to the following: (1) oxy- traumatic puncture by correcting for leukocytes or protein introduced by
hemoglobin resulting from artifactual red blood cell lysis caused by deter- the traumatic puncture. To be valid, all measurements (WBC, RBC,
gent contamination of the needle or collecting tube, or a delay of longer protein) must be performed on the same tube. This procedure also assumes
than 1 hour without refrigeration before examination; (2) bilirubin (bil- that the blood is derived exclusively from the traumatic tap. The corrected
irhachia) in jaundiced patients; (3) CSF protein levels over 150 mg/dL, WBC count is as follows:
which are also present in bloody traumatic taps (>100,000 RBCs/µL) or
in pathologic states such as complete spinal block, polyneuritis, and men- WBCcorr = WBCobs − WBCadded
ingitis; (4) disinfectant contamination; (5) carotenoids (orange) in people
with dietary hypercarotenemia (i.e., hypervitaminosis A); (6) melanin where
(brownish) from meningeal metastatic melanoma; and (7) rifampin therapy
(red-orange). WBCadded = WBCBLD × RBCCSF RBCBLD
Although spectral absorbance scans provide an objective record of
xanthochromia, careful gross CSF inspection has comparable sensitivity and
(Britton et al, 1983). Spectrophotometry can also help to differentiate
hemoglobin-derived substances from other xanthochromic pigments with WBCobs = CSF leukocyte count
different maximal absorption peaks.
WBCadded = leukocytes added to CSF by traumatic tap
Differential Diagnosis of Bloody CSF
A traumatic tap occurs in about 20% of lumbar punctures. Distinction of WBCBLD = peripheral blood leukocyte count
a traumatic puncture from a pathologic hemorrhage is, therefore, of vital
importance. Although the presence of crenated RBCs is not useful, the
RBCCSF = CSF erythrocyte count
following observations may be helpful in distinguishing the two forms of
1. In a traumatic tap, the hemorrhagic fluid usually clears between the RBCBLD = peripheral blood erythrocyte count
first and third collected tubes but remains relatively uniform in sub-
arachnoid hemorrhage. An analogous formula may be used to correct for added total protein
2. Xanthochromia, microscopic evidence of erythrophagocytosis, or (TP):
hemosiderin-laden macrophages indicate a subarachnoid bleed in the
absence of a prior traumatic tap. RBC lysis begins as early as 1 to 2 TPadded = [ TPserum × (1 − HCT )] × RBCCSF RBCBLD
hours after a traumatic tap. Thus, rapid evaluation is necessary to avoid
false-positive results. In the presence of a normal peripheral blood RBC count and serum
3. A commercially available latex agglutination immunoassay test for protein, these corrections amount to about 1 WBC for every 700 RBCs
cross-linked fibrin derivative D-dimer is specific for fibrin degradation and 8 mg/dL protein for every 10,000 RBCs/µL. This latter RBC correc-
and is negative in traumatic taps (Lang et al, 1990). However, false- tion factor is reasonably accurate as long as the peripheral WBC count is
positive results might be expected in disseminated intravascular coagu- not extremely high or low.
lation, fibrinolysis, or trauma from repeated lumbar punctures. An observed/expected (added) WBC count ratio greater than 10 has a
sensitivity of 88% and a specificity of 90% for bacterial meningitis. When
MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION the predicted WBC is below the observed count, the probability of bacte-
rial meningitis appears to be low (Mayefsky & Roughmann, 1987; Bonadio
Total Cell Count et al, 1990).
Although the traditional manual method for cell counting in CSF samples,
using undiluted CSF in a manual counting chamber, continues to be a Differential Cell Count
useful approach, because of the low cell counts frequently encountered in Suggested differential count reference ranges are presented in Table 29-2.
CSF, the precision of manual counting in these samples is inherently A differential performed in a counting chamber is unsatisfactory because
limited (Barnes et al, 2004). For example, using 18 large squares (1 mm2 the low cell numbers give rise to poor precision, and identifying the cell
each) in a Fuchs-Rosenthal–type chamber with a depth of 0.2 mm, a total type beyond granulocytes and “mononuclears” is difficult in a wet prepara-
volume of 3.6 µL (18 × 0.2 µL/square) is examined. With 5 cells/µL, a tion. Direct smears of the centrifuged CSF sediment are also subject to
total of 18 cells is counted. The coefficient of variation (CV), is 24%; ±2 significant error from cellular distortion and fragmentation.

Descargado para Dennis Lorena Cárdenas Leal ( en Industrial University of Santander de por Elsevier en septiembre 27, 2019.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
TABLE 29-2 
29  Cerebrospinal, Synovial, Serous Body Fluids, and Alternative Specimens
CSF Reference Values for Differential Cytocentrifuge Counts
Cell type Adults, % Neonates, %

Lymphocytes 62 ± 34 20 ± 18
Monocytes 36 ± 20 72 ± 22
Neutrophils 2±5 3± 5
Histiocytes Rare 5± 4
Ependymal cells Rare Rare
Eosinophils Rare Rare

CSF, Cerebrospinal fluid.

Figure 29-2  Choroid plexus cells in cerebrospinal fluid.

Figure 29-1  Cerebrospinal fluid cytology (lymphocyte to monocyte distribu-

tion ratio 70 : 30).

The cytocentrifuge method is rapid, requires minimal training, and

allows Wright’s staining of air-dried cytospins. It is the recommended
method for differential cell counts in all body fluids (Rabinovitch & Corn- Figure 29-3  Cluster of blastlike cells in cerebrospinal fluid from a premature
bleet, 1994). Cell yield and preservation are better than with simple cen- newborn. (From Kjeldsberg CR, Knight JA: Body fluids: laboratory examination of
trifugation. From 30 to 50 cells can be concentrated from 0.5 mL of amniotic, cerebrospinal, seminal, serous and synovial fluids, ed 3, Chicago, 1993, ©
“normal” CSF. Variable artifactual distortions may be seen, but they are American Society for Clinical Pathology, with permission.)
minimized when the specimen is fresh, albumin is added to the specimen
(2 drops of 22% bovine serum albumin), and the cell concentration is
adjusted to about 300 WBCs/L prior to centrifugation (Kjeldsberg & Traumatic puncture may result in the presence of bone marrow cells,
Knight, 1993). Manual differential cell counting on a cytocentrifuge prepa- cartilage cells, squamous cells, ganglion cells, and soft tissue elements. In
ration of CSF continues to be the most reliable method, even with low addition, ependymal and choroid plexus cells may rarely be seen (Fig.
cell numbers. Although automated differential counts may be safely per- 29-2). Moreover, blastlike primitive cell clusters, most likely of germinal
formed on CSF samples using flow cytometers (Hoffman & Janssen, 2002; matrix origin, are sometimes found in premature infants with intraven-
Aulesa et al, 2003; Li et al, 2014), confirmation of the automated differ- tricular hemorrhage (Fig. 29-3).
ential count by manual examination of a cytocentrifuged smear is recom- Increased CSF neutrophils occur in numerous conditions (Box 29-3).
mended with some instruments (Aune et al, 2004; Strik et al, 2005) and is In early bacterial meningitis, the proportion of PMNs usually exceeds
a requirement with specimens at risk for containing neoplastic cells. Effec- 60%. However, in about one quarter of cases of early viral meningitis, the
tive detection of neoplastic cells, such as leukemic cells, using the cytocen- proportion of PMNs also exceeds 60%. Viral-induced neutrophilia usually
trifuge method on CSF appears to be highly instrument-dependent changes to a lymphocytic pleocytosis within 2 to 3 days. A total PMN
(Huppmann et al, 2012). count of over 1180 cells/µL (or more than 2000 WBCs/µL) has a 99%
Filtration and sedimentation methods are too cumbersome for routine predictive value for bacterial meningitis (Spanos et al, 1989). Persistent
use. Filtration does, however, allow concentration of large volumes of CSF neutrophilic meningitis (over 1 week) may be noninfectious or due to less
for cytologic examination or culture, while retaining the fluid filtrate for common pathogens such as Nocardia, Actinomyces, Aspergillus, and the zygo-
additional studies. mycetes (Peacock et al, 1984).
In adults, normal CSF contains small numbers of lymphocytes and Increased CSF lymphocytes have been reported in various diseases/
monocytes in an approximate 70 : 30 ratio (Fig. 29-1). A higher proportion disorders (Box 29-4). Lymphocytosis (>50%) may occur in early acute
of monocytes is present in young children, in whom up to 80% may be bacterial meningitis when the CSF leukocyte count is under 1000/µL
normal (Pappu et al, 1982). Erythrocytes due to minor traumatic bleeding (Powers, 1985). Reactive lymphoplasmacytoid and immunoblastic variants
are commonly seen, especially in infants. Small numbers of neutrophils may be present, particularly with viral meningoencephalitis. Blastlike lym-
(PMNs) may also be seen in “normal” CSF specimens, most likely as a phocytes may be seen admixed with small and large lymphocytes in the
result of minor hemorrhage (Hayward & Oye, 1988) and improved CSF of neonates.
cell concentration methods. No general consensus regarding an upper Plasma cells, not normally present in CSF, may appear in a variety of
limit of normal for PMNs has been established. Many laboratories accept inflammatory and infectious conditions (Box 29-5), along with large and
up to 7% neutrophils with a normal WBC count. Over 60% neutrophils small lymphocytes, and in association with malignant brain tumors
has been reported in high-risk neonates without meningitis (Rodriguez (Fishman, 1992). Multiple myeloma may also rarely involve the meninges
et al, 1990). The number of PMNs may be decreased by as much as 68% (Oda et al, 1991).
within the first 2 hours after lumbar puncture owing to cell lysis (Steele Although eosinophils are rarely present in normal CSF, they may
et al, 1986). be increased in a variety of central nervous system (CNS) conditions

Descargado para Dennis Lorena Cárdenas Leal ( en Industrial University of Santander de por Elsevier en septiembre 27, 2019.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
BOX 29-3  BOX 29-6 
Causes of Increased CSF Neutrophils Causes of CSF Eosinophilic Pleocytosis
Meningitis Commonly associated with:
Bacterial meningitis Acute polyneuritis
Early viral meningoencephalitis CNS reaction to foreign material (drugs, shunts)
Early tuberculous meningitis Fungal infections
Early mycotic meningitis Idiopathic eosinophilic meningitis
Amebic encephalomyelitis Idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome
Other infections Parasitic infections
Cerebral abscess
Infrequently associated with:
Subdural empyema

AIDS-related CMV radiculopathy Bacterial meningitis
Following seizures Leukemia/lymphoma
Following CNS hemorrhage Myeloproliferative disorders
Subarachnoid Neurosarcoidosis
Intracerebral Primary brain tumors
Following CNS infarct Tuberculous meningoencephalitis
Reaction to repeated lumbar punctures Viral meningitis
Injection of foreign material in subarachnoid space (e.g., methotrexate,
Modified from Kjeldsberg CR, Knight JA: Body fluids: laboratory examination of amni-
contrast media)
otic, cerebrospinal, seminal, serous and synovial fluids, ed 3, Chicago, 1993, ©
Metastatic tumor in contact with CSF American Society for Clinical Pathology, with permission.
CNS, Central nervous system; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid.
AIDS, Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; CMV, cytomegalovirus; CNS, central
nervous system; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid.

BOX 29-4 
Causes of CSF Lymphocytosis
Viral meningitis
Tuberculous meningitis
Fungal meningitis
Syphilitic meningoencephalitis
Leptospiral meningitis
Bacterial due to uncommon organisms
Early bacterial meningitis where leukocyte counts are relatively low
Parasitic infestations (e.g., cysticercosis, trichinosis, toxoplasmosis)
Aseptic meningitis due to septic focus adjacent to meninges
Degenerative Disorders
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
Multiple sclerosis
Drug abuse encephalopathy
Guillain-Barré syndrome
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
Figure 29-4  Eosinophils in cerebrospinal fluid from a child with malfunction-
Other Inflammatory Disorders ing ventricular shunt.
Handl syndrome (headache with neurologic deficits and CSF
Sarcoidosis plasma cells. This pattern is seen in tuberculous and fungal meningitis,
Polyneuritis chronic bacterial meningitis (i.e., Listeria monocytogenes and others), lepto-
CNS periarteritis spiral meningitis, ruptured brain abscess, Toxoplasma meningitis, and
amebic encephalomeningitis. A mixed cell pattern without neutrophils is
CNS, Central nervous system; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid.
characteristic of viral and syphilitic meningoencephalitis. Macrophages
with phagocytosed erythrocytes (erythrophages) appear from 12 to 48
BOX 29-5  hours following a subarachnoid hemorrhage or traumatic tap. Hemosiderin-
laden macrophages (siderophages) appear after about 48 hours and may
Inflammatory and Infectious Causes of CSF Plasmacytosis persist for weeks (Fig. 29-5). Brownish yellow or red hematoidin crystals
Acute viral infections may form after a few days.
Guillain-Barré syndrome Morphologic cerebrospinal fluid examination for tumor cells has mod-
Multiple sclerosis erate sensitivity and high specificity (97% to 98%) (Marton & Gean, 1986).
Parasitic CNS infestations Sensitivity depends on the type of neoplasm. CSF examination of leukemic
Sarcoidosis patients has the highest sensitivity (about 70%), followed by metastatic
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis carcinoma (20% to 60%) and primary CNS malignancies (30%). Sensitiv-
Syphilitic meningoencephalitis ity may be optimized by using filtration methods with larger fluid volumes
Tuberculous meningitis or by performing serial punctures in patients in whom a neoplasm is
strongly suspected. Processing of CSF samples using liquid-based thin-
CNS, Central nervous system; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid.
layer methods also increases sensitivity in the detection of neoplastic cells
and enhances preservation of these cells for potential immunocytochemical
(Box 29-6). For example, eosinophilia is frequently mild (1% to 4%) in a analysis (Sioutopoulou et al, 2008). These liquid-based methods are now
general inflammatory response, but in children with malfunctioning ven- commonly used for cytopathologic examination of CSF and other body
tricular shunts, it may be marked (Fig. 29-4). A suggested criterion for cavity fluid specimens.
eosinophilic meningitis is 10% eosinophils (Kuberski, 1981); parasitic Leukemic involvement of the meninges is more frequent in patients
invasion of the CNS is the most common cause worldwide. Coccidioides with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (Fig. 29-6) than in those with acute
immitis is a significant cause of CSF eosinophilia in endemic regions of the myeloid leukemia (Fig. 29-7); both are significantly more common than
United States (Ragland et al, 1993). CNS involvement in the chronic leukemias. A leukocyte count over 5
Increased CSF monocytes lack diagnostic specificity and are usually cells/µL with unequivocal lymphoblasts in cytocentrifuged preparations is
part of a “mixed cell reaction” that includes neutrophils, lymphocytes, and commonly accepted as evidence of CSF involvement. The incidence of

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
29  Cerebrospinal, Synovial, Serous Body Fluids, and Alternative Specimens

Figure 29-5  Hemosiderin-laden macrophages (siderophages) from the cere- Figure 29-8  Burkitt’s lymphoma in cerebrospinal fluid. The cells are character-
brospinal fluid of a patient with subarachnoid hemorrhage. Hemosiderin crystals ized by blue cytoplasm with vacuoles and a slightly clumped chromatin pattern.
(golden-yellow) are also present. (From Kjeldsberg CR, Knight JA: Body fluids: labora- (From Kjeldsberg CR, Knight JA: Body fluids: laboratory examination of amniotic,
tory examination of amniotic, cerebrospinal, seminal, serous and synovial fluids, ed 3, cerebrospinal, seminal, serous and synovial fluids, ed 3, Chicago, 1993, © American
Chicago, 1993, © American Society for Clinical Pathology, with permission.) Society for Clinical Pathology, with permission.)

Non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas involving the leptomeninges are usually

high-grade tumors (lymphoblastic, large cell immunoblastic, and Burkitt’s
lymphomas) (Fig. 29-8); low-grade lymphomas and Hodgkin’s lymphoma
are significantly less common (Bigner, 1992; Walts, 1992). T cells pre-
dominate in normal and inflammatory conditions, whereas most lympho-
mas, especially those occurring in immunocompromised hosts, are of B
cell lineage. Lymphoblastic lymphoma, the most common T-cell lym-
phoma to involve the CSF, can be detected by terminal deoxynucleotidyl
transferase stain.
Multiparameter flow cytometric immunophenotypic studies, DNA
analysis by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and more recently DNA
sequence analysis have been shown to significantly improve diagnostic
sensitivity and specificity in CSF samples involved by leukemic or lym-
phoma cells (Rhodes et al, 1996; Finn et al, 1998; Scrideli & Queiroz,
2004; Bromberg et al, 2007; Quijano et al, 2009; Martinez-Laperche et al,
2013; Lacayo et al, 2013). Considering their greater sensitivity in detecting
leukemia or lymphoma cells in CSF samples, whenever available these
advanced technologies should be part of the complete evaluation in
Figure 29-6  Acute lymphoblastic leukemia in cerebrospinal fluid. Note uni- patients being worked up for these conditions.
formity of the blast cells.
Amebas, fungi (especially Cryptococcus neoformans), and Toxoplasma gondii
organisms may be present on cytocentrifuge specimens but may be difficult
to recognize without confirmatory stains.

Reference values for lumbar cerebrospinal fluid in adults are listed in
Table 29-3.
Total Protein
More than 80% of the CSF protein content is derived from blood plasma,
in concentrations of less than 1% of the plasma level (Table 29-4).
Prealbumin (transthyretin), transferrin, and small quantities of nerve
tissue–specific proteins are the major qualitative differences that normally
exist between CSF and plasma proteins. Although some authors have
argued against routine measurement of total protein (American College of
Physicians, 1986), it is the most common abnormality found in CSF. Thus,
an increased CSF protein serves as a useful, albeit nonspecific, indicator
of meningeal or CNS disease.
Reference Values.  CSF total protein reference values vary consider-
Figure 29-7  Acute myeloid leukemia in cerebrospinal fluid. ably among laboratories owing to differences in methods, instrumentation,
and type of reference standard used. CSF protein levels of 15 to 45 mg/
dL have long been accepted as the “normal” reference range (Silverman
CNS relapse in children with lymphoblasts but cell counts lower than 6 & Christenson, 1994). Other studies using different methods have shown
cells/µL appears to be low and is not significantly different from cases in generally higher reference ranges, approximately 15 to 60 mg/dL (Lott &
which no blasts are identified (Odom et al, 1990; Gilchrist et al, 1994; Warren, 1989).
Tubergen et al, 1994). As noted previously, the ability to detect leukemic Although discrepancies in gender and in those older than 60 years of
cells in CSF using the cytocentrifuge method is highly instrument- age have been reported, the differences are probably not significant.
dependent, and low levels of these cells may be missed with certain instru- However, infants have significantly higher CSF protein levels than older
ments (Huppmann et al, 2012). children and adults. Thus, mean levels of 90 mg/dL for term infants and

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
TABLE 29-3  BOX 29-7 
Adult Lumbar CSF Reference Values Conditions Associated with Increased CSF Total Protein
Analyte Conventional Units SI Units Traumatic Spinal Puncture
Increased Blood-CSF Permeability
Protein 15-60 mg/dL 0.15-0.60 g/L
Arachnoiditis (e.g., following methotrexate therapy)
Prealbumin 2%-7%
Meningitis (bacterial, viral, fungal, tuberculous)
Albumin 56%-76% Hemorrhage (subarachnoid, intracerebral)
α1-Globulin 2%-7% Endocrine/metabolic disorders
α2-Globulin 4%-12% Milk-alkali syndrome with hypercalcemia
Diabetic neuropathy
β-Globulin 8%-18%

Hereditary neuropathies and myelopathies
γ-Globulin 3%-12% Decreased endocrine function (thyroid, parathyroid)
Electrolytes Other disorders (uremia, dehydration)
Osmolality 280-300 mOsm/L 280-300 mmol/L Drug Toxicity
Sodium 135-150 mEq/L 135-150 mmol/L Ethanol, phenothiazines, phenytoin
Potassium 2.6-3.0 mEq/L 2.6-3.0 mmol/L CSF Circulation Defects
Chloride 115-130 mEq/L 115-130 mmol/L Mechanical obstruction (tumor, abscess, herniated disk)
Carbon dioxide 20-25 mEq/L 20-25 mmol/L Loculated CSF effusion
Calcium 2.0-2.8 mEq/L 1.0-1.4 mmol/L Increased Immunoglobulin (Ig)G Synthesis
Magnesium 2.4-3.0 mEq/L 1.2-1.5 mmol/L Multiple sclerosis
Lactate 10-22 mg/dL 1.1-2.4 mmol/L Neurosyphilis
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
Lumbar fluid 7.28-7.32 Increased IgG Synthesis and Blood-CSF Permeability
Cisternal fluid 7.32-7.34 Guillain-Barré syndrome
Collagen vascular diseases (e.g., lupus, periarteritis)
pCO2 Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculopathy
Lumbar fluid 44-50 mm Hg
CSF, Cerebrospinal fluid.
Cisternal fluid 40-46 mm Hg
pO2 40-44 mm Hg
Other Constituents Elevated CSF protein levels may be caused by increased permeability
Ammonia 10-35 µg/dL 6-20 µmol/L of the blood-brain barrier, decreased resorption at the arachnoid villi,
Glutamine 5-20 mg/dL 0.3-1.4 mmol/L mechanical obstruction of CSF flow due to spinal block above the puncture
Creatinine 0.6-1.2 mg/dL 45-92 µmol/L site, or an increase in intrathecal immunoglobulin (Ig) synthesis. Common
Glucose 50-80 mg/dL 2.8-4.4 mmol/L conditions associated with elevated lumbar CSF protein values (>65 mg/
dL) are summarized in Box 29-7.
Iron 1-2 µg/dL 0.2-0.4 µmol/L
Low lumbar CSF total protein levels (<20 mg/dL) normally occur in
Phosphorus 1.2-2.0 mg/dL 0.4-0.7 mmol/L some young children between 6 months and 2 years of age and in patients
Total lipid 1-2 mg/dL 0.01-0.02 g/L with conditions associated with increased CSF turnover. These include the
Urea 6-16 mg/dL 2.0-5.7 mmol/L following: (1) Removal of large CSF volumes; (2) CSF leaks induced by
Urate 0.5-3.0 mg/dL 30-180 µmol/L trauma or lumbar puncture; (3) increased intracranial pressure, probably
Zinc 2-6 µg/dL 0.3-0.9 µmol/L
due to an increased rate of protein resorption by the arachnoid villi; and
(4) hyperthyroidism (Fishman, 1992).
CSF, Cerebrospinal fluid; pCO2, partial pressure of carbon dioxide; pO2, partial pres- Protein electrophoresis of concentrated normal CSF reveals two dis-
sure of oxygen. tinct differences from serum: a prominent transthyretin (prealbumin) band
and two transferrin bands. Transthyretin is relatively high because of its
TABLE 29-4  dual synthesis by the liver and the choroid plexus. The second transferrin
band, referred to as β2-transferrin, migrates more slowly than its serum
Mean Concentrations of Plasma and CSF Proteins
equivalent owing to cerebral neuraminidase digestion of sialic acid
Protein CSF, mg/L Plasma/CSF Ratio residues.
Methods.  Turbidimetric methods, commonly based on trichloroace-
Prealbumin 17.3 14 tic acid (TCA) or sulfosalicylic acid and sodium sulfate for protein
Albumin 155.0 236 precipitation, are popular because they are simple and rapid, and require
Transferrin 14.4 142 no special instrumentation. However, they are temperature sensitive
Ceruloplasmin 1.0 366 and require much larger specimen volumes (about 0.5 mL). A false
protein elevation may be observed using TCA methods in the presence
Immunoglobulin (Ig)G 12.3 802
of methotrexate (Kasper et al, 1988). Benzethonium chloride and
IgA 1.3 1346 benzalkonium chloride have been used as precipitating agents in auto-
α 2-Microglobulin 2.0 1111 mated methods and micromethods (Luxton et al, 1989; Shephard &
Fibrinogen 0.6 4940 Whiting, 1992).
IgM 0.6 1167 Colorimetric methods include the Lowry method, dye-binding,
β-Lipoprotein 0.6 6213 methods using Coomassie brilliant blue (CBB) or Ponceau S, and the
modified Biuret method. The CBB method is rapid and highly sensitive,
Adapted from Felgenhauer K: Protein size and cerebrospinal fluid composition, Klin and can be used with small sample sizes. Immunochemical methods
Wochenschr 52:1158, 1974, with permission. measure specific proteins, require only 25 to 50 µL of CSF, and are
CSF, Cerebrospinal fluid. relatively simple to perform once conditions and reagents have been
standardized. Automated methods are now commonly used and
115 mg/dL for preterm infants were reported; the upper levels were usually show good correlation with traditional standard methods (Lott &
150 mg/dL and 170 mg/dL, respectively (Sarff et al, 1976). Others have Warren, 1989).
noted that the CSF protein concentration falls rapidly from birth to 6
months of age (mean levels, 108 mg/dL to 40 mg/dL), plateaus between Albumin and IgG Measurements
3 and 10 years of age (mean, 32 mg/dL), and then rises slightly from 10 The permeability of the blood-brain barrier may be assessed by immuno-
to 16 years of age (mean, 41 mg/dL) (Biou et al, 2000). chemical quantification of the CSF albumin/serum albumin ratio in grams

