Other Israel September 21st 2010 PDF

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The Other Israel

The ezine of the Israeli Peace Bloc –
Issue: Sept. 21st. 2010
There’s a great selection of content in this week’s issue including an assertion on
TOI Editor, Adam Keller’s , Blogger which asserts that Obama promised Mahmoud
Abbas a deal on a contiguous, viable, Palestinian State from Gaza though to the
West Bank within one year. Roger Cohen has a wickedly insightful piece entitled
‘Peace Talks? What on TV?’ Yaakov Katz writes on the ‘Large land convoy on way
to Gaza’, organized by the British lawmaker George Galloway. Haaretz Service
writes on Hamas’ apparent attempts at shooing their way into the talks. Isabel
Kershner tells of how the Israeli peace group ‘Peace Now’, took a planeload of
Israeli Knesset members, photographers and reporters into the skies over the
West Bank by way of illustrating the irreversible obstacle settlers were placing in
the way of a viable two state solution. Jewish Alliance for Change include a
recently published letter to Haaretz renouncing the destruction of the Bedouin
Village of Al-Arabib. Plus a disturbing insert title ‘Don’t say we didn’t know’, about
the appalling treatment of Palestinian children in Israeli custody. Of the 700 West
Bank children that find themselves facing prosecution annually , 69% claim to
have been beaten during interrogation, 14% placed in solitary confinement, 32%
forced to sign confessions written in Hebrew while 12% claim to have been
threatened with sexual abuse or rape.

Compiled and edited by Adam Keller and Beate Zilversmith, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
published in pdf format by paul@pdfwebpublishing.com
Cartoon says it all!

Time to choose: Settlements or Peace

The Other Israel's weekly email update:

1) Occupation Magazine - today's headlines & some recommended articles of past week
2) Crazy Country: An explicit promise The eve of Yom Kippur A Jewish State The
hut dwellers Amos Gvirtz' Open Letter to a Policeman

Occupation Magazine September 21, 2010

Cartoon says it all

Peace Now Flight Highlights West Bank Settlements
Isabel Kershner - NYT - The flight was like an M.R.I., and the results as seen through the window were
"frightening" said Israeli playwright and director Joshua Sobol. "The sickness is spreading and

Bedouin-Jewish Justice in Israel

Haaretz/Jewish Alliance for Change - Prominent Israeli writers, artists, intellectuals and activists published
a call denouncing "the brutal horror show of destruction at the Bedouin village of Al-Arakib" and calling
upon the government to cease house demolitions and offer a fair treatment to the Negev Bedouins.

Economic and Social Rights - Adalah August/September newsletter

Following petitions by Adalah and ACRI: Supreme Court rules that Income Tax Law, which provides
benefits solely to Jewish communities bordering Gaza, discriminates against Arab towns.

Truths and half truths regarding the `easing` of Gaza closure

Gisha publishes a summary of the Israeli Foreign Affairs report - and places it in context

Bil`in villagers report raid

Ma`an - 12 residents suffered from respiratory difficulties from inhaling tear gas and were treated locally.
An Israeli military spokeswoman said she was not familiar with such an incident.

Settlers, Palestinians clash south of Nablus

Ali Waked - Ynet - IDF called to disperse brawl near village of Burin. Palestinians claim settlers were
picking olives on their land; settlers say Palestinians wounded Jewish shepherd. (...) The Palestinians
further claimed that following the clash, seven armed settlers positioned themselves on a hilltop
overlooking the village, guns drawn.

Ad campaign highlighting East Jerusalem canceled for fear of right-wing reprisals

Nir Hasson - Haaretz - The first part of the Ir Amim ads on buses campaign was to consist of teasers that
rhyme in Hebrew such as "Our driver is an active man, he`ll take us to Silwan."

Gush Shalom blames Israeli leaders for Dutch rejection

Jerusalem Post - "It is but a small sample of what we can expect should you give in to the pressure of the
settlers and decide next week to resume settlement construction in the occupied territories" [GS in open
letter to PM in response to Dutch cancellation of tour of Israeli council heads which included settlement

Hamas: We told U.S. in the past that we would accept Palestinian state along 1967 borders
Haaretz - In semi-annual report cited by Israel Radio, the militant group also says it asked the U.S. to
engage in dialogue and to lift veto on reconciliation efforts with Fatah.

