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Moment & Shear Strength Design of Rectangular RC Beam According ACI318M-08 , Rev06

Project :- Designed by:-

Building :- Checked by:-
Element:- B101 Date:- 22-Nov-19
General Input :-
Moment Mx Input
Width b 600 mm Dia 25 mm
Depth h 1100 mm Es 200000 N/mm2

cover 40 mm εc 0.003 mm

fy 420 N/mm2 εy 0.0021 mm

fc' 35 N/mm2 Ec 27806 N/mm2 ACI 8.5.1
Mu 700 KN.m d 1037.5 mm
Shear & Torsion Input d' 62.5 mm
Vu 500 KN fyt 420 N/mm2
Tu 313 KN.m Case G For Non-seismic Cases
Nu 0 KN Comp. α st Deg. 90o Deg.
a- Major Moment ( Mx) Design:-
finding ρ max ACI 10.3.3
β1 0.80 ACI ρp 0.03333 ACI B.8.4.2
ρmin 0.00352 ACI 10.5.1 ρmax 0.02500 ACI 10.3.5

finding balanced moment strength

Cb 610 mm ab 488 mm
amax 366 mm Cmax 458 mm ACI 10.3.3
Φ 0.90 Tension controlled section ACI & 10.3.4
ΦMnbalance 5026.2 KN.m < Mu Use Tension RFT. Only
Rectangular Section with Tension & Compression RFT.
M'u = 0.0 KN.m Ru 1.20428
ρ'req 0.00000 ρreq 0.00293
A's required 0 mm2 0 T 25
As required 2369 mm2 5 T 25
A's actual 0 mm2 0 T 25 TOP OK, <= ρmax=0.04 bd
As actual 2455 mm2 5 T 25 OK, <= ρmax=0.04 bd

check Compression Steel yield

a 57.8 mm C 72.2 mm
εtension steel 0.0401 εs>εy εs' 0.0000
Cconcrete 1031100 N Cst 0 N
ΦMn 936.0 KN.m Ok, ΦMn > Mu
b- Major Shear ( V2 ) Design :-
Finding Vc ACI 11.3

Page 1 of 14
Moment & Shear Strength Design of Rectangular RC Beam According ACI318M-08 , Rev06
Project :- Designed by:-
Building :- Checked by:-
Element:- B101 Date:- 22-Nov-19
Φ shear 0.75 ACI & ACI 9.3.4.a
Vc 626.1 KN ACI & ACI
Vs max 2430.6 KN ACI
ΦVn 2292.5 KN ACI 11.1.1 Section Dimension is OK for shea

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Moment & Shear Strength Design of Rectangular RC Beam According ACI318M-08 , Rev06
Project :- Designed by:-
Building :- Checked by:-
Element:- B101 Date:- 22-Nov-19
Av min /S 0.524 mm2 /S ACI
Vs 30.4 KN ACI 11.1.1 Shear Rft. for Shear Force only
Av /S 0.093 mm2 /S ACI use 2 br. T 8 @ 200

c- Torsion design:- Ok vaild

Acp = Ag 660000 mm2
Aoh 530400 mm2
Ao 450840 mm2 ACI 11.5.1
Pcp 3400 mm
Ph 3080 mm
Tcr 250 KN.m Threshold Torsion ACI 11.5.1.c
Tneglected 46.9 KN.m ACI 11.5.1.c Torsion shall be considered, Tu > Tneglected
Factored Torsion Moment ACI

= 2.170 < = 3.683 ACI

Section Dimension is OK for tosion

Finding Torsion Stirrups At

θ 45 Deg. ACI

At min /S 0.250 mm2 /S ACI
At /S 1.102 mm2 /S ACI Required Shear Rft. for Torsion Force
Required Shear Rft. for both shear & Torsion Force:
Av Total req stirrups /S 2.297 mm2 /S ACI
1- Outer Stirrup to resist Torsion and part of shear force:
Av actual Outer stirrup 1.264 mm2 /S use 2 br. T 10 @ 125 Closed Stirrup

2- inner Stirrups to resist the rest of shear force::

No. of branches for inner stirrups = 2 br.
Av req inner stirrup 1.033 mm2 /S
Av actual inner stirrup 1.264 mm2 /S use 2 br. T 10 @ 125 Ordinary Stirrups
Ok Av actual for inner stirrups > Av required
Finding Torsion Longitudinal RFT Al
Al min 3877.5 mm2 ACI
Al 3877.5 mm2 ACI 11.5.7 8 T 25
d- Beam Reinforcement details:
Cover= 40

2br. T10@125mm, Outer Closed Stirrup

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Moment & Shear Strength Design of Rectangular RC Beam According ACI318M-08 , Rev06
Project :- Designed by:-
Building :- Checked by:-
Element:- B101 Date:- 22-Nov-19
Depth= 1100 2br. T10@125mm, inner Ordinary Stirrups
7 T 25 BOT. BARS
Width= 600

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According ACI318M-08 , Rev06


ACI 10.3.3
ACI & 10.3.4

OK, <= ρmax=0.04 bd

OK, <= ρmax=0.04 bd

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According ACI318M-08 , Rev06


Section Dimension is OK for shear

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According ACI318M-08 , Rev06


Av act. /S

=0.510 mm2/S
Ok vaild

Torsion shall be considered, Tu > Tneglected


Required Shear Rft. for Torsion Force

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According ACI318M-08 , Rev06


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DIA (mm) Area (mm2) Case Element Type
6 29 E For Seismic Cases Beam
8 51 G For Non-seismic Cases Slab
10 79 Env. For Environmental Structures
12 114
14 154
16 201
18 255
20 314
22 380
25 491
32 804
REV 01: start

REV 02:
Select the Element Type( Beam or Slab) in cell F1 it will affect As min
As min For Beams & SLabs

REV 03:
in Torsion check, if the tension force is huge, the concrete
resistance will neglected according ACI 11.5.1.c _cell C73
REV 04:
changing Astirrup total equation in cell C84 to equal to 0.0 if there are no stirrups needed
new equation is =IF((Av+nst*At)>0,MAX(Av+nst*At,Avmin),0)
Blue color is new part in this equation

REV 05:
1- changing Cmax to Cc in εs' calculation in cell C49
2- Calculated Φcalculated in cell(J3) beside the sheet to allow user to modify the used on according ACI & 10.3.4
3- in shear check, if the Nu is tension force, we will use Eq. 11-3 instead of 11-4 according ACI _cell C57
REV 06: Date: 01-May-2013
1- adding row 66 which was removed by mistake in rev 05
this row show a message to change the cross-section for torsion
and have the following equation "=IF(D64<=G64,"Section Dimension is OK for tosion","Change Section Dimension fo
2- changing the text message in the following cells:
G36, G37, G50, F61, B66
3- Rearranging the Stirrups claculation for shear and torsion, from row 69 to end
the outter stirrups supports the torsion + part of shear forces
the inner stirrups supports the rest of shear force
4- changing the calculation of stirrups RFT. To be Av/S & At/S , to be easy to compared with Etabs Value
in row 51, 53, 67, 68
g ACI & 10.3.4 _cell C57
n","Change Section Dimension for torsion")"

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