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College of Arts and Sciences

The Relationship between Internet Addiction and Aggressive

Behavior Among Selected First Year Information Technology
Students of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa

An undergraduate thesis submitted to

The Faculty of College of Arts and Sciences
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa
Muntinlupa City

In partial fulfilment of the requirements

for the degree of
Bachelor of Science, Major in Psychology


Gelane N. Geca
Lyka O. Gonzalo
Milogean T. Odapin

November 2019

College of Arts and Sciences
Chapter 1



Internet is an imperative sharing instrument, as often as possible utilized by

various fragments of the general public. Internet use has been a need for

correspondence, research, and amusement. Its fame has been expanding around the

world. Internet is one of the critical variables affecting young people in our

Contemporary World as a broad communications cooperation instrument. This impact,

as expressed by Ko et al., may lead youths to practices which can be risky to emotional

wellness and society, for example, aggression.

Unreasonable utilization of the Internet has both interior and outside impacts

for people. The inside yield is the mental and passionate part and identity issues that

may emerge, for example, diminished mental prosperity for unreasonable clients

according to research findings. The outside impact alludes to the usefulness of the

people and the issues related with diminished exercises, in actuality, and negligible to

non-existent interaction with the social environment. The inordinate utilization of

Internet may prompt poor associations with loved ones, absence of enthusiasm for day

by day life and disregard of residential, scholastic, proficient and different obligations

that bit by bit lead to a markdown of the personal satisfaction. Other than the previously

mentioned dangers of wrong Internet use, the advantages of the Internet are various and

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add to advance to the human prosperity in all areas. It offers a brisk access to data and

encourages correspondence, giving diversion, training and help with medicinal issues.

Unfortunately, it offers obscurity that can make it similarly risky, particularly for

youthful clients. Therefore, people ought to know about and guarantee the correct

utilization of the Internet, so it won't antagonistically influence their own lives and their


The researchers are intrigued to see whether internet addiction affects one's

aggressive behavior, especially on senior high school students. These days, youngsters

and youthful grown-ups are particularly dependent to the internet.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the relationship between Internet Addiction and

Aggressive behavior of selected first year Information Technology students of

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa. Specifically, it sought answer to the following


1. What is the level of Internet Addiction of the Respondents in terms of the


1.1 Compulsive Symptoms

1.2 Withdrawal Symptoms

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1.3 Tolerance Symptoms

1.4 Interpersonal and Health Problems

1.5 Time Management Problems

2. What is the level of Aggressive Behavior of the Respondents in terms of the


2.1 Physical Aggression

2.2 Verbal Aggression

2.3 Anger

2.4 Hostility

3 Is there a significant relationship between the Internet addiction and Aggressive

behavior of the respondents?


Ho: There is no significant relationship between Internet addiction and Aggressive

behavior of the respondents.

Theoretical Framework

Social Learning Theory, theorized by Albert Bandura, places that individuals

gain from each other, by means of perception, impersonation, and demonstrating. The

hypothesis has frequently been known as a scaffold among behaviorist and cognitive

learning theories since it includes consideration, memory, and inspiration. Individuals

learn through watching others' conduct, frames of mind, and results of those behaviors.

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"Most human conduct is found out observationally through demonstrating: from

watching others, one structures a thought of how new practices are performed, and on

later events this coded data fills in as a guide for activity." (Bandura). Social learning

theory clarifies human conduct as far as nonstop proportional association between

subjective, social, and ecological impacts.

Aggression can be directly learned through operant molding, including positive

and negative support and discipline. Bandura suggested that aggression can likewise be

learnt by the roundabout component of observational learning. Social learning

hypothesis keeps up that kids learn through a procedure of impersonation. Aggressive

acts did by a good example will be disguised by an individual and replicated later on.

On the off chance that the good example's conduct apparently is compensated, at that

point a kid can discover this is a viable method for getting what they need. Through this

procedure of vicarious support, compensates that are seen because of hostility result in

the conduct being viewed as adequate and afterward recreated.

