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net/smhs August 6, 2019

This Far and Farther| Make Every Day Count | You’re at the Mountain. Climb!

Important Dates Welcome Back Matadors!

Monday 8/5- Freshman
Camp 8am-12pm. It is an absolute pleasure to welcome our students
100% free! No back for the 2019-2020 school year. This summer we
registration necessary. have been busily hiring staff and preparing for our
students and to try to ensure that this will be SMHS’
Tuesday 8/6- FIRST
best year ever! It has been a great pleasure learning
and training with our faculty this week and I can
(first week tips will be
honestly say that I have never seen a faculty so ready
on the next page)
to welcome our students back. One of the items that
Thursday 8/8- Picture we reviewed with the faculty this summer was student
Day! growth. Over the summer our AzMerit scores came
back and I am happy to announce that in a year that
Wednesday 8/14- saw a decline in the state average scores, SMHS
Principal/Parent Coffee posted some truly remarkable gains across the board!
8am in the Admin The hard work and dedication of our students and
Conference Room faculty was outstanding last year and we are doing
Thursday 8/15- Open everything that we can to help that trend continue into
House from 6-8pm 2019-2020. With your help, we will make 2019-20 a
great year!


SMHS 1 August 6, 2019

First Week Tips

1. Pack a lunch! In the first week of school the
lunch lines are always slow. Students forget
Schedule their ID numbers, workers are still being
trained, and it simply takes time for the routine
Distribution to set in. I recommend that students bring a
on Tuesday 8/6 sack lunch from home if they can for the first
few days of school until we get the kinks
worked out.
On day one we distribute
2. Write your schedule down somewhere safe!
schedules to our students.
Even organized and responsible students
Normally 7:23 “is the time
sometimes lose their schedules. Write it in your
to be” but I would
planner, and on the inside of a notebook.
recommend that come a
Notebooks are way tougher to lose than a piece
little early on the first day
of paper!
if you are dropping kids
off. 3. We are here to help! Every staff member on
Freshman- 9th graders this campus is here to help you with any
will pick up their problem you might have. Don’t feel funny
schedules in the Activity about approaching a staff member, any staff
Center/Cafe member, if you need assistance. Conversely, if
any staff member addresses you, please make
Sophomores- Jerry sure you treat them with the dignity and respect
Conner Gym they deserve. We are ALL Matadors!

Juniors- Media Center 4. Don’t buy a ton of school supplies before the
first day! Teachers will give you their syllabus
Seniors- Performing Arts on the first day listing all of the necessary items
Center lobbySMHS for their classes. Really, all you need for the
Contact List first day is a notebook, something to write with,
and a positive attitude.
SMHS Office hours
5. Make sure your student knows what bus they
are 7:00am-3:00pm are on for the morning AND for the afternoon!
Check the Bus Finder on the district website!

SMHS 2 August 6, 2019

Main Line-(602) 449-3000

Attendance- (602) 449-3001

David Appleman, Principal- (602) 449-3002

Kathleen Alexander-Blue, Assistant Principal- (602) 449-3032

Mark Smith, Assistant Principal- (602) 449-3022

Richard Ross, Dean of Students- (602) 449-3069

Ron Safcik, Athletic Director- (602) 449-3044

Guidance- (602) 449-3014

Karen Reuter, Nurse- (602) 449-3003

Athletics Website-

Gerald Stuart, School Resource Officer-(602)449-3053

PTC Website-

Infinite Campus

Do you want to know how your child is doing?

Check out Infinite Campus for grades and attendance.

SMHS 3 August 6, 2019

SMHS 4 August 6, 2019

-,."'!/"%%0 WASH @ 7-11
August 17th (Shea & 32nd St)

Swim & Dive

Can’t make it to the Car Wash, but want to support Swim & Dive?
Please make a donation via Venmo to SMHS Swim.
Thank you!


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