Descargado para Dennis Lorena Cárdenas Leal ( en Industrial University of Santander de por Elsevier en septiembre 27, 2019.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
per deciliter (g/dL). The normal ratio of 1 : 230 (Tourtellotte et al, 1985) moderate because increased intrathecal IgG synthesis occurs in many other
29  Cerebrospinal, Synovial, Serous Body Fluids, and Alternative Specimens
yields an unwieldy decimal of 0.004, which prompted the use of the CSF/ inflammatory neurologic diseases.
serum albumin index, which is arbitrarily calculated as follows: The Ig index and synthesis rate calculations may also be applied to IgM,
IgA, Ig light chains, and specific antibodies to infectious microorganisms.
CSF albumin ( mg dL ) For example, increased synthesis of IgM and free κ light chains have been
CSF Serum albumin index = (Eq. 29-1)
Serum albumin ( g dL ) suggested as markers for MS (Rudick et al, 1989; Lolli et al, 1991).
Electrophoretic Techniques.  Although the diagnosis of MS is ulti-
An index value less than 9 is consistent with an intact barrier. Slight mately a clinical one, significant advances have been made in laboratory
impairment is considered with index values of 9 to 14, moderate impair- testing for this disorder. CSF total protein is increased in less than 50%
ment with values of 14 to 30, and severe impairment with values greater of patients with MS. Indeed, if the CSF protein exceeds 100 mg/dL, the
than 30 (Silverman & Christenson, 1994). The index is slightly elevated patient probably does not have MS. However, the γ-globulin fraction, as
in infants up to 6 months of age, reflecting the immaturity of the blood- determined by CSF electrophoresis, is often increased in MS. Thus, the
brain barrier, and increases gradually after 40 years of age. A traumatic tap CSF total protein/γ-globulin ratio exceeds 0.12 in about 65% of cases
invalidates the index calculation. (Johnson & Nelson, 1977). Using electroimmunodiffusion, a CSF IgG/
Increased intrathecal IgG synthesis is reflected by an increase in the albumin ratio greater than 0.25 is present in about 75% of cases (Tourtel-
CSF/serum IgG ratio: lotte et al, 1971). Levels greater than the mean CSF IgG index + 3SD are
present in 80% to 85% of MS cases, although the upper reference level
CSF IgG ( mg dL ) varies significantly among laboratories.
CSF Serum IgG ratio = (Eq. 29-2)
Serum IgG ( g dL ) High-resolution agarose gel electrophoresis of concentrated CSF
from patients with MS often shows discrete populations of IgG, the oli-
The normal ratio is 1/390 or 0.003 (Tourtellotte et al, 1985). Similar goclonal bands. Although these discrete IgG populations are normally
to the albumin index, the CSF/serum IgG index may be obtained by using absent, two or more bands are necessary to support the diagnosis of MS;
milligrams per deciliter for the CSF IgG value. The CSF/serum IgG index a single band is not considered a positive result. Using this technique,
normal range is 3.0 to 8.7. oligoclonal bands have been reported in 83% to 94% of patients with
The CSF/serum IgG index can be elevated by intrathecal IgG syn- definite MS, 40% to 60% of those with probable MS, and 20% to 30%
thesis or increased plasma IgG crossover from breakdown of the blood- of possible MS cases. However, they are also frequently present in patients
brain barrier. Ig derived from plasma crossover may be corrected by with subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, various viral CNS infections,
dividing the CSF/serum IgG index by the CSF/albumin index to yield the neurosyphilis, neuroborreliosis, cryptococcal meningitis, Guillain-Barré
CSF IgG index. syndrome, transverse myelitis, meningeal carcinomatosis, glioblastoma
multiforme, Burkitt’s lymphoma, chronic relapsing polyneuropathy,
CSF IgG ( mg dL ) Serum IgG ( g dL ) Behçet’s disease, cysticercosis, and trypanosomiasis, among others (Trotter
CSF IgG index =
CSF albumin ( mg dL ) Serum albumin ( g dL ) & Rust, 1989; Chalmers et al, 1990; Fishman 1992; Hall & Snyder, 1992).
(Eq. 29-3) Subsequent studies have shown that agarose gel electrophoresis sensitivity
for MS is less than previously reported (see later).
or Oligoclonal light chains (both κ and λ) are present in about 90% of
MS patients (Gallo et al, 1989; Sindie & Laterte, 1991). They have also
CSF IgG ( mg dL ) × Serum albumin ( g dL ) occasionally been identified in the CSF of those who are negative for IgG
CSF IgG index =
Serum IgG ( g dL ) × CSF albumin ( mg dL ) oligoclonal bands. Detection of free light chains in CSF and comparison
(Eq. 29-4) to serum has been shown to be a sensitive marker for intrathecal immu-
noglobulin synthesis (Fischer et al, 2004).
The reference range for the IgG index varies, reflecting variations in Coomassie brilliant blue or paragon violet stains can resolve oligo-
determination of the four index components. A reasonable normal upper clonal bands in only 5 µg of IgG (Silverman & Christenson, 1994).
limit is 0.8 (Souverijn et al, 1989). However, each laboratory should deter- However, silver staining is 20 to 50 times more sensitive than CBB and
mine its own critical ratio. can be used on unconcentrated CSF. It is important to note that these
The IgG synthesis rate is calculated by an empirical formula (Tourtel- electrophoretic techniques must be simultaneously carried out on the
lotte et al, 1985): patient’s serum to be certain that a polyclonal gammopathy is not present
(e.g., liver disease, systemic lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic granulo-
IgG synthesis rate ( mg day ) = [(CSF IgG − Serum IgG 369) matous disease) because these disorders may be accompanied by Ig diffu-
− (CSF albumin − Serum albumin 230) sion into the CSF, yielding false-positive results.

× (Serum IgG Serum albumin ) Immunofixation electrophoresis (IFE) is more sensitive than agarose
× 0.43 × 5 dL day] gel electrophoresis and does not require CSF concentration (Cawley et al,
(Eq. 29-5) 1976). Another study reported a sensitivity of 74% using this technique
compared with 57% for agarose gel electrophoresis (Cavuoti et al, 1998).
All protein concentrations are expressed in milligrams per deciliter. More recently, using a semiautomated immunofixation-peroxidase tech-
The first bracketed term represents the difference between measured CSF nique, the sensitivity was 83% and the specificity was 79% in patients with
IgG and the IgG expected from diffusion across a normal blood-brain clinically definite MS (Richard et al, 2002).
barrier; 369 is the normal serum/CSF ratio. The second bracketed term Isoelectric focusing and IgG immunoblotting (IgG-IEF) per-
represents the difference between measured CSF albumin and expected formed on paired CSF and serum samples is the most sensitive and now
albumin if the blood-brain barrier is intact; 230 is the normal serum/CSF the recommended method for the detection of oligoclonal bands
albumin ratio. The CSF albumin excess is multiplied by the IgG/albumin (Andersson et al, 1994; Fortini et al, 2003; Keren, 2003). One study
ratio and the molecular weight ratio of IgG to albumin (0.43) to correct showed that IgG-IEF detected 100% of definite MS, but only about
for changes in CSF IgG due to increased barrier permeability. The number 50% were positive by agarose electrophoresis (Lunding et al, 2000).
5 converts the result from a concentration to a daily amount, assuming an Others detected 91% of MS cases but only 68% with agarose (Seres
average daily CSF production of 500 mL (i.e., 5 dL). The formula does et al, 1998). Similarly, a semiautomated IgG-IEF technique identified
not consider variations in CSF production or Ig consumption. It assumes 90% of MS cases compared with 60% for agarose electrophoresis
that the IgG/albumin ratio remains constant over various degrees of blood- (Fortini et al, 2003). In 2005, an international consensus standard for the
brain barrier impairment—a concept that may lead to variable error diagnosis of MS established IgG-IEF as the method of choice for quali-
(Lefvert & Link, 1985). The reference interval for the synthesis rate is –9.9 tative detection of oligoclonal IgG bands as evidence of intrathecal syn-
to +3.3 mg/day. Values greater than 8.0 mg/day indicate an increased rate thesis of IgG (Freedman et al, 2005). This method is more sensitive and
(Silverman & Christenson, 1994). specific than quantitative methods.
CSF IgG is normally 3% to 5% of total CSF protein, but in multiple In summary, the diagnosis of MS, as with many other neurologic dis-
sclerosis (MS), the concentration approaches that of plasma (15% to 18%) orders, is ultimately a clinical one based on neurologic history and physical
(Hersey & Trotter, 1980). The CSF IgG index and the IgG synthesis rate examination. Nevertheless, advanced laboratory results in CSF, such as
have a sensitivity of 90% in patients with definite MS, but the sensitivity elevated IgG indices and particularly the detection of oligoclonal IgG
is lower in patients with possible MS, in whom accuracy is most needed bands, as well as neuroimaging techniques, have proved invaluable in the
(Marton & Gean, 1986). In addition, the specificity for MS is only diagnosis of MS.

Descargado para Dennis Lorena Cárdenas Leal ( en Industrial University of Santander de por Elsevier en septiembre 27, 2019.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
TABLE 29-5  bacterial meningitis (Corral et al, 1981; Abramson et al, 1985; Stearman
CSF Proteins and Central Nervous System Diseases & Southgate, 1994). Others reported that CSF CRP is a more useful
screening test for viral versus bacterial meningitis, especially in children
Protein Major Diseases/Disorders (Sormunen et al, 1999). A meta-analysis of CRP studies since 1980 sug-
gested that a normal CSF or serum CRP has a high probability of ruling
α 2-Macroglobulin Subdural hemorrhage, bacterial meningitis out bacterial meningitis (i.e., negative predictive value about 97%) (Gerdes
β-Amyloid and τ proteins Alzheimer’s disease et al, 1998). Another study found not only that CSF CRP levels were
β2-Microglobulin Leukemia/lymphoma, Behçet’s syndrome increased in bacterial meningitis, but that these levels were significantly
C-reactive protein Bacterial and viral meningitis higher in patients with gram-negative bacterial meningitis than in those
Fibronectin Lymphoblastic leukemia, AIDS, meningitis with gram-positive bacterial meningitis (Rajs et al, 2002). This assay has
been found to be more specific than blood CRP levels in the laboratory
Methemoglobin Mild subarachnoid/subdural hemorrhage

diagnosis of meningitis in children (Malla et al, 2013).
Myelin basic protein Multiple sclerosis, tumors, others Fibronectin.  This large glycoprotein (molecular mass about 420 kDa)
Protein 14-3-3 Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is normally present in essentially all tissues and body fluids. Its primary
Transferrin CSF leakage (otorrhea, rhinorrhea) function is its role in cell adhesion and phagocytosis (Ruoslahti et al, 1981).
Thus, cell adhesion allows leukocytes to adhere to and pass through the
AIDS, Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid. vascular endothelia and migrate to the inflammatory site.
In children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, elevated CSF fibronec-
tin levels are associated with a poor prognosis, presumably due to leukemic
involvement of the CNS (Rautonen et al, 1989). Significant CSF eleva-
Other CSF Proteins tions have also been reported in Burkitt’s lymphoma (Rajantie et al, 1989),
Approximately 300 different proteins have been identified in CSF using some metastatic solid tumors, astrocytomas, and bacterial meningitis
two-dimensional electrophoresis, the first dimension being isoelectric (Weller et al, 1990; Torre et al, 1991). Decreased levels have been reported
focusing and the second polyacrylamide gel in the presence of sodium in viral meningitis and in the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
dodecyl sulfate (Harrington et al, 1986). Using this technique, four abnor- (AIDS)–dementia complex (Torre et al, 1991; 1993). Detection of fibro-
mal proteins were identified in patients with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease nectin with alternatively spliced extra domain A is found in lower amounts
(CJD). Two of these proteins (molecular mass about 40 kilodaltons [kDa] in CSF from children with bacterial meningitis as opposed to viral men-
each) were present in some, but not all, patients with herpes simplex ingitis or without meningitis (Pupek et al, 2013).
encephalitis, Parkinson’s disease, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and schizo- β-Amyloid Protein 42 and τ Protein.  The diagnosis of Alzheim-
phrenia. They were not present in various other neurologic disorders, nor er’s disease (AD) is based on the presence of dementia and a specific clinical
in 100 normal CSF control specimens. However, these and two other profile (i.e., from medical history, clinical examination) suggestive of AD,
proteins (molecular masses about 26 and 29 kDa) were present in all cases together with the exclusion of other causes of dementia. Pathologically,
of CJD and in 5 of 10 cases of herpes simplex encephalitis. Neither of these the disease is characterized by the presence of neurofibrillary tangles and
latter proteins was present in any other neurologic disease or in controls. amyloid plaques.
Increased concentrations of various specific CSF proteins have been Studies indicate that measurement of biochemical markers increases
associated with several CNS diseases (Table 29-5). diagnostic accuracy, especially early in the course of the disease, when
Myelin Basic Protein.  Myelin basic protein (MBP), a component of clinical symptoms are mild and vague and overlap with cognitive changes
the myelin nerve sheath, is released during demyelination as a result of that accompany aging and ischemic dementia. Thus, increased CSF levels
various neurologic disorders, especially MS. Thus, MBP has been shown of microtubule-associated τ protein and decreased levels of β-amyloid
to positively correlate with CSF leukocyte count, intrathecal IgG synthesis, protein ending at amino acid 42 have been shown to significantly increase
and the CSF/serum albumin concentration quotient (Sellebjerg et al, the accuracy of AD diagnosis (Andreasen et al, 2001; Riemenschneider
1998). These results supported the use of MBP in CSF as a surrogate et al, 2002; Sunderland et al, 2003). The positive predictive value for early
disease marker during acute MS exacerbations. Others have found that AD is greater than 90% (Andreasen et al, 2001). Others have found that
analysis of antibody against MBP in patients with a clinically isolated the calculated ratio of phosphorylated τ protein to β-amyloid peptide is
syndrome is a rapid and precise method for predicting early conversion to superior to either measure alone (Maddalena et al, 2003). The results were
clinically definite MS (Berger et al, 2003). However, increased CSF levels as follows: Distinguishing patients with AD from healthy controls—
have also been reported in Guillain-Barré syndrome, lupus erythematosus, sensitivity 96%, specificity 97%; patients with AD from those with non-AD
subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, and various brain tumors, and follow- dementia—sensitivity 80%, specificity 73%; and patients with AD from
ing CNS irradiation and chemotherapy (Mahoney et al, 1984; Brooks, those with other neurologic disorders—sensitivity 80%, specificity 89%.
1989). Measurement of CSF MBP levels has also been proposed as a These assays all appear to have a place in the biochemical diagnosis of early
prognostic marker in patients with serious head injury (Noseworthy et al, AD (Blennow & Zetterrberg, 2009).
1985). Recently, the clinical utility of MBP measurement in patients with Protein 14-3-3.  The transmissible spongiform encephalopathies
MS has been questioned, based on similarity of abnormal results to other constitute a group of uniformly fatal neurodegenerative diseases. Of these,
established laboratory methods, such as presence of oligoclonal bands on CJD is the major spongiform disease in humans. Two proteins, designated
protein electrophoresis, for diagnosing MS (Greene et al, 2012). 130 and 131, have been detected in low concentrations in CSF from CJD
α2-Macroglobulin.  Except for a small amount transported across the patients. These proteins have the same amino acid sequence as protein
BBB in pinocytic vesicles, α2-macroglobulin (A2M) is normally excluded 14-3-3 (Hsich et al, 1996). In patients with dementia, a positive immunoas-
from the CSF because of its large size. The number of these vesicles is say for the 14-3-3 protein in CSF strongly supports a diagnosis of CJD.
increased in certain polyneuropathies, resulting in an increased CSF A2M In a subsequent study of patients with suspected CJD, the sensitivity of
level. Significant elevation reflects subdural hemorrhage or breakdown of the the 14-3-3 protein determined by immunoassay was 97%, and the specific-
BBB, as occurs in bacterial meningitis. A2M measurement alone, or in rela- ity was 87% (Lemstra et al, 2000). False-positive results were seen primar-
tionship to albumin and IgG, may assist in the evaluation of neurologic dis- ily in patients with stroke and meningoencephalitis.
orders and increased CSF protein, and in the rapid differentiation between Others, using a modified Western blot technique, reported a 94.7%
bacterial and aseptic meningitis (Meucci et al, 1993; Kanoh & Ohtani, 1997). positive predictive value and a 92.4% negative predictive value for CJD
β2-Microglobulin.  This protein is part of the human leukocyte (Zerr et al, 1998). False-positive results were seen in patients with herpes
antigen class I molecule on the surfaces of all nucleated cells. CSF levels simplex encephalitis, atypical encephalitis, metastatic lung cancer, and
above 1.8 mg/L are associated with leptomeningeal leukemia and lymphoma hypoxic brain damage.
but are not highly specific (Weller et al, 1992), in that they have a maximal Detecting elevation of protein 14-3-3, in combination with elevation
positive predictive value of 78% in cases with a positive cytology (Jeffrey of other brain-derived proteins, such as τ protein, in CSF appears to be
et al, 1990). β2-microglobulin (B2M) has also been shown to be a marker useful in the diagnosis of CJD (Sanchez-Juan et al, 2006).
for neuro-Behçet’s syndrome (Kawai & Hirohata, 2000). Viral infections, Transferrin and CSF Leakage.  Cerebrospinal fluid leakage usually
including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1, other inflammatory con- presents as otorrhea or rhinorrhea following head trauma, in some cases
ditions, and various malignancies have also been associated with elevated beginning months to years after the injury. Recurrent meningitis is a
levels. The measurement of B2M remains primarily investigational. serious complication, making accurate identification of the leaking fluid
C-Reactive Protein.  Early studies indicated that CSF C-reactive very important. In this regard, protein and glucose measurements are too
protein (CRP) is useful in differentiating viral (aseptic) meningitis from nonspecific to be of value. Transferrin, an iron-binding glycoprotein with

