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The Synergistic Effect of Market

Orientation and Learning Orientation

on Organizational Performance
William E. Baker
James M. Sinkula
University of Vermont

Although a large body of research theoretically asserts a only it enables firms to maintain long-term competitive
positive relationship between market orientation and or- advantages by continuously improving market informa-
ganizational performance, fewer empirical studies demon- tion processing (MIP) activities at a faster rate than rivals
strate it using multiple and varied organizational do. He notes that Day (1994a) "has described how a firm
performance measures. Additionally, a series of recent can use higher-order-learning processes.., to improve its
studies have theoretically proposed, but not empirically market orientation and market-driven processes" (p. 104).
demonstrated, that a firm's learning orientation is likely to This research does not resolve (nor does it seek to
indirectly affect organizational performance by improving resolve) the debate. We refer to it merely to illustrate that,
the quality of its market-oriented behaviors and directly in- by virtue of their debate, these scholars believe that (1)
fluence organizational performance by facilitating the type learning is an important facilitator of competitive advan-
of generative learning that leads to innovations in products, tage, and (2) market orientation and learning are not one
procedures, and systems. This empirical study supports all and the same. Dickson (1996) emphasizes that the MIP
of these specific contentions and the more global notion that behaviors that accompany a strong market orientation can
higher order learning processes may be critical in creating be readily copied but that the learning environment that
a sustainable competitive advantage in thefirm. organizes and translates the output of these behaviors into
a comparative advantage cannot. Accordingly, a superior
learning environment will leverage the use of all
resources, including the behaviors that accompany a mar-
Learning processes are playing a prominent role in new ket orientation.
theories on competitive advantage (Dickson 1996; Hunt There are other researchers who differentiate market
and Morgan 1996). There has been an important recent orientation from learning. Day (1994a) discusses how the
debate regarding the extent of their role in creating and firm can improve the quality of the MIP behaviors that
maintaining competitive advantage. Hunt and Morgan accompany a strong market orientation by increasing its
(1996) believe that learning is an important complex emphasis on learning. He notes that success depends not
resource of the firm that can create competitive advantage, just on the acts of acquiring, disseminating, and respond-
but they do not consider it the only resource by which a ing to market information in a timely manner. It also
firm might do so. Since theirs is, foremost, a general theory depends on the ability of managers to question the organ-
of competition, they include learning as one of a host of izational norms that are used by the firm to determine what
complex resources that can yield marketplace positions of information is acquired, disseminated, and acted on, and
competitive advantage. Dickson (1996), however, argues more important, on how such information is interpreted to
that learning is preeminent over other resources because draw implications for future organizational actions. It has
been suggested that a single-minded focus on customers,
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.
Volume 27, No. 4, pages 411-427. channels, and competitors without the ability to engage in
Copyright 9 1999 by Academy of Marketing Science. higher order learning may actually hinder the generation

of breakthrough concepts, systems, and procedures by environment, the environment responds, and these
limiting firms to incremental adaptive behaviors within responses are interpreted by individuals who learn by
existing decision-making frameworks (Kohli and Jawor- updating their beliefs about cause-effect relationships
ski 1990; Slater and Narver 1995). (Lee, Courtney, and O' Keefe 1992). Organizational learn-
The purpose of this article is to study the relationship ing occurs by detecting a mismatch of outcome to expecta-
between two related but distinct organizational character- tion, which disconfirms theory in use (Argyris and Schrn
istics-learning orientation (Sinkula, Baker, and Noor- 1978). When this occurs, the firm moves to error correc-
dewier 1997) and market orientation--and organizational tion, which results in a change in theory in use. If the cor-
performance. Both constructs influence MIP activity. rection does not involve a change to the organizational
Market orientation influences the scope of MIP activity norms (e.g., mental models and dominant logics) guiding
directed at customers, competitors, and channels and pri- the firm's behavior, then single-loop or adaptive learning
oritizes its use in the strategic process. Learning orienta- is said to occur. Most organizational learning is single-
tion is an organizational characteristic that reflects the loop, adaptive learning. If, however, the correction leads to
value that a firm places not only on adroitly responding to a change in organizational norms and if the learning results the environment but on constantly challenging from proactive organizational behavior not in direct
the assumptions that frame the organization's relationship response to environmental events, then the learning is said
with the environment. to be double-loop or generative (Argyris and Schrn 1978;
A general assertion of the article is that organizations Bateson 1972; Sinkula 1994).
have a higher likelihood of creating a sustainable competi- Adaptive, single-loop learning is sufficient to motivate
tive advantage if they have both a strong market orientation tactical adjustments to operations, production, and plan-
and a strong learning orientation. A strong market orienta- ning. Generative, double-loop learning is typically prereq-
tion is required to focus the company on those environ- uisite to more fundamental strategic shifts in these areas.
mental events that are likely to affect their ability to maxi- Generative and double-loop learning are pivotal because
mize customer satisfaction relative to competitors, but it is a they reflect an organization's capacity to change its "view
mechanism that primarily facilitates adaptive learning. of the world" by unlearning obsolete perspectives, sys-
Adaptive learning is capable of facilitating incremental tems, and procedures and proactively replacing them with
innovation (i.e., innovation within a working paradigm), but approaches that are capable of creating or maintaining
it is not intrinsically capable of facilitating discontinuous competitive advantage (Day 1991; Dickson 1996).
innovation (i.e., innovation that creates new paradigms) Formal and informal MIP generates the knowledge that
(Foster 1986). Learning orientation is a mechanism that facilitates organizational learning. It is typically conceptu-
directly affects a firm's ability to challenge old assumptions alized as comprising four primary dimensions: informa-
about the market and how a firm should be organized to tion acquisition (the process by which information is
address it. It does facilitate discontinuous innovation. It obtained), distribution (the process by which information
also, however, can lead an organization astray if a strong is shared), interpretation (the process by which informa-
market orientation is not present to provide grounding. The tion is given meaning and thus is transformed into knowl-
two constructs are expected to have independent and often edge), and memory (the process by which informa-
synergistic effects on performance. tion/knowledge is stored for further use) (Huber 1991).
The article is organized as follows. First, we examine
the distinction between market orientation and learning Market Orientation
orientation and introduce a conceptual framework regard-
ing their interplay with company performance. Next, a While there are numerous interpretations of market ori-
series of hypotheses pertaining to this interplay are pro- entation (Day 1994a; Deshpande, Farley, and Webster
posed and empirically tested. The results are presented 1993; Kohli and Jaworski 1990; Narver and Slater 1990),
along with a discussion of their implications for organiza- all have an operational focus on MIP activities regarding
tions. Future research directions are identified. customers and competitors, particularly information
acquisition, information distribution, and the ability to
behaviorally respond to what is received. For example,
ORGANIZATIONAL LEARNING, Kohli and Jaworski (1990) define market orientation as
MARKET ORIENTATION, AND "the organization-wide generation of market intelligence
LEARNING ORIENTATION pertaining to current and future customer needs, dissemi-
nation of the intelligence across departments, and
Organizational Learning organization-wide responsiveness to it" (p. 6). Likewise,
Narver and Slater's (1990) approach to market orientation
Organizational learning is dynamic. Individuals' suggests that MIP is critical because one cannot have a
actions lead to organizational interactions with the customer orientation, competitor orientation, and

