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Senior High School Department

2nd Quarter, 1st Semester

SY: 2019-2020

Report Handout
in Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person


I. Learning Objectives:
1. Understand the interplay between the individuality of human beings and the
society they belong to;
2. Evaluate the formation of human relationships and how individuals are
shaped by their social relations and social norms; and
3. Compare different forms of societies and individualities.

II. Time Allotment: 45 minutes

III. Topics:
A. Recognizing How Individuals
Form Societies and How
we look at the idealized
Individuals Are Transformed by
version of various people in
social media sites.
 According to Soren
 Most of us post pictures of
Kierkegaard, we tend to
food, perfect vacation, smiling
conform to an image or idea
faces. We show the idealized
associated to being a certain
version of ourselves to our
type of person.
online friends. And as such,

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 We create ideal versions of FORMS OF SOCIETY

ourselves in the social media
accounts we make. Thus, we
conform to a pattern; Agrarian Period
generalizations occur.
 In the Philippines during the
Pre-Spanish time, women
 Our totality, wholeness of
occupied an equal position
“complete life” relies on social
with men in the society.
 They may assume headship in
According to Aristotle, friends are a village, be a priestess and
2 bodies with 1 soul. perform religious rites
 The essence of womanhood
 Mutual sharing, acceptance
was equality with men.
and sincerity.

Karol Wojtyla’s We-You/I-You

Medieval Period (Middle Ages)
 Through participation, we
 Feudalism was their way of
share the humanness of
Came from the Latin feudum,
Martin Buber’s I-Thou Relations
meaning property or
 Human person attains possession
fulfilment in meeting others
 Amidst the turmoil in the
through genuine dialogue
middle ages, the Roman
Catholic Church was the
For Aristotle, Buber and Wojtyla, strongest single influence
the concreteness of our in Europe
experiences and existence is  Employed pedagogical
directly linked to our experiences methods causing
with others. intercommunication
between various
If one has meaningful
intellectual centers and
relationships, then according to
unity of scientific language.
Aristotle, he is truly happy.

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 Center of Middle Ages was  Early sex role socialization of boys

Faith and girls
 From birth, gender specific
treatments were accorded
According to St. Anselm:
 However by the 1890s, Filipino
“I do not seek an insight of reason in order women transcended their social
to believe. Indeed, I also believe this; that I restrictions leading to the 1898
should never be able to attain insight if I revolution.
did not believe.
 Faith and Reason (Fides and Ratio)
Human Being as the Most Interesting in
were complementary and parallel.
Nature during the Modern Period
In order to reason, one must have faith
that the world is an organized world here
reason can operate. And in order for faith  Revival of Ancient Philosophy and
to be proven true and valid, it needs to European Philosophers turning from
have reason to support its claim. superstitious to empirical
 Experimentation, observation, and
Modern Period application of mathematics in the
natural sciences set standards for
 The title “modern philosophy”
philosophic inquiry.
is an attack and a rejection of
 Medieval and renaissance artists
the middle ages.
such as Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler
 An attack towards the church
and Newton influenced the thinking
that has ruled and dictated
of Philosophers
ideas; attack towards the
notion of authority itself.
 Attack on the Church’s flawed
Ages of Modern Philosophy
ideas on science, nature

Age of Rationalism (17th Century)

In the Philippines, the coming of
Spaniards forced Filipino women to  A philosophical movement that
suppress and control their emotions and promoted the use of reason and
ideas. intellect to analyze natural
phenomena and human nature

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 Rationalism turned away from the Critical Idealism (Immanuel Kant)

religious and superstitious and
 Humanity’s nature is the real
sought to find logical explanations
creator of humanity’s world
for phenomena
 It is not the external world that is
visible in the nature around us but
the inner structure of the human
3 periods under Rationalism
Naturalism  For Kant, mankind shapes the
 Nature is full of facts which physical world and civilizations
conform fatally to exact and according to how mankind thinks,
irreversible law feels and believes.
 Use of reason in the study of  The world as we see it is not the
the facts of experience product of the laws of nature, but
 Logic and evidence in the rather of man’s ambitions, dreams,
physical world are the only fears and aspirations.
proofs needed to understand
man and the world
Global and Technological Innovations

 The introduction of new inventions

in science eventually led to the
 Turned back to the study of Industrial Revolution in the 18th
the wondrous inner world of century.
humanity’s soul
 Gradually, attention was Industrial Revolution – movement
turned more and more from in which improvements and
the outer world to the mind innovations of machines used in
of the human being farms and factories changed
 The second period was that people’s way of life as well as their
of like a new Humanism methods of productions

Humanism – prefers critical  Industry came to mean a collective

thinking and evidence work for our manufacturing and
(rationalism and empiricism productive institutions and for their
over acceptance of dogma or general activities

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 “Industrious” is usually attributed

to persons; computers in these systems, it has begun
 “Industrial” is the term coined for to amplify the age where new types of
the institutions; and industrial and social phenomena are
 “Industrialism” is seen in creating appearing
new systems due to the rapid
growth of these institutions
Artificial Intelligence (AI) – is a branch
of computer science or the study and
 The Industrial Revolution came at a design of intelligent agents where an
short span of time and grew more intelligent agent is a computer software
powerful year after year that perceives its environment and
 IR - Paved was to the advancement autonomously takes action and maximizes
and introduction of inventions its chances for success without human
which drastically changed supervision or control
humanity’s way of life

