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Part 1. Determining the costs of corn silage standing in the field.

Corn Price $/bushel $7.00

Silage Yield wet tons/acre 7.0
Corn Silage Dry Matter % dry matter 35.0
Corn Silage Yield (dry) tons DM/acre 2.45
Estimated Grain Yield bushels/acre 21.8
Corn Grain Harvesting, Drying and Storage Costs $/acre $100.00
Net Value of Stover Removed $/ton of stover DM $10.00
Corn Silage Value - Dry $/ton of DM $29.17
Corn Silage Value - Dry $/ton of DM $29.17
Corn Silage Value - Wet $/wet ton $10.21
Value Per Acre to Crop Grower $/acre $71.46

Part 2. Determining the costs of corn silage at feeding.

Harvest, Hauling and Storage Cost $/wet ton $10.00
Cost of Silage to Producer (before shrink) $/wet ton $20.21
Shrink % of DM 15
Cost of Silage Lost to Shrink $/wet ton $1.53
Total Cost of Silage to Producer $/wet ton $21.74
Instructions: To determine the price of corn silage for
a specific situation, adjust only the values in the
boxes highlighted in yellow. Additional details from
some boxes are provided by placing the pointer on
the red triangle in the corner.

Note - This calculator will not return a value for yields less than 7.0 wet tons or 20 bushels of corn.
Part 1. Determining the costs of corn silage standing in the field.
Corn Price $/bushel $7.00
Estimated Corn Grain Yield bushels/acre 20.0
Corn Silage Dry Matter % dry matter 35.0
Estimated Silage Yield tons DM/acre 2.40
Silage Yield tons/acre 6.9
Corn Grain Harvesting, Drying and Storage Costs $/acre $100.00
Net Value of Stover Removed $/ton of stover DM $10.00
Corn Silage Value - Dry $/ton of DM $24.64
Corn Silage Value - Wet $/wet ton $8.62
Value Per Acre to Crop Grower $/acre $59.13

Part 2. Determining the costs of corn silage at feeding.

Harvest, Hauling and Storage Cost $/wet ton $10.00
Cost of Silage to Producer (before shrink) $/wet ton $18.62
Shrink % of DM 15
Cost of Silage Lost to Shrink $/wet ton $1.29
Total Cost of Silage to Producer $/wet ton $19.92
Instructions: To determine the price of corn silage for
a specific situation, adjust only the values in the boxes
highlighted in yellow. Additional details from some
boxes are provided by placing the pointer on the red
triangle in the corner.

Note - This calculator will not return a value for yields less than 7.0 wet tons or 20 bushels of corn.

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