The Buss– Perry Aggression Questionnaire (BP-AQ) is a 29-item, four-factor

instrument that estimates physical aggression, verbal hostility, outrage, and antagonistic

vibe. An expansive number of contending renditions of the first BP-AQ have been

proffered in the literature yet testing with aggressive offenders is constrained. The study

discovered two comparative tightfisted 12-item renditions of the four-factor BP-AQ

that beat different models and fit the information well while holding worthy

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dependability. Taken together, unrivaled psychometric properties, satisfactory

dependability, and diminished thing load are properties that obviously bolster the

utilization of both of these 12-item adaptations. The overall benefits of these shorter

forms of the BP-AQ are analyzed and suggestions for their utilization in connected

settings and further research are considered.

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Conceptual Framework

Internet Addiction Aggressive Behavior

First Year Information

Technology Students

Figure 1

This diagram shows that First Year Information Technology students may have

Internet Addiction and that Internet Addiction can lead to have an Aggressive Behavior.

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Significance of the Study

This study will be beneficial to the following individuals:

Students. As students, they may be presented to over the top internet use. The result of

this study may enable them to see how internet addiction influence aggressive behavior.

Parents. This study could enable them to instruct and illuminate their kids on the

significance regarding constraining their utilization of the internet. In this way, they

could appropriately direct their kids and offer advices to enable them to anticipate

internet addiction.

Teachers. Teachers can be one of one of the beneficiaries of this study as this can help

them assess their student’s aggressive behavior.

School Administration. This study can also benefit the School Administration, it will

give them an idea on what programs will they offer to reduce aggressiveness on their


Future Researchers. This study could serve as a reference for further improvements

to be done in their study in relation to their research especially on the effects of Internet

addiction on the aggressive behavior of the students

College of Arts and Sciences
Scope and Limitations of the Study

The focus of this research primarily is to know whether internet addiction has

an effect on aggressive behavior. The respondents of the study were selected First Year

Information Technology students of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa during

Academic Year 2019 – 2020. The primary reason why the said locale was chosen is

because the university is a significant area for the researchers, aside from facility of

access to the resources. Also, the College of Information Technology and Computer

Studies in said university has a large population. On the other hand, according to

Kahwaji, Menon, and Narayanan (2018), college students were showing higher internet

usage as they are more exposed to it. Preceding this, other institutions and people that

are out of this coverage are excluded in determining the effects of internet addicion on

aggressive behavior.

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Definition of Terms

As words may mean differently in different contexts, the following were

operationally defined based on how it was used in the study.

Aggressive Behavior can cause physical or emotional harm to others. It may range

from verbal abuse to physical abuse. It can also involve harming personal property.

Internet Addiction is a mental condition characterized by excessive use of the internet,

usually to the detriment of the user.

Physical aggression is behavior causing or threatening physical harm towards others.

It includes hitting, kicking, biting, using weapons, and breaking toys or other


Verbal aggression is defined as any threat or comment directed towards others that

indicates any form of physical harm to another person

Anger is an emotion characterized by antagonism toward someone or something you

feel has deliberately done you wrong.

Hostility is a negative evaluation of persons and things (Buss, 1961), often

accompanied by a clear desire to do harm or to aggrede them (Kaufmann, 1970).

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Chapter 2


This chapter presents a review of journals, articles, studies, and relevant literature

that could support this study. The researchers gathered needed information from books

and electronic resources, among others.

Foreign Literature

As indicated by Hartney (2019), in the unlikely event that Internet addiction

caused no mischief, there would be no issue. However, when excessive internet use

ends up being addictive, something begins to suffer. People might not have any genuine

individual connections, or the ones they do might be ignored or suffer arguments over

their Internet use. She added that Internet addiction is becoming widely perceived and

recognized, especially in nations where it is influencing expansive quantities of

individuals, for example, South Korea, where it has been proclaimed a national health

problem. Most of the researches regarding the matter of Internet addiction has been

done in Asia. It is likewise a growing concern in developed nations in North America

and Europe. Internet addiction is concerning for kids and teens in particular. Children

come up short on the learning and awareness to appropriately deal with their own

internet use and have no clue about the potential damages that the internet can open

them up to. Most of the kids have access to the internet as majority of them owns a

cellphone, while this may reassure that they can have two-way contact in case of an

emergency, there may be risks that that this consistent access to the Internet can open

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them to. Children have become increasingly exposed to lengthy periods of time

connected to the Internet, disconnecting them from the world around them. When

online, they have increased risk of involvement in cyberbullying, both as a victim and

as a perpetrator.

