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Individualized Experiences Delivered in Real Time


For over a decade, marketers have been promised Forrester also asked marketers “To what extent have the
the power of digital personalization with… following been a challenge to your broader implementation
of personalization?” The answers are not surprising:
■■ Greater relevance
■■ Better customer experiences
■■ Individualized communications
■■ Deeper engagement
■■ Predictive recommendations
■■ Higher conversion rates
cited vendor cited the analytics cited their ability to
integration needed to create dynamically create
It’s not like marketers aren’t interested. In fact, personalized personalized
according to Forrester Research*, 92% of communications content
marketers say their interest in personalization
has increased and 83% say personalization is
critical to their company’s success. *“The Personalization Imperative: Advance To True Real-Time
Personalization To Meet Modern Customer Expectations,” Forrester
Research, July 2014.

Technology vendors have built their entire personalization That’s how prior generations of personalization
strategy on top of databases that were first released over technologies worked. Version 1.0 and version 2.0
25 years ago – back when all the data lined up into nice solutions – still sold today – use a rigid, high latency,
little rows and columns. And all you had to do was place asynchronous approach to segmenting and responding to
your data into that neat structure and query the database user behavior. But our 24/7, global, multi-device,
once in a while to get some answers to your questions. sub-second attention spans these days have no patience
And you could go get a sandwich while you waited for for yesterday’s approach to personalization.
those reports to run and for the data crunch, and then
come back later for the results.

The great news is that Personalization 3.0 has arrived!


Personalization has come a long way. Relying on IT or waiting on long development cycles
can no longer be tolerated. Simple rule-based personalization aimed at broad segments
on defined areas of your site is not going to cut it. You need real-time segmentation and
response, flexibility and depth…all in one platform that’s easy to use for the modern marketer.


Defined areas, flicker issues Anywhere, no flicker

Ask IT or vendor Marketer, do-it-yourself

Data available for future visit Everything available in real time

Limited number, not deep Deep, unlimited number, flexible

Generic, not individualized Yes, individualized 1:1

None Limited, canned reports Real-time, immediately actionable

A/B testing for broad segments Targeted A/B/n testing

Limited, requires long IT projects Comprehensive, out-of-the-box


Today’s digital marketer must be empowered to act on data – any kind of data, from any
source and lots of it – to deliver relevant, individualized, one-to-one experiences to key
audiences in real time. That’s what Personalization 3.0 is about.

MARKETER-FRIENDLY Do you want to roll out 10 personalization campaigns

Make sure it’s easy to deploy and use
this year or 10 campaigns this month? Want to
by marketing – without the need for wait weeks for reports from IT or see the results
developers or IT – and fits into the busy immediately with intuitive dashboards?
schedule of today’s marketer.

DATA-DRIVEN A frequent visitor from Texas hits the site and you
Conduct real-time segmentation and
know from your CRM data that she’s a loyal, high
analytics based on extensive data value customer. Don’t give her the same generic
about each visitor/user, including catalog experience as everyone else and make her
current and historical behavior, location, think “Do you even know who I am and what I like?”
source and profile information.


A prospect clicks into the Finance section of the site
and reads three case studies on Finance. It won’t
Respond to visitors in the moment with
help if, on the next visit (if he comes back), you show
instant analysis of the data to deliver
him a related eBook to download. Show him the most
a maximally relevant experience in relevant Finance eBook now, and don’t lose your
milliseconds – without “flicker.” chance to capture him as a lead.

INDIVIDUALIZED A new shopper spends over 10 minutes in a particular

Allow unlimited rule-based product category. A loyal, repeat shopper does the
same thing. They shouldn’t see the same product
personalization for segments or
recommendations. Help them make a buying decision by
algorithm-based recommendations
displaying the products best suited to each individual.
and dynamic content for individuals.

Don’t just ask which page converts better in general?

Ask what experience performs best for return visitors
Conduct highly targeted A/B/n testing
from a particular location or industry v. first time visitors
– not just “testing for all” – to iterate
arriving from adwords v. blog readers who favor a
and determine what works for each of particular category. A/B testing should be an integral
your different audiences. part of personalization.

MULTI-DEVICE If a customer has spent a lot of time shopping for

Provide a great experience for each designer necklaces on her Mac and then returns later on
customer – all the time – wherever they her iPhone, let her pick up right where she left off! Show
are, on whatever device they’re using. her the items she previously viewed, prioritized by time
spent and optimized for the smaller screen size.

INTEGRATED Your 100M user records with 1000 columns of data

Connect with the rest of your should not be on an island separated by an ocean of
technology environment, taking in and time (and IT work) from your website and your deep
passing back valuable data to optimize behavioral data. Bring it all together in real time for
overall marketing effectiveness. maximally relevant experiences.


Evergage provides the only Personalization 3.0 solution Personalization is the future of digital marketing, and we
on the market today. Our cloud-based platform empowers believe it should be easy for marketers to understand their
marketers – without the need for IT or developers – to audiences and respond in real time with the most relevant
increase engagement, optimize conversion rates and content and the most engaging experiences. Our clients
improve customer experiences by combining deep delight their visitors, prospects and customers every day,
behavioral analytics and real-time segmentation with building valuable relationships that lead to accelerated
one-to-one personalization and targeted A/B testing. revenue growth and higher customer retention.


Evergage is passionate about personalization. (Can you tell?) We’ve
developed a unique and comprehensive platform that finally delivers
on the decade-old promises that no other vendor can deliver on.

Let us give you a tour of

Personalization 3.0 and beyond!


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