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Techniques for Wild Life Conservation

GPS Tracking, Aerial, Mapping and Telemetry Techniques

Roll No :S1F17BSZL0011

Submitted By: Faheem Abbas

Submitted To: Prof. Azeem Tariq


University of Central Punjab, Sahiwal Sub Campus

GPS Wildlife Tracking Technique
It is a process in which scientific researchers or management agencies can remotely observe relatively fine-
scale society or migratory patterns in a free-living wild animal using the Global Positioning System and
optional environmental sensors or such as Argos satellite uplink, or GPRS and a range of analytical software
A GPS - enabled device will normally record and store
location data at a pre-determined time. These data may be
stored until recovery of the device or relayed to a central
data store or internet-connected computer using a
fixed cellular (GPRS), radio, or satellite modem. The
location of animal can then be plot against a map or chart
when analyzing the track later using of a custom software.
While GPS tracking strategy may also be applied
to domestic animals such as pets, livestock and working
dogs, and related systems are used in fleet management of
vehicles, wildlife tracking can place supplementary
constraints on size and weight and may not allow for post-
deployment recharging or replacement of batteries.


Collar attachment

It is Primary attachment in which tracking device is implemented if the animal is susceptible. Tracking collars
are normally used on the animal's neck and acan also be on a limb, possibly around ankle like primates, large
cats, some bears etc. Limb attachment is efficient in animals like kiwi, as the foot is much greater than the

Harness attachment

It is used when collar attachment technique is difficult to apply, such as organisms whose neck diameter may
greater than their head. For Example pigs, Tasmenian devils, etc. Large, long-necked like greylag goose may
also need to be fixed with a harness to avoid deduction of the tag by the subject

Direct attachment

Birds, reptiles and marine mammals are the cases where direct attachment is used.The GPS unit
must be very lightweight to avoid inquisitive with the bird's capability in the direction of fly or swim.
The device is attached by gluing or, for short time period, taping to the bird. The GPS unit will then
fall when molting will take place.

In the condition of reptiles such as crocodiles and turtles, gluing the unit onto the animal's skin by
using epoxy is the common method to avoid discomfort.

Softwares That Are Used

GPS devices normally record data about the animal's exact location and store measurements at pre-set
intervals known in the form of duty-cycles. By setting the interval between readings, the researcher determine
the duration of the device - if the duration is longer resolution may low and if frequent then battery level will
fall rapidly.


Data about the position of animals provided by GPS devices is displayed by using GIS packages like open-
source GRASS or plotted and organized for display on the World Wide Web using packages such
followdem,Generic Mapping Tools or Maptool.

Data retrieval


Argos Platform Transmitter Terminal (PTT)is a point where gps devices are connected which enable them to
transmit data by ARGOS SYSTEM, a satellite system which is being used since 1978.Due to antenna
damaging the connection link may fall it may be possible to interrupt the underpowered broadcast nearby
using a satellite uplink receiver.


Data obtained by th GPS can transferred through use of GSM mobile network,or internet over a
GPRS assembly. The cow may be localized by EPASTO.


GPS data may be transmitted via short-range radio signals and decode by using a custom receiver.

Radio-tracking is the technique of decisive information about an animal by the use of radio signals from or to
a tool conceded by the animal. Telemetry, it is the message of information through the atmosphere by means
of radio waves.

The components of a radio-tracking system involves

(1) a transmitting system consisting of a radio source which transmits, and power source and a antenna for propagating,

(2) a receiving subsystem together with a “pick-up” antenna, signal receiver which indicates and a power supply. Most
radio tracking systems involve transmitters tune to six different frequencies which allow entity recognition. There are
three different types which are used:
(1) Very high frequency (VHF) radio tracking;
It is standard technique which is
used since 1963. VHF transmitter can be traced on
the ground or in the air with a particular receiver and
directional antenna. Briefly, VHF tracking are
comparatively low cost, logical accuracy for most
purposes, and long life.
Disadvantages of VHF are it is
manual and can be weather-dependent if aircraft-
based. however, VHF radio-tracking is the most
useful and resourceful type of radio-tracking, It is
not only does it yield location data, it also allows
investigators to gather a variety of other types of
(2) Satellite tracking;
Satellite tracking deals with a much higher-powered transmitter attached to an animal.
The Satellites receives the signal and the animal’s designed location is sent to a researcher’s computer. It
is costly at initially and is very less accurate. If someone wants to study animal movement and location is
his interest, satellite tracking is beneficial because it does not need no employees in the field as once the
device has been tied to animal it don’t need removels several time . It is particularly functional for
tracing long-range activities. However, some informations which are needed in wildlife, like number of
companions, animal efficiency, actions, and population size.
For Example;
lions, information of grasping habits, such as deer, position, species, age, mating, and condition of their
kills, are not be able to detect by satellite tracking.
Improvements For Radio-tracking Techniques
One improvement that is of far importance is that the introducing more effeicent power sources which may include the
following qualities

(1) long life span

(2) great distance range
(3) packages low in weight,
(4) use of it on smaller animals.
Such changings will significantly make easy VHF, and GPS radio-tracking. Most of the advances mentioned
early would also convert into reduced intrusiveness through reducing the need for re_collering.
Greater accuracy of satellite tracking would make able this method very useable for wildlife research within
national parks.

Aerial Technique
It is a technique of wildlife for counting animals from aerial images by using computer, it is a noval approach
for wildlife to count animals accurately.

It works on a probabilistic framework which spectral reflecteness is to be different from nearby region. It
involves Mean Shift Segmentation (MSS) and obtain probability density function(pdf). It is used to produce
with (FOA). Finally, we assistance from graph theory to identify segments which should stand for animals.
We test the viability of the projected advance using aerial images of changeable quality and angles from
several terrestrial environments. Birds and mammals are monitored usually by this technique. The algorithms
is detected and it count animals and this provide a method for estimating animal abundance through replicable
and objective method. However still errors may occur in calculation. This approach provides valuable
information for conservation management.

Maps techniques
There are several methods that are normally used for representation of wildlife and livestock distributions
from corner to corner numerous scales from local to global. Ecological niche modeling (ENM) approaches is a
collection of methods that identify the potential distribution of species or communities of animals.

ENM can estimate presence only, presence absence occurrence data. Commonly, presence only modeling
approaches capitalize on personal data from field surveys, natural collections, published data, and public
databases for ENM models. These contributes generally
result in range-wide prediction of a animals species
allocation, niche-based geographic predictions of local
scale has been formed by several studies through maps

RSF is modeling of wildlife telemetry data. It aims to
model smaller scale or local studies resources preferred or
avoided by population. One approach of RSF is to
evaluate the landscape attributes of covered locations to
the attributes of a set of vacant locations. covered locations
are commonly represented by telemetry fixes (e.g. VHF
relocations and GPS fixes) and vacant locations are
defined by the researcher based on the investigate question. RSF model results are used to calculate wildlife
occurrence. Methods of mapping distributions outputs are variable and often poorly described.
In the fields of conservation and land management, There has freshly been an amplified demand for mapped
products which includes RSF studies. Mapping RSF outputs may make model outputs more reachable and
applicable to researchers.
For example a map identifying the predicted source assortment of male elk at some point in the anthrax season
is likely more informative than reporting the sign and significance of model for a supervisor implementing
disease survey efforts. Maps illustrating proposed source selection can offer an important tool to
supervisor,prominating the need for easily understandable and accurate maps.

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