Informal Contractions

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o gonna going to
o wanna want to
o needa need to
o gotta got to / have got to
o gimme give me
o lemme let me
o letcha let you
o kinda kind of
o doncha don’t you
o hafta have to
o hasta has to
o outta out of
o dunno don’t know
o oughta ought to
o cuppa cup of
o tellem tell them
o sorta short of
o a lotta a lot of
o shoulda should have
o woulda would have
o mighta might have
o musta must have
o coulda could have
o didntcha didn’t you
o wontcha won’t you
o gotcha got you
o betcha bet you
o tseasy it is easy
o watcha what are you
o willya will you
o ya you
o Imuna / I’mma I am going to
o Ima I am a
o ain’t am not / is not / are not
o ain’t has not / have not
o init is it not

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