Testa 1

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Testa 1

Michael Testa
Professor Kellner
ENGL 0099 004 Summary 2
18 September 2019

“Open Admissions and the Inward I” written by Peter J. Rondinone is the story of one

man’s rise from street thug to published author. In this article Rondinone argues that his

enrollment into The City College of New York was a life altering experience and that it was only

afforded to him through a recent change in the school’s admissions policy. In 1970 the school

temporally reduced requirements for admission and the author was able to actively enroll in the

University, despite his negative marks. Through hard work, perseverance, and sacrifice he

became a successful writer and even reviewed a book written by one of his mentors. Looking

back at his life and the opportunity given to him by the school Rondinone realizes he was a very

fortunate individual and if it wasn’t for the open admissions period he be quote “Still swinging

baseball bats on the street”.

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