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Testa 1

Michael Testa
Professor Kellner
ENGL 0099 004 – Journal 3
23 September 2019

My high school experience was nothing at all like Malcolm London’s. It started at a rural

high school full of poor white kids from broken homes. We didn’t have to worry about gangs or

violence aside from the occasional after school meet up at the local park to settle any differences.

Most of our struggles were with boredom and lack of stimulating activities.

Later on, I transferred to a vocational school on the recommendation of a friend. He told

of us school days spent surfing the web and skipping class to go out to lunch, he had me hooked.

I enrolled in a Drafting and Engineering course because I had always had a very technical mind

and was interested in building and making things. Once school began it was quickly apparent we

would focus more on hand drawing and architectures and I had no real interest or skill in either

of these fields. So instead of switching programs to something that that was more my speed I

spent the next two years goofing off and skipping classes. Doing just enough classwork and

cheating off others tests to ensure I graduated on time and never looked back.

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