In Hudner’s (2019) opinion, over-dependancy by children on their devices is

going to prompt issues later on, of that she has no doubt. Internet addiction disorder

(IAD) is on the increase around the world, and what is more stressing is that research

is proving that those who have IAD have a higher probability to also suffer from other

disorders as they grow up such as depression, sleep disorders and anger management.

She also recommends having a structured time allowance per day or per week for

children to use the internet to engage with their friends, play games and learn.

Likewise, Merritt (2018) is concerned over the effects of Internet addiction. She

wonders what will happen with our spiritual lives. As she would see it, techies build

social media platforms so that we will end up dependent on them. So, as they could

earn more from the advertisers who need proof of an audience. In order to get as many

eyeballs as possible, techies studied the brain science surrounding addiction in other

areas of our lives. Aditionally, she mentioned that addiction is as much about the

negative as it is about the negative.

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Moreover, Devkota (2019) expressed that as opposed to connecting individuals,

she believes that like elsewhere in the world, internet is making Nepali users lonelier,

unhappy, insensitive and unproductive. Internet addiction among the youth seems to be

a result not of the need to communicate through the Net, but of habit formation. Internet

addiction can also lead to insomnia, which invites further health problems like

migraines, anxiety and depression, Also, internet addiction makes users aggressive and

can contribute to crime.

On the contrary, Ferguson (2018), stated that while some evidence recommends

that there might be a connection between violent video games and aggression under

probably a few conditions, such effects are very little and probably not going to be a

primary cause of real-world aggression. Also, relatively little is thought about the

boundary conditions, mediators, and moderators of the relationship between violent

video games and aggression. With such a restricted comprehension, it is hard to

appropriately describe the relationship between violent game use and aggression,

particularly in regard to factors that might stifle or worsen the relationship.

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Local Literature

According to Rappler (2017), in the Philippines, about 60 million – or 58% of

the total population – have access to the internet. Which made the country to be slightly

above the global internet penetration average of 50%, and higher than the rate in

countries such as China and Vietnam with 53%. The report said the number of internet

users in the Philippines has grown by 27% in the past 12 months. And when Filipinos

go online, they tend to hang around, specifically for 8 hours and 9 minutes every day

on average – the highest in the world.

Aguilar (2019) recently reported that the Philippines is the top country

worldwide for the most time spent on the internet. Users from the Philippines averagely

spend about 10 hours and 2 minutes on the internet daily by means of any gadget. Next

to the Philippines is Brazil, with internet usage time average of 9 hours and 29 minutes;

and Thailand, who was 2018’s top internet user, with average of 9 hours and 11

minutes. According to the report, internet users from the Philippines also spend the

most time on social media, averaging 4 hours and 12 minutes, while the average time

spent worldwide is only 2 hours and 16 minutes.

In 2014, Nano and Navalez warned the public about the excessive use of

internet, specifically on online games. They reported that most of the internet users

often forget to eat on time and would even fail to sleep. They added that teens have

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been reported to be violent even towards their parents. Nano and Navalez ended their

report with a warnng to the public on how parents play an important role in avoiding

their children to use the internet excessively.

In line with this, Salce (2013) acknowledge the importance of internet especially

among teens, since it has almost all the information that they need. However, if it is

used excessively, some things may be sacrificed or ignored like one’s health. Salce

wonders what the future will be for teens who are addicted with the internet. He

mentioned that most of the teens prefer to cut classes because of this. He also warned

the teens on how excessive use of internet harms their eyes and even their mind.

Lerona (2016), pointed out the proper use of internet. In his article, he

mentioned that we should remember that internet, specifically the social media, is a

public place. People should be careful on whatever they are posting, reading, and

playing. Also, people should remember that social media is a place to connect with

other people, so they must maintain peace. Lerona added that not everything that we

see or read in the internet are true and people should read the article first before sharing

or even commenting. Lerona ended the article with a reminder to be always responsible

at all times.

