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National University of Callao

Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Professional school of Electronic Engineering

Burnes Velasquez, Llimy Emerson

English IV
Liñan Mendoza, Miguel Angel

Unit 1
The beginning of the new millennium
gave way to a decade of technological
evolution with the birth of social networks
such as Facebook and the domain
of Google, the transformation of the
music industry and the influence of the
entertainment world on culture and
fashion. There were also natural
catastrophes, terrorist attacks, financial
disasters and a severe recession that
impacted and transformed the global
economy and the way of life in the world.

Science Apple revolutionizes cell phone

with iPhone
Steve Jobs introduced the first iPhone at the
Macworld Conference & Expo in January 2007.
The new iPhone had a touch screen and a virtual
keyboard, and other innovative features that
The creation of Facebook caused a furor among Apple fans. Thousands
Mark Zuckerberg founded the social of people camped out for days to buy the
network Facebook on February 4, 2004, iPhone as soon as it went on sale in June of
along with his colleagues at Harvard that year. Time magazine labeled the iPhone
University, Eduardo Saverin, Andrew as the "Invent of the Year." The iPhone boosted
McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris the growth of the smartphone market,
Hughes. Although initially it was only for revolutionizing cell phone.
students, this network became popular
until it became a worldwide
phenomenon - with more than one
billion daily users - as it transformed the
way we communicate and exchange
The first permanent artificial heart personal information.
A very serious heart disease prevented Briton
Peter Houghton, 63, from receiving a heart
transplant. Houghton made history on the verge
of death, when in June 2000, he was the first
person to receive the 2000 Jarvik artificial heart
for lifetime use. Thus he set a new world record
as the patient who managed to live longer thanks
to a cardiac assist device. Houghton died in 2007. The creation of bitcoin
On August 18, 2008, the domain name bitcoin.
org was registered and, in November, the article
“Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System”
was disseminated, signed by Satoshi Nakamoto,
who detailed how to use a P2P network for
Google revolutionizes the
electronic money transactions anonymously.
search for information Nakamoto registered the first block (known as
Do you need to "google", send an the genesis block) on January 4, 2009, thus
email, find out what's going on in creating the Bitcoin network and the issuance
the world or identify the best route of the first bitcoins.
to get somewhere? Google offers
The first crew in a space station you a variety of services: search
On October 31, 2000, the Soyuz spacecraft was engine, Gmail, Google News and
launched, with the first crew destined for the Google Maps, among others, and
International Space Station (ISS), which was has revolutionized access to
composed of the American astronaut William information. Although Larry Page
Shepherd and the Russians Yuri Gidzenko and and Sergey Brin founded Google in
Serguei Krikalev. The crew arrived at the ISS on 1998, it was not until 2001 that the
November 2, and since then the human presence company began accelerated and
in space is permanent. global growth.
Simple Past Irregular verbs: Examples:

The verbs "was, wrote" are - Did you play basketball yesterday?
irregular past forms. "Was" is the - Did you watch television?
The simple past tense simple past of "to be"; "wrote" is - Did you do the homework?
the simple past of "write".
This page will present the simple past tense:
The Negative form of the
- its form simple past:
- and its use. There is no rule for these verbs.
You should learn them by heart.
Before you continue the lesson read
I, you, he, did not/didn't play
the following passage and try to see
Examples: she, it,
how the verbs are formed and used.
we, they write
Wolfgang Amadeus The infinitive The simple past
Mozart was an do
Austrian musician be was/were
and composer.
He lived from 1756 write wrote
- I didn't like the food served in the
to 1791. He started
wedding party last Saturday.
composing at the age
of five years old and wrote more come came
- I didn't eat it.
than 600 pieces of music.
He was only 35 years old when As you can see we can not predict
the simple past forms of these The use of the simple past
he died.
verbs. They are irregular.
You should learn them by heart. The simple past is used principally
to describe events in the past, but it
The verbs "was, lived,started, wrote, also has some other uses. Here are
died" are in the simple past tense. the main uses of the simple past.
The forms of the simple past:
Notice that:
Finished events in the past
The Affirmative form of the simple past:
- lived, started,died are regular past
forms. - William Shakespeare wrote Hamlet.
- was, wrote are irregular past forms. I, you, he, she, played. - He kissed her and left.
it, we, they
Past habitual action
Regular verbs:
- I visited them every day for a year.
The verbs "lived, started, died" are did. - I drove to work every day when
regular past forms. The rule is the
I worked with that company.
following: Examples:
Events that were true for some
Verb + ed - I played tennis with my friends time in the past
Examples: - He lived in Paris for 20 years.
- I finished lunch and I did my
homework. Remember:
The infinitive The simple past
didn't is the short form of did not.
The Interrogative form of the You can say either:
live lived
simple past:
I did not play basketball, or
start started I didn't play basketball.

die died Did I, you, he, she, play?

it, we, they

- Eisbein
- Nordseekrabben
- Kartoffelsuppe
- Pretzels

Pure German beer, a

tradition of more
than 500 years ...
It is a rule that stipulates
the ingredients that this
drink can contain in
order to be called
"beer" in Germany. Its capital is Berlin. It is
formed by sixteen federated
- Oktoberfest en Munich.
CULTURE - Maratón de Berlín.
- Carnaval de Colonia.
- Fiesta de la Ribera de los Museos.
- Festival “Rin en llamas”.

