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Deploy a .

NET Core API with Docker

 Les Jackson
 8th Aug '19
 0

In this how-to, we create a Docker image based on a .NET Core API, deploy to
DockerHub, and run on Windows, Linux and Azure.

What is Docker?

Docker is a containerization platform, meaning that it enables you to package your

applications into images and run them as “containers” on any platform that can run
Docker. It negates the classic: “It works on my computer” argument as Docker images
contain everything needed for the app to run.

Are Containers the same as Virtual Machines?

They are similar, but not the same. In short:

 Virtual Machines provide OS Level Virtualisation

 Containers provide App Level Virtualisation

This concept is depicted below:

Why Would You Use it?

In short you would use Docker, (and hence containers), for the following reasons:

 Portability. As containers are self-contained they can run on any platform that
runs Docker, making them easy to stand up and run on a wide variety of
 Scalability. With the use of additional “orchestration” you can spin up multiple
container instances to support increased load.
 Performance. Containers generally perform better than their VM counterparts.
 Ubiquity. The level of Docker adoption in industry means that it’s a great skill
to have.

Installing the Prerequisites

In order to follow along with this tutorial you’ll need:

 .NET Core SDK (I’m using 2.2)

 VS Code text editor, (you can use anything you like but I’d recommend this)
 Docker
o Docker Desktop for Mac & Windows
o Docker Community Edition for Linux

I’ve provided links to all of the above, where you should be able to find not just the
software, but install instructions for your respective operating system.

NOTE: Windows users at install time be sure to leave the default as “Linux
Containers”, (as opposed to selecting Windows containers).

Additionally, if you want to follow along with the cloud deployments, you’ll need
accounts on:

 Docker Hub (you need this if you want to pull to a local environment too)
 Azure

With our prerequisites installed, and any optional cloud hosting accounts set up, let’s
move on to creating our app.

Create Our App

We’re only going to create an out the box .NET Core API app based on the webapi
project template in this guide. If you’d like a full .NET Core API build guide however, I
have covered that in this article.

I’m going to take a highly manual approach to everything in this article, (e.g. VS Code
& .NET Core CLI), as I feel that lays better foundations for learning. Once you’re
comfortable with the concepts by all means use the “wizard” functionality in Visual
Studio to streamline your use of Docker.

So to create our API app, open a command prompt and type:

dotnet new webapi -n SimpleAPI

This will create an API project called “SimpleAPI”, you should see output similar to the
Start VSCode and select: File -> Open Folder and select the “SimpleAPI” project folder
that was just created in the last step:

SimpleAPI project opened

Open the Startup.cs class, and remove the following code from the Configure method,
(this just makes the testing of the app a little bit simpler – in a production app you may
want to consider keeping this code though):
So all you should have in the configure method now is:


Save the file, and at a command prompt, change “into”, the SimpleAPI project
directory, (listing the contents of the folder you should see):

At the command prompt type:

dotnet run

This will start the app on localhost on ports 5000 & 5001 for http and https requests
Now open a browser, and enter the following URL:


This “hits” the following API Controller action:

And displays the JSON object as shown:

That’s all we’ll be doing with our API app, so if that didn’t make much sense and you
want a more detailed explanation on how to put a .NET Core API together, check out
this article.

Images & Containers

Before we set up our app to run in Docker, you should be familiar with 2 terms that
you’ll hear frequently when talking about Docker: Images and Containers.


A docker image is a file that contains the “blueprint” or instructions on how our code is
expected to run in Docker, so it includes things like dependencies and instructions on
how our app should start.


When our image is “executed to run”, in runs in a container, which as we’ve already
discussed is highly portable and independent, (from any other running containers).

Analogy with OO Development

When I starting out with Docker I made the following analogy with Object-oriented
software development, (as I was more familiar with that):

 Image = Class
 Container = Object instance

While this comparison may not be 100% accurate, I feel its close enough to be useful.
I.e. you can take 1 image and spin up multiple containers instances…

So the first thing we need to do to get our app running in Docker is to create an image,
we do that by introducing a “Dockerfile” to our project.
The Dockerfile

The Dockerfile basically defines the image we are going to create, a simplified view of
the workflow is depicted below:

In short, we’ll

 Define our Dockerfile

 Using the Docker CLI will issue a “build” command
 The Docker engine will parse the file
 The Docker engine will create an image ready for use

So lets get started and create our Dockerfile. The first step is to add a file named
“Dockerfile” in the root of our project, (note that the file has no extension):
If you’re using VS Code it may ask you to install an extension that will give you
Dockerfile syntax parsing, (or IntelliSense), as well as some other useful features – I
recommend you install it:
Now in your Docker file add the following sections, we’ll go through what’s happening
at each step below:

# Get Base Image (Full .NET Core SDK)

FROM AS build-env

# Copy csproj and restore

COPY *.csproj ./
RUN dotnet restore

# Copy everything else and build

COPY . ./
RUN dotnet publish -c Release -o out

# Generate runtime image

COPY --from=build-env /app/out .
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "SimpleAPI.dll"]

Referring to the line numbers below, I’ll explain what’s happening at each step next:
 Line 2: So that the Docker Engine can compile our app, we grab the .NET SDK
from Microsoft*
 Line 3: We specify a dedicated “working directory” where our app will
eventually reside
 Line 6: We copy the .csproj file from our PC to the working container directory
 Line 7: Using dotnet restore we resolve any project dependencies (this is done
using the .csproj file and retrieving any additional dependencies via Nuget)
 Line 10: We copy the rest of our project files into our working directory, so we
can build the app
 Line 11: We run the dotnet publish command, specifying that it is a Release
build, (-c Release), as well as specifying a folder, (out), to contain the app build
dll and any support files & libraries.
 Line 14: To keep our image “lean” we retrieve only the aspnet run time image,
(as opposed t the full SDK image we used for building), as this is all our app
requires to “run”.
 Line 15: Re-specify our working directory
 Line 16: We expose the port we want to use from inside our app
 Line 17: Copy the relevant files from both the dependency resolution step,
(build-env), and build step, (/app/out), to our working directory /app
 Line 18: Set the entry point for the app, (i.e. what should start), in this case it’s
our published .dll using “dotnet”.

* The Docker Engine builds up an image in stages by using an empty

container at each stage and working inside that. Therefore we have to
assume that the container environment is “empty”, hence why we need to
pull down the .NET SDK base image to allow for the compilation of our

Save Docker file. Additionally, to minimise the footplaint of our image, you should
include a 2nd file in the root of our project called: .dockerignore again note there no
extension. Add to this file the following contents:


Save this file and we’re ready to move to the next step – creating our image!

Create Our Image

With the Dockerfile saved, it’s time to “build” our image, this is relatively easy with the
Docker CLI. Just before we do that though, one point worth mentioning is the naming
convention of Docker images. The standard format structure is detailed below:

<Docker Hub ID>/<Project Name>:<Version>

So in my case I’ll call my Docker image:

You’ll note that I didn’t provide a <Version> component, in which case the Docker
engine will default it to “latest”. You can of course provide your version numbering if
you want to.

Also, you don’t have to provide your Docker Hub ID in the name* but it’s useful if
you’re pushing it up to the Docker Hub for deployment.

* Not only do you not have to provide a Docker Hub ID, but you don’t even have to
name or “tag” an image at all. In this case the image will just be generated with a unique

So, further discussion aside, at a command prompt enter the following, making sure to
replace “binarythistle” with your own Docker Hub ID, (or leaving it out all together).

Note: Make sure that you place a space and period after the name – it’s easy to miss!

docker build -t binarythistle/simpleapi .

The output of issuing this command is shown below, (you can see how it interprets the
Dockerfile build steps), resulting in the build and “tagging” of our image:
This image will be added to our Docker Image cache, to see the available images on
your system type:

docker images


docker image ls

In my case I get the following, (your output will look different):

With our image created, we move onto running it!

Run On Localhost

Running on our local machine is easy, issue the following command :

docker run -p 8080:80 binarythistle/simpleapi

Your image should now be running as a container! The only thing of note is the “-p”
flag – this is a port-mapping, in this case it’s saying map port 8080 on my PC to port 80
of the container. So to access the api, we need to use port 8080 as follows:


This will map through to the “Exposed” port 80 specified in the Dockerfile, you should
see the same output as before.

Now open a new command window and type:

docker ps

This will show all the currently running containers, you should see the following:

Or if you’re using VS Code and installed the Docker extension, you can see running
containers, stop that container etc…
To stop the container from the command line type:

docker stop <CONTAINER ID>

Where the <CONTAINER ID> is the id displayed when we listed the running
containers above, (it is not the image name – a trap I fell into a few times!), e.g.:
Or, if your using VS Code with the Docker extension, you can right click any running
container and select stop from the menu.

So that’s all great, but you’re probably asking so what? We had the app running
natively on our local machine, and all we have done is “containerise” and run it, drum
role, on our local machine, (all be it as a container).

And to be honest with you, if we were only ever going to run the API on our local
machine and nowhere else – it would be pretty pointless. The real power of Docker is
when we come to deploy it elsewhere, and the ease with which that can be achieved.