interfunctional coordination without effective information learning will better enable firms to not only accomplish
acquisition and dissemination programs. within-paradigm improvements (e.g., continuous
Following past research, we view market orientation as improvement) but also paradigm shifts (e.g., breakthrough
a characteristic of an organization that determines the pri- innovation).
ority that is placed on MIP activity and its use in the strate- While market orientation is an organizational charac-
gic process. It influences the scope and importance of MIP teristic that directs and prioritizes MIP activity, learning
activity. As Dickson (1996) notes, "market orientation orientation is an organizational characteristic that affects a
describes a set o f . . . processes that enable the finn to firm's propensity to value generative and double-loop
learn" (p. 104, emphasis added). Hence, MIP activity learning. Market orientation is reflected by knowledge-
inspired by market orientation may lead to adaptive (or producing behaviors. Learning orientation is reflected by
even generative) learning, but learning is not a necessary a set of knowledge-questioning values (Sinkula et al.
outcome of the process. The output of MIP activity may 1997).
simply act as inputs into ongoing systems, models, and Learning orientation goes beyond a marketplace focus.
procedures (customer satisfaction research, sales and Learning orientation is conceptualized as a set of values
inventory tracking systems, advertising pretest proce- that influence the degree to which an organization is satis-
dures, etc.). fied with its theories in use (Argyris and Schtn 1978),
We think of market orientation not as a discrete phe- mental models (de Geus 1988), and dominant logics
nomenon but as continuous. Hence, even market-oriented (Bettis and Prahalad 1995), which may or may not have
firms can improve their market-driven processes. Sound their bases in the marketplace. Firms with strong learning
MIP interpretive and memory functions are regarded as orientations encourage, or even require, employees to con-
essential for creating a superior market orientation (Day stantly question the organizational norms that guide their
1994a; Slater and Narver 1995). The success of these func- MIP activities and organizational actions (Day 1991;
tions depends on the often tacit decision rules for selecting Garvin 1993; Sinkula 1994; Sinkula et al. 1997). In this
or rejecting information, the mental models used to trans- respect, learning orientation affects the degree to which
form information into knowledge, and the prevailing organizational members are encouraged, even required, to
assumptions about how customers and competitors will "think outside the box" Hence, it has a direct bearing on
react to actions taken by the firm in response to new infor- the degree to which higher order learning occurs (Slater
mation (Day 1994a). and Narver 1995).
Market-oriented firms do not necessarily have superior Values that are routinely associated with the organiza-
interpretive and memory functions in their MIP systems. tion's learning capabilities revolve around its (1) commit-
In fact, there is a liability to success. Success breeds resis- ment to learning, (2) open-mindedness, and (3) shared
tance to learning and hence to accurate interpretation and vision (Day 1991, 1994a; Senge 1990, 1992; Sinkula et al.
efficient memory storage (Sinkula 1994). In successful 1997). Companies that are committed to learning value the
firms, the presumed effectiveness of past actions and inter- need to understand the cause and effects of their actions
pretations is reinforced by repeated success, and the ensu- (Shaw and Perkins 1991), which, in turn, is necessary for
ing complacency breeds rejection of discrepant informa- firms to regularly detect and correct errors in theory in use.
tion that conflicts with conventional wisdom. So, while If an organization places little value on learning, little
market-oriented firms, by definition, will actively acquire, learning is likely to occur (Sackmann 1991). Commitment
distribute, and respond to market intelligence, over time to learning is related to Senge's (1990) discussion of learn-
they may increasingly prioritize the gathering and distri- ing principles (i.e., whether learning activity is viewed as
bution of deficient information. Equally as important, axiomatic), Tobin's (1993) notion of "thinking literacy"
biased interpretive and memory MIP functions may lead to (i.e., whether the ability to think and reason is viewed as
the misinterpretation and inadequate storage of distributed axiomatic), and Galer and van der Heijden's (1992:11)
information. Flawed, incomplete, or distorted mental belief that a "culture amenable to learning" is prerequisite
models do not prevent market-oriented firms from taking to its ability to improve its understanding of its environ-
actions. In many, if not most, cases, the organization will ment over time.
be unaware of the flaws and distortion (Day 1994a). As time passes, mental models may no longer hold true.
They will, however, limit us to familiar ways of thinking
Learning Orientation and acting unless we are open-minded enough to surface,
confront, and question them (Porac and Thomas 1990;
Higher order learning (i.e., generative, double-loop Senge 1992, 1990). In this respect, open-mindedness is
learning) is required for firms to unlearn obsolete market linked to the notion of unlearning (Nystrom and Starbuck
knowledge and norms (Nystrom and Starbuck 1984) and 1984). When organizations proactively question long-held
eradicate the perceptual filters that bias which new infor- routines, assumptions, and beliefs, they are engaging in
mation is attended to and acted on (Hedberg 1981). Such the practice of unlearning. Hence, unlearning is at the

heart of organizational change, and open-mindedness is an RESEARCH HYPOTHESES

organizational value that is necessary for unlearning
efforts to transpire. The focus of our research is on the synergistic effect of
Without shared vision, individuals are less likely to market orientation and learning orientation on organiza-
share dominant logics (e.g., business mission) or desired tional performance. The conceptual model underlying our
outcomes (e.g., sales, market share, return on investment, research is shown in Figure 1.
rate of new product introduction, customer satisfaction) Past research has operationalized organizational per-
(Dougherty 1989). Tobin (1993) describes such vision as formance with measures of return on assets, sales growth,
"visible leadership"; Galer and van der Heijden (1992) new product success (Narver and Slater 1990; Slater and
describe it as "goal convergence." Divergent or conflicting Narver 1994), and market share and overall performance
assumptions undermine the ability of the management (Jaworski and Kohli 1993). Following past studies, this
team to agree on the interpretation of market information research uses new product success and overall perform-
and, thus, their ability to respond quickly to emerging ance as indicators of organizational performance. We also
trends or problems. The lack of a universally understood introduce a new performance measure, change in market
organizational focus also lowers the motivation to learn share relative to the firm's largest competitor (AMS).
(Day 1991, 1994a; Galer and van der Heijden 1992; Tobin Our measures of performance were chosen not only to
1993). It is important to note that a vision, like any organ- replicate proven measures used in past research but also
izational assumption, is subject to examination and is because Walker and Ruekert (1987) regard them as "per-
likely to evolve over time. The critical aspect of the vision formance dimensions of primary importance to top corpo-
is that it is universally known, understood, and used in a rate and business unit managers" (p. 19). They go on to
manner that gives the organization a sense of purpose and state that overall performance and A_MSrepresent an effec-
direction. tiveness dimension of performance, the "success of a busi-
ness' products and programs in relation to those of its com-
A learning orientation is likely to increase the rate of
petitors in the market.., measured by such items as sales
internal and external change in a company, but the process
growth in comparison with that of competitors or changes
of establishing a learning orientation takes time. Changes
in market share."
in a firm's learning orientation, as Garvin (1993) notes, are
Organizational performance can be measured on a vari-
"the product of carefully cultivated attitudes, commit-
ety of dimensions, and no single business approach can be
ments, and management processes that have accrued
expected to have the same effect on all dimensions (Walker
slowly and steadily over time" (p. 91). Market-oriented
and Ruekert 1987). Take, for example, the dimension of
behaviors can be more rapidly changed (Dickson 1996)
business unit adaptability. New product success represents
and are, hence, more likely to have an immediate positive
an adaptability dimension, one that reflects "the business'
effect on profitability (Narver and Slater 1990).
success in responding over time to changing conditions
While a strong market orientation may routinely lead to and opportunities in the environment" (Walker and
adaptive and single-loop learning (Slater and Narver Ruekert 1987:19). Clearly, adaptability is a different
1995) about customers, competitors, and other constituen- dimension of performance than is effectiveness. Hence, it
cies, it will not routinely lead to generative and double- is not inconceivable that market orientation or learning
loop learning unless it is accompanied by a strong learning orientation might affect one dimension of performance in
orientation (Argyris and SchOn 1978; Senge 1990; Sinkula a certain manner and the other dimension of performance
1994). It is the combination of a strong market orientation in a different manner (or not at all).
and a strong learning orientation that is likely to lead to the
type of learning that has been cited as the true source of Direct Effects of Market Orientation
sustained competitive advantage (Day 1994a; Dickson
1996; Stata 1992). Market orientation exists on a continuum characterized
A primary assertion of this article is that market orien- by the degree to which firms acquire, disseminate, and
tation and learning orientation have a positive, synergistic respond to information gleaned from customers, channels,
effect on organizational behavior (Slater and Narver and competitors (Jaworski and Kohli 1993; Kohli and
1995). This synergy is explicated by Day's (1994b) con- Jaworski 1990; Kohli, Jaworski, and Kumar 1993). As
ceptualization of outside-in (e.g., market orientation) and conceptualized here, market orientation refers to the quan-
inside-out (e.g., learning orientation) processes and their tity and speed of these activities, not necessarily the
mutual involvement in optimizing spanning processes quality.
(customer service delivery, new product development, There is evidence that supports the positive effect that
strategy development) that directly influence the firm's market orientation has on certain dimensions of organiza-
performance. tional performance (Jaworski and Kohli 1993; Narver and

