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1. The Evidence of Albo's Log-Book

2. The Evidence of Pigafetta

(a) Pigafetta's testimony regarding the router;

(b) The Evidence of Pigafetta's map;

(c) The two native kings;

(d) The seven days at "Mazaua"

(e) An argument from omission

3. Summary of the evidence of Albo and Pigafetta

4. Confirmatory evidence from the Legazpi

1. The Evidence of Albo's Log-book

1. On the length of March(1521) as they sailed in a westerly course from the landrones, they
saw land towards the northwest; it's name was "Yunagan".

2. They went instead that same day southwards to another small island "Suluan", at a 9 and
two-thirds degrees North latitude.

3. They sailed westward to an uninhibited island of "Gada". (Pigafetta's testimony, this seems
to be the "Acquada" or Homonhon, at 10 degrees nort latitude.)

4. From there, they sailed westward towards a large island "Seilani" or as Pigafetta calls it,
"Ceylon" - was the island of Leyte.

5. Sailing southwards, they turned southwest to a small island called "Mazaua" at a latitude 9
and two-thirds degrees north.

6. There the Spaniards planted a cross upon a mountain-top, and from there they were shown
three islands to the west and southwest.

7. They followed the east of Seilani in a northwesterly direction, ascending up to 10 degrees

of latitude where they saw three small islands.
8. From there they sailed westwards some ten leagues and in the morning they sailed
southwest some 12 leagues. Entered a channel between two islands, the "Matan" and the

9. Then they turned westward and anchored at the town (la villa) of Subu.

2. The Evidence from Pigafetta

-The most complete account of the Magellan expedition is that by Antonio Pigafetta entitled
Primo viaggio intomo al mondo (First voyage around the world).

(A) Pigafetta's Testimony Regarding the Route

1. Saturday, 16 March 1521.- Magellan expedition sighted a "high land" named "Zamal"

2. Sunday, March 17.- landed on "another island which was uninhibited". Located at 10
degrees north latitude: This land was "Humunu" (Homonhon)

3. On the same day, Magellan named the entire archipelago the "Islands of St. Lazarus".

4. Monday, 18 March. - an exchange of gifts was affected.

5. Renamed the Island and called it the "Watering Place of Good Omen" (Acquada la di bouni

6. Friday, 22 March. - At noon the native returned.

7. An eighth days expedition at Homonhon: Sunday, 17 March - Monday of the following

week, 25 March.

8. Monday, 25 March. - "Our Lady's Day"

9. The four islands "Cenalo, Hiunanghan, Ibusson and Albarien", a misspelling in the Italian
manuscript for what Pigafetta in his map calls "Ceilon, Hinunangan, Hibuson".

10. Thursday, 28 March.- they anchored off an island called "Mazaua".

11. Remained seven days on Mazaua Island.

12. Thursday, 4 April.- They left Mazaua, bound for Cebu. Five islands "Ceylon, Bohol,
Canighan, Baibai, and Gatighan".
13. Sailed westward to the three islands of the Camotes Group, (Poro, Pasihan and Ponson),
Pigafetta calls them "Polo, Ticobon, and Pozon".

14. Sailed [southwestward] towards "Zubu"

15. Sunday, 7 April.- entered the harbor of "Zubu" (Cebu)

(B) The Evidence of Pigafetta's Maps

First Map (Blair and Robertson, Vol. 33) - large island of Samar (in the map, "Zzamal") and the
smaller islands Suluan, Abarien, Hiunanga, and Humunu(Homonhon), also described "Aguanda
Iy boni segnaly".

Second Map (BR 33)- a double map: (Mindanao or Maguindanao and Zamboanga)

Third Map (BR 33)- island of Mazaua(Mazzana)

(C) The Two Kings

• King of Mazaua

• King of Butuan

(D) Seven Days at Mazaua

1. Thursday, 28 March.- an exchange of effected

2. Friday, 29 March.- Another exchange of gifts was made.

3. Saturday, 30 March.- Pigafetta and his companion took leave of their hosts and rreturned
to the ships.

4. Sunday, 31 March.- "Easter Sunday Mass"

5. Sunday, 31 March.- A plan of leaving Mazaua going to Zubu

6. Monday, 1 April.- Magellan sent men ashore to help with the harvest

7. Tuesday, 2 April, and Wednesday, 3 April,- work on the harvest

8. Tuesday, 4 April.- leave Mazaua, bound to Cebu

(E) An Argument from Omission

- Mazaua was an island surrounded by sea, not a river delta.

3. Summary of the Evidence of Albo and Pigafetta

1. Stayed at Homonhon for a week then to Mazaua for another week where Mass was
celebrated and planted a cross of the summit of the highest hill.

2. The location of Mazaua

3. Expedition from Mazaua to Cebu

4. Only the survivors of the expedition did go to Mindanao, later, but after Magellan's death.

4. The Legazpi Expedition

- Mazaua was an island near Leyte and Panaon, Butuan was on the island of Mindanao. The two
were entirely different places and in no wise identical.

D. The Geography of "Mazaua"

Guide Questions: If "Mazaua" is the Little island of Limasawa, why did Magellan go there?
Why go to an insignificant little island; why instead to the larger islands?


- erected in 1872 at Magallanes near Butuan.

- 1953 a petition was sent to the National Historical Committee.

- September 30, 1953 Mr. O. D. Opiana formulated his conclusions and recommendations.

- Don Jayme de Veyra, "En Limasawa y no en Butuan Jue en donde Se Celebro la primera Misa
en estas rigiones" (In Limasawa, not in Butuan, the first Mass in these regions was celebrated).
- Pardo de Tavera's papers, " Notas para una cartegrafia de Filipinas" (Notes for a Philippine

- December 11, 1953 they passed a resolution

- 1978 reconstruction of the Monument



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