Descargado para Dennis Lorena Cárdenas Leal ( en Industrial University of Santander de por Elsevier en septiembre 27, 2019.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
a molecular mass of about 77 kDa, is synthesized primarily in the fungal, and tuberculous meningitis, in which routine parameters yield
29  Cerebrospinal, Synovial, Serous Body Fluids, and Alternative Specimens
liver. However, two transferrin isoforms are present in the CSF; the equivocal results (Cunha, 2012). In patients with viral meningitis, lactate
major isoform (β1-transferrin) is present in all body fluids. The second levels are usually below 25 mg/dL (2.8 mmol/L) and are almost always less
isoform (β2-transferrin), present only in the central nervous system, is than 35 mg/dL (3.9 mmol/L), whereas bacterial meningitis typically has
produced in the central nervous system by the catalytic conversion of levels above 35 mg/dL (Bailey et al, 1990; Cameron et al, 1993). Using 30
β-1-transferrin by neuraminidase. Immunofixation electrophoresis readily to 36 mg/dL as the cutoff value for bacterial meningitis, the sensitivity and
identifies both isoforms. specificity are about 80% and 90%, respectively. Viral meningitis, partially
Detection of β2-transferrin in CSF by protein electrophoresis with treated bacterial meningitis, and tuberculous meningitis often have inter-
transferrin immunofixation is a noninvasive, rapid, and inexpensive test of mediate lactate levels that overlap each other, limiting the use of lactate
high sensitivity and specificity that requires as little as 0.1 mL of fluid measurements in this differential diagnosis.
(Ryall et al, 1992; Normansell et al, 1994). Several reports have demon- Persistently elevated ventricular CSF lactate levels are associated with
strated the value of this technique in the diagnosis of CSF otorrhea and a poor prognosis in patients with severe head injury (DeSalles et al, 1986).
rhinorrhea—conditions in which both isoforms are readily identified
(Irjala et al, 1979; Rouah et al, 1987; Zaret et al, 1992). Others have F2-Isoprostanes
stressed the importance of β2-transferrin identification in both CSF and F2-isoprostanes are increased in diseased regions of the brain in patients
inner ear perilymphatic leakage, as well as possible sources of error due to with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) (Pratico et al, 1998) and are markers of free
the presence of a transferrin allelic variant (Skedros et al, 1993a, 1993b; radical brain injury associated with advanced age and latent AD
Sloman & Kelly, 1993). β2-transferrin is sufficiently stable in CSF stored (Montine et al, 2011). Compared with age-matched controls, CSF
at room temperature and/or when mixed with nasal mucus that a negative F2-isoprostanes are elevated in patients with probable AD (Montine et al,
result in a patient-collected nasal fluid specimen up to 1 week old is a 1999). Therefore, in conjunction with CSF τ and β-amyloid protein, the
reliable negative finding for CSF leakage (Bleier et al, 2011). measurement of CSF F2-isoprostanes appears to enhance the accuracy of
Methemoglobin and Bilirubin.  Although most cases of subarach- the laboratory diagnosis of AD (Montine et al, 2001) and by itself appears
noid and intracerebral hemorrhage are readily identified by computed to correlate with the degree of cognitive decline in some AD patients
tomography (CT), patients with mild subarachnoid hemorrhage, small (Duits et al, 2013).
subdural or cerebral hematomas, and blood seepage from an aneurysm or
neoplasm and from small cerebral infarcts often are not identified by this Enzymes
technique. In these cases, CSF spectrophotometric analysis has been A wide variety of enzymes derived from brain tissue, blood, or cellular
shown to detect methemoglobin in colorless CSF (<0.3 µmol/L) elements have been described in the CSF. Although CSF enzyme assays
(Trbojevic-Cepe et al, 1992). An increase in CSF bilirubin is also recog- are not commonly used in the diagnosis of CNS diseases, there are
nized as a key finding supporting the diagnosis of subarachnoid hemor- diseases/disorders in which they may prove useful.
rhage (UK National External Quality Assessment Scheme for
Immunochemistry Working Group, 2003). A single net bilirubin absor- Adenosine Deaminase
bance cutoff point of >0.007 absorbance units is recommended in the Adenosine deaminase (ADA) catalyzes the irreversible hydrolytic deamina-
decision tree for interpretation and reporting of results. tion of adenosine to produce inosine. Because ADA is particularly abun-
dant in T lymphocytes, which are increased in tuberculosis, its measurement
Glucose has been recommended in the diagnosis of pleural, peritoneal, and men-
Derived from blood glucose, fasting CSF glucose levels are normally 50 ingeal tuberculosis. Higher ADA levels are present in tuberculous infec-
to 80 mg/dL (2.8 to 4.4 mmol/L)—about 60% of plasma values. Rigorous tions than in viral, bacterial, and malignant diseases (Blake & Berman,
evaluation of CSF and serum glucose levels in a large number of children 1982; Mann et al, 1982, Choi et al, 2002), and measuring ADA in CSF
confirmed that the CSF glucose level is normally approximately 60% of appears to be a sensitive and specific assay in diagnosing tuberculous
the serum glucose level during childhood (Nigrovic et al, 2012). Results meningitis (Xu et al, 2010). ADA appears to have limited utility in HIV-
should be compared with plasma levels, ideally following a 4-hour fast, for associated neurologic disorders (Corral et al, 2004).
adequate clinical interpretation. The normal CSF/plasma glucose ratio
varies from 0.3 to 0.9, with fluctuations in blood levels caused by the lag Creatine Kinase
in CSF glucose equilibration time. Brain tissue is rich in creatine kinase (CK) because it participates in main-
CSF values below 40 mg/dL (2.2 mmol/L) or ratios below 0.3 are taining an adequate supply of adenosine triphosphate. Increased CSF CK
considered to be abnormal. Hypoglycorrhachia is a characteristic finding activity has been reported in numerous CNS disorders, including hydro-
of bacterial, tuberculous, and fungal meningitis. However, sensitivity can cephalus, cerebral infarction, various primary brain tumors, and subarach-
be as low as 55% for bacterial meningitis (Hayward et al, 1987), so a noid hemorrhage, among others (Savory & Brody, 1979). In patients with
normal level does not exclude these conditions. Some cases of viral menin- head trauma, CSF CK levels correlate directly with the severity of the
goencephalitis also have low glucose levels, but generally not to the degree concussion (Florez et al, 1976).
seen in bacterial meningitis. Meningeal involvement by a malignant tumor, CSF CK-MM and CK-MB are not normally present; when identified,
sarcoidosis, cysticercosis, trichinosis, ameba (Naegleria), acute syphilitic they are due to blood contamination (CK-MM) and an equilibrium
meningitis, intrathecal administration of radioiodinated serum albumin, between CK-BB and CK-MM to produce CK-MB. Because the CK-BB
subarachnoid hemorrhage, symptomatic hypoglycemia, and rheumatoid isoenzyme accounts for about 90% of brain CK activity and mitochondrial
meningitis may also produce low CSF glucose levels (Fishman, 1992). CK (CKmt) the other 10%, CK isoenzyme measurements are more spe-
Decreased CSF glucose results from increased anaerobic glycolysis in cific than total CK for CNS disorders (Chandler et al, 1984).
brain tissue and leukocytes and from impaired transport into the CSF. CSF CK-BB is increased about 6 hours following an ischemic or anoxic
Bacteria are usually present in insufficient quantities to be a major con- insult. Global brain ischemia following respiratory or cardiac arrest results in
tributor to the use of glucose in CSF. CSF glucose levels normalize before diffuse cerebral injury with peak CK-BB levels in about 48 hours (Chandler
protein levels and cell counts during recovery from meningitis, making it et al, 1986). Here, CSF CK-BB activity less than 5 U/L (upper normal level)
a useful parameter in assessing response to treatment. indicates minimal neurologic damage; 5 to 20 U/L indicates mild to moderate
Increased CSF glucose is of no clinical significance, reflecting CNS injury; and levels between 21 and 50 U/L are commonly correlated with
increased blood glucose levels within 2 hours of lumbar puncture. A trau- death. Death occurs in essentially all patients with levels above 50 U/L.
matic tap may also cause a spurious increase in CSF glucose. Increased CSF CK-BB levels also correlate with the outcome following a
subarachnoid hemorrhage (Coplin et al, 1999). A CK-BB level greater than
Lactate 40 U/L increases the chance of an unfavorable early or late outcome to 100%.
CSF and blood lactate levels are largely independent of each other. The
reference interval for older children and adults is 9.0 to 26 mg/dL (1.0 to Lactate Dehydrogenase
2.9 mmol/L) (Knight et al, 1981). Newborns have higher levels, ranging Lactate dehydrogenase (LD) activity is high in brain tissue, with a pre-
from about 10 to 60 mg/dL (1.1 to 6.7 mmol/L) for the first 2 days, and dominance of the electrophoretically fast-moving isoenzyme fractions LD1
from 10 to 40 mg/dL (1.1 to 4.4 mmol/L) for days 3 to 10 (McGuinness and LD2. Total LD activity of 40 U/L is a reasonable upper limit of normal
et al, 1983). Elevated CSF lactate levels reflect CNS anaerobic metabolism for adults and 70 U/L for neonates (Donald & Malan, 1986; Engelke et al,
due to tissue hypoxia. 1986). LD is useful in differentiating a traumatic tap from intracranial
Lactate measurement has been used as an adjunctive test in differentiat- hemorrhage because a current traumatic tap with intact RBCs does not
ing viral meningitis from bacterial, partially-treated bacterial, mycoplasma, significantly elevate the LD level (Engelke et al, 1986). Sensitivity and

Descargado para Dennis Lorena Cárdenas Leal ( en Industrial University of Santander de por Elsevier en septiembre 27, 2019.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
specificity are about 70% to 85% depending on the cutoff value. As with the so-called stiff baby syndrome, have significantly decreased CSF
lactate, LD activity is significantly higher in bacterial meningitis than in GABA levels (Dubowitz et al, 1992; Berthier et al, 1994).
aseptic meningitis (Donald & Malan, 1986; Engelke et al, 1986). Using a
cutoff of 40 U/L, the sensitivity is about 86% and the specificity about Electrolytes and Acid-Base Balance
93%. There are no clinically useful indications for the measurement of CSF
Total CSF LD levels are also increased in patients with CNS leukemia, sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, or magnesium. Measurements of
lymphoma, metastatic carcinoma, bacterial meningitis, and subarachnoid CSF pH, partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2), and bicarbonate are
hemorrhage (Kjeldsberg, 1993). CSF LD isoenzymes have been shown to also not practical for patient care (Fishman, 1992).
add considerable specificity in the evaluation of various metastatic brain
tumors (Fleisher et al, 1981). The LD5/total LD ratio is increased (i.e., Tumor Markers
above 10% to 15%) in patients with leptomeningeal metastases from Numerous studies have shown that various tumor markers are increased

carcinoma of the breast and lung and malignant melanoma. LD isoenzyme in the CSF of patients with both primary and metastatic tumors.
analysis is also useful in detecting CNS involvement by leukemias and
lymphomas (Lossos et al, 2000). Isoenzyme analysis shows a distinct Carcinoembryonic Antigen
pattern in young children with infantile spasms (Nussinovitch et al, 2003a) Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is an oncofetal protein produced by a
and febrile convulsions (Nussinovitch et al, 2003b). Compared with con- variety of carcinomas. An early study found increased CEA levels in 44%
trols, both disorders are characterized by decreased LD1, increased LD2 of patients with metastatic brain tumors (Suzuki & Tanaka, 1980). Others
and LD3, and no changes in LD4 and LD5. reported that CSF levels of CEA have a sensitivity of only about 31%,
CT is of limited value in estimating recovery potential and neurologic although the specificity is about 90% for detecting metastatic carcinoma
outcome during the early stages of ischemic brain injury. However, com- of the leptomeninges (Klee et al, 1986; Twijnstra et al, 1986). CSF levels
pared with controls (mean LD, 11.2 U/L), patients with an early stroke of CEA in patients with benign, primary malignant, and metastatic brain
had a mean level of 40.9 U/L, and those with a transient ischemic attack tumors are approximately 0.31 ng/mL, 0.92 ng/mL, and 6.3 ng/mL,
(TIA) had a mean value of 11.8 U/L (Lampl et al, 1990). In patients with respectively (Batabyal et al, 2003). CSF CEA levels are particularly sensi-
hypoxic brain injury, an increased LD level 72 hours following resuscita- tive in detecting leptomeningeal carcinoma metastasis (Kang et al, 2010).
tion indicates a poor prognosis (Karkela et al, 1992). Other oncofetal proteins include human chorionic gonadotropin
(hCG), produced by choriocarcinoma and malignant germ cell tumors
Lysozyme with a trophoblastic component, and α-fetoprotein, a glycoprotein pro-
Lysozyme (muramidase) catalyzes the depolymerization of mucopolysac- duced by yolk sac elements of germ cell tumors. Both β-hCG and
charides. Because the enzyme is particularly rich in neutrophil and mac- α-fetoprotein may be useful in the diagnosis and monitoring of the
rophage lysosomes, its activity is very low in normal CSF. However, CSF response to therapy in patients with CNS germ cell tumors (Seregni et al,
lysozyme activity is significantly increased in patients with both bacterial 2002; Ferguson et al, 2008).
and tuberculous meningitis. Thus, discriminant analysis demonstrated that Elevation of CSF ferritin is a sensitive indicator of CNS malignancy
97% of patients with bacterial meningitis had increased lysozyme levels but has very low specificity because it is also increased in patients with
(Ribeiro et al, 1992). Others found that patients with tuberculous menin- inflammatory neurologic diseases (Zandman-Goddard et al, 1986). This
gitis had significantly higher CSF lysozyme levels than those with bacterial assay has greater diagnostic utility in detecting subarachnoid hemorrhage
meningitis, partially treated bacterial meningitis, and controls (Mishra in patients presenting late (Petzold et al, 2011).
et al, 2003). The diagnostic sensitivity and specificity for tuberculous men-
ingitis were 93.7% and 84.1%, respectively. Increased levels are also
present in cerebral atrophy, various CNS tumors, multiple sclerosis, intra-
cranial hemorrhage, and epilepsy (Kjeldsberg, 1993). A thorough and prompt examination of cerebrospinal fluid is essential for
the diagnosis of CNS infection because an inaccurate or delayed report
Ammonia, Amines, and Amino Acids may result in significant mortality or morbidity. Although changes in
CSF ammonia levels vary from 30% to 50% of blood values. Elevated opening pressure, total cell and differential counts, total protein, and
levels are generally proportional to the degree of existing hepatic encepha- glucose suggest an infectious origin (Table 29-6), Gram stain, culture and
lopathy but are difficult to quantify. Moreover, because hepatic encepha- other relevant studies are critical for a definitive diagnosis.
lopathy generally correlates with blood ammonia levels, the measurement
of CSF ammonia has little, if any, clinical value. However, cerebral gluta- Bacterial Meningitis
mine, synthesized from ammonia and glutamic acid, serves as the means The most common agents of bacterial meningitis are group B streptococ-
for CNS ammonia removal. Thus, CSF glutamine levels reflect the con- cus (neonates), Neisseria meningitidis (3 months and older) (Fig. 29-9),
centration of brain ammonia. Glutamine reference intervals are method Streptococcus pneumoniae (3 months and older), Escherichia coli and other
dependent; the upper reference level is about 20 mg/dL. Values over gram-negative bacilli (newborn to 1 month), Haemophilus influenzae (3
35 mg/dL are usually associated with hepatic encephalopathy (Fishman, months to 18 years), and Listeria monocytogenes (neonates, older adults,
1992). Elevated CSF glutamine levels have also been reported in patients alcoholics, and immunosuppressed) (Graves, 1989; Wenger et al, 1990).
with depression (Levine et al, 2000) and encephalopathy secondary to H. influenzae, once the most common bacterial cause of meningitis in
hypercapnia and sepsis (Mizock et al, 1989).
A major etiologic theory of schizophrenia involves dopamine. The
cornerstone for this theory is the fact that neuroleptic drugs that block
dopamine receptors are effective in the treatment of this disorder. Thus, it
has been reported that CSF levels of homovanillic acid (HVA), a metabolite
of the biogenic amines, are related to the severity of schizophrenic psychosis
(Maas et al, 1997). However, HVA concentration varied as a function of
psychosis rather than being related to the diagnosis of schizophrenia per se.
Others have reported decreased CSF levels of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid, a
metabolite of serotonin, in schizophrenic patients with suicidal behavior
(Cooper et al, 1992). This report adds support for a possible relationship
between suicide and CNS serotonin metabolism.
Although free CSF amino acids are relatively high in infants younger
than 30 days of age, their concentration is further increased in those with
febrile convulsions and bacterial meningitis. γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA),
a major inhibitory brain transmitter, is significantly decreased in basal
ganglia neurons, and is very low or undetectable in the CSF of patients
with Alzheimer’s disease and Huntington’s disease (Achar et al, 1976;
Dubowitz et al, 1992). CSF GABA was detected in all patients with
migraine attacks, but not in those with tension headaches or in the control
group without headaches (Welch et al, 1975). Infants with startle disease, Figure 29-9  Cerebrospinal fluid Gram stain showing gram-negative diplo-
a rare inherited autosomal dominant disorder characterized by seizures or cocci characteristic of N. meningitidis.

Descargado para Dennis Lorena Cárdenas Leal ( en Industrial University of Santander de por Elsevier en septiembre 27, 2019.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
TABLE 29-6 
29  Cerebrospinal, Synovial, Serous Body Fluids, and Alternative Specimens
Typical Lumbar CSF Findings in Meningitis
Test Bacterial Viral Fungal Tuberculous

Opening pressure Elevated Usually normal Variable Variable

Leukocyte count ≥1000/µL <100/µL Variable Variable
Cell differential Mainly neutrophils* Mainly lymphocytes† Mainly lymphocytes Mainly lymphocytes
Protein Mild to marked increase Normal to mild increase Increased Increased
Glucose Usually ≤40 mg/dL Normal Decreased Decreased: may be <45 mg/dL
CSF/serum glucose ratio Normal to marked decrease Usually normal Low Low
Lactic acid Mild to marked increase Normal to mild increase Mild to moderate increase Mild to moderate increase

Data from Body BA, Oneson RH, Herold DA: Use of cerebrospinal fluid lactic acid concentration in the diagnosis of fungal meningitis, Ann Clin Lab Sci 17:429, 1987; Tang
LM: Serial lactate determinations in tuberculous meningitis, Scand J Infect Dis 20:81, 1988; Arevalo CE, Barnes PF, Duda M, Leedom JM: Cerebrospinal fluid cell counts
and chemistries in bacterial meningitis, South Med J 82:1122, 1989; Fishman RA: Cerebrospinal fluid in diseases of the nervous system, ed 2, Philadelphia, 1992, Saunders;
Wubbel L, McCracken GH Jr: Management of bacterial meningitis, Pediatr Rev 19:78, 1998; Zunt JR, Marra CM: Cerebrospinal fluid testing for the diagnosis of central
nervous system infection, Neurol Clin 17:675, 1999.
CSF, Cerebrospinal fluid.
*Lymphocytosis present in about 10% of cases.

Neutrophils may predominate early in disease.

young children, has decreased dramatically from widespread use of H. in CSF for neurosyphilis is controversial. The CSF FTA-ABS is highly
influenzae type b vaccine. Cerebrospinal fluid shunts, head trauma, and sensitive, but false-positive results may occur. In the absence of CSF
neurosurgery place patients at risk for CNS infections from Staphylococcus abnormalities or clinical suspicion, it should not be used as a screening
species, gram-negative bacilli, and Propionibacterium species. test. Thus, the following generalizations have been proposed (Davis &
The Gram stain remains an accurate, rapid method by which to diag- Schmitt, 1989): (1) A nonreactive serum FTA-ABS test rules out neuro-
nose CNS infection. All specimens should be concentrated by centrifuga- syphilis; (2) a reactive serum FTA-ABS test with a nonreactive CSF
tion before Gram stain and culture. Depending upon the type of infecting FTA-ABS test essentially rules out neurosyphilis; (3) a reactive CSF VDRL
microorganism and its concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid, Gram stain test makes a diagnosis of neurosyphilis likely; and (4) a reactive CSF
sensitivity ranges from 60% to 90%, with the greatest sensitivity corre- FTA-ABS test may indicate active neurosyphilis, asymptomatic neuro-
sponding to higher concentrations of bacteria (about 105 colony-forming syphilis, treated neurosyphilis, or a false-positive reaction. Other studies
units/mL). For example, the sensitivity of the Gram stain for detecting have demonstrated the utility of a PCR-based assay as a sensitive and
Listeria monocytogenes and gram-negative bacilli is 50% or less (Greenlee, specific means of diagnosing neurosyphilis (Leslie et al, 2007).
1990). For patients with many polymorphonuclear leukocytes but no Diagnosis of Lyme meningitis represents another challenge for the
organisms seen on Gram stain, the more sensitive acridine orange stain laboratory. The mainstay of diagnosis remains serologic analysis per-
may be helpful. Cultures have a sensitivity of 80% to 90%, but are about formed on a serum specimen, using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent
30% less sensitive in partially treated cases (Greenlee, 1990). assay (ELISA)-based screening assay followed by confirmation with
Although standard culture-based methods remain the mainstay for Western blot. PCR-based analysis may be performed on CSF specimens;
diagnosis, the BinaxNOW Streptococcus pneumoniae antigen test, an immu- however, the sensitivity of this approach may be low, particularly in patients
nochromatographic membrane assay that detects the presence of the C with chronic neuroborreliosis (Steere, 2010).
polysaccharide cell wall antigen common to all pneumococcal serotypes, has Rapid diagnosis of leptospiral and other bacterial infections is now
been proven to be a valuable tool for the rapid diagnosis of pneumococcal possible using genomic methods, including next-generation DNA sequenc-
meningitis from CSF. Latex agglutination bacterial antigen tests performed ing analysis. In a recent study, a patient with neuroleptospirosis in whom
on CSF to detect H. influenzae, N. meningitidis, S. pneumoniae, and a diagnosis could not be established by conventional methods was success-
β-hemolytic group B streptococci historically are used as adjuncts to Gram fully diagnosed using next-generation sequencing analysis of CSF (Wilson
stain and culture; however, the sensitivity is approximately the same as the et al, 2014). This methodology offers the hope of increasingly rapid diag-
Gram stain, and a negative test does not rule out the diagnosis of bacterial nosis of a range of infections, as well as a way to rapidly track infection
meningitis. Perhaps the best application of latex agglutination antigen tests outbreaks (Sherry et al, 2013).
is seen in partially treated, community-acquired meningitis that is negative
for microorganisms by Gram stain (Perkins et al, 1995; Wilson, 1997). Viral Meningitis
The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequencing of 16S ribosomal Enteroviruses (echoviruses, coxsackieviruses, polioviruses) and arboviruses
RNA in CSF have been shown to be very useful in the diagnosis of bacterial are responsible for the majority of meningitis cases; a seasonal peak in
meningitis (Schuurman et al, 2004). Compared with bacterial culture, the spring to autumn has been noted for these agents. As an example, echovi-
assay shows a sensitivity of 86%, a specificity of 97%, a positive predictive ruses 9 (E9) and 30 (E30) were found to be mainly responsible for an
value of 80%, and a negative predictive value of 98%. Nucleic acid ampli- increase in cases of aseptic meningitis (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly
fication tests may also be helpful in patients already receiving antimicrobial Report, 2003). Most patients present with a CSF pleocytosis, and although
therapy and in detecting more fastidious pathogens such as N. meningitidis neutrophils may be observed early in the infection, patients soon develop
(Porritt et al, 2000; Seward & Towner, 2000; Baethgen et al, 2003). a predominance of lymphocytes.
Before molecular diagnostic testing, viral meningitis was a diagnosis of
Spirochetal Meningitis exclusion because the sensitivity of viral cultures can be low. Thus, in
The incidence of neurosyphilis has increased in recent years, primarily in an early study, a specific etiologic diagnosis by viral cultures varied from
patients with HIV infection. In one report, 44% of patients with neuro- 72% for enteroviruses to 5% for herpes simplex virus (HSV) (Marton &
syphilis had AIDS (Flood et al, 1998). Unfortunately, the remaining Gean, 1986).
patients, who may have had HIV infection without AIDS, were not studied. Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) is signifi-
The diagnosis of CNS infection in patients with syphilis relies primarily cantly more sensitive than cell culture (Dumler & Valsamakis, 1999; Haus-
on CSF parameters and serologic testing, although molecular DNA testing fater et al, 2004). Arguably, it has evolved as the “gold standard” for the
may now represent another approach. Abnormalities in CSF protein and diagnosis of viral meningitis secondary to enterovirus, herpes simplex
cell counts are common in syphilitic meningitis, but are nonspecific. CSF virus, cytomegalovirus, varicella zoster, and JC virus. The use of RT-PCR
serologic testing to diagnose neurosyphilis is difficult. The standard non- may result in significant cost savings by shortening hospital stays and
treponemal test performed on CSF is the Venereal Disease Research Labo- eliminating unnecessary diagnostic and therapeutic interventions (Ramers
ratory (VDRL). If few erythrocytes are contaminating the CSF, the VDRL et al, 2000). For patients with arbovirus-associated meningitis, acute and
specificity is high, but its sensitivity is only 50% to 60% (Davis & Schmitt, convalescent serologic testing in serum remains the cornerstone for diag-
1989). Treponemal tests, such as the treponemal antibody absorption nosis, with CSF testing a possible adjunct. Presumptive diagnosis of West
(FTA-ABS), are both sensitive and specific for syphilis; however, their use Nile viral meningitis may be made on a CSF specimen using an IgM