A Conceptual Framework of Market Orientation,
Learning Orientation, and Organizational Performance



H7, Hs,H9

Market Performance
- Change in Relative
H1,H2, H3 Market Share
- New Product Success
- Overall Performance

Slater 1990; Slater and Narver 1994). Independent of the their fundamental operating philosophies (Senge 1990;
effects of learning orientation, market-oriented firms are Slater and Narver 1995). These firms might even question
expected to be adept at reacting to formal and informal the assumption that market-oriented behaviors are appro-
feedback received from customers, channels, and com- priate in every situation. Such firms, rather than being
petitors. market led, may at times believe it is more appropriate to
lead the market. Firms with a strong learning orientation
Hypothesis 1: There is a positive relationship between an may question the logic of a purely market-oriented
organization's market orientation and its overall per- approach to new product development. Jacobson (1992)
formance. notes that "the very nature of competition suggests that no
Hypothesis 2: There is a positive relationship between an replicable strategy will allow businesses to earn long-run
organization's market orientation and its change in
supranormal profits" (p. 794).
relative market share.
Hypothesis 3: There is a positive relationship between an This in no way suggests that firms with strong learning
organization's market orientation and its new prod- orientations should not also practice a strong market orien-
uct s u c c e s s . tation; it merely recognizes that breakthroughs do not al-
ways come from reacting to the market as it is. Innovation
Direct Effects of Learning Orientation sometimes requires the vision to predict what the market
may become. That is, a firm with a strong learning orienta-
Learning orientation influences the propensity of the tion may recognize that customer satisfaction may not al-
firm to create and use all kinds of knowledge, not just ways be maximized through a strict interpretation of the
market-based knowledge. More important, it influences feedback received from current customers, channels, and
the degree to which firms are likely to promote generative competitors but instead through innovative disruptions to
learning as a core competency (Sinkula et al. 1997). the status quo that consider, but do not rely solely on,
Firms that have enhanced learning orientations are outside-in processes. Hence, our hypotheses regarding
more willing to question long-held assumptions about learning orientation are stated as follows:

Hypothesis 4: There is a positive relationship between an to reduce an organization's reliance on market feedback as
organization's learning orientation and its overall the only route to new product development. That is, firms
performance. with high learning orientation may not always follow a
Hypothesis 5: There is a positive relationship between an purely market-oriented approach to new product develop-
organization's learning orientation and its change in ment because they do not require direct signals from the
relative market share.
market to lead their new product development process.
Hypothesis 6: There is a positive relationship between an
They are more likely to engage in innovative learning re-
organization's learning orientation and its new prod-
uct s u c c e s s . gardless of their market orientation.
Likewise, firms with a strong market orientation are
Synergistic Effects of Market likely to engage in aggressive product development
Orientation and Learning Orientation regardless of their learning orientation. Firms with high
market orientations and lower learning orientations, how-
Learning orientation is an organizational characteristic. ever, may be more likely to engage in imitative rather than
Conceptualizing organizational characteristics as modera- innovative learning practices and may "emphasize
tors of organizational behaviors is consistent with past product-line extensions for its current customers, rather
research on learning (Sinkula 1994) and with past research than pursue a deep understanding of the latent needs of
on the relationship between market orientation and per- current and new customers and, hence, innovative new
formance (Gatignon and Xuereb 1997). products and opportunities in new markets" (Slater and
Narver 1995:68).
Learning orientation, market orientation, and effec- Since new product development can occur at a robust
tiveness. Firms with lower learning capabilities might rate with either a strong market orientation or a strong
have an inflexible construction of market orientation. We learning orientation, a strong synergy between market ori-
view learning orientation as the qualitative engine behind entation and learning orientation is not expected. How-
market orientation that prevents rigidity. If members of an ever, firms without either a strong market orientation or a
organization have an enhanced learning orientation, they strong learning orientation are expected to have difficulty
will not only gather and disseminate information about introducing successful new products.
markets but also constantly examine the quality of their in- We theorize that market orientation is a significant
terpretive and storage functions and the validity of the positive factor to new product success. However, we also
dominant logic that guides the entire process. Hence, the argue that the greater an organization's learning orienta-
quality of market-oriented behaviors will be enhanced. tion, the less it relies solely on market orientation to
Market-oriented behaviors facilitate, but do not guaran- achieve new product success. Therefore,
tee, optimal learning. Slater and Narver (1995) note that
"for a business to maximize its ability to learn about mar- Hypothesis 9: The greater an organization's learning ori-
kets, creating a market orientation is only a start" (p. 63). entation, the weaker the positive effect of market
This perspective is also highly consistent with Day's orientation on new product success.
(1994b) notion of the synergy created by inside-out and
outside-in processes, Jaworski and Kohli's (1993) qualita- Figure 2 graphically illustrates our expectations about
tive antecedents to market orientation, and Dickson's the relationship between market orientation and perform-
(1996) assertion that superior higher order learning pro- ance given varying levels of learning orientation.
cesses are required to sustain competitive advantage.
Hypothesis 7: The greater an organization's learning ori-
entation, the stronger the positive relationship be-
tween its market orientation and its change in Data
relative market share.
Hypothesis 8: The greater an organization's learning ori- Our data come from a nationwide direct mail survey.
entation, the stronger the positive relationship be- The bulk of the instrument is composed of items that have
tween its market orientation and its overall been used in past research on market orientation and
performance. organizational learning (Jaworski and Kohli 1993; Kohli
et al. 1993; Narver and Slater 1990; Sinkula et al. 1997).
Learning orientation, market orientation and adapt- Consistent with the extant research on market orientation,
ability. New product success is a dimension of perform- we included marketers and nonmarketers in the sample
ance that involves the firm's ability to adapt to changing (see Jaworski and Kohli 1993; Kohli et al. 1993). In so
conditions and opportunities in the environment (Walker doing, we used a commercially available list of business
and Ruekert 1987). A strong learning orientation is likely executives who held, at minimum, a vice-presidential