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Foreign Studies

Diomidous et al. (2016) stated that the spread of the Internet and the growing

influence of it constitute a dominant element in the lives of users, led to the exploration

of the consequences that may cause the continuous use of the internet in the physical

and mental development of both young people and adults. Questions arise about how

certain personality characteristics and up to which point the social and family situation

and the existing of psychiatric disorders may influence the use of the Internet and may

lead to the misuse of it. Excessive use of the Internet has both internal and external

effects for users. The internal output is the psychological and emotional sector and

personality problems that may arise, such as reduced psychological wellbeing for

excessive users according to research findings. The external influence refers to the

functionality of the user and the problems associated with reduced activities in real life

and minimal to non- existent interaction with the social environment. The excessive use

of Internet may lead to poor relationships with friends and family, lack of interest in

daily life and neglect of domestic, academic, professional and other responsibilities that

gradually lead to a discount of the quality of life.

Fengqiang, Jie, Lei and Yueqiang (2016) cited that individuals can get violence

behaviors unknowingly and decrease the inhibition of violence in the Internet violence

for quite a while, with the goal that the aggression will be strenthened. The higher scores

of negative life occasions implied the more elevated amount of aggression. Negative

life events can cause frustration for individuals. People who were addicted on the

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internet and invest a great deal of time and energy on the Internet, got less social

support. At the same time, they would encounter increasingly negative life occasions

and pressure from family, study, work and communication.

As indicated by Bubnova et al. (2017), Internet addiction in general is a complex

phenomenon, which refers to a scope of conduct issues and control over impulses.

Social network, thus, are a unique method for communication and a method for

searching people. It can push us to always be in contact or to discover news about the

general population with whom we encircle ourselves. Internet addiction can be of

different kinds, including Internet dependence on social networks. The social network

is a collection of participants, united not only by the medium of communication, but

also by the social ties between them. In any case, numerous people are addicted to

communication in social networks, because there is a substitution of genuine

connections in the virtual world, and even with knowledge of an addiction, it isn't

constantly conceivable to dispose of it. It is simple, reasonable, and at first look, safe,

worry of the present issues in the virtual life bit by bit raises passionate lack of

approachability, which diminishes communicarion in reality and hinders the formation

of personality, breaking its integrity, stability and the development of social experience.

That is why the prevention of Internet addiction, framing a genuine picture of the real

world and the spot of the "I", is essential for students. We can find in the preventive

measures implemented jointly by all the educational participants’ relations, an answer

for this issue.

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Aggression is a common wonder with significant expense in our society. The

unsafe impacts of aggression are reported in the media on a daily basis and individuals

can perceive the social significance of aggression through the media. Ironically, an

estimated 10% to 30% of violence in the society can be credited to the effect of media

violence, in spite of the fact that it is debatable whether the media is a significant factor

of violence. Among different types of modern media, one of the most influential forms

is the Internet.

In the study conducted by Lim et al. (2014), their resopondents completed series

of tests and questionnaires. The result of the study showed that the score of the internet

addiction test correlates with the aggression questionnaire. Therefore, they concluded

that Internet addiction is significantly correlated with aggression as well as in

impulsiveness and clinical states in adolescents.

Additionally, Lim et al. (2015) found out that people with Internet Addiction

Disorder are more disposed to aggression than those who are nonaddicted ones. They

have concluded that if more aggressive individual is prone to Internet Addiction, early

psychiatric interventions that target both level of aggression and clinical status should

assist in the prevention and treatment of Internet Addiction Disorder.

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Local Studies

Based on the study conducted by Marcial (2013), Internet addiction in the

Philippines exist. His study reveals a weighted mean of 4.07 (very often) on the

statement about spending a lot of time thinking about social media or plan to use social

media. Oftentimes, students fail on their endevour to stop using social media. It also

revealed that using social media has a negative impact on their academic studies. Lastly,

the study shows that the respondents are greatly restless or very unlikely to be fine if

prohibited from using social media.

