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As anyone with a half-decent data plan already knows, a recent post on this very website declared that I

was gay. The delivery left something to be desired, but the message is true. I am. Gay.
For a long time, I was bending over backwards to hide that fact. I had all these reasons. It was unfair that
only gay people had to come out. I was sick of change. But the truth is, I was terrified.
Announcing who you are to the world is terrifying. Because…what if the world doesn’t like you?
So, I did whatever I could to keep my secret. I hurt people. I hurt the best, most important people. I want
them to know that I’m sorry. I’m sorrier than I’ve ever been about anything in my life.
And I want everyone to know that from this point forward, I am done being terrified.
I’m done living in a world where I don’t get to be who I am. And I’m done living in a world where I don’t
get to have a great love story.

Disclaimer: this is about to get romantic as eff, so anyone averse to gratuitous feelings, kindly click over
to a Buzzfeed quiz or resume the porn you paused to read this.
This guy that I love once wrote that he felt like he was stuck on a ferris wheel. On top of the world one
minute, at rock bottom the next. That’s how I feel now. I couldn’t ask for better friends. A more
understand family. But none of it means anything if I can’t share it with him.
So, guy I love, after the play tonight, at 10:00, you know where I’ll be.
There’s no pressure for you to show up. Just because I can’t wait a second longer to grand gesture the
crap out of you doesn’t mean you have to be ready for all that.
But I hope you are. Because you deserve a great love story too. And I sure would like to meet you.
Sincerely, Simon Spier

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