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21/06/2019 Caesar 4 Heaven: Hotkeys

Caesar IV Heaven
This table is a list of the keyboard hotkeys in Caesar IV. You may find them handy while playing the game.

Function Hotkey Alternative

Scroll up W Up arrow
Scroll down S Down arrow
Scroll right D Right arrow
Scroll left A Left arrow
Zoom in ]
Zoom out [
Camera elevation/pitch modifier `
Reset view Home
Screen controls
Go to City F2
Go to Empire F3
Go to Advisors F4
Toggle overlays Spacebar
Hide/show UI U
Rotate building ghost clockwise R
Rotate building ghost anti-clockwise Shift-R
Unconstrain walls from the 8 cardinals Ctrl
Number a cohort Ctrl-number (eg. 1)
Add selected cohort to existing group Shift-number
Select cohort Number
Go to cohort Number (twice)
Navigating through objects
Set camera to follow selected person .
Track, center and zoom camera in on a selected target ,
Select next associated home Ctrl-H
Select next associated figure Ctrl-F
Manipulating objects
Destroy all selected buildings Del Backspace
Help & Messages
Scenario information I
Message log L PgUp

Function Hotkey Alternative 1/2
21/06/2019 Caesar 4 Heaven: Hotkeys

Function Hotkey Alternative

Pause P Pause/Break
Increase game speed (number pad) +
Decrease game speed (number pad) -
Quicksave Ctrl-S F11
Load last quicksave F12
Load last autosave Ctrl-F12
Cancel or close current dialog Esc
Open options Esc
Take snapshot F9
Take snapshot without UI Shift-F9
Take full city snapshot Ctrl-F9
Function Hotkey Alternative

CAESAR IV HEAVEN Copyright © 2006-2009 HeavenGames LLC. All Rights Reserved. The graphical images and content enclosed with this document are
viewable for private use only. All other rights - including, but not limited to, distribution, duplication, and publish by any means - are retained by
HeavenGames LLC. Federal law provides criminal and civil penalties for those found to be in violation. In addition, please read our Disclaimer and Privacy
Statement. CAESAR IV © 2005 Sierra Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. Caesar, Sierra and the Sierra logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of
Sierra Entertainment, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. 2/2

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