Descargado para Dennis Lorena Cárdenas Leal ( en Industrial University of Santander de por Elsevier en septiembre 27, 2019.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
antibody-capture ELISA assay. PCR testing for West Nile virus and other DOT ELISA has been standardized to detect tuberculosis antigens and
arboviruses may also be done on CSF specimens; however, these antibodies against M. tuberculosis in CSF. Using this technique, a positive
assays have low sensitivity because of the short-lived nature of the reaction was present in 86% of cases with suspected tuberculous meningitis
viremia in these diseases and are not recommended for routine use (Kashyap et al, 2003). Only 5% of patients with other disorders, mainly
(Vaughn et al, 2010). pyogenic meningitis, were positive.
PCR amplification of HSV DNA has revolutionized the testing for Other tests have been shown to be useful in some cases of tuberculous
HSV infection in CSF and has replaced brain biopsy as the primary meningitis. ADA levels are significantly higher in tuberculous meningitis
method used in the early diagnosis of HSV meningoencephalitis (Tunkel, than in other types of meningitis and CNS disorders (Pettersson et al, 1991;
2008). False negatives might occur in very early infections and with bloody Choi et al, 2002; Solari et al, 2013), although the degree of increase indica-
taps, necessitating analysis of a second CSF specimen (Tyler, 2004). tive of tuberculous infection varies depending on the specific assay used.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Primary Amebic Meningoencephalitis

A wide variety of CSF abnormalities may be found in HIV-positive patients This rare disease is caused by the free-living ameba Naegleria fowleri,
with or without neurologic disease, including lymphocytic pleocytosis, Acanthamoeba species, and Balamuthia mandrillaris. Naegleria and Bala-
elevated IgG indexes, and oligoclonal bands (Chalmers et al, 1990; Hall & muthia are more likely to cause an acute inflammatory response with a
Snyder, 1992). Identifying opportunistic infection is the most important neutrophilic pleocytosis, a decreased glucose level, an elevated protein
indication for examining the CSF. Serious fungal infections may exist in concentration, and the presence of erythrocytes. Gram stain is always
the presence of few or no CSF parameter abnormalities. negative. Acanthamoeba more often produces a granulomatous meningitis.
Motile Naegleria trophozoites may be visualized by light or phase-contrast
Fungal Meningitis microscopy in direct wet mounts, allowing rapid diagnosis. Intact and
Cryptococcus neoformans is the most frequently isolated fungal pathogen degenerating organisms may be identified on Wright’s- or Giemsa-stained
from CSF. India ink or nigrosin stains for cryptococcus capsular halos have cytospins but must be distinguished from macrophages (dos Santos, 1970;
a sensitivity of about 25%, increasing to 53% with multiple lumbar punc- Benson et al, 1985). Acridine orange stain is useful in differentiating
tures, and to greater than 90% in untreated HIV-infected patients (Marton amebas (brick red) from leukocytes (bright green). Immunocytochemical
& Gean, 1986). Detection of cryptococcal antigen from sera or CSF using staining of CSF specimens using an antibody to Naegleria fowleri has been
latex agglutination has higher sensitivity, ranging from 60% to 95%. False- shown to improve microscopic detection of this organism (Visvesvara,
negatives due to a prozone effect or low concentration of polysaccharide 2010). Multiplex PCR-based methods are an even more sensitive modality
antigen may occur. Early disease, intraparenchymal infection, infection for detecting multiple amebic organisms in CSF (Qvarnstrom et al, 2006).
with nonencapsulated C. neoformans variants, and immune complexes (cor-
rected with pronase treatment) may also produce false-negatives. Con-
versely, sera or CSF from patients with rheumatoid factor or Trichosporon
asahii infection may be falsely positive. If clinical suspicion for dimorphic Synovium refers to the tissue lining synovial tendon sheaths, bursae, and
or filamentous fungi is high, large volumes of CSF (approximately 15 to diarthrodial joints, except for the articular surface. It is composed of one
20 mL) are optimal for culture to improve the recovery of fungal to three cell layers that form a discontinuous surface overlying fatty,
organisms. fibrous, or periosteal joint tissue.
Synovial fluid (SF) is an imperfect ultrafiltrate of blood plasma com-
Tuberculous Meningitis bined with hyaluronic acid produced by the synovial cells. Small ions and
Abnormal CSF with elevated protein and lymphocytic predominance are molecules (e.g., Na+, K+, glucose, urea) readily pass into the joint space
the hallmark features of tuberculous meningitis. The sensitivity of CSF and therefore are similar in concentration to plasma; large molecules are
acid-fast stains for the diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis is highly vari- absent or present in trace amounts. Resorption of synovial molecules is by
able, ranging from 10% to 12% (Greenlee, 1990) to greater than 50% lymphatics and is not size dependent. SF acts as a lubricant and adhesive
(Thwaites et al, 2004). Large volumes of CSF, often obtained from mul- and provides nutrients for the avascular articular cartilage.
tiple lumbar punctures with the use of concentration techniques, are rec- Examination of the SF is essential to distinguish infectious from non-
ommended to improve the sensitivity of both acid-fast stain and culture infectious arthritis. Results from gross and microscopic examination of
(Marton & Gean, 1986). SF have traditionally been divided into “reaction types,” as depicted in
PCR nucleic acid amplification for detecting Mycobacterium tuberculosis Table 29-7. These groupings are largely descriptive, and considerable
DNA-specific sequences have shown great promise in the rapid and accu- overlap among them is evident. Except for Gram stain, culture, and crystal
rate diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis (Lin et al, 1995; Desai & Pal, examination, SF parameters can be nonspecific and must be integrated into
2002), but PCR methods using a single primer are associated with rela- the clinical context.
tively low sensitivity (Pai et al, 2003). Multiplex PCR analysis, using Noninflammatory effusions (Group I) typically have leukocyte counts
primers to multiple relevant tubercular genes, appears to be a significantly less than 3000/µL, with a minority of neutrophils. Osteoarthritis,
more sensitive method in the rapid diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis traumatic arthritis, neuropathic osteoarthropathy, pigmented villonodular
(Kusum et al, 2011). synovitis, and early rheumatic fever usually present with little

TABLE 29-7 
Synovial Fluid Findings by Disease Category

Group I Group II Group III

Finding Normal Noninflammatory Inflammatory Infectious Group IV Hemorrhagic

Clarity Transparent Transparent Transparent/opaque Opaque Opaque

Color Clear to pale yellow Xanthochromic Xanthochromic to White Red-brown or xanthochromic
WBCs/mL 0-150 <3000 3000-75,000 50,000-200,000 50-10,000
PMNs, % <25 <30 >50 >90 <50
RBCs No No No Yes Yes
Glucose (blood/SF 0-10 0-10 0-40 20-100 0-20
difference, mg/dL) (0-0.56 mmol/L) (0-0.56 mmol/L) (0-2.2 mmol/L) (1.11-5.5 mmol/L) (0-1.11 mmol/L)

Modified from Kjeldsberg CR, Knight JA: Body fluids: laboratory examination of amniotic, cerebrospinal, seminal, serous and synovial fluids, ed 3, Chicago, 1993, © American
Society for Clinical Pathology, with permission.
PMNs, Polymorphonuclear cells, neutrophils; RBCs, red blood cells; SF, synovial fluid; WBCs, white blood cells.

Descargado para Dennis Lorena Cárdenas Leal ( en Industrial University of Santander de por Elsevier en septiembre 27, 2019.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
inflammatory response. Early rheumatoid arthritis, early bacterial infec- BOX 29-8 
29  Cerebrospinal, Synovial, Serous Body Fluids, and Alternative Specimens
tion, and viral arthritis may also present as noninflammatory effusions. Recommended Synovial Fluid Tests
Inflammatory effusions (Group II) have leukocyte counts between
3000 and 75,000/µL, with neutrophils accounting for more than 50% of Routine tests
the population. Rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), Gross examination (color, clarity)
Reiter’s syndrome, rheumatic fever, acute crystal-induced arthritis, arthri- Total and differential leukocyte counts
tis associated with inflammatory bowel disease, psoriatic arthritis, and fat Gram stain and bacterial culture (aerobic and anaerobic)
droplet synovitis are examples of this reaction group. Crystal examination with polarizing microscope and compensator
Purulent (infectious) effusions (Group III) typically have leukocyte Useful tests in certain circumstances
counts greater than 50,000/µL, of which 90% or more are neutrophils. Fungal and acid-fast stains and cultures
Bacterial, fungal, and tuberculous joint infections constitute this group. PCR for bacterial and mycobacterial DNA
Serum–synovial fluid glucose differential
Hemorrhagic effusions (Group IV) may be seen in association with
Lactate and other organic acids
traumatic arthritis, pigmented villonodular synovitis, synovial hemangi-
oma, neuropathic osteoarthropathy, joint prostheses, and hematologic Enzymes
disorders (hemophilia, thrombocytopenia, anticoagulant therapy, sickle Uric acid
cell disease or trait, myeloproliferative syndrome).
Modified from Kjeldsberg CR, Knight JA: Body fluids: laboratory examination of amni-
otic, cerebrospinal, seminal, serous and synovial fluids, ed 3, Chicago, 1993, ©
SPECIMEN COLLECTION American Society for Clinical Pathology, with permission.
DNA, Deoxyribonucleic acid; PCR, polymerase chain reaction.
Joint fluid aspiration (arthrocentesis) should be confined to patients with
an undiagnosed effusion or a significant clinical change related to a known
effusion. It should be performed by an experienced operator using good
sterile technique. Caution is necessary to avoid aspirating a sterile joint in Color should be evaluated in a clear glass tube against a white back-
someone with bacteremia or through a cutaneous or periarticular soft ground. Normal SF is colorless but is often pale yellow because of diape-
tissue infection into a sterile joint. Large joints such as the knee normally desis of a few RBCs associated with even mild trauma. Noninflammatory
contain no more than 4.0 mL of SF, so small sample size is common unless and inflammatory disorders impart a straw to yellow color (xanthochro-
an effusion is present. mia). Septic fluid may be yellow, brown, or green depending on the chro-
Synovial fluid must be collected with sterile, disposable needles and mogens produced by the offending organism and the host response,
plastic syringes to avoid contamination by birefringent particulates. The including the presence of WBCs and RBCs.
syringe may be heparinized with 25 U of sodium heparin/mL of SF in A traumatic tap produces an uneven distribution of blood during
routine arthrocentesis. Oxalate, lithium heparin, and powdered ethylene- arthrocentesis or streaking in the syringe. Although pale yellow xantho-
diaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) anticoagulants should be avoided because chromia is difficult to distinguish from normal, a red-brown color follow-
they form crystal artifacts that may be misleading during the microscopic ing centrifugation is good evidence of pathologic hemarthrosis.
examination. Before aspiration, the joint should be turned or otherwise Clarity relates to the number and type of particles within the SF.
manipulated to ensure mixing of its contents. Because normal SF is transparent, newsprint is easily read through the
Ideally, the specimen should be separated into three parts: 3 to 10 mL tube. Although translucent fluid obscures details, black and white areas can
into a sterile heparinized tube or syringe for microbiological studies; 2 to be distinguished, but opaque fluid completely obscures the background.
5 mL in an anticoagulant tube (sodium heparin or liquid EDTA) for Leukocytes are most commonly responsible for changes in clarity.
microscopic examination; and about 5 mL into a plain (no anticoagulant) However, very large numbers of crystals may produce an opaque, milky,
tube for chemical analysis (normal SF does not clot because fibrinogen is opalescent fluid without leukocytes. A shimmering, oily-appearing speci-
absent). Heparin concentrations greater than 125 U/mL have an inhibi- men suggests an abundance of cholesterol crystals, which may grossly
tory effect on some pathogenic bacteria (Rosett & Hodges, 1980). Speci- resemble pus.
mens for culture, therefore, should be at least 1 to 2 mL in volume if they Increased turbidity is less often due to concentrations of fibrin, free-
are submitted in green-top heparin tubes (Becton Dickinson, Rutherford, floating rice bodies (fragments of degenerating proliferative synovial cells
N.J.) containing 143 U/tube of heparin, or submitted in recapped syringes or microinfarcted synovium), metal and plastic particles from patients with
after removal of the needle and excess air. joint prostheses, or cartilage fragments in osteoarthritis. A ground pepper
Dry taps may still have fluid within the needle, which may be sufficient appearance from pigmented cartilage fragments may be the result of a
for the most critical tests. Such specimens should be submitted with the metabolic disorder (i.e., ochronosis).
needle still on the syringe and its tip stuck into a sterile cork. Good com-
munication with the laboratory is crucial to the appropriate processing of MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION
such specimens.
Total Cell Count
Total leukocyte counts should be performed promptly to avoid degenera-
RECOMMENDED TESTS tive cell loss, which begins as soon as 1 hour following arthrocentesis. Cell
Laboratory examination of SF is of major importance in the differential counts are usually performed in a standard hemocytometer. A wet-prep
diagnosis of joint disease, especially in crystal-induced and infectious slide count of 0 to 2 leukocytes per high-power field (hpf) (averaged over
arthritis. When either is suspected, arthrocentesis and a systematic exami- 10 fields) predicts fewer than 1300 WBCs by cell count (Clayburne et al,
nation of the SF are imperative, and when examination is carried out 1992). Leukocyte counts over 50,000/µL require dilution, which should
properly, it is usually diagnostic. In other joint diseases, a specific diagnosis be done with saline, not acetic acid, to avoid mucin clot formation and cell
may not be possible. Nevertheless, fluid examination is still important, if clumping. Automated cell counters may be used, but their use risks clog-
only to rule out infectious arthritis, which is a critical diagnosis to make ging the machine aperture or obtaining spuriously high cell counts from
in that a joint may be irreversibly damaged within 2 to 3 days if not prop- non-WBC particles (e.g., crystals, fat globules), especially in multichannel
erly treated. This is especially true when Staphylococcus aureus is the infec- and flow cell–based machines. Pretreatment of highly viscous SF samples
tious organism. Therefore, routine tests should be directed toward the with hyaluronidase improves automated cell counting using these instru-
diagnosis of these two disorders (Box 29-8). Although other tests are not ments (Aulesa et al, 2003). Automated cell counting in SF samples using
of practical value for routine use, they may provide important diagnostic digital image-based technology avoids the clogging and spurious count
information under certain circumstances. problems and now offers a reliable method for these counts (Walker et al,
It is critical that these tests be performed well because they can provide 2009; Scott, 2014).
highly specific diagnostic information. Quality performance may be com- Leukocyte counts greater than 10,000/µL, and often greater than
promised in smaller laboratories that examine only a small number of SF 50,000/µL, are characteristic of crystal-induced arthritis (e.g., gout, pseu-
specimens (Hasselbacher, 1987; Rabinovitch & Cornbleet, 1994). dogout), chronic inflammatory arthritis (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, sys-
temic lupus erythematosus, ankylosing spondylitis), and septic arthritis
(Kjeldsberg, 1993). Osteoarthritis, osteochondritis dissicans, trauma, and
GROSS EXAMINATION synovioma usually have total WBC counts less than 10,000/µL.
Total volume should be recorded at the bedside, especially if the sample Erythrocytes should be routinely counted unless it is an obvious trau-
is to be divided for submission to different laboratory sections. matic tap. If a large number of RBCs interferes with the leukocyte count,

Descargado para Dennis Lorena Cárdenas Leal ( en Industrial University of Santander de por Elsevier en septiembre 27, 2019.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
they may be lysed by dilution with 0.3 normal saline or 1% saponin in associated with a leukocyte response, and may cause spurious elevations of
saline. the automated WBC count (Wise et al, 1987).
The upper reference level for SF leukocytes is 150 to 200/µL (Kjelds-
berg, 1993). Elevated cell counts are used to help divide findings into Crystal Examination
different disease categories but are nonspecific for any particular disease Crystals in SF lead to acute inflammation with increased WBC counts and
because of extensive overlap. a neutrophil-predominant infiltrate. Crystal identification, especially if
intracellularly in neutrophils or macrophages, is pathognomonic for a
Differential Leukocyte Count crystal-induced arthritis (Judkins & Cornbleet, 1997).
Cytospin preparations are preferred over smears from centrifuged SF Gout refers to the process of crystal deposition in articular tissue.
because the cell morphology is significantly better preserved. Treatment Common usage typically implies urate gout, and an inflammatory response
with hyaluronidase may be necessary to produce thin smears in viscous to crystal deposition is referred to as gouty arthritis. The most common

specimens. Liquid-based thin-layer processing instruments may also be types of endogenous crystals responsible for gouty arthritis are monoso-
used effectively to produce good-quality preparations of SF for micro- dium urate monohydrate (urate gout), calcium pyrophosphate dihy-
scopic examination (Policarpio-Nicolas & Valente, 2013). Automated leu- drate (pyrophosphate gout, chondrocalcinosis, or “pseudogout”), apatite
kocyte differential counts utilizing flow cytometers may be reliably and other basic calcium phosphates (BCP; apatite gout), calcium oxalate
performed on SF samples (Aulesa et al, 2003), with even better perfor- (oxalate gout), and lipids (lipid gout).
mance, including detection of crystals, using digital image-based instru- Except for BCP, all of the above crystals can be detected by polarized
ments (Walker et al, 2009; Scott, 2014). light microscopy. A high-quality polarizing microscope with a first-order
Neutrophils normally account for about 20% of SF leukocytes. Neu- red plate compensator should be used. The polarizer filter is placed
trophils generally exceed 50% in urate gout, pseudogout, and rheumatoid directly above the light source. The analyzer (another polarizing filter) is
arthritis (RA); they most often exceed 75% in acute bacterial arthritis. placed between the specimen slide and the microscope oculars, oriented
When 75% is used as a cutoff, the sensitivity for an inflammatory process 90 degrees from the polarizer to produce a dark background. The com-
is about 75%, and the specificity is 92% (Shmerling et al, 1990). These pensator is placed between the polarizer and the analyzer, usually oriented
cells frequently exhibit degenerative changes and may contain bacteria, 45 degrees (halfway) between the planes of the two polarizing filters.
crystals, lipid droplets, vacuoles, or dark blue to black granular inclusions Initial examination should be performed on a wet preparation using
thought to consist of immune complexes (ragocytes, RA cells). The pres- polarized light. Phase-contrast microscopy enhances crystal detection.
ence of ragocytes in patients with RA may indicate a poorer outcome The slide and coverslip must be cleaned and carefully dried immediately
(Davis et al, 1988). before use to avoid birefringent dust particulate artifacts. The coverslip
Lupus erythematosus (LE) cells, sometimes present in patients with edges are sealed with nail polish or other sealant, which retards but does
lupus arthritis, are most often neutrophils that have phagocytosed the not prevent evaporation. The coverslip edge is used to find the proper
nuclei of degenerating cells (Fig. 29-10). However, LE cells are not plane of focus; however, crystals in this location should be ignored because
pathognomonic for SLE because they have also been identified in the SF they are most likely artifacts. Most crystals are scanned with a 10× objective
of RA patients (Hunder & Pierre, 1970). and are evaluated with at least a 40× objective, concentrating especially on
Lymphocytes, normally constituting about 15% of SF cells, are prom- cellular areas. Complete examination requires 100× oil immersion,
inent in early RA and other autoimmune disorders, as well as in chronic however, because apparently negative fluids on scanning may contain a
infections. Reactive forms, including immunoblasts, are occasionally large population of small crystals (Gatter & Schumacher, 1991). Aligning
present. the crystals’ orientation to the compensator by rotating the microscope
Monocytes and macrophages are the most common cells present in stage or the compensator facilitates recognition and identification. Crystal
normal SF, accounting for approximately 65% of the cell count. Monocy- morphology, the extinction angle, strength, and signs of any birefringence
tosis may be self-limited in viral arthritis or serum sickness, or more (i.e., the ability to refract light and split the incident light into two rays: a
chronic in SLE or undifferentiated connective tissue disorders. Reiter’s fast ray and a slow ray) are noted. The sensitivity and specificity of polar-
cells, originally believed to be specific for Reiter’s syndrome, are macro- ized microscopy for crystals are 78% and 79%, respectively, for monoso-
phages containing degenerating neutrophils (Fig. 29-11). dium urate (Hasselbacher, 1987), and 12% and 67% for calcium
Eosinophilia, defined as more than 2% of the leukocyte count, has pyrophosphate dihydrate (McGill & York, 1991). Repeat examination fol-
been reported in Lyme disease, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic fever, lowing 24 hours of refrigeration at 4° C may result in a significant increase
metastatic carcinoma, parasitic infection, chronic urticaria, and angio- in the number of crystal-positive fluids (Yuan et al, 2003). Cytospin prepa-
edema, and following arthrography (allergic reaction to dye) and irradia- rations are also used effectively in the detection of crystals in SF samples
tion (Podell et al, 1980; Kay et al, 1988). (Theiler et al, 2014).
Synovial cells have no pathologic significance. They appear similar to The Diff-Quik staining method may be a reliable alternative to polar-
mesothelial cells and may be difficult to distinguish from monocytes and ized microscopy. Overall specificity, sensitivity, and accuracy are 87.5%,
macrophages. 94.4%, and 91.9%, respectively. The overall positive predictive value is
Lipid bodies are associated with trauma, aseptic necrosis, and RA. 92.7%; the negative predictive value is 90.3% (Selvi et al, 2001). Other
These droplets often form Maltese crosses under polarized light, can be more sophisticated and reliable methods, such as X-ray crystallography

Figure 29-10  Lupus erythematosus cell in the synovial fluid from a patient Figure 29-11  Reiter’s cells in the synovial fluid from a patient with Reiter’s
with systemic lupus erythematosus. syndrome.

