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Name: Juliana Rae Contreras 11 STEM SEJ

1. Would Neil did eventually committed suicide if Mr. Keating had never come into
his life?
- I think Neil didn’t kill his self if he Mr. Keating never came into his life but he
wouldn’t know how to seize a day or make the most of the moment.
Everybody is born into a box, this box is called your comfort zone. Your
mission in life is to get out of this box in any way you can because the only
way you can grow as a person and experience life to the fullest, is if you step
out of this box and be different than anybody else.

2. Why exactly did Neil take his own life?

-I think Neil committed suicide because when he do the things that he likes his
father isn't proud of him. He felt that there is no chance that he will be acting
again and his life will be controlled with his father and he think that it is not
worthy to live if you are not interested in what you do.

3. Could Neil have found another way out of his predicament? Was suicide his only
- Neil could’ve found another way out of his predicament or difficult situation
by talking to his father and making him understand that he loves acting than
studying medicine for 10 years. No suicide isn’t always the answer, it may be
a bad day but he can ask help for someone who can tell his father that there
are more things interesting in this world than studying medicine.

4. With similarly screwed up parents as Neil’s, why didn’t Todd take the same way
- Todd and Neil are totally different boys. There are people that has a high
tolerance. Others may be sensitive in small things that’s why we need to be
careful in what we do and others can tolerate challenging problems.

5. Who was really the bravest of Keating’s boys?

- For me Todd was the bravest among them. The people around him expects
too much to him because of his older sibling who was a former valedictorian
in the same school. He is shy and introvert. But in the end, he was the first
one who stand on his desk and salutes to Mr. Keating. It is difficult when you
feel like everything you say doesn’t make any sense.
6. What happened to the original Dead Poets Society? Why did it cease to exist?
- I think the original Dead Poets Society members has already graduated l. It
cease to exist because that didn’t worked out well.

7. How did the poetry book make it into Neil’s room? Did Keating put it there? And
if so, why, after telling the boys that the present administration would not look
favorably on it, would Keating do that?
- Mr. Keating did put the book in Neil’s room because he can see that they are
interested in knowing more information about the Dead Poets Society.
8. In the initial screenplay, Todd specifically does not sign the paper at the end in
the movie, we are not told one way or the other. Did Todd sign it or not?
- I think he was forced to sign the papers

9. Dead Poets Society: The Next Day… What happens next? What does the future
holds for Keating and the boys?
- The father realizes that he was not doing his responsibility as a father. Mr.
Keating and the boys remained friends.

10. Who really was to blame for Neil’s death?

- For me it was Neil’s father, because he Neil felt that his life was pointless if
he couldn’t make his parents proud by doing what he loves. I understand that
his father wants his son to study medicine because it has a higher wage that
acting in a play but what are you going to do with the money of you are not
happy with your job? His father should support his son on what he is happy
and interested with. In conclusion, it was Neil’s decision if he will talk to his
father or end his life.

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