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Table of Contents
Indefinite Integrals
Slope Fields
U-Substitution & Definite Integrals
Differential Equations (Separable First Order)
Integration by Parts
Population Growth
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Indefinite Integrals

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Table of
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Indefinite Integrals do not have bounds.

They will give you an initial value and have you
find C.

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If the gravity on Planet X is 10 ft/sec2 and a rock is

thrown upward from the top of a 20' building. If the rock
was thrown with a velocity of 5 ft/sec, when will it hit the

2.562 seconds to hit the ground.

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1 Find f(7) if f(3) = 2 and

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2 Find f(5) if f(0) = 9 and

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3 If the gravity on Planet Y is 12 ft/sec2 and a rock is thrown

upward from the top of a 30' building. If the rock was
thrown with a velocity of 8 ft/sec, when will it hit the
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Slope Fields
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Table of
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A Slope Field is of graph the slopes of an equation at

specific points.

Given: , sketch the slope field.

Remember that
is the slope.

So substituting the order pair

into the equation will give you
the slope at that point.

Each dash has the slope of y at

that point.
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Now that we have our slope field, we

can find a particular function.

Sketch the curve (0,1) is on


Graph the point given and then

smoothly flow from dash to
It helps if you can integrate
and know what the graph
should look like.
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Example: , sketch the slope field and the curve if (0,1) is on y=f(x).
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Q:Why are there so many dashed lines?

A: Because of the unknown constant in an

indefinite integral. The slope field shows all
of the family of a graph.
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Does the following slope field have a horizontal asymptote? If

4 so, where?

A No horizontal asymptote

B y=3

C x=2

D y = -3
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Does the following slope field have a vertical asymptote? If so,

5 where?

A No vertical asymptote

B x=0

C x=2

D y = -3
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6 If (-1,0) is on y=f(x), which these other points could be on y?

A (-4,-1)

B (1,3)

C (-8,-4)

D (1, -1)
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7 The family of graphs shown is for

A circle

B exponential

C rational

D quadratic
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8 The concavity of f(x) at (4,2) is

A positive

B 0

C negative

D undefined
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Table of
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U-substitution is used to find the antiderivative of the chain rule.

Recall the chain rule:

We took the derivative of the composite of functions

starting with the outer one first.

For u-substitution method we're going in reverse.

We start with the inner most function and called it u.
The find du/dx and make substitutions. The integral
should be much easier to find.
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I recalled the derivative of tan was

sec2, thought this would make u and
du easier to find.
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9 Given what should u = ?

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10 Given what should du = ?

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11 Given following u-substitutions is

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13 Given

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14 Given what should u = ?

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15 Given what should du = ?

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16 Given what should 8xdx = ?

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17 Given following u-substitutions is

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19 Given

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20 Given what should u = ?

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21 Given what should du = ?

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22 Given following u-substitutions is

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Definite Integrals
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Table of
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For the first step in the equation below to be equal to the

second the bounds have to be rewritten in terms of u.

Use u = x - 4, to convert bounds.

Once bounds are converted, x is not

used again.
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24 Given what should u = ?

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25 Given what should du = ?

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26 The lower bound for

becomes what for u-substitution?
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27 The upper bound for

becomes what for u-substitution?
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28 Given following u-substitutions is

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Differential Equations
(Separable First Order)

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Table of
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Why does lead to ?

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This is why it is called



An unknown constant
minus another unknown
constant is still a
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Separation of variables is used to integrate implicit differentiation.

and find y=
1) Separate variables

2)Integrate both sides

3)Find C as soon as possible.

4)Sub in C if found

5)If the directions ask for y=

solve for y.
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Example: Find the general solution of the differential equation:

NOTE: Since there was not an initial value given we leave ±,

had one been given C would have been found in line 3 and
subbing inital value back in again line 6, would have decided +
or -.
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30 and y(4)=0, separate the variables.

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31 and y(4)=0, the antiderivative is

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32 and y(4)=0, C=
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33 and y(0)=3, separate the variables.

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34 and y(0)=3, y=

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35 and y(0)=3, C=
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Example: y(0)=3, find y.

Since an initial value is given, it can

be determined whether + or - is used.
But which?
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Example: y(0)=3, find y.