Germany has a rich ENGLISH IV
and varied architecture
whose traditions range Burnes Velasquez,
from the Carolingian Llimy Emerson
Renaissance to
contemporary Miss. Camones
architecture. Estela Rosaura

Use a Wh-word to ask a question.

Wh-word Meaning
What object or name
Who person
Where place
When time
Why reason
Where are you from?

Use a Wh- word to ask a question.

Wh-word Question When:
What What is your name?
Who Who is your mother?
Where Where are you from?
When When is your birthday?
Why Why are you studying English?


When is your birthday?


Hello. What is your name?


Why are you learning English?

Who is your mother?

“Wh-” Question Words
We use the “wh-” question words to form questions when we want to get
information about someone or something. The questions beginning with ‘wh-’
words are called open questions because usually there are many possible
answers to these questions.

(1) When (about time or period)

e.g. (i) When did you get your first degree?
I got my first degree in 2005.
(ii) When does Many go to school every day?
She goes to school at seven o’clock every day.

(2) Where (about a place or location)

e.g. (i) Where do you live?
I live in Wong Tai Sin.
(ii) Where was Julia yesterday?
She went to the library yesterday.

(3) Why (about the reasons of something)

e.g. (i) Why do you study architecture?
I study architecture because I want to design my own
(ii) Why was Alan absent from school yesterday?
It was becausehe was sick.

(4) Who (about the identity of a person / a group of people)

e.g. (i) Who wrote the Harry Potter series?
J.K. Rowling wrote the Harry Potter series.
(ii) Who is your school principal?
My school principal is Mr. Wong.
(5) Whose (about the possession of something)
e.g. (i) This class is very noisy. Whose class is it?
It is Miss Johnson’s class.
(ii) Whose school bag is this?
It is my school bag.

(6) What (the information about somebody or something among limited

e.g. (i) What sort of lesson does Nancy have on Fridays?
She has a piano lesson.
(ii) What will your brother do after graduation?
He will become a doctor.

(7) Which
e.g. (i) Which book do you want to borrow?
I want to borrow the blue one. It is more interesting.
(ii) Which subject of your curriculum do you like?
I like Mathematics. It is interesting.

Note that we use ‘which’ when we have a general idea of what the answer
will be. We use ‘what’ when we expect any possible answers.
e.g. Which club did you join, the Chess Club or the Art Club?
What club did you join?
Like Make a list.

a Pro
Write down all the things that you think
you will need in your trip. This will help
you make a mental plan for arranging
stuff in your luggage, it won’t let you
forget important items when you start
packing, it will help you when you re-
pack for the return trip. Besides,
crossing things off your list feels good.

Pick versatile items of

This way you won’t have any trouble
pairing up your tops and bottoms and
you won’t have to pack so many items.

Place larger and heavy items at

the bottom of the luggage.
Then place the rest of the things in the
spaces between them.

Roll casual items

Roll three or four pieces together, with
knits on the inside -this mill minimize the
wrinkles and creases and it will also
help you save room.

Shoes: …

Go for styles that can be dressed up or

down. Put rolled-up socks inside shoes,
to preserve their shape and use shower
caps to cover the bottom of the shoes, to
keep your clothes from touching the dirt
from your.
Modals or Permission, Request and Offer.
Table Of Contents:
- Asking for permission
- Informal We often use the modal verb ‘can’
- Polite to ask for permission or to make a
- Request request:
- Giving permission
- Offering help • Can I have some cookies?
– Yes, you can.
Modal verbs ‘can’, ‘could’ and • Can I borrow your pen,
‘may’ are used to politely ask for please? – Sure!
permission, to make a request,
and to offer help to someone. ‘Can‘ is the least formal of these
verbs. We use it when we are
asking a friend or someone we
know for something in an informal
situation; or if we are asking
someone we don’t know for
something which is small or
unimportant. For example:

• Can I open the window?