On the other hand, Carcillar (2017) examined the effect of internet use on the

cognitive gain among indigenous secondary students. The study aims to determine the

relationship between internet use as an educational communication tool, to discover

how indigenous students use the internet as an educational communication for learning

and to find out the response of indigenous students when using the internet as an

educational communication tool for learning. After processing the data collected, the

study found that internet use has an effect in increasing the knowledge or cognitive gain

of the indigenous students who have participated in the study.

Talabis and Ocampo (2017) have concluded that there is a significant moderate

association between the time spent on the internet and the narcissm among their

respondents, while other risk factors showed no significant association with the time

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spent online. However, even though the associations were not significant, aggression

was shown to have a weak association with time spent online, while self-esteem and

life satisfaction have a weak association with time spent online.

Another study conducted by Waldo (2014) indicates that the level of aggression

occurs more on people who are addicted to the internet. He had found out that although

adolescents have good psychological well-being and acceptable levels of spiritual

intelligence, adolescents appear socially desiable at an average level and are frequent

online user. It is also noted that males are more likely to be addicted to the internet than


Hechanova and Go (2014) revealed a seven-component taxonomy of Internet

use in the Philippines which are expression and interaction, basic internet use,

recreation, news and information, school-related activities, e-commerce and technology

deviance. In addition, whereas past studies tended to focus on problematic outcomes of

Internet, their study highlights both positive and negative outcomes. Results show that

Internet use has benefits including greater productivity and personal enhancement.

However, when carried to the extreme, Internet use can also lead to social harm and

addictive tendencies.

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The synthesis is a brief account of how similar or different the related literature

and studies to the current research undertaking.

According to studies conducted abroad and in local setting, internet addiction

has been a major concern among adolescent and teens. Internet addiction iis becoming

widely perceived and recognized, especially in nations where it is influencing

expansive quantities of individuals (Hartney, 2019)

Lim et al. have found out that people with Internet Addiction Disorder are more

disposed to aggression than those who are nonaddicted ones. Similar to the study of

Waldo who indicated that the level of aggression occurs more on people who are

addicted to the internet. (Lim et al., 2014; Waldo, 2014).

On the other hand, two or more studies explained that internet addiction has a

small effect on aggressive behavior (Ferguson, 2018) and aggression was shown to have

weak association with the time spent online. (Talabis and Ocampo, 2017).

The effects of Internet Addiction on the Aggressive Behavior were further

elaborated in a study conducted by Lim et al on 2015.

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Chapter 3


This chapter explains the research design adapted in the study. Among the topics

included in this chapter are discussion of the research locale, research sampling design,

data gathering tool, data gathering procedure and data analysis plan.

Research Design

Correlational research design was used due to the nature of the study.

Correlational research design is the research design used by the researchers since it

seeks to understand what kind of relationships naturally occurring variables have with

one another. Correlational research aims to know whether there is (a) Positive

Correlation, (b) Negative Correlation, or (c) Zero Correlation.

Quantitative data includes close-ended information such as that found to

measure attitudes, behaviors and performance instruments. The analysis of this type of

data consists of statistically analyzing scores collected on instruments or checklist to

answer research questions or to test the hypothesis. The researchers used the

quantitative data to measure the internet addiction and aggressiveness of the

respondents. The researchers used the Chen Internet Addcition Scale and Buss-Perry

Aggression questionnaire for quantitative data.

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Sampling Design

The research utilized a type of probability sampling design, specifically, the

random sampling design in gathering participants for the study. Gravetter and Forzano

(2011) stated that “the logic behind simple random sampling is that it removes bias

from the selection procedure and should result in representative samples”. This

statement implies the way the research sample must be tied to their objectives.

Research Instrument

The researchers will use the following instruments to gather the necessary data

regarding the effects of Internet Addiction on the Aggressive Behavior of seleced first

year information technology students of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa.