Hypothesized Interactions

High Learning N
0 High Learning
V Orientation E
D Low Learning
P U Orientation
F Low Learning
O Orientation S

Low High Low High

Market Orientation Market Orientation

rank. These executives came from a broad cross section of Ours is a cross-sectional design. If learning orientation
industries. To bolster the generalizability of the study, we were not so enduring and stable, one might argue that a
specified that half of the sample be composed of firms with better approach would be to capture lagged effects of
more than $500 million in sales and that the other half be learning orientation on current performance. It seems rea-
composed of smaller firms. A total of 2,000 questionnaires sonable to assume, however, that a firm with a strong
were mailed: half to marketing executives and half to non- learning orientation has had such an orientation in place
marketers. A second mailing to the initial nonrespondents for some time (Garvin 1993) and that its current perform-
was conducted. Only 15 questionnaires were returned ance has been influenced by that orientation.
"undeliverable," and 17 potential respondents either wrote
or telephoned to state that a reply to the questionnaire Measures
would violate company policy. A total of 411 question-
naires were returned (surprisingly, none of which was All but one of our primary measures have been used in
unusable), yielding a response rate of 21 percent. Approxi- past research. Market Orientation was operationalized
mately 47 percent of responses came from firms with sales with the MARKOR scale (Kohli et al. 1993). Learning
of less than $500 million. Similar to the response pattern Orientation was adapted from the scale developed by
found in Jaworski and Kohli (1993), a greater proportion Sinkula et al. (1997). Change in market share was meas-
of responses came from marketers (60%) than nonmarket- ured as related to the largest competitor (Day 1977). Over-
ers (40%). Early versus late responder analyses (Armstrong all Performance was captured with Jaworski and Kohli's
and Overton 1977) provided no evidence of nonresponse (1993) two-item measure. New Product Success is a new
bias. Following Narver and Slater (1990), the unit of scale that has much of its grounding in Moorman's (1995)
analysis in our study is the respondent's "business unit" as and Moorman and Miner's (1997) work in the area of new
it operates in its "principal served market." product performance, timeliness, and creativity.

Following past research, ours are self-explicated measures TABLE 1

of performance. Prior research has used such measures Construct Correlations
because of consistent evidence that subjective and objec- Construct I 2 3 4 5 6 7
tive measures of performance are highly correlated (Dess
1. Intelligence generation
and Robinson 1984). 2. Intelligence dissemination .55
A number of control variables deemed to be important 3. Responsiveness .57 .66
determinants of performance (Aaker 1988; Bain 1959; 4. Commitment to learning .33 .42 ,50
5. Shared vision .45 .50 .61 .57
BouIding and Staelin 1990; Day 1984; Jacobson and
6. Open-mindedness .43 .42 .57 .62 .67
Aaker 1987; Scherer 1980) have been included in the 7. New product success .34 .37 .46 .38 .45 .46
analysis. The majority of these measures (market growth, 8. Overall performance .25 .23 .41 .32 .43 .33 .39
buyer power, supplier power, seller concentration, ease of
NOTE: All correlations are significant at the .05 alpha level. The correla-
entry, and technological change) were taken from Narver tion between learning orientation and market orientation is .65.
and Slater (1990), who include them as control variables in
their assessment of the relationship between market orien-
tation and performance. Following Jaworski and Kohli
(1993), we include competitive intensity as a covariate. In factor loadings were significant (t values ranging from
addition, we include measures of market dynamism and 3.47 to 9.91).
government control. Finally, since we wished to control We conducted three-factor CFAs for the Market Orien-
for effects of company size and respondent type, we tation and Learning Orientation scales to keep consistent
included measures of total corporate sales and marketer/ with prior research (Jaworski and Kohli 1993; Sinkula et al.
nonmarketer as covariates. All of our measures are pro- 1997). However, a strong correlation between the three
vided in the appendix. MARKOR components (see Table 1) suggests that they
converge to a common construct. The same is true for the
In accordance with accepted practice (Anderson 1987;
components of Learning Orientation.' This, and an interest
Churchill 1979; Gerbing and Anderson 1988), we
in parsimony, led us to operationalize the two scales as
assessed the properties of scales for unidimensionality,
summates. This operationalization is entirely consistent
discriminant validity, and reliability. In conducting our
with those employed for market orientation by Jaworski
tests of unidimensionality, we first split the relevant con-
and Kohli (1993), Narver and Slater (1990), and Slater and
structs into three sets of theoretically related variables: the
Narver (1994). Reliability of the two summate scales was
three pertaining to learning orientation, the three dimen-
assessed by the determination of coefficient alpha. The
sions of market orientation, and the two multiitem per-
reliability estimates for the 20-item MARKOR scale (tx =
formance measures. We did this for two reasons: (1) to test
.88) and the 18-item Learning Orientation scale (~ = .94)
for construct convergence within maximally similar sets
indicate a high level of internal consistency.
of variables and (2) to avoid violating recommended mini-
The final set of variables used in our assessment of
mal sample size to parameter estimate ratios (see Bentler
unidimensionality consisted of the two multiitem per-
and Cho 1988). Confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) using
formance measures. A two-factor CFA fit well with the
covariance matrices were modeled for each of the three
data (CFI = .97, GFI = .96, X2(13) = 54.08, RMSEA = .09).
sets of variables.
All factor loadings were large and highly significant (t val-
Following Sinkula et al. (1997), Learning Orientation ues ranging from 8.61 to 24.05). The reliability estimates
was operationalized as a second-order construct with three for New Product Success (tx = .83) and Overall Perform-
dimensions (Commitment to Learning, Shared Vision, and ance (p = .79) indicate high levels of internal consistency.
Open-mindedness). Results of a second-order CFA sug- Discriminant validity for the eight constructs was
gest that the hypothesized model fits the data well (compara- assessed by conducting a series of two-factor CFA models
five fit index [CFI] = .94, goodness-of-fit index [GFI] = for each of all possible (8 x 7 / 2 = 28) pairs of constructs
.91, X~(133) = 383.13, root mean square error of approxi- (Bagozzi and Phillips 1982; Anderson 1987). In each
mation [RMSEA] = .07). As further evidence of conver- model, the phi coefficient was constrained to unity and
gent validity, all factor loadings were large and highly sig- then freed. A chi-difference test was then performed. In all
nificant (t values ranging from 12.40 to 18.78). cases, the model with the free parameter was found to be
Despite the fact that MARKOR is a well-established superior, providing evidence of the discriminant validity
and accepted measure of market orientation, we revisit its of the constructs.
scale properties here. In so doing, we tested a first-order
CFA with three dimensions (Intelligence Generation, Tests of Hypotheses
Intelligence Dissemination, and Responsiveness). Find-
ings reveal an adequate overall model fit (CFI = .85, GFI = Ordinary least squares regression was employed to test
.88, X2(167) = 491.13, RMSEA = .06). As expected, all the hypotheses. Three separate regressions were specified

