Case - Pres Potts

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Institute of Nursing

Nicanor Reyes Sr. St., Sampaloc, Manila

Submitted by: Submitted to:

BSN038/Group-152 Ms. Elizabeth Hacinas, RN, MAN
Navarez, Ma. Katrina Rose Clinical Instructor
Pascual, Erolle
Penid, Neshiel
Poreno, Michelle
Rivera, Armie Louer
Sales, Ma. Nora
Torres, Mayden
Urbano, Francis Noel
Valeros, John Mark
Vicedo, Vergel Nazer
Villena, Anthony

General Objectives:

This study aims to convey familiarity and to provide an effective nursing care to patient diagnosed with Potts
Disease through understanding the patient’s history, disease process, and management.

Specific Objectives:

 To conduct and evaluate thorough assessment, nursing health history, Patterns of Functioning, Activities
of Daily Living, Interpretation and Analysis of Physical Assessment and Laboratory examinations done to
the client.

 To discuss the Pathophysiology, usual Clinical Manifestations and possible Complications of patient’s

 To have knowledge and be familiar with client’s medications.

 To formulate a workable nursing care plan on the subjective and objectives cues gathered.

 To provide and disseminate important information as teachings to the client and his significant others to
boost the knowledge and understanding of the nature of the present health condition.

 To improve skills and knowledge as health care providers in the clinical area.


Name: JRC Age: 5 years old

Address: Harangan San Isidro, Montalban, Rizal Gender: Female
Religion: Roman Catholic Nationality: Filipino
Marital Status: Married
Primary Language Spoken: Tagalog
Birthday: Agust 31, 2004
Room Number: Pedia Ward
Chief Complaint: Deformity of the back
Provisional Diagnosis: T/C Potts Disease T12 with neurologics
Date of Admission: December 8, 2009


I. Present Health History

Six months prior to admission, patient’s mother noticed mild deformity at mid-back of her daughter with associated
weakness. During those times, the patient can still ambulate and there are no urinary and bowel dysfunctions noted. Her
mother noticed a lump or “bukol” at her back in June 2009. The mass gradually increased in size. “October na nang
napansin ko na malaki na yung bukol niya sa likod.” By November 27 the patient could no longer walk. Due to financial
constraints, she had her check-up and was only admitted on December 8. She was diagnosed with T/C Potts Disease T12
with neurologics.

II. Past Health History

The patient has complete immunizations as stated by her mother. By April 2009, she had a boil. When asked about the
interventions done, her mother said, “Wala naman masyado, tinapalan lang namin nung gumamela, gumaling din naman
kasi.” The client is hospitalized for the fourth time now. She was first hospitalized in Pasig General Hospital because of
diarrhea by which date cannot be recalled. She also took vitamins before but was stopped because it caused her loose
bowel movements.The patienthas no known allergies and does not travel abroad.

III. Developmental Level

A. Physical
The client weighs 10 kgs and the patient’s height is approximately 85 cm. The client is starting to lose teeth.

B. Motor Skills

Before the client was hospitalized and was still able to walk.

Activities of daily living

ADL Before Hospitalization During hospitalization Interpretation & Analysis
Nutrition The mother of the client stated The mother of the client said Interpretation: The client has
that the patient don’t eat that during hospitalization she a problem in her nutrition when
chicken but eats vegetables and rarely have appetite and she was hospitalized.
usually eat 2 cups of rice per whenever she like to eat she Analysis:
meal and drink at least 4 just usually ate few spoon and Nutrition is the sum of all the
glasses of water per day and drink 2-3 half full glasses a interactions between an
loves drinking soft drinks. day. organism and the food it
consumes. People require the
essential nutrients in the food
for growth and maintenance of
all body tissues and the normal
functioning of all body
processes(Fundamentals of
Taylor,; p1171, 1235-

Elimination The mother verbalize that her During his hospitalization, she Interpretation:
child urinates five times a day voids 3 to 4 times a day and The client’s elimination pattern
with no difficulty and has dark defecates every morning since has changed during
yellow urine. She also added admitted. hospitalization especially his
that he defecated everyday with bowel movement.
no difficulty. Analysis:
Normal feces are made of about
75% water and 25% solid
material. Its consistencies are
soft, semisolid and formed.
They are brown in color.
Formed stool is usually about 1
inch in diameter and has the
tubular shape of the colon, but
may be larger or smaller,
depending on the condition of
the colon. (Fundamentals of
Nursing by Taylor; p1346)

Exercise According to her mother the She has no form of exercise Interpretation:
patient loves playing such as when she was hospitalized. The client’s routine exercises
running and playing with other have been changed when he
kids usually both girls and boys, was hospitalized because of his
they usually play hide and seek. condition as well as the
Exercise is a type of physical
activity defines as planned,
structured, and repetitive bodily
movement done to improve or
maintain one or more
components of physical fitness.
People participate in exercise
program to decrease risk factors
for cardiovascular disease and
to increase their health and
well-being. (Fundamentals of
Nursing by Kozier; p1065)

Hygiene The mother of the patient said Since she was admitted took a Interpretation:
that she took a bath once a bath once and brushes her Prior to hospitalization, she
day, brushes her teeth twice a teeth once a day. She changes practices proper hygiene, while
day, trim his nails twice a week her clothes twice since she was during, he does not practice
and changes his clothes every admitted. proper hygiene since he has a
day. bathroom privileges.
Bathing: an adult or pediatric
client purposes are remove
transient microorganism, body
secretions and excretions, and
dead cell, to stimulate
circulation to the skin, to
produce sense of well-being, to
promote relaxation and comfort
and to prevent or eliminate
unpleasant odors.
Mouth Care: brushing your
teeth at least twice a day, once
in the morning and again before
bed, is recommended. Some
people brush their teeth after
every meal. Brushing for 2-3
minutes each time is
recommended. Toothbrush
should be changed after 2
Apply a small amount of
toothpaste on a toothbrush and
gently brush a few teeth at a
time on all sides in a circular
motion. After brushing, you
should rinse your mouth with
water and spit the water out
into a sink. Do not swallow the
toothpaste. (Fundamentals of
Nursing by Kozier; p706)

Rest & Sleep The client sleep at night around She usually sleep at around 8 Interpretation:
7 pm then wakes up at 6am. pm then wakes up at 6 am with The client has disturbed sleep
She takes a nap at afternoon frequent periods of waking up. pattern due to the change of
for 1 hr. The mother of the At afternoon, she takes 2 hours environment.
patient said that her child was nap. The mother said that she Analysis:
contented with her sleep. was disturbed because of the Rest and sleep are essential for
other patient. health. People who are ill
frequently require more rest
and sleep than usual. Stress
affects basic human needs –
altered elimination pattern,
change in appetite, altered
sleep pattern. (Fundamentals of
Nursing    by Kozier;
p1020, 1114)

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