Chen Internet Addiction Scale (CIAS)

The first instrument that will be used by the researcher is the CIAS by Ms. Sue-

Huei Chen. The CIAS is a four-point, 26-item self-reported scale assessing five

dimensions of Internet-related symptoms and problems, including the following:

1. Compulsive symptoms (Com)

2. Withdrawal Symptoms (Wit)

3. Tolerance Symptoms (Tol)

4. Interpersonal and Health Problems (IH)

5. Time Management Symptoms (TM)

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The total score of the CIAS ranges from 26–84. Higher CIAS scores indicate

increased severity of addiction to Internet activity. The internal reliability of the scale

and the sub-scales in the original study ranged from 0.79–0.93 (Chen et al., 2003). In

the present study, the Cronbach’s a of CIAS was 0.94 for the total score, 0.87 for Sym-

C, 0.87 for Sym-W, 0.85 for Sym-T, 0.89 for RP-IH, and 0.85 for RP-TM. Correlation

analyses yielded significantly positive correlation of total scale and subscale scores of

CIAS with weekly hours spent on Internet activity (Lai, et al., 2005).

Scoring: The minimum and maximum scores of the CIAS are 26 and 104. Higher

scores indicate a more severe level of Internet addiction. Respondents with scores of 64

and above were considered to be at a high risk of Internet addiction; students with scores

equal to or higher than 68 points were suspected to have Internet addiction (Ko, 2009).

Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire (BPAQ)

The second instrument that will be used by the researchers will be the Buss-

Perry Aggression Questionnaire by Arnold Buss and Mark Perry (1992). It has 29 items

which are subdivided into four factors.

1. Physical aggression (9 items)

2. Verbal aggression (5 items)

3. Anger (8 items)

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4. Hostility (8 items)

Using factor analysis, the four factors of anger, physical and verbal aggression,

resentment and suspicion were extracted. The test-retest reliability of this questionnaire

was 0.78 (Samani, 2008).

Scoring: For each of the following 29 statements, participants will rate how

characteristic it is for them.

Research Procedure

Since the participants were under College of Information Technology and

Computer Studies department of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa, researchers

must obtain permission from the Dean of the said department. After obtaining the

approval, researchers looked for possible participants. In order to gather data, the

questionnaires were personally distributed to the participants. An informed consent

form was attached to the questionnaires whereby the nature of the study was explained

to the participants. The questionnaires were then collected, and the completed

questionnaires were later analyzed. The actual survey was conducted during the

participants’ break time in order not to disturb their studies. After collecting the

questionnaires, the data was analyzed.

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Statistical Treatment of Data

The data will be treated as follows:

1. Likert Scale will be used to measure whether the response of the participant is

negative or positive. A Likert scale is a rating scale, often found on survey

forms, that measures how people feel about something. It includes a series of

questions that you ask people to answer, and ideally 5-7 balanced responses

people can choose from. It often comes with a neutral midpoint.

2. Mean will be used to determine the extent of the participant’s exposure on the

internet and how aggressive they are. Mean implies average and it is the sum of

a set of data divided by the number of data. Mean can prove to be an effective

tool when comparing different sets of data; however, this method might be

disadvantaged by the impact of extreme values.

3. Standard Deviation is a measure of the amount of variation or dispersion of a

set of values. A low standard deviation indicates that the values tend to be close

to the mean of the set, while a high standard deviation indicates that the values

are spread out over a wider range.

4. Pearson correlation coefficient will be used to determine the relationship

between internet addiction and the aggressive behavior of the respondents. It is

the test statistics that measures the statistical relationship, or association,

between two continuous variables. It is known as the best method of measuring

the association between variables of interest because it is based on the method

of covariance.

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Chapter 4


This chapter presents the data of this study as well as its analysis. It answers the

questions that were raised in Chapter 1.

Descriptive Statistics

Table 1

Indicates the level of Internet Addiction Sub scales of the Respondents


Compulsive Symptoms 12.8 3.432 High

Withdrawal Symptoms 12.74 3.205 High

Tolerance Symptoms 10.65 2.691 High

Interpersonal and Health Problems 18.23 4.129 High

Time Management Problems 12.92 3.443 High

Table 1 presents the respondents’ high level of internet addiction and

shows that respondents are getting more dependent on internet use. According to Young

(1995), internet addiction is defined as any online-related, compulsive behavior which

interferes with normal living and causes severe stress on family, friends, loved ones,

and one's work environment.