Asking for permission — ‘Could‘ is a little more polite
than ‘can’, so we can use it in more
Unlike statements, when asking formal situations, like talking to
for permission or making a your boss or a stranger, or to ask
request, we use reverse order , i.e. for something more important:
the modal verb goes before the • Excuse me, could I sit here,
subject: please? – I’m sorry, but you
Can / Could / May + subject + the can’t. This seat is taken.
verb • Could I have your attention,
sir? – Sure.
• You can come with us.
— ‘May‘ is similar to ‘could’ but it is • Students can sit anywhere.
even more polite, and also a little • You may go home now, if you
old-fashioned, so it is not used as like.
often. • Students may travel free.
• May I make an appointment
for Tuesday? – Yes, you may. To give permission, we can say something
• May I begin? – Of course. like ‘Yes, you can’ or ‘Yes, of course / Yes, no
problem.’ ‘Yes, you may’ is very formal and
• May I have a glass of
not used very often.
water? – Sure, here you are.
To refuse permission responses include ‘No,
Note: Like in examples above, we can give sorry, you can’t’ and ‘I’m afraid not’.
someone permission with the words ‘can’ Again, using may not is very formal and a
or ‘may’, or we can say ‘yes’, ‘of course’ or little old-fashioned, so ‘No, you may not’ is
‘sure.’ quite unusual.

Request Offering help

We can use the verbs ‘can‘ and ‘Can’ and ‘may’ can also be used to
‘could‘ to ask for something. offer help. ‘May’ is used in more
Like with asking permission, the formal situations:
• Can I help you carry those
verb ‘can‘ is used in
bags? – Yes, please.
more informal situations, while • Can I get you a drink? – No,
‘could‘ and ‘may‘ are suitable thank you.
for polite requests. • May I take your coat? – Of
• Can you help me lift this box? course.
• Could I please use your
bathroom? Sometimes we can use ‘shall’ to see
• May I use your phone? if someone wants you to do
something. This verb is not typical for
Giving permission US English:
• That backpack looks
We can use modal verbs ‘can’ and ‘may’ heavy. Shall I carry it for you?
(but NOT ‘could‘) to give permission or (Do you want me to?)
say that someone has permission. The • Yes, please.
difference between them is the same as • Shall I open the window? (Do
in previous examples: ‘may‘ is a more you want me to?)
formal and polite way of saying that, • Good idea, it’s too hot in here.
while ‘can‘ is used in formal situations. Let’s summarize:
Let’s summarize:
You go down the street listening to
music and you motivate yourself as You take out your cell phone to
if you were a Rock star. check the time, keep it in your
pocket, and ... you don't remember
what time it was. Repeat the action.

You go down the street in a hurry and

suddenly you see your favorite Today you woke up with luck,
celebrity. review the raffle and win!

you walk down the street and

suddenly you see something on the You fall asleep the day of
floor, money! something important.
Present Perfect
+ Ever/Never
Present Perfect
Learning how to make the Present Conversation Tip:
Perfect. Many conversations begin with a
question in the present perfect, and
USE THE PRESENT PERFECT + then continue with more specific
questions about the experience in
the simple past:
ABOUT EXPERIENCES IN  “Have you ever taken dance classes?”
SOMEONE’S LIFE.  “Yes, I have. I took 6 weeks of lessons
before my wedding last year.”
“Have you ever taken dance classes?”  “Wow! So did you dance well on the big
“Yes, I have. I took 6 weeks of lessons day?”
before my wedding!”  “No, I didn’t – I forgot everything I’d
“Has your brother ever been to India?”
learned in the classes, and I stepped on
“No, he hasn’t.”
my wife’s feet many times!”
“Have your friends ever helped you move
 “Oh no! Was she angry?”
to a new apartment?”
 “No – she said she still loved me!”
“Yes – twice!”
Don’t use ever in the answer. Only use
it in questions.
If you want, you can use before in the Present Perfect
Yes, I’ve ever taken dance classes.
Yes, I’ve taken dance classes before.
with For and Since
USE THE PRESENT PERFECT + For and since are commonly used with the present
perfect tense.
We use for to talk about a period of time.
I’ve never failed a test. I’ve always gotten - E.g. "I haven't smoked for weeks."
80% or more.
He’s never heard of Michael Jackson. I Since
can’t believe he doesn’t know the King of We use since to talk about a specific point in time,
Pop! or a time when the action started.
Samantha has never been surfing. She’s
afraid of the ocean. - E.g. "I haven't smoked since 2010."
We’ve never studied Italian. We studied
It can be quite tricky to know which one to use and
French and Spanish in school, but Italian
just like everything else, you need to practise!
wasn’t available.
They’ve never told a lie. I know we can
trust them.
English IV
Mg. Rosaura Camones Estela

Temporibus autem quibusdam
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos
ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti
atque corrupti quos
dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati
cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos
ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum

A special thanks to our teacher for the time

dedicated to her students and for her noble work.

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