Descargado para Dennis Lorena Cárdenas Leal ( en Industrial University of Santander de por Elsevier en septiembre 27, 2019.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
29  Cerebrospinal, Synovial, Serous Body Fluids, and Alternative Specimens

Figure 29-12  Monosodium urate crystals under polarized light from a patient Figure 29-14  Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals in synovial fluid from
with urate gout. a patient with pseudogout. Compensated polarized light. (From Kjeldsberg CR,
Knight JA: Body fluids: laboratory examination of amniotic, cerebrospinal, seminal,
serous and synovial fluids, ed 3, Chicago: © American Society for Clinical Pathology;
1993, with permission.)

Figure 29-13  Monosodium urate crystals in synovial fluid. Compensated

polarized light. (From Kjeldsberg CR, Knight JA: Body fluids: laboratory examination
of amniotic, cerebrospinal, seminal, serous and synovial fluids, ed 3, Chicago, 1993,
© American Society for Clinical Pathology, with permission.)
Figure 29-15  Cholesterol crystals in synovial fluid. Polarized light.

and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, have been described for iden-
tifying and characterizing crystals in biological specimens (Rosenthal & light microscopy, unless they are clumped into 1- to 50-µm spherical
Mandel, 2001). microaggregates. Alizarin red S dye may be used to stain these and other
Monosodium urate (MSU) crystals appear as needle-shaped rods 5 to calcium-containing crystals (Lazcano et al, 1993). At present, identifica-
20 µm long, but they may be only 1 to 2 µm in length or, rarely, may tion of BCP crystals is not important for diagnosis or prognosis, or as a
appear as rounded spherolites. They are strongly birefringent (Fig. 29-12): guide in treatment.
yellow when oriented parallel to the compensator and blue with perpen- Calcium oxalate dihydrate crystals are 5- to 30-µm bipyramidal octa-
dicular orientation (negative birefringence or elongation) (Fig. 29-13). A hedral “envelopes” with variable birefringence and positive elongation.
control slide of MSU crystals should always be used for comparison. They are seen in arthropathy associated with chronic renal dialysis and
Alternatively, betamethasone, a steroid that appears as a strongly negative primary oxalosis, a rare inborn error of metabolism. The monohydrate
birefringent rod, can be used to prepare a reference slide for the polarizing form is birefringent but nondescript in shape.
microscope (Judkins & Cornbleet, 1997). Lipid crystals are 1- to 20-µm spheres with a Maltese cross appearance
MSU crystals are found in 90% of acute urate gout and in about 75% and positive birefringence under compensated polarized light. They have
of patients between attacks. Intracellular MSU crystals are characteristic been implicated as a cause of acute arthritis (McCarty, 1988).
of acute urate gout. They may also occasionally be observed as a result of Crystalline corticosteroids from intraarticular injection may have an
inflammation in septic arthritis (McCarty, 1988). appearance similar to MSU or CPPD crystals and persist up to 1 month
Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate (CPPD) crystals are found in a following injection. Most often, they have blunt, jagged edges without
group of conditions collectively known as CPPD crystal deposition disease. clear crystal structure because they are prepared by grinding up larger
These crystals appear as rhomboids, rods, or rectangles 1 to 20 µm in crystalline forms. Triamcinolone hexacetonide is negatively birefringent,
length. CPPD crystals are weakly birefringent with positive elongation but most others show positive birefringence.
(blue when aligned with the compensator axis; Fig. 29-14). Many are too Cholesterol crystals typically appear as irregular birefringent plates,
small to polarize the light, making them difficult to detect without phase- often with notched corners (Fig. 29-15). In chronic effusions (e.g., tuber-
contrast microscopy. Extinction is incomplete and occurs between 20 and culous arthritis, RA, SLE), needle- or rhomboid-shaped crystals similar to
30 degrees from the angle of the polarizer and analyzer (oblique or inclined MSU or CPPD may be present (Ettlinger & Hunder, 1979). Very small
extinction). (1 to 5 microns) irregular, rod- and needle-shaped cholesterol crystals have
CPPD crystals are associated with degenerative arthritis and are seen been identified by X-ray diffraction analysis and by ultrastructural studies
in arthritides associated with hypomagnesemia, hemochromatosis, hyper- in osteoarthritis effusions (Fam et al, 1981). Cholesterol crystals are
parathyroidism, and hypothyroidism (Jones et al, 1992). ethanol and ether soluble and are not phagocytosed by leukocytes. If
Calcium hydroxyapatite and the other basic calcium phosphate (BCP) cholesterol crystals are detected, quantitative analysis should show that the
crystals are typically too small and nonbirefringent (isotropic) to see with SF cholesterol level exceeds the plasma level.

Descargado para Dennis Lorena Cárdenas Leal ( en Industrial University of Santander de por Elsevier en septiembre 27, 2019.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
TABLE 29-8  dehydrogenase is elevated in RA, gout, failed arthroplasties, and infec-
Reference Intervals for Synovial Fluid Constituents tious arthritis. This increase most likely reflects the neutrophil infiltrate.
Elevated acid phosphatase may have negative prognostic value in RA but
Constituent Synovial Fluid Plasma is not specific (Luukkainen et al, 1989). Although enzyme analysis of SF
is currently not clinically relevant, the measurement of various hydrolases
Total protein 1-3 g/dL 6-8 g/dL may have significant predictive value in joint prognosis, especially RA.
Albumin 55%-70% 50%-65%
α1-Globulin 6%-8% 3%-5% Organic Acids
α2-Globulin 5%-7% 7%-13% When compared with nonseptic monoarticular arthritis, SF lactic acid
β-Globulin 8%-10% 8%-14% levels are usually increased in patients with septic arthritis (Kjeldsberg,
1993). Levels significantly greater than 30 mg/dL (3.7 mmol/L) are com-
γ-Globulin 10%-14% 12%-22%

monly associated with septic arthritis due to gram-positive cocci and gram-
Hyaluronic acid 0.3-0.4 g/dL negative bacilli. Measurement of D-lactate levels in SF appears to be a
Glucose 70-110 mg/dL 70-110 mg/dL useful method for rapid diagnosis of bacterial synovitis (Gratacos et al,
Uric acid 2-8 mg/dL 2-8 mg/dL 1995). In other studies, however, normal or intermediate lactate levels
Lactate 9-29 mg/dL 9-29 mg/dL neither rule in nor rule out infection. Moreover, gonococcal arthritis is
notorious for having normal SF lactate levels (Curtis et al, 1983).
Modified from Kjeldsberg CR, Knight JA: Body fluids: laboratory examination of amni- When gas-liquid chromatography is used, the presence of other organic
otic, cerebrospinal, seminal, serous and synovial fluids, ed 3, Chicago, 1993, © acids not normally present in SF (e.g., n-valeric, n-hexanoic, and suc-
American Society for Clinical Pathology, with permission.
cinic acids) may be very helpful in differentiating septic from nonseptic
arthritis (Borenstein et al, 1982).

Glove powder (modified cornstarch) introduced during joint surgery Uric Acid
appears as round, strongly birefringent particles 5 to 30 µm in diameter, Synovial fluid uric acid levels generally, although not always, parallel serum
with a central notch and a Maltese cross appearance when polarized. levels in gout and noninflammatory arthropathies. This assay provides
A variety of other crystals or particulates may be present in SF. These little clinical value in SF analysis except in some cases where gout is sus-
include monoclonal Ig crystals or cryoglobulins, Charcot-Leyden crystals, pected but crystals are not identified (Reeves, 1965). Increased SF uric acid
amyloid fragments, cartilage fragments, collagen fibrils and fibrin strands, levels in these cases support a diagnosis of gout.
hematoidin crystals from prior hemorrhage, crystals from certain antico-
agulants, nail polish, prosthetic fragments, and dust particles (Gatter & Lipids
Schumacher, 1991). In contrast to plasma, normal SF contains extremely low concentrations
of lipids. Synovial fluid lipid abnormalities include (1) rare cholesterol-rich
pseudochylous effusions typically associated with chronic RA; (2) lipid
CHEMICAL ANALYSIS droplets, usually the result of trauma; and (3) extremely rare chylous effu-
Chemical analyses of SF generally offer only supportive information to the sions seen in association with RA, SLE, filariasis, pancreatitis, and trauma
routine tests. High viscosity may be remedied by dilution with normal (Wise et al, 1987). These diseases can usually be differentiated clinically
saline, sonication, or hyaluronidase treatment. Reference intervals for the and by gross and microscopic examination; quantification of lipids cur-
more important chemical analytes are shown in Table 29-8. rently has no clinical value in joint fluid analysis, except in cases in which
cholesterol crystals may resemble MSU or CPPD. In these cases, a cho-
Mucin Clot Test lesterol level that exceeds the plasma level supports the presence of cho-
Addition of acetic acid to SF precipitates hyaluronate into a mucin clot, lesterol crystals.
which may be graded as good, fair, or poor. A fair to poor mucin clot test
reflects dilution and depolymerization of hyaluronic acid—a nonspecific
finding of several inflammatory arthritides. Although of historic interest,
the mucin clot test has minimal clinical utility today (Baker, 1991). Rheumatoid factor (RF) is found in the SF of about 60% of RA patients,
usually at a titer equal to or slightly lower than the serum titer. Antinu-
Glucose clear antibodies (ANA) are found in the SF of about 70% of patients with
Proper interpretation of SF glucose values requires comparison with serum SLE and 20% of patients with RA. Neither is specific enough for practical
levels, ideally preceded by a fast of 8 hours to allow glucose to equilibrate use. SF complement levels, normally about 10% of serum levels, increase
across the synovial membrane. The serum-synovial differential is less than to 40% to 70% of serum activity with inflammation, proportional to the
10 mg/dL in normal and many noninflammatory conditions. In septic increase in protein exudation. Complement consumption in SLE and RA,
arthritis, this difference ranges from 20 to 60 mg/dL but overlaps signifi- in particular, results in levels less than 30% of serum complement. Com-
cantly with other inflammatory conditions, thereby limiting its clinical plement is also decreased in some cases of bacterial and crystal-induced
usefulness. When a cutoff value of 75 mg/dL is used, the sensitivity of low arthritis, so measurement is impractical for routine diagnosis.
glucose for detecting an inflammatory joint disease is only 20%; the speci-
ficity is 84% (Shmerling et al, 1990).
In vitro glycolysis by large numbers of leukocytes may falsely reduce
SF glucose values unless testing is performed within 1 hour of collection. Immediate transportation of joint fluid and good communication of clini-
Tubes containing sodium fluoride, an inhibitor of glycolysis, prevent the cal suspicions to the laboratory are extremely important in the rapid iden-
loss of glucose. tification of an infectious agent.
Septic arthritis may be acute or chronic, and Gram stain and culture
Protein should be performed as part of the routine SF evaluation. Gram stain
The mean normal protein concentration is 1.38 g/dL in living volunteers sensitivity varies from about 75% for staphylococcal infections and 50%
(Weinburger & Simkin, 1989). A reliable reference interval is 1.0 to 3.0 g/ for most gram-negative organisms, to less than 25% for gonococcal infec-
dL. With increasing inflammation, larger proteins (e.g., fibrinogen) enter tions (Goldenberg & Reed, 1985). Concentration methods, including
the synovial space. Spontaneous clot formation may be detected in non- cytocentrifugation, may increase the sensitivity of the Gram stain.
anticoagulated specimen tubes (fibrin clot test). Although elevation of the Culture sensitivity ranges from 75% to 95% for nongonococcal joint
SF protein level may be associated with inflammatory and infectious condi- infections in patients who have not received antibiotics. For patients with
tions, measurement of SF protein is highly nonspecific; the sensitivity is gonorrhea, the sensitivity is only 10% to 50% (Shmerling, 1994). In par-
about 52% and the specificity 56% for inflammatory disorders (Shmerling tially treated patients, the use of resin-containing blood culture bottles for
et al, 1990). culturing SF may improve isolation and identification of the responsible
Enzymes Although not yet in routine practice, the use of polymerase chain
Numerous enzymes have been studied in SF, including lactate dehydroge- reaction (PCR) with primers to detect bacterial DNA is helpful, particu-
nase, aspartate aminotransferase, adenosine deaminase, acid and alkaline larly for the more fastidious, uncultivable pathogens (e.g., Borrelia burg-
phosphatase, and lysozyme, among others (Kjeldsberg, 1993). Lactate dorferi, Chlamydia spp., Mycoplasma spp.) (Nocton et al, 1994; Li et al,

Descargado para Dennis Lorena Cárdenas Leal ( en Industrial University of Santander de por Elsevier en septiembre 27, 2019.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
1996; Jalava et al, 2001). Viruses are often associated with acute infectious BOX 29-9 
29  Cerebrospinal, Synovial, Serous Body Fluids, and Alternative Specimens
arthritis, and, depending on the putative virus, serology, viral culture, Classification of Pleural Effusions
and detection of viral DNA by nucleic acid amplification should be
performed. Transudates: Increased Hydrostatic Pressure or Decreased  
Depending on the clinical history, infectious arthritis may be associated Plasma Oncotic Pressure
with particular exposures and their associated pathogens. Arthritis devel- Congestive heart failure
ops in approximately 60% of patients with Lyme disease resulting from Hepatic cirrhosis
exposure to ticks infected with Borrelia burgdorferi (Golightly, 1993). The Hypoproteinemia (e.g., nephrotic syndrome)
PCR test for detecting B. burgdorferi DNA in SF is positive in 96% of Exudates: Increased Capillary Permeability or Decreased  
untreated cases (Nocton et al, 1994; Exner & Lewinski, 2003). Lymphatic Resorption
In patients with a travel history or outdoor occupations, SF/tissue Infections
should be examined for fungal pathogens by KOH/calcofluor white stain Bacterial pneumonia
and cultured on selective fungal media. For example, a patient with a recent Tuberculosis, other granulomatous diseases (e.g., sarcoidosis,
travel history to Arizona may present with a monoarticular arthritis sec- histoplasmosis)
ondary to Coccidioides immitis. Viral or mycoplasma pneumonia
Patients with chronic arthritis and risk factors for Mycobacterium tuber- Neoplasms
culosis or nontuberculous infections should undergo a synovial biopsy (Ver- Bronchogenic carcinoma
ettas et al, 2003; Titov et al, 2004). Ziehl-Neelsen or Kinyoun stains for Metastatic carcinoma
acid-fast organisms have a sensitivity of about 20%. Cultures for M. tuber- Lymphoma
culosis are positive in about 80% of proven cases. Because conventional Mesothelioma (increased hyaluronate content of effusion fluid)
culture methods for M. tuberculosis are often very time-consuming, apply- Noninfectious inflammatory disease involving pleura
ing PCR in SF for the detection of M. tuberculosis is a useful technique for Rheumatoid disease (low pleural fluid glucose in most cases)
more rapid diagnosis (Fujimoto et al, 2010). Systemic lupus erythematosus (LE cells are occasionally present)
Pulmonary infarct (may be associated with hemorrhagic effusion)
Fluid from Extrapleural Sources
Pancreatitis (elevated amylase activity in effusion fluid)
The pleural cavity is a potential space lined by mesothelium of the visceral Ruptured esophagus (elevated amylase activity and low pH)
and parietal pleurae. The pleural cavity normally contains a small Urinothorax (elevated creatinine and low pH)
amount of fluid that facilitates movement of the two membranes against
each other. This fluid is a plasma filtrate derived from capillaries of the LE, Lupus erythematosus.
parietal pleura. It is produced continuously at a rate dependent on capillary
hydrostatic pressure, plasma oncotic pressure, and capillary permeability. TABLE 29-9 
Pleural fluid is reabsorbed through the lymphatics and venules of the
visceral pleura. Laboratory Criteria for Pleural Fluid Exudate
An accumulation of fluid, called an effusion, results from an imbal­ Pleural fluid/serum protein ratio ≥0.50
ance of fluid production and reabsorption. This fluid accumulation in the
Pleural fluid/serum LD ratio ≥0.60
pleural, pericardial, and peritoneal cavities is known as a serous
effusion. Pleural fluid LD ≥2 3 upper limit of normal
serum LD
Pleural fluid cholesterol >45 mg/dL
Pleural fluid/serum cholesterol ratio ≥0.30
Thoracentesis is indicated for any undiagnosed pleural effusion or for Serum–pleural fluid albumin gradient ≤1.2 g/dL
therapeutic purposes in patients with massive symptomatic effusions.
Pleural fluid/serum bilirubin ratio ≥0.60
Pleural fluid samples are frequently collected, handled, and/or analyzed in
a less than satisfactory manner. Indeed, improper collection/handling and LD, Lactate dehydrogenase.
undertesting or inappropriate testing are more common than with other
body fluids. The laboratory often receives a large syringe or vacuum bottle,
which must be circulated through the various laboratory sections. More- RECOMMENDED TESTS
over, a large blood or fibrin clot may be present as the result of inadequate
anticoagulation or mixing. The evaluation of serous body fluids (pleural, pericardial, peritoneal) is
Except for an EDTA tube for total and differential cell counts, the directed first toward differentiating transudative from exudative effusions.
specimen should be collected in heparinized tubes to avoid clotting. Ali- Transudates generally require no further workup. However, the fluid
quots for aerobic and anaerobic bacterial cultures are best inoculated into should be retained for 7 to 10 days in case further testing is needed. To
blood culture media at the bedside. If malignancy, fungal infection, or separate the two, several chemical parameters have been proposed,
mycobacterial infection is suspected, all remaining fluid (≥100 mL) should although none is 100% accurate (Table 29-9).
be submitted to maximize the yield of stains and culture. Because serous Classical teaching stressed that exudates and transudates can be distin-
effusions are more forgiving than CSF in maintaining cellular integrity, guished on the basis of total protein concentrations above (exudates) or
fresh specimens for cytology may be stored for up to 48 hours in the below (transudates) 3.0 g/dL. However, using total protein alone misclas-
refrigerator with satisfactory results. For pH measurements, the fluid sifies both exudates and transudates by about 30% (Melsom, 1979). It is
should be collected anaerobically in a heparinized syringe and submitted now well accepted that test combinations increase sensitivity, improve
to the laboratory on ice. Grossly purulent specimens do not require pH accuracy, and serve as the basis for the well-established Light criteria
measurement and may clog the analyzer. (Light et al, 1972). An exudate meets one or more of the following criteria:
(1) Pleural fluid/serum protein ratio greater than 0.5; (2) pleural fluid/
serum LD ratio greater than 0.6; and (3) pleural fluid LD level greater
TRANSUDATES AND EXUDATES than two thirds of the serum upper limit of normal. Using these criteria,
It has long been recognized that the initial classification of a pleural fluid the sensitivity and specificity are about 98% and 80%, respectively.
as a transudate or an exudate greatly simplifies the process of arriving at Several alternative measurements have been proposed to differentiate
a correct final diagnosis. Moreover, it determines whether further testing exudates from transudates. Testing for total cholesterol, the albumin gradi-
is needed. ent, or a combination of LD and total cholesterol may discriminate effu-
Transudates are usually bilateral owing to systemic conditions leading sions with equivocal Light’s criteria results. For example, the albumin
to increased capillary hydrostatic pressure or decreased plasma oncotic gradient is recommended to confirm a clinical transudate misclassified as
pressure (Box 29-9). Malignant effusions may infrequently be transudative an exudate by Light’s criteria (Light, 1997), that is, a serum albumin level
as the result of a simultaneous confounding clinical condition such as greater than 1.2 g/dL higher than the pleural fluid level indicates that the
congestive heart failure (Ashchi et al, 1998). Exudates are more often fluid is a transudate (Burgess et al, 1995). In many such cases, the patient
unilateral, associated with localized disorders that increase vascular perme- is being diuresed. Other test combinations have equaled but not surpassed
ability or interfere with lymphatic resorption (see Box 29-9). the performance of Light’s criteria. In most cases, the same categorization

Descargado para Dennis Lorena Cárdenas Leal ( en Industrial University of Santander de por Elsevier en septiembre 27, 2019.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
BOX 29-10  TABLE 29-10 
Pleural Effusion: Recommended Tests Characteristic Features of Chylous and Pseudochylous Effusions
Routine Tests Feature Chylous Pseudochylous
Gross examination
Onset Sudden Gradual
Pleural fluid/serum protein ratio
Pleural fluid/serum LD ratio Appearance Milky-white, or Milky or greenish,
Examination of Romanowski-stained smear (malignant cells, LE cells) yellow to bloody metallic sheen
Useful Tests in Most Patients Microscopic Lymphocytosis Mixed cellular reaction,
examination cholesterol crystals
Stains and cultures for microorganisms
Cytology Triglycerides*† ≥110 mg/dL <50 mg/dL

(≥1.24 mmol/L) (<0.56 mol/L)
Useful Tests in Selected Cases
Lipoprotein Chylomicrons present Chylomicrons absent
Pleural fluid cholesterol electrophoresis
Pleural fluid/serum cholesterol ratio
Albumin gradient Modified from Kjeldsberg CR, Knight JA: Body fluids: laboratory examination of amni-
pH otic, cerebrospinal, seminal, serous and synovial fluids, ed 3, Chicago, 1993, ©
Lactate American Society for Clinical Pathology, with permission.
Enzymes (ADA, amylase, LD) *Values in parentheses are SI units.