(one for each of the performance measures) that, in the pre- important (b =-.083, p < .05) when interpreting the regres-
dictive set, included the multiplicative interaction of mar- sion involving overall performance.
ket orientation and learning orientation as well as their
first-order (main) effects (Pedhazur 1982). Following the Hypothesis Tests: Main Effects
advice of Aiken and West (1991) and Smith and Sasaki
(1979), we centered the first-order variables prior to calcu- Many recent studies have hypothesized and interpreted
lating the interaction term to deal with potential multicol- main effects along with their interactions in regression
linearity and interpretation issues. The covariates models (Andrews and Smith 1996; Frazier and Lassar
described earlier were included in all regression models to 1996; Heide 1994). In the presence of an interaction term,
control for compelling alternative explanations of per- a main effect (provided that the variables in question are
formance and to fit models of similar form to those used in centered) is interpreted as the effect of a given predictor
past research on market orientation (Jaworski and Kohli when the predictor it interacts with is at its mean (Finney,
1993; Narver and Slater 1990; Slater and Narver 1994). A Mitchell, Cronkite, and Moos 1984). Aiken and West
series of regression diagnostics were conducted to verify (1991) refer to main effects as "conditional effects" and
model adequacy.2Interaction effects were further analyzed note that
using the technique recommended by Aiken and West,
who "derive procedures for post hoc statistical probing of the interpretation of b~ or b2 as conditional effects of
interactions between continuous variables that closely par- predictors at the mean of other predictors may well
be useful in clarifying relationships under investiga-
allel simple effects testing within the ANOVA framework"
t i o n . . , we agree.., that these effects should not be
(p. 5). This procedure requires derivation of what Aiken disregarded simply because they are not constant ef-
and West refer to as "simple slopes" or the slope of the fects. (P. 39)
regression of Y on X at single values of Z. Typically, one
assesses the relationship between the criterion and predic- They effectively argue that the centered overall regression
tor variables at plus-and-minus one standard deviation of analysis provides regression coefficients for the first-order
the moderator. Hence, the procedure allowed us to assess terms that can be informative, noting that "this also con-
differences in the effect (slope) of market orientation on forms to the familiar model used in ANOVA: Each main
performance at specified levels of learning orientation. effect is estimated when the value of all other factors are
equal to their respective means" (p. 38). Hence, we discuss
the main effect of market orientation "conditioned" on the
RESULTS fact that learning orientation is at its mean (and vice versa).
Market orientation evidences a significant positive
The results of the regression analyses are presented in relationship with AMS (b = .266, p < .05), furnishing sup-
Table 2. In all cases, the models were highly significant. port for Hypothesis 1. Market orientation also has a sig-
The three models are interaction models with the main nificant positive relationship with new product success
effects for market orientation and learning orientation still (b = .465, p < .01), providing support for Hypothesis 2.
included. The first model, involving &MS, explains a sig- Drawing on past research, Hypothesis 3 predicted that
nificant amount of variance (adjusted R2=. 168, F = 6.93, market orientation is positively related to overall perform-
p < .0000). The variance in new product success explained ance. Results confirm the hypothesis (b = .355, p < .05),
by the second model (adjusted R2 = .307, F = 13.95, p < bolstering conclusions drawn by Jaworski and Kohli
.0000) is somewhat larger than that found (adjusted R2= (1993:64), who place confidence in their findings despite
.22, F = 3.91, p < .001) by Slater and Narver (1994), who the fact that the criterion variable is a "judgmental" meas-
regress new product success on market orientation and a ure of overall performance.
similar set of control variables but do not include a meas- As hypothesized, results show that learning orientation
ure of learning. The third model, as shown in Table 2, is is significantly related to AMS (b = .302, p < .01), offering
also highly significant (adjusted R 2= .371, F = 18.26, p < support for Hypothesis 4. Learning orientation also exhib-
.0000), explaining somewhat more variance in Jaworski its a significant positive relationship with new product
and Kohli's (1993) measure of overall performance than success (b = .403, p < .01), providing support for Hypothe-
did their original study (adjusted R2= .25). While specific sis 5. Finally, Hypothesis 6, which proposed that learning
hypotheses were not offered in regards to the control vari- orientation is positively related to overall performance, is
ables, it is notable that market growth exhibits a significant supported (b = .392, p < .01).
relationship with AMS (b = .227, p < .05), new product
success (b = .162, p < .05), and with overall performance Hypothesis Tests: Interaction Effects
(b = .386, p < .01). Additionally, supplier power (b = .071,
p < .05) is significantly related to new product success. Hypothesis 7 predicted that the strength of the relation-
Last, controlling for technical change would appear to be ship between market orientation and AMS would increase

Estimates of Relationships
Dependent Variables
Change in Relative Market Share New Product Success Overall Performance
Unstandardized Unstandardized Unstandardized
Hypothesis Coefficient Hypothesis Coefficient Hypothesis Coefficient
Market orientation Hypothesis 1, + .266* (.130) Hypothesis 2, + .465** (.114) Hypothesis 3, + .355** (.119)
Learning orientation Hypothesis 4, + .302** (.120) Hypothesis 5, + .403** (.105) Hypothesis 6, + .392** (.111)
Market orientation x Learning
orientation Hypothesis 7, + .240* (.140) Hypothesis 9, - -.233* (.123) Hypothesis 8, + -.162 (.129)
Control variables
Market growth .227* (.039) .162' (.034) .386** (.036)
Buyer power .013 (.035) -.052 (.031) .012 (.033)
Supplier power -.009 (.042) .071" (.036) .016 (.038)
Seller concentration -.047 (.039) .011 (.034) -.049 (.036)
Ease of entry -.060 (.035) -.042 (.031) -.016 (.032)
Technological change .028 (.043) .013 (.035) -.083* (.039)
Competitive intensity .023 (.050) .051 (.044) .060 (.047)
Market dynamism -.077 (.048) -.008 (.042) -.068 (.044)
Government regulation .017 (.029) -.002 (.025) .050 (.029)
Company size .107 (.109) -.156 (.096) .047 (.100)
Marketer/nonmarketer -. 104 (. 107) .007 (.094) .113 (.099)
Constant 3.87** (.413) 3.49** (.363) 3.69** (.381)
Adjusted R2 .168 .307 .371
F statistic 6.93** 13.95"* 18.26'*

NOTE: Tests of hypotheses are one-tailed tests. Numbers in parentheses are standard errors.
*p < .05. **p < .01.