To do this though, we need to publish our image somewhere so others can use it.

Push to Dockerhub

Note at this point you need to have signed up for a Docker Hub Account if you want to
follow along with the various deployments.

What is Docker Hub?

Docker Hub is simple a repository where you can find a library of useful Docker
Images, these can be from full-on software vendors, or individuals like me or you.
Browsing over there, (, and clicking “Explore” on the main
menu you will see some of the most popular images available for download:
Or if you look at my personal space, you can see some of the, (test), images I have
Indeed it’s to this space that we’re going to publish, (or push), the image we’ve just
created, (or in your case, your own personal space).

To push your image to your Docker Hub, we first need to login to Docker Hub, so at a
command prompt type:

docker login

Now, here you may be asked to provide your Docker Hub ID, (note this is not your
email address, but the ID you selected when you signed up), and password. However I
believe as I’m signed into Docker Hub via the desktop client, I don’t have to provide

To push the image simply type:

docker push <Image Name>

Where <Image Name> is, amazingly, the name of your image, which in my case is:

This will push the image up to your repository space:

Cool! Our .NET Core API image is now available for consumption, let’s now go
through how to run our image on a few popular hosting endpoints.

Pull To Other Hosts


So before we move onto Cloud deployment with Azure, I thought we’d run our little
app on a new, (this time Linux), box with nothing installed on it but Docker. Just to
prove the point that containers are fully self-contained, independent deployable apps.

Note: you can really follow the same steps at the command line on any OS that has
Docker running and you should get the same result.

Over on the Linux box, (I’m using Ubuntu), at a command line type:

sudo docker run -p 8080:80 binarythistle/simpleapi

As this image is public, Docker should go to Docker Hub, (as it can’t find the image
locally), pull down the image and run it. Indeed it’s really no different from the run
command issued against the local image in the previous example, (except Linux
required the sudo command to be added):
Again browse to:


And our container app will return with our JSON object!


Login to the Azure portal, (it goes without saying that you need to sign up for an
account), and click on “Create a resource”:

Disclaimer: Azure is a paid for service, so you can ultimately accrue charges on your
subscription. Following the example below should incur minimal to zero charges
assuming you delete the resource when done. However I can’t be held responsible for
any charges you do incur though!

If you’re worried about spiralling Azure costs, check out this article on how to monitor
and budget your Azure subscription.

Anyway back to the tutorial…

In the resulting search box type “Container Instances”, this should be available for
selection from the drop down, so select it!

You’ll see some information about what a Container Instance is, (it’s quite self
explanatory), so hit “Create:
In the basics screen enter the relevant details:

1. Select you subscription

2. Select a “Resource Group” if you don’t have an existing one, (say this is your
first time on Azure), then you’ll need to create one.
3. Give your container a name, this is how it will be identified in Azure, it doesn’t
need to be the same as your image name.
4. Select the Azure region you want to host it in
5. My image is public so I have that selected
6. Enter the name of your image, this why the naming convention is so important,
so it can be uniquely identified
7. I want to run a Linux-based container, (you can of course select Windows if you
8. Select the sizing options, as we’re just testing the defaults are fine

Once your happy click “Next: Networking >”

I’ve left the defaults and just entered a DNS name label – this is how we’ll browse to
the API over the internet:

We don’t need to configure anything else so click: “Review + create”, which takes you
to the Review Screen, if you’re happy click “Create:
Azure should then go off and find your uniquely tagged image on Docker Hub and start
to build our instance, this will take a few minutes:

You’ll eventually be notified the deployment is complete, when so, click on “Go to

Looking at the resource, you’ll see some details and metrics on how it’s performing,
copy the FDQN as we’ll paste this into our browser next:
Having pasted the FDQN, (Fully Qualified Domain Name), into your browser be sure to


Then navigate…

Boom! Our .NET Core API is running in a container on Azure – how easy was that?

Back over in Azure you can Stop or even delete the Container Instance resource when
you no longer need it.

NOTE: You may incur charges on your Azure Subscription if you leave it running.

Wrap Up

The focus of this tutorial was to illustrate the ease with which you can deploy apps in
Docker, (once you learn the basics of Docker of course!)

Thanks for reading – see you next time!

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Les Jackson

Les enjoys understanding how things work, proving concepts then telling people about
it! He lives and works in Melbourne, Australia but is originally from Glasgow,
Scotland. He's just obtained an MCSD accreditation after almost a year, so now has
more time for writing this blog, making YouTube videos, as well as enjoying the
fantastic beer, wine, coffee and food Melbourne has to offer.

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