Paper 1 Writing in The Wild

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Joshua Flores



My kind of favorite books I like to read are like books that would catch 
my action. For example in 8th grade I read this book called Once A King , 
Always A King and the reason I kept reading it was because the narrator was 
talking about his own life and how he made a change to it so where he was able 
to learn from his past mistakes and accomplish in life to what he wanted to do. 
So this book could change anybody's point of view in life because the author 
was writing a book about his point of view on how he was just walking and 
everything he sees is something bad in the streets. He is literally walking and 
out of nowhere there is a shootout with two different gangs and he is just 
talking about how everything was going bad. 
So this book would be worth reading because any reader that's willing 
to read will enjoy it and also they could learn something from reading the story 
because it can happen to anybody when walking or just outside with family so 
this book could teach a life lesson with whatever or it can show young adults 
that the streets wouldn't be a good idea of doing when you could just live life 
also do better things in life. It could change someone's life in a way to where 
they might learn from their mistakes and change who they are in life to 
become someone better and could achieve better things in life.  
The author wasn’t feeling it at the moment because he thought he was 
going to get into stuff or something bad was going to happen while he was 
walking to get somewhere. It would be good for young kids and young adults to 
read because it would help them not only in life but they could learn from past 
mistakes in life when they are in the streets just walking and hear something 
similar that happened to him while the narrator was walking to get 
somewhere. So this book would be worth reading for anybody if they would 
want to know how something bad could happen while they are just enjoying 
their lives  

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