Begging To Count Our Families in

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It has been nine (09) months since Our Circle’s Managing Director, Derricia Castillo-Salazar’s, first official

interaction with the National Census Advisory Committee. The objective was to address concerns about
the LGBT community and recommendations based on the continued invisibility of the LGBT population in
Belize and the legal non-existence of their families.

Our Circle, founded in 2013, is the leading lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) organization
addressing family inequality for diverse families in Belize. For the past six (06) years, Our Circle has been
advocating that not all families in Belize are equal under Belizean law.

Census 2020: Begging to Count Our Families In

Majority of the government-sponsored programs treat LGBT families different from the hetero-
normal counterparts. Due to the narrow definitions of who constitutes a “family” in Belize, many of
the more than 100 children living with gay or transgender families do not have the same access to the
economic safeguards afforded to other children in Belize today.1

In the past few years, local research conducted by the Our Circle team shows that Census 2020 marks a
pivotal point and offers tremendous potential towards the visibility and inclusion of the LGBT
community and their families. With the slogan of Census 2020 being “Count Me In” it’s evident that
being counted really matters.

Through all the campaigns and the work being done by the Census 2020 Team, it establishes that the
Census plays a key role in providing government, private sector and the general population with
information about the composition of the Belizean population. This undoubtedly means that the goal
is to have all populations within Belize represented. As such, it is vital that the LGBT population and
their families be accurately represented in the Census data. This requires that the Census survey is
formulated to accurately depict and include all of the Belizean populations, including us - the LGBT

The 2 established a baseline of information

on the existence of LGBT Families in Belize and their pressing issues. This initiative further led to the
education of the community about the need to be reflected in national data and how Census 2020
would provide the data to minimize the disparities which exist.

Our submission3 in January of this year to the National Census Advisory Board focused on several
issues. The design of the presented Census 20204 would not be able to capture accurate data for the
purpose of planning and service provision to the LGBT community. The design of the survey would be
missing out on the opportunity to capture much needed information surrounding diverse
relationships and families as well as information about gender diversity in Belize.


14 New Road (l/f), Belize City, BELIZE

With the looming reality of not being accurately represented, the LGBT community came together to
formulate possible recommendations to have the Census 2020 truly capture accurate statistical data
on all Belizean families. The recommendations submitted in order for Census 2020 to truly count us
in, were simply to:

- Eliminate questions that are founded on heterosexual relationships to the exclusion of same
sex parented families and ensure that questions are inclusive of gender diversity.
- Formulate questions which are more inclusive of diverse families by being able to capture
relationships and families where members live in different households.
- Consult key LGBT organizations prior to implementing procedures for the collection of data
on gender diversity in the Census and other national surveys.
- Where additional procedures are necessary, take steps to communicate to those affected.
- SIB should consult further with peak bodies for trans and gender diverse people, and people
with intersex variations.

To date, we have not engaged in any discussion or consultation, other that the initial stakeholders
meeting held in 2017, in regards to our community’s recommendations or rectification to any of our
identified limitations.

The LGBT community and these diverse families we represent are seeking equality under the law.
Taking part in the Census is one aspect of our citizen obligation and our right to be counted
accurately. The Statistical Institute of Belize (SIB) is the autonomous body, obligated by the Statistical
institute of Belize Act5, to collect, compile, extract, analyze and release official statistics relating to
demographic, social, environmental, economic and general activities and conditions of Belize. In
accordance with PartII 5(2)a of the Act, SIB is to provide on an impartial basis, quantitative and
representative information about the situation in Belize.

The data gathered by Census 2020 is important as it creates an essential portrait of our country every
10 years. The census provides key population numbers to our policy makers to determine how funds
are used. As an already vulnerable population, Census 2020 has a big impact on our political power
and economic stability, which unfortunately, may never be secured until 2030 - if SIB deems us to be
countable at that time.

Not being counted in Census 2020 means not being counted as a part of the Belizean population. The
implications of this act remain a reality today and may seemingly continue until Census 2030. LGBT
persons and diverse families not being counted in the Census 2020 means that there are children in
the public childcare system that will remain deprived of loving stable homes, because the
relationships of prospective parents aren’t recognized. Even more disheartening, the children who

14 New Road (l/f), Belize City, BELIZE

are born into these diverse families will get inequitable treatment under government safety nets,
because they are being classified as being raised in single parent/income homes.

For years, our team has been calling for the state to expand its research on diverse families as a way
to identify the gaps which exist in order to create legal, policy and cultural solutions. The opportunity
is here; Census 2020 is upon us, and yet we are being forgotten, dare I say ignored. Our families exist,
our families need to be counted, Census 2020 needs to count us in!

14 New Road (l/f), Belize City, BELIZE


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