as learning orientation increased. Table 2 reveals a signifi- deriving the simple slopes at high and low levels of learn-
cant interaction effect in the hypothesized direction (b = ing orientation. In both cases, the relationship between
.240, p < .05), contributing support for Hypothesis 7 (See market orientation and new product success was signifi-
Figure 2). The details of this interaction were examined cant and positive. However, the relationship was stronger
further by deriving the simple slopes as suggested by at low levels of learning orientation (b = .606, t= 4.53,p <
Aiken and West (1991). Regressions were conducted at .0000) than it was at high levels of learning orientation (b =
high (one standard deviation above) and low (one standard .327, t= 2.31,p < .02). 5Hence, as we illustrate in Figure 2,
deviation below) levels of learning orientation. In the case the strength of the relationship weakened as learning ori-
in which learning orientation was high, the relationship entation increased. Thus, it is possible that companies with
between market orientation and AMS was significant and higher learning orientations are less reliant on market ori-
positive (b =.410, t = 2.61, p < .01). However, this relation- entation (or any orientation) as the only avenue to new
ship was insignificant at low levels of learning orientation product success. This finding is consistent with arguments
(b= .123, t = 0.81,p < .42). 3 that suggest that new product innovation can occur in
Hypothesis 8 posited that the strength of the relation- many ways, not just those grounded in customer-voiced
ship between market orientation and overall performance needs and wants (Von Hippel 1988).
would be heightened as learning orientation increased.
Results show that the interaction effect associated with DISCUSSION
Hypothesis 8 is not significant.4Hence, Hypothesis 8 is not
supported. The theory-testing approach pursued in this research is
Hypothesis 9 proposed that the strength of the relation- consistent with other research on the subject (Jaworski and
ship between market orientation and new product success Kohli 1993; Kohli et al. 1993; Narver and Slater 1990;
would be weakened as learning orientation increased. The Sinkula et al. 1997; Slater and Narver 1994). Hypotheses
results provided in Table 2 show a significant interaction were examined by regressing company performance
effect in the hypothesized direction (b = -.233, p < .05), against the two orientation variables, the interaction
offering support for Hypothesis 9 (see Figure 2). Again, between them, and the control variables. The results
the nature of this interaction was explored further by advance knowledge concerning a firm's marketplace

effectiveness and adaptability and, ultimately, competitive learning orientation is heightened. Unexpectedly, there
advantage. was no moderating effect of learning orientation when
overall performance was the dependent variable. The pre-
Independent Effects of Market dicted effect, however, was stronger than expected when
Orientation and Learning Orientation AMS was the dependent variable. When learning orienta-
tion was low, market orientation had no effect on AMS.
The main effects tests are framed to answer the question, When it was high, as predicted, the effect of market orien-
"Given a best estimate of a business unit's market orienta- tation on AMS was significant and positive.
tion (learning orientation), what effect will learning orienta- On reflection, these results make sense. Strong learning
tion (market orientation) have on its effectiveness and orientation or not, market-oriented firms are capable of
adaptability in the marketplace?" The two measures of adapting to explicit changes in the external environment.
effectiveness are qualitatively different. Overall perform- They may efficiently react to competitor innovations
ance reflects a firm's ability to compete effectively but does through imitative behaviors, and they may improve rela-
not necessarily reflect the ability of a firm to create and sus- tionships with customers by efficiently reacting to their
tain a competitive advantage. A positive change in relative manifest needs and wants. These behaviors are likely to
market share, however, reflects the ability of a firm to out- improve overall performance, but they are less likely to
compete its largest competitor, which more directly sug- create or sustain a competitive advantage that leads to
gests the creating or sustaining of a competitive advantage. increases in market share relative to competitors. As noted
All main effects were significant and positive. The before, Jaworski and Kohli (1993) did not find an effect of
results provide empirical validation of Slater and Narver's market orientation on market share. Importantly, the
(1995) claim that as important as market orientation is, it MARKOR scale does not explicitly measure qualitative
must be complemented by an appropriate climate for differences in market-oriented processes. The Learning
learning. The results are also consistent with their argu- Orientation scale in this study does indirectly tap qualita-
ment that firms need both entrepreneurial and market- tive differences by examining the presence (or absence) of
oriented culture elements to breed the adaptive and genera- values that affect the quality of learning. The results sup-
tive learning behavior required for success. port the idea that a strong learning orientation is prerequi-
The main effects of market orientation on overall per- site to engendering the type of superior market-oriented
formance replicate and extend research conducted by processes (e.g., processes that can produce accurate, unbi-
Jaworski and Kohli (1993), who found a positive relation- ased intelligence on customers and competitors) that are
ship with overall performance but not with market share. capable of creating or sustaining a competitive advantage
While there are differences in measurement of the depend- and, thus, that are capable of building market share relative
ent variables between their study and ours, the absence of to a firm's largest competitor. Without a strong learning
an effect on market share in their study may be explained orientation, market-oriented behaviors are less likely to
by the absence of learning orientation in the predictive set. foster a rate of performance improvement that exceeds that
As discussed below, the significant effect of market orien- of competitors.
tation on AMS in this study was limited to firms with high We also theorized that a strong learning orientation will
learning orientations. The main effect of market orienta- weaken the relationship between market orientation and
tion on new product success replicates Slater and Narver's new product success. This occurred. A potential explana-
(1994) findings, this time with a different measure of mar- tion for this result is that a strong learning orientation pro-
ket orientation, the MARKOR scale. motes a clear identification of the functional source of new
The main effect of learning orientation is uniformly sig- product innovation (Von Hippel 1988). In most, if not
nificant and positive across all three dependent measures. many, cases, the source of innovation lies in the expressed
This finding is an important extension of recent views of the needs of customers and, hence, carefully orchestrated
role of higher order learning on building competitive advan- market-oriented behaviors. In certain cases, however, the
tage (Day 1994a; Dickson 1996; Hunt and Morgan 1996). source of new product innovation may not lie in the overt,
These perspectives generally conceptualize the effects of self-explicated needs of customers. Therefore, it is possi-
higher order learning and their antecedents (e.g., learning ble for firms with a strong learning orientation and a
orientation) as influencing performance indirectly through weaker market orientation to engage in significant new
the qualitative improvement of market-oriented processes, product development activity.
not through a direct effect as was found here. Market-oriented behaviors in the absence of a strong
learning orientation may lead to more imitative develop-
The Moderating Effect of Learning Orientation ment that can sustain performance but is less likely to lead
to the type of competitive advantage that will build market
We theorized that the effects of market orientation on share. Learning orientation in the absence of a strong mar-
overall performance and AMS would be stronger when ket orientation may lead to more innovative development,

