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Course: English II

Teacher: María del Pilar Sosa Hernandez

Student Name: Sharon Julissa Garcia Hilbck

Piura – Perú
If If I worked in your company I would fulfill all the tasks entrusted to me because I am able to
design, manage and execute manufacturing operations, services and information projects.

If you decide to hire me, I would direct my professional activity to the main productive sectors,
especially those that contribute to national development.

Also I am a calm person with whom it is easy to get along. If you decide to hire me, I will be a
person who works hard, loyal and committed to the project

I am someone who can be trusted, who tells the truth, someone who does not get distracted
easily and is fixed in his goals.

I am one of those who pay attention to details and work in a logical manner, in addition to being
proactive and taking the necessary steps to do the tasks without supervisión.

In short, I am what your company needs

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