Recommended earlier articles

American public opinion and the special relationship with Israel

John Mearsheimer - Mondoweiss - "There is no question that the United States has a
relationship with Israel that has no parallel in modern history. Washington gives Israel
consistent, almost unconditional diplomatic backing and more foreign aid than any other
country. In other words, Israel gets this aid even when it does things that the United
States opposes, like building settlements"
On Wednesday: Decorating the Sukkah of the Sheikh Jarah Families

Peace Talks? Whats on TV?

ROGER COHEN - IHT - "Question: What kind of government has its prime minister and foreign minister
on different planets, spans secular-Labor to rightist-religious parties, and talks of peace within a year as it
calls peace impossible for generations?"

For Palestinians, settler abuse is only the beginning of the ordeal

Avi Issacharoff - Haaretz - "... it is clear that even when the police are in a position to help, they raise no
small amount of obstacles for Palestinian complainants." id

Suffering of Palestinian children is something both sides can agree on

Margaret Atwood - Haaretz - "According to a 2009 report by Save The Children U.K. called "Life on the
Edge," the rate of malnutrition of the children in Area C is higher even than that in Gaza." id

Large land convoy on way to Gaza strip

YAAKOV KATZ AND JPOST.COM STAFF - J-Post - "Galloway, a former British MP and veteran anti-
Israel activist, first announced plans for the "Viva Palestina" flotilla in June, shortly after attending the
funerals of the Turkish activists killed aboard the Mavi Marmara."

Grim prospects for Gaza`s fishermen and farmers

Mohammed Omer - EI - "Often he is only a mile-and-a-half out before the Israeli navy fires at him. Al-
Habeel and his brothers who are all fishermen risk injuries and damage to equipment every time they sail

IDF dispersing protests with weapon banned by military advocate general

Chaim Levinson - Haaretz - "Gabi Laski inquired if Moiseev knew that the military advocate general had
ruled that Ruger rifles are not to be used to disperse protests because they are potentially lethal, Moiseev
said he was not aware of such an instruction." id

Gaza: a castle in the sand

by Graham Usher - Al-Ahram Weekly "Two years after Cast Lead Hamas is indomitable and the
Palestinians withdrawn"

Israel To Build 2500 Units in West Bank Settlement

by Saed Bannoura - IMEMC & Agencies "The Israeli Radio reported Thursday that Israel intends to
construct 2500 units in Modiin Ilit settlements near the central West Bank city of Ramallah. "

Dont say we did not know

Dont say we did not know #229 "Even horrors bear statistics."

Scrutinizing the Guardians of Zion - Part I

Louis Frankenthaler - +972 blog - "It is, quite frankly, a waste of time to argue about Israel as a gJewish
and Democratich state. We know, that if we were to logically pursue either of these lines the State would
come out as a failure in many aspects of both accounts. "

Gaza left out in the cold

Laila El-Haddad - Guardian - ""Do they plan to get Gaza outside the Palestinian territories?" Anan, the
computer engineer, asked."

Occupation Magazine is updated daily by different editors - in English www.kibush.co.il and in Hebrew (not the
same selection) ‫ תירבעל‬www.kibush.co.il/index_h.asp You can also search for information using the powerfull
search function or scrolling down through the sections. For action alerts, see the Activism box.


Crazy Country - Adam Keller's blog

An explicit promise

The eve of Yom Kippur

A Jewish State

The hut dwellers

Amos Gvirtz' Open Letter to a Policeman

http://adam-keller2.blogspot.com (English)
http://adam-keller1.blogspot.com (‫)תירבע‬

TOI-Billboard is the 'ezine' of THE OTHER ISRAEL - a peace-oriented news service existing since 1983,
editors Adam Keller & Beate Zilversmidt. The billboard includes relevant articles from the Israeli press as
well as Occupation Magazine updates from within Israel/Palestine & from international media. Apart from
that you find Adam Keller's comments, in his blog. No longer will there be a bi-monthly printed issue. An
archive of old issues covering 26 years is under construction - at the pace of one or two additional issues
put on line each week. Some of the oldest ones have already been posted, as well as those of recent
years. A complete set of issues from 1994 through 2003 had already been made available
by israelipalestinianpeace.org.

Access it all at


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otherisr@actcom.co.il ph: +972-3-5565804
Archive of 27 years printed issues - under construction
TOI_picks 3, June 2010 a printable selection
------ http://toibillboard.info ------

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