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The High level of Compulsive use of internet indicates a maladaptive

relationship with the internet, including loss of control over the use, the use for mood

change and withdrawal symptoms. Individuals who have reported a high levelof

compulsive use are at high risk of suffering from isolation, depression and anxiety

(BPS, 2014)

Seo, Kang and Yom (2009), stated that internet-addicted adolescents

also had more interpersonal and health problems. They suggested to raise awareness

about internet addiction. While, Cao et al. (2009) suggested that excessive internet use

often lead to heightened psychological arousal and result in health problems.

Tolerance and withdrawal assume a focal job in keeping up the addictive

cycle of behavior (Mendelson, Sholar, Mello, Teoh, and Sholar, 1998). The drive to

lessen aversive withdrawal states shapes the reason for dependence in negative support

models of addiction (Baker, Piper, McCarthy, Majeskie, and Fiore, 2004). In any case,

as West (2008) features, it is far from being obviously true how solid a sentiment of

want must be to consider longing for, similarly as it may be discretionary to classify a

diminishing feeling or requirement for an increase dose as tolerance.

The criterion of tolerance in DSM-5 Internet gaming disorder (IGD)

refers to a need for increasing time spent gaming. However, as Billieux, Schimmenti,

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Khazaal, Maurage, and Heeren (2015) stated, “the need to increase the time spent in a

specific behavior can be driven by various motives, especially at the early stages of

involvement, and these motives are mostly unrelated to tolerance symptoms” (p. 121).

High level in Time Management problems due to internet use indicates

that the respondents are more likely to face challenges in managing the time they spent

in doing things that help them achieve their goals and the things that they personally

prioritse and value (Oxford Brookes University, 2012).

Table 2

Indicates the level of Aggressive Behavior Sub scales of the Respondents

AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR 67.340 14.530 High
Physical Aggression 23.740 5.768 High
Verbal Aggression 14.940 3.749 High
Anger 19.210 4.437 High
Hostility 23.850 5.772 High

Table 2 presents the respondents’ high level of aggressive behavior and shows

that aggressive behavior is engaged in using Internet. According to Kendra Cherry

(2019), aggression refers to a range of behaviors that can result in both physical and

psychological harm to yourself, others, or objects in the environment.

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This type of behavior centers on harming another person either physically or

mentally. It can be a sign of an underlying mental health disorder, a substance use

disorder, or a medical disorder.

According to Kaye & Erdley (2011), physical aggression is behavior causing or

threatening physical harm towards others. It includes hitting, kicking, biting, using

weapons, and breaking toys or other possessions.

Verbal aggression is message behavior which attacks a person's self-concept in

order to deliver psychological pain (Infante, 1995), Very few studies were found to

examine verbal aggression in adults in the workplace. (Ebbesen, Duncan, Konecni,

1974) The consequences of verbal aggression in the workplace can lead to social

isolation, job related stress, health related problems, as well as problems in career


As Chambers (1989) stated, Anger is a normal and natural emotion, which

probably all of us will feel at least at some point in our lives. is often associated with

heat or cold—we talk about feeling ‘hot with anger’ and recognise the idea of ‘cold

fury’. can be quite frightening, both in yourself and in others, because it can arrive

very suddenly, but also because it can cause very irrational and unpredictable


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Hostile aggression is a type of aggression that is committed in response to a

perceived threat or insult. It is unplanned, reactionary, impulsive, and fueled by

intense emotion as opposed to desire to achieve a goal. Aggressors typically have a

sense of a loss of control during outbursts, and characteristically experience

physiologicalhyperarousal (Brosbe, 2011).

