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Lesson Plan

Grade: 5/6
Lesson Title: Swing Moves
Lesson Duration (mins): 3 30 minute periods


This lesson will introduce students to swing dancing, they will learn solo jazz moves, a sequence with these new
moves, and then string together a sequence of their own creation.

This lesson will span over 3 periods.

Students need to get changed in gym change rooms and allowed into the gymnasium, have students wait on
benches for everyone to finish changing. Inspect that students have removed watches/large rings and are
dressed appropriately. Teacher should monitor students to ensure safe behavior in change rooms at the
beginning and end of class.

Alberta Program of Study: Goals and Objectives


Basic Skills—Locomotor; e.g., walking, running, A6-1 select, perform and refine challenging locomotor
hopping, jumping, leaping, rolling, skipping, sequences
galloping, climbing, sliding, propulsion through
water A6-3 select, perform and refine challenging nonlocomotor
Basic Skills—Nonlocomotor; e.g., turning,
twisting, swinging, balancing, bending, landing,
stretching, curling, hanging A6–9 demonstrate a creative process to develop dance
sequences alone and with others; and, demonstrate
Application of Basic Skills in Dance movement sequences in response to a variety of musical,
verbal and visual stimuli

C6–6 identify and demonstrate positive behaviours that show

Students will interact positively with others. respect for self and others

Critical Questions
Unit Inquiry Question:
How can my interests be expressed through dance?
Lesson Guiding Questions:
How do I show respect for myself and others?
How can my interests be expressed through dance?

Learning Objectives
Students will learn and demonstrate swing moves which involves combining locomotor and non locomotor
movements. Students will work toward refining these dance skills and improving performance by end of class.
Students will show respect to one another by watching and participating in the grand dance.

Learning Resources List

Kidz Bop Information

Material and Equipment

Song List
Kidz Bop: old town road, havana, mi gente, sunflower, timber, shake it off, uptown funk, rise, beautiful,
thunder, happy, best day of my life.
Rend Collective Kids: my lighthouse, feels good (upbeat song), fun
Device to play music
Lesson Part 1

Lesson Procedures

Introduction (5 min.):

Students need to get changed in gym rooms and allowed into the gymnasium, have students wait on benches for
everyone to finish changing. Teacher should monitor students to ensure safe behavior in change rooms. Once
everyone has arrived begin warmup.
Tell students that even though the music is playing they will still need to follow along and listen
“Simon says” warmup- play a song and act out dance moves, students will follow along.

Body (30 min.):

Steps and Procedures Identify Teaching Strategies:

Direct Instruction: Students will follow along
(10 mins) Arrange students in staggered lines where they can with teacher demonstration
see the teacher as moves are demonstrated.
Step claps high and low
Shorty George Assessments
Fishtails with high claps
Practice each move until muscle memory is built, call moves by Observation- look for hand movements,
name as they are done. clapping/snapping on time, effort.

(10 mins) Practice each move in sequence Students will participate in the dance
4 hallelujahs, alternating sides sequence and attempt the moves.
8 shorty georges
4 fishtails
2 step claps high
2 step claps low


Add head turns to look where fingers are pointing in Shorty Georges and follow hand with gaze for hand claps
and Hallelujahs
Step claps can be changed to snaps, also look where hands are
Facial expressions

Consolidating and Closure (10 mins):

Perform the dance sequence one last time with facial expressions

At 2:30 have students change out of gym clothes and wait outside gym doors by change rooms. Count students
as they exit change rooms. Teacher should monitor students to ensure safe behavior in change rooms. Lead
students back to the classroom from the gymnasium.
Lesson Part 2

Lesson Procedures

Introduction (10 min.):

Students need to get changed in gym rooms and allowed into the gymnasium, have students wait on benches for
everyone to finish changing. Teacher should monitor students to ensure safe behavior in change rooms.

9:50-10:00 Remind students that last class we learned 4 Swing Moves that can be performed individually. This
class we will do a review of these moves and then the students will make a sequence using either the Swing
Moves or their own dance moves.
Review hallelujahs, shorty George, fishtails, step claps high and low

Body (20 min.):

Steps and Procedures Identify Teaching Strategies:

Direct instruction
10:00-10:10am: Break into groups- explain task. Students will Small group work
make their own sequence with 4 new moves. You will have 2
counts of 8 to perform your dance sequence.
1 count of 8 is 8 beats in a song.
Practice counting music with students. Thunder from Kidz Bop
has a slow, prominent beat. Count out first 4 counts, begin Formative:
dancing. Students will create a sequence
Observation/check ins during group work -
Students will work in 3 groups of 4, 1 group of 5 to make a look for specific movements/,
sequence. In order to practice the dance with music students will contribution/working well together.
listen to the first 4 counts of 8 then begin. Lyrics are:
“Before you take a number I was the lightning before the
Dance for 2 counts of 8

10:10-10:20 Make and Practice their sequence- they will be

performing it.
How would a hockey player dance?
Can skating be a dance move?
What are other dance moves you know?
Rotate and assist where needed (shopping cart, floss, sprinkler,
skating, orange justice, swing moves).

10:20-10:30 Practice with counts then with music. Have each

group perform simultaneously 4 times, focus on 1 group each

Shorty George- add head turns to look where fingers are pointing
Step claps can be changed to snaps, look at hands
Smiling faces

Consolidating and Closure (10 mins):

10:30-10:32 Today we reviewed our Swing Moves and made a sequence with your own moves, next class we
will string all of your group dances together for a class performance.

At 10:32 have students change out of gym clothes and wait outside gym doors by change rooms. Count students
as they exit change rooms. Teacher should monitor students to ensure safe behaviour in change rooms. Lead
students back to the classroom from the gymnasium.
Lesson Part 3

Lesson Procedures

Introduction (10 min.):

(2:00-2:10)Students need to get changed in gym rooms and allowed into the gymnasium, have students wait on
benches for everyone to finish changing. Teacher should monitor students to ensure safe behaviour in change
rooms. Count students as they enter (17 in class). Tell students that even though the music is playing they will
still need to follow along and listen
Last class you made your own dance sequence with 4 moves. Today we are preparing for a performance where
you will share your sequences with the rest of the class (and special guests).

Body (30 min.):

Steps and Procedures Identify Teaching Strategies:

Direct instruction, repetition
(2:10-2:15) “Across the floors” we will use these transitions to Small group work
get on stage.
Play 1 song as a warm-up Practice Transitions on/off “stage”
Hip Hop walk, shorty George
(2:15-2:20) Review their created sequence in groups. Practice
with music. Formative:
Students will create a sequence
(2:20-2:30) Grand class dance. 1/2 Class is coming to watch Observation/check ins during group work -
their performances. look for specific movements,
Group by group we will perform our sequences to make contribution/working well together.
a full class dance

In order to start the dance, we will “walk” on for 2 counts of 8,

wait for the next 2 counts then perform your sequence.


Step claps can be changed to snaps, also look where hands are
Smiling faces

Consolidating and Closure (10 mins):

Bring students in, tell them how far they have come over the last three classes. Dismiss for changing.
At 2:30 have students change out of gym clothes and wait outside gym doors by change rooms. Count students
as they exit change rooms. Teacher should monitor students to ensure safe behaviour in change rooms. Lead
students back to the classroom from the gymnasium.

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