but it, too, is not a panacea. The disadvantage of a strong that accomplishing this requires more than a market orien-
learning orientation without a strong market orientation is tation. The primary difference between the two perspec-
the potential that innovative behaviors may prove to be tives is how values and behaviors are packaged into con-
costly experiments whose market misses far exceed mar- structs. We attempt to explicitly demarcate the qualita-
ket hits (Slater and Narver 1995). In the absence of one or tive effect of values from the quantitative effect of
the other, it would be better for a finn to have a strong mar- behaviors. As a result, we conceptualize market orienta-
ket orientation. A strong market orientation is likely to tion as an organizational characteristic that affects
breed the type of adaptive learning that can keep a firm knowledge-producing behaviors and learning orienta-
competitive in a dynamic market. A strong learning orien- tion as an organizational characteristic that affects
tation may lead to an occasional "home run," but the bene- knowledge-questioning values. We believe that by mak-
ficial effect of breakthrough innovations may be short- ing a definitional distinction on the basis of values and
lived if they are not followed up by market-oriented behaviors, it will be easier to diagnose the degree to which
processes that enable firms to make necessary strategic companies have quantitative (insufficient market-oriented
and tactical adjustments in responses to changes in the processes) or qualitative (flawed assumptions driving
external market. The rapid rise and fall of many high- market-oriented processes) learning challenges.
technology finns relative to their more successful counter-
parts may reflect the differences in long-term behavior Study Limitations and
between firms with strong learning orientations and firms Future Research Priorities
with both strong learning orientations and strong market
orientations. This is certainly an issue for future research. While direct effects of both learning orientation and
market orientation as well as moderating effects of learn-
A combination of market orientation and learning ori-
ing orientation were all observed, the specific nature of
entation will likely lead to long-term competitive advan-
these effects needs to be more specifically explained. Most
tage (Day 1994a; Slater and Narver 1995). The coupling of
notably, we can infer but not directly demonstrate from
a strong market orientation with a strong learning orienta-
this research that effects of a strong market orientation
tion can offer lower risk innovation and the promise of
result from adaptive learning and that effects of a strong
ongoing modifying behaviors that are responsive to mar-
learning orientation result from generative learning. Also,
ket needs after successful innovations are introduced.
we can infer but not confirm that the inability of market
Slater and Narver (1995) offer a somewhat different orientation to affect AMS when learning orientation is low
conceptualization of the interplay between a firm's values is due to the lack of generative learning. To address these
and beliefs, its learning-related behavior, and its perform- issues, future research must find ways to operationalize
ance. Their conceptualization focuses on the role of a adaptive learning and generative learning and model their
firm's culture and climate. "Culture is the deeply rooted effects as intervening constructs that mediate the effects of
set of values and beliefs that provide norms for behavior in learning orientation and market orientation on a finn's
the organization. . . . Climate describes how the organiza- effectiveness and adaptability. Finally, we speculate that
tion operationalizes its culture, the structure and processes when learning orientation is low, the nature of market-
that facilitate the achievement of the desired behavior" oriented behaviors relating to new product success is
(p. 67). In essence, culture refers to the values that breed likely to be primarily imitative. And, when market orienta-
dominant behavioral learning styles. A market-oriented tion is low, we speculate that the nature of the effects of a
culture is one whose values and beliefs create behavioral strong learning orientation on new product success is
norms that focus on manifest customer needs, and thus it likely to be innovative, yet possibly misdirected. Future
promotes adaptive learning. An entrepreneurial culture research needs to operationalize imitative and innovative
(Slater and Narver 1995) is one whose values and beliefs learning to explicitly test this interpretation of the empiri-
create behavioral norms that focus on latent customer cal results.
needs, and thus it promotes generative learning. Hence, to A strong learning orientation is most likely to have a
a large extent, culture dictates the direction (e.g., address- major impact on performance in product categories in
ing manifest versus latent customer needs) and type (e.g., which obsolete assumptions about the environment, and
adaptive versus generative) of learning. how the organization addresses the environment, get in the
We, and Slater and Narver (1995), conclude that to way of new ideas (e.g., U.S. automobile executives' belief
maximize performance, firms must (1) generate the values that consumers only cared about style). One may argue
necessary to create a learning organization (e.g., open- that assumptions are most likely to become obsolete in
mindedness, shared vision), (2) focus on both customers' dynamic external environments (e.g., changing customers,
manifest and latent needs, and (3) create a balance competitors, channels, technology). This may be true. On
between adaptive and generative learning. We both agree the other hand, one may argue that a strong learning

orientation is just as important in completely stable envi- learning has been theorized as influencing the quality of
ronments. It is precisely this type of environment in which market-oriented processes and, ultimately, competitive
executives may arguably become most complacent and advantage (Day 1994a; Dickson 1996; Slater and Narver
most likely to settle into routinized modes of operation. In 1995), but this is the first study to offer empirical support
an environment in which no new overt signals from com- for this relationship.
petitors, customers, or channels demand change, improv- Second, the findings suggest that both market orienta-
ing performance may depend totally on the motivation and tion and learning orientation can independently lead to
ability of an organization to look proactively at the envi- successful new product development activity. However,
ronment in a new way and, in essence, to change it them- taken in concert with the positive moderating effect on per-
selves to their advantage. This demands a strong learning formance, specifically AMS, the results suggest that new
orientation. If U.S. automobile executives aggressively product development undertaken when both learning ori-
challenged their own assumptions about the automobile entation and market orientation are high leads to stronger
market while the market was still stable (i.e., before Japan performance gains. Firms engaging in market-oriented
and OPEC created the market for smaller, more efficient behaviors without appropriate learning environments and
automobiles), then they may have prevented or minimized processes are likely to be able to adapt current products
their decline. Shell Oil's decision to question all prevailing and programs to the market. But they are less likely to fos-
assumptions about the oil market and to develop strategic ter a competitive advantage unless their internal environ-
contingencies in the event of increasing oil prices set the ment encourages generative learning, thereby allowing
stage for dramatic growth after OPEC was created (Senge them to lead customers and competitors.
1992). Other oil companies that waited for new signals Third, the direct independent effect of learning orienta-
from the market were in no position to respond. The rela- tion on all three performance measures suggests, as others
tionship between market conditions and the relative have theorized, that market-oriented processes are neces-
importance of market orientation and learning orientation sary but not sufficient to maintain competitive advantage.
is an important issue for future research. Reacting to market feedback may allow a firm to adapt
Our results should be viewed in light of the constraints successfully to explicit changes in the external environ-
of the study. Specifically, the cross-sectional nature of the ment, but it may limit a firm's ability to anticipate change
data limited the degree to which we were able to explore in a proactive manner. So, while a strong market orienta-
organizational improvement over time. While there is tion may keep a firm on a steady course, alone, it may not
strong evidence that attests to the validity of the genre be capable of propelling a firm into a position of market
(Dess and Robinson 1984), our measures of performance dominance. Firms with both strong learning and market
are self-explicated as opposed to objective measures. In orientations may be best able to uncover and respond to
addition, we sampled primarily large, well-established both explicit and latent environmental forces through a
organizations. It may be interesting to explore learning combination of adaptive and generative learning that
processes in smaller, struggling organizations. enables innovative and reactive marketplace behaviors.
The Learning Orientation scale (Sinkula et al. 1997) in
Conclusion concert with the MARKOR scale (Jaworski and Kohli
1993) can test the expectations discussed above. The use of
Our conceptual framework and results extend past these scales may reveal to managers whether their organiza-
theories about market orientation and organizational per- tional activities derive from (1) a balance of adaptive and
formance. First, research up to this point has focused on generative learning processes that are capable of creating
external environmental moderators of the relationship and sustaining competitive advantage (strong market orien-
between market orientation and organizational perform- tation and strong learning orientation), (2) strong adaptive
ance. While the findings from these studies have been sig- learning processes that are likely to lead to stable long-term
nificant in depicting the importance of market orientation performance through effective adaptive learning but less
as a source of competitive advantage, they also highlight a likely to lead to significant gains relative to major competi-
gap in the theory. This research addressed that gap by find- tors (strong market orientation, weak learning orientation),
ing a significant effect of an internal environmental mod- (3) a relative absence of strong market-oriented processes
erator of market orientation: learning orientation. To date, but the ability to engage in highly innovative (albeit high-
no one has operationalized and tested learning orientation risk) behaviors that may lead to the creation of competitive
in such a manner. advantage but probably not its sustaining (weak market ori-
The direct and indirect effects of learning orientation on entation, strong learning orientation), or (4) a relative lack
both new product success and AMS address the question, of either the ability to effectively adapt or innovate, which
"Is organizational learning associated with superior per- threatens long-term survival (weak market orientation,
formance?" (Slater and Narver 1995:71). Higher order weak learning orientation).