 As technology is being exploited it is

Significant changes that brought about easier for already wealthy countries
the Industrial Revolution were to maintain advantage. However, at
(Germain, 2000); present, developing countries lack
the technological strength to utilize
 Invention of machines in lieu of their resources better.
doing the work of hand tools  Therefore, it could be said that
 Use of steam and other kinds of technology indeed leads to
power vis-a-vis the muscles of globalization however the emerging
human beings and of animals; global society, economy, and
and cultures do not encompass all
 The embracing of the factory equally (Ramos, 2003)

In the 19th century, the dream of

automatically powered machineries came
to life. It has been approximately 100
years has passed sinced the invention of
the first fully automatic computer. And
through the use of these electronic

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Transformations Of Human Relations B. Policy-Making

By Social System
 The application of new knowledge in
 When industry changed, human affairs has increased
social and political conditions integration of policy-making.
are transformed which makes However, as life becomes more
changes as a condition of complex, the legal system has also
modern life grown to the point where almost all
 Modernization showed how human activities come in contact
human relations are with the law in one form and
transformed by social systems another
wherein people confronted  Policy-making brought people into
with the challenge of defining an unprecedentedly closer
their attitudes toward relationship which leads to greater
fundamental changes in complexity of social organization
knowledge, law, economics
and technology C. Economy Sphere

 Technological advancements greatly

helps the economic sphere to mass
A. New Knowledge producing goods and reduces
human effort that resulted to rapid
 The increasing success in
understanding of things and gaining growth of economy
new knowledge are being applied to D. Social Realm
human affairs
 Traditional way of living are replaced
 This process of intellectual growth
to a new profound way where
and paradigm shifts are continuing
globalization, interdependence,
without any slackening of pace and
industrialization and modernization
changes in our understanding in the
years ahead may well be greater are things that causes to socially
than those that we have seen in our transform our human relations
own lifetime (Nye & Welch, 2013)  The world has slowly moved toward
a more merit-based and
achievement s based from society
 Interdependence led to the
development of more orderly

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procedures for regulating relations technology and needs to be

among societies such as diplomatic nurtured and developed through
practices, conference and social and cultural education
international laws.  Science and technology have
 Globalization refers to the become the most distinctive symbol
compression and intensification of of human autonomy and human’s
the world as a whole, which focuses success is measured by how well
on concrete interdependence and you can master it.
global consciousness in the  Human beings have separated
twentieth century. themselves from their cosmic
 The rise of global consciousness relation and other realities
along with higher levels of material  If science and technology can’t be
interdependence increases the control. Spiritual contact with other
probability that the world will be people, with their environment and
produced as a single system with anything that has
 Although the world is becoming transcendental characteristics will
more and more unified, it is not be lost.
becoming more integrated  Science and technology in a broader
 Events in any part of the world that sense is the culture itself
have consequences for or be
F. On (Women’s) Friendships
referenced against events in other
distant parts may not always be  Women friendships are special and
positive which means systematic for have unique quality where it offers
of social realm may well be driven by sympathy, learning, validation and
conflicts advice.
 Carol (2016) cited that strong female
E. Technology
relationships lead to happiness and
 The more society is influenced by healthier lives while recovery from
technology, the more we need to distress or sufferings become easier
consider the social, ethical,
technological and scientific
implication of each of our decision
and choice (Germain, 2000)
 It is important to have the ability to
evaluate the products of science and

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those differences together in the

Evaluating the Transformation of
spirit of open inquiry and thereby to
Human Relationships by Social System
and How Societies Transform Individual discover the extent of our ignorance
Human Beings (Goldin & Reinert, 2012)

 Not all transformations of social

systems lead to a path of leisure and
 Human does not live according to
prosperity because some can turn
the natural cycles regulated by
out to be environmental
natural rhythms anymore but.
Instead, lives in artificial
environment characterized by the
results of technology (Goldin
&Reinert, 2012)
 In the high-tech age, people force IV. Instructional Activity:
nature to conform to their needs
and expectations whenever nature
proves unsatisfactory for human Fact or Bluff
purposes, people reframe it as they
Discussion Show
see fit (Heidegger, 1993)
 For Heidegger, new devices cannot You may choose one Fact teller or Bluffer
always be said to accomplish the that you want and whether you believe
same thing as the devices they him/her is entirely your choice. After all
fact teller/bluffers shared their thoughts
replace especially in the area of
or idea and you think the information you
got is insufficient, you may use one of the
 Changes converged in Information
three options
Age using our knowledge has
outdistanced our ability to monitor, The first option you have is you can look
comprehend, predict and control at your handout for 10 seconds and look
their behaviour for a support statement. Second, you can
ask one of our headmasters to give you
 Globalization should allow us to
some very little tiny bit of hint. Last is you
immerse in other cultures that make
may ask your classmates if it is a fact or
use “see the world through fresh
bluff where they will raise their hand to
eyes” (Goldin & Reinert, 2012) show their answer
 Showing respect for our differences
involves preparedness to explore

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Then you will be given 10 seconds to

decide your final answer and if your
answer the question correctly, you’ll
receive a prize
To formally start this, let’s draw a random
student who will be answering. Who will
be your fact teller/bluffer?
First Question of our discussion
Question – then the power point should
display the question. (so on and so forth)

Flow of Discussion Show

 Choose from three fact
 Statement of three options
 Answer of student
 Revelation of correct answer
 Discussion of headmasters

V. References:

Ramos, C.C. (2010). Introduction To The

Philosophy Of The Human Person (2nd Ed.)
Manila: Rex Bookstore Inc.

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