Since an initial value is given, it can be

determined whether + or - is used.
But which?
Sub in initial
value and see
which equation is
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Separating the variables also works for the second derivative.

and at x=0 y'=-1 and y=3. Solve the differential equation.

Start by replacing
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Integration by Parts

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Table of
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Integration by Parts is used when you have the product

of 2 functions that you want to integrate.

The time to use it is when u-substitution doesn't work

because the one function doesn't derive to the other.
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Integration by Parts
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Make u the function that reduces when it is derived.

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Whenever there is ln(x) in an integration, that is the u.

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36 Consider the following integration by parts problem:

what should u= ?

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37 Consider the following integration by parts problem:

what should du= ?

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38 Consider the following integration by parts problem:

what should dv= ?

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39 Consider the following integration by parts problem:

what should v= ?

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40 Consider the following integration by parts problem: what

should uv - ∫vdu= ?

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41 Consider the following integration by parts problem:

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Sometimes the integration by parts has to be repeated because the

integration is still to "unrelated" functions.

Once u=f(x) don't switch to u=g(x) for the

second time of integrating by parts.
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Notice in the last example, u=xa and it was derived until the x went
away. To make repeated applications of the integration by parts
easier, we can use The Tabular Method of Integration.


· Start by writing the function that after multiple derivings will go

to zero, derive the function to zero.
· Write the other function under dv and integrate enough times so
that u and dv have the same number of rows.
· Multiply diagonally from u to dv. Keep the sign of the first
product, change the sign of the second product. Keep alternating
whether to keep or change the sign until no more diagonals left.
· Add the products, don't forget your constant of integration, C.
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u dv

x3 e3x

3x2 (1/3)e3x

6x (1/9)e3x

6 (1/27)e3x

0 (1/81)e3x
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In this case neither ex nor cos x will derive to zero. We

will use the trig function as u and derive twice.

We've now done integration by parts twice and we've gotten

back to the same integral we started with.

Now use algebra.

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Table of
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There are 4 types of Population Growth.

1) Linear Growth

This is direct variation so y= kt + C

As opposed to indirectly: y= k/t +C

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There are 4 types of Population Growth.

2) Sinusoidal Growth

Think of it as the population of a

college town. Crests during the fall
and is at a low over the summer.
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There are 4 types of Population Growth.

3) Logistic Growth
To visualize a logistic function #
graph think of how a rumor who
spreads around the school. heard

It starts with a couple of time

people then a few more and
continues to spread till
everyone has heard a version
of it.
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There are 4 types of Population Growth.

4) Exponential Growth

The amount of growth

depends on
population present.
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If you recognize the model you can go to the

equation and skip the integration to get there.

Example: A bacteria population grows at y'=ky, where k is constant

and y is current population. P(0)=1000 and population tripled in the
first 5 days.

a) write an expression for y at any time t.

Recognizing y'=ky as exponential use

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Example: A bacteria population grows at y'=ky, where k is constant

and y is current population. P(0)=1000 and population tripled in the
first 5 days.

b. By what factor did the population increase in the first 10 days?

Using the equation from part a

Population increased by a scale factor

of 9 in the first 10 days
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Example: A bacteria population grows at y'=ky, where k is constant

and y is current population. P(0)=1000 and population tripled in the
first 5 days.

c.How long will it take for the population to reach 6000?

It will take 8.155 days for population to reach 6000.

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If you don't recognize the growth model from the rate, seperate the
variables and integrate.

Example: A sphere's volume increases at a rate proportional with the

reciprocal of its radius. At t=0, r=1 and at t=15, r=2

a. Find r in terms of t

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Example: A sphere's volume increases at a rate proportional with the

reciprocal of its radius. At t=0, r=1 and at t=15, r=2

b.Find when the Volume is 27 times its initial volume.

initial volume:
What is the radius when V is 27
times greater?

At what time does r=3?

It takes 80 seconds for
the volume to be 27
times the initial volume.
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42 A wolf population grows at a rate of increase that is

directly proportional to 800-P(t), where k is the constant
of proportion. If p(2)=700, find k.


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43 A wolf population grows at a rate of increase that is

directly proportional to 800-P(t), where k is the constnat
of proportion. If p(2)=700, find the limit of the population
as t goes to ∞.

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