Interferon-γ Triglyceride levels between 50 mg/dL and 110 mg/dL are equivocal and require
electrophoresis to confirm chylothorax.
C-reactive protein
Lipid analysis
Tumor markers
Tuberculostearic acid
Pleural biopsy
Cell Counts
Total cell counts may be performed using manual hemocytometer methods;
Modified from Kjeldsberg CR, Knight JA: Body fluids: laboratory examination of amni- however, automated cell counts are increasingly used with pleural and
otic, cerebrospinal, seminal, serous and synovial fluids, ed 3, Chicago, 1993, © other serous fluid specimens (Aulesa et al, 2003; Conner et al, 2003; Yang
American Society for Clinical Pathology, with permission.
ADA, Adenosine deaminase; LD, lactate dehydrogenase; LE, lupus erythematosus.
et al, 2013). Leukocyte counts have limited utility in separating transudates
(<1000/µL) from exudates (>1000/µL). Although RBC counts above
100,000/µL are highly suggestive of malignancy, trauma, or pulmonary
of pleural fluids as exudates or transudates may be achieved using measure- infarction, they are not specific for these conditions.
ments of protein and LD alone without comparison with a blood sample,
as was accomplished with application of Light’s criteria (Murphy & Jen- Differential Leukocyte Count and Cytology
kinson, 2008). Examination is commonly performed on a stained smear, preferably pre-
Some tests, such as the combination of pleural fluid LD and choles- pared by cytocentrifugation and with the air-dried smear stained with a
terol, may be more convenient and cost-effective by avoiding the need for Romanowski stain. Indeed, examination by the hematology laboratory can
simultaneous blood tests (Costa et al, 1995). Bilirubin measurement is not be highly effective in the detection of malignant cells, especially hemato-
a strong discriminator of effusions (Heffner et al, 1997). logic malignancies (Kendall et al, 1997). Filtration or automated concen-
Further analysis of exudates is directed toward ruling out malignancy tration methods with Papanicolaou stain may also be used, especially if cell
and infection. Cytology and appropriate bacterial stains and cultures are loss is a matter of concern. Automated WBC differential counts may be
the most useful tests in this regard. Moreover, given that pleural fluid DNA done on pleural fluid samples; however, some variation in results from
levels are significantly increased in exudates, quantitative analysis may be those of manual methods may be seen (Conner et al, 2003). Liquid-based
an effective method to evaluate the causes of serous effusion (Chan et al, thin-layer methods are often used to prepare pleural and other serous fluid
2003). Recommended tests for the evaluation of pleural effusions are sum- specimens for cytopathologic examination and show good performance in
marized in Box 29-10. The types of tests ordered and the interpretation the detection of malignant cells (Moriarity et al, 2008).
of test results should always be correlated with clinical findings and dif- Cytologic analysis will establish the diagnosis of metastatic carcinoma
ferential diagnosis. Total leukocyte, differential, and RBC counts are of in 70% or more of cases when both smears and cell blocks are examined
limited use in the evaluation of serous effusions. (Light, 2002). The sensitivity is significantly lower if the patient has meso-
thelioma (10%), squamous cell carcinoma (20%), lymphoma (25% to
50%), or sarcoma (25%). Preparation of cell blocks is unnecessary, except
GROSS EXAMINATION for effusions in which malignancy is an important consideration (Jonasson
Transudates are typically clear, pale yellow to straw-colored, and odorless, et al, 1990).
and do not clot. Approximately 15% of transudates are blood tinged. A Mesothelial cells are common in pleural fluids from inflammatory
bloody pleural effusion (hematocrit >1%) suggests trauma, malignancy, or processes (Fig. 29-16). They are, however, conspicuously scarce in patients
pulmonary infarction (Jay, 1986). A traumatic tap is suggested by uneven with tuberculous pleurisy and rheumatoid pleuritis, and in patients who
blood distribution, fluid clearing with continued aspiration, or formation have had pleurodesis. Fibrin deposition and fibrosis occurring in these
of small blood clots. A pleural fluid hematocrit greater than 50% of the conditions prevent mesothelial cell exfoliation. Well-differentiated carci-
blood hematocrit is good evidence for a hemothorax (Light, 1995). noma cells may be easily recognized (Fig. 29-17) or may be highly undif-
Exudates may grossly resemble transudates, but most show variable ferentiated (Fig. 29-18). A panel of immunocytochemical stains may be
degrees of cloudiness or turbidity, and they often clot if not heparinized. necessary for confirmation, and these studies are enhanced by the use of
A feculent odor may be detected in anaerobic infections. Turbid, milky, liquid-based preparation methods (Sioutopoulou et al, 2008).
and/or bloody specimens should be centrifuged and the supernatant exam- Neutrophils predominate in pleural fluid from patients with pleural
ined. If the supernatant is clear, the turbidity is most likely due to cellular inflammation (Box 29-11). More than 10% of transudates will also have a
elements or debris. If the turbidity persists after centrifugation, a chylous predominance of neutrophils, but this has limited clinical significance.
or pseudochylous effusion is likely. Lymphocytes predominate in the disorders summarized in Box 29-11.
True chylous effusions are produced by leakage from the thoracic duct Most are small, but medium, large, and reactive (transformed) variants
resulting from obstruction by lymphoma, carcinoma, or traumatic disrup- may be seen. Nucleoli and nuclear cleaving are more prominent in effu-
tion. A creamy top layer of chylomicrons may form in the specimen on sions than in the peripheral blood, and these features may be particularly
standing. Idiopathic congenital chylothorax is the most common form of prominent in cytocentrifuge preparations. Plasma cells may also be
pleural effusion in the newborn. observed. Lymphocytosis associated with transudates is of limited clinical
Pseudochylous or chyliform effusions may have a milky, greenish, or significance.
“gold paint” appearance. They accumulate gradually through the break- Low-grade non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and chronic lymphocytic leuke-
down of cellular lipids in long-standing effusions such as rheumatoid mia (CLL) may be difficult to distinguish from benign lymphocyte-rich
pleuritis, tuberculosis, or myxedema. Features that distinguish true chylous serous effusion (Fig. 29-19). Immunophenotyping by flow cytometry or
from pseudochylous effusions are summarized in Table 29-10. immunocytochemistry, in conjunction with cellular morphology, is usually

Descargado para Dennis Lorena Cárdenas Leal ( en Industrial University of Santander de por Elsevier en septiembre 27, 2019.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
BOX 29-11 
29  Cerebrospinal, Synovial, Serous Body Fluids, and Alternative Specimens
Cellular Differential of Pleural Effusions
Neutrophilia (>50%) Uremic effusions
Bacterial pneumonia Transudates (≈30%)
(parapneumonic effusion) Eosinophilia (>10%)
Pulmonary infarction Pneumothorax (air in pleural
Pancreatitis space)
Subphrenic abscess Trauma
Early tuberculosis Pulmonary infarction
Transudates (>10%) Congestive heart failure
Lymphocytosis (>50%) Infection (especially parasitic,
Tuberculosis fungal)
Viral infection Hypersensitivity syndromes
Malignancy (lymphoma, other Drug reaction
neoplasms) Rheumatologic diseases
True chylothorax Hodgkin’s disease
Rheumatoid pleuritis Idiopathic
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Figure 29-16  Mesothelial cells in pleural fluid.

Figure 29-17  Well-differentiated breast carcinoma cells in pleural fluid.

Figure 29-19  Pleural effusion in patient with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, small
lymphocytic type. The cells are small round forms, difficult to distinguish from
benign lymphocytes. (From Kjeldsberg CR, Knight JA: Body fluids: Laboratory exami-
nation of amniotic, cerebrospinal, seminal, serous and synovial fluids, ed 3, Chicago,
1993, © American Society for Clinical Pathology, with permission.)

(Karcher & Alkan, 1997). The diagnosis is usually confirmed by demon-

strating in the neoplastic cells the presence of human herpesvirus-8
(HHV-8)–associated antigens and/or DNA by immunophenotypic and/or
molecular analysis.
An eosinophilic effusion is one that has 10% or more eosinophils. The
most common causes are related to the presence of air or blood in the
pleural cavity (see Box 29-11). Most of these are exudates; however, in
about 35% of patients, the cause is unknown (Adelman et al, 1984).
Although not of much assistance in diagnosing the cause of an effusion,
eosinophilia appears to be independently associated with longer survival
(Rubins & Rubins, 1996). A small number of mast cells or basophils often
accompany eosinophils. Eosinophil-derived Charcot-Leyden crystals
may also be seen.

Figure 29-18  Small cell carcinoma of the lung showing typical molding of CHEMICAL ANALYSIS
The measurement of pleural fluid total protein or albumin has little clinical
helpful in making a correct diagnosis. The relative proportions of T and value except when combined with other parameters to differentiate exu-
B cells are, by themselves, not definitive for separating benign from malig- dates from transudates. Protein electrophoresis shows a pattern similar to
nant exudates (Ibrahim et al, 1989); however, the pattern of expression of serum, except for a higher proportion of albumin; it has little value for
Ig light chains and/or other distinctive cell marker combinations may allow differential diagnosis (Light, 1995).
specific diagnosis of lymphoproliferative disorders. Molecular DNA
analysis may be another useful adjunct to morphologic analysis. An Glucose
unusual form of high-grade B-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, called The glucose level of normal pleural fluid, transudates, and most exudates
primary effusion lymphoma, may be seen in pleural, peritoneal, and/or is similar to serum levels. Decreased pleural fluid glucose, accepted as a
pericardial fluid specimens, typically from immunocompromised patients, level below 60 mg/dL (3.33 mmol/L) or a pleural fluid/serum glucose ratio
with a characteristic highly anaplastic and immunoblastic morphologic less than 0.5, is most consistent and dramatic in rheumatoid pleuritis and
appearance and without expression of most B cell–associated antigens grossly purulent parapneumonic exudates (Sahn, 1982). Low pleural fluid

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
glucose may also be present in malignancy, tuberculosis, nonpurulent bac- below 50 mg/dL (0.56 mmol/L) and no chylomicrons on electrophoresis
terial infection, lupus pleuritis, and esophageal rupture. (see Table 29-10).
Cholesterol measurements may be useful in separating transudates
Lactate from exudates, especially when there is a question regarding Light’s crite-
Pleural fluid lactate levels can be a useful adjunct in the rapid diagnosis of ria. A total cholesterol value of 54 mg/dL or more and a pleural fluid/
infectious pleuritis. Levels are significantly higher in bacterial and tuber- serum cholesterol ratio of 0.32 or higher have sensitivity and specificity
culous pleural infections than in other pleural effusions. Values greater values similar to Light’s criteria (Suay et al, 1995). Elevated levels and the
than 90 mg/dL (10 mmol/L) have a positive predictive value for infectious presence of cholesterol crystals may be seen with pleural effusions that
pleuritis of 94% and a negative predictive value of 100% (Gastrin & have been present for several years.
Lovestad, 1988).
C-Reactive Protein

Pleural fluid CRP is a clinically useful screening test for organ disease,
Amylase elevations above the serum level (usually 1.5 to 2.0 or more times index of disease activity, and measure of response to therapy (Castano &
greater) indicate the presence of pancreatitis, esophageal rupture, or malig- Amores, 1992). Pleural fluid CRP levels >30 mg/L reportedly have a
nant effusion (Light & Ball, 1973). Elevated amylase derived from esopha- sensitivity of 93.7%, a specificity of 76.5%, and a positive predictive
geal rupture or malignancy is the salivary isoform, which differentiates it value of 98.4% in parapneumonic infections (Turay et al, 2000). Mean
from pancreatic amylase (Kramer et al, 1989). CRP values are about 90 mg/L in parapneumonic infections compared
Pleural fluid lactate dehydrogenase (LD) levels rise in proportion to the with 26 mg/L and 23 mg/L for tuberculous and malignant effusions,
degree of inflammation. In addition to their use in separating exudates from respectively. Measurement of pleural fluid CRP contributes to both the
transudates, declining LD levels during the course of an effusion indicate diagnosis and assessment of severity of parapneumonic effusions (Porcel
that the inflammatory process is resolving. Conversely, increasing levels et al, 2012).
indicate a worsening condition requiring aggressive workup or treatment.
ADA, which is particularly rich in T lymphocytes, is significantly Tuberculostearic Acid (10-Methyloctadecanoic Acid)
increased in tuberculous pleuritis. At a level of 50 U/L, the sensitivity, Tuberculostearic acid (TSA) was first isolated from the bacillus Mycobac-
specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and effi- terium tuberculosis. This fatty acid is a structural component of mycobac-
ciency for tuberculosis are 91%, 81%, 84%, 89%, and 86%, respectively teria and is not normally present in human tissue. Using gas
(Burgess et al, 1996). When the lymphocyte/neutrophil ratio is 0.75 or chromatography–mass spectroscopy, TSA was measured in sputum,
greater, the percentages are 88%, 95%, 95%, 88%, and 92%, respectively. bronchial washings, and pleural fluid from patients with pulmonary
ADA levels of 40 U/L or greater are present in about 99.6% of patients tuberculosis (Muranishi et al, 1990). Here, pleural fluid TSA was identi-
with verified tuberculous pleuritis (Lee et al, 2001); however, in patients fied in 24 of 32 (75%) patients with active tuberculosis; bronchial wash-
with lymphocyte-rich pleural fluids from nontuberculous causes, ADA ings were positive for TSA in 15 of 22 cases. In patients with other
levels less than 40 U/L are present in 97.1% of cases. pulmonary disorders, only 4 of 46 pleural fluids and 3 of 69 bronchial
washings had detectable levels. A later smaller study reported the follow-
Interferon-γ ing for pleural fluid TSA: Sensitivity 54%, specificity 80%, positive pre-
Pleural fluid interferon (IFN)-γ levels are significantly increased in the pleural dictive value 75%, negative predictive value 61%, and efficacy 66%
fluid of patients with tuberculous pleuritis. The sensitivity of levels of (Yorgancioglu et al, 1996). Combining TSA and adenosine deaminase
3.7 IU/L or greater is 99%, and the specificity is 98% (Villena et al, 1996a). (ADA) analysis in pleural fluid samples appears to increase the diagnostic
Test sensitivity does not differ in HIV-positive and HIV-negative patients. sensitivity for tuberculous pleuritis (Muranishi et al, 1992).
Only about 20% of patients with effusions due to hematologic malignancies
have IFN-γ levels slightly above 3.7 IU/L (Villena et al, 2003a). Tumor Markers
Although not recommended as a routine test, various tumor markers are
pH often a useful adjunct in enigmatic noninflammatory exudates with nega-
Pleural fluid pH measurement has the highest diagnostic accuracy in tive cytology. Several tumor markers, especially CEA, CA 15-3, CA 549,
assessing the prognosis of parapneumonic (pneumonia-related) effusions CA 72-4, and CYFRA 21-1, among others, have been studied in pleural
(Heffner et al, 1995). A parapneumonic exudate with a pH greater than fluids. CEA is probably the most useful single marker for adenocarcino-
7.30 generally resolves with medical therapy alone. A pH less than 7.20 mas, but reported cutoff values vary considerably. The sensitivity of CEA
indicates a complicated parapneumonic effusion (loculated or associated for malignant effusions varies depending on tumor origin and is about 50%
with empyema), requiring surgical drainage. overall. Although complicated parapneumonic effusions may result in
Patients with borderline complicated exudates (pH 7.20 to 7.30) may elevated CEA levels (Garcia-Pachon et al, 1997), they are usually not a
be closely watched with repeat measurements. A concomitant pleural problem to distinguish clinically.
glucose level below 60 mg/dL (3.33 mmol/L), however, strongly suggests A combination of tumor markers increases the accuracy of diagnosis of
impending empyema. Rheumatoid pleuritis and malignant effusions with malignant effusions. Thus, a combination of CEA, CA 15-3, and CA 72-4
a poor response to pleurodesis also have pH values below 7.20 and a low had an accuracy of 90% with 78% sensitivity, 95% specificity, 88% positive
glucose level (Rodriquez-Panadero & Mejias, 1989). A pH below 6.0 is predictive value, and 91% negative predictive value (Villena et al, 1996b).
characteristic of esophageal rupture, although the pH in severe empyema Similarly, CA 15-3 and CEA combined had an accuracy of 87% (Romero
may be 6.0 or less (Good et al, 1980). et al, 1996); a combination of CA 549, CEA, and CA 15-3 had a sensitivity
Urinothorax, a collection of urine presumably produced by lymphatic of 65%, specificity 99%, and accuracy 85% (Villena et al, 2003b). The use
drainage of perirenal accumulations into the pleural cavity, is also associ- of the cytokeratin 19 fragment (CYFRA 21-1) may also be useful in com-
ated with a pleural fluid pH less than 7.30. These effusions are transuda- bination with other tumor markers. Complicating the use of these tests,
tive, because of their low protein content, and smell of urine. They have different tumor markers may be positive in both malignant and inflamma-
a creatinine level greater than in simultaneously drawn serum (Miller et al, tory pleural effusions (Topolcan et al, 2007).
1988). Other tumor markers may also be useful in the diagnosis of unexplained
effusions. For example, a marked increase in pleural fluid prostate-specific
Lipids antigen (PSA) can lead to the correct diagnosis of metastatic prostate
Some serous effusions appear to be chylous (i.e., a milky appearance) but cancer in pleural and pericardial effusions, even when negative by cytologic
are not (pseudochylous), whereas others may not look chylous but are examination (Chin et al, 1999).
(Maldonado et al, 2009). Although pseudochylous fluids may be partially
due to increased leukocytes and necrotic debris, they are primarily due to
the presence of increased lecithin-globulin complexes. A true chylous effu-
sion has chylomicrons on lipoprotein electrophoresis. Lipid measurements Approximately 5% of patients with RA and 50% with SLE develop pleural
are also helpful in identifying chylous effusions (Staats et al, 1980). Thus, effusions sometime during the course of their disease.
pleural fluid triglyceride levels above 110 mg/dL indicate a chylous effu- RF is commonly present in pleural effusions associated with seroposi-
sion; values from 60 to 110 mg/dL (0.68 to 1.24 mmol/L) are less certain tive RA. Although a pleural fluid titer of 1 : 320 or greater in a patient with
and require lipoprotein electrophoresis to confirm a chylothorax, particu- known RA is reasonable evidence of rheumatic pleuritis (Halla et al, 1980),
larly in fasting and postoperative patients (Maldonado et al, 2009). Non- elevated RF titers up to 1 : 1280 have been identified in 41% of patients
chylous and pseudochylous effusions generally have triglyceride levels with bacterial pneumonia, 20% of patients with malignant effusions, and

Descargado para Dennis Lorena Cárdenas Leal ( en Industrial University of Santander de por Elsevier en septiembre 27, 2019.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
14% of patients with tuberculosis, making this test of little value (Levine BOX 29-12 
29  Cerebrospinal, Synovial, Serous Body Fluids, and Alternative Specimens
et al, 1968). Causes of Pericardial Effusions
ANA titers once appeared to be useful in the diagnosis of effusion due
to lupus pleuritis; (Good et al, 1983); however, later studies have indicated Idiopathic (most often viral) Renal failure
no benefit of this testing in pleural fluid specimens over and above serum Infection Hemorrhage
testing (Porcel et al, 2007). Bacteria Trauma
Decreased complement levels (CH50 <10 U/mL or C4 level below Tuberculosis Anticoagulant therapy
10 × 10–5  U/g protein) are present in most patients with rheumatoid or Fungi Leakage of aortic aneurysm
lupus pleuritis (Hunder et al, 1972; Halla et al, 1980); however, decreased Viruses Autoimmune disorders
complement is not highly specific for these diseases and is of little value AIDS-related (usually viral) Hypothyroidism
for routine diagnosis, although it may be helpful in the diagnosis of oth- Neoplasm Rheumatoid arthritis
Metastatic carcinoma Systemic lupus erythematosus
erwise enigmatic effusions.
Lymphoma Inflammatory bowel disease
Drugs Wegener’s granulomatosis
MICROBIOLOGICAL EXAMINATION Hydralazine Acute myocardial infarction
Procainamide Radiation therapy
Bacteria most commonly associated with parapneumonic effusions are Phenytoin
Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, β-hemolytic group A strep-
tococci, enterococci, and some gram-negative bacilli. Anaerobic bacteria AIDS, Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
are isolated in a significant proportion of cases, so both anaerobic and
aerobic cultures should be performed. The sensitivity of the Gram stain is
approximately 50% (Ferrer et al, 1999), and concentration methods, such have been documented in pleural fluid from a single patient with the
as cytocentrifugation, may increase the sensitivity. Use of resin-containing syndrome (Kim & Sahn, 1996).
blood culture bottles may improve the isolation of certain bacteria in
partially treated patients.
For patients with suspected M. tuberculosis, direct staining of tubercu-
lous effusions for acid-fast bacteria has a sensitivity of 20% to 30%, and Pericardial effusions of unknown origin or large effusions with signs of
positive cultures are found in 50% to 70% of cases (Baer & Smith, 2001). cardiac tamponade are generally submitted for laboratory examination.
Pleural biopsy yields the highest culture sensitivity (50% to 75%) and may Fluid may be obtained by pericardiotomy following limited thoracotomy,
provide a rapid presumptive diagnosis of tuberculosis by histopathologic or by pericardiocentesis (sterile needle aspiration).
demonstration of granulomas or acid-fast bacteria. Combining culture and
acid-fast stains with pleural biopsy increases the sensitivity to about 95%
(Jay, 1986). Real-time PCR analysis of pleural fluid specimens shows good
sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of M. tuberculosis and may Normal pericardial fluid is pale yellow and clear. Large effusions (>350 mL)
provide an effective less invasive alternative method for rapid diagnosis are most often caused by malignancy or uremia, or they may be idiopathic.
(Rosso et al, 2011). In HIV-associated cardiac tamponade, 45% of cases are idiopathic, and
ADA can provide rapid chemical evidence for tuberculous effusions tuberculous and bacterial effusions each account for about 20% of cases
independent of HIV status (Burgess et al, 1996; Riantawan et al, 1999; Lee (Chen et al, 1999). Infection or malignancy typically produces turbid effu-
et al, 2001). Although the ADA-2 isoenzyme form is elaborated by acti- sions, whereas effusions due to uremia are usually clear and straw-colored.
vated lymphocytes in tuberculosis, only mild elevations occur in These and several other disorders may produce hemorrhagic effusions.
lymphocyte-rich pleural effusions from nontuberculous causes. However, Blood-like fluid obtained by pericardiocentesis might represent a hem-
the relatively low prevalence of tuberculous pleurisy in North America orrhagic effusion or inadvertent aspiration of blood from the heart. Blood
anticipates a lower positive predictive value rate compared with the excel- obtained from the heart chamber will have a hematocrit comparable with
lent results reported in the Asian and European literature, where tubercu- that of peripheral blood, and blood gas analysis yields results similar to
losis is more common. venous or arterial blood. In contrast, the hematocrit of a hemorrhagic
Pleural fluid interferon-γ is significantly increased in tuberculous pleu- effusion is usually lower than that of peripheral blood. Blood from a cardiac
ritis and may be helpful in some cases because it is independent of HIV puncture clots, but a hemorrhagic effusion usually does not.
status and is only modestly increased in about 20% of hematologic malig- A milky appearance suggests the presence of a chylous or pseudochy-
nancies (Villena et al, 2003a). lous effusion. Identification and differentiation of these effusions are dis-
cussed in the Pleural Fluid section earlier in the chapter.
From 10 to 50 mL of fluid is normally present in the pericardial space,
produced by a transudative process similar to pleural fluid. Pericardial According to Light’s criteria, a pleural exudate has one or more of the
effusions are most often caused by viral infection, and enterovirus is the following: pleural fluid/serum protein ratio >0.5; pleural fluid/serum LD
most common etiologic agent. They may also develop as a result of bacte- ratio >0.6; and pleural fluid LD level >200 U/L. Light’s criteria have also
rial, tuberculous, or fungal infection, or in association with autoimmune been shown to be the most reliable diagnostic tool for identifying pericar-
disorders, renal failure, myocardial infarction, mediastinal injury, or the dial exudates and transudates (Burgess et al, 2002a).
effects of various drugs, or they may be idiopathic (Box 29-12). HIV- Routine testing of pericardial effusions should probably be limited to
infected patients commonly have asymptomatic pericardial effusions, cell count, glucose, total protein, LD, bacterial culture, and cytology
which may become large in more advanced disease (Silva-Cardosa et al, (Meyers et al, 1997). Other, more specific tests are appropriate only when
1999), or they may be associated with primary effusion lymphoma (Karcher there is a high clinical suspicion of unusual causes of pericardial effusion.
& Alkan, 1997). Many of the recommended laboratory tests described for
pleural fluid also pertain to pericardial effusions (see Box 29-10).
The postpericardiotomy syndrome is a fairly common but nonspe-
cific complication of cardiac surgery (or other cardiac damage) that devel- The hematocrit and RBC count document the presence of a hemorrhagic
ops days to weeks following the initial injury. It is hallmarked by the effusion, but are of limited value for differential diagnosis. Total leukocyte
development of fever, pleuritic chest pain, and other signs of pleural, counts over 10,000/µL suggest bacterial, tuberculous, or malignant peri-
pericardial, and, less often, lung inflammation. Exudative pleural effusions carditis; however, low counts may be encountered in these conditions,
develop in more than 80% of cases. These are often serosanguineous to limiting the value of this measurement (Agner & Gallis, 1979). Leukocyte
hemorrhagic and typically have a pH greater than 7.4 and a normal glucose differential counts may be helpful in determining the cause of certain
level (Stelzner et al, 1983). No specific tests are available for diagnosing pericardial effusions, particularly when combined with other pericardial
this syndrome. Diagnosis, therefore, remains one of clinical exclusion. fluid findings (Reuter et al, 2006). Even when the differential count isn’t
Although the cause is uncertain, the time course, presence of antimyocar- helpful, examination of a stained smear should always be performed to
dial antibodies, and response to antiinflammatory therapy suggest an evaluate for atypical or malignant cells.
immune-mediated process. Increased levels of antimyocardial antibodies Cytologic identification of malignant cells is usually not difficult. Meta-
relative to serum, decreased complement levels, and immune complexes static carcinomas of the lung and breast are most frequently observed in

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
malignant pericardial effusion. Cytology has a sensitivity of 95% and a when they are as high as 1 : 5120 (Leventhal et al, 1990; Wang et al, 2000).
specificity of 100% (Meyers et al, 1997). If a high ANA titer is unexplained, malignancy should be considered.