C o m m e n t s on this article are w e l c o m e . This research

I. Independent variables
was supported, in part, by the Ken M i l l e r F u n d at the Uni-
versity o f V e r m o n t S c h o o l o f Business. The authors thank
Market Orientation (MARKOR) Kohli, Jaworski, and
S e l w y n Becker, T o m N o o r d e w i e r , and R o n Savitt, all o f Kumar (1993)
the U n i v e r s i t y o f Vermont, for their helpful c o m m e n t s on (5-point scale, in which 5 = strongly agree and 1 = strongly dis-
earlier versions o f this article. In addition, the helpful c o m - agree). A 20-item scale consisting of three subconstructs. Some
m e n t s o f Dr. A. Parasuraman and the three J A M S reviewers slight wording changes were made to counteract floor and ceiling
are appreciated. effects present in the Kohli et al. study.

1. Intelligence generation
9 In this business unit, we meet with customers at least twice
1. In addition, we explicitly test for this convergence to a second-
per year to find out what products or services they will
order construct in our CFA for Learning Orientation.
need in the future.
2. First, tolerance estimates were evaluated to judge whether multi-
collinearity was an issue. No problems were uncovered. To check for 9 In this business unit, we do a lot of in-house market
equality of variance, the residuals were plotted against the predicted val- research.
ues as well as against each independent variable. No evidence of hetero- 9 We are slow to detect changes in our customers' product
skedasticity was detected. Finally, the distribution of residuals was preferences.
examined for normality. No aberrant patterns were found. 9 We poll end users at least twice per year to assess the qual-
3. We confirmed this finding by conducting a multiple-level analysis ity of our products and services.
to test the hypothesis of equality of regression coefficients across high
9 We are slow to detect fundamental shifts in our industry
and low learning orientation groups. Since AMS is a single-item indicator
(i.e., manifest dependent variable), we followed the technique used by (e.g., competition, technology, regulation).
Moorman and Miner (1998). The regression coefficients between the two 9 We frequently review the likely effect of changes in our
groups (which were defined by a median split) were examined for differ- business environment (e.g., regulation) on customers.
ences. Findings confirm the moderating effect of learning orientation on
the relationship between market orientation and AMS in the hypothesized 2. Intelligence dissemination
direction, t(409) = 3.69, p = .002.
4. We confirmed this finding by conducting a multiple-level analysis
across the high and low learning orientation groups. Since overall per- 9 We have interdepartmental meetings at least once a quar-
formance is operationalized as a multiitem construct, we followed the ter to discuss market trends and developments.
method recommended by Bagozzi and Yi (1989) (see also Aiken and 9 Marketing personnel in our business unit regularly sched-
West 1991; West, Sandier, Pillow, Baca, and Gersten 1991). This in- ule meetings to discuss customers' future needs with other
volved comparing a full structural equations model with a restricted functional departments.
model that fixed the unstandardized regression coefficients to be equal in 9 When something important happens to a major customer
each group, hence there is no interaction effect. A comparison of the or market, the whole business unit is informed about it
goodness of fit measure (g 2) between models provides a test of the inter- within a short period.
action term. With organizational performance as the dependent variable,
9 Data on customer satisfaction are disseminated at all lev-
we found no evidence of an interaction, Z2(1) = .01, p = .99.
5. Again, we confirmed this finding by using the same technique de- els in this business unit on a regular basis.
lineated in Note 4. We found a significant interaction in the hypothesized 9 When one department finds out something important
direction, Z2(1) = 7.6, p =.01, when new product success was the depend- about competitors, it is slow to alert other departments.
ent variable.
3. Responsiveness

9 We are slow to decide how to respond to our competitors'

price changes.
9 For one reason or another we tend to react slowly to
changes in our customer's product or service needs.
9 We constantly review our product development efforts to
ensure that they are in line with what customers want.
9 Several departments get together periodically to plan a re-
sponse to changes taking place in our business environment.
9 If any competitor were to launch an intensive campaign
targeted at our customers, we would implement a response
9 The activities of the different departments in this business
unit are well coordinated.

9 The positive resolution of all customer complaints is not a II. Dependent variables
top priority in this business unit.
9 Even if we came up with a great marketing plan, we would Change in Relative Market Share Adapted from Day (1977)
probably not implement it in a timely fashion. (7-point scale, in which 7 = significant increase and 1 = signifi-
9 When we find that customers would like us to modify a cant decrease). For your business unit's principal served market
product or service, the departments involved make a con- segment over the past year.
certed effort to do so.
, Change in market share relative to your largest competitor.
Learning Orientation Adapted from Sinkula,
Baker, and Noordewier New product success New scale
(1997) (7-point scale, in which 7 = high and 1 = low). For your business
(5-point scale, in which 5 = strongly agree and 1 = strongly dis- unit's principal served market segment over the past 3 years.
agree). An 18-item scale consisting of the following three sub-
constructs: 9 New product introduction rate relative to largest competi-
1. Commitment to learning 9 New product success rate relative to largest competitor.
9 Degree of product differentiation.
9 Managers basically agree that ourbusiness unit's ability to 9 First to market with new applications.
learn is the key to our competitive advantage. 9 New product cycle time (i.e., inception to rollout) relative
9 The basic values of this business unit include learning as to competition.
key to improvement.
9 The sense around here is that employee learning is an in- Overall performance Jaworski and Kohli (1993)
vestment, not an expense. (7-point scale, in which 7 = excellent and 1 = poor)
9 Learning in my organization is seen as a key commodity
necessary to guarantee organizational survival. Overall performance in your business unit last year was:
9 Our culture is one that does not make employee learning a Relative to competition, overall performance in your busi-
top priority. ness unit last year was:
9 The collective wisdom in this enterprise is that once we
quit learning, we endanger our future. III. Control variables

2. Shared vision From Narver and Slater (1990)

(7-point scale, in which 7 = high and 1 = low). How would you
9 There is a well-expressed concept of who we are and describe:
where we are going as a business unit.
9 There is a total agreement on our business unit vision Market growth: The average annual growth rate, over the past 3
across all levels, functions, and divisions. years, of total sales in your principal served market segment.
9 All employees are committed to the goals of this business Buyer power: The extent to which your unit's customers are able
unit. to negotiate lower prices.
9 Employees view themselves as partners in charting the di- Supplier power: The extent to which your unit is able to negotiate
rection of the business unit. lower prices from your suppliers.
9 Top leadership believes in sharing its vision for the busi- Seller concentration: The percentage of total sales accounted for by
ness unit with the lower levels. the top four competitors in your principal served market segment.
9 We do not have a well-defined vision for the entire busi- Ease of entry: The likelihood of a new competitor being able to
ness unit. earn satisfactory profits in your principal served market segment.
Technological change: The extent to which production/service
3. Open-mindedness technology in your principal market has changed over the past 3
9 We are not afraid to reflect critically on the shared assump-
tions we have about the way we do business. Other control variables
9 Managers in this business unit do not want their "view of (7-point scale, in which 7 = high and 1 = low). How would you
the world" to be questioned. describe:
9 Our business unit places a high value on open- Competitive intensity: The level of competitive intensity in your
mindedness. principal served market segment.
9 Managers encourage employees to "think outside of the Market dynamism: In general, the rate of change in the market-
box." place in your principal served market segment.
9 An emphasis on constant innovation is not a part of our Government regulation: The extent to which government regula-
corporate culture. tion inhibits your ability to expand product or customer markets.
9 Original ideas are highly valued in this organization.

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