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Jesus Marquez

Period 8

​Writing is Important for me and Here’s why…

Do you ever have family within the city ? Or even in other states? Or in a whole other
country? Yeah for me, my whole family is in Mexico. You see, I have a really small family here
in Chicago. Most of my family members are in Mexico, i never heard of them until my dad
talked to me about them. Half the time, I spend my time talking on the phone and texting my
family. I really hope I have the chance to meet them in first hand. Without the ability to write to
them and communicate with them, I would have never had the chance to talk to any of them. I
really value the fact that in this modern time, we actually can talk to people from other countries.
I can’t imagine how the world would be like if there was no communication with other people
around you. It would be really chaotic.
Feelings are something we feel in our everyday life. I doubt anyone could last a second
without having a type of feeling towards someone or something. It’s important to share feelings
with each other. As you never know what type of feeling a certain person could have towards
you. If you don’t have the chance to tell them in person, this is where writing to the other person
is important. You could write down all the feelings you are brainstorming in your brain and then
apply it to wherever you are writing it down. Studies show that whenever you write down
something, everything you feels flows onto the paper. I personally agree with the study.
Whenever I am having an off day, that actually helps me out a lot and puts me in perspective of
what's actually wrong.
I really enjoy listening to stories, especially those that are fiction. It makes me wonder about
certain things in life. And just reading all those stories amazes me alot. Sometimes those stories
inspire me to create stories of my own. They tend to be fiction as well. The ability to write has
open to new things in my life that I have never noticed yet. Making these stories has opened my
eyes of what's to come. It also opened a door of other possibilities to come.
I guess writing isn’t all that bad.
So therefore in conclusion, writing isn’t really a thing that i am the best at. In fact I hate
writing especially those long essays. There are reasons why I write and sometimes wish I didn't
have to write but I can't do nothing. But writing helps me take out all the types of feelings and
emotions I am feeling. The aftermath of it is well and i actually like writing feelings down. Then,
family means a lot to me and the fact that I don’t see most of them everyday sucks. But that is
why WRITING is here. It helps me to connect to almost all of my family members and I love the
fact that writing helps me connect to my family . I would have never thought that I would
actually like writing. And I guess the fact that I can talk to my family is a huge reason why I like

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