Lia2001 - Lxeb3110 Equity 1 Assignment - 2019

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Answer the following question:

1. This paper constitutes 15 marks of your continous assessment.

2. Your answer should be typed, with 1.5 or double line spacing, using a font
that is easy to read and not be more that 2500 words.

3. Illustrate your answer with references to decided cases and /or journal
articles with proper references, citations and footnotes. Please use the
Faculty of Law Citation Style.

4. You will be marked on your content as well as your style and presentation.

5. All completed papers must be submitted by 16 th December 2019 on

Spectrum and a hard copy to be submitted to my office .


The core of equitable jurisdiction is the principle that it acts in personam. That
means the Court of Equity is concerned to prevent any given individual from
acting unconscionably.

Explain with specific illustrations how the study of Equity is concerned with
isolation of the principles upon which judges in particular cases seek to exercise
their discretion.

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