Chemical parameters for the diagnosis of pericardial effusions have not The sensitivity of the Gram stain and culture for bacterial pericarditis is
been studied to the same extent as in other body fluids. Although pericar- similar to other serous body fluids (i.e., about 50% and 80%, respectively).
dial effusions are very similar to pleural fluids, routine application of these Important aerobic bacteria include S. aureus, S. pneumoniae, S. pyogenes, and
tests requires additional studies to fully appreciate their diagnostic gram-negative bacilli. Although infectious pericarditis due to anaerobic
importance. bacteria may be encountered rarely, the bacteria are sometimes not recog-
nized because of inconsistent methods used for their isolation and identi-

fication (Brook, 2002). For this reason, proper laboratory technique is of
A value greater than 3.0 g/dL has a sensitivity of 97% for exudative effu- particular importance when infection with an anaerobic organism is sus-
sions, but a specificity of only 22%, which significantly limits its usefulness. pected. The major anaerobic organisms are the Bacteroides fragilis group,
Thus, total protein has no discriminating power in pericardial diagnosis anaerobic streptococci, Clostridium species, Fusobacterium species, and Bifi-
(Meyers et al, 1997). dobacterium species.
Identification of a specific etiologic agent in viral pericarditis is difficult
Glucose because the viruses (e.g., coxsackieviruses, influenza virus, mumps) are
Pericardial glucose levels less than 60 mg/dL have a diagnostic accuracy rarely isolated from pericardial fluid. Obtaining acute and convalescent
of only 36% in identifying pericardial exudates (Meyers et al, 1997). Values sera for antibody response to suspected viral pathogens may help support
less than 40 mg/dL (<2.22 mmol/L) are common in bacterial, tuberculous, the diagnosis (Bellinger & Vacek, 1987). Viral infection probably accounts
rheumatic, or malignant effusions. for most idiopathic HIV-associated pericardial effusions.
The sensitivity of acid-fast stains and culture for tuberculous pericar-
pH ditis is about 50% (Agner & Gallis, 1979). PCR is a sensitive technique
Pericardial fluid pH may be markedly decreased (<7.10) in rheumatic or and may be more specific than the use of adenosine deaminase in the
purulent pericarditis. Malignancy, uremia, tuberculosis, and idiopathic dis- diagnosis of tuberculous pericarditis (Lee et al, 2002). However, a negative
orders may have moderate decreases in the range of 7.20 to 7.30 (Kindig test does not exclude the diagnosis of tuberculous pericarditis.
& Goodman, 1983). PCR-based assays may aid in the rapid diagnosis of a variety of bacterial
and other infections in the pericardial space (Tenenbaum et al, 2005; Levy
Lipids et al, 2006).
Separation of true chylous from pseudochylous effusions may be facilitated
by triglyceride and cholesterol measurements, as well as by lipoprotein
electrophoresis for chylomicrons (see Table 29-10). See Lipids in the
Pleural Fluid section earlier in the chapter for further details on the diag- Ascites is the pathologic accumulation of excess fluid in the peritoneal
nosis of chylous effusions. cavity. Up to 50 mL of fluid is normally present in this mesothelial-lined
space. As with pleural and pericardial fluids, it is produced as an ultrafiltrate
Enzymes of plasma dependent on vascular permeability and on hydrostatic and
A pericardial fluid LD level greater than 200 U/L has been suggested as oncotic Starling forces.
a cutoff for pericardial exudates (Burgess et al, 2002a). Moreover, the
measurement of LD and creatine kinase in postmortem pericardial fluid
within 48 hours of death may be useful in establishing acute myocardial
injury when such injury is suspected but cannot be established by the usual Common causes of peritoneal effusions are listed in Box 29-13. The labo-
histologic methods (Luna et al, 1982; Stewart et al, 1984). Pericardial fluid ratory criteria for classifying ascitic fluid as a transudate or an exudate are
levels of CK-MB, myoglobin, and troponin I in postmortem pericardial not as well defined as they are for pleural and pericardial fluids. For
fluid are significantly increased in patients with myocardial injury (Perez- example, infected or malignancy-related samples are not uncommonly
Carceles et al, 2004).
ADA activity is a useful adjunctive test for tuberculous pericarditis in
suspicious cases with negative acid-fast stains. The median ADA level in BOX 29-13 
tuberculous pericarditis is significantly higher than in other pathologic
effusions (Burgess et al, 2002b). Using a cutoff of 30 U/L, the sensitivity Causes of Peritoneal Effusions
is 94%, specificity 68%, and positive predictive value 80%. Using a cutoff Transudates: Increased Hydrostatic Pressure or  
of 40 U/L, the sensitivity and specificity are 93% and 97%, respectively Decreased Plasma Oncotic Pressure
(Koh et al, 1994). Combining pericardial ADA levels with other findings
Congestive heart failure
adds to the diagnostic utility of measuring this analyte (Reuter et al, 2006). Hepatic cirrhosis
Interferon-γ Hypoproteinemia (e.g., nephrotic syndrome)

Increased IFN-γ levels have been reported in tuberculous serous effusions, Exudates: Increased Capillary Permeability or  
Decreased Lymphatic Resorption
including tuberculous pericarditis (Burgess et al, 2002b). Here, the IFN-γ
level was greater than 1000 pg/L, which was significantly higher than in Infections
effusions from other pathologic conditions. A cutoff value of 200 pg/L Primary bacterial peritonitis
results in a sensitivity and specificity of 100% for the diagnosis of tuber- Secondary bacterial peritonitis (e.g., appendicitis, bowel rupture)
culous pericarditis. As with ADA, combining IFN-γ levels with other
pericardial fluid findings improves the diagnostic utility of this assay
(Reuter et al, 2006). Lymphoma
Polymerase Chain Reaction Mesothelioma
Metastatic carcinoma
PCR is a sensitive technique and may be more specific than adenosine Ovarian carcinoma
deaminase in the diagnosis of tuberculous pericarditis (Lee et al, 2002); Prostate cancer
however, a negative test does not rule out tuberculous pericarditis because Trauma
some pericardial fluids from patients with large tuberculous effusions may Pancreatitis
not contain M. tuberculosis. Bile peritonitis (e.g., ruptured gallbladder)
Chylous Effusion
IMMUNOLOGIC STUDIES Damage to or obstruction of thoracic duct (e.g., trauma, lymphoma,
carcinoma, tuberculosis and other granulomas [e.g., sarcoidosis,
A negative ANA test makes the diagnosis of lupus serositis highly unlikely. histoplasmosis], parasitic infestation)
Conversely, high ANA titers in pericardial effusions lack specificity, even

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
reported with protein concentrations in the transudative range (i.e., <3.0 g/ BOX 29-14 
29  Cerebrospinal, Synovial, Serous Body Fluids, and Alternative Specimens
dL), and many patients with cirrhotic or heart failure ascites have protein Criteria for Evaluation of Peritoneal Lavage
values in the exudative range (>3.0 g/dL) (Runyon et al, 1992).
The serum-ascites albumin gradient, defined as the serum albumin Positive Result
concentration minus the ascitic fluid albumin concentration, is widely Aspiration of >15 mL gross blood on catheter placement
considered as the most reliable method to differentiate peritoneal transu- Grossly bloody lavage fluid
dates from exudates (Runyon et al, 1992). Ascites caused by portal hyper- RBC >100,000/µL after blunt trauma
tension has a gradient of at least 1.1 g/dL (>11 g/L; transudate), whereas RBC >50,000/µL after penetrating trauma
ascites produced by other causes has a gradient less than 1.1 g/dL (exudate) WBC >500/µL
(Runyon et al, 1992). The diagnostic accuracy is 98% for the serum-ascites Amylase >110 U/dL
albumin gradient compared with only 52% to 80% for four other markers: Indeterminate Result
Ascitic fluid total protein; ascites/serum total protein ratio; ascitic fluid LD Small amount of gross blood on catheter placement
concentration; and ascites/serum LD ratio (Akriviadis et al, 1996). RBC 50,000-100,000/µL after blunt trauma
An ascitic fluid/serum bilirubin ratio of 0.6 or greater is also signifi- RBC 1000-50,000/µL after penetrating trauma
cantly associated with exudates (Elis et al, 1998). Indeed, the accuracies of WBC 100-500/µL
the bilirubin ratio, the serum-ascites albumin gradient, and Light’s criteria Negative Result
were 81.5%, 84%, and 80.2%, respectively. Others have suggested that if
RBC <50,000/µL after blunt trauma
the ascitic fluid LD is >130 U/L and the ascitic fluid/serum total protein
RBC <1000/µL after penetrating trauma
ratio is >0.4, the fluid should be regarded as an exudate (Paramothayan &
WBC <100/µL
Barron, 2002).
Although the serum-ascites albumin gradient is probably the best single Modified from Feied CF: Diagnostic peritoneal lavage, Postgrad Med 85:40, 1989,
method to differentiate an ascitic exudate from a transudate, other methods with permission.
compare favorably. Nevertheless, no ideal biochemical markers allow com- RBC, Red blood cells; WBC, white blood cells.
plete discrimination between ascitic fluid exudates and transudates.


Recommended Tests in Peritoneal Effusions
Diagnostic paracentesis is performed in most patients with new ascites, or Useful in Most Patients
if there is a change in the clinical picture of a patient with ascites, such as Gross examination
rapid fluid accumulation or fever development. A minimum of 30 mL is Cytology
needed for complete evaluation. If possible, at least 100 mL should be Stains and culture for microorganisms
provided for cytologic examination. Samples for cell counts should be Serum-ascites albumin concentration gradient
placed in an EDTA-anticoagulated venipuncture tube. Culture specimens Useful in Selected Disorders
should include blood culture bottles that have been inoculated at the Total leukocyte and differential cell counts
bedside with ascitic fluid (10 mL per culture bottle). RBC count (lavage)
Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage Creatinine/urea nitrogen
This procedure is no longer recommended as a routine technique for the Enzymes (ADA, ALP, amylase, LD, telomerase)
evaluation of abdominal trauma. Concerns of oversensitivity and nonspeci- Lactate
ficity, and improvements in noninvasive diagnostic procedures such as Cholesterol (malignant ascites)
computed tomography and ultrasound have limited its common use to (1) Fibronectin
rapid screening for significant abdominal hemorrhage in hemodynamically Tumor markers (CEA, PSA, CA 19-9, CA 15-3, CA-125)
unstable patients, and (2) evaluation of hollow viscous injuries. Immunocytology/flow cytometry
A catheter is placed through a small incision into the abdominal cavity. Tuberculostearic acid
If less than 15 mL of gross blood can be aspirated, diagnostic peritoneal Modified from Kjeldsberg CR, Knight JA: Body fluids: Laboratory examination of
lavage (DPL) is performed by infusing 1.0 L of saline or Ringer’s solution amniotic, cerebrospinal, seminal, serous and synovial fluids, ed 3, Chicago, 1993, ©
(20 mg/kg in children) and retrieving the fluid by gravity drainage. At least American Society for Clinical Pathology, with permission.
600 mL should be recovered to avoid falsely low counts (Sullivan et al, ADA, Adenosine deaminase; ALP, alkaline phosphatase; CEA, carcinoembryonic antigen;
1997). The catheter is sometimes left in place so that DPL may be repeated LD, lactate dehydrogenase; PSA, prostate-specific antigen; RBC, red blood cell.
in 2 to 3 hours if initial results are negative or indeterminate.
Commonly accepted criteria for DPL interpretation after trauma are
shown in Box 29-14. The positive predictive value is only 23% for an Peritoneal Washings
isolated (no other abnormal criteria) leukocyte count of 500/µL or greater This procedure is performed intraoperatively to document early intraab-
(Soyka et al, 1990). dominal spread of gynecologic and gastric carcinomas. Samples are gener-
The conventional DPL criteria may be unreliable in detecting hollow ally sent for cytologic examination only.
viscous injury when blood is present from a simultaneous solid organ injury
not requiring surgical repair, resulting in unnecessary exploratory lapa-
rotomies. Suggested modifications of DPL criteria to adjust for this source
of bleeding include either of the following: (1) WBC count greater than The most important tests for the evaluation of ascitic fluid are listed in
or equal to RBC count divided by 150, where RBC is 10 × 104/mm3 or Box 29-15. Relative importance varies depending on the type of sample
greater (Otomo et al, 1998); or (2) cell count ratio greater than 1.0 (Fang and the clinical findings. For example, RBC and WBC counts are more
et al, 1998). The cell count ratio is defined as the ratio between WBC and important than cytology or the serum-ascites albumin gradient in the
RBC counts in the lavage fluid divided by the WBC/RBC ratio in the evaluation of abdominal effects of trauma. Gross examination may provide
peripheral blood. These criteria have a reported specificity of 97% for immediate information in the clinical and laboratory triage.
hollow organ injury, especially if DPL is performed at least 3 hours fol-
lowing injury.
Other applications of DPL include the evaluation of patients with
suspected acute peritonitis or pancreatitis. A WBC count in the lavage Whereas transudates are generally pale yellow and clear, exudates are
fluid of 200 cells/mm3 is associated with a 99% probability of acute peri- cloudy or turbid because of the presence of leukocytes, tumor cells, or
tonitis (Larson et al, 1992). increased protein levels. The presence of food particles, foreign material,
or green-yellow bile staining in a DPL specimen suggests perforation of
Peritoneal Dialysis the gastrointestinal or biliary tract. Acute pancreatitis and cholecystitis
Dialysate fluid from renal patients undergoing chronic ambulatory perito- may also cause greenish discoloration.
neal dialysis should be submitted to the laboratory to check for Blood-tinged or grossly bloody fluid must be distinguished from a
infection. traumatic tap in which the blood usually clears with continued

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
associated with low total protein (<3.0 g/dL) and a high serum-ascites
albumin gradient (>1.1 g/dL), making total protein measurements of little
value in this disorder. Extracellular fluid shifts associated with ascites for-
mation and resorption also cause variations in protein content.
Early reports indicated that peritoneal fluid glucose levels of 50 mg/dL or
less are present in 30% to 60% of cases of tuberculous peritonitis and in
about 50% of patients with abdominal carcinomatosis (Polak & Torres da
Costa, 1973; Brown & An, 1976). Another study found decreased glucose
levels in most cases of tuberculous ascites (Bansal et al, 1998). Still, glucose

measurements are of little value because the sensitivity and specificity are
generally too low to be of practical value.
Amylase activity in normal peritoneal fluid is similar to plasma levels. A
level greater than three times the plasma value is good evidence of
pancreas-related ascites, including acute pancreatitis and pancreatic pseu-
docyst (Runyon, 1987a). Amylase is not recommended in the routine
Figure 29-20  Neutrophils in a patient with bacterial peritonitis. evaluation of ascites, however, because the prevalence of pancreatic ascites
is low. Retrospective amylase measurement on a stored specimen is indi-
cated if initial studies are not diagnostic. Amylase levels in peritoneal
paracentesis. As little as 15 mL of blood per liter of fluid produces a bright lavage fluid may be valuable in patients following blunt and penetrating
red opaque color such that newsprint cannot be read through the lavage abdominal trauma (McAnena et al, 1991). Here, amylase levels greater
tubing. In most cases, the ability to read newsprint through the tubing than or equal to 20 U/L have a sensitivity of 87%, a specificity of
results in a negative DPL. Opaque specimens require cell counts because 75%, and a positive predictive value of 46% for significant intraabdominal
newsprint readability is lost well below the 100,000 RBCs/µL criterion for injury. In these cases, laparotomy should be considered. Gastroduodenal
a positive DPL (Bellows et al, 1998). Bloody ascites is also seen in malig- perforation, acute mesenteric vein thrombosis, intestinal strangulation, or
nancy and tuberculosis. necrosis may also produce elevated amylase levels. Although various non-
Milky fluid that does not clear with centrifugation suggests a chylous pancreatic malignancies may rarely produce amylase elevations, isoenzyme
or pseudochylous effusion. True chylous peritoneal effusions are signifi- evaluation usually identifies the salivary isoform in these latter cases
cantly less common than chylous pleural effusions. They are caused by (Kosches et al, 1989).
disruption or blockage of lymphatic flow by trauma, lymphoma, carci- Elevated alkaline phosphatase (ALP) levels greater than 10 U/L in
noma, tuberculosis, other granulomatous diseases (e.g., sarcoidosis), diagnostic peritoneal lavage fluid are useful in predicting hollow visceral
hepatic cirrhosis, adhesions, or parasitic infestation. Differentiation of true injury in patients who would otherwise not undergo laparotomy (specific-
chylous and pseudochylous effusions is discussed in the Gross Examination ity 99.8%, sensitivity 94.7%) (Jaffin et al, 1993). Ascitic fluid ALP mea-
section in the Pleural Fluid section later in the chapter. surements may also be helpful in the differentiation of primary bacterial
peritonitis from secondary bacterial peritonitis due to bowel perforation.
Secondary peritonitis has significantly higher mean ALP levels than spon-
MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION taneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP). ALP levels >240 U/L were present in
The total leukocyte count is useful in distinguishing ascites due to uncom- 92% of patients with secondary peritonitis versus 12% with SBP (Wu et al,
plicated cirrhosis from spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP), which is 2001). The sensitivity and specificity for differentiating secondary perito-
caused by migration of bacteria from the intestine into the ascitic fluid. nitis from SBP were 92% and 88%, respectively.
Approximately 90% of patients with SBP will have leukocyte counts LD activity is often increased in malignant effusions (Gerbes et al,
greater than 500/µL, more than 50% of which are neutrophils (Fig. 29-20) 1991). An ascitic fluid/serum LD ratio greater than 0.6 has a reported
(Runyon & Hoefs, 1984; Stewart et al, 1986). sensitivity of 80% (Boyer et al, 1978). Combined measurement of ascitic
The ascitic fluid total neutrophil count is the preferred method for the fluid LD and cholesterol totally discriminated peritoneal carcinomatosis
diagnosis of SBP. Cutoff values of 250 and 500 neutrophils/µL have been from cirrhosis and hepatocarcinoma-related ascites (Castaldo et al, 1994;
recommended, with a diagnostic accuracy of about 94% for 500 Halperin et al, 1999). Although both serum and peritoneal fluid LD levels
neutrophils/µL and about 90% for 250 neutrophils/µL (Stassen et al, are significantly higher in patients with ovarian cancer than in those with
1986; Albillos et al, 1990). benign ovarian tumors or other gynecologic malignancies, peritoneal fluid
Cell counts, total protein, and albumin gradient values vary with fluid LD has higher diagnostic sensitivity (87%) and diagnostic accuracy (90%)
shifts associated with ascites formation and resolution. For example, diure- than serum LD (60% and 77%, respectively) (Schneider et al, 1997). LD
sis may cause the WBC count to increase from 300/µL to 1000/µL or has also been used for the early diagnosis of spontaneous bacterial perito-
more. When obtained by DPL, a leukocyte count of 200/µL or more is nitis (SBP), in which it has a diagnostic accuracy of about 74% using an
reported to be associated with a 99% probability of acute peritonitis ascitic fluid/serum ratio cutoff of 0.4 (Lee et al, 1987).
(Alverdy et al, 1988; Larson et al, 1992). The presence of telomerase is a specific discriminatory marker in
Eosinophilia (>10%) is most commonly associated with the chronic malignant ascites (Tangkijvanich et al, 1999). Telomerase activity was
inflammatory process associated with chronic peritoneal dialysis. It has also detected in 81% of malignant peritoneal effusions with a sensitivity of 76%
been reported in congestive heart failure, vasculitis, lymphoma, and rup- and a specificity of 95.7%.
tured hydatid cyst. ADA is commonly used in endemic areas to identify patients with
Cytology has an overall sensitivity of 40% to 65% for malignant ascites. tuberculous peritonitis (Burgess et al, 2001). Using receiver operating
Peritoneal carcinomatosis accounts for about two thirds of malignant effu- characteristic curves and a cutoff value of 30 U/L, the sensitivity and
sions, and cytology has a sensitivity of over 95% when confined to these specificity were 94% and 92%, respectively. Using a cutoff value of
cases (Runyon et al, 1988). Liquid-based thin-layer preparations of peri- 33 U/L, the sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values,
toneal effusions and pelvic washings have been shown to be superior to and overall diagnostic accuracy for diagnosing tuberculous peritonitis were
standard cytologic preparations in the detection of carcinoma (Moriarity 100%, 96.6%, 95%, 100%, and 98%, respectively (Dwivedi et al, 1990).
et al, 2008). Immunocytochemical stains are useful in characterizing atypi-
cal cells in equivocal cases. Fibronectin
Using a cutoff value of 85 µg/mL (85 mg/L), fibronectin was more reliable
CHEMICAL ANALYSIS in differentiating malignant from sterile ascites (diagnostic accuracy, 79%)
than were total protein, LD, γ-glutamyltransferase, pH, amylase, triglyc-
Protein erides, leukocyte count, and cytologic examination (Colli et al, 1986).
The serum-ascites albumin gradient is superior to total protein content In a subsequent study using a cutoff of 94.6 µg/mL, the sensitivity, specific-
in differentiating cirrhosis from other causes of peritoneal effusions ity, positive accuracy, negative accuracy, and overall diagnostic accuracy in
(Runyon et al, 1992). Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) is commonly the diagnosis of malignant ascites were 100%, 95%, 93.8%, 100%, and

