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0 Background of the study

Wireless power transfer utilizing firmly coupled electromagnetic resonators is an as of late

investigated innovation. In spite of the fact that this innovation can transmit electrical vitality over an any
longer separation than conventional close to handle strategies, in a few applications, its compelling
separation is as yet lacking. In this paper, the scientists explore a hand-off impact to broaden the vitality
move separation. Hypothetical examination is performed dependent on a lot of coupled-mode conditions.
Tests are led to affirm the hypothetical outcomes and show the viability of the transfer approach.

According to Kenneth Lundgren (2017), an Electrical Engineering in Illinois Institute of Technology

in Chicago, tesla coil releases power in all direction. with this, tesla don’t have any way to focus it in a
specific direction. it means that all of the electricity that the tesla produces is being wasted. tesla coil was
not used due to the reason that the power or electricity that it produces is free to be used by anyone that is
in-range of it. Since it is free to be used by anyone, there will be no way to bill anyone for using it because it
is free (Lundgren,2017) using tesla coil will help a community to lessen their expenses in their daily living.
however, tesla coil is a disadvantage for the government wherein using tesla coil will lessen the users of
power distributor company such as Meralco. with this, it will lessen the percentage of people who are
paying bills with taxes. for this to be avoided, tesla coil was not approved to be used by anyone. taxes are
one of the sources that pays the government.

The reasons why the researchers have conducted the study not only to improve the current state of
the distribution of electricity but also to give solutions to hazards amongst the village. One of the causes of
hazards such as fire are caused by octopus’ wirings that can burn near houses not only that but it can also
take life of the misfortunate creature that burns along with the hazard, this is why the researchers proposes
another way to distribute electricity without causing hazards. According to the (U.S. Fire
Administration,2019) that wires are needed to be update from time to time if not it can cause hazards such
as fire. This is also to avoid using natural resources such as copper, and other metals in the process. It is
also to avoid the use of rubber which is a good insulator for to block the dispersing electricity which causes
accidents, not only that but rubber takes 50 years to decompose according to (ecoparts,2018) in a way this
study also helps the environment.

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