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Stimulus Technologies

Lightning Support
A simple how-to on our new ticket tool
Gone are the days of submitting tickets by only email or phone. With Stimulus Technologies
new Lightning Support tool, you can request support immediately from your desktop without

This doc isn’t just for reading, it’s for trying too. Watch for the Try it text in red
throughout this document so you can learn by doing.

Getting to the new support tool

There are multiple ways of reaching the Stimulus Technologies Lightning Support tool.

Try It: Find each way to reach support by following the list below.

1. Tray icon found on the bottom-right (Windows Users)

2. Desktop Icon
3. Start Menu
4. Clicking the VIEW TICKET link in any ticket email you receive

Tray Icon Start Menu VIEW TICKET link

Voila! You now know how to open the new Stimulus Technologies Lightning Support

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Creating a ticket
You can access the support portal now, but how about creating a ticket? It’s easier than you
might think.

Try It: Create a ticket.

1. Click on in the left-hand menu.

2. Select

3. Choose a Request Type from the list

4. Choose an Issue in the list

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5. Fill out the form to the best of your knowledge and press submit

There is no longer a need to enter in a description or guess what information we might need to
complete your request. The new Stimulus Technologies Lightning Support tool does all the
heavy lifting for you.

Review and manage your tickets

Regardless of the status of your ticket(s), you can view and manage any ticket that has been
opened or closed under your email.

Try It: Review your tickets, both old and new.

1. Click on

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2. From the drop-down box, select to view all Open, Closed, or Open and Closed ticket

3. Review and manage your ticket with multiple action items you can complete

a. View Assigned Technicians and Ticket Details

b. Add replies to notes or add more information to the ticket

c. Attach files

d. Take a screenshot of the screen that is currently focused

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e. Chat with a technician by clicking

f. Close or Re-open a ticket and add information why you chose to do

Suggested actions items for you

To ensure you are up-to-date with all notifications, your information is correct, or to add
auxiliary information, setup your profile so we can always contact you at the right place and

Try It: Setup your profile.

1. Click the icon on the top-right of the support portal (It should be the first letter of your
first name.

There is excellent information on this drop-down that can help when you create a ticket
or when speaking to a technician

a. Whether or not your PC is connected to the Internet

b. Your IP Address

c. Your Machine Name

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2. Click the Gear Icon next to your name and email address

Things to do in the settings page;

a. Add an image to your profile

b. Add, update, or change your First Name, Last Name, and Title

c. Add direct, mobile, home, and pager information and set what phone number
would be the best default communication method

d. Enable desktop notifications RECOMMENDED

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