Descargado para Dennis Lorena Cárdenas Leal ( en Industrial University of Santander de por Elsevier en septiembre 27, 2019.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
97.1%, respectively (Sood et al, 1997). Further studies have confirmed the
29  Cerebrospinal, Synovial, Serous Body Fluids, and Alternative Specimens
utility of fibronectin measurement in the diagnosis of malignant ascites Tumor Markers
(Lee et al, 2006). Because of their reportedly low sensitivity and specificity, the measure-
ment of tumor markers in peritoneal fluid is generally considered to be
Lactate of little value. They are often useful, however, in selected cases, such as
Ascitic fluid lactate has been used with pH measurements to differentiate in following a patient’s response to therapy and in the early detection of
spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) from uncomplicated ascites. Sen- tumor recurrence. They may also be very useful in cases in which cytol-
sitivity and specificity for lactate levels are approximately 90% using a ogy is negative but suspicion of malignant ascites is high. In one
cutoff of 40 mg/dL (4.44 mmol/L), with a positive predictive value of 62% study, cytologic examination was positive in only 40% (35 of 89
(Stassen et al, 1986). Although not as accurate as leukocyte counts, the patients) of malignant cases, while tumor markers were positive in 80%
high specificity of lactate in hepatic ascites suggests that it has some value (Cascinu et al, 1997). Moreover, excluding small cell lung and renal
in the diagnosis of SBP in otherwise equivocal cases. Malignant and tuber- cancers, for which specific tumor markers are lacking, tumor markers
culous ascites are also associated with elevated lactate levels. (i.e., CEA, CA 19-9, CA 15-3, PSA) in ascitic fluid for other carcinomas
Patients with hollow viscous perforation, gangrenous intestine, perito- were positive in 97% of cases. These tumor markers, as well as
nitis, or intraabdominal abscess have a peritoneal fluid minus plasma α-fetoprotein, were also found to be highly specific (over 90%) for
lactate level of at least 13.5 mg/dL (1.5 mmol/L), which reportedly sepa- serous fluid malignancies, although their sensitivities were low (19% to
rates these patients completely from those with other conditions producing 38%) (Sari et al, 2001). The measurement of PSA may also be a valu-
acute abdominal problems (DeLaurier et al, 1994). Still, the clinical utility able marker for the diagnosis of malignant effusions due to prostate
of measuring ascitic fluid lactate in surgical decision making remains cancer (Appalaneni et al, 2004).
unclear. CEA has a sensitivity of 40% to 50% and a specificity of about 90%
for malignant effusions, using a cutoff value of 3.0 ng/mL (Mezger et al,
Creatinine and Urea 1988). In a similar study using a 5-mg/mL cutoff, the specificity was
Measurement of creatinine and urea nitrogen is useful to differentiate about 97% (Gulyas et al, 2001). Elevated CEA levels in peritoneal wash-
between peritoneal fluid and urine. Elevated peritoneal fluid urea ings suggest a poor prognosis in gastric carcinoma (Irinoda et al, 1998).
nitrogen and creatinine, in association with elevated serum urea but Ascitic fluid CA-125 is elevated to some degree in a variety of nonma-
normal serum creatinine (due to back-diffusion of urea), suggest urinary lignant conditions. Indeed, cardiovascular and chronic liver disease may be
bladder rupture. the most frequent diagnoses in patients with increased CA-125 levels
(Miralles et al, 2003), thereby supporting the general opinion that CA-125
Bilirubin in ascitic fluid lacks adequate specificity as a marker for malignancy.
The mean (±SD) ascitic fluid bilirubin concentration in various types of Extremely high levels are likely to be caused by epithelial carcinomas of
ascites has been reported as 0.7 ± 0.8 mg/dL, and the mean ascitic fluid/ the ovary, fallopian tubes, or endometrium. The sensitivity for ovarian
serum bilirubin ratio as 0.38 ± 0.44 (Runyon, 1987b). An ascitic fluid bili- carcinoma depends on the tumor’s stage (range, 40% to 95%) and histo-
rubin greater than 6.0 mg/dL and an ascitic fluid/serum bilirubin ratio logic subtype (mucinous adenocarcinomas have lower values) (Molina
over 1.0 suggest choleperitoneum from a ruptured gallbladder. A ratio of et al, 1998).
0.6 or greater has been advocated as an additional marker for an exudative DNA ploidy analysis by flow cytometry or image analysis may provide
process, although its accuracy is not as high as that of the serum-ascites useful complementary diagnostic information in cases with equivocal
albumin gradient (Elis et al, 1998). cytology results when the malignant cells carry an aneuploid karyotype,
although the added value of DNA ploidy analysis over cytology is small
pH (Bisht et al, 2014). Image analysis appears to be more practical than flow
Ascitic fluid pH may be helpful in the diagnosis of spontaneous bacterial cytometry when the tumor cells are scarce (Rijken et al, 1991).
peritonitis (SBP) in patients with cirrhotic ascites, especially if it is used in
conjunction with the leukocyte count (Attali et al, 1986; Stassen et al,
1986). A pH less than 7.32 or a blood–ascitic fluid pH difference of more
than 0.1 has a reported sensitivity and specificity of about 90% for SBP, Primary peritonitis occurs at any age and is seen in children with
with the pH differential being slightly more accurate. Peritoneal fluid pH nephrotic syndrome and in adults with cirrhotic liver disease. Spontane-
appears useless in detecting SBP, however, in the absence of neutrophils ous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) occurs in patients with ascites in the
(Runyon & Antillon, 1991). Patients with an ascitic fluid pH of less than absence of recognized secondary causes such as bowel perforation or
7.15 have a poor prognosis (Attali et al, 1986). Low pH is also found in intraabdominal abscess. The bacteria in SBP are most often normal intes-
patients with malignant and pancreatic ascites and tuberculous tinal flora, and more than 92% are monomicrobial. Aerobic gram-
peritonitis. negative bacilli (e.g., E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae) are responsible for two
thirds or more of all cases (Gilbert & Kamath, 1995), followed by S. pneu-
Cholesterol moniae, Enterococcus spp., and, rarely, anaerobes. The Gram stain has a
The ascitic fluid cholesterol level is a moderately useful index in separating sensitivity of 25% in SBP (Lee et al, 1987), and routine cultures are posi-
malignant ascites (>45 to 48 mg/dL) from cirrhotic ascites (Mortensen tive in only about 50% of cases (Castellote et al, 1990). Inoculation of
et al, 1988; Castaldo et al, 1994). The sensitivity and specificity average blood culture bottles at the bedside and concentration of large volumes of
just over 90% using a cutoff value of 45 to 48 mg/dL (1.2 mmol/L). Thus, fluid can improve sensitivity, but up to 35% of infected patients may still
using a cutoff value of 48 mg/dL, the sensitivity, specificity, positive and have negative ascitic fluid cultures (Marshall, 1988). Use of resin-
negative predictive value, and overall diagnostic accuracy for differentiat- containing blood culture bottles may improve the isolation of certain
ing malignant from nonmalignant ascites were reported as 96.5%, 96.6%, bacteria in partially treated patients.
93.3%, 98.3%, and 96.6%, respectively (Garg et al, 1993). Ascitic fluid total neutrophil count is the preferred method for the
diagnosis of SBP (see the Microscopic Examination section earlier in the
Interleukin-8 chapter). As noted earlier, in difficult cases, several analytes may be useful
Interleukin-8, a cytokine produced by a variety of cells in response to in differentiating SBP from secondary bacterial or tuberculous peritonitis.
stimuli such as bacterial lipopolysaccharide, is significantly higher in spon- Because of the low number of bacteria in many cases of SBP, sensitive
taneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) compared with sterile ascites (Martinez- methods for detection of bacteria in these specimens are often needed.
Bru et al, 1999). Using a cutoff value of 100 ng/L, the sensitivity and PCR has been successfully used in the detection of bacterial DNA in
specificity were both 100% in cirrhotic patients. culture-negative ascitic fluid (Such et al, 2002; Soriano et al, 2011), and
more recently in situ hybridization performed on leukocytes suspended in
Tuberculostearic Acid (10-Methyloctadecanoic Acid) peritoneal fluid has been used to detect bacteria in SBP (Enomoto et al,
As noted in the Pleural Fluid section, TSA was detected in pleural fluid in 2014).
75% of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis using gas chromatography– The sensitivity of acid-fast stains for M. tuberculosis is no more than
mass spectroscopy (Muranishi et al, 1990). Using quantitative chemical 20% to 30%, and cultures have a sensitivity of only 50% to 70% (Reimer,
ionization gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, the measurement of 1985). Application of PCR to detect M. tuberculosis DNA may be used, but
TSA is a valuable technique to identify tuberculous peritonitis, as well as a negative result does not exclude the diagnosis (Schwake et al, 2003). In
tuberculous meningitis (spinal fluid) and pneumonia (pleural fluid) (Brooks a patient with a high clinical suspicion for tuberculous peritonitis, laparo-
et al, 1998). scopic examination with biopsy may be indicated.

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Exhaled Nitric Oxide and Exhaled Breath Condensate
SALIVA Inflammatory disorders of the lungs, including asthma, chronic obstructive
Saliva is generally easily collected by noninvasive means, and so its pulmonary disease, and chronic cough, have largely been evaluated in the
acquisition is well accepted by patients. Because it is a filtrate of plasma, past by bronchoscopy, lavage, biopsy, and analysis of induced sputum.
saliva has concentrations of some small molecules that are in equilibrium Noninvasive techniques for monitoring these disorders are now available
with the free (unbound) active fractions of those substances in plasma. as detection of chemical constituents in exhaled breath. Exhaled nitric
This property has been especially useful for measuring free cortisol, oxide (NO) is an inflammatory mediator that is unstable in tissues but is
which is the physiologically important fraction that reflects the secretion much more stable in the gas phase, where it can be measured in single
rate of cortisol and so is important for diagnosis. Salivary cortisol breath exhalations by specialized devices where NO content is expressed

measurements have been used to assess adrenal function in critically ill in parts per billion. This use is currently considered investigational but
subjects (Arafah et al, 2007) and in those with Cushing’s syndrome theoretically has great potential for monitoring pulmonary inflammation
and adrenal insufficiency (Raff, 2009), with late-night (or midnight) by noninvasive means with much greater frequency than by invasive pro-
salivary cortisol being an effective screening test for Cushing’s syndrome cedures (Dweik et al, 2011).
(Raff et al, 1998). Unfortunately, salivary concentrations of several A second approach to monitoring pulmonary disease is to measure
other steroid hormones are not reliable measures of plasma free levels nonvolatile inflammatory markers in exhaled breath condensate (EBC)
because of rapid fluctuations in their salivary concentrations (e.g., estra- that is collected from exhaled breath that is condensed by passage through
diol, progesterone, testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, aldosterone) a cooling device. Such specimens of respiratory fluid are scant, but they
(Wood, 2009). contain a rich assortment of substances such as cytokines, leukotrienes,
Saliva also contains some antibody molecules that apparently derive oxidants, antioxidants, and so on that can reveal inflammatory activity by
from plasma. Thus measurements are sometimes performed on saliva to noninvasive means (Horvath et al, 2005). Even pH of EBC has been found
detect antibodies against infectious agents in circumstances when collec- useful in assessing lung disease; EBC tends to be slightly alkaline (mean
tion of saliva is much more convenient or acceptable to patients. Testing pH 7.7 ± 0.49) in health, but it becomes more acidic with disease changes
of saliva for antibodies against human immunodeficiency virus has been in the lower airways (Vaughan et al, 2003). EBC analysis is currently con-
practiced widely in sexually transmitted disease clinics, although episodes sidered investigational.
of false-positive results have diminished confidence in these point-of-care
tests (Cummiskey et al, 2008). Carbon-13-Urea Breath Test
Genetic testing requires DNA from the patient that can be obtained Diagnosis of infection with Helicobacter pylori may be aided by the carbon-
conveniently from leukocytes in blood specimens, or even more conve- 13-urea breath test in which the patient drinks a solution of 13C-urea. H.
niently from buccal cells in saliva or from swabs of the interior of the pylori has the enzyme urease, which breaks down urea releasing 13CO2 into
mouth. the patient’s breath. Samples of breath taken in a balloon or other special-
Drug testing has also been performed in saliva to provide evidence of ized collection devices are analyzed by mass spectrometry (Patel et al,
ingestion of illicit substances. Although drugs such as amphetamines, 2014) (see Chapters 4 and 23). Detection of 13CO2 indicates infection with
cocaine, and opioids are present in oral fluid at concentrations similar to H. pylori. An alternative procedure utilizes 14C in place of 13C, although
those in plasma, local absorption of these drugs in the mouth can increase C detection is based on low-level radioactivity. 13C has the advantage of
their concentration in saliva after use (Drummer, 2006). not being radioactive but the disadvantage of not being measured in most
local laboratory facilities. The 13C-urea breath test has special utility for
pediatric patients (Frenck et al, 2006).
MECONIUM Opportunities for analysis of additional body fluid types will increase as
The analysis of body fluids can provide unique information based on collection methodologies expand, particularly in collaboration with invasive
anatomic location (often remote or not readily accessible) or sequences of radiologic approaches. Some problems expected with these new unique
metabolic processes and normal clearance of chemical constituents from specimens include scant specimen volumes, unknown protein and other
the body. An example of this clinical utility is the examination of meconium chemical composition that might adversely affect measurements, and lack of
from newborns for the detection of illicit drugs such as cocaine and reference ranges to distinguish normal healthy results from those in disease.
amphetamines that the mother might have abused while pregnant; the
drugs cross the placenta from maternal circulation into that of the fetus,
which excretes the drug or its metabolites in bile that remains in the
meconium until birth (Concheiro et al, 2013). This window of drug detec- Breast nipple aspirate fluid can be obtained by noninvasive means such as
tion in meconium is much broader than that for testing of urine or blood massage or with automated collection devices to yield material suitable for
by several weeks and covers second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Such cytologic examination for early detection of breast cancer. This new col-
testing is considered more reliable than self-reporting by mothers due to lection approach may lead to other effective applications of cancer detec-
fear of reprisal and possible loss of custody. These results can be used both tion using modalities such as proteomics or still to be discovered biomarkers
for medical management of the mother and the baby as well as for medical- (Alexander et al, 2004).
legal purposes. Recently, measurement of ethyl glucuronide in meconium Fine-needle aspiration for cytologic examination is frequently used to
was found to be an objective measure of maternal alcohol use (Himes et al, evaluate head and neck masses. Rapid identification of a mass of parathy-
2015). roid tissue has been done by measuring parathyroid hormone (PTH) in
saline, into which the needle aspirate is flushed (Conrad et al, 2006). This
method was shown to be 99% accurate for diagnosis of parathyroid tissue
HAIR AND NAILS because the measured values of PTH are orders of magnitude higher in
Drug testing has time limitations of detection in blood for periods of parathyroid aspirates than in those from other tissues such as thyroid,
minutes to hours after ingestion. The need to detect illicit drug use over adipose, or lymphatic. This type of specimen is truly unusual and would
longer periods of time has prompted analysis of other body sources. Con- not likely be included in any manufacturer’s claims for assay performance;
centrations of drugs in saliva follow the same time course as blood of however, this practice is well recognized by endocrine surgeons who now
minutes to hours after ingestion. Detection in urine can be as soon as consider it a standard of practice.
minutes up to many days after drug use. Sweat concentrations also rise in Another diagnostic application of tumor markers is for aspirates col-
minutes but may persist for weeks. True long-term detection is possible in lected from pancreatic cysts during surgery, although such fluids might
hair and nails, where drugs of abuse can be detected days to even years also be collected by direct aspiration with a needle guided through ultra-
after ingestion. Although numerous companies offer drug testing of hair sound. High levels of CA19-9 in pancreatic cyst fluid suggest malignancy,
or nail specimens, there has not been official adoption of this strategy by whereas low levels are more consistent with benign processes (Khalid &
government agencies, largely because of issues of uncertainty as to Brugge, 2007). CA19-9 measurement in pancreatic cyst fluid is an aid to
whether the substances detected from hair or nail specimens were actually diagnosing malignancy in conjunction with cytology and other studies; the
“in” the hair following ingestion and incorporation into that tissue, or advantage of CA19-9 in this context is its relatively fast turnaround time
whether the detected drug was simply “on” the surface of the specimen by immunoassay that might be completed during the time period of surgi-
because of incidental contact that did not involve ingestion (Curtis & cal procedure. CEA has also been used for this purpose (Rockacy & Khalid,
Greenberg, 2008). 2013).

Descargado para Dennis Lorena Cárdenas Leal ( en Industrial University of Santander de por Elsevier en septiembre 27, 2019.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
BILLING FOR TESTS IN NONSTANDARD C49A, Analysis of Body Fluids in Clinical Chemistry, to provide guidance
29  Cerebrospinal, Synovial, Serous Body Fluids, and Alternative Specimens
in this situation (CLSI, 2007). The specific recommendations from CLSI
SPECIMENS are as follows:
Although considerations of medical necessity provide strong motivation 1. Review performance claims of the manufacturer for the possibility of
for performing tests in unusual specimen types to provide unique informa- extending a commercial assay to body fluids with special attention to
tion that could not be obtained by other means, reporting of the results accuracy, precision, analytic measurement range, reference interval
and subsequent billing may lead to confusion. Most laboratory computer (usually in comparison with simultaneous measurement in serum, in
systems have strictly defined specimen types, such as blood, serum, urine, addition to the patient’s body fluid), and interferences from substances
and CSF. When dealing with an unusual specimen type that is not indi- in the body fluid.
vidually coded or recognized in a computer system, laboratories should 2. Existing methods may be suitably modified for body fluid analysis when
take care not to enter these results as though they were serum or other necessary to obtain medically relevant information. Matrix effects that
commonly tested fluid. For both medical needs and reimbursement, some could alter the accuracy of measurement must be recognized. Further-
disclaimer should be included to indicate the specimen type, so that it is more, lack of a reference range for the analyte in body fluids should be
not confused with serum or other conventional fluid. compensated for by interpretation of results in comparison with a
simultaneously collected serum specimen.
CHEMICAL MEASUREMENTS 3. The preconditions for using a routine assay for an alternate body fluid
are that the measurement system in another specimen type (serum
IN BODY FLUIDS plasma, urine)
Plasma, serum, cerebrospinal fluid, and urine are standard fluids that are a. Has acceptable test characteristics.
often submitted for chemical analysis. Manufacturers generally provide b. Has a reference method by which to ascertain bias.
product claims for their assays in one or more of these body fluids, but c. Has calibrators and controls.
they have not established assay behavior in other specimen types such as d. External proficiency testing should be done whenever available.
pleural fluid, peritoneal fluid, SF, and other accumulations of abnormal 4. Specimen collection of body fluid and its handling, processing, and
fluids such as drainage or lavage fluids. These types of fluids are not nor- storage should follow guidelines for specimens of plasma or serum col-
mally present in health but rather can form as the result of various patho- lected for that measurement. Special attention should be directed to
logic processes, such as hemodynamic imbalance, infection, inflammation, the possibility of interference from anticoagulants into which a body
malignancy, or other organ dysfunction. Consequently, the composition of fluid might be collected (e.g., heparin, EDTA, citrate).
these fluids can range widely, thereby leading to unpredictable effects on 5. Unusual properties of a body fluid such as high viscosity should be given
laboratory measurements. Matrix effects from variations in protein con- consideration if they have the potential to alter the analyte concentra-
centration can alter fluid surface tension, viscosity, and miscibility in a tion in the final solution of the reaction mixture (e.g., inaccurate pipet-
reaction mixture. All of these variations potentially might cause differences ting, inadequate mixing).
in measurements because of errors in pipetting fixed volumes or in speed 6. The presence of an interferent in a body fluid can be assessed by testing
and completeness of mixing with reagents in an assay. Other constituents the fluid neat and at 1 : 2 and 1 : 4 dilutions. Recovery of similar con-
present in these pathologic fluids (e.g., hyaluronic acid in SF) but not in centrations suggests lack of interference. Low concentrations can be
serum also have the potential to alter measurements in assays intended for checked for interference by mixing with a routine (serum) sample with
use in serum. This potential for erroneous measurements in body fluids a high measurable value to measure recoverability.
due to matrix effects should be recognized when such requests for analysis 7. Result reporting should include the measured value and the type of
are received. fluid analyzed plus a statement that accuracy might be affected by
A second issue concerning chemical measurements in pathologic fluids sample type, and that results should be interpreted in the clinical
is what reference range to use for comparison in an interpretive report. context. The laboratory is urged to contact ordering physicians to
Because abnormal fluid accumulations do not exist in a state of health, they explain these limitations.
cannot, of course, be collected from a normal healthy population to estab- A key point is that to be useful clinically, measurements in body fluids
lish reference ranges. need not necessarily be highly accurate but instead must be within a clini-
These two issues of potential interferences and lack of reference ranges cally acceptable range of the true value. This CLSI document provides an
for analysis of body fluids fly in the face of Clinical Laboratory Improve- extensive list of applications of many different chemical analytes that may
ment Act requirements for assay validation. In fact, the lack of manufactur- provide medically unique information about the source of a body fluid
ers’ claims for body fluid testing might actually place a greater burden on (e.g., creatinine in peritoneal fluid to evaluate urinary tract injury; amylase
a laboratory to validate these assays than for use in serum for which manu- in peritoneal fluid to evaluate for pancreatitis; triglycerides in pleural fluid
facturer claims are typically cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Adminis- as an indicator of chylous effusion from lymphatic damage).
tration. Without such validation, measuring chemical constituents in body
fluids could be considered an off-label use of commercial assays.
In recognition of these difficulties faced by laboratories, the Clinical REFERENCES
and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) has developed the document Access the complete reference list online at

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

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