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Table 3

Indicates the Relationship of Internet Addiction and Aggressive Behavior of the


Com Wit Tol IH TM PA VA Anger Hostility

Com Pearson Correlation 1 .756** .627** .615** .579** .251* .190 .280** .208*

Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .012 .059 .005 .038

N 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Wit Pearson Correlation .756** 1 .700** .701** .644** .268** .218* .253* .266**

Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .007 .029 .011 .007

N 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Tol Pearson Correlation .627** .700** 1 .618** .668** .115 .180 .307** .295**

Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .254 .073 .002 .003

N 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

IH Pearson Correlation .615** .701** .618** 1 .796** .370** .262** .347** .417**

Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .008 .000 .000

N 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

** ** ** ** ** * **
TM Pearson Correlation .579 .644 .668 .796 1 .336 .227 .330 .423**

Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .001 .023 .001 .000

N 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

PA Pearson Correlation .251* .268** .115 .370** .336** 1 .273** .503** .434**

Sig. (2-tailed) .012 .007 .254 .000 .001 .006 .000 .000

N 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

VA Pearson Correlation .190 .218* .180 .262** .227* .273** 1 .490** .609**

Sig. (2-tailed) .059 .029 .073 .008 .023 .006 .000 .000

N 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Anger Pearson Correlation .280** .253* .307** .347** .330** .503** .490** 1 .523**

Sig. (2-tailed) .005 .011 .002 .000 .001 .000 .000 .000

N 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Hostility Pearson Correlation .208* .266** .295** .417** .423** .434** .609** .523** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .038 .007 .003 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000

N 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

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**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

Table 3 shows the correlation between internet addiction and aggressive

behavior. The level of significance used in the study is at the 0.05 and 0.01 level and

the significant value was used to determine if there is enough evidence to predict if

internet addiction is correlated with aggressive behavior.

The Compulsive Symptoms has a weak positive correlation with Physical

Aggression (r=.251*). It shows that respondents have a weak tendency of engaging

into Physical aggressiveness repetitively or persistently. Anger (r=.280**) shows that

anger may result from frustration with their inability to prevent compulsive behavior,

or from interfering with their ability to carry out a habit. Hostility (r=.208**) shows

that respondents tend to express their anger and approach a certain situation with the

expectation of more negativity. On the other hand, Compulsive Symptoms is

insignificantly correlated with Verbal Aggression (r=.190) which indicates that

respondents are less likely to be verbally argumentative.

Based on the study conducted by Lim, et al. (2015), it was found that Internet

addiction predicted aggression in adolescents, irrespective of whether clinical factors

were considered. A previous study found that adolescents with Internet addiction were

more likely to demonstrate aggressive behavior and that various factors, including

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computer-mediated social interaction, exposure to media violence, and entering a

deindividuated state during Internet activities, may be involved in the association

between Internet addiction and aggressive behavior. Their study also reported that

respondents with high level of internet addiction had the highest scores on all the

aggression scales, followed by the average internet users.

The Withdrawal Symptoms has a weak positive correlation with Hostility

(r=.295**). It shows that respondents who has problems in controlling themselves into

using the internet tends to be distant with others. Physical Aggression (r=.268**) and

Verbal Aggression (r=.218*) shows the more the respondents try to withdraw from

internet use, the more likely they can engage into physical and/or verbal aggressiveness.

Anger (r=.253*) also showed a weak positive correlation with withdrawal symptoms.

It indicates that the respondents tend to get mad easily whenever they withdraw from

using the internet.

According to a study conducted by Romano, et al. (2013), when heavy users of

internet go offline, they undergo withdrawal symptoms similar to those experienced by

drug users. Researchers reported a significantly greater drop in positive mood on group

of respondents that has higher-problem internet use compared to the respondents that

has lower-problem internet use. Researchers stated that it is also worth suggesting that

the negative impact on mood could be considered as akin to withdrawal effect.

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The Tolerance Symptoms has a moderate positive correlation with Anger

(r=.307**). This means that respondents who have a need for increasing time spent

using the internet is more likely to feel more irritable and easily be angered. Hostility

(r=.295**) has a weak positive correlation with Tolerance Symptoms. It shows that

people who are more distant are predicted to be non-compliant of rules online and tend

to spend more time online than usual. Physical Aggression (r=.115) and Verbal

Aggression (r=.180) shows an insignificant correlation with the Tolerance Symptoms

which means that although most of the respondents usually take longer time online than

they are supposed to, it does not necessarily mean that they are likely to be

argumentative verbally and physically.

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IATotal AggTotal
IATotal Pearson Correlation 1 .430**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 100 100
AggTotal Pearson Correlation .430** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 100 100
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

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